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MSNBC pundit calls for filmmaker to be arrested and charged with accessory to murder over the embassy killings. Calls on justice department to sort it out.

Liberals bending over for islam, yet again.


The muslims are obviously not to blame for their own actions, other people are. So arrest those other people before it happens again.

Liberals live in a world of non-accountability.
>muh nonviolent religion
>>5434154 (OP)
Why did the US go after OBL, again? He did not fly any planes, did he?
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>people want to arrest someone for inciting widespread violence

>Liberals live in a world of non-accountability.
Liberal here. 500 Neutron-warhead equipped Nuclear Weapons over the middle east; we move in next week.

Yes, how dare he make a movie.
Yeah, fuck freedom of speech/expression and all that other bullshit that the country was founded on!

Reddit type liberals make me sick.
>b-b-b-but you guy, he made a movie which hurt our feelings, we just HAD to kill somebody. You understand, right? It's that dastardly filmmaker, yes, he made us do it!
Go shout "fire" in a crowded theater or mall and see how far you get by claiming you were just exercising your freedom of speech.

Inciting violence.... Might aswell just accept sharia law and be finished with all this shit. The person who killed the embassy staff is to blame, not some guy a thousand miles away who made a shitty video.
what was the movie about? Oh yeah, insulting islamd and muhammed. Why did you leave that out the point?
>Hate crimes are bad! Unless it is hate on Muslims.

>Inciting violence is bad! Unless you are inciting Muslims.
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>"fire" in a crowded theater

So where were these people when artists were rolling out stuff like "Piss Christ" for decades?
>watch movie
>kill infidel
Yip, that's the shit right there. Muslim logic.

So you would have backed christians killing the artist who created piss christ?
Not the same at all you faggot.
so if a muslim ever came to /pol/ they would kill even more people?
does it work like that?
>b-b-but they should just accept their beliefs being insulted like the beta white christians
Who cares?
>>5434154 (OP)
that's like saying that a general of an army is not to blame for the actions of his soldiers

welcome to the real world.

....What the hell are you even talking about? He made a goddamned movie. I don't care if people make movies about white straight Christians being the devil. It's called freedom
I knew this would happen... as soon as I heard about the maker of the movie, I knew liberals or mudslimes would want the makes of the movie to be persecuted.
>you have to understand Muslims aren't people, they can't control themselves, they're like animals that will lash out at anyone

and /pol/ would be to blame.
So then you'd accept us killing all of the people who insult Christianity, right?
>they're are people in this world that actually think like this
>On April 17, 2011, a print of Piss Christ was vandalized "beyond repair" by Christian protesters while on display during the Je crois aux miracles (I believe in miracles) exhibition at the Collection Lambert, a contemporary art museum in Avignon, France.
Serrano's photo The Church was similarly vandalized in the attack.

Would I support them? No. Would I be mad at them for doing that? No.
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So a guy making a video somewhere has somehow ordered the embassy staff to be killed?
*be blamed
>Man rapes woman
>"I'll beat your whore mouth if you tell the police i raped you"
>Woman tells police
>Gets her face beaten
>Muslim logic: It's the woman's fault she was beaten, she incited him to violence
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Keep em coming feelfags.
>that's like saying that a general of an army is not to blame for the actions of his soldiers

It's actually not like that at all.
Everyone involved in investigated the american deaths
He made the movie to provoke people. He said so himself. This is exactly what he wanted, what he planned for, what he got.

Why did the US want to get OBL? Because he flew planes into buildings? Or because he encouraged others to do so?
Liberals want to arrest people for thought crimes?

You don't say.
you do realize that you can be against the people committing the violence and against the one inciting the violence too, right? right...
Exactly, Christfags are too beta to attack.

Liberals agree as they too are at the mercy of their emotions.
You have to be trolling right now.
That didn't answer my question.

Vandalizing a crucifix in a jar is clearly the exact same thing as flipping the fuck out and killing people with mob violence.

2/10, I replied.
In this country it's actually illegal to purposely incite people into violence. This is exactly what he did. Why are you all for a jew being allowed to break the law and not be punished for it?
Of course you don't care, Moishe.
>The 14-minute film trailer has been been available on Youtube since 1 July.

>It was then picked up by some Arab TV stations and talk shows.

