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Ok /pol/, just saw the "press daily review" segment on a news program. In one of the newspapers I saw a brief reference about the elections taking place in Netherlands (today I believe) and it looks like that a Pro-European Right Wing party is a major candidate to winning.

Can anyone from the Netherlands or aware on the situation bring more info forth? is it happening guyse?
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Whoa, seriously? Second this.
Dutchbros, report in.

We need all the information we can get.
>>5428509 (OP)
OP, you might wanna check out /int/ as well.
They may have some Dutchbro's garunteed online.
>implying the dutch labour wont win this

nothing is happening and if it would people wouldn't do shit about it

Don't think I'll lay a foot in there. Just did a search and it looks like the outcome will be a "pro-European centre-right coalition".

Kind of disappointed. But still, I would like some /pol/ dutch to aware us.
What about Geert? Any word?

He will be 3rd or 4th from what I've seen.
A while ago on /int/:


Thanks for the heads up! Will take a look.
Dutchbro here, I'll try to explain the current situation:

We have a total of 21 political parties but there are about 7 important ones that I will describe here shortly:

VVD (Capitalist, for personal and economic freedom, small government)
PvdA (Social Democrat, pro-immigrant, higher taxes for the rich, also pro-EU)
SP (Socialist, kind of like the PvdA but way more socialist and less pro-EU)
PVV (Geert Wilders' party, Anti-immigrant, for personal freedoms on most points, small government, very anti-EU, want to quit the Euro)
D66 ("Democrats", very pro-EU, don't really know their other points)
CDA (Christian, center party, probably halfway between the VVD and PvdA for most issues)
GL (Green, environmentalist, socialist, pro-immigrant)
Christenunie (Christian but a bit more Socialist than CDA)

The party leaders now have all cast their votes it seems.

Thanks for taking your time posting this.

Can you tell me what is the expected outcome?

Now the latest polls:

VVD 35
PvdA 35
SP 20
PVV 17
CDA 12
D66 11
Christenunie 6
GL 4

In the past 2 weeks the PvdA has climbed a lot from 18 to 35 seats, but I don't really believe this is real. On national TV the PvdA has been in the spotlight the most, expecially at the expense of the SP, and most polls and media are biased toward the PvdA, I think they hope to get people to vote for the PvdA by releasing these polls.
PVV sounds good.

Good luck dutchbros I hope you don't vote in the nigger lovers.
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Different Dutchfag here. The Social Democrats (PvdA) and the Economic Liberals/ Conservatives (VVD) are going to be the big winners. The question is, who is going to deliver the new PM? This is why I voted for the rightwing VVD.

No left wing goverment under my watch.
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The PVV are (although anti Islam and anti Immigration) puppets for their zionist overlords.
cont again (this could be a long story and it is my personal analysis, so it is not necessarily true)

To understand these polls one must look at the previous election when the PVV had 18 seats in the polls, and 24 in the real elections.
The total number of seats in the Dutch parliament is 150 by the way, and a number of parties need to have at least 76 seats to form a coalition.

Another thing that could be important for your understanding of the policies of the different parties, /pol/, is that I just checked the Dutch subreddit and exactly as I expected almost everyone supports D66 and a few GL and PvdA.


They are actually against the kosher (and halal) slaughter of animals, which made 2 Jews leave the party and write a book with bad things about Wilders.

The PVV is pro-Israel though, and a lot of people in Holland have more trouble with muslims than with Jews.

Well shit. I guess you guys over there like dem immigration.

oh thats right liberals can only simply conject.
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From leftist to Right our most important parties simply put

Enviromental activists

Socialistische Partij, the major hype of the moment, absolute pigdisgrace leader.

Partij van de Arbeid, Immigrants, and merely because they are "Arbeid" in their name alot of elder working class folk blindly vote them although they have spit on their own roots more then any other party.

Democraten '66, Centrist, barely anyone knows their standpoints as all they say is hurr this is bad hurr that is bad, but never bring a solution.

Christen Unie, Shit tier Christians.

Christen-Democratisch Appèl, Mainstream christian party, becoming more centrist by the day while their folk is jumping ship at rapid rates.

Staatkundig Gereformeerde Partij, Protestant conservatives, they don't get national funding because they don't allow women in the party.

Volkspartij voor Vrijheid en Democratie, very capitalist, been the main leader the past years, a reliable party.

Partij voor de Vrijheid, Nationalistic, with both interesting very right and very socialist stands. Mainly known for Wilders and anti-Islam.

