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  • Our pals at J-List are having a Black Friday sale through Sunday night. Peter has supported and been a friend to 4chan for over 7 years—J-List and 4chan even share a birthday (October 1st).
    Be a bro and check it out if you like the animes and all things Japanese ^_^ Or life-like texture ;_;

    File : 1322388191.jpg-(10 KB, 225x220, woman.jpg)
    10 KB Anonymous 11/27/11(Sun)05:03 No.441481  
    >> moot !Ep8pui8Vw2 ## Admin 11/27/11(Sun)05:03 No.441485
    s'ok i put it all into bitcoin
    >> Anonymous 11/27/11(Sun)05:04 No.441490
    Your mom will come into your room and kiss you goodnight in T minus 20 minutes.
    >> Anonymous 11/27/11(Sun)05:04 No.441495
    USA - Mexico of the developed world. or make that, Iceland times 1000. Enjoy our holiday shopping season. USA= Use Salvation Army.
    >> Anonymous 11/27/11(Sun)05:04 No.441497
    >> Anonymous 11/27/11(Sun)05:05 No.441500
    Good move, it's just as safe as gold and other investments!
    >> Anonymous 11/27/11(Sun)05:05 No.441502




    >> Anonymous 11/27/11(Sun)05:05 No.441503
    >in4 shitstorm

    sage for mootfaggotry. Attention whoring newfag.
    >> Anonymous 11/27/11(Sun)05:06 No.441505
    Don't worry everyone. You'll all have a place at camp FEMA.
    >> Anonymous 11/27/11(Sun)05:07 No.441508
    To be fair, it could be worse. At least this way we get one step closer to glorious anarchism! XD
    >> Anonymous 11/27/11(Sun)05:07 No.441514
    What is this thread about again?

    Thanks for the ssl support, need moar.

    try changing your browser User-Agent.
    >> Anonymous 11/27/11(Sun)05:08 No.441518
    By the way, Moot, doing anything about making another /v/idya board, one about esports?
    >> Anonymous 11/27/11(Sun)05:08 No.441519
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    I get my money the old fashion way, I pan for it.
    >> Anonymous 11/27/11(Sun)05:09 No.441523
    It's just the same old Paultard conspiracy nutjobbery. These freaks have been prophesying the end of the economy for years.
    >> Anonymous 11/27/11(Sun)05:09 No.441524

    It was something 4chan changed. I could post before a few weeks ago. If I really want to post I have to load the VPN, and then shut it after posting.

    My chinese software on my pc scans my PC for a VPN every 30 minutes and shuts off the internet if it finds anything....

    wuts a user agent
    >> Anonymous 11/27/11(Sun)05:10 No.441527
    anarchism is never stable, it just represents a transitive period which typically ends up as an oligarchical state.
    >> Anonymous 11/27/11(Sun)05:10 No.441528
    I'm no pauldrone.

    It's just easy to see that the economy is NOT going to survive this crisis.
    >> Anonymous 11/27/11(Sun)05:10 No.441533
    A Libertarian?
    >> Anonymous 11/27/11(Sun)05:11 No.441536
    Wait, the people who invest are bitcoin are Libertarians?

    I guess that proves that Libertarians really are retards.
    >> Anonymous 11/27/11(Sun)05:12 No.441544
    >In a display of the US economy's underlying strength, retail sales on Black Friday hit a new record for the start of the holiday shopping season that follows Thanksgiving, according to early estimates.

    >The increase in sales appeared to be far higher than the inflation rate, which eased to 3.5 percent in October as compared with a year ago, according to US Labor Department data.

    What crisis?
    >> Anonymous 11/27/11(Sun)05:13 No.441552
    you seem to be the only one referencing Ron Paul in this thread.

    Are the two of us looking for someone to hold our hand and tell us that we are right, and reaaly smart? Sorry, no one to share your latent buttfrustration and ideological crisis with here. Go read the editorials in the NYTimes, you will have better luck.
    >> Anonymous 11/27/11(Sun)05:15 No.441563
    High black friday sales don't get away from how badly retail is doing elsewhere.

    Also, Moot, can we make this (or another Economy thread) a sticky? It'd be nice to have more proper discussion on the economy, instead of the usual "BLACKS ARE DUMB LOOK AT THIS UNSOURCED JPG".
    >> Anonymous 11/27/11(Sun)05:17 No.441570
    Its good to see /pol/iticians unaffected by your presence.
    >> Anonymous 11/27/11(Sun)05:17 No.441574
    Will property be useless too? Can I borrow California for a bit?
    >> Anonymous 11/27/11(Sun)05:18 No.441579
    Look who's talking. I provided a source that shows the fundamentals of the economy are strong. All you have are your unsourced ideological diatribes against the free market American system.
    >> Anonymous 11/27/11(Sun)05:19 No.441582
    Why would you want to borrow california?
    >> Anonymous 11/27/11(Sun)05:19 No.441583
    user agent is just something in the browser, says like whether you are using firefox or IE. What kinds of languages, alphabets and fonts are supported. And sometimes information like what country you are from.

    Some websites use header files like this (often the User-Agent header) to direct and sometimes neglect to serve traffic. As long as its that is neglecting to serve you and not the firewall, something like changing the User-Agent might be able to get you in.
    >> Anonymous 11/27/11(Sun)05:20 No.441600
    >All you have are your unsourced ideological diatribes against the free market American system.


    All I said was that the US is suffering elsewhere, and that high black Friday sales don't make everything OK.

    Ultimately, Black Friday means NOTHING when your banks have huge assets in european countries which are soon to collapse.
    >> Anonymous 11/27/11(Sun)05:23 No.441610
    If the Euro collapses, what actually happens?

    Will the dollar lose all its value?
    >> Anonymous 11/27/11(Sun)05:26 No.441625
    >end of the world
    >every day on /new/ and now /pol/
    >> Anonymous 11/27/11(Sun)05:26 No.441628
    Over 2/3 of the US economy is consumer spending. It's fundamental to the American economy. A little bank crisis means nothing compared to the massive power of consumer spending.
    >> Anonymous 11/27/11(Sun)05:27 No.441634
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    >> Anonymous 11/27/11(Sun)05:28 No.441638
    well, the currency ($USD) would probably again deflating very quickly, much like it did in 2008 (maybe worse). There would be problems with the US economy if that happened, but the US is actually probably one of the best insulated countries against a euro collapse. The country could likely sustain itself just by selling treasuries
    >> Anonymous 11/27/11(Sun)05:28 No.441641
    This is different. This is real, and it's not just us saying it.

