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Why do you deny the holocaust?
You accept pretty much all other historical theories, and probably barely care about details at all, but not this one.

I use "theory" in the scientific sense in which the holocaust theory can be considered equivalent to the theory of evolution.

Deniers are pretty much the creationist of history.
There were worse crimes during WW II than holocaust, but jewish propaganda won't let you talk about them because MUH SIX TRILLION JEWS
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Piles of corpses have been misused to condemn Germany—but, it has NEVER been claimed in any western trials that any of the corpses were RED in color. So, what about all those “eyewitnesses” to alleged mass gassings of millions of Jews with carbon monoxide (from diesel or gasoline engines) in the Aktion Reinhardt camps (Treblinka, Belzec and Sobibor) and even Chelmno? What about those piles, even mountains, of naked corpses that countless people were supposedly able to see? Wouldn't the “eyewitnesses” have noticed that spectacular coloring? Of course, they would have been stunned. They would have remembered it years later for any of the countless, anti-Nazi war crimes trials if they were not simply lying.

The “eyewitnesses” ALL failed to even mention the stunning bright cherry red coloring that appears on nearly all corpses of people who died from carbon monoxide or from cyanide. Were the “eyewitnesses” all color blind? Of course, not. They simply lied—ALL of them!
I know that other people were treated similar and their fate is oven overlooked, but worse? How would that be possible?
basically this
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>>6207741 (OP)
Because fuck jews, that's why.
Would rape with chainsaw again
How many eyewitness accounts are there?
Because those "other" historical theories aren't the entire premise behind the forced removal of a people from their land and the source of 90% of the bitterness from a billion people towards the West.
the only thing I deny is that it was a bad idea.
occupy wall street!
>>6207741 (OP)
tbh, OP, I almost bought into the "Hitler was good" movement here in /pol/ but the Holocaust reminded me he was in the wrong
I don't deny the holocaust.

I simple don't care.
what the fuck are you even saying.
that red is for carbon monoxide, doesn't look like cyanide causes any serious changes in color.

perhaps a little pink. i dnno.
Because it's illegal in many countries to deny it. If it did happen, why is it illegal to say otherwise? It reminds me of Galileo and his heliocentric model.
I'm asking who was treated worse than the Jews.
Fuck the Jews, vote Democrat.
except the church just wanted him to stop spouting his heresy in public because he didn't have any fucking evidence for it.
Jew trying too hard.

Chinese Peasants?
>except the church just wanted him to stop spouting his heresy in public because he didn't have any fucking evidence for it.

Who told you this garbage? The retards on Conservapedia? Galileo proved it. He took a new invention called a "telescope" and pointed it at the sky.
>>6207741 (OP)

That's funny because the theory of Evolution only came about because people tried to research the truth even if it would cost them their social status and the respect of society. Which is also what happens when you bring about scientific proof that the holocaust didn't happen like it did in the history books.

You're the creationists. You question nothing.
Russians and Ukrainians were at worst treated as bad as Jews.
I don't know about the Asian theater.
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I think the jews on this thread are drunk.
>when you bring about scientific proof that the holocaust didn't happen
Such proof simply doesn't exist.

>like it did in the history books.
but the official story has changed in many details since 1945 when new evidence was brought forth and new ways to interpret the data were accepted after discussion.
The DNC are the Nazi party.
eh no its more like they were caught in lies and had to backtract because the whole holocaust narrative is built on lies
That's not a valid interpretation.
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But it does exist.They have never found one of the mass graves. There were no signs of gassing in the "gas chambers". The stories that were told in news papers are utterly ridiculous and we know they aren't true today (such as human soap or using jewish women as kindling) because of modern science. Many holocaust stories have been proven false. I could go on but you get the picture, it's pretty fucking obvious that it was just war propaganda so that citizens would purchase war-bonds to kill those evil nazis!

You don't know shit.
>Jew trying too hard.

No. Holocaust deniers just get killed by any discussion with historians.
>not german
>never been to germany
>forced to feel guilty for german actions

Why do they never shut up with this?
The amount they complain and cry about the horrorcaust only causes me to wish it had been more effective.

from iersdax

Still have yet to see that happen.
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>Implying creationists are getting imprisoned, assaulted, sued and murdered for their opinions by butthurt Jews.
Edgy, but half-baked.
I know the holocaust was real because my grandfather and some of my great aunts and uncles were in Auschwitz and they tell me stories of what a horrible experience it was
heh no, they generally get drawn into arguments about trivialities and whether a person said this or that.
and eventually they just give up because there usually is little evidence either way.
Was the swimming pool too cold one day? Did the theatre production get cancelled?
Use proper terminology, M'Kay.
Not Holohoax Deniar.
You are a Holohoax Apologist.
See how easy it is to speak English, rather than your guttural sand-speak?
obama 2012, end of the jews.
Obviously not horrible enough.
Your shit posts are proof there was no Final Solution.
>They have never found one of the mass graves.
They have. It's not historians' fault you blindly believe deniers and never question anything they say.