The only logical choice is the PVV


I've voted for the PVV myself because they're the only party that stands up against the growing power of the non-democratic EU.
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Here is your proof.



Pic related, it's their party headquarters.
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The PVV doesn't get national funding because it doesn't want to say where they get their money from, so there is rumor going that they get it from the Mossad.

Alot of "Neo-Nazis" unrightfully spit on the thought of the PVV as they only see the Jew-Muslim conflict.

True National Socialists see that we must preserve a Christian identity and that neither Jew or Muslim should be welcome here.
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>True National Socialists see that we must preserve a Christian identity and that neither Jew or Muslim should be welcome here.

> True National Socialist
> Preserve Christian Identity

Nigger what?

Pic related
>Groenlinks most leftist
You couldn't be more wrong. Actually even the PVV is probably more leftist than Groenlinks. PVV likes to pretend to be a right wing party, but that's only on social issues. On economical issues they're probably left wing. In the meantime, Groenlinks has economical views that belong to a centre party like D66 and CDA. Both PVDA and SP are more left wing. Groenlinks are only a leftist party by name anymore.


This is probably a better description of the parties than mine.
The only thing that's wrong is that the CDA voters aren't jumping ship, they're dying.

And before anyone goes "PVV sosilism bad hurrr": The only socialist stands of the PVV are on affordable healthcare and care for the elderly if I'm correct, for the rest they are quite economically right wing.
>not a Jewish belief system/ideology

Pick one.
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I'm sorry then, I have never put any process of thought in Groenlinks.

National Socialism is a secular political ideology, so it could be implemented in any area with it's corresponding religion.
What I meant was Dutch National Socialism, and as our fundamentals are based upon Christianity and more specifically Protestant that is what we should treasure.
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>neither Jew or Muslim should be welcome here
pic related
Remember that first RTL4 debate where Samson was decided to be the 'best' debater as decided by an internet poll? He got well over 50% of the votes, while Roemer only got a couple percent, definitely stuffed. Roemer isn't a great debater, but he's not that bad.

This along with all the pushing PvdA received on NOS, to the point of them saying it was VVD fault for them not entering into a coalition last time around instead of Cohen's stubbornness makes it really obvious it's a lot of bullshit.

Dutch National Socialism is based on the "Dietsche Volksgemeenschap" thought. Not based on religion in any way.
Yes that's what I'm saying.

Yes that's when I first thought something was kind of fishy with the sudden succes of the PvdA, I think it was all planned a couple of weeks ago when they saw the real polls were in favor of the SP.
What does it say in normal language? I don't speak moonbabble.

That moonbabble is my native tongue you swine.


This is a picture, like I wished it to be forever.
Then I would have a chance to go to Hollywood.

Anne Frank, 10 oct 1942
This is a picture, as I would wish to be.
Then I would have had a chance to go to Hollywood.
Anne Frank.
Yeah, it is kinda reminding me of the last elections where Cohen got a similar boost but not this obviously done. Lets hope we don't get stuck with an terrible purple cabinet this time.
I miss Fortuyn ;_;

Wilders is out of the game. I'm thinking he's installed by some kind of lobby to make the right look bad and the left look better. He's basically a clown now.

I'm hoping for a VVD + D66 with some christian groups (so long as they keep bullshit morality out of the policies)

SP and/or PvdA should not come into power.
We do actually know they get funding from the American Israel lobby though.
There's actually an English translation in the picture itself.

Picture is of Anne Frank. Even you must have heard of her story.
>is it happening guyse?

It's never gonna fucking happen....
No. Who is she? I'm American. I don't know anything about Poorfag history.
>Om 21.00 uur, meteen na het sluiten van de stembussen, verschijnt de eerste voorlopige prognose.

You guys can vote until 21:00?!?
It was hilarious to see them throw a hissyfit when they heard about how Wilders opposed Kosher and Halal animal slaughter.

Wilders should have stayed in the VVD, while I admire some of his standpoints, he's too much of a populist to make it happen.
You can't?
>Who is she? I'm American.
Wow. This is ignorant.
She was a Jewish girl that was hidden when the Nazis invaded the Netherlands. But in the end she and her family got caught and they died in a concentration camp. Her diary survived and her story is compulsory material in about every school in Europe.
8:00 - 18:00, always on sundays.
That's fine with me, I'm always voting as soon as they open anyway.
>Her diary survived and her story is compulsory material in about every school in Europe.
It's really not though.
That must be crazy inconvenient for work
OK, can you name an exception?
I'm not doubting you, I'm just curious.
>Her diary survived and her story is compulsory material in about every school in Europe.