    The UK government just came out and said "when the Euro collapses, we need to be able to get our citizens back so they can avoid the riots".

    ALL newspapers are saying it will happen.

    All leading economists (who want to tell the truth) are saying it.

    It's fucked.
    >> Anonymous 11/27/11(Sun)05:30 No.441648
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    >this is different. this is real
    >> Anonymous 11/27/11(Sun)05:31 No.441653
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    >the US is actually probably one of the best insulated countries against a euro collapse.

    That'll be why in EVERY situation, European and US markets have mirrored each other, right?
    >> Anonymous 11/27/11(Sun)05:31 No.441656
    Are you saying there isn't a financial crisis happening right in front of our very eyes?
    >> Anonymous 11/27/11(Sun)05:32 No.441659

    12th largest economy in the world by production. Even if money is worthless, products and production are not.
    >> Anonymous 11/27/11(Sun)05:34 No.441668
    Soon, everyone will be trillionaires!
    >> Anonymous 11/27/11(Sun)05:34 No.441670
    In the short term there would be a flight to the dollar as a safety.

    But the dollar is doomed too in the long run
    >> Anonymous 11/27/11(Sun)05:34 No.441671
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    Right now silver is going back on my menu, due to the low price.

    The euro is going to collapse. That is a given. As new national currencies are introduced anyone holding euros is going to get stung. The end of the euro means the end of US EU swap lines, which is one way central banks are manipulating exchange rates now.

    The pound looks like a bag of turd too. It is being printed at a phenomenal rate. Bubbles in UK, like housing and the bond bubble, are being propped up by money printing. When the euro falls I expect the pound to go soon after.

    The dollar is in really bad shape too. When sound money is introduced anywhere else in the world expect a capital flight. The dollar will then tumble.
    >> Anonymous 11/27/11(Sun)05:35 No.441674
    She looks like a post sex-change Max Keiser. xD
    >> Anonymous 11/27/11(Sun)05:35 No.441676
    I'm saying if you're not prepared by now, don't bother trying. Enjoy I hope you like FEMA camp food, bro. Is shit going to get worse before it gets better? Yeah.

    Is is going to be mad max gun-huns on the highway, robbery, raping and looting? In some areas. Will other areas weather the storm just fine? Yeah. What you are afraid of is the unknown, because you are not prepared.
    >> Anonymous 11/27/11(Sun)05:36 No.441680

    We witnessed the rise and fall of United Eurotrash within a decade. I remember how proud they were, not seven years ago.
    >> Anonymous 11/27/11(Sun)05:37 No.441686
    There is one factor that can change the whole game. Which is on that chart there is always a european currency that competes directly with the dollar and is accepted in international trade.
    So far as I understand it, this hypothetical impending situation implies that there may not be a competitive European currency moving forward. A massive worldwide devestiture like that would leave people fleeing to assets like Gold, Oil and the $USD
    >> Anonymous 11/27/11(Sun)05:37 No.441687

    The dollar used to buy 1.5 euros. Now it buys 0.75. Enjoy your worthless paper.
    >> Anonymous 11/27/11(Sun)05:38 No.441688
    Britfag here, the pound IS fucked, but we probably won't feel the crisis quite as badly here as in other places. Especially those people who aren't in London.

    When the pound goes, we'll likely see a return (in smaller cities, towns and villages) to the WW2 spirit. Keep calm and carry on, and all that. We'll not have any wars or revolutions.
    >> Anonymous 11/27/11(Sun)05:38 No.441692
    The EU is so...1990's. Multiculti corporate think tanks wanted Europe to be whole since 1955. Only the fall of communism made them push for it harder and look where it has taken Europe.
    >> Anonymous 11/27/11(Sun)05:38 No.441696
    >We'll not have any wars or revolutions.
    Now that is whistling past the graveyard....
    >> Anonymous 11/27/11(Sun)05:39 No.441699
    >implying that there's anything that rivals the dollar on the horizon

    Welcome to the pacific century. North West Asia and Africa will be left behind.
    >> Anonymous 11/27/11(Sun)05:39 No.441700
    >My chinese software on my pc scans my PC for a VPN every 30 minutes and shuts off the internet if it finds anything....

    Ffs China get your shit together. Can you not delete it or reformat or something?
    >> Anonymous 11/27/11(Sun)05:40 No.441704
    do you think euro as a currency will disappear completely or just some countries will introduce their new currencies while euro will still exist in germany/france?

    also, what do you think about switching to swiss franc, i think it''s the most stable of them alll
    >> Anonymous 11/27/11(Sun)05:41 No.441707

    The pound will die on the forex. It will be pretty quick. Right now the weakness of the euro and dollar, combined with swap lines and hot air are keeping the pound stable. But it will go, sure as eggs is eggs.

    When it does things will be really shitty in UK for a while. Really shitty. But that's the way the cookie crumbles.
    >> Anonymous 11/27/11(Sun)05:41 No.441710
    Multi-cult is a fallacy and thankfully we have pretty much proven it as such by now. How anyone can look at a successful mono-culture and actually beleive that the problem is lack of diversity is beyond me.

    Interesting times as Europe fragments and everyone scrambles to get as much as possible in the greatest feeding frenzy of our lives.
    >> Anonymous 11/27/11(Sun)05:42 No.441713
    We won't though, for a few reasons.

    1. We have WAY too much tradition.
    2. Most people would be opposed to one.
    3. We have no proper weaponry.
    4. We're pretty laid back as a whole.
    >> Anonymous 11/27/11(Sun)05:42 No.441714
    >The UK government just came out and said "when the Euro collapses, we need to be able to get our citizens back so they can avoid the riots".

    >> Anonymous 11/27/11(Sun)05:42 No.441716
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    Likely we will witness Greek levels of civil unrest. Hell, we had that earlier this year during the 'youth' riots.
    >> Anonymous 11/27/11(Sun)05:43 No.441717
    Im not really a big fan of Faux News, but one of the pundits on Fox Business said it very succinctly.

    "Right now, the US Dollar looks like the best horse in the glue factory"
    >> Anonymous 11/27/11(Sun)05:44 No.441723

    >As the Italian government struggled to borrow and Spain considered seeking an international bail-out, British ministers privately warned that the break-up of the euro, once almost unthinkable, is now increasingly plausible.

    >Diplomats are preparing to help Britons abroad through a banking collapse and even riots arising from the debt crisis.

