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Every user should read this. And if you're looking for a blast from the past, check out the archived news posts.

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Forced redistribution is theft.
hurr fuck the gubment everything should be free to everyone karl marx was right !!!11
OCCUPY is the Modern Hippy Movement.
Modern Politics
>Liberals who want a social safety net and fair distribution of wealth vote for corrupt Illinois politician who implements a mandate to purchase from corporations
>Libertarians who want a free market vote for corrupt mormon businessman who wants protectionist measures and border control

Sometimes I look at America and weep
Except the hippy movement actually accomplished something

Theft is not always wrong or unjustified. The more you know.

They want to steal back what was stolen from them to begin with.

Hurr durrr FUCK THE POOR
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obvious fag. Look up Voluntaryism.

>[I]t would […] be highly questionable whether [Robinson Crusoe] has a right to keep the full produce of his labor when some shipwrecked mariner needs his surplus food to keep from starving.

>In actual society no one ever thinks it unjust that a wealthy old bachelor should have part of his presumably just earnings taken away in the form of a tax for the benefit of other people's children, or that one immune to certain diseases, should be taxed to support hospitals, etc.
People who dislike capitalism are fucking retarded. I make no exception for this.
Country with the 8th highest gun-related homicides per population. Jamaica being number 1.
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According to conservative logic, the more money the rich have, the more there is to trickle down to the rest of us. But the more money that trickles down to the rest of us, the less money the rich will have. So for trickle-down economics to work optimally, the rich should get all the money and then just keep it
OP doesn't know jack shit about economics if he thinks capitalism is bad.
The only respectable part of the Occupy movement within the U.S. is Occupy Oakland; and that's because their idea of protesting is not sitting in a park, sipping Starbucks and browsing a Mac laptop.
If hammers aren't tools, then why do so many workers bring them to work.
Technically speaking artillery and aircraft are by far the biggest killers in warfare. Infantry only really exists to capture ground and support the other assets nowadays. Has been that way since the end of WW1.
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Does this mean occutards are obama supporters?

The hypocrisy is killing me
Criticizing an isolationist is like calling you neighbor a hermit because he doesnt camp out on your lawn and break your windows.
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I got a great idea! What if all of the rich people occupied the buildings where poor people congregated?
And then shit all over the parks?
Then called the police on themselves and had fox news film it all? It would be hilarious. The police would be in on the prank as they pretend to taze the rich. When in reality, they are all actors eating in front of those starving scumbags.
That's not even a remotely correct analysis on the criticism of isolationism.
i.e. You have no real substance to your argument.
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Democrats would be so outraged, they would vote for a Republican candidate out of spite. Have covert dis-info agent Michael Moore direct this shitstorm.

>this is what people who aren't libertarians actually believe

Thanks for helping me reaffirm my positions.
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>Racism is a business' right.

But it is. It's called freedom of association, you self-entitled failure at life nigger.
Pick both.
To think that artificial regulation is better than market regulation is the pretense of knowledge.
OWS in a nutshell

OWS was started by Adbusters, a Canadian magazine that really hates Nike and similar companies. They have been doing these protests for years and only a few hundred people ever turned out for them.

The original OWS message was asking "Wallstreet got their bailout, which they used for executive bonuses and $60,000 office renovations. Where is the bailout for the other 99%".

-This was the same question asked in the early tea party protests. It was a fair question asked by both the right and the left.

-When the media spotlight hit, the entire thing turned to shit and it became "The 99% hate the 1% because they are rich and stuff".

-It turned into a massive street party as it spread across north America. No leader emerged and no real message was embraced besides "being poor is suffering. Give us money!" The real protesters bailed after the first week, leaving behind bored college kids with their iPads and recreational drugs.

-Somehow topics like slavery emancipation and women's rights got mixed into these misguided gatherings. None of them really knew why they were there anymore.

-Winter came and most of them went home, ending the nationwide protests because their toes were cold and they ran out of places to charge their laptops.

Market regulation? Decentralised order? WHAT IS THIS SORCERY? THEY DIDN'T TELL ME ABOUT THIS IN SCHOOL.

When a wild nigger starts prowling your lawn at night with the intent to rape and maraud your family, you better believe you're going to desperately want the right to discriminate you so bitterly deny others.
Explain the great depression please.
>Inb4 not a free market or central bank failure
Just because Freedman said it doesn't make it true.
>Nigger prowling your lawn with the intent to rape.
Just because a black person walks across your lawn doesn't mean he's gonna rape you.
Also, if you attempts to enter your property, you are allowed to ask him to leave you know, that applies for ALL races. See, equal.
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Friedman knows a lot more about economy than you do.
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>thinking America free market

How dumb can you be?
debating is very easy when facts are dismissed. Explain the rapid growth during the Industrial Revolution.
>inb4 wage slavery and shitty working conditions
Just because Marks said it doesn't make it true.

