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Would pol consider a trangender bf?
Or does it go against your conservative beliefs?
Yes but I wouldn't date her. I'd introduce "her" to guys I don't like so they can be traumatized Cthulhu style.
>>6210751 (OP)

No, that's disgusting.
If she looks like op's pic then I would ruin her anus.
Anyone who will love me woman,man,ladyboy,alien artificial intelligence whatever
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>See the penis
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> would pol consider a transgender bf
> post picture of transwoman
Stay in denile homo
Sure why not, a mouths a mouth. As long as she keep her bathroom body clean.
>>6210751 (OP)
I already did. I dated a tv and then a tg. It was actually kinda cool because you could do sort of gay stuff without feeling really gay.

The only problem was hiding it from my mom and dad. They're pretty conservative and they were paying for my degree (in another state, about a thousand miles away thank god). I had to pretend that I wasn't seeing anyone when they came to visit or when I went home.

My dad is a big homophobe and it would have been a clusterfuck of epic proportions if he found out his eldest boy was rimming a tranny. My tg girlfriend wanted to meet my family and it was so awkward to put her off. In the end I hadto explain that she couldn't pass as much as she thought she could. That ended that and I decided to stick to biological girls from then out.
I want to try everything

Stay mad, OP
You do know that we can probably find your identity by tracking down your email and we could tell your parents what you're doing. Right?
What is her name, pol?
Good luck, cockwipe. Lemme know how that works out for you.

While you're telling them all about my sex life, why don't you tell them that I very much enjoy cocaine, that I have no intention of quitting and that I regularly lie to get money from them to pay off dealers?

Fucking retard.
No. Trans people are subhuman and disgusting.
I would hope that we wouldn't be cunts like that, but yeah, we probably could.
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Fuck off pedo. Ask Torchan maybe they will help you
that ruined my day
the shit that man had to go through to get to be president...
I don't want to fuck her. I just want to get to know her. Nothing wrong with that.
Why should they believe him anyway?
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It goes against my stomach because transgenders are disgusting!
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My email isn't connected to anything that could identify me. I learned my lesson a long time ago when I posted a bunch of drug shit online and my sister caught me.

You have no chance of finding out who I really am but you're welcome to try. Meanwhile, pic is why I like chicks with dicks.
No, I mean first and last name so I can see if I can find more pics on the Internet. Don't you want to see more of her face? She sure is cute.
>A 'woman' with a cock
Why would you guys want this? It's fucking disgusting.

video games ARE childish.
It's scary because I don't have any argument to counter this image.
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Woman detected.

why is it good to be shy? date a real man instead of some freak who pretends to be a woman.
>>6211210 implying all women don't have cocks
They're just called clitorises when they're small.
>>6210751 (OP)
Nope, it goes against me preferring women, 'tis that simple.

I'm not a woman. In fact, I dislike women because most of them behave immature as well.
>video games ARE childish
Only a woman or a child who doesn't like computer games would say this.

It's edgy to point out that video games are for (man)children? It's really sad that there are so many simpletons who wrap their lives around make-believe, and spend hours, energy and dollars on childish hobbies and toys.

Why do these people refuse to grow up? Stop making excuses (Aspergers, Austism, Lazy, etc) and progress in life!

Nobody thinks you're cute for fetishizing media intended for little kids. We all know you're boring middle-aged losers with sagging tits and yellow nails who survive off greasy TV dinners every night.

You're nothing but virgin neckbeard slouches who escape from their shit lives into a fantasy world to refrain from killing themselves and look at some fatass unwashed plumber as your hero icon.

It's time to re-evaluate your life.
Why can my heart not stop loving her?
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Nope. Playing video games is the same way as if you whipped out some GI Joes and made a little battle scene on your table.
>It's really sad that there are so many simpletons who wrap their lives around make-believe
So you don't watch television or films then?
>>6210751 (OP)

No, I want children and don't see any sense in wasting my time dating someone with whom I cannot have children.

Books and movies can have artistic merit. Video games don't.
You mean, "behave immaturely."

Certain video games occupy the same tier as good works of literature and good pieces of music. A well-done work of art is just that, you fucking plebeian. Don't write off an entire form of media because of a stigma attached to those who enjoy it or the percieved juvenility of the media itself. Don't deride it because it's "weird."