    >A senior minister has now revealed the extent of the Government’s concern, saying that Britain is now planning on the basis that a euro collapse is now just a matter of time.
    >> Anonymous 11/27/11(Sun)05:44 No.441724

    When one country pull out it is over.There is no practical way to seperate one countries currency form another eurozone currency. Attemts will be made, of course. Capital controls, bank holidays, that kind of thing. But that will just hasten a capital flight and cause bank runs. Basically the euro is kaput.
    >> Anonymous 11/27/11(Sun)05:44 No.441725
    What industry other than war do you suppose will occupy all of jobless, destitute and poor Europe? When you cannot literally feed yourself all bets are off.
    >> Anonymous 11/27/11(Sun)05:45 No.441731
    its the PIIGSS that get the most out of the Euro. If anything, France and Germany ( and maybe england this time, who knows) Jointly print another currency, without all the leaches.
    >> Anonymous 11/27/11(Sun)05:46 No.441734
    Hah, that's really good.
    >> Anonymous 11/27/11(Sun)05:46 No.441735

    Things pick up pretty quick with a sound currency and free markets. Look at germany after the war. But the collapse is going to hurt.
    >> Anonymous 11/27/11(Sun)05:47 No.441739
    >> Anonymous 11/27/11(Sun)05:47 No.441741
    does anyone think this will cause the EU to break up?

    because if that happens, than that sucks because all the free travel agreements between EU members would be thrown out.

    im just an american with citizenship in the UK, and I want to travel freely in europe some day
    >> Anonymous 11/27/11(Sun)05:48 No.441748
    Not really that sure if it'll lead to an EU breakup.

    It all depends on how major the crisis is.
    >> Anonymous 11/27/11(Sun)05:48 No.441751
    Yes, the collapse is going to hurt and hurt. As far as I can tell, Europe has NOT been civil or lackadaisical in their unrest of late.
    >> Anonymous 11/27/11(Sun)05:49 No.441758
    >I hope economic collapse does not happen
    >it will really ruin my travel plans
    >All Americans
    >> Anonymous 11/27/11(Sun)05:49 No.441759
    i think traveling freely will be the least on your list of problems
    >> Anonymous 11/27/11(Sun)05:51 No.441766
    I guess it's older people with pensions and savings who are going to really take a hit. The young will be able to pick themselves up after a year or two. The old are going to be screwed.
    >> Anonymous 11/27/11(Sun)05:51 No.441769
    its not just travelling, those agreements allow living and working in various EU member countries without the requirement of a visa

    because if those agreements are thrown out, then EU citizens have less options and have to jump through alot more hoops to go to different places
    >> Anonymous 11/27/11(Sun)05:51 No.441770
    We've been killing each other for centuries and we'll do it again.
    We need a good excuse to change the political system.
    >> Anonymous 11/27/11(Sun)05:52 No.441771
    Everyone is going to get screwed. Does it not piss you off that this is happening at the supposed prime of your life?
    >> Anonymous 11/27/11(Sun)05:53 No.441779

    The depression has already fucked my life up. Sure, it could get worse. But what do I give a crap?
    >> Anonymous 11/27/11(Sun)05:53 No.441780
    Think of the adventure!
    >> Anonymous 11/27/11(Sun)05:54 No.441789
    >The depression has already fucked my life up.
    >But what do I give a crap?


    This is the hope! Wow, you really are a silver lining, that awesome glass is half full kind of guy. Hope will save us. Never change, anonymous.
    >> Anonymous 11/27/11(Sun)05:57 No.441805

    Unless you work for a bank you are being screwed too. Your salary is being easten by inflation. Your job prospects are reduced by unemployment.
    >> Anonymous 11/27/11(Sun)05:58 No.441813
    >This is the hope! Wow, you really are a silver lining, that awesome glass is half full kind of guy. Hope will save us. Never change, anonymous.

    Strife is character building. Deal with it.
    I mean all most of us ever do is work, sit here on 4chan or play vidya, hardly the hight of living is it.
    >> Anonymous 11/27/11(Sun)05:58 No.441817
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    Small part of me wants this country to burn.

    Oh well, time to go inna woods.
    >> Anonymous 11/27/11(Sun)05:58 No.441818
    The governments they voted for spent all the taxes THEY paid into the system, then promised them that YOU would pay for their retirement. It IS going to suck for them, but there seriously should have been laws against that kind of bullshit to start with. I think my parent's and grandparent's generations were promised a bunch of things that could never be delivered on. It sucks but in a way it is fair that they pay for the mistakes they made, What isnt fair is that generations after them will also have to pay for it.
    >> Anonymous 11/27/11(Sun)05:58 No.441819
    I have no money ;___;
    >> Anonymous 11/27/11(Sun)05:59 No.441826
    My life has been screwed as well. They cut my GI Bill benefits, forcing me to attempt to get a job every three months for a month and a half.

    Which has proven impossible, forcing me to stop school to find steady employment, in the worst economic conditions of our lives, competing against half of mexico. I can't even get supposed 'safety net' employment like waiting or busing tables. Because I would need to speak spanish in the town I was born in.
    >> Anonymous 11/27/11(Sun)06:00 No.441831
    I really was being sincere. Real talk, hope will save us.
    >> !!BJiYgff8zf2 11/27/11(Sun)06:00 No.441832
    ITT: People fretting when they're living in unprecedented prosperity and security.
    >> Anonymous 11/27/11(Sun)06:00 No.441835
    GDP is consumption not production.
    >> Anonymous 11/27/11(Sun)06:01 No.441837
    >were living


    Are you more concerned about your money being worthless, or not even being able to draw any out?
    >> Anonymous 11/27/11(Sun)06:03 No.441853
    Well in that case good luck in the collapse!
    >> Anonymous 11/27/11(Sun)06:03 No.441854
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    I'm about to graduate as a double major in asian studies and IPE.

    >me when I will benefit greatly from the euro collapse
    >> Anonymous 11/27/11(Sun)06:04 No.441857
    That is a good point and I think you are channeling Penn Jillette. Who said, "Two things are always true. The world is always getting better, and people always think its getting worse".

    This will likely get sorted out eventually and after a few years we will be better off. On the other hand, its not going to get sorted out unless people "frett" and discuss the issues.
    >> Anonymous 11/27/11(Sun)06:04 No.441858
    Too bad you're making it up...

