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If welfare and food stamps are so great and so many people are using them, what's the point of working?

Why haven't you quit your day job and joined in on the "leach" class of America?

>in b4 morals
>in b4 integrity
>in b4 a bunch of other bullshit "feelings"
>muh morals
because i want to do more than just live a life that is sustained by necessities. I want more, i want a new car, a new place to live, chance to go out to nice places, and be more than a leech who only gets the basics. im greedy and i want more, and i admit it
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>whats the point of working

I actually like working. I actually like more than $1,000 a month.
>Throwing a drowning person a book
The book would get wet and be usless. Besides, they'll drown before they could read it any -oh, I see now. Good one, GOP.
>>6095810 (OP)
The thing about welfare is that it usually does not pay enough to make ends meet. Many people on welfare want to have a job, only if it pays enough for rent, food, transportation costs, and utilities. There are some people who want to be on welfare, but many don't want to stay on welfare for long.

For people who are unemployed, the question for them is this: Will this job pays more than the welfare benefits I get? Also will those benefits make ends meet?
Some of us understand that in order for the system to function someone has to work. Also, I would rather not live in a shitty rat hole eating cheap ass food.
I wish this stupid counrty would collapse already
this. A lot of people on welfare can either put food on the table and pay their bills, or take a shit minimum wage job that will probably make them have to give up one of those
Any other brilliant insights you want to pull out of your ass?
you'll get your wish soon enough
now go prepare your anus
Because living on welfare and food stamps is a shitty life no one but the mentally ill want to live.
Nothing but right wing propaganda to say anything different.
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>>6095810 (OP)

Making plans on starting today OP.

I'm done helping people for barely enough to cover groceries for the month and bills.

Time to let the government take care of that for me.

Completely serious.
wait, minimum wage doesn't provide you with enough for a 3 bedroom apartment and food for your 4 children?
That insight was not pulled out of someone's ass or his ass. It's reality, many people have the choice not making ends meet or staying on welfare until something better happens.

It's a lot better than homelessness.
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I tried.
I was literally denied but they never gave me an exact reason.
Obviously, I was denied welfare because I'm a straight white male that is able bodied.

When will the racism, and oppression of my peoples end.
I know a girl that is waiting for her company to go under (so she gets laid off) to claim unemployment. She doesn't even want to look for another job.

welfare =/= unemployment benefits

The majority of welfare recipients (food and cash assitance) still work.

Unemployment benefits have a limited time period, and you pay into them when you work.
>mfw a republifat believed that black people refused to work because it was easier and more comfortable to cruise on welfare
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You get your food covered and other things with EBT
You get housing covered.
TV, internet, phone, dental, prescription (get some "good" drugs), massage.
And 500 in pocket that isn't taxed.

More than I've ever had working for a living. Time to let the government pick up the tab.
>my completely fabricated conjecture is reality.

Ok dum dum, keep believing them talking points like a good little brainwashed drone.
>until something better happens
>never work
>expect to get a good job with no experience
>keep having kids
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>mfw conservatives think welfare is a great life and you can a shit load of money every week for free forever.
I drove through the black part of Orlando this morning on the way to work. There's at least 40 blacks shambling around under one overpass by 8am.

They dont work because they play the system lik a cheap violin.
Because I am not a nigger
Uhh, actually.. You can.
Niggers have been doing it since its inception.

You are naive to think that people aren't able to get this money no matter what all the time forever, etc and so forth.

There is always programs giving these people free shit.
Enjoy your dependency. That kind of welfare lifestyle is only sustainable when the economy is in decline and the Democrats are in charge. When the economy is doing well and the Republicans take over, you're going to lose a lot of the services you rely on.

Being a welfare leech is essentially betting on country to run out of money and collapse. As someone who works hard and pays taxes, it makes me upset to know that my labor is being exploited by a degenerate like you. I think I'll move to Switzerland.
youre right spending all day under an overpass is preferable to having a job with income

dont you have some glenn beck to be watching faggot
I hate the idea of working for some corporation now. You spend majority of your days working. Like 8 to 10 hours. You spend at least 16 or more hours outside of the house commuting to and coming home from work. You only get like 3 or 4 hours to relax by the time you get home just to get up and do it all over again. What kind of life is this? Then people are all stressed because of shit that happened at work and they go to a bar to blow off some steam. I mean, if you enjoy being a corporate cocksucker be my guest.
uh, no. You're lying.