That's something a woman would do.
>little timmy
>hi i like video games

fucking feels man
>dad is professor of engineering
>dad is an avid gamer
Bro, I appreciate good troll work but this is not good troll work.

You may get a better reaction if you post this shit on /v/.
No need to explain the flaw in that argument to anyone intelligent. Now you're either trolling or desperately trying to clutch on to your original point.
I'm not gay nor am I sexually attracted to someone with a penis, and I doubt I ever will be.

>not already BEING a transgendered peniswoman/vagooman.

Stay classy, pol
and why would anyone bother to do that?
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>Certain video games occupy the same tier as good works of literature and good pieces of music.

this is what manchildren actually believe
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If you don't want to have sex with the ladies in the picture, you're gay.

>Mario and Kirby

Nice strawman. People are talking about games like FF and Bioshock when they say that stuff.
If you don't want to have sex with men...you're gay.

Makes sense!
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Well, I guess I'm just gay. Meanwhile you can go fap over beautiful ladies such as Buck Angel.

Wowee! Look at that amazing vagina! That's one hot lady!

I played Final Fantasy when I was a kid. Are you seriously telling me that these games were more than just a distraction for a rainy day?
And even Pokemon would be in this category. Addictive lifers who play these series for life.
>Don't write off an entire form of media because of a stigma attached to those who enjoy it

In theory, video games COULD go above and beyond to meet the great works of other entertainment mediums in order to get the respect they deserve. So far, however, they haven't done that and, therefore, are not to be taken seriously as an artistic medium.

It is also possible that the next MLP episode will be a masterpiece. But until that happens, you're just a child for enjoying it.
>3 of them are the same person

Fucking pleb you don't know shit abut ladyboys

>oldboy next to classic literature

>implying it's anything but sensationalist tripe meant to gross people out.

my sides just did that one bike thing that made the guy lose his testicles.
inb4 C.S. Lewis
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>muh cherry picking

There are terrible works in any genre. I could easily compare 50 Shades of Grey and Harry Potter to Planescape: Torment and Deus Ex and say "HURR LOOK BOOKS ARE SHITTY AND FOR CHILDREN VIDEOGAMES ARE SO MUCH BETTER"

But I'm not going to do that. I'm not a fucking idiot.
i bet you suck at GI battles, bro
As a transwoman it would sort of hypocritical to not consider a transgender bf. I am attracted to men, and I have meet some attractive transmen but haven't met one I was interested in. Sex could be an issue, because I like penises, but I'm sure he could be creative enough.

Parapraxis, should read "media."
>He hasn't heard about video games section in the Smithsonian museum.

>Hasn't' watched any live Orchestra performances of Vidya original music.

5/10 troll. Play the normal fag card next where we should talk sports all day everyday.

OK...so what video games are allegedly on par with War and Peace, or Les Miserables or Don Quixote?
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Forgot pic.
>So far, however, they haven't done that
Which video games have you played, exactly?
>Hasn't' watched any live Orchestra performances of Vidya original music.

Err, what's your point? That a video game can have good music. Yeah I never denied that. Any shit movie can have good music as well (Last Samurai or Deep Impact have decent soundtracks for example).

>He hasn't heard about video games section in the Smithsonian museum.

Old porn also makes it into museums. That doesn't make porn artistic masterpieces. Everything that is old gets into museums.
>and Bioshock
Ayn Rand pls go

If you want to talk about good writing in video games you talk about anything by Black Isle and Legacy of Kain.
hat fortress and autism simulator
>Debbie Does Dallas

I've played a lot until I was 15 or so. I played stuff like Silent Hill, FF or The Dig. When you get older, you will realize that these games are childish nonsense as well.
>>6210751 (OP)
>Would pol consider a trangender bf?
No, because I'm not a homosexual. You see, "transgendered" are nothing but delusional mutilated people. Their DNA still reads as male or female but their sickness has made them carve up their body to look like the opposite sex.

Those people need psychological help...not catering to.

If some people consider porn and games art than it is art. The fact that you yourself define what is and is not art in your mind has no influence over what is and is not considered art.


Being pointlessly and excessively surreal does not translate into "artistic masterpiece".

