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>A 14-minute trailer of the Anti Islamic movie that sparked the protests, posted on YouTube in original English version and another dubbed into Egyptian Arabic, depicts Muhammad as a fraud, a womanizer and a madman in an overtly ridiculing way, showing him having sex and calling for massacres.

>Sam Bacile, the American citizen who said he produced, directed and wrote the two-hour film mocking Islam and its prophet Muhommad, expressed he had not anticipated such a furious reaction from Muslims.?

>‘ I feel sorry for the US embassy. I am mad,’ [em]Bacile said. Speaking from a telephone with a California number, Bacile said he is Jewish and familiar with the Middle East and Northern Africa region.

>>5428495 (OP)
>depicts Muhammad as a fraud, a womanizer and a madman

So they're upset that it's accurate?

Also why does he look at her vagina at around the 4 minute mark
Muhammad turned out to be a real sissy, And a bi-sexual switch as well as a pedophile.

This film really taught me a lot about Islam.
The Jews will start WW3.
>Be White
>Make cheap shoddy movie about Muhammad
>Broadcast it
>Watch morons half way across the world go apeshit
Like the WWI and II
The jews are always behind these things. Fucking asshole knew exactly what would happen. I wish I had money to produce/direct a film that ridicules the holocaust.
This cost $5 million to make?
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This shit is designed to inflame tensions between muslims and christians.

How about if we showed Moses or Jewish Rabbis (say Rabbi Akiba or some Haredi leaders) as murderous, lying savages?
probably not, but it probably lead to 5 million dollars worth of damaged property afterwards.
>be white
So jews are selectively white when they do bad stuff and when they get persecuted they are jewish?
>he had not anticipated such a furious reaction from Muslims

a jew not expecting the wrath of the mudslimes? yeah no, this shit was made to start uprisings

keep supporting the jews

You'd be in jail before anyone could see it.
Well...yeah. That's been their strategy since day 1.

>Jews make movie, US embassy gets stormed


Goddamn Muslims
Why are certain lines dubbed over? The first time I saw it, I thought it was like a parody video of something else entirely.
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This won't be the first time.

Bad audio so they had to voice over
You can clearly see that the dubbing doesn't match what the actors are saying when it happens, though.
>A 14-minute trailer

That isn't a trailer, that is a short film.
Made by Jews inc.

liberals/stormafgs/euroscum will somehow find a way to blame the US and TEH JOOOOS while kissing the Islamic fascist theocrat's asses
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Those savage animals why can't they be civilised and progressive like Israel.
>>5428495 (OP)
>>5428495 (OP)
>Bacile said he is Jewish

Any questions left gentlemen?
Both pictures were taken in Iraq
JIDF already on the prowl.


No, the problem is that the US has taken sides in a holy war between the Jews and the Muslims.

It was a bad idea.

THAT is why Islam hates America, and rightly so.
You are fucking retarded.
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you know what I would gladly side with the kikes to wipe out stormfags and muslims

you faggots are no better than the niggers who blame the white man for all their problems

you are just worthless white niggers
mudslimes detected
different guy, but how are you going to defend violence in response to free speech?

these people are fucking barbaric prema-donnas when anybody questions their pedophile saint.
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Come to The Dark Side

Yes, join us Goyim
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no fuck you faggot
the problem is if you make a movie about Islam THEY FUCKING KILL PEOPLE
so no one should be critical of Islam because they might kill people?

are you some PC eurofag that has been so emasculated you suck muslim theocrat's cock rather than anger them?
I have always hated stormfags
almost everyone does
such a cheesy film, but good characterization of mudhammed- pieces of poo be upon him.
ok so would you show a slavery mockery in the US knwoing full well it will offend blacks and more than likely cause a shitstorm?

Its not a matter of free speech, its a matter of respect and fucking hindsight. Seriously you jews will stop at nothing to fuck up the world. why don't you all just kill yourselves if your ultimate goal is to cause the apocalypse?
they're god damned thin-skinned to a murderous degree.

and no, I don't support fucking israel.
Day after 9/11, Murikan patriotic feelings at their strongest. Instant support gained, many young people ready for willing to die for the interests of Israel.

It's too easy for The Jews.

typical cunt jewess. fucking bitch, had it been a black person writing nigger on her wall they would have expelled her, but because of muh holocaust they just want to get her help? fuck outta here.
the difference is, blacks wouldn't fucking kill people over it.

they'd say, "well that guys a jackass" and get a little upset, but they wouldn't fucking riot, and they wouldn't fucking storm an embassy.

JIDF in full force

You do know the track record of extremist muslims right? Anyone with a brain would have expected uprisings, just to add gas to the flame, the creator was an israeli jew. Making propaganda like this was like making a holohoax thread, incoming shitstorm.

