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Kate Rothschild’s relationship with hip-hop star Jay Electronica is hotting up – the rapper has moved into a new flat a stone’s throw from Kate’s home and introduced her to his mother.

The heiress to the Rothschild banking dynasty, 30, who I revealed split with millionaire financier Ben Goldsmith, 31, over her affair with New Orleans-born Jay, is living in her marital home in Kensington, West London, with her three young children after her husband stormed out.

But now she’s set to see a lot more of her 35-year-old lover who until now has been living at a property in Belgravia.

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>they rothschild now
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Yes, yes, stupid untermensch
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>Jews getting a taste of their own medicine
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blandaup juden

Jay dropped Exhibit C and fucked Erykah Badu like a thousand times, so he's golden in my book.
does this mean Jews will do a double take and start killing niggers?
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>East Aryan Women
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How come we never get nigger on jewess porn on /pol/? there must be a demand.
Upon reading this, did any of you even fucking have a second thought about this Jew conspiracy bullshit even being real?

Jesus Christ, delusional racist megalomaniacs
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We taken yo'womenz shlomo
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Kate, what are you doing! Shlomo, we've let the yeladim go crazy!
>Daily Mail celebrity gossip

Is this really what /pol/ has come to? Posting links to the gossip section of newspapers for menopausal women?
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>Jews in charge of not getting their shit slapped by their own Frankenstein
Jay Electronica is the fucking man. Musically.

What an embarrassment to the family. Rap is a scourge.

Yeah there is no agenda for race mixing or the destruction of the white race.

I mean just look at one of the most viewed events in history, the 2012 Olympics!

You sound like my grandad

>Rap? Crap moar liek!
>It's all just noise!
>I can't tell the difference between the songs! What can't it have a proper tune?
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Hahaha, Jews are losing at their own game.
Yes, racemix Jew with the black people.
I feel so bad for Goldsmith. No matter how rich or successful you are, women will always cheat.
>agenda for race

Proof or GTFO.
If they had an agenda for that then why would they blanda upp themselves (and in addition publicize it)?
we chosen people now
Christ I can only imagine what a vapid, heartless cunt she must be - I wouldn't date her for "all the money in the world" - which actually, she has.
>Yeah there is no agenda for race mixing or the destruction of the white race.

you're right
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Jews have been porking niggers for years, most of the half-breeds in Hollywood are jew/nogs.
Modern day Rothschild's are of secondary or tertiary importance now to the international Jewry.
The real puppetmasters keep a lower profile and haven't fallen so far that their lines would do shameful shit like this.

Do not underestimate the international jewry. This is not a sign of them faltering under the same scheme they are using to weaken white goyim.
>Marrying manly women with nasty hair on their arms
Yeah. That photo proves everyting. GTFO.
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Actually, it does.
Because it's a lie, kike. They want to show us master race men that it's okay to racemix with blacks and that there is no Zionist Agenda.
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Do you know where you are?
Why dont you just turn 360 degrees and walk away.
Every time I see how butthurt you fucking faggots are about that, I get a warm glow inside, and I feel just a little more sure of my own place in the world.

Your tears make us stronger.
Fucking A.. Exhibit C is brilliant.

That's weird though. How does a hip hop artist of his caliber end up rubbing shoulders with a Rothschild. Seems like they'd have almost nothing in common.
How long before he dies in a car accident then?
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Yeah, but the butthurt Yanks will be in bed in a few hours and leave it to Europeans whose education levels are commensurate with having been born in a civilised country.
You're granddad seems like a pretty cool guy. You should listen to him.
>Implying that you have to be Jewish to delight in the humiliation of paranoid Amerifats.

She was a rap music video producer in Hollywood.

They worked on a propa...I mean music video album together.