Seriously? You read some bullshit diarrhea of Anne Spank? No wonder your country is a shithole.

Enjoy sucking all that jew cock
for those who can read:
>8:00 - 18:00, always on sundays.
>always on sundays
It's not compulsory in the UK. It's not compulsory in Ireland. It's not compulsory in Spain, Italy, Portugal, Denmark, Norway, Sweden, Finland, Poland, Czech Republic, etc, etc, etc.

I don't even know if it's compulsory in Holland.

(This is the bit where you start arguing about what "compulsory" means."
The Netherlands.

Hey wait a minute, you claimed that it was compulsory, how about you prove that first?
It's not even compulsory here either or something must have changed in the schooling system since I went through it aside from the fact that kids these days only have to read one or two random books instead of a dozen.
>This is the bit where you start arguing about what "compulsory" means."
OK, here I go:
The School makes sure that every student knows the story. Not read the whole thing, but you must have heard the name and know what happened to her.

They have these plans here what every pupil has to know, like reading, writing, addition, and having heard of Anne Frank is part of it.

> On economical issues they're probably left wing.

I've heard this before, but what's the evidence, beyond wanting to preserve old people's pensions?
Also dutch here. Let me fix that for you.

VVD, neo-liberals. Against personal and economic freedom. Unless you're rich, then they will allow everything. Wants the EU to become federal Europe, much like the USA is a federation of states. Uses tax money to fund villas and other expensive houses. Current party leader just flat out lies if the truth isn't convenient.

PvdA, former left-wing party, now mostly center. Loves immigrants, loves taxing everything, loves the EU. Has a vocal leader that did well in debates.

SP, classic socialists. Not much to say about that. Never got a chance to rule, probably going to just be ignored after the election because they're anti-EU

PVV, like the VVD, except extremist nationalist, so anti-EU and anti-immigrants. Going to be completely ignored because of the anti-EU stance and perceived instability.

D66, "We love Europe, fuck the people"-party. Claims to be centre, but is actually right wing. Goes after uniting europe under the EU with almost religious zeal.

CDA, whores for power, will roll over and bark like a dog if you offer then enough cash. Claims to be moral protectors, but the only morals they protect are their own.

GL, "Green" "Left" party that could better be renamed GrayRight. A part of 'pacifists' that approves of war and interventions.

CU, confused, less slutty sisterparty of the CDA.
They're actually pretty center.
Only 37% of the population is reported as voting.

Low as fuck.
There isn't a single party here in the Netherlands left worth voting for, they're all bad and it doesn't matter who wins because the cabinet will fall again in the next 2 years
It's not so much that he is left wing but that some of his economic policies corrospond to those of left wing parties. Namely keeping the pension age at 65, cheap healthcare and the like. It's mostly pandering to his voters.

Same as in 2010, which still ended up at 75% total. The workerdrones haven't had time to vote yet.
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>Bij banketbakker Dekker & Winkler in Hilversum kunnen klanten taartjes naar hun politieke voorkeur krijgen
I think putting pictures of politicians on muffins is a sure way to ruin your appetite ...
>not working on sundays

Lack of Ordnung is disgusting
well that's definitely a more realistic picture of our governmental system.
So far most dutchfags in this thread have been VVD and (unless they're trolls) PVV supporters, what about you?

PvdA here. What I care most about right now is not letting VVD into our government again otherwise I might have voted something else progressive/left-wing.
Not working on sundays is ordnung and not the lack of it.
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Ga de neuk van mijn /pol/ af.

I'm mostly an SP supporter. They're anti-EU, and anti-privatisation. Both things that the country needs and the VVD hates, so a vote on them will be pretty much a vote against the VVD. The VVD would never cooperate with the SP.
I'm pretty much just voting for them because they haven't tried before, and they can't do worse than the CDA/VVD combinations we've had the last few years.

I honestly expect the PvdA to just bargain away most of their points so they can join a coalition with the VVD. Maybe they're stronger than that, but I don't trust them to be.
"bargain away most of their points"?
The real problem is that a PvdA/VVD coalition is unavoidable. I guess by bargaining you mean allowing a coalition with CDA, which would make the government lean heavily toward the right. I'd personally rather see GL and D66 joining them than CDA but the point remains that there won't be a complete, strong left-wing government, especially now that GL (they may not be what they used to be but they're still left-wing) has obliterated its own chances.

