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What was /pol/s thoughts on the Sudan genocide and all the bullshit going on over there?
Another case of Niggers gonna nig
We should let Africa kick its own ass until a group arises which has enough cultural cohesiveness not to fight amongst itself.


It's not even surprising anymore.
Who cares, it's Africa.
I thought it was the Arabs that were murdering the blacks so how's it a "niggs gonna nigg" situation?
Sand niggers are niggers too.
It's over, EU and US intervention once Obama took office fixed it without a war.

It was fueled by China anyway.
What good does it do to deal with it?

--Blacks killing blacks

--Blacks enslaving blacks

You hit a brick wall when talking about Africa's problems. Seriously. No one outside of Africa cares, and only care about white crimes so they can blame whites for everything past present and future.
Ya, ya. I knew it was over. But it seemed like there was more behind it, and you kind or answered that. It just seems like we kinda ignored it, which seems strange since.. Don't they have oil?
How about

Yep Arabs conquering Africa fo Islam and Arabic people now. Thewy already conquered northern Africa and are moving in to central Africa now.

And the world doesn't give a shit. Sandniggers have been conquering and committing genocide since 604 AD when their sick fucking leader formed their religion, and no history book ever talks about it.

Because according to everyone, whites are the only people who commit strocities.

And the Muslims will not stop until they get what they want, the leftist west will quietly just let them take what they want, and anyone who calls it out automatically gets slandered to be a racist.
So we're just going to let the Muslims assimilate the shit-tier Africans into their religion, and have another shit hole hate us? I mean, they are shitty. But these shitty countries can cause problems.
>no history book ever talks about it.

Just look at how much Muslims all over the world raged and cried when France made it illegal to deny the Armenian genocide.

Just look at how 99% of all books talking about the crusades completely leave out the fact that Muslims started it first and started stealing Christian nations like Turkey (for which somehow they were allowed to keep) and conquered as far west as France and Spain before the crusaders finally expelled them, while having held on to Spain for a staggering 400 years.

Most history books don't even tell the fact that Muslims helped round up and exterminate Jews and other people for Hitler.

Muslims are very selective with their history to exclude the many many bloodbaths committed by Islam in its spread, and because they're such violent psychopaths, most people simply ignore their non-stop genocide to conquer the world for their sick ideology.

It's actually two sets of nigs fighting each other, with one side believing they're Arabs and thus superior nigs who want to exploit the resources of the farming people of the south using desert tribes.

Yes, because atrocities only happen when white people commit them.
Actually, the roots of the first and second Sudanese war came from the Islamicists in Khartoum convincing the British not to make South Sudan independent, and then exploiting South Sudan's resources without giving South Sudan any of the profit
>this post
>Muslims started the Crusades
>Christian nations like Turkey
>Iberia was Islamic for only 400 years
You shouldn't talk about history if you don't know anything about it.
It's not seen as a genocide compared to the main example of the Holocaust despite attempts for both ethnic nationalists and bleeding heart liberals to throw around the term every time one group decides to do to another group the same things that had happened since prehistory.

In the public image genocide needs more organization and industrialization to really impact us. We're talking concentration camps and jackboots here. Nignogs and durkas with turbans, pickup trucks, AKs and machetes don't cut it, so '____ genocide' reads more like 'African clusterfuck' after all this time.
This made me think about those Ape like people from Skyrim that try to be the Thalmor by shaving their fur and wearing capes..lol'd hard.
Woops, ment ''The Elder Scrolls'' Not Skyrim in general. So do Liberals really get shit on by Muslims all the time and not do anything about it? Do the Muslims know that they can shit on the U.S liberals and nothing will happen?

Mad Muslim detected. You revise history so much it's ridiculous.

--Muslims invaded Europe first to conquer it, and the crusades were in response to that fact

--Turkey was the first Christian nation where Constantine formally established the first Christian roman empire. Constantinople is where the first Christian church (Hagia Sophia) was built. Then Muslims came along, purged it in their conquests, and turned it into a Muslim nation.
Feel free to look it up.

