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  • Our pals at J-List are having a Black Friday sale through Sunday night. Peter has supported and been a friend to 4chan for over 7 years—J-List and 4chan even share a birthday (October 1st).
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    File : 1322387114.png-(51 KB, 180x151, 8XZgs.png)
    51 KB Anonymous 11/27/11(Sun)04:45 No.441375  
    I think I've got the idea for the perfect state, /pol/.

    1. Ban all religion and any other unscientific ideologies.
    2. All education funding will go into the sciences and maths. Private education will be banned, as well as private funding, to ensure other subjects do not get better treatment, and to ensure corporations do not let bias distort the education.
    3. Salary cap, wealth cap, profit cap, decided by the people through the government.
    4. 100% tax rate. Since people get the wealth back through government redistribution, they don't lose what they truly needed anyways.
    5. Everyone must work. Employment will be regulated by the government to ensure a fair and balanced economy in all sectors, as well as making sure racist or sexist practices against minorities and women are not occurring.
    6. Companies are still allowed, but will be regulated by the government to make sure they are working for the best interest of the people, and not their own profits.
    7. Any form of inheritance is forbidden, whether the parents are dead or alive. This includes parents paying for any services or goods given to their child. Government regulation will ensure no child gets an unfair step up over others due to unequal parental care.

    I think it's a good start. Got any more to add?
    >> Anonymous 11/27/11(Sun)04:47 No.441385

    That's fucking crazy.
    And I'm saying that as a guy who voted socialist.
    >> Anonymous 11/27/11(Sun)04:49 No.441400
    ban people who want to ban stuff
    >> Anonymous 11/27/11(Sun)04:49 No.441403
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    >100% tax rate
    >> Anonymous 11/27/11(Sun)04:50 No.441406
    I hope for you're sake you are trolling. If not, I highly consider checking yourself in to a mental institution.
    >> Anonymous 11/27/11(Sun)04:50 No.441407
    >1. Ban all religion and any other unscientific ideologies
    >implying atheism doesnt require faith.
    >> Anonymous 11/27/11(Sun)04:50 No.441413
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    Someone should take that microphone away from you
    >> Anonymous 11/27/11(Sun)04:51 No.441419
    But /pol/ loves history...
    >> Anonymous 11/27/11(Sun)04:54 No.441432
    >ban all religion

    fucking grow up
    >> Anonymous 11/27/11(Sun)04:55 No.441434
    Doesn't the fourth make the third redundant?
    I mean whether you make 3 or 300 dollars an hour is irrelevant if you pay 100% tax.
    >> Anonymous 11/27/11(Sun)04:55 No.441438
    8. Private property should be banned. It only leads to greed, jealously, and crime. For instance, if there is no such thing as ownership, there can no robberies, so crime rates will automatically go down.

    9. Private property extends to personal individuality, as they have all the exact same attributes. Your personality and sense of self is nothing but selfish ownership of a private property. Anything that cannot be equally distributed among the greater society must be banned. New individualities will be redistributed by the government in a one-size-fits-all form.
    >> Anonymous 11/27/11(Sun)04:56 No.441439
    If this is a troll, its a damn good one.
    >> Anonymous 11/27/11(Sun)04:56 No.441441

    Just because you pay 100% tax doesn't mean you don't make money as well. You just have to give it back.
    >> Regulate the Regulators !4XhrckebfE 11/27/11(Sun)04:56 No.441442
    > if there is no such thing as ownership, there can no robberies, so crime rates will automatically go down.

    I'm willing to believe that some of them actually think this.
    >> Anonymous 11/27/11(Sun)04:57 No.441445
    authoritarians, authoritarians everywhere
    >> Anonymous 11/27/11(Sun)04:57 No.441446
    But you'd never get to use the money, you barely even get to own them.
    The fact that you were paid them would be a mere technicality.
    >> Anonymous 11/27/11(Sun)04:57 No.441448
    I agree with #7. It takes a village, after all. What better village than a representative government?
    >> Anonymous 11/27/11(Sun)04:58 No.441453
    Makes sense.
    Problem is that people are dicks and will be pricks even if there is little to gain.
    >> Anonymous 11/27/11(Sun)04:59 No.441459
    This is what Occupy Wall Street actually wants.
    >> Anonymous 11/27/11(Sun)04:59 No.441461

    It's not a technicality, it's an intrinsic aspect of the society. Paying the money back sends a message that you are contributing to society, to the community, to the greater good. It's a beautiful performance that is necessary to ingrain those feelings into the populace, into the culture.
    >> Anonymous 11/27/11(Sun)05:00 No.441466
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    >> Anonymous 11/27/11(Sun)05:01 No.441470
    You could never ban something like religion outright, it has to be slowly progressed through over time with education, science, technology,etc--which is basically what the trend is right now.

