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    File : 1323235783.jpg-(49 KB, 568x352, PearlHarbor[1][1].jpg)
    49 KB Pearl Harbor Anonymous 12/07/11(Wed)00:29 No.564740  
    Today is December 7th - the anniversary of a day that will live in infamy.

    I propose a worldwide boycott of all things Japanese. Don't watch any anime and don't visit any of the Japanese 4chan boards. We must honor the memories of those who died 70 years ago today.
    >> Anonymous 12/07/11(Wed)00:30 No.564746
    60 million dead at Pearl Harbor

    nevar forget!
    >> Anonymous 12/07/11(Wed)00:30 No.564747
    >> Anonymous 12/07/11(Wed)00:30 No.564750
    brb - fapping to asian porn
    >> Anonymous 12/07/11(Wed)00:31 No.564761
    It's funny, thinking about it. 9/11 will soon just be another date on the calender. Nobody gives a shit abut 12/7 and haven't in fifty years.
    >> Anonymous 12/07/11(Wed)00:33 No.564771
    Japan is a pretty good ally of the US now and I happen to have a lot of Japanese friends so I'll pass. But thanks OP.
    >> Anonymous 12/07/11(Wed)00:33 No.564775
    >implying people should care about 9/11
    You now realize that the common cold kills ten times more people each year than terrorism has killed in all of history.
    >> Anonymous 12/07/11(Wed)00:34 No.564791
    You know what? Considering the long history of military savageness that is human warfare the bombing of pearl harbor WASN'T THAT BAD and furthermore was a pretty justifiable act of war considering the stage of the world war and the positions America had already taken assisting the Chinese nationals against the Japanese.
    >> Anonymous 12/07/11(Wed)00:36 No.564803

    not sure if jap or weeaboo
    >> Anonymous 12/07/11(Wed)00:36 No.564808
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    My grandfather was in the Navy and survived Pearl Harbor.

    The truth about Pearl Harbor is FDR wanted to get the US into WWII, but the war was unpopular with the American people. Something else FDR enjoyed was freezing and stealing Japanese assets in the US. He did this over and over again. The American intelligence agencies had already cracked the Japanese codes of the time, and knew that the Japanese were going to bomb Pearl Harbor on December 7th. FDR knew this too, and decided to do nothing, welcoming Pearl Harbor as the American ticket into the war.

    We should not only mourn this day for those who died, but for the terrible deception of our own government.
    >> Anonymous 12/07/11(Wed)00:37 No.564813
    maybe i just studied history for five minutes in high school
    >> Anonymous 12/07/11(Wed)00:43 No.564870
    bitch please, the US did everything they could to push Japan into war.

    they wanted a "justified" reason to enter the war, to gather popular approval for it.

    Prior to Pearl Harbor, the US citizens didn't give two fucks about WW2.
    >> konakona !MpEqQLgus2 12/07/11(Wed)00:44 No.564876
    Pearl Habour was an inside job.

    No, in all seriousness, they purposefully parked all their ships in one place where they knew Jap spies were likely around. This was all done so that they could have the moral high ground when going to war with Japan, and thus rally the population while entering WWII with little to no public objection.

    There is a plethora of evidence showing that the Yanks knew about the coming attack and did nothing to stop it on purpose. Kinda reminds you of something else that happened recently, doesn't it?
    >> Anonymous 12/07/11(Wed)00:46 No.564899
    yeah but they were in a position to win the war, had a vested interest in being part of the winning side AND they got to test out their nuclear toys in the field on a large scale. so it was a good thing right
    >> Anonymous 12/07/11(Wed)00:46 No.564900
    >best military in the world
    >no intercept aircraft on alert near the east coast

    yea, i'm pretty sure our military and government is just retarded.
    >> Anonymous 12/07/11(Wed)00:49 No.564913
    >implying the US government didn't withhold information to cause Pearl Harbor so America could join the war and take part in the shape the world in the aftermath
    >> Anonymous 12/07/11(Wed)00:49 No.564916
    You know, Hirohito TRIED to apologize to MacArthur for that...
    >> Anonymous 12/07/11(Wed)00:50 No.564927
    >Implying I ever gave a shit about 9/11
    >> Anonymous 12/07/11(Wed)00:50 No.564931
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    Good, that means more anime for me.
    >> Anonymous 12/07/11(Wed)00:51 No.564939
    can i watch porn of american dudes fuckin jap bitches?

    it's an artistic interpretation of what we did to japan, with human bodies acting it out yo. all made better than that shitty assail michael bay fim.
    >> Anonymous 12/07/11(Wed)00:53 No.564954
    Japan is our bro
    >> Anonymous 12/07/11(Wed)00:54 No.564959
    But they STILL haven't apologized for Pearl Harbor. Until they do that, I can't give a shit about them.
    >> Anonymous 12/07/11(Wed)00:57 No.564979

    they kinda lost their will to do so after two nukes.