On the topic of SP and the Eurozone, do you really see an answer in that? Neither VVD (when they were pretending to be anti-Euro) nor PVV nor SP managed to say how they would exactly oppose the Euro.
Also, don't anti-privatisation and pro-EU go hand-in-hand?
>Nederland wordt toch al vaak de zeventiende deelstaat van de Bondsrepubliek genoemd.
What?!? Who said that?
I didn't notice, and I live right next door, country-wise.

What I meant by the bargain thing is that I fully expect them to just bend like a cheap straw as soon as negotiations get tough.

I know there won't be a left government, but there should not be yet another right wing government either.

SP and the eurozone is mostly that they're trying to reduce the political treaties and bullshit, while keeping the trade treaties.
And that's all we need. We don't need to give the Germans control over our budget, or to help the Greeks. We just need to trade with them like we always had in the past.
It's hard to find their stance on the EU, but it's pretty much just "We've given them enough for now, be very sceptical"

Anti-privatisation is a leftish kind of thing these days. And pro-EU is mostly right wing.
We need to have some kind of fiscal union within the Eurozone, or else this type of crisis will just continue to happen.
The only alternative would be to leave the Euro, which would be disastrous for the (already fragile) economy.
Anti-EU is nice and all, but i's not a realistic option.
Could een nederfag please tell us foreign devils what made these elections necessary? Didn't you already vote around the time when the Football World Cup was in South Africa, which would make it 2010?
I don't think anyone has the balls to say that in public, but we are not much more than an extension of their economy. A very prosperous one, but dependent on us being dozen schuivers for the Germans.
Wilders left the coalition after weeks of budget talks.
We don't need a fiscal union, that doesn't really matter and it's the cause of the crisis.
If Greece still had it's own money, they would have just started printing like they always did. A Greek bankrupcy wouldn't effect much more of Europe with maybe the exception of tourism rates.

But now, they have Euros, and they can't just make more of them. And now that they've fucked up the entire currency gets fucked, which effects everyone using it.

Anti-EU is only unrealistic because people want it to be unrealistic. Just the northern European countries would have done just fine with a single currency. But add Greece, Italy and Spain and it's a recipe for disaster.
I read it here:
It's at the very end.

Wow. I wouldn't have thought there are people in your country who think that way. That's depressing.

Government broke up because they couldn't agree on things.
So the rules say they had to hold new elections.
The PVV/Wilders didn't want to agree to a CDA/VVD plan for austerity. So he stopped supporting the minority government and which made it ungovernable.

Or, if you are a pessimist, Wilders saw that he could get more seats by dropping out of the talks saying they were disgusting and against everything he stands for, so he wouldn't have to justify his support and possibly lose seats at the next official elections.
>Wilders left the coalition after weeks of budget talks.
OK, and what wouldn't he agree on? What was so to say 'der Zankapfel'? (Don't know how that translates. It's from Greek mythology, the Golden Apple of Eris.)
>We don't need a fiscal union, that doesn't really matter and it's the cause of the crisis.
The cause of the crisis is fiscal irresponsibility by certain countries in the Eurozone. If the Eurozone had some type of oversight in the drafting of budgets of its members, the currency would be a lot more stable.
>Just the northern European countries would have done just fine with a single currency. But add Greece, Italy and Spain and it's a recipe for disaster.
Sure, but it's too late to go back now. That's the problem with anti-EU sentiment.
It depends on whether or not you believe Wilders or every other participant in the talks.
If I want the most freedom, should I vote for PVV. Their name implies I should.
>Sure, but it's too late to go back now. That's the problem with anti-EU sentiment.
It's never too late, in fact this thing seems to be boiling up.

I don't want a fiscal union, that would be bad. But we clearly have to discuss a mechanism for countries leaving the Eurozone (read that "being kicked out of the Eurozone"). They need more monetary flexibility to fix their problems, and we won't get that when they stay in the Eurozone and leech off northern money.
If you're an idealist, vote for the Piraten Partij, although I don't think they'll earn a seat.
Sounds a bit chaotic to me.

Oh dear. I just hope you'll get a stable government now.

