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why does everyone keep calling her beautiful?
im amazed that kid hasnt looked in a mirror and thrown herself off a blacony

i would, fuck living like that
shut up cis scum
Nigger what the fuck
I wonder what would have happened if this baby was born under a Nazi society.
She is not beautiful. She is a fucking alien. Did she write a book or something? Maybe she has super creative emotional brain parts.
Because her short time on this earth shouldn't be filled with hateful comments from faggots like you.
who said she was going to die fgt?
They all forgot their /s

She has progeria you fucking retard, average life expectancy is thirteen years
She wouldn't have been born in the first place probably.
regular people have this thing called empathy and compassion

oh, and some lack the desire to make people suffer JUST CUZ I CAN
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>implying you wouldn't hit that
That's probably the best picture of her I have seen.

She is still an ugly alien though.
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Notice that it's all women or effeminate men making such comments. Women are constantly denying reality and living in a fantasy world where they can overcome physical inadequacies with their mind. What's more they are incredibly insecure and empathetic.

When one woman envisages that another person (friend or vulnerable person in society, especially children due to their maternal instincts) has insecurities also and that they may be easily emotionally upset they set out to combat this. The method they use is denial of reality. This is why women all get together and bitch about men all being assholes and women having no opportunities in the workplace, they literally cannot handle the truth, they are that hysterical.
anyone have screencaps of people giving an actual opinion and these dumb twilight fangirls throw hissy fits that contradict what they say about everone being beautiful
these people are farming her for good feels

every post they leave on her facebook leaves them feeling like a saint afterwards
I would lick the shit out of her head.
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ITT non-genetically mutated cisprivilegers mocking a beautiful phenotypically challenged womyn
If only she could fucking disappear from my Facebook new feed. But no, apparently everyone I know had to be a liar.
They're just fishing for good feelings at her own life's expense. They're just taunting her with their patronizing comments for self gratification. Truly these people are worse than Jews.
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jesus tapdancing christ

i threw up in my mouth a little
These people are deranged individuals who think that calling her beautiful will make themselves better people and/or make this girl feel better about her condition
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Quade! Save Mars Quade!
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I have a question. Can she think? I mean is she mentally retarded? If no, I wonder how she feels about all those faggots who call her beautiful.
Because they know she's ugly and thus they're overcompensating by giving her shitty compliments like this.

It's sad she's dying, but it's also sad as fuck that people do this shit out of pity to everyone.

Imagine some conservative retard shot you in the head for no reason with a gun he purchased legally. You woke up brain damaged with everyone speaking to you in baby talk. You'd have people telling you you're beautiful and strong, because you need THEM telling you this. You'd want to kill yourself after that, really.
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what the fuck anon
Because normalfags think that some kind of pink karma wizard will grant them a wish if they lie to dying or ugly people on the internet

they are all Nazis, but to polite to admit it.

> GORGEOUS!!! ❤ :D
> Honestly she is the most beautiful girl in the world

who takes this people seriously.

They look at her, think: "Ewww, how awful", feel guilty and write something nice, and then are insanely proud of themselves how they are making the world a better place. Discussing people.

When you are a Nazi, have some self respect.
There goes that word again.
They are reducing her to the status of an animal by pitying her. Kind of like feeding a stray kitty that is missing an eye. You care for it, pet it, but it's still ugly as shit and you want it out of your sight as soon as it finishes eating.
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She looks more like some kind of alien with every picture I see.
>Imagine some conservative retard shot you in the head for no reason with a gun he purchased legally.

Imagine someone broke in your house and shot you in the head for no reason with a gun he obtained illegally.
Why did you even post that here? Please be trolling. And please don't vote for Obama again
But I thought all women were deceptive and would backstab their best friend to get an advantage?
Horry Shyt...

Its YAKUB. The nigger were right.

oh they would, rest assured any woman would do this
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kill it
I wonder if people out in the real world think like most of the people in this thread, or if you just act like that because being on the internet allows you to be shitty towards others.
Of course she looks like a weird little alien, so what. She probably has little joy in her life, she probably feels a bit better knowing that there are some people with kind words for her.
Im no bleeding heart, but you are some miserable individuals.
When you start questioning why things are going to shit, just remember it is because of people like you.

well they feel superior to her.
maybe not the perfect word, but I hope you see my point
Not to a child or someone unattractive. Only to women who are actually competition.
She would not be alive if it was down to me.
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These are the same Facebook kids who say being obese is not your fault and defend them from everything, maybe if you put the fork down you wont get ridiculed. No wonder the world makes fun of america.
only in our fucked up society like ours do we allow monsters like that survive past birth.