    But yeah, a perfect state/utopia will probably never happen. And maybe it shouldn't happen.
    >> Anonymous 11/27/11(Sun)05:04 No.441487
    You seem to believe the false premise that everyone in government is working for your good and that the government is some infallible god that can make sure everything works perfectly,

    [spoiler]power=corruption, government=power[spoiler]
    >> Anonymous 11/27/11(Sun)05:04 No.441496
    It's sounding like a harsh state of communism to me.

    At any rate, If you restrict people from their faiths (And you and I both know that so many people couldn't live unless they thought everything happened for a reason or some such shit) They will revolt. If you give them a wealth cap, They will steal what they want from others, and if you persecute those revolting and stealing, You'll be made out as a prison state to the rest of the world for punishing those who only wanted what they need and didn't have other options.

    Your supposed good intentions will probably get you a .308 round to the temple courtesy of a UN employed sniper.

    Besides, There's no unclaimed land on earth, and we haven't figured out how to live anyplace else. Where are you going to put this prison state, Sir Dictator?
    >> Anonymous 11/27/11(Sun)05:09 No.441521
    >who only wanted what they need

    But the government distributes those according to their need. There will be no revolts if the people are educated to this righteous truth.

    This state can be installed anywhere, preferably America or a European country where wealth is already rampant, so as to build the infrastructure needed for this system.

    And I'm no dictator - I serve the people's best interests.
    >> Anonymous 11/27/11(Sun)05:10 No.441532
    > as well as making sure racist or sexist practices against minorities and women are not occurring.
    DEFINE that please.
    Just don't talk about how you feel about politics, different cultures and how hot the woman looks.
    Merry Christmas, er that's offensive, Happy Holidays...LoLz.
    >> Anonymous 11/27/11(Sun)05:11 No.441535

    (I'm >>441496 btw)

    And just how do you plan to stop people from having individuality, you twit? Implant chips in their brains? If you can do that, You've got an army. Why make laws when you could control them via the chips?

    If anything should be banned anywhere, It's people who express your tepid level of intelligence gaining political power. God, Help us all if this whelp becomes anything more influential than a janitor.
    >> Anonymous 11/27/11(Sun)05:13 No.441548
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    Under the sea, right next to Rapture.
    >> Anonymous 11/27/11(Sun)05:16 No.441565
    PC social engineering in its best, but done by private corporations and moralists to decide how we should behave.

    Oh Fuck (BUZZ in my head) ACK! NO, it hurts.
    >> Anonymous 11/27/11(Sun)05:16 No.441568
    Why the fuck do you give a shit about other peoples affairs? Why can't you just mind your own fucking business. Why can't you ALL mind your own fucking business? Whats wrong with you, really? Why do you care what other people think about how we got here? Just because you think religious people are idiots (which they are) doesn't mean you can take away their right of free thought. Get the fuck over yourself and get a girlfriend or something, and once again, mind your own fucking business you psycho fascist.
    >> Anonymous 11/27/11(Sun)05:17 No.441569
    1. 2. and 4. are retarded
    >> Anonymous 11/27/11(Sun)05:17 No.441576
    Oh? Educated only by your established system? So, Without people learning anything by themselves, I guess that means you trust every civil employee to prepare your "states" youth for adulthood 100%?
    You'd trust all of them not to take advantage of their positions? Because you've put them in total control of the thoughts of children. If you think you can trust some teacher or member of a school board with something like that, You are truly unworthy of thought.

    This only proves that we, As a species, cannot be trusted with ourselves. IE, The reason religion exists. If people didn't think there was a god watching every moment of their lives, We'd probably have people like you controlling small, quite temporary, cells of half-organized anarchy. IF we hadn't toppled over the brink of extinction.
    >> Anonymous 11/27/11(Sun)05:19 No.441590

    Chips? I'm not advocating some kind of loony sci-fi nonsense, here. This can all be achieved through rigorous re-education de-egoing programs, both in private sessions and panned out throughout cultural media's.

    If they ever feel greed, or need, or want, they should be induced with a pavolonian reaction against it.
    >> Anonymous 11/27/11(Sun)05:19 No.441594
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    Sounds like North Korea and former eastern Europe. Private property verboten, people's power verboten, civil culture verboten, glorious leader watches and decides everything and is a god far above the law. You will need razorwire fences, minefields and sentry towers to keep people from leaving your perfect state by millions.
    >> Anonymous 11/27/11(Sun)05:23 No.441607
    Where do you get off with this idea of controlling people anyway? You want to create a place free of oppression and greed, By being the greediest and most tyrannical?

    Do you even think about what you write?
    I say again, We cannot handle ourselves.
    Least of all OP.
    >> Anonymous 11/27/11(Sun)05:24 No.441614

    Idiocy and unintelligence causes crimes. I'm only trying to stop people from getting hurt. Do you not want the same? Or are you just callous?

    >You'd trust all of them not to take advantage of their positions?

    Of course not. The workers we will hire have been carefully educated to remove all possibility of such behaviours. They will always serve in the best interest of the community.

