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    Love, mootykins

    File : 1321992081.jpg-(18 KB, 400x267, 8361647-young-man-frustrated-a-moment-be(...).jpg)
    18 KB Anonymous 11/22/11(Tue)15:01 No.392551  
    >try to get shitty minimum wage job
    >can't get job, anywhere
    >get called lazy
    >apparently effort put towards finding a job regardless of how much doesn't count

    >> Anonymous 11/22/11(Tue)15:03 No.392570
    sure take it out on an inanimate object aspie
    >> Anonymous 11/22/11(Tue)15:04 No.392578
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    What else is there to do? Apply for more work? "hope it just works out" like my parents and friends with jobs say it will

    I've already filled out 2 more today

    F F F F F F F F
    >> Anonymous 11/22/11(Tue)15:04 No.392580
    >try to get shitty minimum wage job

    You weren't hired because your attitudes all wrong.
    >> Anonymous 11/22/11(Tue)15:05 No.392592
    Try calling THEM back.

    It' called initiative, retard, employers like that.
    >> Jethro !Vinylrvz5k 11/22/11(Tue)15:05 No.392594
    There are over 30,000 open farming jobs in Alabama, and over 10,000 in Georgia.

    Now move there and get outta here, you lazy hippie.
    >> Anonymous 11/22/11(Tue)15:05 No.392595
    If you can't get a *minimum wage* job, you have more serious issues than laziness
    >> Anonymous 11/22/11(Tue)15:05 No.392600
    Pull yourself up by your fucking bootstraps and get a job, you worthless hippie communist
    >> 高槻やよい !JijLYGRtkg 11/22/11(Tue)15:06 No.392605
    You just weren't bootstrappy enough to be born a few years earlier.
    >> Anonymous 11/22/11(Tue)15:06 No.392609
    Internet job searching =/= real job searching
    >> Anonymous 11/22/11(Tue)15:07 No.392623
    Nothing you described even came remotely close to happening. There have always been plenty of shitty minimum wage jobs available, what the OWS retards are complaining about is the unavailability of good paying jobs in Liberal Arts.
    >> Anonymous 11/22/11(Tue)15:07 No.392625
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    >try to get glorius amazing minimum wage job
    >can't get job, anywhere
    >get called lazy
    >apparently effort put towards finding a job regardless of how much doesn't count


    Also, they wouldn't know my attitude, haven't been interviewed
    I send in applications online.
    I turn them in person
    I call them
    I ask to speak to the managers in person.
    >> Anonymous 11/22/11(Tue)15:08 No.392633
    >applications online
    found the problem
    >> Anonymous 11/22/11(Tue)15:25 No.392649
    Somehow failed to read the rest of that post..
    Not OP, but i got a kick out of that.
    >> Anonymous 11/22/11(Tue)15:25 No.392650
    Everyone who's saying that OP has the wrong attitude, that OP doesn't have enough initiative or drive, that OP is doing it wrong, is a complete and total sheltered aspie moron who has never tried to actually get a job before, and most likely got their jobs (if any) from relatives.

    I used to be like you guys, until I lost my GOOD job at a data center and looked for work for over a year while living with my parents.

    Going in person to deliver applications/speak with the manager? I did it. Every single time unless it was a mom&pop place(which is like 1% of all businesses here) I was told that I need to submit my application online. I'd tell them I already did, and that I was just here to let the manager know I applied. I was, every single time, met by the manager who always wore an incredibly disgruntled look on their face as to my being there.

    "Managers like initiative!" They do, its true, however they don't like being fucking pestered during their busy work day even more is what I found out. They have affirmative action now to tell them who has initiative and who doesn't. Where I live, putting black or latino on your work application is a MUST to even get an interview. I didn't get a single interview, until I started doing this, and I got three interviews in one week from marking myself hispanic.

    Fuck you guys, seriously. Telling someone who's been looking for a job, the way OP and I have been, that they don't have initiative is a clear hallmark of an autist extraordinaire that has no idea how the real world works.
    >> Anonymous 11/22/11(Tue)15:27 No.392657
    This guy gets it.
    >> Anonymous 11/22/11(Tue)15:28 No.392668
    Didn't read the next line did you? It says

    "turn in person"

    As in for the 2/10 businesses I go to that don't say "Sorry, all of our applications are on", I do them and turn them in person
    >> Anonymous 11/22/11(Tue)15:30 No.392685
    how many applications do you put in a week
    how many months have you been searching for a job
    what state do you live in
    >> Anonymous 11/22/11(Tue)15:31 No.392695
    The most ever was 50-60. But that was when we had a new grocery store was opening and the 3 months prior and after its grand opening

    I've done easily 900-100 in the past 4 months.