>There were no signs of gassing in the "gas chambers".
Except they found gas residues, just not as much as deniers insist there should be, which begs the question what these chambers have been used for if, according to deniers gas was used but neither on humans nor on vermin.

>The stories that were told in news papers
I thought we're talking about history and not tabloid journalism.

>it was just war propaganda so that citizens would purchase war-bonds to kill those evil nazis
The Allied governments did nothing with the information about the holocaust they had, if anything you could say by not spreading it they helped the Nazis to keep their face.
Quoted for fag.
Yeah, that pretty much sums every time this thread appears.
denier /= apologist faggot
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>Chinese Peasants?

Of these I think only the Chinese massacred by the Japanese get overlooked. That the Germans killed a fuckload of Soviet civilians during their invasion is quite well known, and often cited as part of the argument that the Soviet Union both suffered more in that war, and contributed more to the Allied victory.
Perhaps I wasn't clear.
There are no Holohoax Deniars. They are called scholars and historians.
Everyone else is a Holohoax Apologist, because they have a faith-based view of this history, like a creationist, but with nappier hair and bigger noses.
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Stupid jew, go get conquered by Islam already.
Would not fuck with Churchill's 2 inch cock.
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On physical-chemical grounds, the mass gassings with hydrogen cyanide (Zyklon B) in the supposed 'gas chambers' of Auschwitz claimed by witnesses did not take place.

>The homicidal 'gas chambers' contain such low cyanide concentrations that they are neither capable of reproducible detection nor of adequate interpretation, but in any case at least some 150 to 10,000 times lower than those detectable in the walls of the disinfestation chambers.

>Or in plain English: When analyzing wall samples from the alleged 'gas chambers' of crematoria II and III, we ought to expect results which are in the same order of magnitude as the results of samples taken from the walls of the delousing chambers of BW 5a and 5b. What we do find in those 'gas chamber' samples, however, is practically nothing.

1 It has been used for political purpose (the establishment of the state of Israel)

2 Some historians contest it with the historic scientific method.

3 These historians are forbidden by law to work on this subject (in Europe). In fact, everybody is forbidden to talk about it by law.

4 It has become a State religion, it is not refered to has a historical event but has a melodramatic religious dogma, and you are ordered to repent on these particular jew victims (not on the others, not on your own victims) has the victims of all victims and the crime of all crimes.
How do deniers explain any cyanide at all in the walls?
Because it didn't happen just like the creation did not happen.
they disinfested the whole camps occasionally
>>6207741 (OP)
>I use "theory" in the scientific sense in which the holocaust theory can be considered equivalent to the theory of evolution.

That's a pretty stupid way to put it, but yes, no doubt it happened, wouldn't make sense if it didn't. Naturally the numbers probably aren't as high as often claimed though.
Holocaust denial should be illegal.

HCN(gas) was used in order to kill lice.
There is plenty of documents proving it.
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Watch: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PWCOjOj4RAU
I drink your tears, then ejaculate.
>2 Some historians contest it with the historic scientific method.
I don't know a denier who is a historian.

>3 These historians are forbidden by law to work on this subject (in Europe). In fact, everybody is forbidden to talk about it by law.
Research is allowed and takes place, Irving got raped in court when it was proved that he used documents that he knew were forged and did not work scientifically sound.

Point 4 is just inane bullshit.
Sandniggers gonna sandnig
But there is even less cyanide left in the barracks, by orders of magnitude.
In fact, there are no traces at all in most.
I don't deny the holocaust, I just don't believe that everything we're taught is the truth. Like one said, every lie must have some truth to it. Sure, people were round up, some even killed. Especially towards the end when the war machine couldn't afford to feed them. But every side of the war (even murka) jailed a significant group of people. Nazi Germany lost, and it got the burnt of it, just like it did in the first world war.