Staying away from Muhammad jokes is something i'd rather do than taking the collateral and creating tension in a hot zone

Spamming, LETS KILL THE MUDSLIMES is the type of shit that got us in Iraq. I don't want to go to Iran nor Syria

>not killing or rioting

i see someone forgot about rodney king...
Should make something for NK's supposed icbm.
>1 incedent
>Hurr niggers are violent

Because whites have never rioted over stupid shit.
you gutless pussy
so you are going to let muslim fascists determine how WE behave?
I thought you stormfags were WARRIOR FOR TEH WHITES

or are you an emasculated PC multi culti euroscum?
No, it cost maybe 100k. The rest has simply been laundered to fund other pro-Jewish missions.
boy this looks like being funded by welfare checks of the staff

i'd be angry too if they made such a shitty movie about my god if i had a god

faggot did you even follow the posts before you posted this garbage?
Jews, man. Fucking Jews.
Did you forget that mudslimes have done this before, with countries that have little to do with American war mongering (Denmark, NL..)?

I mean of course both the joos and US leaders are doing dirty shit, but mudslimes gonna mudslime.

who said it cost 5 million??

that nigger made that shit in his garage and some sand borrowed from a beach nearby.
No i'm just not stupid enough to let shit like this incite ideology wars.

>muslim fascists

yeah no, the small percentage of extremists don't account for the entire population. If we go start shit in Libya then these mudslimes will start emigrating and flooding the EU and U.S.
rodney king was not an act of free speech, it was a crime committed by police on camera for which they were acquitted.

it has nothing in common with this retardedness.

why would calling Muslims on their bullshit constitute support Israel?
they and the mudslimes deserve each other.
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5. We must compel the governments of the GOYIM to take action in the direction favored by our widely conceived plan, already approaching the desired consummation, by what we shall represent as public opinion, secretly promoted by us through the means of that so-called "Great Power" - THE PRESS, WHICH, WITH A FEW EXCEPTIONS THAT MAY BE DISREGARDED, IS ALREADY ENTIRELY IN OUR HANDS.
so that makes it wrong for Americans to be mad about a dead ambassador killed for free speech he had nothing to do wiht?

nobody is satying we need to invade lybia or some shit. but putting on bomb on the site of our embassy to kill the faggots that are still there might be nice.
>The Jews will start WW3.

This is probably true. They will probably go after Iran, and the US, being the Israeli cocksuckers that we are will have to help them despite our general unwillingness to get involved in another war in the Middle East.

Also, do Muslims have people who actively look for blasphemous shit on the Internet to riot over? I mean nobody would've given a shit about this movie besides a few Joos would would've gotten a laugh out of it because that's what Joos do.

yeah, that won't escalate shit.

you already bombed and installed your shitty dictator in Libya and yet you still can't keep shit under control. Why would you want round 2? for what? your pride?
escalate how?

they're a mob. they can only kill who they can get ahold of physically.
and frankly, who cares how mad they get at this point?

if not a bomb, then a leaflet drop of r34 muhammad.
if you guys aren't watching it, you should. it is extremely funny
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>leaflet drop of r34 muhammad.

Did you try to click on /b/ and accidently hit /pol/ or something? You sound like a fucking idiot right now.
All World Wars start with unrest in the Balkans. Israel, Iran, and Libya aren't in the Balkans. If it will be a world war, it will start in Kosovo or Albania.

you must be this guy. You really think bombing Libya again won't escalate shit? Egypt was also attacked, should we bomb them too? What the fuck kind of shit is that

Swallow your pride
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>Forgets to mention that Muhammad was a pedophile

You better recognize.
Egypt didn't murder our embassador.

this is not a matter of pride, this is a matter of whether we except violence as a valid response to free speech, or if we stand up to these barbarians.

there is no logical response to this kind of senselessness.
doing something that random and spiteful would at least desensitize these fanatics.

Read Curtis Got Slapped by a White Teacher and tell me blacks won't chimp out worse than their baboon brethren over something mocking slavery.
pussy detected
yes we should punish the fuck out of the Islamist pigs
bomb the living fuck out of them

how did we deal with the insane suicidal fanatics in Japan?

we made the though of warring with the US to horrible of a thing to continue
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>people forget what happened last time someone released something depicting the prophet in a bad way

Why are we suprised again?

I bet you though you were real slick with that "r34 Mohammed" bit. NO ONE LAUGHED. YOU POSTED IT TWICE AND NO ONE LAUGHED.
Good thing you're not President.
I want /b/ to leave.

and he never will be.
I figured everyone already figured these angry Muslim mobs were already poorly educated and easily swayed, so really the backlash against this movie is down to people calling them out on their intentions. They wanted to piss people off and make a statement. It's my view they should be allowed to do so, but to ignore the trend of parody works causing riots was irresponsible. I'd be surprised if they weren't secretly seeing this as a huge success. They've given Muslims all the rope they need to hang themselves up as living strawmen.

