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you mad, liberal fag? Do you even have an argument or a point or anything to say?
False. I'm not white, don't live in the USA. Don't like guns and don't use a wheel chair. Try again fag.
>Automatically assuming anyone who makes fun of retards on /pol/ is "liberal"?

Oh, /pol/.
you still don't have anything to say, and you are shitposting.
All was fine in /pol/... untill the filthy JIDF, LGBT, communists, edgyfags and liberals poured onto this board like a stream of diarrhea. Now if one isn't anti-white he's suddenly a social outcast and a retard and worst of all, not edgy enough... so sad...
>/pol/ was great when it was filled with people with my identical beliefs.
>Now I actually have to defend my ridiculous beliefs against rational people
>feminists, communists, jews, liberals and trannies
>wanting everyone to be able to live their own lives as they want to without an overbearing state to control them
sure is libfag in here

freedom or equality?

can't have both
>Calling for the death of all people who don't agree with your political extremism on a daily basis.

I'm not even liberal, guy.
>affirmative action
pick one. No special privileges for minorities because of their skin.
>calling for death of someone
when did that happen? /pol/ is somewhat isolationist/anti-war
>wanting everyone to be able to live their own lives as they want to without an overbearing state to control them
>by opposing abortion, gay marriage, universal healtchare etc

Cool logic bro.
>I'm going to kill this fetus because I'm a dumb slut and I got drunk and fucked a guy! and I have no concept of responsibility!
>Gay marriage shouldn't even be a state thing, each church should independently decide whether to allow it imo
>everyone HAS to pay for healthcare, regardless of whether or not you actually use it
I'll argue with you guys all day if I have to
>I'm going to kill this fetus because I'm a dumb slut and I got drunk and fucked a guy! and I have no concept of responsibility!

That's one example. But it can be prevented by promoting other forms of contraception; like abstinence or the pill. And what about other cases, like rape victims or mothers that could possible die during birth? If you want people to have choice without the state interfering then I think the most ideologically sound route is pro-abortion (at least practically, I'm philosophically opposed to the idea)

>Gay marriage shouldn't even be a state thing, each church should independently decide whether to allow it imo


>everyone HAS to pay for healthcare, regardless of whether or not you actually use it

Paying taxes = as bad as people dying/suffering due to not having the money to pay for private healthcare
tbh I am pro abortion, the less children from dumb mothers who weren't ready/got raped the better for our society
>can't afford healthcare
So what are they doing to get themselves injured whenever they can't work?
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>got raped the better for our society

are we being 'raided' by /b/ or something?

/pol/ i hope you are smart enough to use sage and report
I don't look like that. I'm in my early 20's. Lean and I eat blueberries and all that healthy stuff. I'm pro-White but I don't have weird flags and stuff.
sure is conservafag in here
>don't have friends to protect me
weak socially
>don't have stength/self defense to protect me
weak physically
>I'm going to walk down this dark alley/get drunk at a frat party
weak mentally
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>implying saging does anything when other people are bumping the thread

That is such a gross skewing of the many, impossibly large set of circumstances where rape can and does occur.

Most of the time rape is commited by an acquaintance of the victim, usually in a position of authority or trust. For instance family members or work colleagues.
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> Doesn't know people require control for greatness
> Pic Related
>not being able to recognize the signs that someone is trying to rape them
weak socially
>seeing this possibility and still spending time with them without at least one other person nearby
weak mentally
Seriously, I'm not saying a rape victim should go to jail but seriously women have got to learn to protect themselves if they want to be "feminists" and "equal"
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then go to stormfront you dense fuck.
>starving populace, public executions, beatings, breadlines
Would you rather live well? or live like shit but some rich faggot like Stalin can boast about spaceships?
> Implying I wouldn't have ended up in the politburo
> Implying anyone was starving when Mir went up
> Implying there is anything wrong with public executions
Go back to reddit faggot.

Ever considered that there may be threats of violence/loss of career against the victim of the rape? Perhaps they're in a position were telling someone else or denying the rapist would be a danger to either their existence or their social/financial stability.

>seriously women have got to learn to protect themselves

Agree, partially. It's a good idea for women to carry cans of pepper spray or - in some cases - a firearm to protect themselves.

But why should they? Why should the responsibility lie on the victim and not on the rapist? The root of the problem is the person that instigates the whole thing in the first place, so targetting cultural attitudes/dealing with mental or emotional instabilities that could lead to rape is a better option.

