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>watched Downfall
>still don't understand why Nazi Germany lost the war

Where did they fuck up? They seemed unstoppable...
Fought the slavs during winter
Good movie

That young blonde chick drafted in Berlin is hot as all fuck
Logistics. The Allies had access to more resources and a greater population than the Axis did.
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>>5434206 (OP)

>pick a fight with UK, USSR, and the USA at the same time

>hurr whyd we lose?
Ran out of manpower
Both the nazi regime and the soviet union were financed by internationalist business interests who controlled and still control the economies and therefore the nations of Europe and America. The Germans were always meant to lose. They were meant to becomes the boogeyman for the rest of the world to Crush, to further the interests of the illuminatist business interests.

After the war these same interests continued to finance the Soviets for the entirety of the cold war. The cold war and WWII were part of the largest, longest running fraud ever perpetrated.
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I don't see why they were hostile towards Germany.
Adolf promised many great things.
He didn't stop digging his own grave and the grave of Germany. His mistake of inviting the USA to come kick his ass may have saved the German people from total anihilation under Soviet rule.
tin foil detected
They fucked up in Africa. Hitler should have listened to his Generals but he decided to make unreasonable demands on his men. Had Germany not been pushed out of Africa, the Allies would never have made it onto the European mainland.

Also Russia. Germany should never have fucked with Russia. I don't know what the fuck Hitler was thinking, but he was never going to be able to get his hands on the Soviet oil-fields.
agree and bump.
> His mistake of inviting the USA to come kick his ass

Nah sorry. The USA was giving non-neutral aid to the UK, breaching the international laws at the time. The USA was not dragged into WWII it went in of its own will
Hitler wasn't very wise and micromanaged the war, biggest mistake was involving the Soviet Union, which was a sleeping giant until he back stabbed it. Also the organization of Nazi war machine was fucked up. Things were much more organized, logistics more streamlined with the Allies.
It's fun to muse about "well what if he said fuck you to Mussolini and invaded USSR in may" and shit but the truth is that the war against the USSR was doomed from the start; Hitler's top generals were struck with disbelief when he unveiled Barbarossa, but in no position to argue either after France.

Let's just be thankful that dictators are as stupid as they are crazy.
>>5434206 (OP)
Not listening to Field Marshals Advice's
Women ware not allowed to work at Factory's for maximum output production to compliment war machine
Sending the SS to suicide missions instead of letting them accompany the wehrmacht for massive morale boost and combat experience put together
Sending the Panzer battalions to fields of Caucasus instead of letting the accompany the 6th Army to Stalingrad/Moscow
Sending troops to mussolini to help his shit tier army
Getting betrayed by Finland
Not placing Das Reich at Normandy beaches
Not Invading UK when it was a dead horse
>>5434206 (OP)
They invaded russia....bad move.
I disagree. Polls after Pearl Harbor still showed little public support for a war in Europe, even with FDR's consistent meddling to trigger the contrary. Hitler declaring war was a mistake, we were content to let the Russians and Germans chew eachother up until we mauled Japan. His declaration gave FDR the excuse he was looking for, he no longer needed the public support.
>biggest mistake was involving the Soviet Union, which was a sleeping giant until he back stabbed it

Nah Stalin was going to invade in 6 months either way.

The whole doctrine of Blitzkrieg rests on swift decisive victories. After he got bogged down in Africa and Russia it was over. Should have negotiated a truce then and reorganized
Hitler was soft towards the whites and wanted to micromanage all military affairs.

>not invading Great Britain
>diverting troops to Stalingrad instead of pushing to Moscow (hur dur Baku oilfields and capturing Stalin's namesake)
>not retreating forces from Africa
>telling his generals and field marshals that they know nothing and he does

Oh, and he was a drug addict in the later part of his life. Had he been of sound mind and let his military handle business, the Cold War would have been a struggle between Fascism and Democracy. Communism would be regarded as a plight on human history and the Russians would be shamed.
>invading the UK
That would have just brought a quicker end to the war. It would have been a quagmire on a scale 20 times that of Vietnam.
>Nah Stalin was going to invade in 6 months either way.


Um no sorry. There is no agree/disagree here. By international law at the time providing non-neutral help means you entered the war and were a legitimate target

I know its just a wiki but you got a lot of source in there if you wana dig for yourself
The truth is, Hitler changed his mind. He realized that he was wrong about race. So he gave up his command to someone else for the rest of the war which led to a lost.
A Soviet invasion of Germany would not have gone well for Stalin. The conscripts would not have been nearly as motivated to fight and without the serious national drive to fight the Nazis, I don't think the Soviets would have been able to reach the same levels of production and advancement. IMO The Germans would have been able to hold off the Russians, but that also assumes they were able to hold Africa, which they didn't because of Hitlers unwillingness to listen to reason.
I don't think you understand anything about WWII. Taking the oil fields was the only way to truly knock Russia out of the war. If you take Moscow, they'll just do what they did to Napolean - burn it and let you starve. Stalin and the entire Politburo had already retreated to Omsk to continue the fight from behind the Urals.

