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I've had the privilege of chatting with and meeting a lot of great people from 4chan over the past 8.5 years, and lost touch with many.
If we used to chat/hang, drop me a line at moot@4chan.org or on AIM at MOOTCHAT. And if we haven't, feel free to say hi.

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Tell me americans, why would you rather you or your kid end up in huge debt to pay for university, when you could all , as a collective pay a 2-3% tax and everyone has access to higher education?

It seems like the retarded thing to do, spending all that money and getting in debt when you can just pay a tiny fucking sum every month. If you save that sum (2-3%) every month it will get you nowhere , but if you do it as a collective then you get uni access for "free".

So why are you so retarded? It wouldn't saturate the "diploma" market - look at all the countries that have free higher ed...
How come America has so many of the top universities?
because then we wouldn't have those hilarious 99% cards
Depends on what metric you use to rank them. A lot of it is bloated prestige, some of it is legitimate.
But you're not getting free university. You're paying 2-3% of your income for your entire life instead of all at once. And if someone doesn't want to go to university they're still stuck paying the tax. Your system is just plain retarded in every way.

Beat me to it.
Because a lot of Americans hate the idea of paying for other people's benefit

I personally would love the idea, but I know it would never work out
Well yeah, but my point is that it's cheaper that way (unless you have a high income)
I don't want anyone going to those leftists brainwashing centres.

There are much better ways of learning and investigating thing in the modern age than those outdated institutions from the middle ages known as "universities." + you won't have to take any of those bullshit anti-White marxist feminist queerology courses.
Looks like the University industry is gearing up to demand even more money from the taxpayers.
It's not any cheaper at all. What you're doing is stealing money from everyone and giving it to a select group of people (people who want to go to university).
Everyone would rush to universities, thus there will be few men working in the production process.
>inb4 we counter it with immigration
much of it is legitimate, and also don't forget the large amount of research these schools do.
Could just send the work overseas like a majority of companies do anyways
Umm...no- america has higher rates of graduates than many of the "free uni" countries.

It wouldn't cause that- most people today can go to uni, they just have to take debt.
College isn't for everyone. Fuck, it's not even for most people.

It is an astronomical waste of time and money to send a lot of people to college.
Supposed to link to

Once difference is that many other countries don't encourage everyone, even the idiots who aren't really college material, to go to university. A lot of other countries start testing students during high school or even middle school and steer the best and the brightest toward secondary education, and then the less academic students are steered towards trades like welding, machining, etc. and take the relevant classes later on in high school, start the apprenticeships, that kind of stuff.

*If* we were going to do free university, I think we'd have to start being a lot more realistic about this notion that everyone deserves a college degree and a college education. There's no way you can send everyone to college, it's just a pipe dream. To get the best bang for your buck you'd need to steer only the best and brightest toward college.
In a world that student loans don't exist, my post would be valid
Yeah, well - like it our not - the job marked drastically changed. The service industry is going in full swing and it demands much higher levels of education (and social-whoring).

The days of the working class are gone.

I do agree with you though , most people are not very bright- but they do need those fucking papers.
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>It wouldn't saturate the "diploma" market - look at all the countries that have free higher ed...

It does that by definition.

When everybody has a college degree, the supply starts to outweigh the demand.

Ever considered that many people don't NEED university education to make good money and live full, productive lives?
aren't you elitist fucks pissed off enough that they are too many English and Art History majors? What do you think the clowns that couldn't go to college otherwise are going to major in?

Derp, meant one instead of once and post-secondary education obviously
In America however everybody just gets told to go to college no matter what, thus creating all this debt and surplus degrees in meaningless subjects

If someone is told their entire life that they will never amount to anything if they don't go to college, they will go to college regardless of if they can afford it or not
Then it's their job to get off their asses and go to college. It isn't mine or yours or any other taxpayer's job to put them through college.

First of all if you have a high income then you can afford to give to those who don't.