    I've been searching for 1.5 years

    >> Anonymous 11/22/11(Tue)15:32 No.392700
    >minimum wage

    There's your problem OP

    you're not worth the minimum wage, that's why no one is going to hire you. Perhaps they'd hire you and give you a good wage once you proved yourself to be a good worker but taking that initial risk is too much from a business perspective.
    >> Anonymous 11/22/11(Tue)15:33 No.392710
    A good friend of mine is living in China teaching English. He doesn't have a degree or anything. He's currently saving $1000US a month! Plus he has a decent apartment, eats well, goes hiking and meets people. He's also learning Mandarin. He's doing 16 more months then he's joining me on an epic 3 year sailing voyage.

    You can't stay home forever OP, embrace adventure. The boomers have screwed us, the default life plan of a 9-5 doesn't work anymore.
    >> Anonymous 11/22/11(Tue)15:34 No.392715
    I've worked jobs before and have proven myself to be a punctual hard worker. Plus are you implying there are jobs that pay less than the gov't requried standard.
    >> Anonymous 11/22/11(Tue)15:37 No.392754
    You live in a state with ridiculously low unemployment compared to the rest of the country, have been putting out hundreds of applications for 1.5 years and no one has hired you?

    What's your job history like? Why did you leave your last job. What *was* your last job. Are you sure they're giving you good responses when called?
    >> Anonymous 11/22/11(Tue)15:39 No.392767
    It's so easy to get a job I literally applied to a job at walmart they call me 1 week later, went to an interview and I was hired on the spot. I just had to pass a drug test and I was good to go. Started working the next day after they got the results from my drug test. $9.55/hr as a cashier very very easy job. They offered me a fulltime job but I politely declined because I go to Uni and they were fine with that. Lazy asses it is easy to get a job
    >> Anonymous 11/22/11(Tue)15:39 No.392771
    I'm not implying it, I'm outright stating it.

    There are no jobs because they have to adhere to the government standard, which prevents them from hired people who are unskilled, uneducated or people they simply don't trust
    >> Anonymous 11/22/11(Tue)15:41 No.392789
    Last job was a popeyes. What they did was the hired me, then I worked 15 hours a week for a couple months. I asked what I could do better and how I was doing etc. It was going fine. Never got in trouble etc. Then they hired 6 more people and divided up the hours. Since I was new guy, they took my hours. So I was being scheduled one day a week for 2 hours. Then after that when college started back up I wasn't being scheduled, at all. It was an entire month of not being scheduled then I quit. No reason to work somewhere that doesn't use you. Its the FIRST time that has happened to. Every other place I worked gave me consistent hours (abiet minimum wage).

    So then in the 60+ times I've applied to retail stores, why didn't I get an interview?
    >> Anonymous 11/22/11(Tue)15:42 No.392799
    contrary to popular belief, wal-mart is one of the best places for people to find respectful, gainful employment.

    They have health care packages, vision plans, the bonus of getting a discount on already low wal-mart prices, and it's fairly easy to move up. Work there a year and you'll usually be in line for a supervisor position.

    And they give you stock options, which is good because Wal-Mart hardly ever goes down in stock.
    >> Anonymous 11/22/11(Tue)15:42 No.392801
    If I lie on my employment history is there any way for them to trace that back to me? Just lying by omission -- I was a real fuckup when I was younger and would rather not put those jobs down.
    >> dUnK !!mcRsdBM7ATI 11/22/11(Tue)15:42 No.392803
    There's one job available for every five officially unemployed people.

    Key word: officially
    >> Satan's Camel Toe !oDevilTcBY 11/22/11(Tue)15:43 No.392810
    >I've already filled out 2 more today

    sounds like you arent making enough applications
    >> Anonymous 11/22/11(Tue)15:44 No.392825
    so how long did you work there?
    How many jobs have you had?
    How old are you?
    What's your average timespan at each job?
    >> Anonymous 11/22/11(Tue)15:45 No.392832
    >hate school more than anything, want to just chill in a low stress job and split rent with some bros after graduation
    >give in to the pressure
    >hate my life for 4 years, feel the misanthropy building in my soul
    >finally graduate with shiny new engineering degree

    fuck everyone in the universe to death
    >> Anonymous 11/22/11(Tue)15:45 No.392837
    I know that feel bud
    >> Anonymous 11/22/11(Tue)15:46 No.392842
    most applications only want your past 2 or 3 jobs.

    But, as someone who's done several hirings, don't omit stuff. A gap can look worse than a bad job.

    If they look at your application and figure something's up (remember, they look at TONS of applications, after awhile they start to learn what's genuine and what's false) they won't even give you a call back.
    >> Anonymous 11/22/11(Tue)15:47 No.392846
    >implying moving doesn't cost a lot of money
    Also, this.

    OP, honestly, the 3 best things you can do right now?

    First of all, focus your job search on smaller businesses and temp agencies.

    To get the most out of a temp agency, you need to call them every other day or so and let them know you're looking for work. Take even 1-day jobs, they'll make your some cash and get some experience.

