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> be white American
> work as medic in Malawi for a few years coming out of college
> eventually decide to move there
> become successful sugar farmer (protip other Malawian farmers, if you don't screw over your workers/customers, you will be successful)
> very popular with locals
> develop reputation for integrity
> bros with local DPP boss
> elections for National Assembly coming up in 2014
> DPP casually asks if I'd be interested in running for my district's seat
> would be first white person to ever run for that position
> pretty sure I could win

Should I do it, /pol/?
do it for yourself as an individual, not the white race

Go for it.

>Pay an outside militia to kill a few locals.
>Form local militia and kill them
>Invade area where initial fighters were from as retribution
>Take over country

I wouldn't be doing it for the white race, I'd be doing it for the people of my district.
go for it and claim independence later

Malawi is very peaceful and the people generally take the elections seriously. I'd actually have to campaign, but my district is heavy DPP so I'm confident I could win.
You need to assess the risks. I don't know about your particular area, but how good is the security, healthcare, social situation etc?

If its a pretty stable area, do it. Run it the same way you have run your plantation, no nonsense efficiency without stepping on too many toes.
If you want to, sure.
No reason not to.
you must run OP

just be the nicest most honest politician they have ever known basically the Ron Paul/Denis Kusinich of Malawi

do it for the sake of the endangered white species

if the blacks where you live see you as having more integrity that most of the black people they deal with they will be less likely to advocate white genocide
>white africans worldwide
What exactly is the platform of the DPP
>Implying OP actually exists
If you win, what would it mean to you?

Democratic Progressive Party, it's vaguely liberal and anti-corruption, though the specific platforms of individual candidates vary widely.

Five year term representing my district's interests in the National Assembly

> /pol/tards start posting pictures of his face with the caption "WE AFRICA NOW"

Make it happen

Security is good, very low crime area, healthcare is shit, but it's no worse than other areas of the country and the social situation is very stable.
>/pol/ regular getting voted to parliament anywhere

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> mfw /pol/ anywhere near Africa
>get elected
>do a good job in your position
>move up through the ranks
>get elected president
>lead Malawi into an age of prosperity
>become the jewel of Africa
>have movies made about you
>on your death bed tell them you were so great because you are white and niggers could never do what you did.
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You're being used by Big Sugar! The anti-corruption party is putting you up because they know you'd be unable to do anything about the sugar farmers screwing people over without looking like a fatcat out to screw the competition!
Your rival farmers will have you right where they want you!

if you get elected you can influence the party to be less progressive and more conservative or a least centrist

proper regulation on market and industry is fine as long as it doesnt go apeshit like in America and Europe

just make sure they avoid marxism/socialism because that has never ended well anywhere it is tried

I think your platform should be more trade, more environment neutral industry, growth of the economy and more well paying jobs

also do what you can to minimize corruption in the government

you might be the prime minister or president of that nation in a few years if your effective

does Malawi have a president elect or a prime minister?
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I would do it.. It gives you the power to take bribes, take women and fill your pockets..
babby has never been to africa.jpg
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President. The current president is a very nice lady (though don't let any of my DPP bros know I said that).
Are you me OP?
I had the exact same plan.
I'd also take a local woman to strenghten my bond with the local population.
do eeetttt
breaking news!

black leftist party lead by 25 year old white supremacist seizes power in malawi, more news at 11!
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Never change, /pol/
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This is now your wife OP.
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You know what, go for it. Show that you can play fair and act like a decent person without being a holier-than-thou fuck, and that being white doesn't guarantee you're a jackass to your constituents.

Seriously, try running. If nothing else you'll be involved the process, work the issues, and foster debate for the good of the people you've made neighbors.

> mfw that sounds hokey but really pretty neat
All joking aside, I hear Malawi's nice. Are you anywhere near the lake? Can you comment on the diving there?

Also, Malawi is REALLY heavily populated for such a small country.

I'd say go for it though. Generally, accountable government (almost regardless of whose running it) almost inevitably engenders prosperity and peace. Seems like a good cause to me.
op you should take over the country and invite all the /pol/ visitors

I love that episode!

> tfw DS9 was the best trek
that was great anon
be sure and muh_dik as many native women as you can OP
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It really was.

Seriously, run! Even if it doesn't work the first time maybe you can get involved in politics and either help without being a candidate again or run again.

And, hey, celebrate with a little cane sugar version of this. I hate this fake shit.
Yeah, I'm calling bullshit on this one

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