    it happens to the best of us.
    >> Anonymous 12/07/11(Wed)01:00 No.564996
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    >mfw the emperor of japan during ww2 didn't retire until 1989
    >> Anonymous 12/07/11(Wed)01:04 No.565026
    If anything, that should have been MOTIVATION for them to apologize.
    >> Anonymous 12/07/11(Wed)01:07 No.565045
    i just got done playing pokemon whats up?
    Japan is a pretty good ally to the united states and pearl harbor is nothing compared to the atomic bombs or nanking so im fine with it
    >> Anonymous 12/07/11(Wed)01:20 No.565126
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    >nothing compared to the atomic bombs or nanking so im fine with it
    Dude, Nanking was Japanese slaughtering Chinese.
    >> Anonymous 12/07/11(Wed)01:21 No.565134
    don't forget the actual rape, too.
    >> Anonymous 12/07/11(Wed)02:03 No.565521
    I think the US turning their cities to ash, killing millions of their people and occupying their country for years and forcibly converting them into an ally makes up for it.
    >> Anonymous 12/07/11(Wed)02:27 No.565705
    America has done worse on every day of the year to civilian targets. Should I boycott America 24/7 too?
    >> N·ANTONIVS·R·F·T·N·P !!SCnO8AXXVfs 12/07/11(Wed)02:30 No.565729
    Hey, guys, what was the Fat Man again?

    I forgot.
    I'm stumped.
    >> Anonymous 12/07/11(Wed)02:30 No.565735
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    Veteran: "Hey Daniel, what are you doing?"

    Daniel: "Konnichiwa grandpa! I'm watching a new anime, it's awsome."

    Veteran: "Oh, right. Not playing any of those Jap games today?"

    Daniel: "Grandpa, don't call them "Japs"! It's racist, the proper term is "Nipponese", or "Nihonjin". And no, I just got this DVD

    today, I ordered it online."

    Veteran: "I'm 'racist'? I fought those bastards tooth and nail to make sure there was a future for kids like you, and now you're

    wasting money on Jap cartoons and games just to listen to that annoying language?"

    Daniel: "Grandad, don't be a baka alright? I like the culture because it's so deep and varied, and I can appreciate its beauty."

    Veteran: "I was born in this country, and so were your father and yourself. Can't you take a little pride in your own culture and

    race, for a change?"

    Daniel: "Please! America has no culture or history, all we do is throw atom bombs on other people for no reason."

    Veteran: "Fine.. If that's how you feel, I am going to go lay down a while. I suddenly feel very tired. Goodnight, Daniel."

    Daniel: "Yeah whatever grandpa."
    >> Anonymous 12/07/11(Wed)02:32 No.565746
    Someones just askin for a cruise missile from Uncle Sam....
    >> Anonymous 12/07/11(Wed)02:32 No.565752
    >there are actually people like this
    I... Domestic terrorism is going to increase dramatically, very soon.
    >> Anonymous 12/07/11(Wed)02:34 No.565770
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    >> Strelnikov !TXwGaUHWDw 12/07/11(Wed)02:34 No.565772
    Damn, and my grandad was a WWII vet who taught me to hate nips, gooks, jews, niggers, and eye-talians, you know, when he wasn't helping me build go karts, or teaching me how to shoot.

    I feel bad for vets with shitty children and grandchildren
    >> FAGGATRON_3000 !!PEF7BVl3fW0 12/07/11(Wed)02:34 No.565774
    It's PERRU HARBRU day, why are we not trolling /a/ with /sp/?
    >> Anonymous 12/07/11(Wed)02:36 No.565782
    Japan = Pure, proud, cultural, noble nation
    USA = Disgusting mongrel colony with no culture and no dignity

    I'm American and I support Japan :)
    >> Anonymous 12/07/11(Wed)02:39 No.565809
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    Japan selflessly fought against the Western imperialists for the freedom of all Asian peoples, and brought order to a China tormented by the despotism of mafia-like warlords. But the U.S. greedily saw this as a threat to business interests in China, and gave huge sums of aid and military support to said warlords. Japan was forced to make war with the U.S., already a de facto belligerent by proxy.

    The Japanese soldiers fought with unparalleled valor, yet always chivalrously, always fairly. The U.S., on the other hand, fought with scornful negligence of the principles of just and legitimate warfare, massacring hundreds of thousands of innocent Japanese civilians in a ruthless campaign of terror bombings and, most atrociously, deploying the atomic bombs over Hiroshima and Nagasaki, a barbaric form of warfare alien to the very spirit of Japanese culture and morality.