So for me, the criticism isn't really about defending protesters or out of control mobs who are easily offended. I think everyone already finds that detestable. Rather, it's not likely to change any time soon due to how easily swayed these mobs. As always some newsroom will hype up the criticism as if America itself has insulted the one and only true prophet or some shit and idiots will take up arms. Pissing off poorly educated Muslim mobs is the easiest thing in the world.

So the question isn't really about if we should be free to criticise their culture. We already do and we should be allowed to continue doing so, rather people are annoyed these film makers look like they just wanted to cause riots and cry innocent the moment something like this happens.

They knew this shit would kick off. While they didn't personally kill a man over it, in a small part his blood is on their hands and it wasn't even a message worth dying over. Fuck those guys. I'd say fuck Muslim mobs too, but at this point who isn't saying that?
You know, the funny thing is, the Muslims acted in the same fashion as they were depicted in this shitty fucking video.
This is an interesting jew tactic of a false flag...
Just stop being edgy faggots and burning qurans and making movies about Muhamed; that's a lot easier than nuking the arabs
appeaser bitch

the west should NOT change the way WE behave because we're afraid the muzzie will get violent

what don't you pussies understand about that?
why would you willingly give up your liberties in your own country because you have to worry about mussies killing people in their country?
Great job by the obongo admin of bringing democracy to the middle east!

No, fuck the appeasers who blame the victims and the messengers.

I don't think the film should have been made, but I agree with you. The fault lies with the murderers. At the Egyptians protested without causing casualties.
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You sure are hardcore.
While I think the movie is in terrible taste and shouldn't have been made, those creators are free to express themselves however they wish as long as they don't hurt anyone.
I think the films should be made constantly along with more mo cartoons. Motherfuckers need to learn not to be so butthurt. And if they insist on being butthurt we kill them in self defense until they decide that being butthurt isn't worth dying over.

Fuck jews, they're half the problem.
are you that far gone that not kowtowing to violent radicals is "hardcore"?

Imams have said raping unveiled or non muslim women is not rape and should not be persecuted
should no one challenge that because the muzzie filth might get violent?
The israeli kyke practically made a deathnote to any occupiers in the middle east. Who wouldn't have expected a radical rebuttal?
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>shouldn't have been made

movies blogs etc are constantly being made that are offensive to all religions
Dawkins basically called every person of faith insane in his book
offensive speech is the speech that needs protection the most
Did nobody ever say to those who attack that "dude it's just a film, if you don;t like it change the channel"
Or is there only 1 channel there?
Maybe they will just flick to any channel if something portrays this supposed "prophet" well i now know how to increase viewing on the paint drying channel.
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You need to calm down Internet crusader, your keystrokes aren't going to change anything.
>relevant flag
>offensive speech is the speech that needs protection the most
I just want to repeat you a few times:

offensive speech is the speech that needs protection the most
offensive speech is the speech that needs protection the most
offensive speech is the speech that needs protection the most
offensive speech is the speech that needs protection the most

God Bless America
>1 channel
It's on the internet.
>other countries actually disagree with this
I honestly pity you
I said that he should be allowed to make it. I agree that it deserves protection.

However, just because you CAN make some sort of message doesn't mean you should. Making a film criticizing Mohammad and Islam is one thing, making a film that completely makes fun of him and releasing that to the world while knowing the sort of reaction it would make is another.

I'll say it again: He has the right to make it and should have the protection to create, but it wasn't wise to make this particular movie.
No he can make whatever he wants. We are not going to surrender our basic rights to these savage animals.
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I honestly think you just read what you wanted to read, because that's what he said.
Yeah you just said he should censor himself because of Arab children.
>I'll say it again: He has the right to make it and should have the protection to create, but it wasn't wise to make this particular movie.

because muslims are barbaric savages and Islam is a death cult

Imagine if what would happen to the south park guys if Christians Jews or hell even Scientology behaved like muslims
>but it wasn't wise to make this particular movie.

Wise? Who gives a shit about wisdom. It brings the LULZ.
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I'm being trolled here.
/b/ pls go.
You said he shouldn't make the film because it hurts their feelings. Well too bad.
Let's remake the Eternal Jew and post on you tube. Should be fun, too.
>said "that's what he said"
>He still thinks I'm that person

You're just reading what you want to read.

But it's much less fun, so fuck you.
Filmfag here...

It's horribly done.

Almost weirdly so.
everyone was a pedo back in the day. why is this such a big deal to jews?

wasn't moses himself a murderous genocideal maniac?
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Someone translated it to Arabic and posted some where easily accessible to kebabs.

>He also said the film was produced in English and that he did not know who had dubbed it in Arabic.