    The underlying mantra of my system is is "Need is Greed, Property is Inequality". Once people accept this truth, humanity can finally start progressing towards peace and prosperity.
    >> Anonymous 11/27/11(Sun)05:25 No.441624
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    >1. Ban all religion and any other unscientific ideologies.
    >5. . .as well as making sure racist or sexist practices against minorities and women are not occurring.

    >Cultural Marxism
    >not an unscientific ideology
    >> Anonymous 11/27/11(Sun)05:26 No.441627
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    >> Anonymous 11/27/11(Sun)05:27 No.441636
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    You can help a community and your people without forcing them to do so.
    >> Anonymous 11/27/11(Sun)05:28 No.441639
    There's an interesting point! Are you going to educate these people yourself? Or do you have a wormhole to the future that will allow them to brainwash themselves? Who brain washes your cleaners to begin with?

    And getting hurt is just a part of life. On the grand scale, Pain IS existence. It's people like you who can't accept that that usually end up doing shit like this and hurting more people than you help. If you could even call them people in your system.

    If you ever rule a country, OP.
    You have your first "terrorist" in me.
    >> Anonymous 11/27/11(Sun)05:29 No.441642
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    >And I'm no dictator - I serve the people's best interests.
    >> Anonymous 11/27/11(Sun)05:30 No.441650

    And where does that help go, exactly? A people-led government distribution system can give help out equally to everyone, instead of just selfishly helping people you happen to know, people living around you. I'm sure some rich person living in a gated community supports the suffering impoverished people in the ghetto a whole lot by just helping his next door neighbours clean their Rolls Royce.

    Government-distributed helps remove the poisonous problem of Location Discrimination. I, personally, am against discriminating against others, for whatever reason. Perhaps that's something more people here could take up as well. I've so far been very disappointed in you all so far.
    >> Anonymous 11/27/11(Sun)05:30 No.441651
    (I'm >>441607)
    My point to a "T". Thank you.
    >> Anonymous 11/27/11(Sun)05:31 No.441652
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    >>Of course not. The workers we will hire have been carefully educated to remove all possibility of such behaviours. They will always serve in the best interest of the community.

    So you totally failed at human and social science and at history classes. Are you by any chance American?

    There's a reason why people with your ideology politically end up in insignificant lunatic fringe groups no one ever takes seriously. Don't give yourself up! Read a book! You can do it!
    >> Anonymous 11/27/11(Sun)05:35 No.441675

    >>Government-distributed helps remove the poisonous problem of Location Discrimination.

    And introduces a new poison called slavery. You intend to create a government that would flat out own people. Mind, soul, and body.

    You intend to wipe their minds to snuff out greed? The greed is theirs to feel. That right must stop at the possessions of others, But their want is theirs and theirs alone.

    You want to erase their faith? Then what have they to look up to? You? If you and your system are all they have to look up to, I'm prediction a 50%+ suicide rate.
    >> Anonymous 11/27/11(Sun)05:36 No.441681
    >There's an interesting point! Are you going to educate these people yourself? Or do you have a wormhole to the future that will allow them to brainwash themselves? Who brain washes your cleaners to begin with?
    There are already people who agree with my cause and will join me in the initial stages. They are everywhere. It is inevitable. Once the global community has been enacted, there will be nowhere left to run from the peace and prosperity we will provide.

    >And getting hurt is just a part of life. On the grand scale, Pain IS existence.
    Such bitter cynicism, such a sad thing to see in such a beautiful human. Pain is borne out of inequality, of greed, of hate, or jealousy, of unsatisfied needs. We can cure you of all that.

    >If you could even call them people in your system.
    Happy content people living together in a global community - how is that a beautiful idea of the human people? How could anyone deny this, if not poisonous cynicism?

    >If you ever rule a country, OP. You have your first "terrorist" in me.
    You will be no idea of 'terrorist' in my world - everyone is part of the human race, part of the human community. You will be accepted into us with open arms, whether you initially want to or not. And by the end of it, you'll want nothing else. We will guarantee it.
    >> Anonymous 11/27/11(Sun)05:36 No.441684
    Op you are dreamer, one problem people will always rebel there is no perfect utopia nor will there be. What you want is a fascist state O.P.
    >> Anonymous 11/27/11(Sun)05:38 No.441694
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    leftist authoritarians are terrifying
    >> Anonymous 11/27/11(Sun)05:43 No.441718
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    No, more like a 25% suicide bomber rate against the incompetent fascist regime. Op is far too oppressive to survive even a week on the throne. Everyone would hate him and his tyranny. Everyone would sabotage whatever he can. Assassins would flock to the palace in dozens. That's what happens when aspergers try to make politics.
    >> Anonymous 11/27/11(Sun)05:45 No.441732

    People will not rebel once they see the virtues of our society. Our vision must be on a global scale, wrapping every corner of the globe, so everyone is involved and everyone sees the true value of communities all at once. This was one of the problems with earlier experiments. Dissent from neighbouring states will only infect the good community with individuality, with irrational pride of self. There can be no dissent, no nation or society that doesn't fall under us, or that will disrupt the entire rightful order of things.

