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Every user should read this. And if you're looking for a blast from the past, check out the archived news posts.

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>Police and prosecutors in the UK are accused of being "incredibly heavy-handed" when dealing with online trolls and abusive messages.
>It follows several cases where young people have been arrested, fined or jailed after posting insulting comments on their Twitter and Facebook accounts. Campaign groups and experts from Oxford University say the punishments are heavier than in other countries. But police insist if a law is broken they will take action.
>Official figures showing how many arrests have been made over online comments don't exist. Instead police record arrests under different categories depending on what is posted. For example, it could be incitement to racial hatred or harassment.
>In a statement is says: "People have a right to publish their views but when these views become indecent, threatening or offensive then the individuals they affect also have the right to report them. "The police will assist with any prosecution." The Campaign Against Censorship says often a joke or sarcasm is misread, especially when people only have 140 characters.
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As bad as things are in America I can still say at least I'm not British.
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And we can both be glad for that.
>Implying the state has the role of moderating fucking internet forums
Why are americans so obsessed with what british people do. It reminds me of Canadians vs Americans.
The HM Government needs to update their laws in age of the internet. But there is a need to prosecute people if there is actual harassment of people or incitement of imminent lawless action.

When I mean actual harassment, I mean when simple functions of a website such as Twitter is not enough to stop a persistent harasser to cease their abusive activity.
Lolwhat? Niger has more freedom than Aussies or Spain? what the world has become...
>free speech

Stop posting that you faggot, they were Egyptian.

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>But there is a need to prosecute people if there is actual harassment of people or incitement of imminent lawless action.
muh feelingz
beat me to it

The state has a role in allowing the citizenry to go about pursuing their rights unmolested
>The HM Goverment
>The HM
>The Her

Grammar. Does you know it?
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>Confusing harassment with some one just calling you a cunt.

You know that crazy ex-wife who keeps calling you from 11pm-5am everyday threatening to kill herself, sending you constant texts and emails saying how she hates you/loves you?

Thats harassment.

For about a decade, or a decade and a half the west has had the, frankly bizarre, agenda of becoming a police state. Partly this is down to the cold war ending. The military industrial complex is made up of people who want to keep their jobs and huge budgets. So they turned their efforts to manufacturing threats abroad and surveillance of the public.

It's ironic, but the military / secret police / intelligence services are now the biggest threat to the western way of life.
No, the proper phrase is "your rights end when someone else's rights begin". The United Kingdom does have human rights in the form of the Human Rights Act, which is part of their Unwritten Constitution. Many Americans do not realize that the concept of Freedom of Speech is not absolute. Worse, social networking trolls want to have the freedom of speech but none of the responsibility.

On a side note, your response indicate a lack of basic psychological and sociology knowledge about safety and the individual.
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Everything is banned in Britain. Everything.
> Paul Chambers, 28, was fined £1,000 for tweeting "joke" about blowing up airport in Sheffield. The verdict was overturned in June 2012

But our airport shut ages ago. It's just a private/police airfield now.
So if I say "statistically negroes are less intelligent than caucasians and not all of the difference can be attributed to poverty or lack of education" I should be arrested for a hate crime?
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Just as well people in murrica have NO FEELINGZ

You don't get all butthurt when some raghead burns your flag
People don't have a right to not be offended.

In Britain rights, and the power of parliament, came from the English Bill of rights.
But we do have the right to feel safe in our homes.

That's why thought crime is investigated, but burglary isn't.
>safe from hurt feelings
get a load of this guy
God, I am so happy to live in Germany and not in UK

>police state
>muh feelings
>infested with niggers and arabs
>even more feminism than in other western countries
>no industry beside 'financial industry' that will collaps with the next bubble

Please stay out of EU, it will be fun to watch how your little Island will turn into hell on earth in a decade or so.
so if someone insults me in real life i can get them arrested? or is it only on the internet
And we're right back to "ends where my feelings begin"

Unless someone posts a specific threat to your person then the goverment has no place in safeguarding your feelings.

There's a lot of truth in that. Yet just over a decade ago things seemed to be OK.

Only if you are black. Or gay. Or maybe female. These special privileges of law only apply to people the state chooses, seemingly at random.
Are you not a police state? Don't you have hordes of Turks? Lmao
>March through Dresden saying 'Bomber Harris, do it again.'
Perfectly fine.
>Play Counter-strike
>Say 6 million is questionable
Heinous crime
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It is already hell on earth. When UK is the second Zimbabwe and France is a Sharia country, where do you think all these niggers and shitskins will go? Hint: your precious Turks will get a large and nice company very soon.
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>germans calling other places a police state
>censorship of anything nazi




>banned in germany
Holocaust denial's sole purpose is to make Nazism mainstream again and to spread antisemitism. With Germany being a proper democratic state, they don't want another spread of rampant racism.

