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Was against the War on Drugs for years. But recent events have caused me to reconsider.

My neighbor, a 50 year hippie liberal, overdosed. He started smoking multiple blunts early in the morning and after several bong rips, he was discovered unconscious/unresponsive by his wife. He was declared dead by the paramedics who claimed he had a heart attack due to too much THC in his system.

Anything that will stop this madness is okay by me. The war has been largely ineffective thus far, but if we can somehow convince people, like my friend, that no drug ever amounts to anything positive, it can be won.
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Let people bear responsibility for their own choices, instead of causing all of this additional violence and throwing millions of people in jail.
This is fake and a troll, but that was his own fault. the average drug user is responsible. The War on Drugs causes the druggie epidemic and organized crime, and we can't let it contine over a couple hundred retards like the person OP was talking about.

>dead hippie
>a bad thing
>war on drugs
>literally creating more criminals by creating more laws
>implying that this can ever be "won"
studies do actually suggest (though not yet confirmed) a correlation between cannabis use and heart and lung illness. not to mention brain damage and smoke in the fucking lungs.
the war on drugs has been going on long enough that 90%+ people arrested for it now started when it was illegal. they had a choice, they choose to break the law.
no sympathy.

It was won in Afghanistan, without modern technology, without millions in funds.

>"in July 2000, Taliban leader Mullah Mohammed Omar, collaborating with the United Nations to eradicate heroin production in Afghanistan, declared that growing poppies was un-Islamic, resulting in one of the world's most successful anti-drug campaigns. As a result of this ban, opium poppy cultivation was reduced by 91%"

So rather than questioning the law itself, you'll just shamelessly accept that the marijuana prohibition is sensible and blame the victims. Cute.
>someone falls off a ladder
>ladders are dangerous
>throw you in jail for owning one
>War on Drugs logic

Don't know why I'm posting in a troll thread.

Thats not the argument at all.

Ladders dont destroy individuals, families, communities and even entire societies.
drugs are population control

i thought this was commonly accepted knowledge?

lol america enjoy that lovely american invention, crystal meth
That's only gonna work in deeply religious countries.

lol USA
neither does a bit of pot

unless it's illegal

its also completely bullshit


Afganistan remains the world largest heroin producer, while under allied occupation

But it just did. The guy who fell off it died.

Considering this actually happens in real life, ladders should be illegal and I shall communicate with my local political figure on the matter.

Yes it does, Its not as bad as alcohol, but it does damage/ Introduce drugs to a normal community, see what happens. within months its turned into a festering shithole.
because almost no one else makes heroin you dipshit.
If it's not as bad as alcohol, why is pot illegal and beer legal?
some peopel really cant ahndle cannabis.. the allow it to consume their life.. ive seen it in many people during these few years at uni

myself, i habitually smoke yet am entering 3rd year with a 1st

its idiosyncratic differences between people that cause problems, not cannabis
Crystal meth was invented in Japan.
Wait, what?
That dude could have smoked 10 packs of cigarette in an hour, drank gallons of vodka, or drive at 200km/h on the wrong side of a highway.
All these would have resulted in the same thing. Abusing something like a retard often kills you, drug is no different.
Listen, Zionistwatcher, if you're concerned about the damage that drugs do to individuals and communities, do what Switzerland is doing.

Provide therapy and controlled doses of clean drugs to abusers of drugs, it's quite a lot more effective than throwing them in jail and confining the market to dangerous drug cartels, which raises the price and funds criminal organizations.

We should have learned our lesson with Prohibition.

>taliban ban opium production, have the most successful anti drugs campaign in history
>no opium produced in Afghanistan

>NATO invades
>opium production goes through the roof
>just a coincidence
>'Hurr dem ebil taliban drug dealers'

Western media logic
complain all you want faggot, you're losing the drug war

why? im high right now faggot
yet that community is still going to be MUCH worse off with drug dealers killing each over turf or whatever, than it is with a few kids buying pot at the corner store

there is no legitimate argument for the war on drugs. it's literally just a cash cow for the judicial system and law enforcement.
>why does this madness happen!
>wont someone think of the children!
>who will work to provide for more women and children!

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