>Debbie Does Dallas
>artistic masterpieces

Oh wait...you're being serious? Let me laugh harder.
Video games bring something all other mediums can't, interaction. It's really still in its starting years compared to other mediums but already Bioshock has shown that it's possible to combine writing and interaction in a good way that no film or book could ever do.

>Everything that is old gets into museums.
I know, I've seen your mom in one before.

Yeah only fags are attractive to a fat ass or boobs, or curves, its dat DNA strands. I get wood when I look at that X chromosome under a microscope.

Do you realize how retarded you sound?
Video games haven't been around for hundreds of years yet, bro. I grant that the medium is still developing. There have been some great games, though. Planescape: Torment, Fallouts 1&2, Morrowind, and Wasteland to name a few.

Give video games another century or so, and we'll easily be able to pick out the classics. It takes that long for anything to become a classic, anyway. Hardly anything is hailed as a "masterpiece" upon its release, and usually the things that are end up being forgotten in a decade. True masterpieces sometimes take centuries to discover, e.g. Beowulf. One of the greatest epic poems ever written was largely ignored until Tolkien recognized its literary and historical significance.
>it has a vagina so it is attractive
Real men have standards.

My heterosexual attraction is based on the premise that I can reproduce with that individual.

If there is no functional uterus and ovaries, there is no attraction.
You're a fucking idiot.
Gender is not a social construct
Gender is a biological fact.
Just because you get breast implants, chop off your dick, drill a hole between your legs and call yourself Lana does not make you a woman.
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>not wanting to devote your entire heart to a cute trap

nigga u gay
>Video games haven't been around for hundreds of years yet, bro

Ok...let's make it a little easier, then.

What video game is allegedly on par with the Epic of Gilgamesh?
Did you seriously just use bioshock as an example of good writing?

Jesus christ, kill me.
Wasteland. One of the first, still considered one of the most innovative and best.
>It's really still in its starting years compared to other mediums but already Bioshock has shown that it's possible to combine writing and interaction in a good way that no film or book could ever do.

This game only showed that you can make a game about fourth-grade level philosophy. Rand was a hack writer whose claim to fame was crappy literature that caught on with college students and semi-illiterate Libertarians.

Could you display your stupidity even more? Ts girls have real boobs, its called hormones. A large indicator of estrogen is waist to hip ratio caused by fat distribution away from the waist and around the hips and thighs in women. These "curves" are considered the primary attribute of an attractive female body to men. Some ts girls can achieve an attractive waist and hips due to hormones, and therefor obtain an attractive female body shape.

So its retarded to say attractiveness to women is based on DNA, its not, its based on hormone indicators, as concluded from research. Its idiotic to say its even based on genitals. Studies have shown many straight men prefer porn with men with larger, more attractive penises, and a vagina alone is not "attractive" to most straight men, it has to coupled with a female body shape.

Then you are asexual. To call yourself straight you have to be attracted to females.
mass effect 3 nigga.

>attracted to females who possess a functional uterus and ovaries

Please tell me you are trolling.

If that's the closest parallel to the Epic of Gilgamesh, I'm not impressed and remain convinced that video games are an inferior "art form".

>mass effect 3

10/10, guaranteed responses.
> Ts girls have real boobs, its called hormones.
And yet their DNA still says "male". Are you saying that a non-TS man who goes through hormone therapy for whatever reason is a female because he grows bitchtits?

>A large indicator of estrogen is waist to hip ratio caused by fat distribution away from the waist and around the hips and thighs in women. These "curves" are considered the primary attribute of an attractive female body to men. Some ts girls can achieve an attractive waist and hips due to hormones, and therefor obtain an attractive female body shape.
And yet they're still men. Also, gender is not based on attraction. "hurr durr that man is cute therefore that man is a woman"

>So its retarded to say attractiveness to women is based on DNA, its not, its based on hormone indicators, as concluded from research.
Gender is based on DNA. Attractiveness is personal. Just because you find Mrs. Garrison hot does not mean everyone else must find Mrs. Garrison hot.

>Its idiotic to say its even based on genitals.
Gender is based on DNA. Not "hmm I'm going to be a female this week".