I'm not gonna deny that jews were imprisoned and even killed, but I don't believe that a whole six million were exterminated just because.
Jews were exterminated but the numbers have been greatly exaggerated. You're a moran if you think otherwise.
Consistent.... Which would be exposed to Zyklon B with greater frequency? The barracks or the gas chambers? They would have had to have been gassing people every day, while the barracks probably much less.
You're a fool if you doubt the official theory just because it doesn't sit well with your gut feeling.
>I don't know a denier who is a historian.
>then cite David Irving

Stay classy Shlomo.
There are three levels of cyanide in the camp: high level in delousing, medium level in gassing, and very little to absolutely nothing in barracks.
next to nothing in the the morgues either.

i wouldn't trust government numbers which were produced directly to contradict that of leutcher or w/e his name is.
Irving is not a trained historian and while his worked used to be decent on the documentary side, his conclusions from the data have been poorly thought out.

He has since moved away from historical writing to just feeding deniers, maybe for monetary reasons.

I've read only Carlo Mattogno's works and I can assure you that he quotes everything he says. It's truely amazing, I doubted the Holofalse after reading his opera.

Irving is not as good as Mattogno.
>The stories that were told in news papers are utterly ridiculous

I'm getting the strong impression at this point that this discussion is jews arguing with fake 'holocaust deniars', who are other jews.
I'm not a Jew if that makes you feel better anon
Because quoting shit makes it true!
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The coke deliveries from March to October 1943 prove indisputably that only the bodies of the inmates who had died of natural causes could be cremated in the crematoria.

Therefore, no mass murders took place in Auschwitz and Birkenau in the time from March to October 1943!

What happened to the 6 million jews, deniers? Answer that, simply.
Like I said. Here's a whole bunch of trash taken out for ya.
Also, please cry upon viewing.
Just tell me what happened to the 5.5 million missing Jews.
Or do you not have an opinion on that?
Summary please. I don't have time to watch something an hour long.

Documents proving that 5,5 million jews missed? Where are those?
Please do, it's very entertaining.
>this gas chamber had been transformed into an air raid shelter by the Germans
>the Russians later restored it and added a chimney that hadn't been there
>Cole points out that there were walls inside the gas chamber
>??? somehow contradicts the official holocaust story ???
Accidental Sage is accidental.
serious gas chamber believers are morons

If kikes really were gassed why won't 1 kike debate a revisionist in a public forum? Because they would get their ass handed to them, that's why.

As long as kikes keep this mythology going, I will dispies them and consider them an enemy of the German people.
Census data for pre war Europe shows about 5-6 million more Jews than post war, emigration and military losses accounted for.

Now what?

If you state that x million people missed after 1945 you have to bring documents proving it.
like I said, I don't have time. just post the arguments
Deniers get their asses handed to them all over the internet.
Check this blog

Maybe you're new to history, but when I say "bring documents" I mean bring documents, not words.
Title, edition, year, page(s).
listen kike, one of the world Almanacs, released after the war, shows the global kike population as increasing through out the duration of the war. Did the germans make them spawn more kikes so they could kill more of them or something?

I love how atheists act all enlightened yet accept jewish mythology without question.
why are gas chamber believers so often bioequalists and call people racist in ad hominem attacks? Bioequality is retarded and unscientific yet lots of people believe in it, just like gas chamber belief.
Do you want me to copy the citations from Hilberg's destruction?
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That's not true. The levels in the morgue (alleged 'homicidal gas chamber') and barracks are both practically nonexistant. They are on equal levels. The cyanide in delousing chambers is orders of magnitude higher.

>Samples 5 and 8 are from a large lump of plaster a few centimeters thick taken from the large room of the respective barracks (see Table 19, p. 254). A depth profile was not drawn up; the values must therefore be viewed as average values. Samples 6 and 7 are from the special room located at the west end of these barracks. Samples 23 and 24 are from the exterior wall of the large room of a third barrack.

>Quantities of cyanide on the order of magnitude of those found by Leuchter in the alleged 'gas chambers' can apparently also be found in the wall material of the inmate barracks. This is indicated by the results of Sample 8. All others are also positive, but notably lower. In this case as well, the control analysis (Table 20, p. 258) failed to yield reproducible results.

Wrong title.