    But don't let me stop the incoming roleplay.
    >> Anonymous 11/27/11(Sun)06:04 No.441859
    I live in Serbia, we are in crises for 20 years, whatever happens in the world things couldnt get much worse than what it was in the 90s
    >> Anonymous 11/27/11(Sun)06:04 No.441861
    Ausbro here, should I invest in Yuan or stick to our own dollar?
    >> Anonymous 11/27/11(Sun)06:05 No.441872
    >prosperity and security.

    I can just about afford alcohol and cigarettes. I haven't bought a luxury anything in years. No vidya, new tv, new computer nothing.
    >> Anonymous 11/27/11(Sun)06:05 No.441873
    I've got my gear ready, have had for the last five years. I only plan to evac if martial law is declared or some such. I'm NOT living in a police state fuck this gay earth.

    But my stock of rice, beans, other edibles, as well as my ability to forage off the land does place me more comfortably than others. I will NEVER stand in a bread line or enjoy the wonders of a FEMA camp.
    >> Anonymous 11/27/11(Sun)06:07 No.441884
    brb serbian lulz


    My grandmother just sold off a lot of Jewelry she has been collecting her entire life to help our family members who are literally not eating.
    >> Anonymous 11/27/11(Sun)06:08 No.441890
    You have the least to lose so will feel it less. Richer European countries and America will be hardest hit because their people are so used to a very high standard of living.
    >> Anonymous 11/27/11(Sun)06:08 No.441891
    >> Anonymous 11/27/11(Sun)06:08 No.441892

    "I'm _____ and I got arrested". - their motto.
    >> !!BJiYgff8zf2 11/27/11(Sun)06:08 No.441894

    >Implying the government doesn't guarantee a certain amount of the money you have in banks

    >Implying most people don't have a substantial amount of money stored as cash

    >Implying you're not a paranoid schizophrenic
    >> Anonymous 11/27/11(Sun)06:09 No.441901
    god look at them! people get a loaf of bread and STILL beg for more...

    i mean, i know they need it but jesus.
    >> Guidos...the passing white race Anonymous 11/27/11(Sun)06:09 No.441902
    I'm sure in Joisey Shore and Noos Yawks, the Italian community has a shitload of money, and how the fuck they made it cuz they're European.

    >> Anonymous 11/27/11(Sun)06:10 No.441906


    >> Anonymous 11/27/11(Sun)06:10 No.441907
    >implying i'm not white lower middle class who lives out in the sticks on a small holding
    >> Anonymous 11/27/11(Sun)06:11 No.441914
    The US is no longer the land of opportunity (and anyone in Cal., NY state and Chicago definitely agrees).
    >> Anonymous 11/27/11(Sun)06:11 No.441916
    Yeah, you're right. most people have ample food stores and cash on hand in 2011. Also, banks will NEVER close withdrawal capability.

    The future is so bright what was I thinking? Actually, we will live BETTER than our parents generation, and NOT be the first to live worse at all. Because of ________.
    >> Anonymous 11/27/11(Sun)06:14 No.441929

    is this real life?
    >> Anonymous 11/27/11(Sun)06:15 No.441936
    This. Until I get my degree, I could find work easier if I went to Mexico, became a citizen and then jumped the border back here. In my area, if an illegal with no license, no registration, no insurance is stopped by police he is let go.

    Because for US, it's a simple ticket for $300 or whatever. But an illegal they have to tow the car, do loads of paperwork, etc.

    So it is literally better to be an illegal mexican right now, in my area, than a native son. All of my hate.
    >> Anonymous 11/27/11(Sun)06:16 No.441940
    Coming to a town near you!
    >> Anonymous 11/27/11(Sun)06:17 No.441944
    The inland valleys of southern Cal. are much like this, so are the rust belt former factory towns in the Ohio valley and post-war inner suburbs of New Jersey/ northeast corridor.

    Yeah, its possible, a whole generation born and raised less better off than their parents (or grand parents), and whole communities are warped by it by more crime, drugs, gangs, racial tension, class warfare, unemployment and welfare rolls.
    >> Anonymous 11/27/11(Sun)06:20 No.441952
    Native American...tribal members can get 150k a year in some cases, only if they are on the res and/or their names in the federal tribal rolls.

    To mark "Indian" in the US census race box, makes you a black/colored/negro in a way, and looking white, you can't get affirmative action (or can you? Try applying at Mcd's or Wal-mart as a night shift janitor or most lowest paying job).
    >> Anonymous 11/27/11(Sun)06:24 No.441964

    lulz, wassup serbbro!

    i remember 90s also, in my town people had to take wood parquet from floors in their house and set it on fire in order to get warm because heating wasnt working, no money for that. Also, it was very common everyday to see few kilometers of lines for sugar, flour, bread. during that time hyperinflation was in full power, my grandparents used their savings (12 pensions, 6 grandma and 6 grandpa) to but only 1 kg of apples and 1 kg of oranges. that was the only time i saw my granpa crying

    fucked up times bros, i wish no one sees what we've seen here
    >> Anonymous 11/27/11(Sun)06:25 No.441965
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    >Try applying at Mcd's or Wal-mart as a night shift janitor or most lowest paying job

    >> Anonymous 11/27/11(Sun)06:25 No.441971
    God damn...
    >> Anonymous 11/27/11(Sun)06:26 No.441974
    Communism works wonders, komrad?
    Yugoslavia/Serbia is an example of a total collapse or fall of a white European nation.
    The Soviets/USSR was a much larger one.
    >> Anonymous 11/27/11(Sun)06:27 No.441981
    Hispanic...brown card/no proof of English skills, broken Indian dialect of Mexican Spanish...dress in a rancher outfit...double for women, yet entirely get the job.
    >> Anonymous 11/27/11(Sun)06:28 No.441989
    So you're telling me to pose as an illegal immigrant to get a job in my own home town?

    FFS I must have lost my mind. Time to go and murder mexicans until they leave my land.
    >> Anonymous 11/27/11(Sun)06:29 No.441991
    >> Anonymous 11/27/11(Sun)06:29 No.441994
    All. Fall. Down.
    >> Anonymous 11/27/11(Sun)06:30 No.441996
    Kill mexicans, take their cash. Repeat until I can get a job.
    >> Anonymous 11/27/11(Sun)06:31 No.441999
    Some anon said he was a stockbroker and that everything would implode on wednesday.
    >> Anonymous 11/27/11(Sun)06:31 No.442001
    itt or when?
    >> Anonymous 11/27/11(Sun)06:31 No.442003
    Ok guise, I'm serious.