    Perhaps the sad truth is that the world is to malicious a place for a country like Japan. If she would only have condescended to the same filthy kind of warfare that the Americans and the Chinese waged, it is possible, even likely, that she would have prevailed.

    In the light of history, Japan is the greatest victim of World War II.
    >> N·ANTONIVS·R·F·T·N·P !!SCnO8AXXVfs 12/07/11(Wed)02:43 No.565833
    Please kill yourself
    >> Anonymous 12/07/11(Wed)02:44 No.565838
    Yesterday, Dec. 7, 1941 - a date which will live in infamy - the United States of America was suddenly and deliberately attacked by naval and air forces of the Empire of Japan.

    The United States was at peace with that nation and, at the solicitation of Japan, was still in conversation with the government and its emperor looking toward the maintenance of peace in the Pacific.

    Indeed, one hour after Japanese air squadrons had commenced bombing in Oahu, the Japanese ambassador to the United States and his colleagues delivered to the Secretary of State a formal reply to a recent American message. While this reply stated that it seemed useless to continue the existing diplomatic negotiations, it contained no threat or hint of war or armed attack.

    It will be recorded that the distance of Hawaii from Japan makes it obvious that the attack was deliberately planned many days or even weeks ago. During the intervening time, the Japanese government has deliberately sought to deceive the United States by false statements and expressions of hope for continued peace.

    The attack yesterday on the Hawaiian islands has caused severe damage to American naval and military forces. Very many American lives have been lost. In addition, American ships have been reported torpedoed on the high seas between San Francisco and Honolulu.
    >> Anonymous 12/07/11(Wed)02:54 No.565921
    >Americunt attacking a weeaboo

    This is like a nigger stealing from a kike.
    Nobody wins.
    >> N·ANTONIVS·R·F·T·N·P !!SCnO8AXXVfs 12/07/11(Wed)02:57 No.565942
    >Someone decides to fuckall
    >I tell him to die
    >Someone else gets mad

    Mad getting mad over mad?
    >> Anonymous 12/07/11(Wed)03:02 No.565974
    >The Japanese soldiers fought with unparalleled valor, yet always chivalrously, always fairly.

    someone doesn't know history.

    Rape of Nanking = ruining japanese rep forever.
    >> Anonymous 12/07/11(Wed)08:21 No.568068
    >> Anonymous 12/07/11(Wed)08:26 No.568101
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    It's hypocrite. Attack on Perl Harbor never happened.
    Stop this lies.
    >> Anonymous 12/07/11(Wed)08:26 No.568112
    卐卐卐 KKK 1488! LULZ.

    If the USA allied with Nazi Germany, we take down Japan and the Soviets.

    World WHITE Empire. Ein Volk Rausen Reich.
    >> Anonymous 12/07/11(Wed)08:30 No.568124
    Why are Americans so uppity about pearl harbour?

    You don't see the British splurging all over facebook "GERMANY DESERVED IT REMEMBAR THE BLITZ!!111!" or the Australians yapping "JAPAN DESERVED IT REMEMBAR DARWIN!"!231"
    >> Anonymous 12/07/11(Wed)08:33 No.568142
    >butthurt tripfag samefags in order to bump a dead thread
    >no one cares he still mad
    >> Anonymous 12/07/11(Wed)08:33 No.568143
    Cause, it was a sneaky attack by the japs. The British started WWII.
    >> (ノ´_ゝ`)ノ !MoeMoe/nYc 12/07/11(Wed)08:36 No.568164
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    Americans are butthurt because they could barely win against superior Japanese technology.

    Die like the vermin you are, degenerate American scum.
    >> Anonymous 12/07/11(Wed)08:44 No.568198
    >Using anime
    >trying to prove a point

    Donald duck must be REAL!
    >> (ノ´_ゝ`)ノ !MoeMoe/nYc 12/07/11(Wed)08:46 No.568216
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    The Kongou class is real, you uneducated Amerifat.
    >> Kinkygal466 12/07/11(Wed)08:47 No.568218
    Oh I will hurt ur butthole so hard 1 (586) 553 0040
    >> Anonymous 12/07/11(Wed)08:47 No.568220

    >The British started WWII.