    Peace in unity. Think of it as removing a tumour - you have to get it all out at once, permanently, or the cancer will spread.
    >> Anonymous 11/27/11(Sun)05:46 No.441737
    this is the kind of scientist you end up having
    >> Anonymous 11/27/11(Sun)05:49 No.441755

    >>There are already people who agree with my cause and will join me in the initial stages. They are everywhere. It is inevitable. Once the global community has been enacted, there will be nowhere left to run from the peace and prosperity we will provide.

    There will always be people who aren't afraid to fight for what's theirs. They're less common than they used to be, But they're there.

    >>Such bitter cynicism, such a sad thing to see in such a beautiful human. Pain is borne out of inequality, of greed, of hate, or jealousy, of unsatisfied needs. We can cure you of all that.

    Oh? Pain isn't existence? Then I suppose your mother was drugged when you were born so she didn't go through too much inequality

    >>Happy content people living together in a global community - how is that a beautiful idea of the human people? How could anyone deny this, if not poisonous cynicism?

    The only poison I see is a conscious human being thinking they can create peace out of control. What gives you the right to govern anyone but yourself?

    >>You will be no idea of 'terrorist' in my world - everyone is part of the human race, part of the human community. You will be accepted into us with open arms, whether you initially want to or not. And by the end of it, you'll want nothing else. We will guarantee it.

    I, for one, Will die in a hellfire of pipe bombs before I'm controlled by you. You think you can take my faith? I may reject god, But it is my choice to do so. You think you can take my personality? Then in what right would I be a person? I would go down fighting, And I'd take as much of your supporters with me to "Hell" as I can.
    >> Anonymous 11/27/11(Sun)05:50 No.441763

    There will be no chance to rebel. The people will not want it, nor will they be mentally capable of it. Rebel minds must have the privacy of their own minds for rebellious thoughts of individuality to fester, and rebel groups must have privacy of their physical being and living space to gather.

    But a true human community comes from mutual sense of care and belonging, not people being separated from each other in selfish isolation. Isolation is greed of privacy - every minute spent alone is a minute taken away from the community. That's not equal redistribution. Therefore, just like private property, privacy as a whole must be banned for the greater human good to truly flourish without impedance.
    >> Anonymous 11/27/11(Sun)05:51 No.441765
    still won't work people will naturally rebel otherwise we would already have your society that you speak of without it being enforced, just remember you can't control the mind until then your idea is dead in the water
    >> Anonymous 11/27/11(Sun)05:54 No.441788
    Oh look it's Jimmy Retard pretending to be Big Brother, isn't that adorable?
    >> Anonymous 11/27/11(Sun)05:56 No.441802
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    >> Anonymous 11/27/11(Sun)05:57 No.441808
    >There will always be people who aren't afraid to fight for what's theirs. They're less common than they used to be, But they're there.
    They're less common now, and will not exist soon enough.

    >Then I suppose your mother was drugged when you were born so she didn't go through too much inequality
    Women being the birthing sex is inequality. Therefore, the oppression of gender roles is what leads to pain.

    >The only poison I see is a conscious human being thinking they can create peace out of control.
    Peace can only be made out of a controlled environment. Control Is Peace.

    >What gives you the right to govern anyone but yourself?
    I'm not doing this. We are. The People are. And soon, all of humanity will.

    >You think you can take my personality? Then in what right would I be a person?
    You won't be - you will be part of the community. A far greater purpose for humanity.

    Your fighting spirit is perhaps admirable, but ill-advised, and only proves our point that selfish individuality leads to violence and evil. Once you see the fruits of our labour, you will accept us as yourself, you as we. It is inevitable.
    >> Anonymous 11/27/11(Sun)05:58 No.441822
    Wow OP. You erect a dystopian shithole in the name of egalitarianism.

    Then, you declare yourself/your party supreme poobahs with *total* control of the means of production, leaving the workers with nothing.

    Yeah, sure is stalinist in here.
    >> Anonymous 11/27/11(Sun)05:58 No.441823

    I fear for the idea of sociopathic aspies leading countries
    >> Anonymous 11/27/11(Sun)06:01 No.441838

    >> Anonymous 11/27/11(Sun)06:06 No.441874

    >>selfish individuality leads to violence and evil
    We're violent against those who steal from us. I was born with my mind, I built my personality myself by living life, I decided for myself that I didn't need God. Those ideas and prospects were built within my mind and belong to no one but me. And surely not the whole of a race that could spawn you. If such a thing should come up, I renounce my humanity.