That said, I don't think "rape culture" exists. Not in a prevalent form that many feminists make it out to be.
Holy shit that chart is so strawman I hope you're joking
>also implying we're Republicants and not Libertarians
>implying a computer nerd like you wouldn't have been slaughtered like the rest of the "intellectuals"
>implying their lives weren't shitty regardless of their hunger
>Public executions are alright if the fucker deserves it i.e murder, pedophilia
> Can't refute the points so he uses a ad hominem
Rape isn't special. You take the responsibility to get anti-virus on your computer to defend yourself against identity theft. You take the responsibility to lock your door to prevent home invasions. Women should have responsibility to defend themselves against rape.
> Implying I'm a computer nerd
I personally don't really like computers
> Implying the intelligentsia were slaughtered
> Thinking that every communist country was Cambodia
>implying you would still get precious computer
>implying you wouldn't be working in factory or farm
Lol im not the guy you were argueing with, Its just your white privelege was getting to overblown. If you could stop opressing me(black non cis gendered womyn) for a second that'd be great.
> Implying I wouldn't be in a university
stay mad faggot
> Implying I wouldn't be in the intelligence center killing traitors like you
You would have been killed in the USSR, why can't we live in those days.
You also give people the opportunity to repair damage that comes from home invasions, or computer viruses.

That said, effective law enforcement deals with the root of the crime. If you want to prevent rape or murder or computer viruses, you take out the inflicting end.
Nope, we don't have to refute nonsensical points from hypocritical retards. But I will, because I"m generous.
If they pose a threat then absolutely
I've already talked about this in this thread
It's becoming a problem. look at Sweden, for example. Also immigration=/= success. If a billion downs syndrome children immigrated to america at the same time would we be more successful?
I disagree with this personally
They cause pain to the USA, that's okay. USA causes pain to them, that's SO wrong?
Cannabis users are some of the most annoying, unintelligent morons I've ever met. Also they never stop talking about drugs. I think the war on drugs was a failure, but we shouldn't just let kids to wreck their lives because of teenage stupidity
Good point. But there is therapeutic ways to help guide rape victims along the road to mental recovery. Also, however, you can't just accuse a male aquaintance or family member that you're mad at for robbery or identity theft and have them jailed almost immediately and have the court take your word for it without evidence.
>people require control
Says who? Also, who gets to control other people? As I'm sure you don't know as you're a 15 year old, Anarchism is founded on the belief that since so few men can manage their own lives, who could possibly be able to manage the lives of ten? a hundred? a thousand? a million? a billion? 7 billion? Who do you know that would be able to do this?
>inb4 you think you could do it whenever you probably have never managed shit or held any kind of job for longer than 10 years

True. I was referring to abortion but I guess we've sort of strived of that topic of discussion.

I totally agree with you on that last point. Women abuse the charge of rape so much, it's disgusting. There need to be better measures in place to prevent this bias towards people claiming to be a victim of a rape, still maintaining proffesional procedures in dealing with crime accusations.

Anyway, It's 3am over where I am and I must be going to bed. It's been an interesting discussion and I respect your opinion, as you've actually put some rational thought into it, but I disagree with it. Goodnight.
> Pain to the USA
Hurr DUrr
> Wreck Lives
Taking a puff of a joint isn't going to ruin your life
> Abortion
>kill 3000 people in September 11 attacks
America should just get over that, right? The grieving families don't matter.
>Waterboard some fucker that shot at an american soldier
>drugs don't ruin your life
holy fuck you must be 15. I'm not even joking. Don't ever speak on this topic again. I have seen many friend that thought just like you that drugs won't ruin their lives. Next thing I know, I'm going to their funeral or visiting them in prison. Don't ever talk shit about drugs until you've lost a friend or three to them. Drugs are not this feel-good shit that the zionist media wants you to think. No, taking ecstasy at a party will not get you laid. No, smoking weed while listening to music will not make you enjoy it more. All you're doing is corrupting your body and getting addicted to something needlessly.
I've already discussed abortion in this thread
>Cannabis users are some of the most annoying, unintelligent morons I've ever met. Also they never stop talking about drugs. I think the war on drugs was a failure, but we shouldn't just let kids to wreck their lives because of teenage stupidity

> 9/11
> Committed by terrorists
Pick One
> Torture people defending their homeland from imperialist invaders
That is a violation of the Geneva Convention
> Drugs
Hard drugs ruin your life, most faggots that smoke weed grow out of it though
You serious right now?
>Defending homeland against invaders
uhh no
>defending violent criminals in your homeland against NATO
>most weed users grow out of it
Most I've met grew out of it... and into hard drugs and alcohol
Yep Alcohol is an issue little Timmy, now go to bed it's past your bedtime and adults are talking
> Implying 911 wasn't committed by a combination of the Military Industrial Complex, Corporate Powers and Foreign Countries
> Implying that if the USA invades your country and blows up everything up and you try to stop them you're a terrorist and not defending your homeland
> Implying I'm talking about Afghanistan
Most of the insurgents in Iraq were baathist.

Its been 11 years. They need to get the fuck over it.

My dad died when I was 10. I stopped being a fucking whining ass pussy bitch after the first 3 months.

Fucking hate 9/11 faggots.

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