    Yeah sorry, I know honouring alliances is such a terrible thing to do, amirite?
    >> Anonymous 12/07/11(Wed)08:49 No.568227
    Okay? It's a cartoon, it doesn't prove them being killed like that at all. I'm also not an American, I'm a Dane, grandpa was in the SS, remember those guys that got all your gook women wet? Yeah. I don't hate the Japanese, but I do hate December 7th. Keep trying, weeaboo.
    >> Anonymous 12/07/11(Wed)08:50 No.568231
    Hitler honoured his alliances and declared war on America. So what's your point? The British should have declared war on the USSR if you wanna use your logic, because the USSR also invaded Poland.
    >> Anonymous 12/07/11(Wed)08:54 No.568254
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    I'll pass, going to keep doing what I was planning to do, jack off to some jap porn.
    >> Anonymous 12/07/11(Wed)08:57 No.568270
    >mfw emperor of japan is a symoblic role and doesn't have the real powers.
    >> Anonymous 12/07/11(Wed)08:57 No.568274
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    >Pearl Harbor Conspiracy

    Reposting video that implicates a british spy ring in the US government along with Churchill. FDR was the target, not the mastermind.

    Something interesting : British Security Coordination Spy Ring in the U.S. prior to Pearl Harbor

    >The secret persuaders

    >It was 1940, the Nazis were in the ascendant, the Blitz at its deadliest, and Britain's last hope was to bring a reluctant United States into the war. So it was that the largest covert operation in UK history was launched. William Boyd sheds light on a forgotten spy ring
    >> Anonymous 12/07/11(Wed)08:57 No.568277
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    Let the butthurt flow through you.
    >> Anonymous 12/07/11(Wed)08:58 No.568281

    Onæy fucktards does those things anyway
    >> Anonymous 12/07/11(Wed)09:09 No.568349
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    but I don't live in Britain.
    >> Anonymous 12/07/11(Wed)09:15 No.568378

    >> Anonymous 12/07/11(Wed)09:16 No.568391
    >> Anonymous 12/07/11(Wed)09:21 No.568440
    Surprise attack on american ships that kills 2000
    Bombed japanese civilian cities with atomic bombs that kill 200,000
    >They deserved it
    >> Dirtyliberal !!B2lzpC/FbQP 12/07/11(Wed)09:22 No.568441
    >Nuke a country
    >Hurr there taekng ur freedomz durr!!!
    >> Anonymous 12/07/11(Wed)09:23 No.568458
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    >on /pol/
    >> Anonymous 12/07/11(Wed)09:25 No.568477
    And god knows the Japanese don't do anything offensive, ever.
    >> Anonymous 12/07/11(Wed)09:29 No.568522

    wealth and admiration buys no power?
    >> Anonymous 12/07/11(Wed)09:36 No.568571
    America started WW2. Jewish propaganda called for an invasion, because the poor Jews were suffering under Hitler's no-parasite system.

    Maybe Jewish. Maybe just a false flag thing using Jews.

    The Japs intercepted the american invasion fleet. A fleet which was getting ready to invade Japan in a sneak attack.

    It's no surprise americans call Pearl Harbour terrorism and the firebombing, atom bombs etc etc military operations. That's just what they're like. Rotten to the core.
    >> Anonymous 12/07/11(Wed)09:58 No.568730
    America didn't perhaps start WW2 but they were doing a lot of damage before they officially joined.

    Such as working with the Nazis.

    Hearst published how great the Nazis were while Bush sr. sr. helped sell weapons to them.

    But be happy for WW2 as Britain was planning an attack on the US up until the Nazis invaded Poland.
    >> Anonymous 12/07/11(Wed)10:11 No.568822
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    Almost as an article of faith, some individuals believe that conspiracies are either kooky fantasies or unimportant aberrations. To be sure, wacko conspiracy theories do exist. There are people who believe that the United States has been invaded by a secret United Nations army equipped with black helicopters, or that the country is secretly controlled by Jews or gays or feminists or black nationalists or communists or extraterrestrial aliens. But it does not logically follow that all conspiracies are imaginary.

    Conspiracy is a legitimate concept in law: the collusion of two or more people pursuing illegal means to effect some illegal or immoral end. People go to jail for committing conspiratorial acts. Conspiracies are a matter of public record, and some are of real political significance. The Watergate break-in was a conspiracy, as was the Watergate cover-up, which led to Nixon's downfall. Iran-contra was a conspiracy of immense scope, much of it still uncovered. The savings and loan scandal was described by the Justice Department as "a thousand conspiracies of fraud, theft, and bribery," the greatest financial crime in history.
    >> Anonymous 12/07/11(Wed)10:16 No.568860
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    >WWII starts
    >America does nothing
    >Attack on its base
    >Finally start, years late

    Meanwhile in peace loving Canada...
    >> Anonymous 12/07/11(Wed)10:18 No.568879
    Rape of Nanjing isn't taught in Japanese schools to this day.

    The US ended Japan's blood frenzy in the best possible way.

    After the fact the US wrote Japan's constitution and rebuilt its economy.

    Today we are extremely strong allies with common aims and very few disagreements.
    >> Anonymous 12/07/11(Wed)10:20 No.568900
    You mean Russia did and Japan surrendered to America because it suddenly faced an enemy it couldn't defeat.

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