> Samples 5 to 8 and 23, 24: Inmate Barracks
Are you the same in person in every thread?
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Are you the same JIDF in every thread?
If the Gasocaust was real, a jew would be willing to publicly debate it. This controversy has been growing for 20 years and yet the kikes won't end the controversy by having a public debate because they would lose and lose hard. There's no other explination.
No, there are often several at the same time too.
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ST. LAURENT - As an 11 year-old boy held captive at the Bergen-Belsen concentration camp during World War II, Moshe Peer was sent to the gas chamber at least six times. Each time he survived, watching with horrors as many of the women and children gassed with him collapsed and died. To this day, Peer doesn’t know how he was able to survive. “Maybe children resist better, I don’t know,” he said in an interview last week.

So you will just play ignorant and avoid to answer?


- World Almanac 1949, p. 204: 16.6 million jews in 1939, 11,2 millions in 1947.
- Hanson Baldwin, New York Times, February 22 1948, page 4: between 15 and 18 million jews in the world.

What do you choose?
If the Holocaust is as fake as these deniers say it is, why do they never give any concrete evidence to support their fantasy?

The burden of proof is on your to verify your insane argument.
A real source instead of an almanac that hadn't updated its numbers for years?
The only reason why you even know that book is because if you remove context from the numbers, it looks like it supports your view.
why don't kikes make a "nazi" look stupid in front of a bunch of people for not believing millions of jews were gassed?
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>A real source instead of an almanac


AJC, vol. 50, p. 692:
1939 in Europe 9.739.200 jews, 1948 in Europe 3.778.300 jews. 5.800.000 exterminated, 3.700.000 survived, 200.000 migrated

As you can see the Almanac states 16 million jews in 1939, AJC 10 millions. Only a difference of 6 million people. Reliable, isn't it?
Yes, that's a far better source than the Almanac.
Holocaust deniers:

/x/ is -> way
What logical explanation is there for no jews willing to publicly debate this issue with a revisionist (nazi)? More and more people are questioning what they believed about what we call the holocaust, and if "holocaust denial" was factually without merit, 1 jew could stop the rise in holocaust doubt by delivering a knock out punch to a revisionist (nazi) for all to see, yet no such jew is stepping up to the plate. Which strongly suggests they would lose the debate. They wouldn't be able to hide or confuse the issue. They wouldn't be able to reasonably refute the points of the revisionists and this would be seen by the audience.

This alone is evidence that the holocaust is jewish mythology and not based on fact.

A source that supports your point of view is always a better source.

Anyway, starting from 9.000.000 we get in 1946 an "estimated" (AJC, vol. 48, p. 603) 3.000.000. Obviously estimated means that they did not have any census, they're just relying to "six million" voices.

And anyway, talking about Auschwitz: 4.000.000 jews exterminated here according to Nuremberg, then 1.100.000 accordingo to Piper in "Franciszk Piper, Die Zahl der Opfer von Auschwitz. Verlag des Staatliches Museum in Oświęcim, 1993".

So 6.000.000 people died with 4kk in Auschwitz. Then 1.100.000 in Auschwitz, but still 6.000.000 people died.
The Almanac numbers are just bleak numbers from a non professional source with no information about where they come from. The AJC has citations and the whole text is there.
The almanac numbers do show a decrease of 5-6 millions too once they bothered to update, but that doesn't make it a better source.

The situation in Poland is difficult, because the borders and administrative structures changed 1939 and 1945, so comparing pre war, war and post war numbers is a bit tricky, and there is only a 1946 report about the number of Polish Jews that were found alive.

Counting the difference is only half of the calculation though, a number of victims can also be found by analyzing German documents.
There are a multitude of sources for that, but the Korherr Report sums up a lot and gives an imperfect but interesting overview about the operations until 1942.

I have to go eat now.
Hilberg gives 1.1 million dead in Auschwitz since the 1950s and his number is 5.1 million deaths over all.
>This alone is evidence that the holocaust is jewish mythology and not based on fact.

Circumstancial at best.
>What logical explanation is there for no jews willing to publicly debate this issue with a revisionist (nazi)?

What about the David Irving libel case?

>the case was argued as a bench trial before Mr. Justice Charles Gray, who produced a written judgment 333 pages long in favour of the defendants, in which he detailed Irving's systematic distortion of the historical record of World War II.

That's pretty public.
>>6207741 (OP)
because jews are not the only ones who suffered during the war, other people and their number is much more than jews.
jews propaganda use it all the time to achieve their goals.

there is more events worst than the "holocaust".
>a written judgment 333 pages long in favour of the defendants, in which he detailed Irving's systematic distortion of the historical record of World War II.
uh, uhm, KIKE LIES
I will be looking through these transcripts. If some big refutation of the revisionist position really came out of this trial, I'm sure I would have heard about it by now. The point still stands though. The number of people that are doubting the orthadox story of the holocaust are rising, and if revisionism was really without merrit, 1 jew could put a stop to this rise by publicly debating a revisionist and winning. Yet not one jew will do this, why?