>Studies have shown many straight men prefer porn with men with larger, more attractive penises, and a vagina alone is not "attractive" to most straight men, it has to coupled with a female body shape.
LOL what studies would those be? Ones that the faggots pay for themselves?

Deny it all you want. You're a mutilated, psychopathic person. Seek help.

Maybe I should rephrase. You are not attracted to the female, but the ovaries, so if a male had a vagina and working ovaries you would be attracted to that man? I don't think so, I think you're making that up. The fact is you can't tell who has what genitals unless you undress them, and I'd bet you have meet a transwomen you though was attractive once and didn't even know it.
> Bioshock
> in any way pro-Rand
Did you not actually play the games, or are you just blind to satire?
What a fucking joke
why is this a video game discussion thread now
That's why the game is a criticism of her philosophy.
sounds like someone didn't play through all three endings

I'm not talking about gender. Only what makes females attractive. You're assertion that DNA is attractive is absurd. You don't get wood looking at DNA in a microscope, nor can you even infer it by looking at someone.

I don't really care if you think gender is based on DNA. But to say you're attractive to DNA, something you can't even observe, its completely retarded.
ya'll niggaz is stupid cuz Mass Effect serious was epic as a nigga ass muh fucka.
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>99% running around shooting things

So deep!
I was trying to word myself carefully about it, because I didn't want to say that it had good writing, but I still wanted to mention the plot twist and how it took interaction in a step in the right direction in terms of writing.
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philistine detected

>You are not attracted to the female, but the ovaries

That's not correct. I am attracted to the female, but only if she has a functional uterus and ovaries

>a "man" with a functional uterus and ovaries

No such thing.
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hey buddy do you not see what this thread is now about?
I bet you got the red ending.
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>hears there's Randian ideas in Bioshock
>never plays or learns anything else about the game
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I didn't say that it was pro-Rand. I said that it's a game about pseudo-philosophy that shouldn't be taken seriously in the first place. Only goes to show that video games can't tackle any serious issues.
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>>6212217 implying I don't get wood looking at DNA under a microscope
Don't judge a video game like you would judge a work of literature. That's the point I've been trying to make. I gave you Wasteland as an early example of a good videogame.

The story of Wasteland isn't supposed to be as well-thought-out as the story of the epic, because all the epic has is its story. Video games have more than a story; they have to be judged for their other qualities (e.g. mechanics) as well as for the story.

Although I'm sure I won't be able to convince you that video games aren't inferior to books as a medium. Please, remain a steadfast opponent of all things vidya. There'll be one fewer asshole to shit up threads on /v/.
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You could say that Heavy Rain had an almost decent plot and mise-en-scène. But Heavy Rain was just a movie disguised as a video game.
The very fact that you're arguing with each other about what the authors of Bioshock were satirizing is pretty much solid proof that it's a form of art.
There's a very good interview where they explain in detail how it was created and the excruciating amount of detail that went into it.
>Don't judge a video game like you would judge a work of literature.

So you're saying that video games are the same tier as literature but we are not allowed to use the same benchmark when we judge them?

Nice special pleading, bro.

>they have to be judged for their other qualities (e.g. mechanics) as well as for the story.

run around and shoot stuff. SO DEEP!
>They said that their product is a masterpiece
>Therefore it's a masterpiece

Hahaha! Oh wow!
>Please, remain a steadfast opponent of all things vidya.

No problem.

I believe all forms of visual media (Films, TV and Video Games) are inferior to literature.

The reason being that literature provokes thought whereas visual media suppresses it.

What the fuck. I came here for a trap thread, not a video game discussion.
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>hurr durr not art
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>>6210751 (OP)
Yes I would, because I'm not some Christ-worshipping, Bible-reading, homophobic redneck Republican fucktard.

Love between consenting adults is beautiful, regardless of who it is between.

Christianity wants to repress that. Fuck that conservative bullshit. I'll go out with who I want to go out with, whether they be a woman or a tranny, so long as they're a convincing tranny. None of that commie Naruto cross-play shit.
This is /pol/, if you want traps instead of video games, try /v/.

... really?
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I don't understand why we shouldn't hate these people simply because they deceive others (or at least try to do that).