You're right, it doesn't mean it is true, but that is true. Government intervention in the market is what causes market instability. The market is self-correcting, I'm really sorry that you don't understand this.
That's why his economic policies failed right?

>Just because a black person walks across your lawn doesn't mean he's gonna rape you.

Certainly. But it is statistically more likely, and so a presumption in favour of it is a reasonable precaution to take.
Free market capitalism wouldn't have let those houses be built without a demand or expected demand.

Democrats created the housing bubble by championing a false affordable housing crisis. Same thing with rent controls, good intentions, bad consequences.

But that's not free market capitalism.

Please, please, please, tell me, I have to know, are you really this retarded? Do you actually believe things like this?
Just shut up. The Great Depression was a result of an artificial increase in the money supply. Hoover started a series of policies that prolonged the recession. The roaring twenties was nothing more than a bubble of prosperity and the great depression the bust to the boom.
Uh no, the market was incapable of recovering due to all of the capital being unavailable for the re-investment in business.
Waiting for the market to fix it resulted in nothing but worsening of the situation.

It was a decrease in the money supply
Actually Hoover was an incompetent moron who did next to nothing, then when it was in a full depression, attempted a few useless stop gap measures.
Had he acted sooner and with much greater commitment, could have avoided the depression all together.
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since when is hate speech free speech? Why do republicans feels so compelled to defend bigots,racists,and homophobes?
The unemployment rate was down by 2 percent from peak before the new Deal.
>Uh no, the market was incapable of recovering due to all of the capital being unavailable for the re-investment in business.

What are you even talking about? You have to realize why there wasn't capital to be available. We had/have low interest rates which discourages savings and productions, or "investment."

>Waiting for the market to fix it resulted in nothing but worsening of the situation.

Medicine tastes bad but you have to drink it.
No sense in arguing with those of which have no reason.
Because bigots a 100 years ago are conservatives now. Free speech = progress.

Because you don't have a right not to have your feelings hurt. Cry more, whiny libtard.
Republicans shunned him for all of his anti-laissez faire policies.

Roosevelt completed destroyed the US economy with his policies. Roosevelt's policies contributed to our financial collapse today.
Why do you want to defend niggers, kikes faggots and muslims ?
I hope you're not serious.
The cops killed off the occupy movement so that election-related news wouldn't have to compete with occupy-related news for mindshare.

After the protestors were forcibly removed, legislation was passed to prevent people from freely congregating in public places, preventing the movement from coming back.
Then he got stonewalled by congress, and FDR continued his policies. Now the US think FDR is some sort of hero.

Also, the contraction of the money supply, and the over extension of credit characterized by a complete lack of savings. (the same thing that preceded 2007-2009)
>Roosevelt completely destroyed the US economy with his policies.
I also assume that you want to go back to the gold standard and eliminate the central bank too don't you?
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yeah my bad.
But that's what it is you half-wit.
It's not even debatable, do you even know what a depression is?
trayvon attacked george zimmerman. listen to the full phone call.
what ows started out as and should have stayed
>holy fuck, guys, look at all of the corruption in our government and the incestuous relationship between finance, corporations, and government.

what ows became
>hurr capitalism is evil smash the patriarchy check your privilege white man you don't get to speak
thought you meant that the current depression was. I got confused. I made the mistake of typing increase instead of decrease, and then when you commented, I thought you mean the current depression was caused by a decrease.
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>Anti Capitalist (Pro Communist)
>Pro Obama (aka His Excellency)

Yep, nothing new here.
it was only a matter of time
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trayvon committed suicide by cholo...

pic somewhat related
Peter Schiff is a moron.
>Muh gold standard
>Muh central bank
>Muh pseudo-science.
At least post Friedman, I disagree with him, but he at least is grounded in reality.
you would be disregarding an entire school of economic thought, then.

Friedman was right in many instances, as is Schiff.

>Deconstruct the opposing argument
>Consistently disclose the facts
>Remain calm in the face of unwavering and unreasonable antagonism

Nothing new to see here folks.