If it really happened the way we are suppose to believe, it wouldn't be hard at all to defend in a debate.
>I'm sure I would have heard about it by now.
Hah, where? Deniers never adjust their position to accommodate the evidence.
gas chamber believers litigate rather than debate.
Deniers are free to read up on the topic.
Fun fact: even if you could conclusively prove that gas chambers didn't exist, it would change nothing at all in the big picture because the people still died and disappeared according to civilian documents, nazi documents, government officials and countless people.
>because jews are not the only ones who suffered during the war, other people and their number is much more than jews.
>jews propaganda use it all the time to achieve their goals.

But people exploit actual tragedies all the time. I don't doubt that the WTC or Pearl Harbor was attacked, just because America was able to use them as causes to go to war.
>Fun fact: even if you could conclusively prove that gas chambers didn't exist, it would change nothing at all in the big picture because the people still died and disappeared according to civilian documents, nazi documents, government officials and countless people.

fun fact people go to jail for "holocaust denial" if they say there were no gas chamber. if there were no gas chambers there was no holocaust

fun fact if there were no gas chambers the numbers are far far far less then currently believed. It's simply childish to say the same number died even if there wasn't any mass homicidal gas chambers.

anyway, anyone want to cherry pick something out of the Irving trial transcripts to try and back this claim that 6 million jews were murdered, mostly in gas chambers as a result of an extermination policy ordered by Adolf Hitler?


holocaust = jewish mythology
>gas chamber believers litigate rather than debate.
Uh, David Irving sued the publisher for libeling HIM by saying he distorted the facts. The court proved that it wasn't libel because he did distort the facts.
>If some big refutation of the revisionist position really came out of this trial, I'm sure I would have heard about it by now.

Heard it from whom? From "mainstream" sites that consider the current record to be correct, or revisionist sites that would have no interest in acknowledging such a refutation.
My girlfriend asked me "If there was no Holocaust, how did they get image and video footage of mass graves?"

How do I reply, /pol/?
And what's to debate? We can show you the gas chambers. We can show you the mass graves. We can show you the Nazis who admitted that that they herded people into chambers where they were gassed by Zyklon-B. We can show you the material from the German archives showing that mass gassing was organized and planned.

What do you come back with? "Muh prussian blue! Muh conspiracy! Muh zog!" We're not debating you because you're too retarded to debate with. We are Einstein; you are a fundamentalist snake-handler from Mississippi who spends his weekends shouting "Go back to Africa" at Gay Pride rallies.
The Russians forged it.
>Heard it from whom? From "mainstream" sites that consider the current record to be correct, or revisionist sites that would have no interest in acknowledging such a refutation.

I would have heard about it from threads like this. Gas chamber believers never really have good arguments in these threads. It pretty much boils down to "of course it happened" "everyone knows it happened" "only nazis pretend it didn't happen" "if it didn't happen, why is my grandmother a holocaust survivor"

In any thread about the holocaust, gas chamber believers will use fallacy after fallacy.

It makes me angry that this is still an issue.

I don't know the details of this case, but this is one instance, where as jews lobby for thought crime laws where ever they are.

and the challenge is still open. Find something in the transcripts that adds substantive weight to the 6 million mostly in gas chamber for extermination argument.
>fun fact people go to jail for "holocaust denial" if they say there were no gas chamber.

Yes, I'm not in favour of this. It only strengthens the revisionists cause.

>fun fact if there were no gas chambers the numbers are far far far less then currently believed
True. But that's not Irving's position. He says no Jews were deliberately murdered at all.

>anyway, anyone want to cherry pick something out of the Irving trial transcripts to try and back this claim that 6 million jews were murdered, mostly in gas chambers as a result of an extermination policy ordered by Adolf Hitler?

The case summation, Paragraph 13.98, says pretty much exactly this.

mass graves don't prove anything except that people died -- people die all the time

think no one died in the jap concentration camps in the US?
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tell her about the bengali holocaust. There is as much photo evidence of it as there is of the jewish holocaust.
Start reading on Day 8.
gas chambers built after the war may be good evidence for you, but it isn't for me.