Since when it's ok to be blatantly dishonest?
Artistically, they can be in the same tier. We're talking about multiple media being lumped together under the category of "art," so each medium has to be judged by its own metrics. You couldn't use the same benchmark to judge Books, movies, videogames, visual art, and music because each medium seeks to accomplish different things.

>run around and shoot stuff. SO DEEP!

If you really need a comparison so you can wrap your mind around this, let me provide one. The mechanics of videogames are comparable to the technicality of a musical composition. We laud musicianship and virtuosity, don't we? Do you say, "That virtuoso is just playing a violin, it's not deep at all! It's just drawing a bow along some strings!" And if the piece does attempt to have a meaning, it must be technically sound, or else the meaning will be lost or conveyed poorly.

Video game mechanics operate similarly. The the physics are poor, then you can't expect the meaning to be deep. And if there isn't a "deeper" meaning, then you can appreciate a game for its mechanics, if they are well made.
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>Love between consenting adults is beautiful, regardless of who it is between.
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>Hook up with trap online
>meet in person
>on hormones and has no boobs yet
>has a high-pitched man voice
>man hands
>otherwise pretty hot thanks to all the makeup
>go to kiss
>tasted funky
>get a bj
>i couldnt get hard
>go to eat her ass
>zits all over because man-ass and razor burn
>never fucked because i never got hard enough
... yet looking at porn gets me hard in 2 fucking seconds.
I think i just liked traps because i couldnt get any from real chicks. After this experience i know i am straight and wouldnt try anything with a trap ever again.
feels badman/guilty man. I was half gay for a while.
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>My face when people who claim that video games aren't art exist.
Not all transpeople are not open about being trans. Of course, when they are open people dismiss them as attention whores, so, eh.
People in this thread need to look up Complete Androgen Insensitivity Syndrome.

Genetically, these people are male, in that they have XY chromosomes... but they're phenotypically female from birth, because their bodies are insensitive to testosterone, and the testosterone gets aromaticized to estrogen.

They're a mindfuck.

His Victorian sensibilities don't permit him to venture outside while Jesus is weeping.

No fun allowed, kids.
>they're phenotypically female

Apart from not having a functional uterus and ovaries, of course.
>Artistically, they can be in the same tier.

Oh they CAN be in the same tier. A whore probably also COULD be a respectable person if she would do something praiseworthy in her life. But until she does that, she doesn't deserve any respect.

>We're talking about multiple media being lumped together under the category of "art," so each medium has to be judged by its own metrics.

No. You make appeals to a species of artistic relativism that went out in the early eighties. You could just as well say that a hammer could be a good cutting tool if we judge it by "its own metrics".

>You couldn't use the same benchmark to judge Books, movies, videogames, visual art, and music because each medium seeks to accomplish different things.

Yeah. Video games try to be mindless distractions, an easy serotonin fix for losers. They accomplish that pretty well.

>The mechanics of videogames are comparable to the technicality of a musical composition. We laud musicianship and virtuosity, don't we? Do you say, "That virtuoso is just playing a violin, it's not deep at all! It's just drawing a bow along some strings!" And if the piece does attempt to have a meaning, it must be technically sound, or else the meaning will be lost or conveyed poorly.

>Video game mechanics operate similarly. The the physics are poor, then you can't expect the meaning to be deep. And if there isn't a "deeper" meaning, then you can appreciate a game for its mechanics, if they are well made.

Some things strike the right chords that make your soul sing. Others turn you into a Zombie that mindlessly looks at the TV and does the same generic stuff over and over for hours. I argue that video games are in the latter category.
m-muh books!
Fuck off, hipster fag.
I think someone is a whiny hipster faggot
aww is baby getting emotional?

Nice counter-argument.

The simple fact of the matter is, where literature encourages critical thinking, visual media suppresses it.

With visual media, merely presenting the proper sequence of images can convince a person of something which is not true. The message of visual media is instantly internalized and accepted.

The same is not true of the written word. Every sentence is scrutinized before the reader accepts or rejects it.
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I see you're having another trap thread. Wanna shelve that glamdoll internet bullshit for a moment and consider the following?

Hook up with a girl, if she spends 3 hours in front of a mirror she looks like a porcelain doll, same thing with a convincing tg.

