12/06/11(Tue)16:49 No. 559720 File1323208181.png -(134 KB, 800x1154, 1323115450513.png ) >>559651 >You're born gay (possibly.) You become a juggalo because your friends are juggalos. Nobody is born a juggalo. So?>Parents have a responsibility to keep you away from harmful groups. Gays are not a harmful group. What
is a "harmful group" is generally a matter of opinion and perception,
outside of concrete action. While some groups have unsavory elements,
that's just certain representatives. Parents don't like gay people, so they define gay people as harmful. ("NOT COOL, DUDE! NOT COOL!") You don't like juggalos, so you define them as harmful. ("But you see, that's different. Because I'm -right-.")>Juggalos, or any other gang, however, stand for a lifestyle of crime. You are so darling and sheltered, girlfriend.>There is a difference between WHO YOU ARE and WHO YOU ASSOCIATE WITH. I
think what you mean is "It's okay to make other people suppress their
individual identity until they move out. It's not okay to make me do it.
Let me justify why." See, really, what it comes down to is that
you only care about yourself, and other members of your group by
association. You don't think parents kicking their children out of the
house is wrong, you think parents kicking their GAY TRANSGENDER NON-CIS
kids out of the house is wrong. Anyone else getting kicked out is just
horning in on your angst and discrimination cred, so fuck them. Fuck
them to Hell. (Which exists so that people you don't like can go there,
but God doesn't because he's an asshole.) Get over yourself. You're not even going to turn into your parents someday... you already are them.