>The cause of the crisis is fiscal irresponsibility by certain countries in the Eurozone.
That's pretty much what I said, but Greece didn't fail because of their budget or anything. They failed because the population has a systematic tax avoiding issue.
If nobody pays tax, what money does the government have to spend?(Also, they had ridiculous tax advantages for the companies in Athens' harbour. Again, this gives the government nothing)
Oversight in the budget wouldn't mean anything, except that someone outside of the country would have to decide what to do with the money they DO get.
Can't the people of a country have a say in what THEIR tax money is used for?

>Sure, but it's too late to go back now.
This is a logical fallacy. If we go back now, there's a cost. But if we continue, there is also a cost.
The cost for continuing with the political and fiscal union could be many times more than the cost of leaving it right now. And what is the price of a country being able to control their own budget?
What is the price of freedom?
If we kick out Greece, Spain tanks. Italy tanks.
All the while confidence in the Euro plummets and the currency becomes near worthless.
For a consumer/import economy, that's bad.
I did some questionnaire to see what I should vote, and although the Piraten Partij got quite high, they had some things I disagreed with heavily, and I doubt they will get anywhere like you said.
Not counting on it, our political system is filled with opportunists left and right who'll drop the government as soon as it appears advantageous to them. Nobody is interested in actually running the damned country.
>Can't the people of a country have a say in what THEIR tax money is used for?
What? This doesn't make any sense. Of course they can, but a democratically elected government can still sign a legally binding treaty relinquishing part of their budgetary authority. There are a bunch of things EU members have (democratically!) agreed upon handling jointly instead of individually, this would just be another one of those.
>The cost for continuing with the political and fiscal union could be many times more than the cost of leaving it right now.
But it isn't, according to economists and the Court of Audit, amongst others.
>What is the price of freedom?
Let's not go into dramatics.
Who says Italy and Spain can stay in the Eurozone?

If the Eurozone gets rid of failing members, that would on the contrary boost faith in the Euro, the exchange rate would go up steeply.

It would shift a lot of production work to the southern states as a result of this, though, since there everything would be cheaper in the first time.
>Column: Italiaanse toestanden
> ....
>Wordt het daarom misschien tijd om vernieuwingen door te voeren in het Nederlandse kiesstelsel
Saved. Thanks dude!
>Who says Italy and Spain can stay in the Eurozone?
Nobody, that's the problem.
>If the Eurozone gets rid of failing members, that would on the contrary boost faith in the Euro, the exchange rate would go up steeply.
No, because it would just raise fears of it being abolished completely.
>It would shift a lot of production work to the southern states as a result of this, though, since there everything would be cheaper in the first time.
Of course it wouldn't! Their economies would still be crap, worse, actually. Without EMF money, they'll most likely go bankrupt. If they have to print their own money again, without any economy to give their currency value, they'll experience Weimar-style hyperinflation as they struggle to pay off loans/pay for daily shit.
>Er zijn tot 16.00 uur niet meer dan wat kleine incidenten gemeld.
There are incidents in civilized Nederland?!?
Alsjemenou ...?!?
>Of course it wouldn't!
Ah, we won't find out anyway. The way things go, the Euro will die a very slow, cancery death.
>What? This doesn't make any sense. Of course they can, but a democratically elected government can still sign a legally binding treaty relinquishing part of their budgetary authority.
Can't say anything about that. The German court is going to make a ruling on that.
I personally disagree with the ability for a government to give away ANY of its power though. It only takes one poor election and it's gone forever.

>But it isn't, according to economists and the Court of Audit, amongst others.
How does one measure the costs of being able to control your own inflation and currency? There's a cost aside from money. That's a cost that can't be predicted. Situations change.

>Let's not go into dramatics.

No, let's. The EU is taking more power from the countries, and the people in those countries.
When are the countries, and the people in those countries getting power in the EU?
When will we vote for our EU representatives?
When will we be able to check out the EU's full budget, like we can with normal governments? (And related, when will they ban bribes, sorry, I mean 'lobbying' to EU personnel?)
The EU is taking power, but they're not giving anything in return.
It can only get worse if they don't start doing concessions.
I read the article and while I agree that political system isn't great these days, I don't this can be fixed with a German electoral system.

I'd say it is mostly failing because (rightly or wrongly) the stabilizing factor of a large CDA has been removed (mostly due to their own idiocy). This effect is worsened because politics has become a lot more media savvy these days with the internet and the like, which is not something you can change anymore.

There's little that actually can be done and instead of becoming more like Italy I foresee us becoming more and more Americanized with a two party system with divisions that actually matter little.
>I don't this can be fixed with a German electoral system
I don't think it should be. It should be studied, though, to see if adopting some elements would help the Dutch system.