However, just because you CAN make some sort of message doesn't mean you should. Making a film criticizing Mohammad and Islam is one thing, making a film that completely makes fun of him and releasing that to the world while knowing the sort of reaction it would make is another.

I doesn't matter how people react. He can do what he wants. That's what freedom is. His responsibility does not extend to how Arabs act.
>Almost weirdly so.
what do you mean?
...So you're just going to keep saying the same thing that the one poster already pointed out?

You can stop now.
the problem is not the jew who made the movie, the problem is the person who translated this shit to arabic

probably some fag from mossad or a JIDF member
Not that guy, but it's like they were /trying/ to be campy as fuck.

I can't tell if this is meta-satire, or just a movie made by a child.
Back in the day, you could fuck a 12 year old and get away with it because it was the norm.

Today you're evil.
>implying the Old Testament is true at all...
What the fuck are even talking about? You just said he should censor him self.

Making a film criticizing Mohammad and Islam is one thing, making a film that completely makes fun of him and releasing that to the world while knowing the sort of reaction it would make is another.

It doesn't matter if it's offensive. He doesn't owe anyone shit.
No one had a problem with Muhammad's marriage to a young Aisha until like 1950. And there were plenty of people who read up on, studied, criticized and even satirized Muhammad, like Voltaire.
Yes, what this anon said: >>5429950
There is definitely a strong camp value to this, meaning it's some sort of satire. Whether or not it's because it's made in another country or just for laughs is debatable.
While this filmmaker is clearly an asshole of epic proportions, I'm also getting really fucking sick of "KILL THOSE WHO DARE MOCK ISLAM". Even though the film is meant to inflammatory, maybe it's about time someone didn't back down when Muslims start threatning people over something being said about Islam.
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The two things that make this an obvious attempt to piss-off kebabs by Joos, at least to me are. Why was it dubbed into Arabic so quickly? And who was this movies intended audience?
Oh you are getting sick of it. Protip: they aren't going to fucking stop because you are sick of it. The issue is retarded Islamic appeasers in the west that defend their irrational backwards religious zealotry.
muslims are animals. you don't show a red sheet to a bull. he will attack you, it's in his nature.

same with the muslims. whenever you say something about islam you will be instantly attacked.

the jews, knowing this, are most likely behind this.

the showed the red sheet to the bull, but the bull attacked an american. now american and israeli will bomb the bull

just as planned
>the jews, knowing this, are most likely behind this.

sure, abdullah
Protip: If you know a dog is going to bite you if you repeatedly poke it, you shouldn't be surprised when the dog bites the shit out of your nutsack.
Meanwhile, there's a law in CA prohibiting criticism to Israel in Universities. Still, we must protect the freedom of speech of Jews to bash Islam. Yep, land of the free speech.
Lavon Affair: google it.
Yes Muslims are dogs. WE didn't poke them. Some person made a film. It's time Arabs learned how autonomy works.
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ITT: Muslims, Jews and the trolls that bind them.

Is anyone else not seeing the obvious solution to the formula in all this mess?

Every time someone criticizes Islam or depicts Mohammed in any way, they all go apeshit rioting and killing each other.

...Well, okay. Why then don't we just make fuckloads of anti-Islamic movies and pictures and pepper them all over the internet? They will rage hard, kill each other furiously, and everyone wins in the end.
If a dog mauls an unrelated party because some guy blows a whistle from far away, that dog should be put down.
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>guy received 5 million from Jewish donors to make this movie
well, they are fanatics, don't expect reason from fanatics, any idiot could forecast that this would happen
The rioters aren't dogs, they aren't chimping out, they're not uncontrollable and going apeshit.

Their riots are planned, because in the same way this helps advance the position of Israel the planned attacks and rioting helps the position of the radical Islamists who do their very best to convince everyone else that compromise and peaceful coexistence is not only impossible but morally untenable.
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Now this is podracing
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The fact it was dubbed entirely into Arabic and sent over the internet almost immediately shows Mossad had a hand in it. Derkas are too stupid to do that on their own.
>Speaking from a telephone with a California number, Bacile said he is Jewish and familiar with the region.

>Speaking from a telephone with a California number, Bacile said he is Jewish and familiar with the region.

>Speaking from a telephone with a California number, Bacile said he is Jewish and familiar with the region.

>Speaking from a telephone with a California number, Bacile said he is Jewish and familiar with the region.




Maybe it should be a law that nobody is allowed to sue someone for offending them. If I had a dime for every time something ever offended, I'd have a nice little mountain of dimes. Guess what? I just deal with it. I live my life and not let stupid shit bother me.

So, since Jews can make movies where they make fun of Islam, anyone who wants to should be allowed to make a movie where they make fun of Judaism and/or laugh at the holocaust and nobody is allowed to sue them.