So it makes a lot of sense to outlaw holocaust denial in Germany, and in many countries in Europe.
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>Are you not a police state?

Actually, no we are not. Sure, denying holocaust beeing illegal is retarded, but it is about the only thought crime in Germany.

>Don't you have hordes of Turks?

As bad as Turks are, they are not neary at the level of Arabs or Niggers.
That's the reason why pic related never happend in Germany.

>Actually, no we are not.

Err yes you fucking are, sorry to have had to break it too you bro.

>As bad as Turks are, they are not neary at the level of Arabs or Niggers.

Oh boy oh boy.
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> about the only thought crime in Germany
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>Play Counter-strike

No it's not and never was.

>Say 6 million is questionable
>Heinous crime

Yeah, that's bad, but at least I wont go to prison in Germany for starting my engine in a racist way.


>implying Germany didn't learn it lesson from turks and still lets shit level immigrants in their country without restrictions.

>implying playing wolfenstein is a crime in Germany

>Implying Germany isn't part of the EU and lets all the fucking eastern and southern europe plebs in

We're all in the same fucking boat you fools! It's like being in a sinking ship and laughing at the guy next to you because he's deeper in the water than you!
Well by all means UK, don't fight back, just complain some more.

Trust me, they care.

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>not living in Georgia
>not having a government that doesn't give a shit about what you say or post
Come home free white man.

>Well by all means UK, don't fight back, just complain some more.

You have no idea what you are talking about.

Eastern Europes are brotier.
But those southern niggers can stay in their bankrupt shitholes.
>living in a country which could get completely destroyed by Russia and no one would care
>implying there will be more conflicts
Georgia's warmongering monkey of a president is nearing the end of his term. Re-election is no longer possible and everyone has learned what it means to fuck with Russia.

>implying UK won't leave EU soon because they love to suck bank-lobbys cock so much.

But I don't want to leave the EU....
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Eva, auf Wiedersehen!
Yes you do faggot.

>Wolfenstein (Uncut)
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If Wolfenstein was indexed in Britain, you would be thrown in jail for playing it.
>free speech
>not absolute.

By definition, free speech is absolute. Popular speech does not need any protections, once you cross the line of limiting any types of speech you no longer have free speech.

That's not necessarily a bad thing, it just makes you more authoritorian than the more libertarian minded Americans. Just don't call it anything other than what it is: limiting freedoms for the protection of the State.
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>Private possession (and thus playing it) and acquisition (such as downloading a demo from the Internet) is still legal

..what? Are you saying if something was illegal in the UK, it'd be illegal? Is that what you just said?

>Private possession (and thus playing it) and acquisition (such as downloading a demo from the Internet) is still legal

How do I read?

>Wolfenstein banned but you can still legaly posess and play it

>Hurting feelings is banned and you get thrown in jail for it.
People have gone to jail for hurt feelings in Germany.

B-but, I'm upset right now...so it isn't banned...

>Implying the UK is the happiest place in the world

Two thumbs up! Thanks Hitler!

Name one example (except holocaust denial)
Nazi symbolism.

Who has gone in jail for it?
Read the thread.
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Show me where you can buy the non shit on version of Wolfenstein in Germany? oh wait you can't.

>ignored my you go to jail for doing 'nazi' salutes, having a hitler ring tone or teaching your DOG a nazi salute here

>vidya banned for 'gore'
pick 1

I did. No links about imprisonment for showing nazi symbols.

>Germans gonna Sieg Heil

Dude chill, stop furiously saluting the keyboard and smoke a jew or something.

free speech is not hate speech.

We already know britian is an orwellian shitpit full of muslim pedos that rape british kids, get over it.
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Free speech is meant to protect unpopular speech. Popular speech, by definition, needs no protection.

>Dat flag

Ok, accepted. I don't like this laws either, but as long as you are not wearing nazi symbols or denying holocaust, you can voice your opinion pretty freely in Germany.

Oh god, get that shit off me. Goddamn turkish caliphate flag, what the fuck?

God, britian should just cleanse the muslim invaders from it's streets and shores.
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That sounds doubleplusgood citizen.
I live in a non shitty country. Where can I troll these people with racial slurs seeing as I wont be arrested

Hey, germany is not perfect, but still 1000 times better than UK.
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And you know this shit only applies to white people.

Pretend you are a sand nigger and post shit about white people. I bet you $1000 nobody will give a fuck.

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