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Child Labor laws. Why are we supposed to thank unions for ending these? Impoverished families needed the extra income and it was a natural move from agriculture (where children also worked) to industry. It's not as if the factories were enslaving children to do their work.

Essentially the labor movement cut out a significant chunk of competition, denying families that were already struggling much needed income, and picking up the rest.
>impoverished families
You've got Capitalism to thank for that.

>Implying poverty isn't humanity's natural state

Yes, because everyone was so wealthy before capitalism.
Because if we attack the effect, the cause will go away.

Yes, because everyone is so wealthy after Capitalism.
i thought regulations were holding back business?

shouldn't we abolish age restrictions on work?

that will make life better for everyone, right?
Yes, because compared to the rest of the world they are
that's like part of my dream world, having millions of midgets (kids will do) hollowing out the earth below my base, bringing rare and precious metals and minerals to fund my world domination

People are significantly more wealthy than they previously were and have access to a greater number of goods, services, and opportunities.
The average worker was better off before the industrial revolution. Capitalism only really improved conditions for the upper class at first.
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You passed the high water mark of that sometime in the late 60s or early 70s.

The wave is rolling back out to sea while you talk about the miracles that it brought with it.
OP, I would laugh if you died.

Yes. If children want to work to help supplement their family's income then they should be able to, shouldn't they? I wonder how many families you could help lift out of poverty and set their children on a more productive path?

Why force kids through the education system that don't belong in it? They're only damaging the system as a whole. Furthermore the structure, income, and sense of purpose could prevent them from turning to crime.
Op really? I hope you die in a coal mine.

Why are you against the right to work?

This just seems like such a good idea...

Except children have no accountability, and will be a detriment to their families when MOM&DAD owe a corporation millions of dollars because "Bucky" something up severely.
The KKK actually was heavily supportive of child labor laws and public education (for whites anyway) due to the fact that children work for the fraction of the costs of adults and take the jobs from adults. The KKK indeed did help end child labor and improve working conditions.

Because that's how it works when a regular employee messes up. They get fired. They aren't held accountable for every penny involved. If a line worker does something that causes a factory to shut down, they aren't charged for each second of lost production. They're either reprimanded or fired.

So we should thank the KKK too.
they also supported alcohol and drug prohibition movements and the "christian socialism" of the 19th century. kkk were utopian douchebags
you want your kids around dangerous machinery? working 18 hours a day? instead of going to school?

well then I have news for you, move to a third world country with exports!
Children working the same jobs as adults meant you had a much larger work work force that was getting a significantly lower pay. If kids were working, they probably weren't in school and would start a cycle of low paid workers. The jobs the children worked were usually dangerous and resulted in slow or instant death.

No, because I could afford to send children to school. People that need the extra income for their families however should have the option of allowing their children to support them. Kids worked on farms before the industrial revolution in order to support their families
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Wow. You are a fucking idiot. I don't care how impoverished you are. You don't send a 6 year old to work in a coal mine with little to no protection. In fact, you don't send a 6 year old to a coal mine at all.
child labor ends as countries become richer.

vietnam has no child labor laws and child labor largely disappeared as the standard of living increased.
if you hate it so much you should tell parents not to do it. and if your arguments are sound they won't

What if they're going on a tour of the coal mine?
Lets say you have a factory in a fairly poor town. The factory employees 4000 men and women of proper working age. They make just barely enough to support their family on that income.
Now lets say for some reason children are able to work as soon as they can take orders. Now half of the adult workers are let go and replaced by children that can do the same job and half the cost. You have actually TAKEN money from the poor by allowing children to work. Public school is essentially a daycare to keep children busy and out of work until 16.

Precisely! It's necessary for the transition from agriculture to industrialization but will eventually work itself out. People don't want to send their children away to work if they can afford not to.

Then....That's okay. As long as they have supervision and some protection. I've been to one before and it's cold as fuck.
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Usually workers were unaware of the hazards they faced in the workplace because there is little sign of it until it happens, children even more so, whereas in the fields the biggest threat was tripping up.

Essentially it was fraud, the government should have passed laws making compensation to injured workers mandatory, then businesses would have factored that into their costs and implemented safety measures and children could work to help support their families in poverty.
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Well your presumption is that the working abilities of an adult and a child are the same. So we're talking about 2000 people doing a job so simple a child could perform it, with identical outcomes for half the price. I don't see what's wrong with the move to child labor if that's the situation.

Of course the parents can always say they don't want their children to work if it's costing them their jobs (and their ability to raise those very children) and stop them from working. Thus leaving the factory owner less X/2000 child laborers.

Those that would remain are probably the children of the other 2000 workers. Meanwhile those that are unemployed should look for other factory work in the town or, if need be, pull their children out of the factory and relocate for better opportunities.

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