    Small businesses aren't hiring as many people usually, but they will not dick you around. If a small business says they're hiring, they're hiring. If they inteview you, they're considering hiring you, not just filling in slots. If you go to turn in an app and ask to speak to the manager, they'll listen.
    Don't go during peak hours or call during peak hours. For retail, this means 3-6, sometimes around the noon hour. For restaurants, that means 6-8, 11-1, and 5-7.
    When you go, make sure you're clean and maybe dress up a bit. For food jobs, clean nails without polish are important. All the time. Wear hair pulled back.
    SMILE a lot, and be enthusiastic. In resumes and cover letters, emphasize that you love the company, are detail oriented, reliable (not calling in sick is half the battle), energetic, and good at customer service. Give specific examples on your resume, apps, and cover letter.

    Bad handwriting can get your app thrown out.

    If you have job experience, go on a walking tour of your neighborhood. Go to every business similar to the one you recently worked at, and ask if they're still looking for holiday help. It will help a lot if you can start ASAP. Whenever you ask for an app from a larger chain, don't just ask for an app, ask if they're looking for people.
    >> Anonymous 11/22/11(Tue)15:47 No.392849
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    I've had class today and I am currently looking at jobs right now. Picture related. I am only 20 with 4-5 years of job experience, I don't qualify for half this shit and the other half I've applied for already at one time or another.
    I'm 20
    First job was from 2006-2009
    Second was from 2009-2019
    Third was summer 2010
    Fourth was Summer 2011
    >> Anonymous 11/22/11(Tue)15:48 No.392854
    Start a business
    Join the armed forces
    Become a drug dealer
    Leave the country
    Start playing the markets (maaaaybe not right now)
    Teach yourself things
    >> Anonymous 11/22/11(Tue)15:48 No.392856
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    >complaining about unemployment
    >not wanting to end the Fed
    >> Anonymous 11/22/11(Tue)15:48 No.392858
    I just had an interview at a temp agency last week, scored a B on their excel exam and got a 82 wpm, they said they'd call sometime this week
    >> Anonymous 11/22/11(Tue)15:48 No.392859
    Wait, you're goal is to not be independent? Really?

    you enjoy the idea of barely making ends meet, splitting your expenses with several others and thus having to rely on them for your security?
    >> Anonymous 11/22/11(Tue)15:48 No.392860
    True story. I work there.
    >> Anonymous 11/22/11(Tue)15:49 No.392870
    Also, if you have barely any work experience how can you say you are good at customer service and all that stuff. Apparently even though I've worked for 5 years I don't have anything that I did "positive" jsut normal stuff like a normal person would
    >> Anonymous 11/22/11(Tue)15:49 No.392871
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    you can thank the democrats
    >> Anonymous 11/22/11(Tue)15:50 No.392875
    Places you should apply right now if you haven't already-
    Mall kiosks
    All local coffee shops
    All local bakeries.

    Also,OPEN AVAILABILITY is your new god.
    Yes, you can start tomorrow. Yes, you'll work on christmas eve. Sure, you'll work nights and weekends.
    >> Anonymous 11/22/11(Tue)15:52 No.392882
    I thought you said you've been looking for work for 1.5 years?

    You're job history isn't very good. You had a job when you were a teenager, but you've had 3 jobs since all lasting less than a year, 2 lasting less than a season, and you're in college right now.

    You're not a very desirable candidate, there are probably a dozen or so people applying to each job you do that actually have a good track record, with staying with a job for at least a year, and have very flexible hours.

    If you're that limited, yeah, you're options are going to be scarce.

    When I was in a similar situation, I got a job at school doing computer lab stuff.
    >> Anonymous 11/22/11(Tue)15:52 No.392883
    unemployment rate for recently graduated engineers at my school is 3%. you are the problem, not the market. i highly recommend suicide.
    >> Anonymous 11/22/11(Tue)15:52 No.392884
    I've applied to every single:
    retail store
    grocery store
    pizza place
    cable provider
    computer repair store
    and for farm work

    In my city and the closest one over. The only place I can think of off the top of my head that I haven't applied to recently would be starbucks and the last time I've applied there a couple month ago didn't warrant an interview like any of the other applications did
    >> Anonymous 11/22/11(Tue)15:52 No.392886

    My family owns a business (not very profitable but still) so I can put down that I worked there during any gaps and they'll cover for me.

    I work there now but I only get 2 hours every 2 weeks or so. Not even getting paid minimum wage.
    >> Anonymous 11/22/11(Tue)15:53 No.392892
    my goal is to be ultimately independent, but that involves doing the bare minimum to survive while I work on my own, not becoming dependent on some shitty high stress "real" job with too many hours.

    Going to college is my biggest regret in life.
    >> Anonymous 11/22/11(Tue)15:53 No.392893
    >unemployment for grads is under 4%

    You must have nose rings or face tatoos. Or really bad BO and breath.
    >> Anonymous 11/22/11(Tue)15:53 No.392897
    iowabro, i live in ames and several places are hiring here.
    >> Anonymous 11/22/11(Tue)15:54 No.392898
    Working as a teenager is bad? Or rather, what teenager only has one job?

    I have flexible hours, and I CAN stay on a job for more than a year. But I am not the ones that told my last employer to stop scheduling me. When I went to college, my job place was too far to walk to. etc.