> tl;dr
> jews send jewess to make whitey blanda up
> jewess falls for own propaganda
> we rothschild nao
>stormfags get told; there is NO jewish conspiracy
>Disregard; pretend there's still a jew conspiracy despite the evidence

When you do shit like this no one wants to listen to your legitimate points.
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>tfw wow, she's dating one dark, ugly, talentless nigger there

>tfw the elite getting exactly what they deserve in life

>tfw nobody has considered the possibility he might be her slave, not her boyfriend
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killing the white race is sooo much fun. Whatever floats your boat I guess
>legitimate points

stupid kike jewess is looking for some big black cock. I guess kikes have tiny dicks.
Rothschilds dont even consider women full human beings. She is definitely NOT a heiress to the dynasty. Try this guy instead:

>"White Race" lel.

It's much more fun than caring about the skin pigmentation of people who won't be born for another couple of centuries.
>>4541775 They worked on a propa...I mean music video album together.

>>4541787 she's dating one dark, ugly, talentless nigger there

Well to be fair Jay Electronica's work is less degenerate "up in the club fucking white bitches" and more actual intelligent lyrics.

Anybody that knows Jewish girls this should come as no surprise. They're usually the first to race-mix. If you ever see a white girl dating a nigger that isn't white trash or fat, 9 out 10 times the girl is always Jewish. Always.

I can't believe people would think this a one time event.
the smirk on jay's face is priceless.
hopefully he drops that album soon.
I see you found the thread. Fucking hilarious isn't it?
>denying races exist
>say it's only about skin pigmentation

Ladies and gentlemen, a typical liberal
I just cant stop laughing at the fact that she left her billionaire husband who also comes from a dynasty family for a nignog rapper
Hey JIDF how fucking mad are you right now?
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>They're usually the first to race-mix

>mfw jews go extinct far before white people do
Rothschilds used to sacrifice their own superfluous children to satan all the time. This is just another case of where they sacrifice one of their children to further their satanic ultra-racist multiculti blanda upp agenda.
Yeah. The stormfag butthurt is like Bach on a Summer's day.

I'm just waiting to get JIDFed and I'll go to bed
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No, but you have to be Jewish to create a nation of paranoid Amerifats
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Their butthurt is so openly visible right now, at least this blandaaing will make the jew race a little less inbred.
Nah. Amerifats did it to themselves, surrounding themselves with hate and sharp things.
In b4 BBC infects rothschild womb with African genes

In b4 niggers infiltrate international jewry

In b4 niggers and jews form official alliance

World is doomed
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>Implying he's not right and you're not a Nigger
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>that glorious feel when you realise the jews will be extinguished by mixing with shitskins way before anyone else

Dem Israeli girls can't resist muh big Arab dick, lol, limp dicked jewboys.
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What is "brainwashing" for 6 billion shekels, Alex?
Nope. Whiter than you, probably.

Unlucky stormfaggot.
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Jay is in some very very dangerous waters.
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I'm as white as you can be.
Elf-Orc hybrids?
Yea he's dead. I hope he impregnates her with his seed first.
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>hotting up
>brits in charge of english
>implying shes going to survive
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he actually cheated on her first apparently
this is her revenge
You can't deny statistics.
The problem is they don't know how to interpret them and reductio ad absurdum down to race being the only factor. They also think the solution is to kill innocent blacks just because some troublesome niggers instead of fixing the problem. I'm sure they would love to be personally culled to benefit humanity. They have no empathy.
Why would jewish girls want some wormy jew boy when they can have Arab men to take care of them and give them a proper dicking?

They can't resist us, kikeboy, and we're conquering Israel via the uterus, this battle is fought under the sheets :DDD

jay electronica, jay elec-hanukkah.
that nigga be spittin tho..word is bond
>Implying her reptilian genetics can die so easily.