    Take a second to look at your body chemistry OP. You're a mass of cells working together, But there are viruses who want parts of you. and your white blood cells fight them off. After seeing that, Can you really believe that inequality is something that humans made? We are not only exorcising it, We are made of it!
    >> Anonymous 11/27/11(Sun)06:07 No.441882
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    You should be worried about sociopaths in general
    4cahn aspies will never get anywhere in life
    >> Anonymous 11/27/11(Sun)06:09 No.441898
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    Well, usually they don't make it through the political selection process. Politics is a subtle social business, one mistake and all the bastards who want your post or want to destroy your post jump at you. If your allies can't cope with your rivals, game over, commissioner for delevopment help in rural Uganda forever. The most retarded thing to do is simply taking a microphone and pissing everyone off, like op would do. That's not how you make influential friends. That's how you make more enemies than you can bear.

    The few social failures who still make it to the top usually come from the military career branch. Aspies paradise. That's why civilized countries limit the military's influence as much as possible.
    >> Anonymous 11/27/11(Sun)06:11 No.441912
    >We're violent against those who steal from us.

    And if there is no property, there can be no theft, therefore no violence. Do you not see this beautiful truth? All that needs to be done is to remove the concept of property in the human consciousness through re-education betterment programs.

    >I was born with my mind, I built my personality myself by living life, I decided for myself that I didn't need God. Those ideas and prospects were built within my mind and belong to no one but me.

    This is the bitter selfishness I was talking about. Society has made you, your denial only proves that reality. No more than a CEO "owns" what he makes, you do not own what you think.
    >> Anonymous 11/27/11(Sun)06:12 No.441918
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    God I love Lain
    >> Anonymous 11/27/11(Sun)06:13 No.441923
    LuLz aspies. AUTISM this:
    "Yeah. definitely. I'm an excellent driver."
    Get 1-2 k (like $1500) a month for disability check in the mail. Poor, but more than working at Wal-mart or McD's, so many white trash and niggers are teaching their children to be autistic.
    >> Anonymous 11/27/11(Sun)06:14 No.441930
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    >All that needs to be done is to remove the concept of property in the human consciousness through re-education betterment programs.
    >you do not own what you think.
    >> Anonymous 11/27/11(Sun)06:18 No.441945

    >> Anonymous 11/27/11(Sun)06:18 No.441946
    hitler tried it and the jew owned nations stopped him
    >> Anonymous 11/27/11(Sun)06:18 No.441949
    Then, I guess you wouldn't mind if someone foreclosed your home, stole all your food, and dug your teeth out of your mouth? After all, They're not really yours, You don't own them.

    It's beliefs like that that will one day have corporations purchasing people and harvesting organs.

    You plan to remove fear and pain through desensitization, But a wise person should realize that a pain-killer only masks the pain.
    >> Anonymous 11/27/11(Sun)06:23 No.441962
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    OP confirmed for Ellsworth M. Toohey. Literary copypasta 2/10.
    >> Anonymous 11/27/11(Sun)06:26 No.441975
    It's copypasta? Oh, that's good. The idea that someone may actually believe this shit had me studying the anarchist's cookbook. Guess I won't need all this thermite after all~
    >> Anonymous 11/27/11(Sun)06:27 No.441983

    We always need more thermite, my pet.
    >> Anonymous 11/27/11(Sun)06:30 No.441995
    Call me "Pet" again I'll burn you.
    >> Anonymous 11/27/11(Sun)06:31 No.442002

    I apologise. How dreadfully unbecoming of me, luvvie.
    >> Anonymous 11/27/11(Sun)06:32 No.442007
    Oh yes OP, we will all be happy to love Big Brother some day!
    >> Anonymous 11/27/11(Sun)06:41 No.442063
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    "Resistance" and "counterculture" are an integral part of every well balanced civil system. Without these tools the necessary political adjustments are very hard to implement, and always bear the risk of a major fuckup. Like in Libya. No one wants that. Go make some more thermite, you might get a chance to fetch a good price for it.
    >> Anonymous 11/27/11(Sun)07:03 No.442153
    Well, I guess it was OP's nap time.
    That's what happens when 5 year olds contemplate politics. Get that dictator a cookie and he'll shut up.
    I'm out.
    >> Anonymous 11/27/11(Sun)07:09 No.442178
    I am surprisingly OK with this
    >> Anonymous 11/27/11(Sun)07:19 No.442238
    Ban religion=your religion is atheism. There is no way how to get rid of it.
    >> Anonymous 11/27/11(Sun)07:26 No.442277
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    8: Retract all of the above, enstate direct democracy everywhere, let people decide what they want even if they are retarded conservative hillbilly hicks and even though you and me both disagree strongly with them.
    9: Because "fuck you", that's why.
    >> Anonymous 11/27/11(Sun)07:27 No.442281
    >parents die in car accident
    >kids don't inherit anything
    >sent to live to orphanage to get molested
    as long as I get to run an orphanage, sign me up
    >> Anonymous 11/27/11(Sun)07:29 No.442292
    triple dubs behold the truth
    >> Anonymous 11/27/11(Sun)07:36 No.442322
    If that's not a sign, I don't know what is.
    Long live democracy, and may OP have a nail driven into every joint in his bone structure. He won't mind, apparently he doesn't own them any more than the guy with the hammer. XD
    >> Anonymous 11/27/11(Sun)09:04 No.442802
    OP is a totalitarian and socialist!
    read books, like 1984, the road to serfdome, brave new world, fountainhead, atlas shrugged, consitution of liberty
    >> Anonymous 11/27/11(Sun)09:09 No.442821
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    The funny thing is they call this ideology "liberal" in America. I don't wanna know what their authoritarians look like.
    >> Everybody's Favorite Mutualist !!LqHFebbO7RS 11/27/11(Sun)09:15 No.442851
    Every state ever:
    "Hi, I'm here to help you. Give me money or I'll kill you."

