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→ Everyone who uses or develops a 4chan extension, userscript, or archiver should read the following: *click*
Even if you don't use one, it's the closest thing I've written to a news post in 4 years and contains a lot of interesting statistics about the site.


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Time to check your privilege.

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Because your rights end where my feelings begin.
and just like that I disagree with him and everything he says

cause censorship, unlike rape jokes, is not okay
i don't like rape jokes either but presenting your argument in

a. an image
b. as a cartoon
c. poorly

is not going to have anyone listen
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Telling people what they can and cannot say is fascism.
>Mislabeled garbage is garbage
This is not a guide, but a poorly written, chopped up opinion piece.
Rape Privileges .

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> Your rights end, where my feelings begin

Okay bitch, keep thinking that.
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>Your not allowed to joke about rape! Laughing is bad!

>No jokes about the Holocaust either!
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In conclusion, do not make rape jokes because rape is really really bad.
Murder, terrorist, racist, stereotypical jokes are ok though.
I'm pretty sure being a nigger is a traumatic experience, but we joke at their expense.
Yes, censorship. That's what this is about. Censoring people, keeping them from saying things you don't want them to say. Censorship is always bad regardless of where it comes from.
>Murder, terrorist, racist, stereotypical jokes are ok though.

Thanks OP I'm you cleared that up.
no one is "keeping" anyone from doing anything you lunatic
i really couldnt give less of a shit if youve been raped before or if you find them funny. i will make rape jokes if i so choose (i never have up until now but i shall make it a point to from this day forward) and you will stfu and cry.
Maybe women need to check their consensual sex privilege.
hell yeah being 15 is so liberating
Oh so I suppose these people are just complaining for no reason then, they don't ACTUALLY want to stop people from making rape jokes, they just want to complain about it.

You dense fuck, they're advocating censorship.
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Brought to you by the same faggots who cry about violence in video games.

Go away, go back to the USSR, back to Nazi Germany, back to every other totalitarian shit hole throughout history that sought to control the very THOUGHTS of its people. This country was not meant for your kind.
Rape jokes make light of rape and legitimize it. Its not funny at all
they're saying it's "not okay" so maybe people will realise you're being a dick if you joke about rape and stop doing it themselves. it's not advocating "joke police" where if you joke about "grapes" you are taken in for questioning until you clarify you never mentioned "rape"
free speech

op is a jewish whorecuntspawn who will never have consensual sex, ergo all the angst.

>Murder jokes make light of murder and legitimize it
>Drug jokes make light of drugs and legitimize it
>Holocaust jokes make light of the holocaust and legitimize it

Do you see a pattern?
how does that at all disagree with the person you were replying to?

>Here is a fact for you


2/10, I got slightly mad but nowhere near close to raging at this troll
Not okay according to who? Who has the authority to say it's not okay? Your feelings? Piss on your feelings, I have the right to say what I want. Just because a joke isn't funny to everybody doesn't give you leave to ban it or say it's not okay. Fuck you and fuck your censorship.

Except they don't?

You do realize half the reason why jokes are funny is because they're taboo, right? If it ceased being taboo, it would no longer be funny.
Because I'm saying that if we use the logic from the comic then nothing that is bad can be joked about.

Basically what South Park said; either you can joke about everything, or nothing.
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Yeah except those jokes are not as commonly acceptable as rape jokes. If Tosh made a holocaust or lynching black people joke there would be an uproar.

Yet rape joke means its okay, never fear because white cisgendered male comedians can NEVER DO WRONG.


thanks dyke, now don't you have a clam joust to go to?
it's not ok to the people who were RAPED as seen in THIS ENTIRE FUCKING THREAD


the same people who joke about rape get upset when women think violence against men is funny BUT IT'S THE SAME FUCKING PROBLEM




slippery slope. try again
Uhh, Tosh makes a SHIT TON of racist jokes, and people are ok with it.
And have you seen the amount of holocaust jokes. There are millions and everyone knows a couple.


My irony! It's moving on its own!
People should be allowed to joke about whatever they want.
If I was a feminist, I would be more concerned in stopping actual rapists and helping REAL victims instead of demanding stupid things to by-passers.
>Do what I want you to do

You wanna hear a joke that doesn't offend someone?

