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>those comments

Racism is alive and well in the US. Read it in the next 20 minutes before they close the article for comments.
>"Mah Quontravious dint do nuffinz!!!! He be ah hi ah stoodint, gnomesayin?"

i want /pol/ to leave
Page not found

look for CAPA attack in the headlines section
all security cameras should be 1080p

cant see shit from the blurryness
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>James Addlespurger
>James Aspurger

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>those comments

More incoherent internet babble coming from keyboard warriors. Who the hell cares. Spectators love jumping at the opportunity to 'voice their opinions' on videos like these and get all worked up and do nothing else about it. Meanwhile, they still live in fear and still cross the street when a 'knee grow' crosses their path.
these goddamn youths
>those comments

this is fucking great i love it
>white people in charge not being the planets biggest back bending pussies ever
>>6094140 (OP)

>be in white school in pittsburgh
>friend lights m 80 and teacher fakes ear injury for lawsuit
>get blamed for it
>same stupid news station OP posted runs a story about violence against teachers
>says 2 boys tried to assassinate teacher with m 80
>then talks about all the assaults in black schools of kids beating up their teachers and hitting them in the head with chairs (like its the same thing)

That's the day I found out the news doesn't report the truth but just spins it into their own agenda.

There is a video of a nigger cold cocking a random guy on the street, knocking him unconscious. How is the news station "spinning" it? We can see it for ourselves.
>Todd Curry · Lake Forest, Illinois
>Marcie, use both hands if you need to when you count - there are 6 kids in the pack.
Reply · · 28 minutes ago

Looks like another case of nigs playing knock out king.

Are you calling us and the other commentators racists for advocating that these wild animals need to be put down?
>tfw the comments are all hosted by facebook and I can't see them because I don't have a facebook
>mfw my fellow white people are starting to get tired of putting up with this shit

you see niggers, the problem with the white man is that we're lazy. if something doesn't immediately present itself as a problem we'll just disregard it until disregarding it becomes more work than actually dealing with it.

you have an easy ticket here. all you have to do is get a job, support a family, pay taxes, and stop stirring up anti white hate across the country.

otherwise you're going to die when the white man gets up off his lazy ass.
I would literally kill those kids

>pay attention to their clothes, their company,

But not their race.


>don't post on headline

But act like a prank in white schools is the same as assault in black schools.
beta as fuck
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>omg help us catch these teens
>implying they want some niggers to get caught in pittsburgh for comitting a crime
>implying they want a future dem voter to be a felon
Blue as fuck city, they're in no hurry.

Also report on epidemic of teacher assaults after a white kid does it (even though that's not what happened) but ignore it until then.

They never said shit about all the violence in black schools against teachers until they had an opportunity to make it look like it happened once in a white school.

They're doing the sane thing with this. They're not going to report about the epidemic of random black violence until a white youth does it which will be never.

Pittsburgh is a Republican majority. How do you think they balance out Gorriladelphia?
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>democratic mayors for the past 60 years~
>>6094140 (OP)
niggers gonna nig
>white people being in charge of being racist online

whats new?
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lol white boy u mad ur grown ass men gettin their bitch ass STOMPED by young niggas?

u mad

future is ours bitch
"Yo"...Mi boy din do nothin...Ya'll just wanna blame the black man...Ya'll is racist...Ya kno whot I'm sayin? "Ya'll unnerstan"? Just another piece of garbage roaming the streets...Disgusting, valueless, no morals and no respect for human life.....Lower than whale crap on the bottom of the ocean floor..."

>Marsha Stein-Orowetz

and they say the jews like multiculturalism
>republican majoirty

Pick 1. The rest of the counties around Pittsburgh are majority republican because they are all filled with hicks.
>>6094140 (OP)
Niggers are like dangerous animals, we need to start putting them to sleep.
>black on white violence
>whites make some mean comments
>"omg u so racis"

>white on black violence
>blacks put out 10k bounty on white man's head
>"rip trayvon <3"
He's a fucking old man.