>We can show you the material from the German archives showing that mass gassing was organized and planned.

ok show me than

anyway fuck you kike you don't know anything about me.
The Nazis blew up the gas chambers as they retreated to cover up their tracks.
Or maybe they blew up the empty morgues for some reason.

One makes a lot of sense in the context of the holocaust, the other is a completely random act.
>True. But that's not Irving's position. He says no Jews were deliberately murdered at all.

now you fucked up again. I'm gonna need a citation for this claim. This is another common strawman gas chamber believers will throw at revisionists.

Again if gas chamber belief was so strong a position, why the constant strawmen and ad hominems?
>I would have heard about it from threads like this. Gas chamber believers never really have good arguments in these threads. It pretty much boils down to "of course it happened" "everyone knows it happened" "only nazis pretend it didn't happen" "if it didn't happen, why is my grandmother a holocaust survivor"

Fair point. I think the main reason is that revisionists spend a lot more time studying their material and talking points, and contrary to /pol/ myth, there isn't a dedicated JIDF that sits down to research counterclaims and original evidence in detail.

I assume the Holocaust actually happened in the same way I assume most other well documented historical events actually happened.

They were bombed by the Russians.
gas chamber believers say "we can go to the chambers themselves" missleading the people that hear this since a gas chamber "reconstructed" after the war doesn't prove jack shit.

again, why the need to mislead people and play games if gas chamber believers have such a strong position? Wouldn't you just need to stick to the facts?
The room they show as a gas chamber was a gas chamber for a while though.
No they were not.
Well, the whole "Gas chambers have no blue walls" and "there isn't a high amount of cyanide in the gas chamber walls" is just ridiculous and I can't blame people for not wasting valuable time into writing properly structured counter-arguments.
These arguments and elaborations do exist though, but normal people don't care to study thousands of pages worth of text just to refute denier's bullshit.
>but normal people don't care to study thousands of pages worth of text just to refute denier's bullshit.

Especially when it'll just be denounced as forged evidence, Jewish lies, etc.
what are u talking about?
because the people who commited the crimes won the war.
what crimes happened in WW2 that were worse than Holocaust?
fact - no written order from hitler ordering the holocaust has been found

fact - one almanac lists the jewish population as increasing through out the war

fact - one of the doors from these alleged chambers doesn't have a lock and can be opened from the inside.

fact - the math of the crematorium does not add up. The germans would have had crematoriums superior to the ones we have today if the holocaust were real

fact - hitler tried to deport the jews to Palestine. If he planned on killing them all, this is an odd thing to do

fact - there is a lot of demonstrably bunk eye witness testimony. Like escaping the gas chamber or some crazy nazi lady took my tattoo and I don't have a scar.

fact - if the United states had lost the war, we would very likely have photos of starved japanese in concentration camps

fucking holocaust deniers derp

A friend that demands you hold certain opinions in spite of the evidence is no friend worth keeping.
So I see instead of reading the documents you asked for you decided to just repeat your mantra?
Churchill gassed millions of bengalis. This photo is proof.
It's a lot to read, I'll look through it over time. Doesn't change any of these facts. If you know of something in the transcripts that will really deal a blow to the revisionist position please do share it.

all you linked to was some jew site and some blog

and you cry about almanacs not being proper references?

plz give real sources or give up
Wow, JIDF is in full force today...

Have you seen a picture of Warsaw, or any other German - Polish city After WW2?

EVERYTHING was bombed.
Are you saying the transcripts are incorrect?
Did you click the blog? It has articles by actual historians and not just random people's opinions.
The gas chambers in Auschwitz were not and Warsaw was thoroughly destroyed by the Germans, not the Russians.
fact - no written order from hitler ordering the holocaust has been found

Yes. But Göhring did it.

fact - one almanac lists the jewish population as increasing through out the war

'one'. Bitch please.

fact - one of the doors from these alleged chambers doesn't have a lock and can be opened from the inside.

Again. I like the 'one'.

fact - the math of the crematorium does not add up. The germans would have had crematoriums superior to the ones we have today if the holocaust were real


These ovens were not manufactured to allow for a respectful burning of bodies. Of course they are superior because they were built for a different goal.

fact - hitler tried to deport the jews to Palestine. If he planned on killing them all, this is an odd thing to do

Palestine, Madagascar. Yes, the Endlösung was not concieved as mass murder in 1933. Your point?

fact - there is a lot of demonstrably bunk eye witness testimony. Like escaping the gas chamber or some crazy nazi lady took my tattoo and I don't have a scar.