The fact that they knowingly lying to make her feel better while avoiding the obvious truth is the epitome why our nation will fail.
See, I made a post on there about how people should stop being patronizing and stop exploiting the kid, and wished her a peaceful happy life.

I was immediately screamed at, chastised, and told I'm a piece of shit about 35 times. As if she's reading all that, and as if is she is reading all that she wouldn't appreciate someone being honest, and still considering her feelings.

>I don't want to lift on the planet anymore, brah
Oh god. I feel sorry for her. She's not stupid. Pity like that would just make it worse. This is why we need abortions, eugenics and gene therapy.
Mom doesn't love her kid enough, so she compensates by having others give her "love" to fill the void of mom's love. Mom's a bitch.

If I had a spawn like that, I would never display or let the mom display my little monster the way that bitch does.
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does anyone have the .gif of her doing push ups?

I saw it once but i didnt save it
I just don't see why you guys give a shit about this.
What's the lifespan of one of these creatures?
I want to cut those veins on her head so badly.
You probably are a piece of shit.

How do you gather that her mother doesnt love her enough?
13 years old. maybe a bit longer if they're otherwise healthy and lucky. But she won't finish puberty guaranteed
I cringe just by looking at her. What the fuck

Also, I guess they tell her she's beautiful so make her feel better.
Is she white?
Please tell me that's a scene from Total Recall and not an actual thing.
Come on /pol/, I know we're all heartless bastards here but what do you expect people to say? It's a pretty unfortunate condition.
she can think just fine. People with progeria are generally smarter than average for their age, since her brain ages faster.

lol riiight like how people say autists are somehow "smarter"
Oh man I remember about 2 weeks ago there was this thread on /b/ and there was some fresh rule 34 on Adalia Rose.

Fapity fap
It shouldn't be filled with people misleading her either. How about no one mention it. Most of the responses calling her an alien are because people are calling her beautiful when she clearly isn't. I know I wouldn't give a fuck if it wasn't for annoying people saying "She is beautiful and anyone that says otherwise is ugly."
no really It's true. but their brains degenerate pretty quickly at around age 11 or 12.
If I remember correctly her mom is some sort of shitskin and her dad is white
Actually, people learn faster during their early childhood. She might be more mature because her brain ages faster, but she won't be smarter.
Doing shit like this makes random jackoffs feel better about themselves and convinces other people they're "good people".

That's it.
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I saw this before, someone called her 'little peanut' and i almost bust a gut laughing.

No one`s sending her any hate mail at all

If anything, having so many people pretend to think she`s beautiful probably hurts her deep down because she knows they all think she`s ugly but are just lying to her because they feel bad she`s so fucked up
Yeah, because shouting about the wonders of an unfortunate, deformed child's looks is surely going to make her feel better.

I'm sure she doesn't realize those patronizing sycophants don't give a flying fuck about her.

>consider mutant to be of human-level intelligence, treat accordingly
>piece of shit
Then I really wonder what she thinks about those people.
my thoughts exactly.
>How do you gather that her mother doesnt love her enough?
She wouldn't be putting her on display like a fucking freak and asking for pity and donations from strangers if she actually loved her and didn't feel like shit for thinking her little monster is a freak. She's screaming "SHE'S BEAUTIFUL" because deep in her heart she knows her little Alienalia is ugly. The more she keeps saying she's beautiful, the more she's trying to hide her horrible nature.
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women lie
0mg u poeple r so mean l1k relly hOw wold you feeel if dis hapen 2 ur kids lik my god

dont listen 2 da hatrs babe ur perfect xoxoxoxoxoxox~~~~~~~
They want to fit in.
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please tell me what the fuck this is
What's sad is that people like this actually exist and unfortunately have the right to vote.
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its not a matter of morals its a matter of coping with reality if you think the guys who say she is the most beautiful person in the world actually mean it, your kidding yourself

