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Even if you don't use one, it's the closest thing I've written to a news post in 4 years and contains a lot of interesting statistics about the site.


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Why are baby boomers so obsessed with money? Today Rush was talking about how young people don't want to be millionaires and work hard anymore. I'm completely satisfied with a cheap apartment, a cheap car, food, and no debts.
That because your a brainwashed liberal hipster in love with statism and a marxist nigger president.

Go die. America is the country where everyone can be a millionaire, and its the conservatives goal to make sure everyone who works for it becomes one.
Innovation is tied to ambition. It's fine that you're ok with what you have - I am too. But if everyone was like that, society would stagnate.
>I'm completely satisfied with a cheap apartment, a cheap car, food, and no debts.

This, this, this. They can keep their "wealth".
because their pensions depend on you paying for them
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>Go die. America is the country where everyone can be a millionaire, and its the conservatives goal to make sure everyone who works for it becomes one.

Pass me that weed, man
Go back to sucking Rachel Maddows massive dyke clit, libtard.
it used to be people that sold shit did it because they BELIEVED in their product and getting super rich was just a nice byproduct. Not anymore,
Because to everyone that's young, $50,000 a year is a fuck-ton of money.

I can't even get my mind around making more than one million a year.

Coming from a relatively well-off family (2 million in assets due to workaholic father that refuses to retire), Rush would be shocked by the sheer massive amount of butthurt and bullshit that "Young Money" put's up with.

I swear, everyone younger than 26 years old is a fucking commie.

Either their liberals at college, or conservative poorfags that somehow think they are entitled to the world that my father created for himself.
>Go die. America is the country where everyone can be a millionaire, and its the conservatives goal to make sure everyone who works for it becomes one.

This is what someone in the world actually believes
>conservative poorfags that somehow think they are entitled to the world that my father created for himself

>6 billion people
only about 1% need to be real innovators
Chasing wealth generally requires bank loans at some point.

Bank loans make money for the banks, and hence money for the Jews

The Jews control the media

Thus, the media promotes chasing wealth as something that everyone needs to do
Because rich people have acted like pigs throughout our whole lives and now we're disgusted.
because the world (and especially american) economy is based on consumption and if people don't equate wealth with success, the whole system collapses

by "conservative" I mean they hate queers and anything non-christian like any good american, but are communistic in their economic ideals.

Yes, these things exist. Especially in the rural areas.
Rush would know about hard work. He's a talk show host.
>a country where everybody can be a millionaire

>implying the economy has $300,000,000,000,000 (three hundred trillion dollars)
Well, I'm 21 and I want to be at least a hectomillionaire and I work 12 hours a day at an investment bank.
>6 billion people in the USA

Hey remember the last time people said this? It was before the Great Depression... buying stocks on credit.
maybe contemporary americans learned from what miserable failures the boomers were.. i mean, does anyone really aspire to be a bloated, drug addicted whore like rush? the boomers are the most entitled, worthless fucking generation of americans since civil war times, i say fuck em
oh my
sure you do
>fucking cancer

>Ad hominem galore

Besides the fact that they provide you with employment, healthcare, whilst working 15 hour days 6-7 days a week to manage a company in an extremely high stress job with no security, and your demanding that their pay be the same as yours? Investing in productive enterprises leads to more jobs available.

Go. Fuck. Yourself.
i meant in the world for a reason its not like an good idea just stays in one country. Good ideas are copied by others
And you have done nothing to earn your dads benefits and got wealthy and lived a comfortable life because your dad worked hard.

So you can be lazy.

And self respecting man would start from the money and reinvest all their wealth into small businesses.

Im not going to ask government to force it from you, but you havent done shit to earn your wealth. Your dad has. Your luck of the draw will obviously draw criticism.

You dont even know what communism is.
Just because youre entitled doesnt mean everyone else is a commie. Just means we work hard for your bullshit.r
>Implying the walton kids or the Koch Bros have contributed a single thing to the economy

they've never build a thing, yet they are 5 of the richest people in the world

fuck. you.
rich people are the sole reason for economic instability. those elitist bastrds hold so much money thats being held on to and not circulated that it causes massive inflation on everyone else.



I have bad news for you son.
Life is much much much better with money, my friend. Sure you can say "I'm happy with my apartment lol", but god dammit don't you deny for one fucking second that millions of dollar wouldn't enhance your life immensely. If the pussies of society would just think about that for a bit, and then man up and worked towards it, society would be a much better place.

>Thinks spending more money by rich people would lower inflation.

If all that money were released into the system, prices would skyrocket.
No you go fuck yourself.
There's barely any jobs and the ones available pay like shit.
Not only that but we have had to endure white criminal motherfuckers in top position fucking with the world's economy.
To top it off they're angry at the fact that we have environmental regulations.
Seriously fuck them. Rich people are cancer.
I don't want their money, I just want them to go the fuck away so the rest of us won't have to put up with their bullshit.
and you guys know why they're holding on to that money? of course you don't. they're holding on to it because you rocket scientists put a nigger in the white house. just how fucking stupid are you to not make that connection.

he's spent trillions of dollars we don't have. he's nigged up the place. and you don't know why even the rich are saving money.

>Moving money to finance projects
>Not getting stuff done

>Implying their industry is built on air and does nothing for the economy.

Someone's mad.

And don't get me started on the inheritance issue. How would you like it if you attained success and then assholes decided to leave your kids destitute when your dead.
them spending more money wouldnt lower inflation, but more money has been printed because of it, raising inflation.
Maybe you didn't know this, but that just means one hundred million, you dense fuck. That isn't even that outrageous (most people can get $2-3 million working normal jobs and investing) considering the industry I chose and inflation.

I guess you're one of those poorfags who explains why they aren't successful by saying that the system is rigged against them. Nope, you're just stupid and lazy.

Actually, that would cause deflation if, as you say, they aren't putting that money back into the economy.

Libfags cannot into economics.

Captcha: Asspurc has. Too true, captcha. Too true.
The Koch Bros created the Tea Party we know and love today. That's a plus in my book.
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>Why are baby boomers so obsessed with money? Today Rush was talking about how young people don't want to be millionaires and work hard anymore.

Because they realize the system relies on the next generation taking care of the previous one. It scares them to death that the younger generations realize this, and are having none of it.
>Rush was talking about how young people don't want to be millionaires and work hard anymore.

Justin Bieber makes 400 thousand dollars per concert.
Hey! Don't make fun of the rich people, or as you Americans call them ''job creators''.

Honestly though, I think more and more people are willing to take a cut in pay to achieve a better work/life balance. I'm guessing it is a generational thing?

You know what a million dollars would be grand. But only because I could live off the interest and pursue interests and hobbies forever. Some other asshole with a million dollars can invest it and try to turn it into a trillion dollars but for me it would mean living in a nice sized house and not having to fight with some sociopath looking to win the one spot at some law firm. How I get that money is important. Busting my balls being a shit eating gopher isn't worth it. I can just live like a human being and not lust after a 15 million dollar house.
This. Social Security is a goddamn ponzi scheme and the bottom is falling out
Holy fuck that's the first 'rustle' picture that has ever made me lol irl.

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