Two people walk into a cafe.
>it's not ok to the people who were RAPED
The first amendment doesn't protect feelings.


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Q: What's black and blue and hates sex?
A: A rape victim.
You know, I was going to rape the angry feminists involved in this bullshit, but that presentation has made me see the light. I'm going to murder them instead.
Oh now feminists are going after bisexual comedians? They really need to learn to check their privilege.
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Uh no. Jokes are not funny because they are "taboo" unless you subscribe to retard ""'edgy""" school of humor. And in that case you need to fuck off anyway.


I am so fucking sick of this shit.
the entire world doesn't run on american law you idiot

good argument
Please go back to tumblr

So I guess comedians aren't allowed to make jokes that offend people, right? Because rape jokes could offend people who were raped. No murder jokes too, since someone in the audience could have had a close family member murdered. No racist jokes either, we live in a multi-ethnic time. No sexist jokes. No disabled jokes.

No comedy.
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if rape jokes are so bad, why are they so funny?
I remember laughing at only two rape jokes in my life.

Imagine Porky Pig raping Elmer Fudd. That was George Carlin, I think.

Being raped by a doctor is pretty bittersweet for a Jewish girl. That was Sarah Silverman, I think.

So it's tricky, but I think you can make a funny rape joke.
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Rape jokes will always be funny as long as it enrages people. The moment you ignore those that make them, they will sink away into obscurity. You are feeding them.

Not that anon, but what do you propose to do aside from talking in all caps? Do you want to censor Tosh? Is that your plan? Because if you do, that anon would be right.

Or would you rather flap about in impotent rage? Because you're doing that just fine. We just don't have to agree or listen to you. We have our own opinions and you have yours.

It's not a "libertarian talking point", it's highly relevant to this discussion at hand. Either you support freedom of speech or you don't. Tosh was exercising his freedom of speech. Nothing more. If you got butthurt by it, that's your fucking problem.
they're allowed to but it's fucking stupid to do so

the rest of your post is slippery slope
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>double quotes
>Capitalized FOR EMPHASIS

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>I am so fucking sick of this shit

That's great, but I'm not! And you won't make me be!
Imagine Porky Pig raping Elmur Fudd.

How is that not funny?
>credit to George Carlin

The fact is, just because YOU don't think it's funny doesn't mean others don't.

skipped your post
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Everytime I hear "rape jokes aren't okay" what I hear is "murder jokes are okay."
Tragedy + Time = Comedy.

Even rape victims will get over it eventually.
Except everything you say implies you advocate censorship. Else why complain in the first place? What are you trying to accomplish by crying and whining about rape jokes? What do you want people to do? You want them to stop telling rape jokes. You want to censor them. Hence, censorship. You daft bint.

Are you purposefully ignoring the fact that the incident took place in America?

Also, he was right to laugh at your idiotic notion that we need to be forced to respect others. Respect needs to be earned, OK twat?
He started it. Either way you deny them their humanity.


I know what do you know TOSH IS A PIECE OF SHIT.

Along with 99% of other white male cis comedians and their stupid circle jerk boys club which extends into fucking male dominated websites like this one.

Fuck tumblr can be ridiculous at times but they never defend rape jokes. I'd rather be overly PC than under.
>especially regarding what Daniel Tosh said

Except the incident in question blown out of proportion by the girl in question and she was revealed to be full of shit.

The incident happened, but nowhere did Tosh say she should be raped.

>Don't listen to counterarguments
>That means I'm winning the debate!
You know, I tried really hard to find some rape jokes I could post in this thread, but apparently they don't exist

Seriously, try Googling it, all you'll get is page after page of articles, opinion pieces, etc on rape humour but NO JOKES

Is this even an issue? I don't think I've EVER heard a rape joke, and I'm a terribly offensive person who actively looks for shit like this
How is it slippery slope? Are you implying that murder isn't as bad as rape? Because last time I checked you can recover from rape. You can still live and function in society and have loved ones and not be a dead carcass 6 feet under.

Rape is way worse than murder man.
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More. I haven't heard any until now.
Jokes are based on something happening at someones expense.