And for the record every Muslim nation outside of Saudi Arabia is built on conquered and vanquished peoples that were there before
>Do the Muslims know that they can shit on the U.S liberals and nothing will happen?

That's exactly it. Muslims know the west has the firepower to wipe every last one of them off the planet forever, but aren't even remotely threatened by it thanks to liberals who are too busy blaming white Christians for everything.
It isn't a religious dynamic at play, but a racial one. Yes, even though by our standards they're just various types of niggers.

The Janjaweed and Sudanese forces see themselves as Arabs subjugating the lesser southerners, and the southern rebels fight back as various militia or just die as civilians.

Only problem is, both the Janjaweed AND the South Sudanese rebels are Muslim. The JEM, SLM, and LJM factions that are fighting against the Sudanese government are Islamists. They just also happen to be black (or more black than the 'Arab' north).
>>6211342 (OP)

None of our fucking business...

>(for which somehow they were allowed to keep)

Are you implying that everyone should return "stolen" lands back to their original owners?
It's more like the UN refuses to acknowledge systematic attempts by governments to displace and exterminate ethnic minorities because of, well... either bureaucratic ineffectiveness or Jewish influence.

Wrong. The Roman Empire was always culturally split between the Latin West and the Greek East. When the Western Empire fell, it was supplanted by peoples from the Migration Period who were converted by the Bishop of Rome and use Latin as a liturgical and administrative language. The Eastern Empire didn't fall and was more or less one cohesive polity. They lost Lebanon, Syria and Egypt hundreds of years before they lost Anatolia (at Manzikert) and, in point of fact, to two different ethnopolitical entities (the first and second Caliphates and the Seljuk Turks, respectively). The Seljuks had nothing in common with the Caliphate other than they were both Muslim.

The Crusades began when the Byzantines asked the Pope for military aid to stop the loss of their Hellenic and Mediterranean territories to the Seljuks. The Anatolian territories were never recovered, and the lands gained by the first few Crusades had been under mostly peaceful Islamic administration for 200 or 300 years.
The Hagia Sophia was not the first Christian church.

I think he's saying you fellas didn't conquer and settle Asia Minor fair and square like every other nation in Europe, or something.
But it seems like Iraq was supposedly our business..
The Latins realized the same truth as everyone else did anyway: the East Romans were pretty shitty.
No nation wants to sends troop to Sudan.
Vortex to hell.
True, it would be pretty bad for any Euros or Americans to go in since it's so foreign.
More or less. There's no money in Anatolia but the Italians and Aragonese had interest in the Near East because of trade interests.

Pretty much. Even with the oil, it's a huge swath of land with minimal infrastructure.
Niggers and Sandniggers getting killed.
>Hagia Sophia
>first christian church
I thought they did acknowledge it. What they refuse to do however is use UN force to overthrow a government in a region they can't make any excuses for financially.
Darfur or South Sudan? They might've acknowledged Darfur, but not South Sudan, since it's easy to write that off as being part of the civil wars there. And yeah, same thing happened in Rwanda.
Nothing of importance.
It's funny you say that, when the UN focuses on Israel defending itself, but ignores genuine genocide in Sudan because Muslims are doing the killing.
So, OP here. Do you think Africa will always be a shit hole with no value, or do some countries have value to them? The northern African countries seem to be the only ones with value.

He is wrong then. We invaded it just like anyone else.
The world only cares when Jews kill Muslims
>>6211342 (OP)
There is no "Genocide" it's the smat edcuated in sudan dealing with their shitskins.
Decolonization and the Cold War pretty much destabilized Africa for the foreseeable future. There's value there, but are you going to pour money and infrastructure into a country in the hopes that they can maintain a stable, non-corrupt democracy with no human rights abuses long enough for you to become their most favored trade partner? Probably not.
It was against the Nuban people, since there aren't many of them, and it's wiping them out. It can be considered a genocide. They were burning down Nuban villages and slaughtering them.
Thank you, makes sense. I don't understand how Africans can't get it together. They've been there for thousands of years, yet it's still a shit hole.
Why does everyone think that this is an ethnic conflict because one day the Arabs/Muslims thought, "Hey let's just kill all the more African looking blacks!".