Excellent choice, by the way, abolishing the right to be offended in favor of free speech. Welcome to being an adult.
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They make comedies mocking slaves all the time usually about how slow they were to be caught or why black people don't take cruises.......they fell for that shit once. This just illustrates what Immature Savages the average muslim is!
>Implying any derka would ever think to dub a movie like this anyway.
There has to be something said about a religion that has people reacting like this.

God gave the world Jesus and the devil gave the world Islam.

You make it sound like restricting an alleged "freedom to sue", when in fact it would just mean that the first ammendment is taken seriously and every lawsuit against freedom of speech is outright dismissed.
>darkies riot and bitch cuz dat shit be racist
>call it a shitstorm
>compare it to rocket attack on an embassy killing American diplomat
Can we invade Libya now?
who sues over movies?

what are you even talking about?

who brought up a lawsuit?
That ambassador should have checked his privilege.
How about waiting until they all kill themselves and then go get whatever is left ?

No, retaliation must be instant otherwise the deterrence effect will not be achieved.
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I love Bacile's quote "Islam is a Cancer"!
>There has to be something said about a religion that has people reacting like this

Oh c'mon, even 50 years ago Christians would do the exact same shit.
The real racists and bigots here are the attackers who killed people as they were white and american ll because they disliked a film they may of never seen had they not looked for it to be made mad by it.
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Please stop being mean to the sand people or this is going to end up like star wars with genocide all over again :(
The original's already there.
then that just makes those getting butthurt about it even more pathetic.
Not only are they getting butthurt but they are going out and seeking methods to be butthurt.
But they are mean to us :(

This is like the fourth time they have invaded Europe.
Muslims would be pretty outraged then too... Moses, Jesus & a throng of others are also Muslim prophets.

I don't understand why people get butthurt when Muslims get outraged when you talk smack about their religion. It's not bad enough we bomb their countries, steal their resources, lock them up in Gitmo, portray them on the media as terrorists (when we've killed waaaay more of them), & frisk them at airports & spy on them when they pray. Not to mention portray their religion in a usually false negative light 24/7.

"Oh no, they've reached their limits after we constantly abuse them... What a bunch of assholes."
Go deny the holocaust you go to jail. Defile an entire religion & you're deemed a hero of free speech.
wtf am i watching?
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>mfw irl mooselimbs prove the filmmakers point
>"Oh no, they've reached their limits after we constantly abuse them... What a bunch of assholes."
>Go deny the holocaust you go to jail. Defile an entire religion & you're deemed a hero of free speech.
Ummm, holocaust denial isn't illegal.
taqyiya is a Shia concept. muhammad never said anything about it

basically, Shia's were scared that there are so many sunnis, so they decided that lying is OK.

Sunnis in Shia eyes are infidels

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Now where have I heard this phrase before...
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Just as planned.
It's always happening somewhere ;_;

> how to practice takkiya to fool the kafir (goyim): exhibit A
List of countries that say otherwise:
1 Austria
2 Belgium
3 Bosnia and Herzegovina
4 Czech Republic
5 France
6 Germany
7 Hungary
8 Israel
9 Liechtenstein
10 Lithuania
11 Luxembourg
12 The Netherlands
13 Poland
14 Portugal
15 Romania
16 Spain
>>5428495 (OP)
>>A 14-minute trailer of the Anti Islamic movie that sparked the protests

Let's cut the bullshit. Muslims are celebrating September 11 by murdering Americans. Nothing more, nothing less.

The only question is, what the fuck is America going to do about it? When will our Marines finally be allowed to fight back and defend themselves? When will the apologizer in chief stop apologizing and do his job?
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The only thing Muslims respect is Force we need to kill the maximum number of them in the smallest amount of time!
He hates whites and to see us burn.
Yeah, what's even crazier is that I remember someone on /pol/ linking to this video. It's very strange.
I just watched the entire movie.
>implying I know whether you're practicing taqiyya right now or not
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wat is this i don't even
>/pol/ gets pissed at jews
>doesn't get pissed at fanatics that murdered innocent people

Sometimes, you guys...
Sneaky dunecoon is sneaky
Qur'an (9:3) - "...Allah and His Messenger are free from liability to the idolaters..." The dissolution of oaths with the pagans who remained at Mecca following its capture. They did nothing wrong, but were evicted anyway.

Qur'an (40:28) - A man is introduced as a believer, but one who must "hide his faith" among those who are not believers.

Qur'an (2:225) - "Allah will not call you to account for thoughtlessness in your oaths, but for the intention in your hearts" The context of this remark is marriage, which explains why Sharia allows spouses to lie to each other for the greater good.