>more Americanized
I don't see how and I'm not sure that would be a good thing.
>When are the countries, and the people in those countries getting power in the EU?
You can't be serious.
>When will we vote for our EU representatives?
Okay, you are serious.
Do you know how the European Parliament is formed? You should look it up.
You are already represented by your democratically elected officials in the EU.
I may be represented, but as the political situation shows, politicians don't give 2 shits about that.

The people hold no power over the EU, and you can easily check this by looking at the EU.

If the people had any power over it, there would not be a EU.
The splits that occur aren't all that damaging, in fact I'd say they are a positive force in our democracy and ensures we can at least get some new voices and ideas into the system. Without Fortuyn/Wilders we'd still be stuck with a lot of immigrant/foreign policy political correct bullshit that Bolkestein didn't manage to bust through for example.

We are starting to become a country that not so much into polderen/compromising as it is into polarizing. We're starting to define our system ever more into left and right, us and the enemy. This is becoming especially obvious because there is no correcting force they team up with like the CDA to form a government. Now it's becoming more and more all or nothing.

For the record, I don't think Americanization of our system is a good thing either, but it's where we are heading.
>If the people had any power over it, there would not be a EU.
I think that people welcome the fact that you can easily cross borders now and maybe even that you don't have to change your money anymore. (Banks always took a fee for that.)

I also think it's great that German and Dutch policemen patrol cities together (example: Münster), so that law enforcement doesn't stop at the border.

What I don't like though and I hope most people agree are stupid bureaucrats in Brussels, banning light bulbs and telling roofers to wear shirts with full-length sleeves and shit.

We should get rid of the bureaucracy and stick with the good parts.
You seem to think the majority of people are anti-EU.
That may be, but the majority of people does not vote for anti-EU parties, and that is how things get decided.
"The people" don't have direct power in any representative democracy.

Well, yeah, that's pretty much what I'm aiming for.
Cooperation between countries? Great!

Dumbshit bureaucrats deciding on things that people don't want?
Get those idiots out of office and replace them with sane people, or better yet, make it so the EU can not pull this crap. Leave that to the countries, at least we can stop it if a single country does it.


Depends on where you ask. Italy and Spain? I'm sure they approve of the northern countries giving them cash.
Germany? They don't like it.

>"The people" don't have direct power in any representative democracy.
And that is the problem. The politicians that are elected don't care about the people. They care about themselves and their friends/business partners.
The people need some form of power over these politicians, even if it's just a binding referendum on small things.
If the people can not participate in government, they will hate the government.
The EU is a non-democratic organization by design, it is focused on integration through lawmaking and combined policy. The directly elected Parliament is marginalized and what power it holds is destroyed through lack of interest and voter obedience to vote the same political parties they do in national elections.
>Strijd tussen waddeneilanden
>De gemeente Schiermonnikoog zet vanavond alles op alles om als eerste de stemmen geteld te hebben.
>De burgemeester van het waddeneiland Sjon Stellinga wil niet opnieuw verliezen van Vlieland.


Ihr habt Sorgen ....
The two winning parties are now VVD (liberal in European political terms, libertarian for the Americans among us)
and PVDA (Social-Democrats) are in a neck-and-neck race.

The third party is the SP (Socialist anti-Europe party)

The fourth is the PVV (the nationalist anti-Europe party of Geert Wilders)
Friendly reminder that although people may believe pvda is an immigrant loving party the number of immigrants has never been as high as the last two years under a coalition of VVD/CDA/PVV.
>17:54 uur Opkomst is 48 procent
3 more hours to go ...
Non-EU immigrants are down, EU immigrants can't be stopped.
Give me some numbers.
The whole "labor parties bring in immigrants!" is a fable the right loves to spread throughout Europe, to mask the fact that the right brought in immigrants as cheap labor and the labor parties had to put a stop to it.
Yes people, immigration restrictions happened when Job Cohen was minister.
And nobody has imposed strict immigration laws like PvdA's Job Cohen.

PvdA is friendly to immigrants, but not to immigration.