No joke will ever be funny to everyone because of this. Deal with it.

Right, but how many deserved it?

Why did the chicken cross the road?

Because I raped him.

A woman walks into a bar and gets raped.
>Except everything you say implies you advocate censorship.

nope. "these jokes aren't funny" doesn't lead to "i demand you stop telling them"

who fucking cares about the incident itself? it's only an example

>respect needs to be earned

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The cisgender poster is trolling. But I am realizing it's less about 'cis white male' and more about being sane and normal and rational.

It's the irrational who get hung up and fly off the handle and try to establish a crusade over some topic, rather than just brush it off their shoulder and move on after ranting/yelling/fighting about it once.
I do not like being told what I should and should not do by the hurt feelings brigade.

Every time I hear "you should NEVER say that" or "that topic is off-limits" it makes me want to do whatever it is 1000% times more than I ever did before.

This is why I can't take liberals seriously.


What is it with our generation of leftists who think they can police everyone? It really is authoritarian but with a "~<3love and diversity~<3" coating.

>no jokes
>only pronouns I allow
>you can't use that incorrect term
>you need to be more accepting and believe what I believe


>I'm a brainwashed soldier of forced and unrelenting egalitarianism.

sounds pretty familiar...

>nope. "these jokes aren't funny" doesn't lead to "i demand you stop telling them"

So again, what's the point of this thread? Oh yeah:

>Or would you rather flap about in impotent rage? Because you're doing that just fine. We just don't have to agree or listen to you. We have our own opinions and you have yours.
i already said i didn't advocate censorship in this thread. if you were paying attention you wouldn't have asked in the first place and this situation wouldn't have arose. you're just wasting my time
>I support censorship of things that offend me
I'm glad you're probably too young to vote.
Anyone else thinks that this bullshit only encourage people to rape more?
Even further, I feel like killing a feminist would be a better option for me. Putting my penis on one of them, even if it's forced, would be way dignifying for her.
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>Along with 99% of other white male cis comedians and their stupid circle jerk boys club

u mad
Because murder, drug dealing/using and Holocaust denial are still very much illegal and haven't gained the slightest bit of social acceptance since we began laughing at it YOU FUCKING IDIOT I SHOULDNT HAVE TO EXPLAIN SOMETHING SO SIMPLE

Implying a topic can be unfunny instead of it's delivery, context, or timing
Patrice O'Neal made fun of sexual harrassment in the workplace and Louis C.K. made fun hitting a deer with his car. Both topics inherent serious, both sets fucking hilarious. Grow up.
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Rape is a social construct.
it's a slippery slope because you're saying if jokes about one thing aren't acceptable then all jokes about anything won't be acceptable either.

>The only type of comedy I like is those which marginalize oppressed groups.

Fuck off. And this is the same fucking board which denies rape culture til its blue in the face.
Also, the reason why they are funny in the first place is because they piss people off. Stop getting outraged and people won't be so eager to throw them around.

Why else are racist, sexist, or other such offensive things so hilarious to so many people?

It's simple, really.
Rape isn't funny.

Unless you are a feminist stating how you wish some person who disagrees with you should be raped. Preferably in prison.
>I'd rather be overly PC than under.

there's your problem. you need to check your liberal privilege
Hey feminists...

telling me what I can and can't say... THAT IS NOT OKAY.

>respect needs to be earned

I didn't know there was anybody who disagreed with that.

Do you respect me? Even though you're a pathetic twat?
Remember when being highly educated was a value of dissenting movements? Communists of time long past had houses overflowing with books and had active studies.

Now, activists just repeat the same mantra and policy their leaders establish without questioning its validity or truth.
i can tell you the point isn't censorship which you keep bringing up again and again because you literally don't have the intellectual capacity think of any other problems
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>implying rape is legal

Please continue. Please.
What did the necrophiliac rapist say to the serial murderer?

[spoiler]Dude, are you gonna finish that?[/spoiler]
Gee I wonder how many of the fucking rape joke apologists ITT have ever bene raped?

Rape jokes = Rape is funny = Rape is acceptable = More rape happens.