It is merely the daily reminder on how clueless OWSers are.
Not a biased irrational image at all OP! You seem like an open minded free thinking individual!
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You just hate the poor
You monster.
Can any of the OWS people actually express their views logically? Like, what do you want the government to do to solve the problems this country has? Are you unaware that we don't have any money? The government is broke, and taxing people in order to pay for social programs will just exacerbate every problem we have.
I don't disregard Friedman, I just disagree with him.
>School of economic thought
How about no?
Schiff is about as right as a broken clock, he gets it eventually.
As for Friedman his theory succeeds where Keynesism would, in that good economic times are well... good and you shouldn't be spending then. His attitude of letting the market settle things like the Housing Crisis would have resulted in a depression by almost any accepted standard.
why would lower income families die?
I said you're disregarding the Austrian school. It shows how much you comprehend.
I'm saying that Austrian isn't a school
Chicago and Keynesian schools are the only schools that bring something to the table in terms of actual economic thought.
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Sarcasm my friend, I was being facetious.
what about historical?
But in the land of reality the rest of the world lives in, they would die with no assistance.
I'm not sure that's what you're saying, but if it is, that's dumb.
You do realize why the housing crisis happened in the first place, right?
why would they die prematurely without government assistance?
That is completely and utterly irrelevant to the situation to be honest.
I mean, who cares how it started, its about how you allow it to end.
deflation and the gold standard.
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>That is completely and utterly irrelevant to the situation to be honest. I mean, who cares how it started
Tthose who do not learn from history are doomed to repeat it.
If you really want me to, I'll go find all the statistics, but it comes out that America, the worlds most charitable nation on the face of the planet, with ALL charity going to helping the poor would only be able to foot the bill for somewhere around 1/3 of all State Assistance.
Remember that a lot of the current charity goes overseas and to other causes, so this is taking it all and applying it to this.
There is no way as to which people would be able to cover the costs of social safety nets.
>inb4 they would donate more without the taxes
There are also greedy fucks who wouldn't, betting odds are the donations would stay the same as they are now.
I'm not saying that you can't go back post-fact and address it, however, in a choice between depression or recession, that is irrelevant.
For instance, company reputations are still hurt (I refuse to deal with anyone except J.P. Morgan) Regulations can be put on, and fines can be issued, government policies on loans changed.
But at the time, none of that matters.
red herring. you didn't answer the question. all you did was show that charity spending is less than government assistance.
But it does. Why would you spend more money propping up a system that will continue to distort the market and cause even more problems down the line?

Do you ever consider why state assistance is necessary, or even exists? It's interesting because in the past people were generally able to pay for the shit they wanted and needed, but now, in the age of the ever-expanding government and overbearing interventionism, there are more people who 'need' public assistance.

But no, understanding all of that would be too inconvenient, let's just say poor people need more free shit and be done with the debate.
Well correlation can't be that hard for you to establish right?
>Title 9 eliminated= Less housing available
>Medicaid eliminated= Less health care available
>Student Loans eliminated= Less economic opportunities available to low income students.
etc. etc.
These lead directly to circumstance that would shorten live-spans. (No medical care can do that to a person)

So you are acknowledging it's the government's fault? Which then justifies government intervention to solve the problem, causing the next problem, which then justifies government intervention to solve the problem, causing the next problem... you see where I'm going with this.
so much fallacious things in one post.
>Oversimplify argument and put words in my mouth.
Its almost like when liberals scream Racist to end an argument
Prove me wrong faggot.
>inb4 burden of proof on me
You called me the liar.

But that is the implication of your argument, and that is the inevitable result of a welfare state.
you're not looking at the cause of these things. The cause it debt, consumer overconfidence, inflation, taxes, state-reliance, etc.
I'm saying it CAN be government's fault, it isn't infallible, it would be stupid to think so.
The problem could be government intervention that was the problem, meaning that is removed.
There is also government intervention that is needed i.e. deregulation under Reagan that lead to a recession.
See the point now?

I see your point, but you're wrong, government intervention is not needed, the market self-regulates.
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You whiny marxist faggots can't even into economics, just leave the internet forever please.
Here's where YOUR magical market comes in.
A business that is on the brink of going under has probably already lost a decent sized market share and reputation. With the competition now being restored as well, they are again forced to compete at a much higher level, as well as allowing for it to go under, seeing as the other sectors of the industry will continue right along, without the crushing consequences of them all going under. This affords the time for say a new business to take its place.
Keynesism is not the control of the market, rather the accommodation of one.
Keynesianism is the steering of markets . . .
>>Libertarians who want a free market vote for corrupt mormon businessman

I weep because of idiots like you who are completely ignorant of opposing views and thus perpetuate my enslavement through ignorance.
Except when it doesn't.
I don't advocate constant government interference, and as it stands 9/10 business's still go out of business even in this current age of "not a real free market"
There are times when government interference is necessary, when capital has reached the point where it is in the great depression, you can't just sit back and pray to the god of free markets to fix it, that didn't work then, and wouldn't of worked today.
>hate speech is not free speech
Yes it is
I'm not going to allow the feeling police declare what people can and can't say

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