PVV doesn't like immigration either, but they are completely incompetent.
Go look at the CBS yourself, you lazy prick.
Total immigrants:
2009 146 378
2010 154 432
2011 162 962

Of which EU:
2009 52 026
2010 58 353
2011 66 298

source: http://statline.cbs.nl/StatWeb/publication/?DM=SLNL&PA=03742&D1=0&D2=0&D3=0&D4=0

Meaning non-EU:
2009 94352
2010 96079
2011 96664
-> a clear INCREASE during the far-right coalition

Next time don't talk bullshit when hard fact are available to call out your blatant lies.
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I would lick her sweets, if you know what I mean.

This one:
Pretty much spot-on.
>not voting Christen Unie
tx breh
god damn as an american, holy shit here I thought we were fucked with our 2 party system but what the fuck are you supposed to do when all 7 parties suck balls

is there an anti-EU party, that loves MUH-freedoms and proFreemarkets?

paultard here btw
>voting for a nuclear 'scientist' that doesn't want nuclear power, has been a greenpeacer and has been called out on his bullshit by his old professor on buitenhof
There's a "Sovereign Netherlands" party or something.

They SEEM to be what you're describing.

Too bad a part of their demands for the government are that the government has to declassify their meetings with aliens.

Nobody is taking them seriously.
>Voting for a historian who is also pretty retarded
>Voting for a zionist

The PVV comes close, but they want to ban weed.
They are pro free market and also most personal freedom. For example they want to create something like the American first amendment right in our constitution that guarantees unlimited freedom of speech.
(Wilders was taken to court over alleged hate speech (which is illegal here I think) and aquitted last year)
>declassify their meetings with aliens

sorry retard here what does that mean?
The lack of anti-EU parties is the only real issue.

The majority of Dutch people aren't happy with the EU, but every single party except for the far-left socialists and extreme-right neo-Nazi's love sucking EU dick.

Which makes sense, because all those politicians (except for the socialists, who have to give their earnings to the party) can make a fortune if they end their careers in Brussels.

Most you can make as a politicans in the Netherlands is just under €200k. - and that's only for prime-minister.

But a simple members of EU parliament makes over half a million per year (including all benefits).
I'd like to add that the PVV would be classified as communist in America.

Means they think the government is hiding aliens and/or alien technology.
And by the way we have 21 parties of which about 13 will get a seat in the parliament, I just listed the 8 biggest ones. I'm almost sure the Sovereign Party will not get a seat.
welp now you faggots are just confusing me
that is not what this anon says about the PVV
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>Which makes sense, because all those politicians (except for the socialists, who have to give their earnings to the party) can make a fortune if they end their careers in Brussels.
>Most you can make as a politicans in the Netherlands is just under €200k. - and that's only for prime-minister.
>But a simple members of EU parliament makes over half a million per year (including all benefits).

You are a fucking retard. Lrn2Dutch
The first one, the problem with the second one is that he describes the PVV as VVD with nationalism, but the PVV is more like the PVDA with nationalism.
>they want to create something like the American first amendment right in our constitution that guarantees unlimited freedom of speech.

And at the same time they also want to ban the Koran.
Bedankt voor je constructieve opmerking.
PVV is kinda hard to describe becasue they have conflicting opinions, and many things they claim to stand for everybody knows is just election rhetoric.

Specifically they pretend to be very left-wing economically, but that's hard to believe when Geert Wilders was a MP of the right-wing VVD for longer than any current VVD MP.
>Geert Wilders
>Indonesian mother
>Catholic baptism
>Hungarian wife
>worked in Israel
What the hell is up with that fucker? How's he against foreigner when he's pretty foreign himself?!?
That's because the PVV will adopt any stance that will get them more voters. For example in the last elections he said, retirement age would stay at 65 if it were up to him whatever were to happen. About 12 seconds after the voting was finished he said they were going to be "flexible" on that point. He really only has a few issues that he cares about. The rest of his program is all about winning votes cheaply.
He also dares question the loyalty of people with dual citizenship.
But has no issue relying heavily on America and Israel for his campaign funds.

Netherlands has suddenly become the most pro-Israel country in the world.
Even America is a critic compared to us.
But of course this has nothing to do with the money Israel payed to get Wilders elected.....

But unfortunately the kind of people who might vote for him are also the kind of people too stupid to see through these obvious tactics.
We should have never abandoned the colonies, even more shamefully we are now seeking to collectively shame loyal servicemen that served there at the time under a collective banner of warcriminals and monsters, much like was done with Dutchbat.
Everyone flipflops on retirement age, even the unions who were supposedly adamantly against it suddenly changed their minds when union leaders were offered boatloads of cash. Only the SP has no direct flipflopping on the issue because they've never been in a position of power to force it.
If you'd have kept the colonies than much, much more muslims would have migrated to Nederland. See what happened to Britain with its former empire, and how London is now in parts more Pakistani than English.
No, that was because they abandoned their colonies as well, everyone who had an ounce of sense tried to into Britain when India gained independence.
>the SP has no direct flipflopping on the issue

You haven't read their budget plan, have you?