    Its not like I said "fuck it I don't like working here anymore"
    >> Anonymous 11/22/11(Tue)15:54 No.392902
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    >mfw libtards lie about trying to get minimum wage jobs and can't
    >> Anonymous 11/22/11(Tue)15:54 No.392903
    I'm in like, the exact same position as you. Pressured into college, hated the fuck out of it, and now I regret it. Wish I never would have gone.
    >> Anonymous 11/22/11(Tue)15:55 No.392907
    Do not apply for a pharmacy technician. You need a license.
    >> Anonymous 11/22/11(Tue)15:55 No.392914
    You're obviously not working hard enough, OP. The time spent on 4chan could instead be spent looking for a job.
    >> Anonymous 11/22/11(Tue)15:56 No.392918
    I'm IN college. I don't have tattos, or piercings and I shower every day and wear nice clothes.

    What is going to magically get me interviews at those places if the places in w'loo/cedar falls are not
    Where am I going to live in Ames if I get lucky and get a job?

    I've worked at a pharmacy. All you had to do was get the training, and the pharmacy would pay for it. Sadly when I asked to do it when I worked there I got " he have enough technicians get back to the register"
    >> Anonymous 11/22/11(Tue)15:58 No.392931
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    >mfw 2 years min. of industry experience for entry level jobs
    >> Anonymous 11/22/11(Tue)15:58 No.392933
    man, if you just want to barely float by, maybe america isn't for you.
    >> Anonymous 11/22/11(Tue)15:58 No.392935
    Why don;t you have a degree in Biomedical Engineering? Everybody should have a degree in biomedical engineering because it pays $100,000 a year. You're so lazy.
    >> Anonymous 11/22/11(Tue)15:58 No.392936
    You're pretty damn dense if you think a pharmacy will hire you so you can get your license. You either have it or you don't.
    >> Anonymous 11/22/11(Tue)15:59 No.392947
    As I said, the one I worked at you worked as a Pharmacy Tech Assistant and then they trained you via local CC to get the certification
    >> Anonymous 11/22/11(Tue)16:00 No.392955
    Marketing speak.
    Stuff like "met delivery deadlines"
    instead of "packed boxes."
    Think of the skills you used while doing that job. Even if you were only a pretty good worker, some people are sucky workers. And for some reason, sucky workers who steal and shit are always great at getting hired, because they're good liars. Be someone who knows how to talk up what you've done.

    Also, try getting a friend to call your references and see what they say. Any no longer in service numbers, try getting the new number. If you get a bad reference, either leave it off or find another supervisor who will give a better one. At all your future jobs, try getting at least one person who will give a good reference... I got fired from my last job for bullshit reasons, but the store manager still gave me a good reference, so I put her number on there instead of the head guy.
    >> Anonymous 11/22/11(Tue)16:00 No.392958
    >2 years experience
    >entry level
    Entry level doesn't mean the lowest job a company offers, it means a job that can be obtained without experience.
    >> Anonymous 11/22/11(Tue)16:02 No.392964
    But thats wrong.

    Almost all entry levle positions that people with degrees would go after require experience.

    So I need to have a friend call the last places I worked to see if they say bad things about me?

    And then lie about the simple shit I did do?

    Okay what if that doesn't work?
    >> Anonymous 11/22/11(Tue)16:04 No.392986
    luckily I had a fuckload of scholarships so I'm not hugely in debt, and I did find an actual job after a fucking year and a half but now between the costs of commuting and trying to maintain a relationship I'm making no profit because I'm back to square one every month. Hooray for "independence"
    >> Anonymous 11/22/11(Tue)16:05 No.392998
    this. its all about selling yourself.

    my resume makes it seem like I accomplished a lot at my internship this summer but really I just sat around and did nothing for 75% of the time. I've already gotten interviews with KPMG and GE for this summer because of it.
    >> Anonymous 11/22/11(Tue)16:05 No.392999
    I applied for a job 3 hours away, on the other side of my state, didn't get it, so I applied for a different job with the same company, and got it.

    Took me 3 weeks to be able to move into low income housing.

    I only had to deal with putting up myself somewhere (extended stay motels) for 3 weeks.

    It's not that hard dude.
    >> Anonymous 11/22/11(Tue)16:05 No.393008
    Show what your wrote
    >> A Flaming Bag of Political Correctness 11/22/11(Tue)16:05 No.393009
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    >mfw I easily got a minimum wage job when I started applying.

    Any new businesses/stores opening up around you, OP? Because that's how I got my first job. Also I wouldn't go so far to call people looking for a job lazy, Going through the hoops to get a job is like a job in and of itself.
    >> Anonymous 11/22/11(Tue)16:06 No.393012
    Glorious marine diesel mechanic master race reporting in.

    I couldn't get a job back in 2008, got down to $600 and moved to a rural state. Just asked the waitress in the local cafe is she knew of any jobs going, everyone looked at me the young NOT-LOCAL kid wanting a job. I was immediately directed to a vineyard owner who put me to work doing manual labor.