Do you know how many years these people have been inbreeding for? That they have access to life extending technology. Seriously these Red shields are so decadent they have hundreds of sex partners each. Maybe thousands. Elites through out history have done the same thing. I think the problem is this is being done publicly.
>If jews are so against race mixing why does every jewish woman love black dick?
The Holocaust never happened
It's funny you guys believe a Euroshit country was capable of it

Also why do you even give a fuck about jews? Because you're jelly and they tend to be wealthier than you? How about you stop being a poor sack of shit then and try to get the white race above middle class? You're just like niggers and mexicans if you don't try, just complain.
lol inbred hooknose hicks getting TOLD!
cause they have cunts as big as their noses..so they need the black pipe or pleasure..i should know, son..i be fuckin mad jewish bitches..n i know they just want my nigga dick..but i tell them they gotta put paperbags over their noses 1st...word is bond.
>my dick is small

>The Holocaust never happened

Oh, and so I'm guessing the entire country of America lied? The victims lied?


America spent more bullets on ONE MAN in one day than Germany used in an entire year. Tell me again about how shit Germany is?

>why do you even give a fuck about jews
They're ruining the world and are incredibly greedy.

>you're jelly
Only of their wealth. Notice how you said I'm jelly AND they they tend to be wealthier than me. Maybe you made a typo and meant 'but' but either way, that's the only thing to be jelly of. Wealth. Not their greed. Not their corruption.

>try to get the whtie race above middle class
Because the jews got there before us and are pushing us down like we pushed down the niggers and the indians

>just like niggers and mexicans
Now you just goofed up
dat jay elec album gonna be fire nigga

i see real love right thar :)
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Kate Rothschild's twitter:


Somebody ask her how does black cock taste like? Can she taste shit on it?
Couldn't have happened to a richer juden.
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Christ Brits get your shit together
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Why does she get to keep the kids if he's the one with all the money and means to support them and that she cheated on him, which is bad role-modeling for kids?
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dear lord... niggers and jews are mating now... hahahaha
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>rap music

>street cred

>dating a rothschild


Dude that is a white European woman. Take a look at the photos of original Rothschild family. Tip: The ugly photos are closer to the real one. These inbreds don't have the genes to produce something like that. In their own little minds and religion, they think since everyone is Jew's slaves,so that interprets into, Europeans carry the good genes for them, so they take the best out of them to breed with their inbred spastic father and daughter children. Bred those retards with healthy Europeans for 10 generations and you have something that looks like OP, thinking they're Jews, and that's Jewish eugenics, and the askenazis.
so how long before Jay "hangs himself" ?
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Oy gevalt, now even our own women are falling for the propaganda. G-d damn it, this wasn't supposed to happen!
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I bless this couple with all my heart.

I hope they are a shining example for more jewesses in the future.

Blanda up kikes.
We need more Lenny Kravtizs and Drakes in this world

she's just trying to help inspire mr., er, electronica, with the soothing sounds of the skin flute
>psychopathic white people ally with jews for personal benefit
>jews backstab them and mindwash their daughters to breed with their pet monkey

Can't say they weren't warned.
Oy by the Protocols! We must alert the Elders!
Heh, you guys don't know the half of it! She's not the first Rothschild to date a nigger!

"Rothschild, heir to a major banking fortune, had her own career as a music producer when she met Electronica, a rapper on Jay-Z's Roc Nation label who had previously fathered a child with Erykah Badu. The two reportedly carried on an affair for a year before Goldsmith, a financier and clean-tech investor, got wind of the affair."
Could the stupid Jay Z Illuminati things be more than fantasy? Your article could be a missing link in that theory.
Add: "Ben’s brother, Tory MP Zac, left his wife, Sheherazade Ventura-Bentley, for Kate Rothschild’s sister, Alice, which should make for some awkward family gatherings."

The Rothschilds are jewish.

She's jewish as well.
everyone go cop dat album. jay elec be spittin nigga
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Kate's sister Alice Rothschild. Can you guess which one is she in this pic?

Haha. Why do kikes feel the need to continue pro-nigger propaganda and interracial pairings in the media when it affects them just as much, if not more than whites?