Its been PROVEN that more sexist jokes cause more sexist attitudes.

>disrespecting George Carlin

Fuck off back to tumblr you cunt. Boo fucking hoo white males make mean jokes that hurt your feelings. White males are the devil. Where do you think you are? This isn't some dumb forum where 15 year old girls pat each other on the back for being so progressive.
Were you raped? Is that why you're so mad? Well guess what, that's too bad.
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rape isn't funny?

"Imagine porky pig raping elmer fudd" -Carlin

Many types of rape are DE FACTO legal because we let rapists be the ones to define resistance and consent, too often society treats "absence of no" as the same thing as yes, men can beg and plead and pressure women into having sex when they dont want, etc etc etc
Here's the real reason why feminists always get so butthurt about rape in media:

It's the only gambit they have left.

Women are equal or more than equal in pretty much every segment of society. Only in rape is there some obvious disparity. Seeing as how rape is the last tool in the feminist's arsenal, they exaggerate it's importance and fabricate statistics about its prevalence.
i remember when i was 12
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>Its been PROVEN that more sexist jokes cause more sexist attitudes.
10/10, outstanding. Bravo, anon.
I seem to hear more jokes about men getting raped than women. Since it's more "icky."

Example: how many times have you heard of someone going to prison and people responding with "dont drop the soap!!"

Or anyone who plays multiplayer video games "ow that dude raped me with no lube :("
>"these jokes aren't funny" doesn't lead to "i demand you stop telling them"
You didn't answer my question. What are you trying to accomplish by whining? What is your argument? Do you even have one? Are you just blowing air out your asshole?
I guess what I'm saying is that if you take a stance on something have a fucking case ready.

It's pointless repeating something over and over until it's drilled into peoples' skulls as an automatic truth - then you've just become the enemy using phrases and slogans to make your points replacing thought and dialogue.

It's a democracy, it's your duty to participate with others, not to take over and tell people what to do. Ideally, that is.
i would have had you not spouted such inane bullshit
even more interesting..
saying something is not ok to make jokes about means only more jokes will be made about that subject
>This isn't some dumb forum where 15 year old girls pat each other on the back for being so progressive.

no it's a dumb forum where 15 year old boys pat each other on the back for being so edgy

laugh at the rape jokes dude it makes you fit in

[citation needed]
>you literally don't have the intellectual capacity think of any other problems

But you're the only one that's making this issue into a problem?

>You need to be forced to be understanding and accepting.
Is the same thing as censorship. In fact, it's more extreme since you seem to want to control people's thoughts, not merely their actions
suck my balls lib-fag
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Not a coincidence that the most sexist place on the web has so many rape joke defenders.
In murrika, more men are raped that women.
And still they keep bitching about as it were only their problem.

>we let rapists be the ones to define resistance and consent

I'm reading this as

>we let men be the ones to define resistance and consent

Am I wrong?
If you agree, your argument falls apart completely.


my point is i agree they're not ok but you're talking shit about censorship? what? if you have nothing else to add then don't reply
There's disparity all right. Men are raped more than woman in America due to the prevalence of prison rape, which makes the feminists telling men rape jokes aren't funny extra hilarious.
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Why does this retarded feminazi support rape so much and going after LGBT people? Needs to check some privilege.

George Carlin is overrated shit and terribly unfunny.

Get over it.
>check your privilege

yeah nah why don't you faggots check it for me
So if I tell a joke about dolphin mating practices, will that offend victimized divers?
>rape culture

You have no fucking idea what rape culture is. We live in a country where college athletes are victimized and kicked out of school for just being ACCUSED of rape. And then when we find out they are innocent, there is no repercussion for the woman who accused them. We have TV shows where rapists are considered the scum of the earth.

REAL rape culture is when RAPE IS A LEGITIMATE ASPECT OF THE CULTURE. Like in South Africa where is is normal to rape a baby to get rid of AIDs. Just because men tell women to avoid dark alleys doesn't mean they think it's the womens fault. It's called preventative measures, just like locking your car and wearing a condom.
no the problem is the attitudes of men. you'll notice that the majority of rapists are men
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Can our generation basically be summed up as:
>Your rights end where my feelings begin.