    After a few weeks job offers came flooding through the door of the shack which pretends it's a hostel. No fulltime jobs but lots of little things, temp things and errands. I clumped them all together and had the toughest 4 months of my life, but I went up like 10 suit sizes!

    Long story short, I got into sailing and started training as a marine diesel mechanic. Now I make LOTS of money, rent a small house by the sea, have a boat shed and a nice 36' steel cutter which is too big for the boat shed because I dun fucked up... I even had a long term girlfriend until 2 months ago.

    Not bad for a "complete loser" according to my mother 4 years ago.

    TL;DR: Flee the cities, move to a rural state, go somewhere young white men are appreciated.
    >> Anonymous 11/22/11(Tue)16:07 No.393023
    But you had money to afford somwhere to stay.

    I have. 3 places have opened up in the time I've been unemployed. Same with seasonal work. I've applied to them all.

    Sad thing.

    I don't do drugs or drink.

    I don't have a criminal record

    Yet no job.
    >> Anonymous 11/22/11(Tue)16:07 No.393024
    If you're under 18 and living at home, you don't need a job and are taking one that someone else could have who needs to work to live.

    Also, OP, are you PDQ? It's not ideal, but the military might be a solution.
    >> Anonymous 11/22/11(Tue)16:08 No.393039
    I'm not posting my resume but if you post yours I'll help you out, as I'm sure most people in this thread would.

    Focus on what you think the place your applying is looking for. Leadership, teamwork skills, ability to organize things, analytical skills, etc. Then make your past experiences seem like they gave you those skills.

    Basically, work backwards.
    >> Anonymous 11/22/11(Tue)16:10 No.393057
    it's like you people read one word and ignore the rest of the post

    The bare minimum thing means make enough money to eat and still have time left over to work on my own business. that doesn't happen when you're spending all your extra time and money commuting to the only shitty drone job that pays enough for you to start paying down debt
    >> Anonymous 11/22/11(Tue)16:11 No.393061
    Then how do you get a job in college without job experience. Seriously I can't think of anyone in my HS graduating class that didn't have 1-3 jobs during HS.

    >> Anonymous 11/22/11(Tue)16:12 No.393077
    I had money because I was working at the job I just got.

    Seriously, how broke are you that you are STILL GOING TO COLLEGE but don't even have money for food, shelter, etc?

    Where do you live, at home?

    They can't offer any support?

    300 bucks to float you until payday isn't a life or death situation.

    Hell you could probably make that much selling some of your old stuff.
    >> Anonymous 11/22/11(Tue)16:13 No.393100
    Coming from someone who owns their own business, you're going to be able to run it a LOT easier if you have a regular job too. How else do you think you'll fund your venture?
    >> Anonymous 11/22/11(Tue)16:15 No.393113
    The support they are offering is
    A. letting me live there
    B. health care insurance
    C. car and car insurance
    D. paying for CC

    I feel guilty as shit for not being able to get a job and pay for that shit myself, but after applying for a year and a half and not being able to get one its even worse. And this is only asuming I get hired. A 3/1000 interview ration is NOT a good ratio to bet 300 bucks on
    >> Anonymous 11/22/11(Tue)16:18 No.393131
    OP, it is like that fucking everywhere.
    I applied for a job DIGGING DITCHES and didn't get fuck-ass for it. I would love to be digging fucking ditches on the side of the road, instead I get told that I'm not trying hard enough.
    Going to try to get a job on a shrimp boat this summer, but odds are I'm not going to get that, either.
    >> Anonymous 11/22/11(Tue)16:18 No.393137
    >good resumes are all lies and fluff
    >employers still hire the person with it

    Just make shit up.
    >> Anonymous 11/22/11(Tue)16:20 No.393148
    >paying for CC
    THERE'S your problem.

    Get a student loan.

    Student loans are often enough to cover tuition AND housing costs (at least at Community college level)

    If you're at a community college for any other reason than to get your basics hammered out in 1.5 years and transfer to a university, you might as well quit.
    >> Anonymous 11/22/11(Tue)16:21 No.393153
    For what I want to do(software) right now I need time more than money. And like I said it's costing me about as much as I make just to work at a "regular" job anyway. Yes I'm always looking to upgrade, in fact I recently did, but I'm going to start looking like a job hopper soon if I don't stay at one place more than a year.
    >> Anonymous 11/22/11(Tue)16:23 No.393176
    I took a student loan when I was a university. Now I am 5000 in debt. I am at CC to get the gen ed done in case I ever want to go to college. There is no major I would be good enough at to get a job in right now so I just want to get that out of the way. Plus if I wasn't going to CC my day would be :
    Wake up
    Apply for jobs
    Eat Lunch
    Apply for more jobs
    Apply for jobs
    >> Anonymous 11/22/11(Tue)16:23 No.393186
    No dont get a Student loan

    >> Anonymous 11/22/11(Tue)16:24 No.393195
    it just sounds like your whole plan is to somehow "escape" the "drone" lifestyle.