pic related its what FB kids think there're doing.
because despite all the progress women suposively made in society, they still base all their self-worth on how "beautiful" they are. they can be the fattest fatty in fattown, have their face burned off, and smell like a farm animal but heaven help you if you if you break that illusion.
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There are progerians who are so much better-looking than her.
>Remember me, Eddie?!
>(voice becomes higher-pitched)
>When I killed your brother, I talked
>(voice reaches to shrieking point)
just stop. grow up. anybody this strong is beautiful, regardless of their exterior. >>4800641 seconded.
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By the name of God and Black Jesus that is truly horrific.
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Explain to me how she's strong.
This is not the place for this thread.
Anybody that has to go through life like this and has the courage to take a picture is strong. Some girls cry over a pimple or 5 extra pouns.
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yeah it is

you forgot to sage
>Anybody that has to go through life like this
Congrats on not killing yourself, kiddo.
>and has the courage to take a picture is strong
How do you know she took the picture?
Here's a question. If you had a child like that what would you do?

Be specific "I'd kill her" isn't an answer.

Would you look it in the eyes? would you smother it?

Because I don't think any of you could actually go through with it,
>Mother Theresa was beautiful on the inside.

Mother Theresa was a cunt.
Then you have never seen a Roswell alien. Those aliens look like her.
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penn & teller would beg to differ...

Yea, just like edgy teenages that videotape and take pictures of cutting themselves are just sooo courageous.
Is teller mute? I've never heard him talk.
That's just his on-stage persona. He can talk.
People confuse sympathy with legitimate morals. Morality can only be completely unemotional and logical, otherwise it is just in your self-interest, to induce a pleasurable emotion.

So people say "she's beautiful" to make themselves feel good about themselves.

>regardless of their exterior
So she isn't beautiful on the outside. She's just 5 years old, so she can't be beautiful on the inside, she has low intelligence, never developed a sense of ethics and has had no challenging life experiences like most 5 year olds.

If you want to fight evil bigots don't give them ammunition by being an illogical retard.
might just be part of the act. I think i seen him whisper to penn.
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> Is it inspirational that she doesn't let her condition take the better of her?
Sure, I find that acceptable
> Is she beautiful

and anyone who says she is
isn't showing compassion, only pity.

to the gas chambers she goes
Albanians being beautiful, nope!

Even if it feels good to tell a pretty lie to a physically and mentally retarded child, surely it feels even better for the child and is therefore a nice thing to do?
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The Illuminati swapped the real child with their experimental doppleganger. People from the Orkney Islands feared fairies and called them "trowls", ugly, impish little creatures whose children were apt to be sickly. Pregnant women were carefully guarded from the trows who would often steal healthy human babies and replace them with "stocks", exact replicas of the children.
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posting eyebleach
omg shes beautiful
Fantastic, we have finally bred a clone that is pleasing to the human eye. It's a shame that the first experiment failed and started getting all veiny.
Ok you're edgy hipsters and want to point out theresa wasn't perfect. Great, I don't care though.

>do something about poverty
>inevitably make mistakes because you're human
>save 99 people, lose 1
>net gain = 99

>do nothing about poverty
>100 people
>net gain = 0

It's like the train tracks dilemma, do you pull the lever and redirect a runaway train onto a track with 1 person standing on it, or do nothing and let it collide with 10 people? Without splitting hairs the correct answer is to pull the lever.

Depends, are the ten people niggers?

Any government that can justify sacrificing one person for the gain of others does not deserve to exist. The ends does not justify the means. The logic you are trying to justify this with is the same shit marixists and tyrants use to justify mass killings.


you cannot justify the value of 1 life vs the 10lives. This is at best a coin flip dilemma.
>raise 50 mil$ "to help poor"
>spend most on religious infrastructure


Pity mixed with misplaced crowd pressure.
would like, comment, and share
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If would save a 10/10 would bang over ten 2/10 would not bangs
young based god came in with the heater
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requesting that .gif of her doing push ups
Well there are people who throw a hissy fit just because not everyone falls into line and says "she's beautiful!!" like them.

It would be easier to say what you just said, something like "nigga she's a 5 year old girl who likes to play with dolls, who gives a shit".
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some kind of moster
>Only 5 years old still
>Average life expectancy of progeria mutants? 13 years old?