Second, you are literally retarded. Have you ever actually been to a University? Probably not. Some universities are very leftist but some are the exact opposite.

Finally if Universities were Socialized then it would not be an industry. Also what the fuck do you mean "more money"? American Universities (at least all the ones worth going to) are completely private. They NEED more money! Without the people that Universities produce we'd have more retards like you around.
As someone who hires people, pieces of paper are so common now that I almost do not take them into account anymore.

It is sad, but so many people have degrees that you cannot tell a fucking thing by that anymore other than someone managed to show up to class (sometimes) for 4 years.
would we have to start calling it "uni"?
>Paying for a service others can use is evil.
>Even if it benefits me and my children directly.

Here we have a publicly educated specimen from American schools.
Observe its lack of empathy and civil duty.
>First of all if you have a high income then you can afford to give to those who don't.
That's just a retarded philosohy in every way. I work very hard to earn my money and so does everyone else. I am not very happy about having 2-3% literally stolen from me to go to some dumb nigger or bimbo teenage girl to take journalism.
Then why do you pay taxes for high schools? They're even worse

Then we make it a fixed amount or an amount in reverse proportion to your income or we add a fixed limit, happy?
It's not like I have a choice. If I don't pay taxes I can go to jail. It's fucking tyranny.
Then be happy getting stabbed to death by the vast underclasses your twisted ideology generates.

If they can't get education.
If they can't get gainful employment.
If they can't even afford to feed themselves or their children.

Where do you think they go?
I actually approve of socialized medicine, free university, and other forms of social welfare in order to lower the income disparity and generally establish greater equality. That said, however, I would never support it in the US. This system is, to me, the closest the world can come to equality and is probably the system in which humans can flourish the best, but I feel it can only work in a homogeneous nation with a high degree of social trust. The US is simply too different, too many unrelated people that aren't willing to help each other.
Why even have the system in place at all? Why not let people pay for their own educations?
Well then, you can either revolt against your masters or let that thick meaty government cock slide in and out of your asshole for the rest of your life
They go to jail or starve to death
>It's fucking tyranny.

You take advantage of all the public services.
You have to pay for them too cunt.
But you used the infrastructure , in this cas hs.

Ordering kebab eating it and finding out it's pig disgusting won't change the fact that you still have to pay for it (and pay for it before you get it)
Or they sell drugs.
Or embezzle.
Or engage in any of a host of criminal behavior just to survive.

Just because you think you're better than them doesn't mean they're going to roll over and let you fuck them.
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Its pretty simple.
>all the public services
Nope. Just roads and the police and fire departments
Rich people in countries like Kenya have bullet-proof cars.

Why you think that is?
>Why not let people pay for their own educations?

Here we have an example of the Reagan era 'pull yourself up by the bootstraps' mentality that is still pervasive among many conservatives despite its proven limitations and impossibility for many people.
Why not change the way that loans work?

Instead of raising taxes, regulate student loans to prevent excessive usury (i.e. 1% interest rate or some shit).

Otherwise you are just punishing people who work hard so that retards can fuck off 4 years in school on anothers dime.
Here we have an entitled teenager who can't pull himself up from his bootstraps because he's too fucking retarded and needs me to pay to keep him alive.

and gun wielding lions or something
>Otherwise you are just punishing people who work hard so that retards can fuck off 4 years in school on anothers dime.

Or we could you know.
Start screening the morons out for technical school or other professions.

Everyone doesn't deserve or need a degree.
And here is how University works in Foreign Countries

Elite Tier
Shit tier

Kids who want a good job who can't get into elite tier: they come to the US for school.

In the US you have

Elite Tier
Upper Tier
Good tier
lower tier
shit tier

So in the US you have more chance to get an education that will meet your ability and your job needs
It's a lot cheaper for me to install a bullet-proof windshield than to pay 2-3% of my income and capital gains like OP is suggesting.
>Here we have an entitled teenager who can't pull himself up from his bootstraps because he's too fucking retarded and needs me to pay to keep him alive.