It's not. It's about oil in regions of Sudan where there are people already living. They need to move the people out, so they get arab militias and feed a fire of ethnic conflict that was relatively minor before. One the people are forcefully moved with militias and gunships, the oil can be accessed. If you're wondering oil for who, it's for China. Stop buying into the simple, ethnic cleansing bullshit they loved to tell you about. It's merely to hide the fact that they're trying to get oil.

The more you know.
Sooo, China made shit hit the fan? Not surprising.
>Only problem is, both the Janjaweed AND the South Sudanese rebels are Muslim

Nope, South Sudan is 90% Christian or Pagan.
Africa is a massive landmass that never developed empires large enough to effectively utilize natural resources or foster competitive growth. The Europeans came, exacerbated ethnic divides and exploited resources and drew up mostly random political borders. When decolonization came, they basically handed over huge landmasses with those problems and the flimsy pretense of representative democracy to people who didn't understand it. Then the US and USSR funneled guns and money to governments and rebels as long as they promised to be capitalistic or communist, which just lead to an endless cycle of civil war and instability.

Imagine finding a box with all the ingredients for cake, shaking it up and down, throwing it into an oven and then walking away. When you come back and pull it out, you have a hard time understanding why you've got a flaming box and not a delicious cake.
after christianity hit...nubians became extremely weak
The university perspective on every conflict in Africa is that they are ALL whites' fault. They typically cite the Berlin Conference carving up Africa and setting illogical borders that ignored ethnicity and tribal affiliation. Funny they find nothing hypocritical about this, and in the same breath will tell you what a blessing multiculturalism is for Europe.
>Why does everyone think that this is an ethnic conflict because one day the Arabs/Muslims thought, "Hey let's just kill all the more African looking blacks!".

The black Arabs of the North have been raiding the blacks of the South for centuries for slaves. They have a superiority complex, and that is one of the ingredients for genocide.
OP here, thanks for the video dude. It's showing to be a good watch.
And Darfur is majority Muslim.
Anyone know what they mean by ''glue'' in that Inside Dafur video? Its' a drug, but what is it?
"After combing through bank archives and government documents she reveals, for instance, that in 1993 the government of Rwanda imported, from China, three quarters of a million dollars worth of machetes. This was enough for one new machete for every third male. "

What it says on the tin: glue. Not school glue mind you but industrial type shit they use for small machine or tool repair. The chemical mix gives you a hallucinations around the same time your organs start failing.

I never believed for one second that this was just some spontaneous happening.
Boutros-Boutros Ghaly (spelling, sorry) was responsible for setting up that deal while being part of Egypt's government
The French also supported the Interhamwe with materiel
Very interesting. Good read.

The UN also contributed by signaling that they would not stand in the way.
There's like two different conflicts here. One in the western Sudan in Darfur and one near the border of South Sudan. The one in Darfur is the one that's been popularized as genocide, and also happens to be a Muslim vs. Muslim conflict. The conflict with the South is a little iffy, and while there is a Muslim north vs Christian/animist south dynamic it's mostly a fight between governments at this point. Currently the various Christian and animist tribes in South Sudan are already fighting amongst each other Rwanda style I think.
niggers can read?
Yup. Hence Romeo Dallaire's grudge with the UN.

It started with the Sudanese government ignoring the Ethiopia Accords after the first Civil War
>three quarters of a million dollars worth of machetes. This was enough for one new machete for every third male.