    OP's state:
    "Hi, I'm here to help you. Give me ALL your money, because I fucking own you. Work harder, bitch. What? You didn't thank me for beating you senseless? YOU NEED RE-EDUCATION!"

    Fuck you, OP.
    >> Anonymous 11/27/11(Sun)09:17 No.442864
    If you have a good method to control the State from being corrupted I'm ok with it.
    >> Anonymous 11/27/11(Sun)09:17 No.442866
    >4. 100% tax rate. Since people get the wealth back through government redistribution, they don't lose what they truly needed anyways.

    What will motivate me to work harder than the guy next to me?
    >> Anonymous 11/27/11(Sun)10:01 No.443048
    Why, no it won't, dubs.
    But, according to OP's "wisdom" if you don't work hard because you have no motivation to you require some sort of intrusive re-education that will further strip you of personality to the point where you couldn't think about how motivated you are.

    In short, OP doesn't want a nation, He want's a slave state.
    >> Anonymous 11/27/11(Sun)10:03 No.443057
    I understand science, but why Maths? The Human race created Maths, it doesn't have much practicality for problems unrelating to humans.
    >> Anonymous 11/27/11(Sun)10:07 No.443079
    As you can see, OP, people want to be opressed.
    They are more comfortable with not knowing, who steals their money, than someone who got a mandate from the people!

    Since I am rich, I am OK with it. And when there are poor people, who support me in being rich and even beg me to be rich, why not?
    >> Anonymous 11/27/11(Sun)10:08 No.443088
    Sittlichkeit. Look it up.
    >> Anonymous 11/27/11(Sun)10:09 No.443090
    Sounds like a shithole OP
    >> Anonymous 11/27/11(Sun)10:14 No.443125
    I prefer the dutch model. as little legislation as possible
    >> Anonymous 11/27/11(Sun)10:17 No.443143
    My main issue with this, OP.

    If I don't own myself, Who's to stop some corrupt government association from doing something horrible like, Taking my organs. By your logic, They belong to the government. Why am I to trust that you wouldn't? Because you said so? You're human yourself, So you're partially evil as well.

    I guess the question is; Why should I trust you to quell evil? It's been tried, And it's never been done. What makes you think your attempt will go any better? Or that you wouldn't go evil yourself?

    I mean, This seems fairly hypocritical. You've already proven that you don't trust people by saying that you want the lot of them re-educated. So what makes you trust worthy? You're not special, No matter what your idiot parents or school teachers told you. You're another speck of filth just like the rest of us to me.

    I think I'd join that pipe bomb guy on this.
    >> Anonymous 11/27/11(Sun)10:23 No.443165
    I've been to Copenhagen. I loved it. My friends there laughed when I was talking about my American roots and how important freedom was to my southern family. And when I thought about it, I found it pretty funny, too. Mainly because I was sitting with them outside, not wearing shoes, smoking a cigar right next to a door. And that'd get me two fines in Virginia. We aren't actually that free.

    I plan to immigrate within the next 3 years.
    >> Anonymous 11/27/11(Sun)10:23 No.443166
    OP invented nothing new.
    Leaving out completely dumb point numb, you basically have form of communism. And this was already done in USSR (except number 4, but they were aiming for it).
    The problem is not to make super imba system, but what if your goverment is led by someone like Stalin?
    >> noko anonymous 11/27/11(Sun)10:31 No.443192
    >>No freedom of religion
    >>Completely state-run education in all aspects
    >>Cap on how much you can make
    >>Hardcore redistribution of wealth
    >>Complete government control of employment
    >>"Fair and balanced economy"
    >>Private familial choices banned.