In a followup example our poster has decided to demonstrate what emotion driven reactionary thought looks like.
Here he fails to actually comment on the observations, and chooses rather to attack a post that he finds himself unable to respond to.
How much fucking money do you make?
Do you have any idea how expensive that shit is?
Fuck that. I say we turn over all student loans to Native Americans who can then charge whatever the fuck interest they want.
Who would be doing the screening?

Who would come up with the criteria?
That could be worked out by a hopefully competent committee.
Something we're sorely lacking in congress right now.
What would you define as competent?
Ministry of education is known to do that in most countries.
And if the committee is not competent.

What then?
Could it be much worse than it is now?
>hopefully competent
Now good enough. It has to be actually competent. What libtards fail to understand is that putting a bureaucracy in charge of something doesn't guarantee the problem is fixed.
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The second education becomes free to everyone is the second that jobs are going to become useless. If everyone can go to college for free then none of those degrees mean anything. Not everyone needs to go to college because they market isn't in need of everyone going to college. What college graduate do you know of that is going to spend 2-4 years studying only to become a janitor?

There arent enough big jobs in the market. That's partially why we're in this damn recession right now. The government subsidized student loans which allowed more people to go to college and get degrees that are now useless because the industry boomed too quickly.

The fact of the matter is, once government gets out of the way prices of universities will reach a stable, low price because the market will choose how many people need to be in those sorts of jobs.
>What libtards fail to understand is that putting a bureaucracy in charge of something doesn't guarantee the problem is fixed.

Thanks for the eye opener there Dr.X
And if they fuck it up it is incredible hard to unfuck.

The bureaucratic solution is to add more bureaucracy.
elegant troll / 10
teach me wise one
>. If everyone can go to college for free then none of those degrees mean anything.

Can everyone complete college?
Should everyone even be told to?

I don't think so. We give people free passes right now.

>There arent enough big jobs in the market.

Everyone should own a home.
Everyone should have a degree.
Everyone should have everything.

You see any problem with this?
And your solution is what?

Appoint random people to think it over?
My solution is to not give everyone free college.
So then.
Instead of humans.
You leave it up to the market's 'invisible hand.'

Real fucking bright retard.
Instead of putting in the hands of some potentially incompetent bureaucracy I'll let the problem naturally fix itself. There isn't even a problem in the first place, thr university system is fine as it is.
Humans are the invisible hand

anyone with half a brain can get a business degree. Then business degrees mean less than what they already mean now (which is nothing thanks to government subsidies)

>Everyone should own a home. Everyone should have a degree.

Everyone should have the ability to own a home through work. You don't need a college degree in order to own a home though.

> Everyone should have everything.
>Humans acting with no coordination at all, only market principles as motivation.

Yeah that's worked out so well thus far.
If free market had a cock, you 2 losers would be sucking it.
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doesn't believe in the invisible hand
Jesus fucking christ you /pol/ people are retarded.

You just agreed with me moron, but failed utterly to read the sardonic nature of my prior post.
It has worked out well so far. you want to add complications your your little fairy tale world of everyone being educated and living in an enchanted forest can come true. Artificially adding shit that bogs down the system does nothing but fuck it up more than it's already fucked up.
if you like government controlled everything so much why don't you just move to North Korea?
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More expressions of the sense of entitlement the young, lazy, dimwitted turdlings of America have now thanks to the marxist-leninist agenda of most public high schools and of most college professors.

A college education is not a right. It is a privilege. It is something that is earned through hard work, focus, and determination. Parents who understand that will prepare their children from grammar school to have the skills needed to be good students and the passion for developing their education.