Qur'an (66:2) - "Allah has already ordained for you, (O men), the dissolution of your oaths"

Qur'an (3:54) - "And they (the disbelievers) schemed, and Allah schemed (against them): and Allah is the best of schemers." The Arabic word used here for scheme (or plot) is makara,which literally means deceit.
>>/pol/ gets pissed at jews
>>doesn't get pissed at fanatics that murdered innocent people

In case you haven't figured it out, those are muslims trying to hijack every thread about islam. There are more muslims on /pol/ than there are jews.
What's up with the audio? I could do better even with freeware goldwave and my noobish ways.
The Europeans started that bitchfest over trade route. The real problem here is the Israeli Jew that made it and sent it to some Arab news station.
>1500 dislikes
How does that work?
You know what! fuck it!! Let Israel handle it.

I give up.
Is anyone else annoyed as fuck by people being badasses on youtube comments/even on here.

That explains every 9/11 thread on this board.
Silly muslim, you have no conception of the Streisand Effect. By the time the day is out, more people on earth will have watched this trailer than ever would have had the embassies not been attacked. I certainly wouldn't have watched this piece of shit otherwise.
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>Channel 4 has been forced to cancel a screening of the controversial documentary Islam: The Untold Story, after the presenter was threatened with physical violence.

>Historian Tom Holland received abusive messages on Twitter and warnings he would come to harm because of the film, in which he suggests that Islam is a 'made-up' religion.

>Islam is a 'made-up' religion

wow, a jew inciting anti-us hatred all across the world. yet ~50% of ameritards still consider israel a strong / thrustworthy / important ally rather than cancer.

btw, "sam bacile" sounds like a pun on "imbecile" to me.
Youtube doesn't update viewer counts for new videos if they receive a sudden rush of views shortly after creation.

Some sort of anti-spam protection or something, I don't really understand the reason for it.
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why didn't you let him stop it
Was he targeting muslims because they murder people over a fairytale? I don't think he was.
lololol muslims confirmed for faggots for getting so butthurt over this. who let those idiots on the internet anyway? maybe if they figure out how to use google they'll find all the other things we say about them and self destruct from asspain

>implying this isn't a false flag by the jews
>why didn't you let him stop it

Hitler was an ally of the muslims, you moron.
I just don't get it. It's not like this was a popular film in the US. It was some fag who posted his shitty little homemade bullshit on youtube and wasn't even getting tens of thousands of views for days. Do Muslims not have Youtube? Do they not realize what a small little bullshit film this is?

And you know what? Fuck Muhammad. I don't see how a neutral observer can look at the life and acts of Muhammad and think of him as anything other than a jealous, philandering, ephebophilic, scared little man.
>Hitler was an ally of the muslims
>Creator is Israeli Jew
>Investors in the film, hundreds of Jews
>Film still very poorly made
>And just plain inaccurate
>Creator calls Islam a Cancer
>Implying Judaism and Zionism isn't a bigger cancer
>At one point he actually states he hopes his film will help his country (Israel)
>So far away from not completely biased
I don't know about ally but he definitely took their lessons to heart.
he admired them but still thought they were inferior shitskins
fucking this
The trick is to make a shit ton of stuff bashing muhammad, there will likely be a few killings after the material is released however. Make it clear death threats and killings wont stop the release of this material.
>Creator calls Islam a Cancer
>And just plain inaccurate
But Islam is a cancer.
Let me demonstrate:
>So far away from not completely biased
"It's a biased movie on youtube, let's kill an ambassador!"

You heard me.

"Hitler expressed admiration for the Muslim military tradition and directed Himmler to initiate Muslim SS Divisions as a matter of policy."

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wat do /pol/?

Israeli TV news networks think I am the original creator of "The Muhammad Movie" and have been trying to contact me to do interviews.

Do I pretend to be Sam Bacile and try to start THE HAPPENING by saying some really incendiary things about Muhammad?
hitler speech about islam


>dat original footage from the meeting
oh god, I dont know. Sure, try your best, or say some really offensive things about israel.
Do you really have to ask us?

Reevvv up them engines.

>we will reach you

Post your hatemail
>say some really offensive things about israel
>Israeli TV news network
Like it will get on the air. Just to remind everyone, Sam Bacile is an Israeli Jew, not a white American.
Free Speech 101
1. Dont yell fire in a crowded room.
2. Dont provoke nut jobs who believe in telepathic invisible sky genies. This includes juden, Muslem,Christian, filthy homeless man who yells garbled scoldings into garbage cans.
>because someone will get hurt.
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muslim ss-division "handschar"
bosnians are whites

who cares about sand niggers
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>quotes from hitler about mohammed and islam

>having iori as your icon

you're waifu is a slut
The only statement from there to support an idea of hitler being pro-islam:
"Among eastern religions, Hitler described religious leaders such as "Confucius, Buddha, and Mohammed" as providers of "spiritual sustenance".[71] In this context, Hitler's connection to Mohammad Amin al-Husseini, the Mufti of Jerusalem — which included asylum in 1941, the honorary rank of an SS Major-General, and a "respected racial genealogy" — has been interpreted more as a sign of respect than political expedience."