    Running your own business, you are definitely a drone, let me tell you. you put in far more hours than you would normally, and everything becomes about business. Your social life event gets altered because you never know if that guy you meet waiting in line for a movie is a potential customer.

    You want to give up your life and devote it completely to being a worker bee, you own your own business.
    >> Anonymous 11/22/11(Tue)16:26 No.393218

    Not OP, but I've always wanted to do this. How do you go about selecting the rural town to show up in/
    >> Anonymous 11/22/11(Tue)16:26 No.393220
    dud you are fucking mental
    >> Anonymous 11/22/11(Tue)16:27 No.393223
    why are you wasting your time in community college!?

    You don't even want to go to a university, you don't plan on getting a certification, and it's costing you jobs since you're not freely available.

    Why are you going to CC at all?
    >> Anonymous 11/22/11(Tue)16:27 No.393226
    OP needs to volunteer. That's what I did to get "experience" for my first job at 16 for a grocery store.

    Now I'm in the military. It's pretty decent.
    >> Anonymous 11/22/11(Tue)16:28 No.393241
    >be an immigrant.
    >be poor and in debt.
    >feels good having a smart working rich dad that has enough money to give me at any time so that i can start my own business and never have to suffer.

    hey maybe i'll be president of a few countries too.
    >> Anonymous 11/22/11(Tue)16:31 No.393274
    What certificaitons are there? I'm a 7/10 with computer repair and shit as is, any computer stuff. The main reason I don't go after an IT degree is that I am not math and science nor can I get enough aid to not be in debt.

    What else would I do. Not do anything and veg all day?

    I have 2 years of volunteer experience and I have 4 years of work experience.
    >> Anonymous 11/22/11(Tue)16:33 No.393297
    Get your A+ certification

    Hell you don't even have to go to school for that.
    >> Anonymous 11/22/11(Tue)16:34 No.393309
    I had a vague idea of the climate and wanted to live by the coast. I was running out of money so just headed in the general direction. This is the right approach though, you can't learn much about a place by reading books or the Internet, you have to go there and move on. Also, if you've found a place you like, stay there for a while, until you don't like it anymore. You won't find the perfect town, not on this earth anyway.

    I used to be afraid on missing out on things, so did nothing, hence being near broke. You just have to pick any reasonable path and do it, then change if your not happy. Fail forward they call it.

    Yeah, that's everything I've learned about life so far.
    >> Anonymous 11/22/11(Tue)16:34 No.393312
    Bro I know all that. I'm just done being an employee. My whole life already is my (non officially existent) business, all im talking about is that right now I just want to minimize the time I spend making "bare minimum to live" money, and maximize the time I spend working where I actually care about the goals and outcomes.
    >> Anonymous 11/22/11(Tue)16:35 No.393326
    I wonder how many of the people ineptly giving employment advice in this thread are unemployed themselves or are teenagers that have never had a real job. Probably at least 90%, I bet.
    >> Anonymous 11/22/11(Tue)16:36 No.393329
    what industry are you hoping to break into with your business?
    >> Anonymous 11/22/11(Tue)16:36 No.393337

    16,000 jobs

    3,600 jobs

    1000+ jobs
    >> Anonymous 11/22/11(Tue)16:38 No.393359
    > A+ certification
    brb seeing if my college has that and what it is
    >> Anonymous 11/22/11(Tue)16:39 No.393366
    One that will derail this discussion because everyone will assume I don't know what I'm doing or getting myself into. Why do you ask?
    >> Anonymous 11/22/11(Tue)16:39 No.393372
    Just because there are job listings DOES NOT mean you will get called into an interview for them after applying/calling them/etc
    >> Anonymous 11/22/11(Tue)16:40 No.393378
    it's an industry certification which is basically proves that you know what you're doing when it comes to computer hardware. It can land you a technician job pretty easy (those are sweet gigs, 10-20 dollars an hour)

    Think what Geek Squad does.

    You can literally go buy the A+ certification book, learn it on your own, then spend the money to do the test, and voila. Cheapest certification imaginable.
    >> Anonymous 11/22/11(Tue)16:41 No.393382
    IS that why I haven't gotten a geek squad job after applying for it 20 times?
    >> Anonymous 11/22/11(Tue)16:42 No.393397
    As a man who started his own business, and keeps an eye out for expansion, I'm always interested in seeing what other people deem as industries they can benefit from, or take a chunk out of.

    It's always good to know what industry is about to take off due to innovation.
    >> Anonymous 11/22/11(Tue)16:43 No.393406
    Geek Squad jobs are notoriously hard to get without certification, degree, or previous tech experience.
    >> Anonymous 11/22/11(Tue)16:43 No.393412
    99% posters on this board are unemployed self-loathing aspies telling other unemployed self-loathing aspies to get a job.
    >> Anonymous 11/22/11(Tue)16:44 No.393424
    Ah shit.. another whiny shitbird thread.