There are many, many college scholarships to be had. You earn them through your efforts in high school. It is not the nations responsibility to finance the college education of lazy students with a sense of entitlement. It is the responsibility of the parents to teach discipline to their children so that they learn proper values and learn to value education above all things. It is the responsibility of that child to make the most of his opportunity at lower schools to maximize his potential to set himself up for higher education possibilities down the road.

tl;dr -- Fuck you if you are wasting your life playing xbox and texting all night long. The reason people with higher education get the fancy jobs with the fancy paychecks is because everyone knows it is hard to acquire a higher education, and it is a major accomplish to earn one. It speaks volumes about the character of the person. Taxpayer money to pay for you to get a free college education so that you can pretend your way though to a degree will only diminish the value of that degree. Fuck off, lazy.
Erm, America is pretty fucking awesome.

It looks like shit has worked out pretty fucking good so far.

You may not like it because you are butthurt for one reason or another, but that is your problem.

Man the fuck up and get in the game, instead of expecting people to spot you points.
>America in economic crises after years of 'invisible hand' methodology.
>Still believe it anyway.

Only in America.
>Confirmed for pampered suburbanite teen or tween.

Tell me of your travels Anon.
How far and wide have you been to come to such a well rounded and rational view?
Good idea. Instead of giving money to niggers and people too fat to work, why don't we pay taxes for higher education, pol?
Thats not what the invisible hand is moron

let me give you an example:

Ford motor company told the government "no thanks we don't want free shit

Ford got better investors and larger improvement in their sales.

Why? Because investors liked their stance
Why? Because car purchasers liked their stance

THAT is the invisible hands. Tens if not hundreds of thousands of commerical choices being made at the same time in a hive mind
>More expressions of the sense of entitlement the young, lazy, dimwitted turdlings of America

Wait, are we talking about the Boomers?

higher education is a scam. you fuck tard. I have a Bachelors of Science in Biology, can't get shit with it, but still better than a business degree, because I actually can do math and science and not parrot theories about economics.

tl;dr the arts suck, I am still better/smarter than you are.

except master race engineering...
Why don't we not pay taxes so you can spend your money on what you want and not what some faggot liberal wants?
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Did someone say priory?
Not everyone should get a higher education.

That's one of the main reasons that we're in this mess in the first place; the boomers said "everybody should go to college," so now degrees mean a lot less than they used to.
>THAT is the invisible hands. Tens if not hundreds of thousands of commerical choices being made at the same time in a hive mind

So, how is that different than giving control to a set of market principles?
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Orrrr I could pay next to nothing and just learn the shit on my own through the internet, that way I only buy the shit for myself, and don't have to pay for other the rest of my life.

Yes, I'm selfish. That's why I'm smart and not poor.
The point about free university is that everyone has the CHANCE to graduate. The dipshits will fail out nevertheless.
Because there's 350,000,000 of us.
And it takes skill and massive investment to keep us from dying by the drove.

But you know, don't let that get in the way of your 15 year old angst.
And cost people who work hard money that they could have used to better their own lives.
>hard math and science
>not memorizing vocabulary

You're fucking retarded.
Everyone already has the chance to graduate. The difference now is that you have to make a financial sacrifice for that chance, it isn't given to you because the government is stealing 2-3% of someone's money.
free will
>the govt keeps people alive

gotta break it to yah bro, the govt is pretty bad at keeping people alive.
Go to a job interview, when they ask about education tell them you got your degree from the net.

Tell me about it.
I don't trust the government to fully control and fund education. IMO they are way too involved in it already.

Being a former public university employee, I can tell you with absolute certainty that they are inefficient as FUCK in pretty much everything they attempt to accomplish.
You obviously have never heard of self-employment. Yeah, there are actually people who can create their own wealth and not depend on some guy's corporation for it.
How about I say fuck your life and fuck your money like you say fuck my education and fuck my future?

That's fair isn't it?