When the girl wakes up in the morning, she has a girl body, you're waking up next to Rebecca even when the paint is scraped off. Or you can wake up next to Bill, your choice.

On the plus side, maybe you can ask your girlfriend to open jars for you.
Baby, do you want some warm milk and a bed time story? Why are you crying?
Shhhhh, shhh

THIS! Approaching a system of entertainment mindlessly does imply a certain level of intellectual laziness, and further renders you vulnerable to being affected by the messages, prejudices and thought-systems (intentional or unconscious) that those systems contain.
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> fuck sexy trap last night
> wake up next to Bill Nye
>Oh they CAN be in the same tier. A whore probably also COULD be a respectable person if she would do something praiseworthy in her life. But until she does that, she doesn't deserve any respect.

And if you consider her every action to be the action of a whore, she'll never be anything but a whore, will she?

>No. You make appeals to a species of artistic relativism that went out in the early eighties. You could just as well say that a hammer could be a good cutting tool if we judge it by "its own metrics".

A hammer is made to hammer things. It should be judged as a hammer. I'm arguing that a hammer would make a poor saw.

The rest of this is just
>muh opinions!

Art is subjective. I'm not going to appreciate a work of art in the same way that you will. I may not enjoy movies as much as you, and you may not enjoy music as much as I. But I'm not going to call movies childish and "for losers" because some silent films were terrible.
>>6210751 (OP)
Not conservative (also not "liberal", in the modern sense), and atheist, still wouldn't really want a TV/TG bf/gf/whatever. I like women. I prefer ones that were born that way.

Exceptions may be made for ones that are like, 11/10, but, they wouldn't want me, therefore it's really not of any concern, therefore, my answer is still no. Not because of any "beliefs" or anything, I just like real pussy, that's all.

>also, just because I choose not to partake, doesn't mean I have anything against those that do. You want a post/preop tranny? Go for it man, whatever makes you happy.
>And if you consider her every action to be the action of a whore, she'll never be anything but a whore, will she?

Shoddy reasoning.

>A hammer is made to hammer things. It should be judged as a hammer. I'm arguing that a hammer would make a poor saw.

A video game is made to get the money from childish people. It should be judged as a video game. I'm arguing that a video game would make poor art.

>The rest of this is just
>muh opinions!

No shit, Sherlock! We were both expressing our opinions here. That's the nature of evaluative statements, dimwit.

>Art is subjective. I'm not going to appreciate a work of art in the same way that you will. I may not enjoy movies as much as you, and you may not enjoy music as much as I. But I'm not going to call movies childish and "for losers" because some silent films were terrible.

>I won't call something 'insert negative evaluation' just because it's 'insert negative evaluation'.
I think having a mtf girlfriend would be pretty awesome. It would be rough though seeing pictures of them before the transition.

>>also, just because I choose not to partake, doesn't mean I have anything against those that do. You want a post/preop tranny? Go for it man, whatever makes you happy.


I'm all for people pursuing their own happiness.

My personal happiness depends upon finding someone with whom I can conceive children, and no trap can give me that.

I don't think that makes me a bad person.
Transgenders should be marked with an T shaped brander and then sent to extermination camps to finally wipe out their defective kind from the gene pool.
>Shoddy reasoning.
You don't consider video games an art form. If that's true, then no individual video game will have artistic merit, at least to you. So you ignore them. Unless you mean to say that you play them but haven't found a good one yet.

>A video game is made to get the money from childish people. It should be judged as a video game. I'm arguing that a video game would make poor art.

How do you define "art"? I define it something as artistic if it is an expression of human creative skill. In those terms, well-made video games are certainly art.

>No shit, Sherlock! We were both expressing our opinions here. That's the nature of evaluative statements, dimwit.

You were saying "some things strike the right chords, others make you a zombie..." That's not an argument, you're just generating platitudes that sound nice to your biased ear.

>I won't call something 'insert negative evaluation' just because it's 'insert negative evaluation'.
I'm saying that I won't call all movies terrible because some are. I won't sat movies aren't an art form because there have been shitty, vapid movies.
>want to fuck someone beautiful and feminine?

Go fap over Chaz Bono. That's another beautiful woman for you, since you're a totally heterosexual guy (no gay).
I'd probably try it, but would be overly dominate. Not to mention that they would have to look just like a girl and all.