    What's going to happen to United States in the next 4 days?
    >> Anonymous 11/27/11(Sun)06:32 No.442009
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    Nothing. On day five though...
    >> Anonymous 11/27/11(Sun)06:32 No.442012
    Couple of days ago.
    >> Anonymous 11/27/11(Sun)06:34 No.442023

    >> Anonymous 11/27/11(Sun)06:36 No.442033
    He's right, but the cities will collapse big time.
    Expect mass riots in Manchester, Birmingham and London, and places like Liverpool to a lesser extent.

    If you live in Britian I'd get out of the cities as soon as you can move to a small town or village.

    this may be your last chance.
    >> Anonymous 11/27/11(Sun)06:36 No.442035
    I'd keep your ignorance if I were you. At least you'll still be happy for a while.
    >> Anonymous 11/27/11(Sun)06:36 No.442036
    Pretty much complete financial breakdown. Your money will be worth 1/100 of it's value right now. If your bank even lets you withdraw it. Imagine the moment your ATM card stops working. Now add that to all of America.

    Remember what they tried to prevent when they bailed out the banks? The other shoe is now dropping. My advice? Buy rice and beans by the sack full and have a minimum of 15 gallons of potable water on hand.
    >> Anonymous 11/27/11(Sun)06:38 No.442046
    North of England/Scotland is the safest place to be.

    Remember how all the southern cities rioted?

    Guess how many there were in the north.
    >> Anonymous 11/27/11(Sun)06:40 No.442059

    more info, how was that anon, and how do you know he wasnt trolling?
    >> Anonymous 11/27/11(Sun)06:41 No.442064
    Focus on our Christmas, holiday shopping and multiculti obeservance of the winter solstice.
    Americans...don't care, other than having money and the right to worship (their) GAWD.
    >> Anonymous 11/27/11(Sun)06:41 No.442065
    Anonymous listen to what we are telling you.

    >Credit Suisse’s Fixed Income Research unit: “We seem to have entered the last days of the euro as we currently know it. That doesn’t make a break-up very likely, but it does mean some extraordinary things will almost certainly need to happen – probably by mid-January – to prevent the progressive closure of all the euro zone sovereign bond markets, potentially accompanied by escalating runs on even the strongest banks.”

    Willem Buiter, chief economist at Citigroup: “Time is running out fast. I think we have maybe a few months — it could be weeks, it could be days — before there is a material risk of a fundamentally unnecessary default by a country like Spain or Italy which would be a financial catastrophe dragging the European banking system and North America with it.”
    >> Anonymous 11/27/11(Sun)06:42 No.442070
    >> Anonymous 11/27/11(Sun)06:43 No.442076
    There were none in Wales and Scotland. Safest place to be is out side of England.
    >> Anonymous 11/27/11(Sun)06:44 No.442082
    When I was young, I dreamed of having a family, buying a house and getting a car when I was older.

    The first thing I dropped was buying a house, it looks like in my lifetime this'll never happen, the best I'll get will be to inherit my mothers.
    The next thing I dropped was getting a car, with the taxes, insurance and petrol prices I'll never be able to afford one and pay my rent at the same time.
    Now I'm thinking about never having kids, I mean not because of typical 4chan reasons, I have a fiancee and all that, but I'd never be able to afford to give them a life they deserve, I'm going to wait and see on that one, maybe things'll get better but I'm severly doubting that...
    >> Anonymous 11/27/11(Sun)06:46 No.442087
    >> Anonymous 11/27/11(Sun)06:47 No.442093
    >My father died a month ago
    >My best friend just found out he's suffering from an incurable disease
    >United States is going down

    I'm surprised I haven't given up hope...
    >> Anonymous 11/27/11(Sun)06:50 No.442099
    Yeah I remember travelling from London to Cardiff the night of the riots.

    In London a hoard of the were decending on the bus as it left the station
    Cardiff was a ghost town when I arrived, the population there were too proud to wreck their own city. There wasn't even extra police patrolling the city centre.
    >> Anonymous 11/27/11(Sun)06:51 No.442103
    I hope it doesn't happen on Wednesday.
    That's my day off.
    >> Anonymous 11/27/11(Sun)06:55 No.442121
    ofc nothing will happen on wednesday
    >> Anonymous 11/27/11(Sun)06:55 No.442122
    When i was young, I always dream of moving to the states and work for NASA.

    Now I don't think I can do that.

    Fuck you reality for trolling me,.
    >> Anonymous 11/27/11(Sun)06:55 No.442123

    Hope in one hand and shit in the other. See which one fills up first :)

    No one knows for sure, but when the CHIEF economist at Citibank is saying it, and
    >> Anonymous 11/27/11(Sun)07:00 No.442141
    My goals were at least realistic.
    Every adult I knew had done that.

    I think being able to own your own place to live, own transport and raise a family should be a basic right in civilised countries.
    I have a feeling that mostly everybody in the west is unwanted and that the previous generation though nothing of what would happen to us and still don't think anything of what will happen to us.
    >> Anonymous 11/27/11(Sun)07:01 No.442148
    everybody in the west 25 years old or younger I meant.
    >> Anonymous 11/27/11(Sun)07:02 No.442150
    it's going to suck
    >> Anonymous 11/27/11(Sun)07:08 No.442176
    >the population there were too proud to wreck their own city

    That and we're always friendly drunk.
    >> Anonymous 11/27/11(Sun)07:09 No.442181



    >> Anonymous 11/27/11(Sun)07:10 No.442186
    Serious or no?
    >> Anonymous 11/27/11(Sun)07:10 No.442189
    >> Anonymous 11/27/11(Sun)07:11 No.442191
    When I was young I dreamt of fighting running battles against an oppressive government force amidst a dystopian world.

    >mfw it's going to happen
    >> Anonymous 11/27/11(Sun)07:11 No.442192
    1. guns
    2. bullets
    3. food
    4. gold/silver to barter with
    >> Anonymous 11/27/11(Sun)07:11 No.442193

    buy a ticket to balkans, i heard it's safe haven for all worried people
    >> Anonymous 11/27/11(Sun)07:11 No.442194
    >> Anonymous 11/27/11(Sun)07:12 No.442200
    >> Anonymous 11/27/11(Sun)07:12 No.442203
    Just yes. To everything.
    >> Anonymous 11/27/11(Sun)07:13 No.442204
    >NO GUNS

    Make your own or learn to use a bow.
    >> Anonymous 11/27/11(Sun)07:13 No.442206

    no, i am not joking, that place is so unimportant, no one will try to do shit with it
    >> Anonymous 11/27/11(Sun)07:13 No.442210
    Balkanite here. If the dollar falls, so will the Euro and thus the Balkans would also be severely fucked. Do not move to Balkans.
    >> Anonymous 11/27/11(Sun)07:14 No.442217
    Shotguns are common in the UK.