Wikipedia's source: Angebert, Jean-Michel (1974), The Occult and the Third Reich, Macmillan
Legit source, bro.

Also, you forgot to add the rest of that statement you quoted:
"However, Nazi-era Minister of Armaments and War Production Albert Speer acknowledged that Hitler was only cooperating with Muslim figures, such as al-Husseini, because he felt the antisemitic views they shared would eventually help him win power and influence over the Middle East in the long run."
There's no excuse for the way the Muslims are acting about this.
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>by ForteX24
>Latest Activity Sep 11, 2012
>Location کراچی
>Country Pakistan

Well played anon, well played.
Let's get some Hate flowing.
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Am I the only one who cannot wait to see this Movie in its entirety?
hitler was a treacherous liar

he would say one thing in public and a completely other in private conversations.

i'm muslim so if you got any questions about how to piss off muslims you can ask me.

this has a lot of potential
Israeli kike false flagging shit as usual, we should nuke Israel they are the cause of all the middle east bullshit.

>Steigmann-Gall, in his study on the Nazis' attitude towards Christianity, states that Hitler's criticism of Christianity in the Table Talk, if reliable, reflects a newly formed anticlerical attitude which began in 1937. Steigmann-Gall suggests that this change might have emerged as a result of Hitler's frustration over his failure to unify all German Protestant churches.[20] Despite his private rupture with institutional Christianity, Steigmann-Gall emphasizes that Hitler continued to hold Jesus in high esteem, considering him to have been an Aryan fighter who struggled against Jewry.[20] In Hitler's view, Jesus' true Christian teachings had been corrupted by the Apostle Paul, who had transformed them into a kind of Jewish Bolshevism, which Hitler believed preached "the equality of all men amongst themselves, and their obedience to an only god. This is what caused the death of the Roman Empire."[31] The Table Talk also shows he continued for some time to wish for a united Christian Church of Germany.[31][32] By 1940, however, it was public knowledge that Hitler had abandoned even the syncretist idea of a positive Christianity.

he perverted the idea of christianity and then identified with his own perverted version of christianity.

NOT a christian. he was a aryan occultist.
Perhaps I need to take a writing class because it is my personal opinion that an inability of anyone to sue over being offended would be best for freedom of speech.

"Your rights end where my feelings begin."
>Free Speech 101

Cowards like you are the last people to teach a class on free speech.

>1. Dont yell fire in a crowded room.

You have every right to yell "Fire!" in a crowded room when the room is on fire. The entire world is in grave danger because of islamic barbaric savages. And we have every right to warn people about it.

>2. Dont provoke nut jobs who believe in telepathic invisible sky genies.

Appeasement is always the response of weak cowards like you. And you always fail. Force is the only language muslims understand. The weaker you are and the more you apologize to barbaric savages, the more they will attack you. Like exactly what they are doing right now.
>Invade and bomb Muslim countries, systematically slaughter our children

>this isnt enough, have to insult all we have left, our way of life, as well

>act suprised when, after insulting 1.6 billion people, you get a negative reaction

Never change /pol/
I say rebuild the embassy and deploy a few troops/armed guards who can deal with a second mob (inb4 some tard thinks I'm saying INVADE HUR BOMB EM MUDS!) Just a dozen armed guards who have permission to defend the embassy.

It's not as muscle flexing as an invasion, but it's also not a passive pussy move. It's a firm statement that we are dominant, but we are merciful.

Sound fair?
>systematically slaughter our children
Don't arm your children, and they won't get hurt.
Being offended is a privilege you should be oh-so-thankful to have. Every time you get offended by something someone says you should fucking thank them for broadening your horizons.

I'm so glad I live in a society where people have the opportunity to be offended on a daily basis.
Positive Christianity IS NOT true christianity.
its an abdomination.
>The only statement from there to support an idea of hitler being pro-islam:

Yeah? So what? Hitler was still an ally of muslims. What's your point?

>Also, you forgot to add the rest of that statement you quoted:

I "forgot" nothing. It was redundant. All you are doing is adding to my evidence and proving me correct. Hitler was an ally of muslims.

If you really are a Muslim why would you help with this awesome project?

You must have never heard of taqiyya.
If by ally you mean future slavemaster, then sure, i guess we do agree.
The fact is, that Jews have the power to make laws against anyone who criticize them. That's the reason nobody makes movies criticizing them. They don't need the mobs, when they have the police, the courts and all the politicians to chase and jail their critics.
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As were Zionist Jews, they supported Hitler because that would promove their idea of getting all the jews out of Europe.