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Based Task Force.

captcha had hieroglyphics?the hell am i supposed to type that?
>yfw when as little as a century ago these disgusting mutants were put down as soon as they hatched
Why did we stop doing this?
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seriusly, they should be stopped, this earth has not been made for such a weirdos
Adalia rose is anything but beautiful, people only say that shit to feel good about themselves, the truly kindest thing to do would be to just put the thing down instead of keeping it alive for whatever reason.
answer to OP's question is slave mentality
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Im going to punish you for that
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love you pal
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be aware, they are already here
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people are too soft and dont want to make those decisions anymore

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totally agree
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they came from other world
Blacks are people.
What is the difference between the train track dilemma and the situation reversed, where doing nothing kills 1 and pulling the lever kills 10? You wouldn't pull the lever in the reversed situation. So why is it justified to do nothing in the original situation?
>raise $50 mil
>spend $20 mil on churches
>spend $30 mil on orphanages and medicine
>net gain $30 mil

>raise $0 mil
>net gain $0 mil

Though I suppose if you don't like churches you might consider it a step backwards.
That's right, then Chris Hansen would bang you up.
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i miss b0g in times like this.
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I just checked out this disease on Wikipedia, and as a bio-engineering student, it makes me sick how easy it would be to cure this disease with viral recombinant gene therapy if it were legal.

>look at everything they already know
>the hardest part is finding the gene responsible
one injection of a virus that codes for the correct protien and the kid could live a normal life.

I want to cry.
>tfw you die and then you are born again with progeria

This will probably happen to all of us, assuming it's possible.
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Oh dog muh sides.

>This will probably happen to all of us, assuming magic and shit is possible.

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do us both a favor and watch the second part of p&t thingy.
it isn't like the rest of the money was spent on medicine.
It's more likely that I'll be reborn as Japanese and become the Japanese prime minister for two years before political scandal forces me to resign. There has been 15 prime ministers in Japan in the last 30 years.
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i love this thread
You'd have to replace every lamin in every cell/ECM in her body, many of which are already laid down. The only way to fix this one would be recomb therapy with a persistent plasmid at birth, with a concomitant halt on the expression of the current defective gene, which we currently can't do.

The moral is, dipshit, stick to bridges and circuits.

While I do wish gene therapy were more readily allowed, your naive arrogance makes me think you're like, a 2nd year student at a mid-tier college.
Can't shit like this be detected before birth? If so bringing this poor girl into the world like this is selfish and terrible
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Mother Theresa was a hypocrite and a fraud. She was a shill for the Catholic church which is the biggest scam in history.
She made them who knows how many millions of dollars all told and helped them in covering up their crimes against humanity.
She told that there was some nobility in being poor, while enriching the church.
Fuck them and fuck you if you think there is anything good about what they do.
someone PLEASE post the .gif of her doing push ups
i think they call it "pro life".
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Not to mention how rare progeria is and that would make it extraordinarily expensive.
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did someone said MOAR?
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kiss me baby
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To waaaaaaar!!
This thing is disgusting. Why don't they just put it to sleep?
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they are too many!
stop it already. leave the poor little girl alone. are you guys so pathetic to pick on somebody who was born with something she can't help?
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they have feelings... and needs
shut the fuck up already. get lives. OP must be really insecure to pick on a kid. The most annoying people on the chans are atheists and such. All newfags and 15 year olds.
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This is why eugenics was a good idea.
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alright, i'm leaving this thread before my laughing wakes anyone up
You don't have to be here you know and nobody really cares what you think.
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now is too late muahahahaha
you wouldn't need to halt the defective production if you had the virus insert its sequence at the site of the original broken gene. Since the nature of viruses is to spread unendingly within the body, if we put it into a viral casing that the kid had no way of rejecting (such as HIV, polio, or smallpox) it would gradually infect the vast majority of the cells, and make enough of the protien to have the kid function.

>bridges and circuits
I am not that type of engineer, and I never will be. fuck you.
>getting mad because people are being politically incorrect on /pol/

this is political not /b/ gtfo

sage denied
because her brain is normally functioning, and the only thing wrong with her is cosmetic and a severely reduced lifespan, she will put herself down in about 10 more years.
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Aliens... jus... aliens
You do realise the only reason her parents parade her around is for shit loads of donations? They are just abusing there daughter's illness a but too much.
Someone please post the edits ITT to the fb page please for the love of god
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20 years ols web is useless in that case

once she realizes shes totally irreparably fucked

shes gonna say "T-they said i was beautiful" before she jumps off the chair and the noose tightens
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Good Goyim, very good!
Praise her for her "beauty". We should all look like her, right goy-guys?
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shut up... because when adalia is mad... she gets totally wasted
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I knew she was in that movie

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