It's our job as young men to slaughter niglets who harass our elders.

And all the districts elect Republican reps and governors, and vote Republican in presidential elections. There more registered Republicans.
it was widely perceived as white-on-black violence which is why the black panthers put out the bounty, but you're right.
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Most of the commenters are boomers, not a single poster below the age of 30.

You faggots are a dying breed.
whites are always racist against blacks online all day everyday, its nothing new that you can whites are scared pussies and are in charge of being racist online.
>people wanting to prevent racial violence against whites?

das racis
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I never get the thing where minorities laugh at modern whites for being feeble and letting them get away with literal murder.

The alternative isn't exactly something you should be mocking your betters for not going along with.
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>being racist online
>preventing violence against whites.
>getting aways with murder
never happened unless you're white.totestn tissues
Cry me a fucking river OP. As long as there are different races there will be racism. Just learn to live with it.


You wish buddy. We'll see who' the "dying breed" soon enough.
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>never happened unless you're white

Murder, rape, assault, and human trafficing.

Do a little research.
i said WANTING to prevent violence, dipshit

multiculturalism = short term pain for long-term gain
America in pain for 235 years and counting
I dont care about that.
thats whites fault for being scared of being called racist.

can you be more of a beta?
shouldnt have brought ocer them slaves non sohuld you?
>long-term gain

such as?

you know, there are plenty of races out there that don't give two shits about being multicultural--in fact, they are actively racist--and those are the people we're inviting into our countries.
how can tehy be racist when they wwant to live in the country with whites?

stupid fuck.
that was european jews manipulating north american settlers and africans. both settlers/africans had a part in it and deserve some responsibility, but it was the fault of the jews that funded the whole thing.
They gotta get their kicks somehow I suppose...I mean where else are you going to get them?
We don't know the whole story here. That white man probably looked at those black people in a way that threatened their self-esteem. That kind of psychological abuse will no longer be tolerated.
because white countries have handouts/opportunities, unlike whatever third-world shithole they came from? are you really this dense, or are you just disinfo?
if they whre racist they wouldnt want to live with
whites retard
>long term gain
HA! As seen in what example? Brazil?! Fuckwit.
>>6094140 (OP)
More and more people wake up and realize what scum niggers are everyday.
they DON'T want to live with whites. they want their own communities, their own freedoms and special protections, their own handouts and government programs...
They don't want to live with whites. That's why they have their own neighborhoods/colonies.

they take over a neighborhood and stick to their own communities and assault any white person who happens to walk through their neighborhood. god JIDF, please go
thats why they work for whites cause they are racist?

lol try again stormfucks
thats jsut bullshit.
>>6094140 (OP)
Security cameras need to not only be higher resolution, but be programmed to recognize black faces and beam light at them for better visibility.
are you serious? I don't even live in a large city and all the violent crime happens either downtown or in predominantly black neighborhoods. Mostly black on white.
I don't think so...maybe it's because they get money or something?
blacks are just as american as you, you dont belong ehre more than them so stfu.
loads of them DON'T work for whites. the businesses in the community will refuse to hire whites and are managed by non-whites. their only liasons with government involve non-white "outreach" type workers.

and they DO assault whites who enter their communities. i grew up in little india (little fucking india, for christ's sake!) and they are racist as fuck.
lol someone is behind on their archaeology...

if they work at all, it's all there goddamn Kebab shops or fucking nail salons, and they only hire from the community, and they don't clean the dises, and the speak the hackky language about the customers. they're all just a bunch of cunts
>blacks are just as american as you
Is that way they have disdain for any political process and lackadaisically pass through their lives blaming people who consider themselves to be real americans for their problems?
sure you dii, and no they workl for whites who owns all the shit in america.

so fuck off and stay racist.
the only blaming I see is from white rednecks like yourself blaming blacks for all your problems
Fuck you nigger, go ahead and riot, its almost time for evil Whitey to use the millions and millions of rounds of ammo they have stored up.
>three people telling you how dumb you are

fat person logic
you wont do shit cause you cant do shit, you redneck piece of shit, and im white you faggot.

so you're saying he should've checked his priviledge?
>three people
>is the same person.

lol racists im ashamed to be white.
>im white

how pathetic.
it is I haste being the same race as all you white racists.
>calling samefag

the last resort of someone with his head up his ass
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>>6094140 (OP)
you are a disgrace to white people.

fuck off back to your trailer you trash.
>Blaming blacks for contributing a disproportionately to violent and sexual crimes.
Oh the raythism!
I can do plenty, come over to my house and try and steal something or break in.