>Egyptian religious al-Nas TV's Sheikh Khalid Abdallah included a few scenes from the trailer, dubbed into Arabic, on his talk show. A clip from the talk show including scenes from the trailer posted online has been viewed 300,000 times.

source: http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-africa-19572912

EVERYONE needs to know this. it wasn't the filmmaker inciting violence, it was the host of that talk show.

i'm sure most of you are against the fags that claim video games demoralises children and makes them want to go out and kill. it's the ones that are ill and unable to distinguish the fairy tales from reality that do it, not anyone else. it isn't the maker of the video game's fault, nor the child in that specific case. it's the illness. and in this case, their fanatical belief in a magical man that wants them to blow themselves up and convert the world to islam.
>It's called freedom

That doesn't exist in the middle east
which is where the attacks took place
I know this is hard for your mind to comprehend because you are used to people freely attacking religion safely.

So if you offend me and my feelings somehow, I am justified in killing you, and you are aprtly to blame?
>>5434154 (OP)
>liberals bending over for islam

but when Obama didn't support Israel and Zionist bullshit the first time around, every reptard got butthurt about him bending over for Islam.

There will be one of two ways in the world:
>bending over for islam
>bending over for israel

Choose wisely
ITT: JIDF doing what it does best. defending a fellow jew

They attacked a US embassy, didn't they? That's US soil.
The intent is the same behind both actions: to incite chaos.

Saying that he didn't know that this would cause an uproar doesn't float either. Everyone knows damn well how the Muslims bitch and whine and chimp out when we say anything bad about their prophet. This fucker made a movie with the intent to piss off Muslims, and an American died because of it.

If you defend this kike, you're putting thousands of Americans working in the Middle East at risk. I hate Muslims just as much as anyone else, and I hope those fuckers who killed the Embassy staff get shot, but we don't have any control over that. They're out of our reach, unfortunately.
But we can prosecute the fucker who was responsible for this shit in the first place. And we should do just that.

So the level of discourse must always take into account the inherent violent tendencies of the subject and the law should be moulded accordingly?
>>5434154 (OP)

> arrested and charged with accessory to murder
>accessory to murder

Because accessory means actually responsible right? right?

you dumbshits contradict your own statements again.
No, but if you incite violence, and people act on your provocation, then they are at fault, and you are at fault.

Or do you think the movie he made, which he himself said was made with the purpose to incite and provoke, was a good idea?
That's pretty nuts. Why should the guy be prosecuted? It's not his fault that people can't control themselves.
muslims wouldn't hate us so much if we didn't bend over for israel
if we had chosen neither 40 years ago I don't think any of this would be happening, and we would be a wealthier nation

I still don;t see that the host is to blame either. The person who did the killing is to blame, no fucker else.

The movie was made in America dipshit.

But you offended me, and I have no control over my emotions, therefore you are to blame for what I did.
Yeah, he may be an idiot but it isn't his fault that Muslims are aggressive idiots.
So you think OBL is innocent?
he's not really, but if anyone should be blamed for inciting violence it should be the host that made an entire show about it, and coincidentally aired it a couple of days before this all happened.
How did I offend you and how were your feelings hurt? Please give me an example, try not to purposely give an example that is set up to fail to prove your point.
>muh right to speech
>muh nonviolent religion

The fuckers who did it and the asshole who made the movie are both dipshits. But unless you're gonna start arguing over freedom of speech, it IS kinda fucking stupid that they can just decide that butthurt gives them the right to attack our embassy, seeing as he's not even an American citizen.

Fuck Islamic radicals, fuck the continent of Africa, and fuck troublemaking Jews.

So the muslims are protected under hate speech laws based solely on their chimpout capabilities, criticism of christians is allowed as they rarely kill when jesus is depicted in an unsavory way.

Gotcha, fucking feelfags.
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OK libs lets make a deal you can arrest the filmmakers.

"But" we get to arrest Jon Stewart, Bill Maher and others who insult our traditions and beliefs.

It's only fear.

That is not being realistic. You kick a wasp nest, you get stung. Do not want to get stung? Do not provoke the wasps. The people who stormed the embassies are at fault, and so is the Israeli film-maker, and the people who gave him $5 million to make his film.
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>>5434154 (OP)
Don't worry, as soon as everyone finds out the film maker is Jewish, all this talk will disappear.

I wish I was trolling.

I never said it was, my point was that Muslims actually get angry when their beliefs are attacked while Christians for the most part don't do anything
It's how western culture is, if Christians in the west attacked people who insult Christ, this thread wouldn't exist as no one would be surprised what the muslims did in Libya/Egypt.
This is literally the worst straw man I've ever seen. Osama funded, planned, and condoned the attack. The guy who made this film made it to upset Muslims, not to kill the Ambassador in Libya.

