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  • Our pals at J-List are having a Black Friday sale through Sunday night. Peter has supported and been a friend to 4chan for over 7 years—J-List and 4chan even share a birthday (October 1st).
    Be a bro and check it out if you like the animes and all things Japanese ^_^ Or life-like texture ;_;

    File : 1322397156.png-(256 KB, 905x297, anxiety.png)
    256 KB TIME MAGAZINE THREAD Anonymous 11/27/11(Sun)07:32 No.442303  
    How's your anxiety?
    >> Anonymous 11/27/11(Sun)07:38 No.442337
    It's crippling me.
    I'm sure by anxiety being good for you they meant in small doses.
    >> Anonymous 11/27/11(Sun)07:40 No.442342
    Why is Time Magazine so shitty?
    >> Anonymous 11/27/11(Sun)07:43 No.442353
    Being shitty is a characteristic of all American media.
    >> Anonymous 11/27/11(Sun)07:54 No.442410
    Anxiety is not good. I know what their argument is, and a teacher of mine used to do the same thing. Something like, "stress and anxiety make you get shit done, and want to be ambitious."

    No. They make getting things done harder, and kill ambition. It is not the same kind of stress a shot of adrenaline brings, but a soul scouring, morale killing kind of stress. I am afflicted, and I don't want to do anything but do the bare minimum, come home, and then sleep. Keep in mind I am a healthy 25 year old male with no responsibilities outside of my shitty low-paying job, and a worthless degree from a university ranked 90-100 by USNWR.
    >> Anonymous 11/27/11(Sun)08:02 No.442442
    Anxiety is great. I love getting gripped with an unpleasant physical sensation every time I try to talk to someone I don't know.

    Talking to women is right out. I have to drink just to combat the anxiety brought on by talking to a 5/10 chick.
    >> Anonymous 11/27/11(Sun)08:06 No.442467
    Why is American society just shitty?
    >> Reaktion 11/27/11(Sun)08:09 No.442483
    >> Anonymous 11/27/11(Sun)08:30 No.442609
    Misguided idea that more money and more material possessions = better, harder working person.

    The idea is fed to the American people that you need an iPhone, LCD TV, and a fancy car to be a worthwhile person. Just watch the average TV advertisement to see the subtle ways Americans are demanded to consume.
    >> Reaktion 11/27/11(Sun)08:32 No.442623
    And how is that different than saying the free market demands it?
    >> Anonymous 11/27/11(Sun)08:35 No.442640
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    Anxiety is a sign of weakness, a sign that you can't handle the rigors of life and society and that your failure is imminent. Weakness and failure are unacceptable in our Social Darwinist society, no matter how many times you're told "it's okay, everyone feels that way" or "it's not a failure, it's a setback".

    If you can't steel yourself against all the fear and stress, you might as well just kill yourself. Sure, you can get welfare or Social Security. But then you will be useless and hated.
    >> Anonymous 11/27/11(Sun)08:37 No.442653
    >Anxiety is a sign of weakness
    Anxiety can be purely chemical, you moron. That's like telling someone with a chemical imbalance leading to depression to "suck it up".
    >> Anonymous 11/27/11(Sun)08:42 No.442688
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    >implying most people in our society don't tell people with "chemical imbalances" to "suck it up"
    >implying "chemical imbalances" don't manifest themselves as personal character flaws that cause dysfunction within a social group dynamic
    >> Reaktion 11/27/11(Sun)08:43 No.442691
    Yeah, I wish our Social Darwinism actually rewarded intelligence, responsible behavior, etc.

    Western society seems to be a hospitable place for parasites.
    >> Reaktion 11/27/11(Sun)08:45 No.442706
    AKA Goldman Sachs, ghetto bitches, and Turd World immigrants
    >> Anonymous 11/27/11(Sun)08:48 No.442733
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    >Yeah, I wish our Social Darwinism actually rewarded intelligence, responsible behavior, etc.

    Yeah, smart, responsible people totally don't get paid more to live comfortably, attain material possessions of a higher of quality, and wield a greater social status. It's bullshit, I tells ya!
    >> Anonymous 11/27/11(Sun)08:49 No.442739
    I like how you put "chemical imbalance" in quotes as if to suggest that such a thing does not exist.