Did the golem get too strong for the Rabbi?
Fucking disgusting.
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They call me Jay Electronica

Fuck that

Call me Jay ElecHannukah

Jay ElecYarmulke

Jay ElectRamadaan

Muhammad Asalaamica RasoulAllah

Subhanahu wa ta'ala through your monitor
Talking like that to a banker usually ends in litigation.
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>niggers verses Jews

Rothschilds have trillions stashed in grey screen managed-but-not-directly-owned accounts at various big banks.

You think one of their cousins having sex with a nigger matters to them?

They call me Jay Electronica

Fuck that

Call me Jay ElecHannukah

Jay ElecYarmulke

Jay ElectRamadaan

Muhammad Asalaamica RasoulAllah

Subhanahu wa ta'ala through your monitor

Pussy jews aren't gonna do anything.

He should have "mysteriously disappeared" a long time ago, even before he had the chance to even know his wife. But yet, not only is he still alive, he's rubbing the kike boy's face in it.
>The heiress to the Rothschild banking dynasty, 30,

I'm actually worried. This might be a signal that the time to finish the destruction of the white race is upon us.
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Jay's tweets to her ex-husband.
>stop acting like a bitch
My sides.
He also has frequently mentioned the Rothschilds in a not so positive light in some of his songs. In one if his more abstract but more prolific songs, Dimethyltryptamine, he talks about a lot of things that if anything, would cause him to receive negative attention from the rich, not positive.
So, I can only conclude that Jay is trying to do some work from the inside.

I bet a manuscript of his cell phone conversation has him yukking it up with his niggas about all this.
I guess she fell for the brainwashing she was suppose to instill into idiot goyim.
>implying the person publicly known as the heiress would have access to the secret trillions

I've talked to people who know what's up in the City and with the Rothschild family, this woman wouldn't get anywhere near it. She's not the sole heir, and if she's publicly known as the main heir she won't get access to the secret money.
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kate's twitter- "it aint safe in these streets

I'm still convinced the Barclays scandal was designed by the Rothschilds to force out the American Catholic Bob Diamond from their sandbox of degeneracy.
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>i've talked to people
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Was there ever a more appropriate thread for this image?
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>ugly Jewess who doesn't have shit to do with the banking
>she already had 3 kids with the Jewish guy
Why isn't she getting more criticism for being a whore?
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would you like to see moar?

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Nigga, I already gots them all.
>implying Rothschild females have any real power

Empowered modern woman, etc, etc.
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>mfw shit tier celebrity gossip...on my /pol/
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forgot sage

Hopefully this will destroy the Rothschild's dynasty
most powerful juden family is not celeb gossip.
wuts good niggas
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I am so jealous. I didn't know that she was available.
I would have got on a plane and transferred to 3 other planes on the way to that nation if I knew I could impregnate the world's most powerful woman on the planet.
>most powerful juden family is not celeb gossip.
How many kids do they have? You don;t reckon some of them will be nigger loving fuck-ups? Jesus, why is this on /pol/? I'm usually pretty tolerant of the nonsense on here, but for fuck's sake!
We New World Order now
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Post yfw you found out Israel has been becoming multicultural at roughly the same rate as Western European countries
They could've chosen Madagascar
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I always fucking confuse that name with these guys

We should all make twitter accounts and pose as jews and start flooding her with "why did you mate with filthy nigger goyim, hasnt our race taught you anything"
Shit will be noticed.
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Question that I've been thinking about for a while but can't find any answers:

What is the ratio of white Christian baby blood to white adult blood that the Jews use in their rituals? I have a feeling that white Christian baby blood is used 3:1, maybe even 5:1 if the baby is blonde.
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>look through her followers
>bunch of rabbis and and jewish bullshit
>see bon iver


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> laughing my fucking ass off.

If that isn't a cry for attention i don't know what is.

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