Interesting fact. Actually, no.

fact - if the United states had lost the war, we would very likely have photos of starved japanese in concentration camps

>fact - no written order from hitler ordering the holocaust has been found

fact - no written order from george washington ordering the crossing of the delaware has been found

therefore the usa is actually part of england and the american revolution never happened

Everything was bombed by the Russians.
appeal to authority is another common fallacy of gas chamber believers. There's plenty of peer reviewed papers that prove politically correct bullshit. Doesn't make it true. If you can refute revisionist arguments, please do it in this thread rather than link to a jewish page that will point to concentration camp eye witness testimony as a mountain of evidence that proves the holocaust happened, when the real issue here is where there gas chambers or not, not whether there were concentration camps or not. If you were to go by gas chamber believer arguments, you'd think revisionists are saying there were no concentration camps.

Again if gas chamber belief was a strong factual position, I don't see why there would be a need to play games and constantly use fallacies in arguing it.

In this very thread, someone made a clear as day strawman argument against irving.
You're grandmas ass sure was.

You are delusional and talking out of your ass now.

articles by historians?

cite references please, not blogs

i don't even know what articles you're talking about. the blogs posted seem like absolute shit
Educate yourself.
I'm not your teacher.

Bugger off, retard.
Google Warsaw and look up the WW II part.
wow, you must have a strong position if you are making comparisons to things that far back in time.

This was 60 years ago, and we have far more evidence to work with than we do for things that happened during the revolutionary war.
post the argument faggot, you kikes always just link to websites loaded with emotional language and fallacies.

if there is an argument, post it here.

Why won't jews openly debate this issue? I think it is because they see even asking the question as sacrilege to their contemporary mythology.

> unwilling/unable to cite references

sounds like the holocaust didn't happen after all folks
Jesus Christ, you are obnoxious.
Shut the fuck up until you read the texts that debunk your denier crap.


> called out for citing blogs / jewsites

> unwilling to cite references

> cites wiki.. about destruction of warsaw

so.. destruction of warsaw == holocaust? rightio, chap

holocaust confirmed as hoax
I'm not about to read all of the transcripts from the irving case to post in this thread. If you have an argument that refutes revisionists, you should be able to post it in this thread. The fact that you aren't suggests you don't have an argument that refutes revisionists claims.
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If it happened, it was obviously a FAILURE.

Just see how nocive the Jews are right now.

With all their lobbies, using western soldiers for their proxy-wars, creating ponzi schemes, destoying the economy.

If THIS is a result of a holocaust, if this is when they are weakened, i can't imagine how nocive and wicked they were before it.
>>6207741 (OP)
>Why do you deny the holocaust?
Because I have yet to see proof that it happened.

>You accept pretty much all other historical theories, and probably barely care about details at all, but not this one.
Well, there's not an entire race benefiting from those "theories". It's not illegal to question or disagree with those "theories".

>Deniers are pretty much the creationist of history.
Why? Because you say so? Have you ever looked at the Holocaust Deniers evidence? Or do you just dismiss it out of hand because you're a vile, little kike?
> mfw when my grandfather was a soldier that participated in the liberation of concentration camps
> mfw when he saw, first-hand, gas chambers and crematoriums with bodies in them
> mfw when neckbeards on the internet claim this never happened

he "saw" gas chambers? just like people "saw" the plane that "hit" the pentagon?

was he an amerifat or a russkie?

at any rate, eyewitness reports are worthless

> eyewitness reports contradict my beliefs
> they are worthless
>mfw i make shit up in greentext
mfw your an anonomous poster on the internet and this claim of yours is irrelevant

are you obama by any chance? He talked about how his Uncle helped liberate Auschwitz even though it was the Russians.
Some other Idiot denied that Warsaw was destroyed by Germans.

>casually inform
>deniers demand primary sources
>say you should read books if you want specific citations
>link blog in the meantime
>deniers complain that it's just a blog
>point out that articles by historians are posted in the blog
>deniers call that an appeal to authority
>refuse to stop posting until they at least read up on what holocaust history actually actually says and what evidence it gives
>somehow these people are experts despite not starting there; apparently researching a topic is optional if you want a firm and solid opinion on it
>people believe that denial is a reasonable default stance when a neutral "I don't know" is

Fuck this.

all eyewitness reports are worthless

we have this thing called "science" now.. so we don't have to rely on some dipshit "soldier," or any other loudmouth, in order to draw conclusions about history
honestly. If you weren't a jew, wouldn't threads like this make you dislike jews?
Eyewitness accounts are very useful and affidavits are legitimate sources too.
Obviously you need to be knowledgeable to be able to tell a good from a bad one and you always check them against the facts you have.
Stop posting.