But its not something I'd do for any period of time.
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>>6210751 (OP)
never actually done it.. but if she looks feminine enough... pic related
>wipe out their defective kind from the gene pool

They're pretty much doing that on their own...

>Be genetically male
>"Feel" like a woman.
>Get your penis inverted, precluding any real possibility of reproducing

I don't see the problem. If anything, Government should be subsidizing their surgeries to expedite the process.
You never played actually good games, like Planescape Torment its has awesome writing, thousands of pages.
And hundred different ways to finish it.
hey i'm 28 i'm not overweight (recently been gaining weight tho), i would like to think i'm good looking and i work as an accountant for a very well known market research company and i'm engaged to a beatiful girl which i will marry in january... and if FUCKING LOVE videogames so please don't fucking stereotype people for their hobbys you fucking jock wannabe
>hundred different ways to finish it

I consider this a crutch more than an good thing.

>Have to write an ending that most readers will enjoy/understand.
>If you fail, your book sucks

Video game:
>Didn't like the ending? Just replay and choose a different one.

traps can have children, just not yours.
>just not yours

Did you read my post? Or did you just fail to understand it?

>someone with whom I can conceive children
>no trap can give me that
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>You don't consider video games an art form. If that's true, then no individual video game will have artistic merit, at least to you. So you ignore them. Unless you mean to say that you play them but haven't found a good one yet.

You accuse me of circular reasoning (i.e. that my premise already contains my conclusion). That's not the case. I don't dismiss a video game from the get-go. Rather, I judge it by the themes that it chooses to explore, the nature of the world and story that it presents and the personalities of the characters that you interact with.

>How do you define "art"?

Something that has a subject about which it projects some attitude (has a style) which engages the audience's creative imagination and, thus, creates am intense aesthetic experiences.

>I define it something as artistic if it is an expression of human creative skill.

So you consider every commercial you watch ito be art?
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you kidding?

The RNC has a cock sucking contest after each meeting.
not really me but a friend of mine who works for millward something or some big company like that and he's a lot into videogames so i don't think it's for losers...
>Rather, I judge it by the themes that it chooses to explore, the nature of the world and story that it presents and the personalities of the characters that you interact with.

And you know for a fact that not a single video game can or does have a well thought out story? And I'll reiterate that I think the technical skill it took to develop the game should be judged in conjunction with its story.

>So you consider every commercial you watch ito be art?
Commercials have a subject, express an attitude about that subject, and engage the audience's imagination (what would it be like if you had this product?). Not everything that has a subject, has a style, and engages the imagination necessarily creates an "intense" aesthetic experience. By your own defintion, a commercial would be conisdered art.

When something is called "art," people seem to assume that that's a good thing. However, using almost any recognizable defintion of the word, "art" can be both good and bad. Human creative skill can be expressed poorly, styles can be abrasive and dull, and subjects can be trite or boring.

I consider all art to be art. Even that which is poorly executed or rendered.
>And you know for a fact that not a single video game can or does have a well thought out story?

Shoddy reasoning again. Do you know for sure that there isn't a fly somewhere in the world that is a brilliant mathematician? Have you closely observed every fly in the world? No? Therefore, flies are brilliant mathematicians.

If there were to be a video game with a decent story, then it's an obscure and unpopular title because all the popular ones are mindless and boring.

>Not everything that has a subject, has a style, and engages the imagination necessarily creates an "intense" aesthetic experience. By your own defintion, a commercial would be conisdered art.

You really didn't notice that you just contradicted yourself?

>When something is called "art," people seem to assume that that's a good thing. However, using almost any recognizable defintion of the word, "art" can be both good and bad. Human creative skill can be expressed poorly, styles can be abrasive and dull, and subjects can be trite or boring.

>I consider all art to be art. Even that which is poorly executed or rendered.

So this is just about semantics now? You can use the word "art" to refer to anything you want. When I told you that video games lack artistic merit, I meant that they are "poorly executed" trash.
Being a transman would suck because no one likes vag, gay men and women both like penises. While both woman and a lot of straight men love penis.


because a vagina smells like rotten fish and is attached to an annoying, dumb object.
You're a fucking retard and a hipster faggot. Stay on topic, this is about sexy trannies, not about your hate-on for video games, you Christ-worshipping sub-human sperg.
>agina smells like rotten fish

Not given proper hygiene.