    This sounds an awful lot like Communist Russia. Are you looking to form a complete failure of a totalitarian state? History has shown time and time again that the way to create a peaceful, lasting and productive nation is to allow people freedom (not absolute freedom, mind you), not to control them.
    >> anonymous 11/27/11(Sun)10:32 No.443197
    We don't call this shit liberal in America. We call it batshit retarded.
    >> Anonymous 11/27/11(Sun)10:33 No.443199
    >not teaching history

    those are fighting words
    >> Anonymous 11/27/11(Sun)10:39 No.443222
    I fully lold that people think no one would have faith if this nutjob bans religion. YOU'D STILL HAVE YOUR FAITH, YOU JUST WOULDN'T BE BELIEVING IN A WHITE BEARDED GUY IN THE SKY
    >> Anonymous 11/27/11(Sun)10:42 No.443240
    1. Let people worship freely, but no government funding will go to any cause.
    2. Pro-choice government
    3. Public schools will be promoted, but private education will be available
    4. Evolution taught in schools, math and history and foreign language required
    5. Everyone contributes their fair share to taxes
    6. Limits on inheritance
    7. Everyone must work, minimum wage is $5.00 to encourage working your way up
    8. Foreign trade is allowed, but only to extent
    9. Treaties in which the nation will be required to render supplies/troops will be outlawed; war only permitted when attacked
    10. Welfare is only allowed for 1 year
    11. More privatization=better care; therefore the government will keep hands off most things
    12. Age of consent=15
    13. Marijuana is legal for people over 18, must buy from government dispenser, and cannot be smoked in public
    14. Kids can't drop out of school
    >> Anonymous 11/27/11(Sun)10:43 No.443248
    Faith in what? OP and his little slave owners club that he calls a government?

    The robotically desensitized people around you?

    Or owold it be for your future potential... Oh, wait. You're life wouldn't have the potential to get better no matter how hard you worked.

    Yeah, sounds like optimism would just ooze out at you. So easy to remain faithful.
    >> Anonymous 11/27/11(Sun)10:43 No.443251
    The perfect state is no state
    >> Anonymous 11/27/11(Sun)10:44 No.443255
    anarchistfag detected. Grow the fuck up.
    >> Anonymous 11/27/11(Sun)10:46 No.443265
    I grew out of force.
    >> Anonymous 11/27/11(Sun)10:47 No.443274
    What do you mean by that?

    You should really formulate your own opinions.
    Anarchy has never worked, nor will it ever
    >> Anonymous 11/27/11(Sun)10:48 No.443276
    Ah, Now that sounds like what America should be.

    Though, I'd throw in that kids could drop out, IF they were already enrolled in some sort to trade school in a field that they've been tested in and have proven skill.
    Just not early. I'd say... Grade 10 with high marks?
    >> Anonymous 11/27/11(Sun)10:48 No.443281
    If you have high marks, then why would you drop out?
    >> Anonymous 11/27/11(Sun)10:50 No.443290
    To get a year up on the trade that you wish to persue.

    I mean, What did you learn in the last two years of high school that opened your eyes? From what I've seen, Most kids who have their lives together and a plan for what they want to do by grade ten.

    And the rest would have a couple more years to grow up.
    >> Anonymous 11/27/11(Sun)10:52 No.443296
    Non Aggression Principle.

    >Anarchy has never worked
    You need to read up on your history. Especially Ancient Ireland, Iceland, and the "Wild West".
    >> Anonymous 11/27/11(Sun)10:56 No.443310
    >Ban all religion and any other unscientific ideologies.

    I'm OK with religion until some asshole tries to make money off it or exploit it in some way. (I'm looking at you, Christians)
    >All education funding will go into the sciences and maths. Private education will be banned, as well as private funding, to ensure other subjects do not get better treatment, and to ensure corporations do not let bias distort the education.

    and thus the potential for creativity is killed. do you want shitty standardized tests too?
    >Salary cap, wealth cap, profit cap, decided by the people through the government.
    I'm OK with this
    >100% tax rate. Since people get the wealth back through government redistribution, they don't lose what they truly needed anyways.


    >Everyone must work. Employment will be regulated by the government to ensure a fair and balanced economy in all sectors, as well as making sure racist or sexist practices against minorities and women are not occurring.

    Fuck you, I'll be a crack dealer if I want to

    >Companies are still allowed, but will be regulated by the government to make sure they are working for the best interest of the people, and not their own profits

    lol 0/10
    >Any form of inheritance is forbidden, whether the parents are dead or alive. This includes parents paying for any services or goods given to their child. Government regulation will ensure no child gets an unfair step up over others due to unequal parental care.

    >> Anonymous 11/27/11(Sun)10:56 No.443311
    I wouldn't call the wild west an "anarchy" Most sheriffs would have to book up on the laws of the eastern states.

    They just didn't have much of a reason to fallow all of them, Because what worked there wouldn't in the west. There was still a law structure.

    An actual anarchy would have all rules communally agreed upon and fallowed out of trust.
    The main reason what anarchy won't work. The few "bad apples" that can't be trusted ruin it for the rest.
    >> Anonymous 11/27/11(Sun)10:58 No.443320
    The point of those examples was not that of an outright Anarchy (as I want), but one near Anarchy. Saying an anarchic society is bad is like saying a society without rape and murder is bad.
    >> Anonymous 11/27/11(Sun)11:01 No.443341
    I'll agree that an anarchy system, If it worked, Would be amazing. But I remain that I don't think it would work, Because there's always someone who will abuse the freedoms and harm those around them for personal gain.