So, because you need to buy an extra 200 pounds of lard to shove into your fat ass, that money can't be diverted to public welfare and education so you can live in a healthy society.
Market Principles are irrelevant

if 500k people decided they wanted to stop buying apple products because apple products because Steve Jobs died then that would change #1) how other computer and phone makers did business and #2) the footprint of apple.

That has nothing to do with supply and demand or with market principles

it has to do with ONE market principle.

Free Actors making Free Economic Choices with other Free Actors is the force that governs the economy. The more you distort those fundementals the more you screw up the market
>How about I say fuck your life and fuck your money like you say fuck my education and fuck my future?
Your future and education aren't my responsibility, just as my life and my money aren't yours.
>gotta break it to yah bro, the govt is pretty bad at keeping people alive.

You say this from:
1.A house with electricity.
2.A house with water.
3.On a computer relying on electricity.
a. which was delivered via the massive logistic structure we call 'roads,' hard to believe right?
4.On the internet, a military project.
5.With abundant food and or ability to get it, clean disease free.
6.With access to hospitals immediately if something happened.
7..... Do I really need to keep going?

HAR, Ive taken multiple physics and calculus, as well as statistics multiple statistics, as mandated by my university, I would have got a minor in mathematics but decided to go with chemistry minor. Going back for Chemistry degree because I fucking love chemistry.

I can assure you that your not on my level.

>so green text all you want brah
Too bad we've never had a free market because the government continues to create bias legislation that only hurts the economy by benefiting big business.
crony capitalism is phony capitalism
>Your future and education aren't my responsibility, just as my life and my money aren't yours.

Guess my state and federal taxes don't go into providing state and federal services, which you benefit directly from.

You're a selfish cunt that would rather see people die than give up 2% of your income, but please tell me of how enlightened you are.
Whatever you need to justify your faith.
People aren't dying because they aren't going to a university, you fucking moron.

ooooh wait, also, MUH DICK
>People aren't dying because they aren't going to a university, you fucking moron.

So I assume you're in favor of universal healthcare then.
You're not? Big fucking surprise.
I am not the cunt you are responding to, but I already give up around 30% of my total income (and that does not count gas taxes and other cute hidden fees put on me) in taxes. I essentially already work a day and a half per week for free.

Why should I work for free more for some shitstain who wants a free ride?
Universities today are you're way of paying to work.

People complain about unpaid internships. Guess what, we're at the point where we have YOU PAY internships. You pay for university that has a co-op programme, where industry reserves positions for schools that pay them to take on students. You're literally paying for the opportunity to work for pennies, and you're lucky if you get kept on after graduation.

Its a fucking joke.
because liberal jesus wills it
You say this from:
1.A house with electricity.
>implying houses were made by the govt
>implying govt created electricity

2.A house with water.
>running water owned by a private company i pay for

3.On a computer relying on electricity.
>electricity again
a. which was delivered via the massive logistic structure we call 'roads,' hard to believe right?
>the govt now invented roads as well
4.On the internet, a military project.
>the internet, provided by a private company with lines laid down by that private company
>not an idea originally designed by Tesla

5.With abundant food and or ability to get it, clean disease free.
>govt invented farms and food
>food paid for by me, bought from a private company

6.With access to hospitals immediately if something happened.
>govt invented hospitals now too
>private healthcare paid for by me
>private hospital

7..... Do I really need to keep going?
>implying any of your points have been the governments sole doing

hey the free market will decide if your kept after graduation.
My company makes $240,000 each year. I take home $50,000 to my family. I guess I should say 2 more percent shouldn't really matter that much considering they already take the upwards of 70% of it
>Why should I work for free more for some shitstain who wants a free ride?

Because someone might look down on you in the future and call the you shit stain.
Would you not like security for yourself and your countrymen if that happened?

We misallocate a massive portion of our tax money presently.
But, in a country as prosperous as ours there's no excuse to allow people to die from preventable causes.