Funny how the JIDF always forget that.
i'm not offended by anti-islamic stuff because i've been on 4chan for years.

i want to see if this will actually lead to something big.

maybe a war? just think about it, some basement dwelling /pol/iticians were the ones who cause ww3.

i'm cumming already.
>>Invade and bomb Muslim countries, systematically slaughter our children

I remember you, trip. You started a thread and posted a video of hajji children training on how to blow themselves up. You were bragging over how brave those kids were to commit suicide.

It's funny how you support muslim children strapping bombs to their chest, but cry like a woman when America shoots them before they can "allah ackbar (KABOOM)" themselves.
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>just think about it, some basement dwelling /pol/iticians were the ones who cause ww3.

Taqiyya is lying to protect yourself and Islam. How would that pan out in this case?
How can anyone *not* be pissed off of a shitty movie?
Should be arrested for negligent homicide, promoting terrorism and inciting a riot.
ITT - Muslim apologists try to make an American Jew exercising his 1st Amendment right into something evil.

>non-binding resolution

Fucking retards. It's purchased politicians trying to appease their Jewish votes and campaign funders with a resolution that does nothing.

That law would be unconstitutional and would get struck down faster than a judge can toss on his robe.
>American Jew
He is Israeli, and was born on Egypt.

Oh, for the lulz, then.

I reckon your basement is located well within gavuristan, far from harm's way.
ITT - JIDF kikes trying to blame it on america because Israel is too weak to uphold a 1st Amendment.
First Amendment doesn't cover speech that's designed to induce crime and chaos, Shlomo.

Can't shout "Fire!" in a crowded theater.
Can't shout "Muhammad was a pig-fucker!" online and allow millions of Muslims to hear about it.
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I made this after gaddafi fell.

I don't understand how nobody saw this shit coming.
Why do you insist on calling muslims violent animals who can't control their own actions?
So what you're saying is...any minority just has to incite enough fear through violence in the American populace so that the act of offending them is, in itself, a crime.

Excellent. I like the way you think, anon.
i live in istanbul.

if anything comes out of this our army is more than capable of fighting jews/arabs/iranians and so on
>First Amendment doesn't cover speech that's designed to induce crime and chaos, Shlomo.

>criticize islam
>crime and chaos
So you admit muslims have no self-control, and therefore need a western overlord to control them for their own safety?
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We are listening. You can start.
Man, JIDF is working fast today.
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And Obongo is on your side. Ah, the joys of NATO membership.
just say that muslims showed their true face with these attacks.

their religion is against the basic human rights such as freedom of speech and so on.

don't forget to add something about iran to spark more war-mongering in israel.

say that these muslims can't be trusted nuclear weapons because of their violent religion.
>First Amendment doesn't cover speech that's designed to induce crime and chaos, Shlomo.

That's funny. Muslim barbaric savages go on the internet and lecture civilized people on the First Amendment. What's next? Cavemen teaching quantum mechanics?

>Can't shout "Fire!" in a crowded theater.

I have every right to shout it when the theater is on fire. The same way I have every right to say that muslims are barbaric savages. I always have the right to shout the truth.

>Can't shout "Muhammad was a pig-fucker!" online and allow millions of Muslims to hear about it.

Oh, but I can. Muhammad was a pig-fucker! See, it's easy.

Oh, ad hominems? This is fun!

Mudslime apologist detected
>claims muslims are out-of-control animals
>gets criticized by allah's faithful servants
>shouts jidf
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>anyone who opposes the JIDF are Muslim!
>Jews stir shit
>Americans die
Well done, Schlomo.
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>Anyone who is a mudslime apologist is muslim!

Too much friend. You are just too much
What we learn today?
1. Muslims are violent intolerant animals
2. Jews are peace loving ardent defenders of free speech
3. Americans must die in order to protect those wonderful Jews and the land they stole.
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>mfw I hate Mudslime savages

nice try schlomo. Its pretty clear who JIDF are because they call anyone who calls them out a mudslime

Hey, how bout something like this, Pat Condell on Saudi Arabia.

Jump to 3:34 for a major jimmie rustler


>Implying the storming of the US embassy had anything whatsoever to do with Israel.

A coma of stupidity.
Just watch your mouth around our Muslim friends, lest they cut out your tongue.

>they call anyone who calls them out a mudslime
>they call anyone who calls them out a JIDF

Sounds familiar!

Enjoy your Muslim Overlords.

>Taqiyya is lying to protect yourself
>and Islam.

Exactly. You can thank me later.
I'd would watch it in 3d just to piss the mudslimes. What's so special about their deity???
Jesus didn't cry in the corner when everyone from top to bottom shitted on him. Who are they to defend him? As far as I know, you're not suppose to defend your Lord or whatever..

I already knew about it, but it doesn't apply here. Explain how it does or you are full of it.

But it does apply. A Muslim volunteering to give info on what makes them offended? Yeah, doesn't apply at all.

Go back to reddit MIDF.

I'm not MIDF, faggot, I just dont see what the muzzie is supposed to gain from that.

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