Come riot on my street.

I live in a state where you can defend yourself.

Fuck you nigger lover.
>middle-class household in increasingly gentrified immigrant neighbourhood
>all those fallacies
>all that mad
>all that WRONG
>all those disinfo tactics

good try bud
>ignoring white crime which is higher than black crime
whites do more crime than blacks you are just a racist redneck
derp niggerlover fucking redneck kkk bitch thinks we live in the 1800s

go fuck a horse you fucking tough guy internt touigh guy huh faggot
>lies online

pathetic beta
out of curiosity, how old are you and what kind of neighbourhood do you live in? no point in lying to us.
That flag.

Keep apologizing for stupid niggers.
I hope you get murdered by a pack of them.
I hope your whole family gets murdered by them for justice.

24 live in detroit blacks are just fine people never had problems with them
You're not white you're Jewish
You're not white you're Jewish

As the song goes.
disinfo confirmed.
and you're a pirate.
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I'm more than a tough guy on the internet.
However, it doesn't matter on an anon site.

What does matter is verifiible facts and the facts show that niggers are violent, racist, low IQ sacks of shit.
>24 live in detroit blacks are just fine people never had problems with them
Oh man, dat trollin.
>facts show

jesus christ
facts show that kkk whites like yourself are inbred fags mad at blacks for no reason.other than small dicks.

mad the white girl you ahve a crush on is fucking black dicks daily?
He probably does live in Detriot and is a nigger.
What a smart move to post all this shit with your facebook account.
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Am I supposed to be... mad or something?
im white,
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>Muh dik
facts show that you're a mad faggot, biatch!

Also, the democrats, who love their pet niggers, are the ones responsible for the KKK. Black people are just so damn stupid that a fact like that will forever escape them.
>>6094140 (OP)
>catching him with that surprise punch
Typical nigger behaving like the fucking animal it is
Even though there aren't groups of white kids walking around our cities behaving like fucking animals
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>muh dick

Yep, confirmed for nigger.
republicans are the kkk, this isnt the 1800's this is 2012 whwere republucunts like you are racist daily and suppiort white supremacy and killing of blacks.
nope im white.keep being in denial.
>Even though there aren't groups of white kids walking around our cities behaving like fucking animals
are you fucking retarded tyou fucking inbred?
Why did lynching go out of style?
of republicans and democrats, which party wants to keep blacks as slaves?
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>Republicans are the KKK

confirmed for knowing nothing about history. The Democrats are the party of slavery, KKK, lynchings, Jim Crow laws, etc. Just do 5 minutes of research and you'll see. Democrats don't give a shit about you, they never have and they never will except that now you vote for them thanks to LBJ and his plan to "HAVE THE NIGGERS VOTE DEMOCRAT FOR THE NEXT 200 YEARS".
Then you're a self hating white.
You're probably a wigger.

Thats the one thing worse than a nigger, a white that acts like a nigger.
>this is 2012
You so smart.

This IS 2012, you're right, and the KKK barely even exists.

I guess the dems suppressed their dirty history.

Not the same guy, but I've never seen a white act like that, who wasnt thoroughly jewified into wiggerdom.
the answer is democrats in case you're curious

"let's fuck over the poor people and make them think we're helping, latching them onto our tits for eternity!"

the most surprising part is it works.

repblicans do,
doesnt matter today the party of racism is republicans.
you republicans think slavery was good for blacks


republicans are kkk in disguise.

sure you havent you are just the most savage race on earth. look at your hisdtory and see how savage you are.

look at my youtube link, kkk whites are in the republicans and you want blacks dead.
He's right you cunt. Flat out denial doesn't change that.

nigga, i'm not even from america and i know more about its politics than you. suck a fat dick, disinfo kid.