It's a good thing to do to increase the happiness and productivity of your population, while reducing stress from obscene medical bills.
I'm in a similar position.
But I have the wisdom to realize we have a broken government, not that public healthcare and education are evil.
>implying there aren't people capable of fiscal responsibility

good appeal to emotion but there is no such thing as a social contract
Go try out Somalia since you're clearly past the point of rational engagement.

this is my post. also this is my post...>>3518824

and this guy....>>3518874

is a pussy.

> soo much ownage.
If I ever become a leeching shitstain I'll accept the consequences. In the mean time you can donate all of your money to a charity or something if you really care about educating niggers so much.
Never had to have one. Did my programming on OpenSource projects (Arch Linux development, Fedora development, etc.) and made a portfolio and got contacts.

Pretty much have gotten 2 jobs in the past 10 years with nothing more than that. I left the first job due to hating working there.

I make 60k a year.

U Mad?

1) Find a place to work
2) Do it for free
3) Do a good job
4) ??????
go try out North Korea since you clearly want the government to dictate the distribution of wealth for you and everyone.
>Because someone might look down on you in the future and call the you shit stain.
>Would you not like security for yourself and your countrymen if that happened?
>We misallocate a massive portion of our tax money presently.
>But, in a country as prosperous as ours there's no excuse to allow people to die from preventable causes.
>It's a good thing to do to increase the happiness and productivity of your population, while reducing stress from obscene medical bills.

Since when has this conversation been about fucking medicine?
Anyway, raising my taxes does not reduce my stress. It adds to it. Every tax raise is a pay cut.

People who support themselves and their families realize this.
So let the others die in the street.
I bet you're Christian with morals like that.

I love how I've seen multiple cases of idiots like you having eye opening experiences when you're bankrupted by hospital bills, school bills, etc.
Not till then can you realize you're retarded.
>still appealing to emotion
>my subjective morals are better than your subjective morals
I'll forget this post and let you try again if you want.
>why aren't you helping people?

if you want to help them so much you can go make a non-profit organization and help them with your own money and donations from people that have the same ideals as you.
For your information:

France has a bycephale system:
1) at the end of Hight school:
a) go to university for 3 years (most people). Low expenses (more or less 300 euros/year).

b) go into "classe préparatoire" (only the best) for 2 years. No expense but the public cost of one student there is twice the public cost of a student in university (better teacher, more hours). There is a price to pay for those students: no social life, low amount of sleep, hard mark system which lead to a competition between students. Burn out and suicide may happen.

a) end of the 3 years in university: you get a licence (Bachelor's degree).

b) end of the 2 years of "classe préparatoire": you get nothing (an equivalent of 2 years in university) but you are ready to pass the competitive examination in order to be accepted in the best "Grandes Ecoles" (prestige university-level college)

3) a) If you are good enough you can go for a Master (+2 years in university= masters degrees). The cost vary between 1000 euros and 5000 euros ( depend on the master + there are social criterium that play a part in the price too).

b) if you pass the competitive examination and get in a Grande Ecole you will end with the equivalent of a master degree too => + 3 years. The cost of a year will be between 0 - 10 000 or more euros (in function of social criterium).

4) a and b may choose to go for a doctorat (= phd) (+2 years)
but most will end on workmarket. (a) will be middle class (b) will be the "elite of the french society".

There are some particularities (like law and medicine) + some "footbridge" between the 2 ways (ex: an university student can take competitive examination for a master in a Grande Ecole).
In the mean time you can watch your country go down in flames due to precisely the inhuman greed you are displaying.

You get in a wreck.
Your wife breaks her arm and it requires an external fixator.

The bill comes out to 250k.
You cool with that?

That actually happened to us.
And no we weren't broken by it, because I, unlike the shitstain that you are, come from a wealthy family but still realize that human beings should be treated with common dignity and not left to die from horrible diseases because they're not worth helping.