    The balkans are worse when healthy than Europe when unhealthy.
    >> Anonymous 11/27/11(Sun)07:15 No.442222
    So i should draw all my money out, buy all the video games and sofas I can afford and buy tuna with the change?
    I think you're over exaggerating the situation. I'm not going to murder people.
    20 years ago it went to shit and the kosovo situation is still volitile, I'm staying out.
    I don't want to riot or shoot people.
    >> Anonymous 11/27/11(Sun)07:17 No.442229
    >I don't want to riot or shoot people.

    You may be forced to shoot people. Anyway that kind of attitude in Europe is good, it means those of us with guns instantly have more control.
    >> Anonymous 11/27/11(Sun)07:19 No.442242
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    >implying this isn't the usual bullshit not backed up by anything
    >> Anonymous 11/27/11(Sun)07:20 No.442245
    Whistling past the graveyard...
    >> Anonymous 11/27/11(Sun)07:20 No.442246
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    German here, don't give a fuck. Money is invested in bioscience stocks (oil algae development) and in 47 hectars of old farmland that will be rezoned to "building land" and at least triple in value when we get our mayor elected next year. Only 2000€ in currencies, for short term liquidity. Money is too expensive for just having it lie around.

    The government will take care of the rest. There won't be such a thing as a state bankruptcy. If Greece need's economic care, they will take it. And they will pay the debts they made. If their neocommunists try to interfere, the german riot police knows how to handle troublemakers. And the greek puppet government will be happy to send an invitation.
    >> Anonymous 11/27/11(Sun)07:20 No.442248
    >> Anonymous 11/27/11(Sun)07:24 No.442265
    everything is fine
    >> Anonymous 11/27/11(Sun)07:25 No.442267

    Wow more speculation. I remember when portugal and ireland and italy were going to default.
    >> Anonymous 11/27/11(Sun)07:26 No.442274
    That post is insane and incoherent.
    >> Anonymous 11/27/11(Sun)07:26 No.442276
    The british foreign office doesn't dabble much in 'speculation'
    >> Anonymous 11/27/11(Sun)07:28 No.442283
    >> Anonymous 11/27/11(Sun)07:30 No.442295
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    >> Anonymous 11/27/11(Sun)07:31 No.442298
    I have that hung up on me wall.
    God bless the Queen I say!
    >> Anonymous 11/27/11(Sun)07:33 No.442310

    >Murdoch paper

    Only source is -

    One senior minister says

    Yeah I don't see this story anywhere else, correct me if i'm wrong
    >> Anonymous 11/27/11(Sun)07:34 No.442313
    Well you keep thinking everything is fine
    When your savings are worth nothing don't come crying to us.
    >> Anonymous 11/27/11(Sun)07:34 No.442317
    The Telegraph isn't a Murdoch paper.

    Also, the Telegraph and the Guardian are the two most trustworthy newspapers in the UK.
    >> Anonymous 11/27/11(Sun)07:37 No.442329

    My mistake.

    The guardian is fucking leftist tripe, all the newspapers are shit


    I have fuckall savings, so I couldn't give less of a shit, I have a mace though
    >> Anonymous 11/27/11(Sun)07:38 No.442338
    >The guardian is fucking leftist tripe

    Nice opinions, doesn't make the stories false.

    I could say the same about the Telegraph, that it's conservative bullshit, but I'm at least willing to accept that it's a reputable sight with reliable news stories.
    >> Anonymous 11/27/11(Sun)07:39 No.442339
    >I have fuckall savings

    See it's already happening!
    >> Anonymous 11/27/11(Sun)07:41 No.442344
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    You assholes cried wolf too much. This exact same shit has happened dozens of time on this board and elsewhere, with just as many sources.

    I have no idea what to believe with so much bullshit flying everywhere.

    At least I live in a very insular rural community that is the most self-sustainable place in the state, so I don't really give all that much of a fuck. I'll have time to react before any shit reaches here.
    >> Anonymous 11/27/11(Sun)07:42 No.442346
    Britfag student here.

    Live in a medium size city in the midlands. No guns, but have a baseball bat.

    How fucked am I?
    >> Anonymous 11/27/11(Sun)07:43 No.442352
    If the population of your city exceeds 50,000 then you'll most likely be eaten.

    Run to the hills.
    >> Anonymous 11/27/11(Sun)07:43 No.442356
    Believe the fact that EVERYONE is talking about it now, not just the weird fucks on here.
    >> Anonymous 11/27/11(Sun)07:43 No.442357
    You are gonna get fucked with your own bat, mate.
    >> Anonymous 11/27/11(Sun)07:44 No.442358
    Is there space to grow food and create a makeshift shelter in your city?

    If not I suggest you squat on some farmers land get learn some joinery.
    >> Anonymous 11/27/11(Sun)07:44 No.442359
    That's what the weird fucks on here claim ALL THE TIME.
    >> Anonymous 11/27/11(Sun)07:44 No.442360
    >> Anonymous 11/27/11(Sun)07:45 No.442362
    Yeah but other people are.
    Watch the fucking news for once in your life.
    Check the british consul status updates.
    >> Anonymous 11/27/11(Sun)07:45 No.442365
    >If not I suggest you squat on some farmers land get learn some joinery.

    You'll be shot.
    >> Anonymous 11/27/11(Sun)07:45 No.442366
    Which city?
    >> Anonymous 11/27/11(Sun)07:46 No.442368

    Everyone being the telegraph, market minipulators and /pol/

    If this was real it would get onto tv news
    >> Anonymous 11/27/11(Sun)07:47 No.442374
    ... or something. Hey, build a bunker.
    >> Anonymous 11/27/11(Sun)07:47 No.442376


    Sounds like I'm fucked then, lads.
    >> Anonymous 11/27/11(Sun)07:47 No.442377
    Yeah no. This happens with every fear surge. It's still just the nutjobs. Some are you are just part-time headcases that get infected by other people freaking out. It's no different than the "normal people" who hear the 2012 bullshit so much that they start thinking it might be real.