The democrats redeemed themselves by supporting the civil rights movement, while the republicans strongly opposed it.

Don't you know photostration? Just zoom in and clarify it like they do on CSI dummy!
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More like
>long term pain for short term ideas
no hes not right whites do exactly the same tihngs you just dont care about it cause thye ar white.

look up how whites go around and fuck horses, look it up.
Then why are there Black republicans?

uh... slavery WAS a blessing in disguise.
Group x of African country x were taken by Group y of African country y. They were taken as slaves/indentured servants, as was the tradition in Africa from around 200ce-1800ce.
Europeans bought these slaves from group y, took them to America, and in 3 generations they were freed and given a 100x better education than what they would've gotten before.
So, yeah. Slavery WAS a blessing in disguise.
>republicans are kkk in disguise.
So republicans are kkk democrats posing as the "enemy"? Thanks for the insight, and confirming in the most retarded way possible that democrats hate niggers and fool them into voting for them.
then gtfo faggot you dont belong here
cause thye are fucking retarded, just like there are women republicans fucking retarded and brainwashed.
Not anon, but... no you.
typical racist republicunt.

why dont I take you as slave and you do whatever I tell you until you die and maybe i will realse your kids doesnt sound fun?
Eisenhower and Nixon were huge supporters of the civil rights movement. Get fucked, DNC shill.
kkk today are in the republican party we are not in the 1800's

stupid fag racst.
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>So lets get this straight - as a law enforcement officer I can tell you that this isnt just "random" this was a race issue. If the boys were white and the pedestrian black, the press would be all over this as a white on black crime. You libs can cry all you want that mine is a racist comment - but then again you guys hate facts!
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>otherwise you're going to die when the white man gets up off his lazy ass.

Bring it.
You seem so intelligent, you know that?

your opinions are a refreshing breeze of..

..no, wait. You're an idiot.
>suppirting racism
lol ll you can do huh online tough guy?
>Cuz retarded
I think our work here is done anons. Chalk up another victory.
I'm a liberal and 25% African, actually.

You have to realize that American slaves were going to be slaves ANYWAY. They were enslaved by other Africans and the Whites just bought them. They were treated better by the Europeans, as well.

Here are some fun facts you can check up:

-Who was the first person to own a slave in the US?
A) An african in the middle 1600's. He owned African slaves.
So your secret weapon is...photoshop?
you are just a stupid fag you know nothing.

doesnt amtter whites took em as slaves and oppressed them for hundreds of years go die.
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>suppirting racism
>lol ll you can do huh online tough guy?
i'm a black guy raising a family in detroit. after killing serveral including one who tried to kidnap and rape my daughter I think i'm entitled to being racist against niggers.

I'd move but we're fucking poor as all hell and these goddamn liberals don't give a fuck. they think they're playing sim city or something
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Are you a real person?
I can't imagine a troll going these lengths... ....
Um, okay.

**Europeans took Africans as slaves for roughly 500 years.

**Africans took Africans as slaves for roughly 2,000 years**

Shouldn't you be blaming Africans for slavery, then? You should also keep in mind that from 1400-1800 North African muslims would raid European shipping/trading/port towns and keep those europeans as slaves.