You are wrong. We let RAPISTS define consent and resistance.

"Oh she never said no so its okay!"
So I called the 1-800 rape advice line the other day but it wasn't any help. Apparently its only for rape victims.
I had a dream where I falsely accused of rape last night. I had no evidence to exonerate myself, so it was basically her word vs. mine. They believed her.

It was the scariest dream I've had in a while.


Most rapists of men are other men--which normally would make no sense, since straight women outnumber gay men by a lot.

However, men also fucking make light of rape in general so it makes sense why they so commonly rape: rape men, rape women, rape children, rape animals, etc.

MALE CULTURE needs an overhall.

I don't believe that has been, or ever will be, a real world scenario. Surely someone would be arrested if they attempted to defend themselves using such logic.
no one is talking about "force"

see you're putting words in my mouth because you have no idea how to approach the issue other than your brainwashed talking points. just move on
So you're just blowing air out your asshole and have no argument or point and no substance to anything you say.

Go back to tumblr, this isn't a fucking blog you whiny cunt.

If you don't have a point then shut up.

That's exactly my point, cunt!

I didn't earn your respect! That's mostly because you're retarded, but I'm glad you conceded my point. I accept your apology.
Not cool guys I was gang raped by Tibetan monks. They performed unspeakable acts on me.
what are you even talking about?

here's my first argument:
>implying women don't joke about rape
>implying women aren't equally or more cruel when joking about males but they get away with it just for having a vagina.
your kind only helps to spread the absurd double standards your pretend you are against of.
>a girl says something remarkably sexist
tee hee silly girl
>a guy says the same thing
you disgusting misogynist pig die you rapist
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Read an actual fucking story about it. Her account is laughably inaccurate. This is a fucking slam dunk slander case if I've ever seen one. Women are once again confirmed for attention seeking, lying whores.

look at those crazy eyes. it wants free stuff and thinks communism will give it. what a fucking pathetic creature.
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Agree'd OP.
Hey feminist, I have an honest question for you.

I know that making rape jokes can hurt rape victims. I get that.

But what if I just don't care? What if I place my own happiness in getting to make and laugh at jokes I like over some random stranger's feelings?

inb4 male privilege, I'm a woman

They can and they do. And men get off on much much less than "she never said no". You have no idea what the fuck.

Men have literally gotten away with rape because "lack of signs of forced entry":

Its fucking impossible to actually get a guy arrested for rape. Almost like we live in a RAPE CULTURE or something (oh no wait thats impossible lol!)
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Wait... pleading for sex is a ~form~ of rape?

Well shit... I guess we've ALL been raped!
I know that feel man.
I cut contact with every female outside my family.
I don't want a girlfriend.
I avoid being close to women for too long at work.
I don't even drink alcohol or stand nearby a woman drinking it.
It so easy for a woman to fuck up a good man life.
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>I don't like rape
Isn't an argument. I don't give a single fuck what you do or don't like. This whole thing is just you being a whiny cunt because you're offended by rape jokes, you don't even have any sort of argument or point to it. Just shut up and go back to tumblr.
>implying women don't joke about rape
>implying women aren't equally or more cruel when joking about males but they get away with it just for having a vagina.

i'm not implying that at all and i agree - i think jokes such as those about men having their dicks cut off is as equally offensive. i think i mentioned that earlier in the thread.

i am against these double standards and i've said nothing to the contrary
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Why shouldn't alleged rape victims have to provide more evidence than "he raped me!" to get a man sent to jail? I don't see what the problem is with throwing out he said she said cases.

In every single other crime, the alleged victim has to show evidence (not just their word) that a crime against them took place. Why should rape be exempt from that?

Emotionally manipulating someone into having sex when they DONT WANT TO is rape, yes.

And yes, a lot of people have been raped because we live in rape culture where men don't care if their sex partner actually wants to have sex or not. They wheedle her into saying "yes" just so they can't get arrested after the fact.