    Nothing happening in this thread is any different from the others. But hearing different doomsday theories from assholes in a constant fucking barrage is getting taxing.
    >> Anonymous 11/27/11(Sun)07:48 No.442381
    We trained this goy well.
    >> Anonymous 11/27/11(Sun)07:49 No.442382
    Out of the way.
    He probably won't be able to afford to work all his land so he might not notice you for a long time.

    All land in britian is owned unfortunately so if you want to grow shit it has to be in your own back yard or you steal land from somebody else.
    >> Anonymous 11/27/11(Sun)07:49 No.442385
    >But hearing different doomsday theories from assholes in a constant fucking barrage is getting taxing.
    But what other use does /pol/ have?
    >> Anonymous 11/27/11(Sun)07:50 No.442388
    Piss off already.
    >> Anonymous 11/27/11(Sun)07:51 No.442395
    Or you know, you could offer to help the farmer and the local rural community in return for food, shelter and protection.
    You can't just come out here and steal our shit but extra willing hands are always welcome especially if there is no more fuel.
    >> Anonymous 11/27/11(Sun)07:55 No.442413
    I think it was on youtube, but there was some religious guy saying that December 1st was going to be the start of some bad times. Then on the 24th of december...well.. that was supposed to be the original end of the mayan calender until the media got a hold of it and made it a year later.

    Also, Hi moot. Y us so cool?!!? ^_^
    >> Anonymous 11/27/11(Sun)07:56 No.442416
    But we must not relax yet.
    >> Anonymous 11/27/11(Sun)07:59 No.442424
    Shalom, Jewish Pride World Wide. God be with you by fellow JIDF.
    >> Anonymous 11/27/11(Sun)07:59 No.442427
    Guys, guys. A crazy ranting homeless person on the metro told me, that on December 23rd the frogs are gonna return to reclaim the Kingdom of Fwaghrd. The rivers are gonna run thick with their young, the sky will turn black and the stores are all gonna run out of yoghurt. It will be the end of human civilisation as we know it. Save yourselves, take your gold a make a bunker of it so you can hide from the inevitable looting jew-frog hybrids!
    >> Strelnikov !TXwGaUHWDw 11/27/11(Sun)08:00 No.442435
    Could the world financial collapse wait a few more weeks? I want to buy some spam cans of 7.62x54r so I'm not stuck using .30-30 for longer range work.
    >> Anonymous 11/27/11(Sun)08:01 No.442439
    Dunno, ask Israel.
    >> Anonymous 11/27/11(Sun)08:02 No.442440
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    Like I know myself, I wouldn't even notice the crash until a day or two into it. Probably when I try to order groceries or a pizza and they suddenly don't take € anymore and want exotic currencies like Dollar or Zloty instead. Quite inconvenient, but I don't understand why you retards want to eat each other so badly. That's kinda gross, don't you think?
    >> Strelnikov !TXwGaUHWDw 11/27/11(Sun)08:04 No.442457


    Love, your favorite Goy.
    >> Anonymous 11/27/11(Sun)08:04 No.442458
    >A new global currency
    Oh yes, muhaha
    >> Anonymous 11/27/11(Sun)08:06 No.442464
    >implying it won't be the shekel
    >> Anonymous 11/27/11(Sun)08:07 No.442471
    I sure love spending my ₪s!
    >> Anonymous 11/27/11(Sun)08:07 No.442473
    Hay there, goyim.

    To be honest, we're not really sure because we need more data on our current situation.
    Hey, we still subject to Chaos Theory.

    Also, Obama will be your next president and you will enjoy it.
    >> Anonymous 11/27/11(Sun)08:08 No.442478
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    Which part of "exotic currency" do you need explained?
    >> Anonymous 11/27/11(Sun)08:10 No.442485
    If they take Zloty outside of Poland it will become global, fuckhead.
    >> Strelnikov !TXwGaUHWDw 11/27/11(Sun)08:11 No.442489
    we're going to have a government post-economic shitstorm?

    I was kinda hoping it was going to devolve into small factions and loners and basically become STALKER minus the artifacts, vodka, and food.
    >> Anonymous 11/27/11(Sun)08:13 No.442501
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    In this case I have bad news for you. I take every currency that is freely convertible and halfway trustable. So all currencies are global now?
    >> Anonymous 11/27/11(Sun)08:13 No.442502

    >> Anonymous 11/27/11(Sun)08:18 No.442531
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    Where's the fun in such a lifestyle? You wouldn't live better than a street bum. Can't understand why people dream of this.
    >> Anonymous 11/27/11(Sun)08:19 No.442542

    >ALL newspapers are saying it will happen.

    Ah, newspapers tell it, it probably be true.
    >> Anonymous 11/27/11(Sun)08:20 No.442548
    realistically, there is no way that the eurozone exists as it does today in a decade.
    >> Anonymous 11/27/11(Sun)08:20 No.442549
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    The news agencies never lie.
    >> Anonymous 11/27/11(Sun)08:22 No.442563


    Those people are the real example of today's non real thinking society.

    They wan't what they don't have.
    But when they get what they think they want.
    Then they will see how good some things are, they now think are shit!
    >> Strelnikov !TXwGaUHWDw 11/27/11(Sun)08:24 No.442574
    All the stupid unprepared people are dead. No more hipsters, no more yuppies, no more niggers, no more white trash, no police, no federal government, any government that arises is local and subject to their own laws, in which the people who live in that area have a say.

    Basically, it will kill off all the unwanted trash, and when they're gone and the people with the foresight to prepare and understand what is happening in the world, will be the ones to rebuild society.
    >> Anonymous 11/27/11(Sun)08:24 No.442576

    >> Anonymous 11/27/11(Sun)08:24 No.442579
    Hey moot, if you're still here, can you make a sticky on every board about the usage of emo-cons? such as ^_^ =P ;_; >_> >_< =D etc etc and how its Perfectly fine to use them, due to the nature of this image board we call 4chan and internet. People bitch at me Constantly about it, why? I got no clue. "go back to gaia faggot" Lame!!
    >> Anonymous 11/27/11(Sun)08:27 No.442593
    If most people acted like you, then yes. Since you are in a very small minority then no, Twilight Sparkle.
    >> Strelnikov !TXwGaUHWDw 11/27/11(Sun)08:29 No.442605
    I'm used to living in the mountains far from retardation that is modern society.

    I'll sit in my cabin by the warm fire I started myself with the wood I sawed and chopped myself, drinking my home-grown mint tea, snacking on walnuts and chestnuts I gathered myself, reading Dickens and Dostoevsky. Honestly I could care less about what happens outside of that idyllic world which I retreat to every few months. When I come back, I'm bombarded with BLACK FRIDAY, JERSEY SHORE, FAUX NEWZ, and all the other broken byproducts of a long dead world.