So, yeah. Africans are the reason slavery happened. Deal with it.
Excuse me sir... I speak Jive...
it doesnt amtter if its africans who enslave eachother, nobody has problem with that, its whwen whites did it and you oppress another race and then you complain about them when they are free.
I didn't know that. I did know that only 1% of americans owned any slaves. (source: 1860 census). Kind of a non-issue for 99%, but schools teach it like it was everybody and involved the entire country.
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A bunch of "teens", real teens, needs to start some protests. They need signs that say things like:


I'd love to see that all over the school hallways.
and the rest of you discriminated and lynched them
[citation needed]
Didn't find shit.
>if its africans who enslave eachother, nobody has problem with that, its whwen whites did it and you oppress another race

So its only 'oppression' if whites do it? What kind of messed up racism against whites is that? Why isn't it oppression if ANYONE enslaves someone else? Why isn't it oppression if the Hutu tribe kills off the Tutsis? Why are you saying its ok for the warlords in Liberia to enslave the native africans? How can this be ok with you, how can you not have a problem with slavery, oppression and death wherever it is from whomever it is? why do you only have a problem with whites?
About 1/3 of lynched people were white. Nearly 100% were criminal scum.

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source 1860 census
troll troll troll, blacks were lynched for being black and walking go die faggot.
>attack was not provoked
implying the teacher didn't enrage the youth when he flaunted his white privilege
I'd call you a troll, but that's pretty much what they teach gullible idiots nowadays.
prove him wrong.

CAPTCHA: iorsid cannot

whites enslaving blacks: so over
blacks enslaving blacks: happening

Um... where... stormchan? That's not going to make this work any better though.
This tard defending niggers can't even spell.
It's whitesareracist if I'm not mistaken.
I live near Dubois, about 3 hours north of Pittsburgh, and I hung around the Pittsburg area allot. I have to saying one thing, you guys have way less violence than a city your size should even with the niggers on the south-side. The reason is the right leaning nature of the city in comparision to other cities and the guns. Remember those faggots that came in from the west coast on the big cities during the G20 and got beat up by locals when they vandalized shit? Remember the cops that got shot with the AK, and the mayor bitched like the liberal he was but nothing was done since the constituency is not a bunch of pussies?

Vivala fucking Pittsburg, it has less crime than any other city on the East Coast of its size and doesn't fuck with guns.

And just to prove to you I'm really a local I will say the words that only a local would know "Nigger day at Kennywood".
prove me wrong
Best thing to do is keep spreading videos like this, not just on 4chan but in places where people could use an eyeopener.

The Internet and easy video is going to end up being the best friend of racists. Most people who aren't racists just aren't exposed to niggers. So help expose them, educate them, and remove their ignorance.
Sorry bud, it doesnt work that way.
if you whites do it to another rce its worse.

cause race matters you dont acer if a white kills a white but when a black does its suddenly nigger nigger nigger.

same goes for here and with whites so stfu bitch.
They lynched them in the South after slavery was abolished before that there was no lynching problem because nobody really gave a fuck about one or two niggers running around. Besides lynching happened to anybody suspected of breaking the law.
like I thought, stfu bitch
no it didnt only blacks.
llok up emet till and see how they trated blacks that time around not too long ago actually you racist fucks,
>Entertaining role-playing trolls
All black people are actually feces, cast out of monkey molds.

Prove me wrong rayyyyyyyyyycissssssssss
>black kid attacks teacher
OBAMAS FAULT! that is the basic idea of the comments
>How they treat blacks
They deserved it :D
That's an interesting point. It has seemed to me that at least the instances of black mobs overtaking stores and stealing merchandise has increased since Obama became president. That's just an informal perception. I don't have any statistics on it.
>llok up emet till and see how they trated blacks

I think the negro is trying to communicate. It must be difficult conveying your speech in English rather than the guttural clicks and grunts of your ancestors.
But why. WHY is it worse if whites do it?
Isn't everyone supposed to be equal? Isn't that what we're working for?
Especially since black on black slavery and oppression is still going on in Africa, one tribe and people enslaving and killing another. This is not happening with whites today, only blacks doing it to other black populations. In Africa, we know that there are different black peoples. The Hutus, The Tutsis, the Twa, etc. Why is it OK with you if they enslave each other, and kill each other?
All the suffering and oppression, and it is ok with you, just because its not whites doing it??