Women joke about rape far far less. They still joke occasionally just like they still rape occasionally. COmpare/contrast the attitude of 4chan towards rape to say, tumblr or lj.
It's called burden of proof, it doesn't evaporate because a woman claims she was raped.
oh i forgot there was an argument requirement to every post on 4chan. you're not allowed to actually agree with anything, only argue against it. back to tumblr i go! but before i do,

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Why are people who get offended by rape jokes have horrible personalities. I bet they haven't had anybody that has desired them because no only are they ugly on the outside, but also the inside. They dwell on tumblr and go around dictating how other people who could care less about them, should live.

What sad, sad individuals.
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>Accuse a man of rape
>No sign of a struggle
>No evidence
>Innocent until proven guilty


This is why no one respects feminists.
So you've confirmed you actually don't know anything about law, philosophy etc and are just here making noises like the little ignorant twit you are. Fuck off back to tumblr.

Wow...2 people who missed my completely. I guess there are idiots on both sides of this fence. Let me clarify for both sets of mouth-breathers:
>Joking about Rape doesn't make it anymore socially acceptable or any less legal than joking about murder, drug abuse, the Holocaust makes those things more acceptable or less legal

not that hard.

>implying this isn't funny

or does male rape in prison draw some imaginary line?
Why are people who laugh at rape jokes have horrible personalities. I bet they haven't had anybody that has desired them because no only are they ugly on the outside, but also the inside. They dwell on 4chan and go around dictating how other people who could care less about them, should live.

What sad, sad individuals.

>Women joke about rape far far less

Women make fewer jokes period.

Think about it. Name five female comedians off the top of your head.
I laughed at that,
am I a rapist?
>They wheedle her into saying "yes" just so they can't get arrested after the fact.
But "wheedling" isn't illegal. It's not illegal to say "pleeeeeeeaaaaseee? I reeeeeeeeealllllyyyy want sex! Come on baby, you'll like it, I promise!"

If she doesn't want it, she can still say no. And if he still forces her, then it's rape. But if she gives in and says yes (provided he did not threaten her), why should it be called rape? She consented.

Forensic examinations to assess rape charges are pretty thorough, and as someone who's volunteered for Victim Services I can tell you that a woman that has been raped has obvious physical signs of trauma

The rapists usually have lacerations to their forearms and faces - defensive wounds from the struggling woman fighting back

Their vagina, and anus, are torn and bruised from forced entry and their necks, thighs and wrists are often covered in contusions

And so on, and so on

A girl walks in, claims she was raped, and has no physical evidence? Then it's fair to say that the girl wasn't raped

Sexually assaulted? Perhaps, but not raped
holy shit why are you still replying to me? give it a rest

yes detective everything that you've concluded about me is true. please stop replying



Fact is NO PROOF IS GOOD ENOUGH when you live in rape culture.

His semen everywhere? Bah I bet she wanted it.
Her vagina torn up? SHe likes it rough lol.
Caught on tape? Lol it was a BDSM scenario the safeword was umbrella.

All of these have been used as serious defenses and get men off of rape charges all the time.

The ONLY way you can get a guy genuinely imprisoed for rape is if he raped you when you were a kid. Even then, he will have loads of defenders rushing to white knight him and the poor menz, and can easily get away with it with enough money (see: Roman Polanski).,
does anybody have sauce on the the original Tosh video? all I can find are response videos.
>there is no evidence that the man raped the woman

Rapists are arrested and sent to jail all the time. If you are a college student and are just accused of rape you will be kicked out of school. It happend to the duck lacrosse players even though they were innocent. So don't fucking say we live in a rape culture when men in south africa think its normal to rape babies.

Got some statistics to back that up? Let's be realistic for a moment: you want everything slanted in your favor, I want everything slanted in mine. No one likes broad generalizations telling that they're bad people, especially when they haven't done anything. If you've ever wondered why your movement lacks support, it's very concisely that. "You and everyone like you are evil, now please help me". As true as the statement may (or may not) be, that attitude won't help your cause. Take this any way you want, but as a member of multiple oppressed groups, I can tell you that feminists in general go about gaining support the wrong way. You feel like others should "understand" that you "just deserve their support", and right as that may be, it won't happen.