    Also, Woot, Look at my shiny triple dubs.
    >> Ziforb the Hopeless Imbecile 11/27/11(Sun)11:02 No.443346
    Good luck with that Utopian society where people aren't allowed to enjoy themselves. Meanwhile I'll be back here designing the perfect Democracy, thank you very much.
    >> Anonymous 11/27/11(Sun)11:05 No.443366
    Can your near-but-not anarchist Libertarian neighbor (My dream country) Have an agreement to gang up on OP's if they attack either of us?

    We'll sell you guns~
    >> Anonymous 11/27/11(Sun)11:10 No.443398
    Well that never happened in ancient Ireland. There was no state monopoly on law or defense. This link has a bit of information on it:
    >> Ziforb the Hopeless Imbecile 11/27/11(Sun)11:13 No.443413

    Sorry, he's too busy feeding the poor to the free market. You should come again.
    >> Anonymous 11/27/11(Sun)11:15 No.443428
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    Actually, they had #4. They never got any real money into their hands, their government paid them with arbitrarily valued government monopoly money no one outside their slave state accepted. Usually, when you had your tv and your car paid, there was not much more to spend this "money" on. Because the government alone decided what's produced and which region gets it. Some call it a hidden government debt, but the money was worthless anyway, so it's cold expropriation.

    Luxury was deemed "counterrevolutionary and decadent", even meat and butter weren't always available, no matter how much money you had earned. Mostly because the consumer goods industry was classified as less important than the armament sector and often could not deliver. Just like in every government controlled society. When the glorious leader wants his nifty assault helicopters, everything else has to wait. "Security" spending increased to more than 30% of the GDP, pompous military parades were normal, while the working class citizens got barely enough to eat. Despite working their ass off in often hazardous work environments.
    >> Anonymous 11/27/11(Sun)11:15 No.443430
    >ban private education/ban unscientific ideologies
    your fucking stupid OP if u think science and math are the only things to learn
    >everyone must work
    your seriously fucking a retard human being
    >> Anonymous 11/27/11(Sun)11:16 No.443433
    I'm not one to believe everything I read, But I do find that impressive. Despite the fact that it certainty wasn't an anarchy, It was free, governed lightly by merit and merit alone, and rather efficient.

    OK, If you can get a working nation going on a tuath type government with today's downed level morality and human respect, I'll support you.
    >> Anonymous 11/27/11(Sun)11:16 No.443435

    Obvious Eurofaggot detected.
    >> Anonymous 11/27/11(Sun)11:19 No.443458

    Nothing, which is why OPs 'perfect state' would fail completely. If working harder and climbing the ladder doesn't get a person more money to buy nicer things, why would they bother? Why not just do the minimum effort required to stay fed at that point.
    >> Anonymous 11/27/11(Sun)11:20 No.443467
    Well, Alright then.

    we'd have an easier time attacking OP's country and liberating it's people without such an agreement anyway.
    >> Anonymous 11/27/11(Sun)11:22 No.443485
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    You fascist pigs stay the fuck away from Op's state. We are the rightful liberators, no one else!
    >> Anonymous 11/27/11(Sun)11:25 No.443507
    Maybe we could sell you some guns to help?
    >> Ziforb the Hopeless Imbecile 11/27/11(Sun)11:34 No.443565

    Agreed. That's one nuclear weapon for me, and one for you.
    >> Anonymous 11/27/11(Sun)11:38 No.443586
    So you have a system in which everyone requires money but 100% of what they earn goes to the government.
    Also you don't teach history so people can't learn that your system is retarded.
    >> Anonymous 11/27/11(Sun)11:42 No.443608
    Nuclear weapons? You did read the part about liberating the people, right?

    I'm Libertarian to a fault, But I'm anti war as well.
    War doesn't help anything, It takes everything from everyone. We wouldn't be attacking the citizens, We'd be striking only the government areas. assassinating only key points of political power, And disabling every defense they could point at us.

    Though, Don't get me wrong. If they pointed a nuke at us, We'd wipe the robots off the face of the earth. I'd value our free people more than the robitically re-educated with a bitter taste. But it'd have to be done.
    >> Anonymous 11/27/11(Sun)12:38 No.443976
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    Only if you sell none to the other guys.
    >> Anonymous 11/27/11(Sun)12:42 No.444009
    >2. All education funding will go into the sciences and maths. Private education will be banned, as well as private funding, to ensure other subjects do not get better treatment, and to ensure corporations do not let bias distort the education.

    So you want a society of people who don't think critically and to set up a soulless society, not to mention overloading the system with too many people in too few industries. I don't even need to read the rest of your points to know that this is idiotic beyond belief.
    >> Anonymous 11/27/11(Sun)13:12 No.444274
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    That was called the USSR, you dumb-fuck, and it was a miserable failure.

    Listen, you fucking dumb-shit. Put down the bong, stop playing video games 18 hours a day and move out of the basement. Experience reality - the good and bad - and then move to North Fucking Korea, where this government still exists, and you'll see...

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