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Sounds good, but what can catch?
You have to give up on the right to own property and free speech, not to mention that the average living standards would plummet in the inferior economical system.
the fact that Communism only works if socialism is in the country first, and socialism grows out of capitalism, and even then does communism work on a global scale. From a communist
>right to own property and free speech
Yes, right to own property, but not free speech. Are you an idiot?
You stop making this thread every day
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>actually believing this garbage

you need to realize that humans themselves by their very nature make any notion of utopia impossible

This is pure idealism and will never work. Please talk about politics after you graduate high school

I'm really intrigued by your image, OP. That poster is so full of shit -- is there anyone stupid enough to believe it? Is whoever wrote it that deluded, or that evil (in that the only other choice is that he must be trying to manipulate the feeble-minded)?
>grammar error in the op
>the image has shit moved around

Why are you retards so retarded? Open the image.
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Pic related. A man who works solely for the sake of other men is no man at all.
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Obama 2012
Stop posting this every day you fucking loser.
It will work some day, when the people let a good leader in that speaks the truth, and not lies and empty promises.
>you need to realize that humans themselves by their very nature make any notion of utopia impossible
>this is why we implement Socialism in order to change said nature

of course, if you dissolve all government just then, does communism not work. Idiotic, american propaganda is. During the Red Scare, Russians had more freedoms then Americans
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>Russians had more freedoms then Americans
> During the Red Scare, Russians had more freedoms then Americans

please be a troll
please be a troll
please be a troll
please be a troll
please be a troll
Blacks could vote in Russia during the time americans were lynching them.

Someone cite a source, a CREDIBLE source, besides brainwashed american propaganda.
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>During the Red Scare, Russians had more freedoms then Americans

please be a troll
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That...isn't even socialism. That's european weak-sauce Social Democracy.
Communism is stateless, propertyless, moneyless, and heirarchyless. There shouldn't even be a Communist party.
...What fucking blacks in Russia? Are you insane?

Blacks could vote in america during the red scare you idiot.
>cite a source saying I'm wrong
>if it's anything that proves me wrong, it's just evil brainwashed american propaganda


just go...
All man could vote in Russia. No matter what race.

therefore, USSR > USA
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>Racial minorities in certain states, 1965
>Minorities could vote in 1915 in Russia
When did I say anything about proving me wrong? I meant, cite actual sources. Not something you heard, actual documents.
10/10 best new poster of the year
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> Believes in soviet propaganda
They leave out the part where collectivization and production quotas destroy the economy, the upper class is either imprisoned, dispossed, or flees the country and nobody knows how to run things anymore, and mass starvation occurs after farming output collapses
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>some statements are exactly the same
>some statements don't match up with the pictures

Is this an edited version of the picture?
>implying that my sources are soviet propaganda
To bad you wont have a choice in waht you get to do or have anymore.
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>what is google
>what are databases

I just finished watching that CIS video someone put here earlier and I feel pretty depressed
>communsim (TRUE communism) is classless, governmentless, stateless
>yet someone governs you, somehow
>They leave out the part where collectivization and production quotas destroy the economy

Ok, bro

Just forget about all those dead ukrainians
What does a bag of groceries have to do with comprehensive healthcare?

It's mentioned twice.
>implying that anybody likes ukranians

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