It wouldnt even be close to that even if you had fuckin 3 kids
What planet are living on? This is not true in any way.
can you please provide some proof you stupid fuck? I went to high school in the ghetto from 07 to 11 and kids had to get free lunch because their parents could hardly feed them. the houses around my school were falling apart from disrepair. people on the street literally fucking kept chickens to save money. what the fuck is wrong with you?
> I went to high school in the ghetto from 07 to 11

That's cute, I live in the ghetto, gary indiana you mother fucker, I know all about fucking welfare, suck my black dick.
good, get the fuck out
if you believe being on welfare is awesome please take your stupidity elsewhere and increase the national average IQ
>You get housing covered.
Sadly, most if not all areas that have public housing and/or section 8 have waiting lists that last for years.
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They you need a crippling drug problem and a doctor's note saying that you are unable to work.

Believe me. Best $200 I've ever spent to get a note and a bullshit case file.

Not kidding. That's how it gets done if you are white and male. Or if you've got glasses, get an Optometrist claim legally blind.

Then you can get cabbed everywhere for free. Big brick of taxichits and you can wildstyle all night, go to clubs early so you are "in", then steal people's drinks all night.

Sometimes I manage to slip in a bladder and get about two gallons of booze. When the ladies come over I offer swamp drinks.

Welfare is awesome. Occasionally roll a drunk for extra money or whatever is on them. People really are stupid and messy when they go out.
>calling black people niggers like a /pol/tard
haha yeah right
>>6095810 (OP)
Even your picture is retarded and refutable. Because someone drowning will have time to learn to swim... You save them with welfare then teach them so it doesn't happen again.. Save then teach.
Stop leaching off ny taxes first, you benefit from a military, police, fire, transportation, technology development, and court system THAT I HELP PAY FOR. Why don't you protect your home from China by your self leech.
Some people care about nothing more than getting as much as they can for the least amount of effort. Most dont or didnt think that way. The Protestant work ethic was ince part of our culture but maybe thats fading. Otoh wages being depressed probably had sn effect to.
its basic reality, christ none of you faggots REALLY know what its like to live on your own.

Consider this, you're completely by yourself at age 18. At this point in my life, I probably had like 2 grand in my bank from working.

With two grand ill have to
-Afford a security deposit on somewhere to live, probably first and last month rent.
-Afford transportation whether its public or a shit used car. Practically no job will hire you if youre over 18 without a lisence.
-Gasoline and maintenance
-Electricity and Gas, maybe even water
-shitty track phone

All while this is happening, Ill have payroll tax taken out of my checks, along with tax for medicare...

Its fuckin impossible. Thats why anyone who moves out so young ends up living in a shit situation where hes relying on 3 other people and vise versa
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>protect your home from china
haha holy shit is it the 70s

>mfw chillin w/ chinabros in college
i don't get it, are these points in favor of a welfare system?
>implying "Protestants" invented work ethics and not just being anti-sexual.
Look up the Roman empire and behold the work ethic that the hut dwelling uneducated protestants can't match.
>implying you even know 1 single person on welfare and aren't a walking fox news talking point
yes. people seem to think this here
is a complete lie, because they think being on welfare means you live in a $100,000 with big screen tvs, cable and internet, a house full of food, money in the bank, cash in hand, etc.

The reality is this
and when they get on welfare, its usually slightly more than they would even make getting a shitty ass job.

Why get a shit job that will render you to NOT receive wefare, that will ultimately take more time and energy that will end up taking more away from you?
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so, in 100 years welfare to GDP raised 4 percent?
I think I'll move to Switzerland.

It's a socialist sand nigger state now. Or didn't you get that memo?
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No welfare spending as a % of GDP rose 4%.

Welfare spending all goes to bureaucrats. Fuck all of it actually makes it to where it is supposed to go. Same with all government spending. It gets wasted by bloodsucking, parasitic government workers.
>Why haven't you quit your day job and joined in on the "leach" class of America?

Because i already work of record.

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