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12/10/11(Sat)07:04 No.609214 File1323518660.png-(358 KB, 1365x323, sexistbf.png)
 >18, no money for college
>be female >spread
your legs and think of Utah for 30 minutes while 4 niggers pound every
orifice, you are not psychologically traumatized because you were
probably a cum dripping slut at this point anyway thanks to years of
indoctrination by MTV, but lord help any man who has a one night stand
with you after you've had a few drinks because that means he's a rapist >earn $5000 >go to a good university, get a degree >guaranteed
6 figure income, set for life, feminists force businesses to promote
you to executive positions for no reason other than there are no females
in executive positions >if you get pregnant, no problem, maternity leave, child support >can't be bothered to work at all? marry rich guy, divorce, get half his money he worked 20 years for
>be male >flip burgers for the rest of your life poorfag
we males are privileged chauvinists and aren't giving back enough. What
else should we sacrifice? I think we should vote to have male votes
count only as two thirds of a vote, that way women can be more
empowered. |