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Britain has finally grown a pair of balls, albeit shrivelled and useless balls because they had to go via the European Courts, and have extradited Abu Hamza to the States to face terrorism charges!!

He's your fucking problem now!!

not a problem. He'll fall down a flight of stairs with handcuffs on, first night in a real prision.
>oh what's that? He hit is widdle head? So sorry.
>Funeral, nope. Burried at sea, yep.

Out with the old trash
>>6017879 (OP)
>New York
He dead


I see what you did there
Why is that guy still alive? Why hasn't he been killed yet by an "islamist religious rival"?

That would raise my opinion of America a massive amount.
Holy shit.
Is this real?
Liberals, eat shit. Ha ha ha ha ha fuckers. This piece of shit deserves everything he has coming.

Yeah, those libs are always on here defending this guy
we did it via the European Courts cause that is how we are LEGALLY required to do it broski;
>>6017879 (OP)
>UK manages to catch a terrorist
>spends 8 years trying to figure out what to do with him
>eventually decides to just ship him off to America since they seem to know what to do
>1 day later
>UK asks what they did with terrorist
>"what terrorist?" is the official line
>Meanwhile, in Guantanamo Bay, Cuba...
>"Hey Mohammed, what are your buddies gonna bomb next?"
>I dunno lol
>Jim, get the waterboarding towel
>>UK manages to catch a terrorist

Haven't followed this story much have you?
"Hey Mohammed, what are your buddies gonna bomb next?"
>I dunno lol
>Jim, get the waterboarding towel

omg some enemy of white culture is going to get water boarded by some kikes.

guess what nobody cares
for someone who hates the west sure didnt seem to want to leave.
Only because Abu was mean to our precious jews.
>Implying it doesn't happen all the time.
but muh rights
>>6017879 (OP)
About fucking time.

What is it with Britain coddling immigrant criminals anyway?!

It's the European Convention in Human Rights, imposed on us by Brussels and completely un-contestable by UK Courts.

The same law that says that a foreign criminal cannot be deported back to his own country because he would miss his cat, or because not defiling his retarded white girlfriend is a fundamental breach of his human rights.
Seriously, fuck Europe. Britain would be much better off if we completely forgot Europe.
*on Human Rights*

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>Britain has finally grown a pair of balls, albeit shrivelled and useless balls

Obviously it's always going to be a challenge living up to the example of rugged masculinity set by the right-wing element on /pol/.
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>Prime Minister David Cameron:"I'm delighted on this occasion we've managed to send this person off to a country where he will face justice."

Even the prime minister knows his country is to much of a pussy to deal with these fuckers.

If you understood the facts of the issue better you'd realise you were saying Cameron's still a fairy-arsed nancy boy even in comparison with fucking Tony Blair.
ear ooevah can save briten for decent folk? as a typicle brittish persen I pray the cahntry will cahm to its sensis and voet UKIP. nigel farige is so sexy (no homo) and viriel (no homo)
Since he isn't charged with any crimes here and since Oregon is not part of the UK, could you please fucking explain how "his country" is meant to "deal with these fuckers"?
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The empire just isn't what it used to be.

we're too polite to do this stuff out in the open.

Have fun with him

>even in comparison with fucking Tony Blair.
Despite pretending to be a sopping wet liberal, Blair was an authoritarian warmongering fuck who was extremely relaxed with torture.
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We will rise again!
this guy looks like he has aidscancerflu
Please waterboard him America.

I would like other forms of torture, but they may leave marks.
What did he do?

I don't know the backstory.
he called someone a trick ass mark
dam niggah the boyz in the us gonna whoop him fo dat fo sho

nuh uh nigga i dint do nuffin
He has been a central figure of fundamentalist Islam in the UK for decades. He praised the 9/11 attacks (before we all knew that was an inside job) and the 7/7 attacks (ditto). He was the main nigger.. sorry, Mullah at the Finsbury Park Mosque where the 'shoe bomber' went to get brainwashed.
He's also the poster boy for illegal immigration. He has no right to be here other than his 'work' at the Mosques. He has a large family, non of whom work. He collects (collected. Hah!) thousands of pounds of British taxpayers money to support his bastard brood and numerous other family members and even though everyone in the UK wanted him to be dragged into the street and shot, we couldn't do anything with him because it would 'violate his human rights'. Boo - fucking - Hoo. The fuckhead should have met a messy and painful but completely accidental... mishap... years ago and if MI5 had approached anyone in the country to do it, they would have jumped at the chance.

Now we have to deport Omar Bakri and Anjem Choudary and we might have a bit of peace for a while. It would be a lot easier if they, ahem, met with inexplicable accidents though. Not that I would ever condone such a thing.
Do they not have freedom of speech or something over there? If shit like that happened in America people would be absolutely outraged.
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dat based harry
Kebab who aren't citizens shouldn't get all those rights.
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>>6017879 (OP)
>Does whatever the failed states tells them like a good little bitch
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>What is it with Britain coddling immigrant criminals anyway?!

Damned if I know
>Those pesky human rights getting the way of my authority.
Fuck off to Clapistan then mate, you'll have a great time.

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