Doesn't really matter. tgirls already have a sexhole, the vagina is redundant.

>complains about the smell of a vagina
>anal sex

That makes perfect sense.

>the vagina is redundant

Not for men who want to have children with their spouse.
>wanting to have children

what a fag

>implying traps can't have children
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I've saved a few trap pics myself, but no, I would probably never fuck a trap and would definitely, absolutely never date one.
Well, you have to remember that underneath all the makeup, self-brainwashing, hormones, surgery, and everything else, that's still a dude putting on an act. They look far more glorified on the internet in those still-frame pictures than in real life, due to posing, photography, photoshop, etc. Most of the time in real life, they are so dolled up with makeup they don't even resemble an actual person - as someone else already mentioned, if you wake up next to them and their makeup is gone, you'll notice they're a dude. Especially if they have facial hair coming in.
That, and the voice. For some reason, even if they look otherwise feminine, they always have this scratchy voice even if it's high pitched. You can tell it's a dude. I have never heard a tranny speak that didn't sound like a dude and I imagine there are extremely few of them out there. But if you found one that was perfect in all those regards, go ahead and date/fuck her. But I ask you, why not just date a woman in the first place?
>Shoddy reasoning again.
The fly-mathematician analogy does not work in this context, because flies cannot be mathematicians by their nature. You have already granted that a video game could be considered "art," and therefore have within their nature the potential to be art, while flies do not have the potential to be mathematicians.

You cannot expect to be taken seriously if you claim to judge individual games empirically by their merit, and then use that to make an a priori judgement about all video games.

>You really didn't notice that you just contradicted yourself?
I lopped off the superfluous and unjustifiable "thus" from your definition. A conclusion reached from a definition isn't something that should be treated as part of the original definition. And certainly an incorrect conclusion shouldn't be treated as part of a definition.

>So this is just about semantics now?
No. This is about how the word "art" is defined. We can't have a discussion about what fits the definition without first agreeing on a definition.

>When I told you that video games lack artistic merit, I meant that they are "poorly executed" trash.
"Merit" is defined as the quality of being good or worthy, so you are in effect saying is, "Video games are bad art," therefore granting that they are, in fact, art. Something that lacks artistic merit would still be art, just bad art.

No children mean no condoms or birth control needed. Advantage trap.

>wanting to fulfill your only biological purpose as an organism


>>implying traps can't have children

A trap cannot conceive a child with a man.
>Advantage trap.

Only if you don't want children.

I do want to conceive children with my spouse. Game, Set, Match: Real Woman

first of all they get laser to kill their facial hair, so no it won't "grow in." In fact its needed because even if you save you can still see the hair.

A lot of them also sound very convincing. Of course a lot of them sound terrible because they don't knot how to do it well, but it is possible to sound exactly like a normal girl.

>why not just date a woman in the first place?

Because penis.

Yes, they can. Its just very expensive.
>that's still a dude putting on an act

Not really, most of the traps that pass are pretty much manlets that looked like girls to begin with.
>Yes, they can.

No, they cannot.
My cock erection scale just reached 11 on the scale of 10.
I would ruin her anus so much.
[citation needed]
>>6210751 (OP)
The kinds of rules he would have to live under, would frighten away all but the most masochistic subs.

Yes they can. A trap can have an egg created though SCNT and fertilized through AI, the child delivered through surrogacy.

Its extremely expensive and though and illegal in the US.
...Would the egg have THEIR DNA?
I was with trap, it was ok, although she was a bit old-around 30, still Asian, so looked decent.
Would prefer younger trap though around 18-20.

The bad thing
She was ultra rich, kind of felt intimidated in her house.

1. IVF != natural conception

2. >illegal in the US

So they can't do it, anyways.
>Not going all the way

2.I'm not gay.



No ones arguing they can "naturally" conceive but they can have biological children.

A simpler way would be to just use surrogacy and have multiple children, some biological children from both of you.

Or if she doesn't have sperm, just have your children, why give a fuck about her dna?

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