    Western society died years ago, they just haven't gotten around to burying the corpse.
    >> Anonymous 11/27/11(Sun)08:30 No.442610
    so i'm from EU. i have some small savings, should i buy things i want now?

    I'vew been saving for shit to get cheaper...
    >> Anonymous 11/27/11(Sun)08:31 No.442616
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    Oh, you believe in this "judgement day purge" trope the christians and communists propagate. Think it over again. Seriously. It's a really stupid con and you should feel stupid for falling for it.
    >> Anonymous 11/27/11(Sun)08:31 No.442621
    why 4 days?
    >> Anonymous 11/27/11(Sun)08:32 No.442622
    Go back to Gaia, faggot
    >> Strelnikov !TXwGaUHWDw 11/27/11(Sun)08:35 No.442636
    Not so much a "purge" but its more of a situation that will force people to realize how lucky they WERE. When you're struggling to find food and fresh water, suddenly not having that iPhone 4s doesn't seem all that bad. A real event like this would purge only the worst of society, but more than likely bring people together in the long run. Imagine a world where neighbors who never so much as speak to one another are suddenly united with a common goal. There would be less political apathy, and less whining over the unimportant stuff.
    >> Anonymous 11/27/11(Sun)08:37 No.442652
    I would have lold if moot told me that, but ultimately, No, you're not cool yet.
    >> Strelnikov !TXwGaUHWDw 11/27/11(Sun)08:38 No.442654
    And if that's not your thing, just imagine a world where you can kill niggers without repercussions. I know more than half of /pol/ would jizz at the thought of that.
    >> Anonymous 11/27/11(Sun)08:38 No.442659
    Don't care, we don't have any around here.
    >> Anonymous 11/27/11(Sun)08:40 No.442670
    And I would much rather have three square meals a day without having to fight squirrels with rabbies for their nuts.
    >> Strelnikov !TXwGaUHWDw 11/27/11(Sun)08:43 No.442695
    Who wouldn't? I'm not saying I hope an economic collapse happens, I'm just saying that if/when it does, this would be the preferred version. I hope to fuck it doesn't happen, I don't want to lose everything and have to start over. I stockpile food and ammo because I'm AFRAID of it happening.
    >> Anonymous 11/27/11(Sun)08:49 No.442742
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    And guess what happens with the dangerous lunatics who want to kill off all their "unwanted" in such an environment. The warning shot can also be the second or third one. No one will ask further questions about them, because there are already enough problems to solve without a violent sociopath running free and making extra trouble.

    If you have such problems communicating with your neighbours, maybe a conversational therapy might be more useful to you than a complete breakdown of society.
    >> Anonymous 11/27/11(Sun)09:14 No.442849

    Fool. You don't want a gun because you don't plan on shooting someone? Is that what a gun is for?

    MFW, liberals won't survive! Yes!

    A gun gets you food. Its called hunting.
    A gun saves your life. Its called defense.
    A gun helps you barter. Its called a silent partner.

    In a survival situation a gun is the most important tool outside of cord, combustion and cover.
    >> Anonymous 11/27/11(Sun)09:15 No.442853

    Oops, meant to reply to this.
    >> Everybody's Favorite Mutualist !!LqHFebbO7RS 11/27/11(Sun)09:18 No.442872
    You are now aware that the real "far left," along with anti-authoritarian leftists, tend to own firearms.
    >> Anonymous 11/27/11(Sun)09:20 No.442877

    Need some proof bro.
    >> Anonymous 11/27/11(Sun)09:23 No.442887
    dude, hitler. He was a socialist.
    >> Anonymous 11/27/11(Sun)09:23 No.442888

    'anti-authoritarian leftist'

    Contradiction. To be 'left' you rely more on a centralized government whether 'social' or bureaucratic.
    >> Anonymous 11/27/11(Sun)09:24 No.442894

    You fucking twit. Hitler was certainly NOT anti authoritarian.
    >> Anonymous 11/27/11(Sun)09:25 No.442901
    Moot was always a libertarian you fucking dumbass.
    >> Anonymous 11/27/11(Sun)09:26 No.442903
    >You are now aware that the real "far left," along with anti-authoritarian leftists, tend to own firearms.
    Is this a joke?
    >> Anonymous 11/27/11(Sun)09:27 No.442914

    I have always appreciated your humour.

    Plus nobody can derail a thread as exceptionally as yourself.
    >> Anonymous 11/27/11(Sun)09:29 No.442917

    EU countries will draw closer together, and weather the problem until markets stabilize. Crisis over. /thread. Go about your day.
    >> Anonymous 11/27/11(Sun)09:35 No.442947
    I am a "far left," and I own 2 rifles, 1 shotgun, two .38s and a .45 Colt 1911, with all of which I am how you say, qualified

    there are something like 223 million firearms in the USA. You didn't honestly think that they all belong to rightwingers, did you?
    >> Anonymous 11/27/11(Sun)10:06 No.443076
    Why do people think that everythimg will go fallout mode? Unless countries go to war nothimgs gonna burn. Jist a lot more unemployed.
    >> Anonymous 11/27/11(Sun)10:11 No.443104
    Wait and see.
    >> Anonymous 11/27/11(Sun)10:15 No.443134
    no, not really, "left" goes from "liberal" (who are actually centrists) federalized government to local workers co-ops decision making to libertarians to anarchists and finally mountain men
    >> Anonymous 11/27/11(Sun)10:46 No.443268
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    "There is a story, probably apocryphal, of a Native American scouting expedition that came across the starving members of the Donner Party in 1847, who were snowbound in the Sierra Nevadas and resorted to cannibalism in order to survive. The expedition, which had never seen white people before, observed the Donner Party from a distance, then returned to base camp to report what they had seen. The report consisted of four words: 'They eat each other.' Frankly, if I could summarize the argument of [my book] 'Why America Failed' in a single phrase, this would be it. Unless the Wall Street protests manage to turn things around in a fundamental way, 'They eat each other' is going to be our epitaph."
    --Morris Berman.
    >> Anonymous 11/27/11(Sun)10:49 No.443288
    You do realize all living creatures on this planet will do anything to survive, politics is just a game.

    Why are neo-cons always fags
    >> Anonymous 11/27/11(Sun)11:15 No.443423
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    "I'm sorry that I didn't build you a stronger ship, young Rose."

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