They switched as well, they just did it quietly.
And I celebrate this "flipflop" actually - it's a lost battle so they are right in just letting it slide.
What colonies were there? I know of Indonesia, and I know Aruba, Bonaire, Curacao and Suriname are somehow still affiliated with the Netherlands. (I'm not sure how.)
That's it, rest was lost to the English.

Netherlands was never good at colonies, they were more into trading posts.
Didn't have the population anyways.
Right now this second on Phoenix (http://www.phoenix.de/content/phoenix/tv_programm/das_weltreich_der_deutschen_(2_3)/302346):
A documentary about the Kaiser time colonies of the Germans.

Am watching, so far I don't feel I miss anything not having those colonies anymore ...
It's a cash grab and you know it. AOW was never supposed to be related to how long you worked, it was always meant to be social subsidy related to how long you lived in the Netherlands. Changing the pension age isn't necessary either, if you change it to use saner interest rates to calculate over a longer period of time instead of the incredibly short periods its being done now it would be equally fine.

Those were them, yes. The Dutch Antilles keep coming back to us for extra money in some way or form because their governments suffer from severe corruption.
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>former colonies
>PowNews weggestuurd bij PVV

PowNews is just confrontational (understatement), most parties and politicians don't know how to deal with them.
Did they allow other media?

Normally they keep their doors closed anyways.
They probably wouldn't even take part in debates is their ratings weren't so low.

>19:57 uur Nieuwe opkomstcijfers 65 procent
>19:41 uur PowNews weggestuurd bij PVV
>Waarom dat is gebeurd, is nog niet bekend.
sauce: NOS
>20:06 uur Update over PowNews bij PVV

>Verslaggever Michiel Breedveld meldt dat medewerkers van PowNews "lastige vragen over het persvak" hebben gesteld.
>Daarna zijn ze door beveiligers verwijderd.
>growing power of the non-democratic EU.

Anyone care to elaborate on this? Not denying/attacking it or anything, just curious as to why people think this.

CU is social conservative, you moron
There's a democratic election for the european parliament. But the european parliament holds relatively little power compared to some other parts of the european government, which are not directly chosen. Basically, it's not a democracy like ours, where the parliament of elected officials holds ultimate power.

The elected part is the part that has no power to decide things.
The part that does have power is not democratic, and controlled by a mix of international and corporate interests.

And the whole thing seems to be build like a maze to discourage anyone from trying to figure out how it works.
Most power in the EU still lies with the European Commission, which gets appointed without any democratic elections.

The EU parliament is elected democratically and has some power, but they have distanced themselves very far from the common people.
Both the Irish and Dutch (and maybe also the French I'm not sure) referendum rejecting the Lisbon treaty, a treaty which transfered a lot of power from the Dutch parliament to the European parliament, were ignored by the European Commission.
Somehow reminds me of a Central Comittee of the Politbureau of the EUSS and a people's congress that isn't really of the people.
Thanks, guys. I guess I'll look into it a bit further.
En waar heeft /pol/ op gestemd
We never voted for its creation, we never voted for its expansions, the referendums we had over the constitution were ignored in both France and the Netherlands, the law makers are not directly elected, the parliament that partly approves laws is fed constant bullshit while the important shit is done outside of the real EU structure, no referendums on any of plans to save the EU or anything else.

It does not matter who we elect, because they are always pressured through economic forces to comply, no matter what their policy was before the elections.

We're supposed to like it because we of a supposed wealth increase, free trade and free travel, but without democratic freedom those are just measures to placate the people to shut up about wanting a say. Honestly, even the bribe they offer sucks, because they pretty much replaced Guilder prices for Euro prices by just replacing the ƒ for the € instead of using the exchange rate.
21:00 uur

Hier is de voorlopige prognose:

VVD 41 (+10)
PvdA 40 (+10)
PVV 13 (-11)
CDA 13 (-8)
SP 15 (0)
D66 12 (+2)
GL 4 (-6)
CU 4 (-1)
SGP 3 (+1)
PvdD 2 (0)
50PLUS 3

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