That's a lot of machetes.
>Boutros-Boutros Ghaly
I think the Sudanese will be armed with better than machetes this time around. How many Libyan arms will find their way into the Sudan I wonder.
So, let me get this straight. China is fueling the bullshit in Sudan?
I'll admit, it's a sweet name.
>Implying the holocaust actually had intentional genocide..
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I agree with your point in general, but your details are off.

First, Armenia was the first Christian nation in 301.
Secondly, Christianity under Constantine was only officially tolerated with the Edict of Milan. It wasn't until 395 when Theodosius made it the STATE religion, thus banning all other faiths in the empire.
Finally, the Hagia Sophia was buold on the orders of Justinian in 537, not Constantine (who, by the way, only actually became a Christian on his deathbed, fearing that if he converted earlier in life he'd sin and be barred from heaven).

>Nitpicking general
Yeah yeah, whatever. The point is public perception versus generous use of a term equals disconnect.
THIS. FUCKING THIS. Constantine practiced the Sun cult, which incorporated all other deities as an extension of the sun god, he was not a damned christian.
Yes. China wants part of that neo-neo-colonialism.

Basically, Sudan as a colony was split between Arab north and non-Arab (Dinka, Nuer, etc) south. The Arabs convinced the British to not split Sudan into two countries when they handed over independence. There had already been conflict between the Dinka and the Baggara (arabs nomads) in South Sudan because the land in South Sudan is more arable, and the Baggara needed access to water and grassland to graze their cattle. There was periodic raiding. The First Sudanese Civil War was about granting the South some measure of autonomy and agreeing to split profits from natural resources. However, that only covered EXISTING natural resources. Oil was found in south Sudan after the Ethiopia Accords. The government in Khartoum promptly redrew the map of Sudan to include that area in the north, used the Baggara to displace the people there, and renamed the province Unity (in Arabic).

The Second Sudanese Civil War started because of tensions between the two (because of the proposed implementation of Sharia laws, the so-called September Laws) and a number of defections from the Sudanese army along Dinka/Arab lines. Khartoum used the same process, using the Baggara and murahaleen as irregulars before mobilizing their army to displace and exterminate the non-Arabs in the south. This lead to the Lost Boys situation where masses of Dinka and Nuers fled south Sudan to Ethiopia then Kenya.

Darfur is not part of that conflict, but the modus operandi is the same.
The Holocaust was the first, and so far only one of the two examples of industrial extermination of a group of people on the basis of their ethnicity.

You know, gas chambers, mass shootings, "medical experiments", the whole shebang.
>Romans 'persecute' Christians.
>Three hundred years later their population is massive and they take over the empire.
>Christian Rome actively persecutes pagans.
>All are gone three centuries later.
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It's depressing how many people forget (or ignore) this.



This is a misconception.
A lot of the time it was on a backburner, because Rome was in constant crisis, and massive purges such as Diocletian's (which apparently killed less than 2000 of them) were sporadic. Even when they did persecute them, the enforcement was pretty lax.

Compromises were made, like letting them live if they just sprinkled incense on a podium and said "Ave Caesar!". As such only real hardliners would be executed.
Roman authorities were typically very reluctant to kill them, because they felt uneasy about killing people because of their faith.

I hate the portrayal of this "persecution" as some kind of classical holocaust, when in fact it was the furthest thing from it.
Medical experiments were the extent of the atrocities, there is no evidence of mass shootings or gas chambers. All supposed mass graves have been proven to have no corpses and the "gas chambers" have no traces whatsoever of zyklon b, while the delousing buildings have ridiculous levels still within. Yes they had to delouse daily due to massive outbreaks of fleas and parasites. The majority of deaths were from typhus outbreaks and at the end of the war starvation. As with the incoming soviets they transferred the majority of prisoners to the west and were unable to sustain them due to the failing war effort and their destroyed infrastructure.
This. Anybody who has done actual research knows this. People who don't know seem to receive all their "information" from films like Swindlers Fist.

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