    Tell you what, go do a bunch of MDMA. It'll be fun for a while, but you're going to feel depressed a few days after because your various neurotransmitters (serotonin, oxytocin, dopamine, adrenaline, etc) are depleted. Then you'll know what it feels like to have a chemical imbalance.

    It's really fun feeling depressed for no reason. You can think about how you're a privileged possibly white male living in the first world, but your body will still send signals that you're depressed. You could have 10/10 girlfriend with huge tits and a 160 IQ that lets you fuck her in the ass every night, and you'll still feel like a piece of shit because you literally do not have the bodily resources to feel happy.
    >> Anonymous 11/27/11(Sun)08:50 No.442749
    Someone should show the picture of the EU one that was like top celebrities or some shit while the US had something like "THE DEATH OF THE EUROPEAN UNION!".
    >> FAGGATRON_3000 !!PEF7BVl3fW0 11/27/11(Sun)08:51 No.442751
    Is there any doubt that corporate media is shitty?
    >> Reaktion 11/27/11(Sun)08:52 No.442756

    I laugh at how everything just goes right over your head.
    >> Anonymous 11/27/11(Sun)08:53 No.442766
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    >Tell you what, go do a bunch of MDMA.

    Go to rehab, junkie!
    >> Anonymous 11/27/11(Sun)08:54 No.442768
    >implying MDMA is addictive
    >> Anonymous 11/27/11(Sun)08:56 No.442772
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    >Implying Americans are capable of rational and objective thinking
    >> Anonymous 11/27/11(Sun)08:57 No.442773
    1. "Anxiety" can mean any apprehensive feeling. Very small amounts can be useful in making you get shit done, focus, etc. Larger amounts are bad, of course.

    2. Anyone have a link to the non-U.S. version of that issue? I want to read the "Revolution Redux" article.
    >> Reaktion 11/27/11(Sun)08:57 No.442776
    Whoever said the market was always rational?
    >> !7HTheGAME. 11/27/11(Sun)09:01 No.442792

    Time isn't shitty compared to alot of other media outlets, but they do have some shitty journalists.
    >> Anonymous 11/27/11(Sun)09:05 No.442807

    Demand is assumed to be rational to best maximize the utility for the consumer. Obviously this implication determines the market
    >> Reaktion 11/27/11(Sun)09:12 No.442834

    >Demand is assumed to be rational

    please. my sides.
    >> Anonymous 11/27/11(Sun)09:14 No.442842
    >> Reaktion 11/27/11(Sun)09:17 No.442865
    maximize the utility

    And there's your problem. What determines utility? In advanced economies utility can become quite perverted.
    >> Anonymous 11/27/11(Sun)09:21 No.442883
    No it isn't. Despite high demand, food was too cheap, so they had to destroy 1/3 of its supplies to decrease supplies and increase the price.
    That's how I got rich and don't have to work anymore for the rest of my life.
    >> Reaktion 11/27/11(Sun)09:23 No.442891
    >they had to destroy 1/3 of its supplies to decrease supplies and increase the price.
    That's how I got rich and don't have to work anymore for the rest of my life.

    Where/when did this happen?
    >> !7HTheGAME. 11/27/11(Sun)09:32 No.442935

    Great depression.
    >> Reaktion 11/27/11(Sun)09:34 No.442942
    Then poster must be 100 years old.

    >That's how I got rich and don't have to work anymore for >the rest of my life.
    >> Anonymous 11/27/11(Sun)09:34 No.442943
    It happens all the time.
    I saw it once myself in Brasilia, with bananas and coffee beans.
    Every third package will get dropped in the river or burned, disregard of quality.
    There was a grocery crisis 2 years ago, but it's ok, if you don't remember it, as it was overshadowed by an even bigger crisis.
    >> Anonymous 11/27/11(Sun)09:42 No.442977
    I made my first Million at the age of 18. Good American soldiers died for it I can tell.
    My everyday life consist of "working" at monday at the Wall Street, betting some spare money at what my attention catches. Sometimes I check on tuesday morning, if my orders were delivered correctly. If that is done, I have weekend till the next monday.

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