If you take the Oil Fields of Baku, you starve the Russians of the fuel needed to run the Tanks that eventually crushed Germany. The problem was trying to take Stalingrad instead of encircling it and bypassing it.
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ad hominem detected
>Not Invading UK when it was a dead horse

They tried and failed at step 1 (gaining air supremacy).
They would of failed even if the RAF had been defeated due to the woefully inadequate "landing craft" they planned to use.
Well if you refuse to listen then I have no reason to listen to you either. Have a great day.
They should have simply starved the UK out. If they had not built an expensive airforce, those funds could have been diverted into building more u-boats and maintaining naval superiority.
i thought they did try to invade the UK with the huge plane attacks? if they invaded earlier with their armies do you think they would have took over the UK?

also hands up whos read "The Forgotten Soldier"? my fave book

Yeah sorry. But this is really not a thing to debate about. Providing non-neutral aid at the time meant you join the war on one side. That was the international law at the time. Really no reason to debate about it
>Germany should never have fucked with Russia. I don't know what the fuck Hitler was thinking,
Stalin was going to war against Germany. Russia was getting money and supplies from the Allies to hit Germany from the east. Hitler wanted the Soviet oil fields to keep the Russians in Russia. Also Italy was sharing the oil fields of Africa and was a questionable ally.
Always easy to armchair quarterback the day after the game.
>starved the UK out.
The UK could sustain itself through agriculture and the Germans never had naval superiority.
If they didn't build that expensive airforce the Germans would have been stopped way before the channel because Blitzkrieg was dependant on overwhelming support from the air.
>Invading UK

Listen son. there are a few countries in the world you never want to invade by land
>USA now.
>China since ever.
>russia for about half of the year

Proposing a land invasion of any of these countries should be grounds for execution for high treason, because you obviously want your men to die.
Never stood a chance. Damned if you do, damned if you dont.

dont start war : russia industrializes and kicks your ass in 1945 or so. taking over europe.

start war and dont attack russia : russia bides its time and attacks you while you are weak, taking over europe.

Attack only russia : need access through poland. This is what Germany actually tried to do, but England / France intervened like douches.
Actually, Invading Russa at any time is stupid. They'll wait you out until winter hits.
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>invading UK is suicide!

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>believes in illuminati
>not retarded
pick one
It's simple really - Hitler either killed off/arrested/ or pissed off all his top military generals.
RAF At first ware the only thing that UK had, I remember watching documentary on BBC where this soldier talked about how they used to evacuate entire citys/villages just on the smallest notion that the Germans mite be coming and they have placed soldiers with machine guns in fields separated from each other my one mile perimeter. So English had no war machine of their own at the time until American supply's started coming in, germans would have steam rolled UK but I highly doubt how would have hold it

Now son the Freemasons and Illuminati do exist

Now how much control they have is up for debate
To be fair the English had to basically run the length of the country after deafening the Vikings up North just to get to the battle.
Seems inconclusive. Not sure what to think regarding that.

You pretty much cant hold any country after 1959 if you don't geoncide the whole population
>how they used to evacuate entire citys/villages just on the smallest notion that the Germans mite be coming

What utter rubbish, you're probably getting mixed up with the evacuation of children from likely targets.

>So English had no war machine of their own
Again absolute twaddle, although the American and Canadian supplies helped immensely.
USA is at the other side of the continent so invading them is out of the question, China could easily be invaded just as Japanese steam rolled them, Invading of UK would simply be a matter of precise strikes and carefully deploying your war machine there after that they would simply have nowhere to go and you would steam roll them because they simply could not support a war on their land, Vietnam and Afghans could be invaded if you would simply kill everyone one on sight and stop all the Partisan and so on movements, Russia could be invaded with the capture of Moscow after the troublesome political chain of command would fall and so would the rest of the country since business man are in charge of the natural supply's which they would most like chose to sell to opposing side.
Invading any first world nation is suicide this day and age. The reason poeple like Alexander the Great took over the world is because they killed every motherfucker in sight. /with rules of engagment and what not its almost impossible to really invade a nation now.

Invading places now is like trying to be romantic and sweet while raping a girl.
this post & nothing else answers OP.

imo, brits never should have invaded germany. hitler wanted to share the world with uk

>mfw look at uk now. mfw i have no face
you have a point i remember hearing Hitler actually liked and respected the british people and he didnt want to attack, not sure why he did though if anyone can answer that?
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>Hitler wanted to share the world with UK
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>International Law.
>Ever being relevant.
lol wot
>nigga hasnt even read mein kampf

Britain and France attacked Germany first. Hitler defended himself. Hitler tried multiple times to appease Winston Churchill. But Churchill was a dick.
>Nurmburg trials
>not based on ad hoc international law

[spoiler]But yeah I know its all a big joke[/spoiler]
Hitler spread his troops too far.
He didn't have to invade Poland.
Hitler could have destroyed the RAF but decided to go after city targets instead, and the RAF escaped by the skin of their teeth.

He stop research and development or weapons in the early 40s because he was cocky, then the allied weapons were better and they had to restart with 3 years lost of engineering.

Russia in the winter

Wouldn't let the woman build anything in germany/poland

Ran out of fuel but still commanded his people into battle with no tanks- BoTB

He was cocky and arrogant, the germans were vastly superior in almost every way, but poor leadership and lack of supplies near the end cost them victory.
>He stop research and development or weapons in the early 40s
Am I being trolled here?
True. But were the Millions of deaths from our western forefathers worth saving Poland??

...and we didn't save Poland anyway. Our victory over Hitler gave the Soviets control of Poland.

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