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    File : 1323266909.png-(347 KB, 937x338, TIME Magazine -- Europe Edition -- Dec 5(...).png)
    347 KB Anonymous 12/07/11(Wed)09:08 No.568342  
    National Defense Authorization Act, FEMA camps, SOPA, now complete censorship
    >> Anonymous 12/07/11(Wed)09:09 No.568348
    >> Anonymous 12/07/11(Wed)09:09 No.568351
    Anxiety is good for you!

    Thank god for the media then! Gives me so much good health!
    >> Anonymous 12/07/11(Wed)09:10 No.568356
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    Also if it were complete censorship the article wouldn't have been in the US edition. That cover had brown people on it. It wouldn't have sold as well.
    >> Anonymous 12/07/11(Wed)09:10 No.568357
    holy fuck

    what the fuck
    >> Anonymous 12/07/11(Wed)09:15 No.568380
    i saw here a pic where it collects all censored TIME covers, like 10-15 of them, anybody have it?
    >> Anonymous 12/07/11(Wed)09:16 No.568394
    sticky this thread.
    >> Anonymous 12/07/11(Wed)09:18 No.568409
    Guys, guys, CHINA is the evil one!

    China censors their people!

    China is police state!

    China evil!

    Ignore that the US is passing police state laws, has more raw numbers of prisoners than China (a country with 5x the US population), and any other country in the world. We also have the highest ratio of prisoners to free people (obviously, since we have more prisoners than China).

    China is a repressive shithole, but it's hilarious how we seem to be becoming more like them everyday.

    I guess the government likes the idea of having that kind of control lol
    >> Anonymous 12/07/11(Wed)09:22 No.568450
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    Here it is
    >> Anonymous 12/07/11(Wed)09:25 No.568484
    Does anyone not get it?

    There is a huge effort to make people stupid. It's so they can be easily managed. Who does not get that?
    >> Anonymous 12/07/11(Wed)09:27 No.568498
    I think most of us do

    it's the average dude on the street who does not, and that's enough
    >> Anonymous 12/07/11(Wed)09:27 No.568500
    >US edition covers display topics relevant to US readers
    >> Anonymous 12/07/11(Wed)09:30 No.568526
    you mean
    >us edition covers display the most unimportant things in the world to make murrikans even more stupid
    >> Anonymous 12/07/11(Wed)09:34 No.568552
    No, I mean
    >Americans are, as a rule, much more concerned about internal affairs than most other nationalities
    >Time magazine knows this, and plays into that interest to sell more magazines

    Also it's the only issue directly marketed to a single country.
    >> Anonymous 12/07/11(Wed)09:34 No.568556

    You realize the articles are the same, just the covers are different right? (besides minor article differences)
    >> Anonymous 12/07/11(Wed)09:37 No.568574
    >reading magazines
    >> Anonymous 12/07/11(Wed)09:38 No.568578

    Sounds like an excuse China would make.

    Our media is censored, blatantly, and it's because only five or six people own our media, so the government only had to bribe just them.
    >> Anonymous 12/07/11(Wed)09:38 No.568582
    >paying for corporate propaganda and yellow journalism

    this is the same media complex that peddles garbage like reality tv stars are amongst the most influential people of the year
    >> Anonymous 12/07/11(Wed)09:40 No.568591
    Your media is censored because it sells you the same articles with a different cover?
    Cry me a river.
    >> Anonymous 12/07/11(Wed)09:42 No.568607

    Yes, that's both censorship AND psyops, actually.

    "Anxiety is good for you."
    "Revolution Redux."
    >> Anonymous 12/07/11(Wed)09:42 No.568608
    WAIT a second. Time is a good magazine, and they cover some good topics.

    If they had different articles for the US, then you have cause to be concerned. But they don't.
    They have different covers in the states and world wise because of what sells better on newstands. That's all. No big deal, nothing to see here.
    >> Anonymous 12/07/11(Wed)09:43 No.568614

    > Revolution Redux

    > Anxiety is Good for You.

    Are you defending this because you are from China?
    >> Anonymous 12/07/11(Wed)09:43 No.568616
    So they're censoring without actually withholding information in any way?
    Get the fuck out.
    >> Anonymous 12/07/11(Wed)09:43 No.568618
    The covers have more influence than the entire content of the magazine.
    >> Anonymous 12/07/11(Wed)09:44 No.568626
    No it isn't you fucking idiot.
    >> Anonymous 12/07/11(Wed)09:44 No.568628
    Only to the illiterate.
    >> Anonymous 12/07/11(Wed)09:46 No.568640

    95% of people are dumbfucks
    >> Anonymous 12/07/11(Wed)09:46 No.568643
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    I'm not defending it, all I'm saying is

    Don't just a book by it's cover

    >> Anonymous 12/07/11(Wed)09:46 No.568645
    You're making my point for me.
    >> Anonymous 12/07/11(Wed)09:47 No.568653
    You're complaining that you can't absorb all the information in a magazine from just looking at the cover, but you actually have to read it.
    You're fucking retarded.
    >> Anonymous 12/07/11(Wed)09:47 No.568655

    and 98 % of statistics are made up on the spot by even dumber fucks.

    You're awful condecending if you think you're so much smarter than 95 % of the people
    >> Anonymous 12/07/11(Wed)09:48 No.568659
    No, to everyone. The cover is what everyone looks at first. It summaries the content inside.

    Just like how I summarize you're a worthless faggot by what you typed.
    >> Anonymous 12/07/11(Wed)09:49 No.568667
    When you point a finger, you have three pointing back at you. Rarely is this metaphor as apt as it is shown to be with your post.
    >> Anonymous 12/07/11(Wed)09:49 No.568669
    No, that's not what a cover is for. A cover is supposed to draw your eye so you pick up the magazine and look at the table of contents (which summarizes the content).
    >> Anonymous 12/07/11(Wed)09:50 No.568680
    >You're complaining that you can't absorb all the information in a magazine from just looking at the cover, but you actually have to read it.

    That's not what I'm saying. At all.

    >You're fucking retarded.
    Yes. Yes you are.
    >> Anonymous 12/07/11(Wed)09:51 No.568681

    >> Anonymous 12/07/11(Wed)09:51 No.568683
    in my country, yes i am

    only 7% of all people are college graduates in my country, and of those 7% half is just "study hard to gain reputation and moniez, knowledge is not important" type of people. so i can say, yes i am smarter (or at least more informed about the world)
    >> Anonymous 12/07/11(Wed)09:52 No.568692
    >> Anonymous 12/07/11(Wed)09:53 No.568693
    This isn't a new development. It's been this way for ages.

    Happens in Europe for some headlines too. All the issues have the same content anyway.
    >> Anonymous 12/07/11(Wed)09:53 No.568696
    >being a college grad makes you smarter/more informed
    Oh look, a teenager.
    You're claiming changing a cover picture equals censorship. That is only true if you believe the cover picture to be where all the information is contained.

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