(not white here, mixed. Really trying to get my head around why someone can fit 'equality' and 'fuck whitey' in the same limited brainspan.)
This is the product of public schools and an anti-racist agenda.
black people are 12% US population

yet, they commit 50% of the homicides


1/3 of people lynched were white


Many people were lynched because they committed crimes.
Also there was all kinds of vigilante justice going back to colonial days, like tar and feather for example, that had nothing to do with race. Thats just how they handled shit.
Did the retarded librul leave or can he not deal with the facts?
no they dontw hites do.
3/3 of people lynched were black you inbred fuck.

being lynched by other whites doesnt matter, did blacks lync them?

no so stfu
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>arguing with an obvious and persistent troll
c'mon. ya'll better than this.
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>3/3 of people lynched were black

You're denying the facts just to argue at this point, aren't you?
its not dernying its actual facts ok
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>>6094140 (OP)
The only solution is to stay away from niggers.

Thats why niggers live in trashed out, broke cities, the Whites moved away.

Only poor Whites that can't afford to move live close to niggers.
Only the small percentage of blacks who did well in school, live in White middle class neighborhoods.
They don't want to live close to niggers either.

Its NOT the way you look niggers, its the way you act.
You're full of shit.

Show me a source for that claim.
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Okay, go to the Tuskegee Institute and tell them they're wrong and you're right. Do that, come back to /pol/ and tell us what they say. Until then, we're done here.

We knew what we were in from the get go, it's just fun to argue, and good practice since this idiot troll actually represents a real-life demographic of fools.
I was just there and they said I was right.
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Always with the excuses.
Everyone and everything is to blame, except the negro.

After 50 years on desegregation and welfare to help blacks,
they're worse than ever.
Always with the excuses.
Everyone and everything is to blame, except the whitey.

U.S. census 2010 has Chicago's main racial demographics percentages at 31.7% white, 32.4% black, 28.9% hispanic and 7% asian.

The Chicago Police Departments 2009 annual report lists Homicide racial percentages as: 75% black, 21.8% hispanic, 2.8% white and negligable for asians.

For Rape: 68% black, 25.3% hispanic, 5.7% white and 0.8% asian.

Robbery: 85.2% black, 10.8% hispanic, 3.6% white and 0.3% asian.

Aggravated assault: 68% black, 23.8% hispanic, 6.7% white and 1% asian.

So, basically, if niggers and latinos were removed from chicago, the crime rate would drop by over 90%
Let me drop some black wisdom on you:

"Why you gotta be bringin up old shit?"
Its because Whites be rayciss.
Not because nigger have low intelligence and moral values.
ITT, shit tier trolling.

Is it summer holidays again?
im ready for the war, when does it begin
its mainly the gangs...they need to go...

Yeah, the gangs of niggers and spics. Remove the entire demographics and things improve immensely. Niggers are shit tier, hispanics I have some hope for, but they need to sort their shit out
dont you get it, niggers form gangs wherever they go. they are a tribal people, and will always form small tribes to attack weaker individuals...
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>>6094140 (OP)
If Whites were doing this kind of crap.
other Whites would be condemning it.

Where are the blacks who are condemning this type of behavior?

Oh I'm sure some are, but I mean on a national level.
Why has Obama, or Holder, or Jesse Jackson, or Sharpton, or whomever,
condemned these racists attacks?

Is it because they're afraid to admit its racist and the black community has major problems?
Thanks for reminding me why I'll never visit Chicago. Third coast sucks balls.
I only see 1 comment.

Post your name and address if you're not some scared racist faggot acting tough on the internet.

You know what really doesn't make the news?

When I see "Soldier arrested for child molestation" or "Couple arrested for Meth Lab" in the news, strangely absent are the mugshots of those individuals.
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A hero emerged, but "he unkel tom."


>enslave a group of people
>they gain freedom after civil war
>operate in an unequal system designed to work against them
>blame it on them that they get put in prison by racist laws and conditions
>only recently gain "equal rights"
>system still unfair
>continue to blame them for it

Wow. Just wow.
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