    Just do all of us tax-payers a favor and drown yourselves.
    >> Anonymous 11/22/11(Tue)16:45 No.393427
    It makes for good entertainment in my opinion.
    >> Anonymous 11/22/11(Tue)16:46 No.393443
    I've been thinking of getting a truck driver's license. Does anyone have any experience with this, how hard is it to find jobs as a truck drivers nowadays?
    >> Anonymous 11/22/11(Tue)16:48 No.393456
    Yep, I know a guy who chose to do it instead of going to college or going into anyhting else.

    He's 56 now. He recommended that I DON'T do it
    >> Anonymous 11/22/11(Tue)16:48 No.393464
    >Geek Squad jobs are notoriously hard to get without certification, degree, or previous tech experience.

    If you need these to get that kind of job why are they almost universally incompetent at what their job involves?
    >> Anonymous 11/22/11(Tue)16:48 No.393466
    What you have to keep in mind is most jobs in a normal market are given to people that knows a guy who knows a guy.

    Something like 60% of jobs out there are down to this.

    What do you have left?
    Allot of shitty jobs are taken by low paid immigrants who will never complain or take a sick day ever.
    Allot of people wont hire anyone with half a brain or education because they KNOW (and are correct) that sort of person will quit the second they find something better.
    Allot of people post jobs that are fake. They just want to test whats on offer incase they need someone some time later.
    You are also in competition with allot of people who lost their jobs and have decades of experience.

    SO yes even if you are looking for a job all the time but you are young with little to no experience and have a education you can just be shit out of luck.

    Durr hurr who needs proper controls on immigrants why would we ever need something like that.

    In the UK we have soemthing like 1 million young unemployed and last year had 500 000 immigrants I wonder what the problem is.

    I have a job and do not have all this shit to worry about for now but I can easily see there are huge real problems im sure its the same in USA.
    >> Anonymous 11/22/11(Tue)16:50 No.393490
    Bummer. Do you have any more info as to why? I don't have the money for college and would like to get a semi-decent paying job in the near future. Driving a truck for a living seemed like a no-brainer.
    >> Anonymous 11/22/11(Tue)16:52 No.393509
    what do you mean, exactly.

    "why are geek squad people bad at their jobs?"

    I dunno. I've never heard anyone complain.

    They just aren't computer repair shop level, as they have an emphasis on customer service as well.
    >> Anonymous 11/22/11(Tue)16:52 No.393512
    Because its driving around all the time, never at home, no time to family, you never have time to own a house doing 12 hour shifts at 12 dollars an hour
    >> Anonymous 11/22/11(Tue)16:54 No.393526
    >the manager who always wore an incredibly disgruntled look on their face as to my being there.

    There's the problem. You're an ugly sack of shit.
    >> Anonymous 11/22/11(Tue)16:55 No.393536
    Every single employee of Best Buy I have ever encountered is misinformed, ignorant or just outright told me lies when I asked computer related questions.
    >> Anonymous 11/22/11(Tue)16:55 No.393537
    not the guy you were asking, but the other day someone posted that truck driver is in the top 20 most fatal jobs in america.

    However, if you have a flawless driving record for like.. a decade, you can land one of the primo government jobs like transporting nuclear material.

    Super dangerous, drive 30 miles an hour, police escort, 500 miles.

    But you can damn near retire from that one job.
    >> Anonymous 11/22/11(Tue)16:56 No.393552
    that's best buy

    Geek squad is run completely differently than their store.
    >> Anonymous 11/22/11(Tue)16:56 No.393554
    ITT unemployed loser act superior to people with actual jobs
    >> Anonymous 11/22/11(Tue)16:57 No.393558
    >be OP
    >be black
    >still no interiews
    >> Anonymous 11/22/11(Tue)16:57 No.393565
    If you can't get a minimum wage job it means you are too physically repulsive to be hired.
    >> Anonymous 11/22/11(Tue)16:58 No.393571
    They are a subsidiary and they count. Besides even if they were not incompetent a disturbing number of them will look at the contents of your hard drive just because they can.
    >> Anonymous 11/22/11(Tue)17:00 No.393594
    you're argument was that "if that's what it takes to get a job, why are so many uneducated"

    it's because you don't have to have any certification or experience to SELL electronics.

    But you do to REPAIR electronics.

    When I said it's run differently, that includes things like job requirements.

    what's your problem, really, now you're saying "they'd probably look at your hard drive"

    Depending on the problem, like a virus, they're probably going to have to find files at some point.

    Are you just paranoid, butthurt, or both?
    >> Anonymous 11/22/11(Tue)17:01 No.393607
    I'm in the same boat as OP. I really want to work, but for some reason I just can't find work... Idk what I'm doing wrong. I have a clean record.
    >> Anonymous 11/22/11(Tue)17:02 No.393621
    how many jobs have you had in the last 5 years, and what's the average time spent at each.
    >> Anonymous 11/22/11(Tue)17:05 No.393646
    I'm gonna give it a try anyway. I have no interest in raising a family, plus I actually don't mind driving around all day. Sucks that don't get much free time, but oh well... a job is a job.
    >> Anonymous 11/22/11(Tue)17:05 No.393649
    Two words: affirmative action. Are you white? No you're not, you're now a slav. Or a celt. Or a gypsy. Swallow that pride son, do you want a job or don't you?
    >> Anonymous 11/22/11(Tue)17:06 No.393656

    Unless you're into amphetamines and hemroids, don't be a trucker.
    >> Anonymous 11/22/11(Tue)17:06 No.393657
    But I am black, that means I should have a job after applying right?