> ignore facts
> maintain holocaust denial

> articles by historians

so they didn't rely on any sources? they just knew the truth magically?

you can't link to a single credible source?

of course you should "fuck this".. your arguments & citations are bad and you should feel bad
You are exceptionally good at pretending to be retarded.

affidavits, lol

we don't need affidavits. we can test the walls for "poison gas" and determine whether there was any. which we did. and we determined there wasn't any.

your move
So is no one in this thread going to refute revisionist points?

I've presented my side of the argument, all we're getting from you gas chamber believers is falicies and distortions.

Some one in this thread literally claimed irving said no jews were killed during ww2. This is what I'm talking about when I say Gas chamber belief is nothing but fallacies and if it was real, you wouldn't have to strawman revisionists.

so we have fallacies, emotional appeals, and links to blogs with more fallacies and emotional appeals.

Any serious gas chamber believer is a fucking idiot. Truth doesn't need this kind of mental gymnastics.
Your test are considered garbage by courts in several countries, historians and an independent commission that that tested the walls.

Also even your denier stepped back from claiming that his findings are conclusive.

Yes, NAZI Germany was never bombed by allied powers. While we are at it, two atomic bombs never landed in Japan. Because I have a stunted manichean worldview that must be maintained at all costs.
>I have a stunted manichean worldview that must be maintained at all costs.
Thank god you finally realized that.

>independent commission tested the walls and found poison gas

link please
SHIT I very impressed, JIDF.
you've unleashed the dogs this time. btw Im having a good time reading your posts.

i'm going to read your link but

>Dedicated to 12 million Holocaust victims who suffered and died at the hands of Adolf Hitler and his Nazi regime


Was your grandfather in the Red Army? Because not a single historian contends any of the deaths camps were liberated by US or British forces. If you grandfather wasn't in the Red Army, your grandfather was a liar. That sucks bro.
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Pick one
pic related
>complain when only Jews are considered
>complain when all victims are considered
There's no pleasing you.


nizkor.org: is an ongoing Internet-based project run by B'nai Brith Canada which is dedicated to countering Holocaust denial.

B'nai Brith Canada (BBC) is the Canadian section of B'nai Brith (the Canadian organization uses no apostrophe in "Brith"). It was founded in 1875 and is the country's oldest Jewish service organization.

so... another jew site. "independent" lol

anyway, starting to read... we'll see if there's any evidence in this shit

Yeah I wonder if somebody hired some Filipino forum posters. Who with a Western education would claim Germany wasn't bombed during the war? They are just posting jibberish now.
>claim the Russians bombed the Auschwitz crematoria
>claim that the Russians bombed Warsaw to the ground
>get schooled
>suddenly claim that you were just saying that Germany was bombed and say that the person who schooled you denies that

Full retard.


regarding the nizkor "A Study of the Cyanide Compounds Content
in the Walls of the Gas Chambers
in the Former Auschwitz & Birkenau Concentration Camps" :

"The careful and extensive Polish data was analysed using a 1947 US titration procedure, which gave no indication of reaching the parts per billion accuracy claimed by that study. If Marciewicz et. al. chose to use a method which only analysed 1% or less of the cyanide, viz. the soluble component, for whatever reason, they should first have shown that their method was capable of detecting it. "

I was on the fence when I started reading this thread, but the massive amount of JIDF butthurt and logical fallacies have convinced me they are hiding the truth.

lol, I was just about to post about how gas chamber believers are probably going to claim victory in this thread any second now even though they aren't presenting any evidence that isn't a link to another site.

> http://www.codoh.com/library/document/675

i'd appreciate if some of you could take a look at this article and provide some analysis of your own

this is also interesting, same author


> In 2008 he received widespread publicity and ethical damnation owing to his interest in studies of the residual cyanide levels found in walls of the World War Two labor-camps.

lol ethical damnation for his interest in science .. sounds fishy man
You expect me to spirit a gassed Jew right out of 1944 into your lap?

hmm this seems to be an interview with the author


my dear zionists/gas chamber believers: do you have any references that refute kollerstrom's findings?
>asking for refutation of revisionists points is asking for the body of a jew that was gassed in 1944

gas chamber believer logic
Read this.
There are citations.

pretty sure this shit is checkmate for the zionist gas chamber believers

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