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>mfw feminists are so up their own ass, they have no idea what a true rape culture is
>for sexist men, exposure to sexist humor can promote the behavioral release of prejudice against women.
>for sexist men
This kind of unravels the entire argument you have. If they aren't sexist, then the sexist humor causes no harm. If the person is sexist, then their prejudice is just "released". But if a few jokes are enough to release, so would practically anything else. You aren't treating the source, which is the sexism itself.

Furthermore, you and many other people making similar arguments rely heavily on Ad Hominem. I don't mean insulting, I mean the actual fallacy. You state that sexist or otherwise offensive humor is stupid and somehow lesser to other types of humor, and from this follows your assumption that the person who likes it is also stupid and thus wrong. They are wrong because they find it funny. That's not a real argument.

Try something more. Just because you're offended doesn't mean they should shut up. They are telling these jokes on programs and places where they are expected to be making jokes, and these jokes are potentially offended. It is your responsibility to censor entertainment for yourself. I get offended quite often - I simply stop consuming the entertainment that offended me.

Please stop doing this. I can hear your shrieking banshee voice through my computer.
There's always the argument of intoxicants removing the ability to consent but then they themselves allowed themselves to get so intoxicated.
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I understand that we have to promote a culture where we respect the rights that others have over their own bodies.

Having said that, people don't make dead baby jokes then kill babies, make holocaust jokes then commit acts against Jews, make black jokes, then burn crosses or attack a Black person, and they don't make rape jokes then rape people.

Taboo is a part of the life's blood of comedy, and sometimes it's terribly brutal stuff. But it's an artform and if you have a problem with it, take your viewing eyes and listening ears to another medium.

Pic very related.
Have any links to where men got away with it like this?
>implying it's not relative

what's it like believing in such an outdated form of thought?

>"If its legal, its not rape!!!"


Just a few decades ago spousal rape wasn't illegal either.


They just say she likes rough sex.
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better fuckin watch your back wymin'
consenting to drink isn't consenting to sex though

forced entry into the house you fucking pleb!
Interesting fact: the jury that acquitted him was made up of 9 women and 3 men.
If I get wheedled into saying "yes" to a timeshare does that mean I've been stolen from?

It's best to leave the thinking to the men, dear, perhaps you could go fix us some coffee

>teh pattiearchie!
>rape culchure!
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So a rape culture will always be present, as long as it's just relative?


The evidence for the above is so clear in this thread it's mind-boggling.
this whole thread
>always be present

how did you draw that conclusion from my post?
I never said that. Just that consent and the ability to is removed when you get so off your head.
I'm not saying it's not rape because it's legal, I'm saying it's not rape because it's not fucking rape.

Give me one good argument why a man whining at a woman for sex, and her giving in, makes him a rapist. It's going to need to be more than "but he is! male privilege!"

That's like saying a 6 year old who whines at his mom for a toy he really wants is a thief because she gave in and bought it for him.

Fat jokes make light of fatness and legitimize it. Its not funny at all

Dirty jokes make light of XYZ and legitimize it. Its not funny at all

Knock-Knock jokes make light of knocking on doors and legitimize it. Its not funny at all

That's because your wife is your property.
Why is that an issue? Are you a communist too?

lol I should have said "Stephen Fry" instead of "Louis CK".


Honestly when did edgy clueless neckbeards decide that morality would be dictated by privileged white male cis pieces of shit comedians?


Look up rape conviction rates.

You can get off on rape charges with the flimsiest of defenses. If you are found with a stolen object in your possession, its assumed you stole it unless you can prove you bought it.

Yet if your semen is all over a woman's vagina well then its assumed that you had rightful access until she can prove otherwise--a woman's nbody is not her own. THAT is rape culture.
That is offensive to people who can't walk. Check your privilege.
My respect for Stephen Fry just increased. Terribly applicable to this whiny tumblr bitch right now.
consenting to drink is consenting to the things you will consent to while drunk
>only women get raped

way to disservice your own beliefs

>implying this isn't a funny joke about rape
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>In conclusion, do not make rape jokes because rape is really really bad.

eat shit

Shut up and this is what I mean by rapists defining consent.


Rape = Unwanted sex. That sex is unwanted. Coerced consent is NOT consent.

Thanks for comparing a woman's body to a toy though.
where did you hear that?

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