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  • Our pals at J-List are having a Black Friday sale through Sunday night. Peter has supported and been a friend to 4chan for over 7 years—J-List and 4chan even share a birthday (October 1st).
    Be a bro and check it out if you like the animes and all things Japanese ^_^ Or life-like texture ;_;

    File : 1322410054.jpg-(21 KB, 334x393, Laughing-Girl.jpg)
    21 KB Top 10 Reasons to Be Thankful for Diversity Nordrhein !KsuSGK9V9s 11/27/11(Sun)11:07 No.443377  
    As the country changes and rapidly becomes more diverse, we can also be thankful that the immigrant experience that launched our grand and sometimes painful experiment in freedom and democracy over the past several centuries lives on today.

    Here are 10 reasons why Americans can be thankful for our rich diversity.

    10. We’ll actually still have a growing workforce in 2050. Unlike the shrinking labor forces of Japan and much of East and Southeast Asia and Western Europe, the labor force in the United States will continue to grow, largely due to immigration and the children of immigrants. Between 2000 and 2050 new immigrants and their children will account for 83 percent of the growth in the working-age population.

    9. Diversity puts the Turkey in Turkey Day. The United States owes its food culture to the amalgamation of different communities’ tastes and traditions.
    >> Nordrhein !KsuSGK9V9s 11/27/11(Sun)11:08 No.443385
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    8. We can roll green, thanks to public transit. Even if economics was the driver, communities of color embraced green transportation way before hipsters made it cool. African Americans are almost six times more likely to ride mass transit than whites, while Hispanics are three times more likely to use transit to get around. In urban areas, African Americans and Latinos comprise over 54 percent of transit users—62 percent of bus riders, 35 percent of subway riders, and 29 percent of commuter rail riders.

    7. Try to play a piano without the black keys. Black musical creativity fueled much of the modern music industry in the United States.

    6. Diversity encourages students to “experiment” in college. In his controlling opinion in Regents of University of California v. Bakke, Justice Lewis F. Powell noted that a diverse student body promotes an atmosphere of “speculation, experiment and creation” that is “essential to the quality of higher education.”

    5. Diversity results in better solutions to problems. When confronting a problem, people’s perspectives are accompanied by ways of searching for solutions—something scientists call heuristics.
    >> Nordrhein !KsuSGK9V9s 11/27/11(Sun)11:09 No.443391
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    4. United we stand. In Grutter v. Bollinger, the Supreme Court in 2003 upheld the University of Michigan Law School’s affirmative action admissions policy after hearing from a group of former high-ranking officers and civilian leaders of the U.S. military. The military leaders asserted that “[b]ased on [their] decades of experience… [a] highly qualified, racially diverse officer corps … is essential to the military’s ability to fulfill its principle mission to provide national security.” They also submitted an amicus brief arguing that “full integration and other policies combating discrimination are essential to good order, combat readiness, and military effectiveness.” In other words, diversity equals “United we stand.”

    3. Still trying to sell that home? As the ratio of seniors to working-age residents rapidly increases, the boomers who try to sell their homes after retirement are going to increasingly rely on the growing youth population to come to their rescue.

    2. Play ball! Looking forward to the big match up between brothers Jim and John Harbaugh when their teams the San Francisco 49ers and the Baltimore Ravens meet on Thanksgiving? In 2010, we were thankful for 70 percent players of color in the National Football League. And at the beginning of the 2011 season, the National Basketball Association reported 83 percent players of color, Major League Soccer reported 48 percent players of color, and Major League Baseball reported 38 percent players of color.

    1. The promise of First Amendment protections for all. The United States was founded on ideals of diversity, from the principle of religious freedom to the marketplace-of-ideas metaphor that are enshrined in our Constitution’s First Amendment.
    >> Anonymous 11/27/11(Sun)11:15 No.443425
    >6. Diversity encourages students to “experiment” in college. In his controlling opinion in Regents of University of California v. Bakke, Justice Lewis F. Powell noted that a diverse student body promotes an atmosphere of “speculation, experiment and creation” that is “essential to the quality of higher education.”

    This is fucking retarded. Diversity refers to diversity of ideas and opinions, not HURR YOU'RE A DIFFERENT COLOR THAN I AM.

    In truth, academia is doing everything in its power to shut out any dissenting opinions within its walls. They label any conservative dissenters as being demagogues and only support extreme left-wing policies.

    >5. Diversity results in better solutions to problems. When confronting a problem, people’s perspectives are accompanied by ways of searching for solutions—something scientists call heuristics.

    That's not what heuristics means. Heuristics is an intuitive solution to a complex problem. For example, the Travelling Salesman problem cannot be solved algorithmically when the number of nodes exceeds 100. Trying to use a computer to solve it, even with all the computing power in the world, would take longer than the lifetime of the universe to figure out.

    This is where heuristics comes in. Because the human brain is awesome, mathematicians can come up with an intuitive approximation by looking at the shapes of the paths and by performing a bunch of short-cut equations. It won't produce the perfect answer, but it is close enough to optimal to not matter.

    Heuristics literally has nothing to do with diversity.
    >> Reaktion 11/27/11(Sun)11:17 No.443448
    10. Sustaining the ponzi scheme in the most destructive way possible

    9. Pretty much the only valid argument in support of diversity.

    8. LOL
    7. The rise of the modern music industry was contemporaneous with the decline of the West.
    6. "Experiment" with race-mixing
    5.Diveristy of skin color =/= diversity of thought.
    4.Army brass parroting what has been hammered into them for 50 years.
    3. Number 10 again
    2. WTF???
    1.Umm no.
    >> Reaktion 11/27/11(Sun)11:20 No.443473
    Racism is heuristics in action.
    >> Ziforb the Hopeless Imbecile 11/27/11(Sun)11:23 No.443493
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    >Trying to have a realistic view on race on /pol/

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