OBL was the leader of the organisation that trained the bombers... he didn't just make videos in his cave.
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Liberal Democrat here. Fuck that shithead preacher but for many different reasons. Mike Barnicle is a moron, regardless of how stupid the other asshole is the people who set fire to that embassy are to blame and them alone.Fuck the middle east, let's move towards alternative energy sources already so we can just nuke these 12th century sand people and never look back, never need to support Israel while they suckle on the American military's teat, and never again have to deal with the shithole religion that is Islam. Our energy policy is our foreign policy, let's sort it out already for fuck's sake.
Everyone should be free to live without being ridiculed and provoked.
>animal instinct
>no higher thought
>no moral capacity
Yip, insulting a muslim is actually exactly like kicking a wasp nest. Kicking it is stupid, not evil.
It pissed me the fuck off when Obama and the DNC passed that change of platform to side with Zionism. It was like the last thing outside of civil rights I still agreed with the Dems on, and the Repubs will forever be MURRIKAJESUS for Israel. Why the fuck can't we keep our nose out of favoritism?

Do not provoke the wasps, what a cowardly piece of shit outlook that is. You should tell the police not to arrest violent criminals as they might get angry and kill innocents with stray bullets.

Then why are atheists allowed to roam free?
He is actually American citizen

The movie maker is an Israeli-American citizen living in California right now.
Jews funded this movie, and an Israeli jew planned and condoned and distributed it.
>your rights end where my feelings begin
/pol/ confirmed for not know the law


The jew incited the muslims. muslims acted in response to the provocation through loss of control.

Both parties are guilty
Does Bill Maher rustle your jimmies because he realizes modern Republicant social policies are archaic?
Fuck the filmmaker and your sore jimz
>your life ends where my Muslim feelings begin
>muh religion of peace
>make movie/book that insults Jebus and western civilization
Artistic work of the year!

>make anything that insults anyone else
You bigot you deserve prison!
ITT: retards

You can't arrest the motherfucker for making a movie. That sets an absolute horrible precedent for human rights in general. Does that mean we have to go back throughout history and arrest every filmmaker who made anything remotely edgy?

By that logic it means we need to arrest Christopher Nolan because the Dark Knight incited that dude in Colorado to shoot up a movie theater.

TL;DR, go fuck yourselves. Land of the free dickwads.
Americans have freedom of speech. The Arabs have freedom of action. I don't see what the problem is.
No, no, no! The fault lies solely with Islam and Muslims! There was no provocation or incitement, and if there was, then MUH FREEDOM OF SPEECH! Let's not bring the LAW into this! There shouldn't be any consequences to your actions if you are an Israeli-Jew!
Them Libyans are damn stupid, attacking a US embassy on 9/11, I'm bracing for America to go SSJ3

did i get you mad little dem
>they want restrictions on freedom of speech
>inb4 holocaust laws
>inb4 mandatory cis-privilege checking laws
Enjoy your dictatorship, libtards.
>Incitement was an offence under the common law of England and Wales.


Obama is the president, he is the leadership equivalent of Yamcha.
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Why not grind all the weaklings into a fine power for the European/Chink/Jap only Machine God?
Hey, that's how western society works, don't blame me that it's hip to be a self-hating atheist.
This is what happens when the smart city people are killed off, leaving behind the bewildered hicks.

We're dealing with thier descendants now.
Ha, not at all. I don't see what's wrong with Bill Maher and Jon Stewart. I get the 'bias' but what you don't seem to get is that not all liberals have a bleeding heart. There's some shit that's common sense, and then there's GOP social policy. Have fun with your 18th century school of thought.
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>mfw that little green fuck blew himself up and killed him the first time in DBZ
Barnicle best apologize for this bullshit

then again it's MNSBC, where a lesbian goes on tv to defend muh feelings of muslims


you know I hate liberals more every day

From provocation, it's a possible defense of the muslims who attacked the embassy. However, didn't the anon who posted that the Arabic News show incited muslims to attack the embassy prove that it was premeditated attack, and therefore not grounds to defend their behavior, since provocation requires a temporary loss of restraint?