    Hell I didn't even get anything besides a pell grant when I went to college and I came from a single parent home too
    >> Anonymous 11/22/11(Tue)17:06 No.393662
    I'm noticing a pattern in people lying in areas they are insecure about. According to the internet all fat people workout 3 times a week and stick to their diet, and everyone in OWS fills out 7 job applications per day straight after their 7 hour study period.
    >> Anonymous 11/22/11(Tue)17:07 No.393670
         File1321999646.gif-(90 KB, 3000x3286, nakedplatapus.gif)
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    >my state has 8% unemployment
    >I found a job in 4 days

    Oh but my sister, who got fired from her Starbucks job for being late too many times, complains about not finding a job, (she's been living at my parent's house for 7 months and only looked for a job her first week moving in) she is now on unemployment and supports the OWS movement.
    >> Anonymous 11/22/11(Tue)17:08 No.393677
    >Say I try to find work but fail to
    >people think I am lying


    >never been fired
    >never been late to work
    >can't find a job
    >> Anonymous 11/22/11(Tue)17:08 No.393678
    Affirmative action is illegal idiot.
    >> Anonymous 11/22/11(Tue)17:08 No.393681
    wait what you think celts are not white?
    >> Anonymous 11/22/11(Tue)17:10 No.393703
    I'm not American and thus not au fait with your legal system, but I believe that's only the case in the Sensible States, i.e. Michigan and Cali.
    >> Anonymous 11/22/11(Tue)17:10 No.393704
    Celts are sand-niggers.
    >> Anonymous 11/22/11(Tue)17:12 No.393718
    ... wut?
    >> Anonymous 11/22/11(Tue)17:13 No.393728
    Its a shame you are just a poor troll because something that stupid would have been funny.
    >> Anonymous 11/22/11(Tue)17:15 No.393745
    LOL /new/ you jelly?

    >Had an extremely low GPA in highschool, cutting classes, smoking weed, only coming to class to take tests, left back and had to do summerschool several times because some asshole teachers failed me for absences desepite acing their tests
    >Ace the SAT's getting a perfect score, without studying
    >Go to top engineering school with full scholarship studying engineering
    >Joined a Frat and spent all 4 years partying
    >School offered full scholarship for my masters, paid stipend to help professors do research
    >another 1 and a half years of partying
    >School offers me full scholarship for a PHD as long as I tech a few classes and agree to work as a full time professor when I get the PHD
    >> Anonymous 11/22/11(Tue)17:15 No.393746
    >mfw I have celtic heritage, and when my father traced our lineage further back, we ended up in syria
    >> Anonymous 11/22/11(Tue)17:17 No.393777
    >perfect SAT score
    yeah no.
    >> Anonymous 11/22/11(Tue)17:17 No.393778
    >you became a teacher after being a useless piece of shit during university

    Dude Whoa You are living the dream!
    >> Anonymous 11/22/11(Tue)17:19 No.393792
    >> Anonymous 11/22/11(Tue)17:19 No.393793
    Well yeah I think all white people came from around there if you go back enouth. If you look into it allot of the people who live there now are well ... pretty much white (depends on tribe etc). White skicn blue eyes blond hair the who bang and no they did not move there from europe.

    Germanys aryan master race one and the same although im not sure hitler knew this at the time.
    >> Anonymous 11/22/11(Tue)17:22 No.393809
    Lol u mad? When I finish my PHD I will be making 120k starting salary, and be debt free. I will only have to teach 3-5 classes a week a total of 6-10 hours of work
    >> Anonymous 11/22/11(Tue)17:22 No.393816
    no, hitler knew, afterall he traced aryans to northern india.

    Hitler was a marketing genius, here was this tiny aspect of humanity he could cling to in order to make germany feel superior.
    >> Anonymous 11/22/11(Tue)17:24 No.393829

    >thinks spending 15 minutes applying to a job, no matter how many times repeated, means you aren't lazy

    > Says have literally applied to hundreds of jobs, and then turn around and say there are none available (what the fuck did you just apply to, then?)

    > Thinks inability to get even an interview is 100% caused by the rich elitists/economy/etc, instead of their anti-social, unmarketable personality
    >> Anonymous 11/22/11(Tue)17:25 No.393840
    Why would we be mad that you're one of those professors no one ever cares about, blowing money on crap you don't need.

    Yup, so much better than my life spent with a loving family at a job I love living comfortably.
    >> Anonymous 11/22/11(Tue)17:25 No.393847
    Is that you, Flake?

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