For incitement, I would think not. There is precedent in courts that a person who is being insulted or goaded has the responsibility of restraint. At most, what he could do is insult back.
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He's been disappointing, like Radditz.
The faggots doing inciting were the muslim clerics that took this video and spread it around to piss off muslims. They did the EXACT SAME THING with the danish cartoons
>They did the EXACT SAME THING with the danish cartoons
Shhh... you might actually remind some people that this isn't the first time or the last that innocent people will die for criticizing Islam.
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>Bill Maher
>whiny vegetarian faggot that pushes a political agenda that values happiness, sensation, and feelings over personal profit, survival, and propagation of the bloodline

>Jon Stewart

>common sense

Really. Stewart has just gotten a little old but used to be funny, he's just starting to exhaust his material. Maher has always been a bleeding heart pussy.

Thank you. It would mean that the muslims clerics were guilty of incitement, since they willingly provoked and pressured a populace into murder.

I don't think the Jew in question is guilty. He pissed muslims off, sure, but they need to have the goddamn restraint not to go around murdering people.
Freedom of speech doesn't exist in the middle east, and you sure as shit don't insult islam or muhammed in the middle east.

I don't know why this is so hard for you guys to understand, if muslims in america attacked then you'd be able to claim freedom of speech as a valid reason for how horrible this was.
Yes its ironic considering Islam is a religion of peace.

US embassy is American soil.
I never said anything like that. Libya barely has a functioning government, what the fuck do you expect is going to happen there? If this was in America or anywhere else with a stable government, the Mudslimes would be arrested immediately.

Fucking JIDF in charge of reading comprehension.
eh you arrest the people who incited the muslims to commit violence in reaction to this film. not the makers of the film.

Except the movie was not made in Libya. Whether or not Libya has freedom of speech or not is completely irrelevant.
Read what I wrote, it wasn't criticism of Islam that killed those people, it's Immams stirring shit up intentionally.
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D'awwwwww! What's wrong? Is someone butthurt that he has wasted a whole morning trying to brainwash a bunch of rubes on the Internet? Is someone so frustrated that he has to resort to capslocks in a desperate attempt to get his point across?
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Fucking liberals.
>trying to kill someone - consequence: they attack back
>"insulting" you with a random movie you can choose to ignore - consequence: attack an embassy
I'm sure that makes sense in your eye.
Nobody in Libya would know about either the movie or the cartoons if the Imams didn't translate them to arabic and spread lies about it.
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>I CAN BREAK THE LAW WHEN IT COMES TO MUSLIMS! If anyone says I shouldn't, I say "religion of peace".
>innocent people will die for criticizing islam

Fuck that. I hate religion to begin with, but seriously, check your Muslim priviledge at the door
muhammad ordered the killing of anyone who made fun of him.
arrest muhammad.
>"You can insult anything but Islam and his pedophile prophet!"

Muslim logic. How can one religion can be so far up it's own ass is amazing.
I've got no problem with the film being made, but rather how this guy went out of his way to stoke the flames.

I still think people shouldn't be intimidated by the threats the Islamist kooks make, but it doesn't help when you intentionally poke the bear
you are now aware that the UN tried to outlaw insulting muhamed
Fuck liberals, the media and Obama
>but it doesn't help when you intentionally poke the bea

and there lies the point
Muslims are Humans not irrational animals and the left needs to stop excusing their behavior
who incited violence?
unless you think just calling Muslims out on their shit is an all out invitation for Muslims to go apeshit?
He didn't stoke the flames, it was islamic clerics that spread the film to stir shit up
Humans experience anger too. Unless you think that Muslims are not allowed to have emotions.
>Movie critical of your religion
It's only inciting violence and hatred if you choose to respond with violence and hatred.

>Some countries in Africa, the Pacific, and Latin America have begun switching from supporting to abstaining, or from abstaining to opposing.

Yep, the whole world is waking up to just how violent and stupid Islam is.
Who created the movie with the express purpose of provoking people?

I can get angry without attacking embassies and killing diplomats.
Not everyone turns the other cheek. Some people slap back.
why is it ever "inciting violence" to criticize a religion?
why is Islam the only religion it is "inciting violence" to criticize

by this liberal cockfag's logic If someone kills an a christian Dawkins and Bill Maher are responsible

if someone kills a jew the southpark guys are responsible
Muslims didn't kill that

Yep, and the irony is that the people who are perpetuating the violence are leading Islam to it's own destruction.
They are barbarians, plain and simple. The are morally and culturally inferior to us, at least those of us with liberal and secular persuasions. They will gradually civilize if enough capital reaches their countries (not to mention those in the west, who will quickly become westernized), but for now, every motion to build a mosque in traditionally non-Islamic countries should be denied and all motions to introduce sharia courts for Muslims refused.

I also have to add that one of my closest friends is an atheist Syrian Arab from a Moslem cultural background, who would certainly agree with me.

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