Go suck that hot nigger cum our of your mother's prolapsed pink sock.
30% of taxes? Move to Sweden bro, at least they you get bag for your buck.
>go down in flames
By "go down in flames" do you mean purging those who can't take of care themselves and need my money to stay alive?
I hope you and or those close to you come down with a debilitating medical condition.
Lets see how much your words are worth then.

>Beepboop I am a computer.
Did you forget that we're talking about humans?

We're not talking about the best method to cultivate Rhubarb, but other people and their entire life potential.
>250k to fix

how much will she make in her lifetime?
how much would she have lost in income from not having that fixed?
Did the two combine come out to be a profit?

>get in wreck

fuck off
If they can't take care of themselves their life potential isn't very great, is it?
>By "go down in flames" do you mean purging those who can't take of care themselves and need my money to stay alive?

Your money.
Earned how?
From who?
With what education?
With what health?
With what connections?

If you needed my help to stay alive and had no means to acquire the services you needed to live without my help, am I not obligated to help you?(Before you go off on a retarded tangent let me add the disclaimer 'within reason.')
Have you never been sick?
How old are you?

Jesus you people are monsters and you think you're right.
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>How dare you not be compassionate!
>I hope you get a serious medical injury

way to show compassion there.

>humans have feelings
still appealing to emotion

>i come from a wealthy family
>i want you to pay for everyone else's problems
>ad hominem
I didn't need your help to stay alive. I'm in good health, went to a private school, and am self-employed. That, however, didn't exempt me from paying you and your nigger buddies through highschool and paying for their doctor bills from drunk driving accidents.
>And no we weren't broken by it, because I, unlike the shitstain that you are, come from a wealthy family but still realize that human beings should be treated with common dignity and not left to die from horrible diseases because they're not worth helping.
Ah, it is now becoming clear. You got a bunch of shit handed to you and think that everyone should be so fortunate. That is super fucking admirable.

I, on the other hand, come from a family where we literally ate our dog in the 80s. I have worked since I was a preteen, been on my own since I was 14 and broke my ass to finish high school, get into college, graduated college, land a decent job where I work hard and make decent money and all I hear is that someone else needs a hand out.

Sorry, but I am not just going to cough up what I worked so hard for. You may be willing to give up what your dad, or grandpa or whoever the fuck lost skin for, but I am not.
I have worked too damn hard to be forced to pay for some pieces of shit who want to spin their wheels in college for a couple of years on my nickle.
>If you save your own money it will get you nowhere, but if you steal it from other citizens then you get uni access for "free"
How comfortable would you be floating a 250,000$ bill?

I like how you jewed out there, you money grubbing cunt.
Hope some really grusome shit happens to you down the road.

>~50% of Americans get cancer these days.

If you know anyone else I already know it'll happen given enough years.
>The bill comes out to 250k.
>You cool with that?

I'd be cool with that If I received 100% of my income instead of 60-70%.
ate your dog? what about food stamps?
Making other people pay for your healthcare is the moral equivalent of saying doctors should have to work for everyone else without pay. The difference is in real life the doctors DO get payed, just with stolen money.
>can't understand cost to benefit ratio
>more appeals to emotion
>more ad hominem
>cancer happens to people we should pay to cure everyone's cancer
>everyone provides the same amount of production value

do you actually have any facts for this argument?

Why should I show compassion to you?
You would just as well see me dead in a ditch because it was too inconvenient to help.
So fuck you, fuck yours, and have a good time.

It's called a 'thought experiment.'
I know those 2 words must come off as incredibly alien to you.

You act like you alone are going to be shouldering a million people's expenses.
This is the exact opposite of what you can do with taxes.
We all benefit from the availability, even if by proxy, so paying into it should give us even more productivity and happiness in the future.

Like I said earlier though, our government is currently off the rails and only getting more fucked up.


Just because you use a word doesn't mean it actually fits there.

inb4 statists are evil blah blah blah utopian bullshit.
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>It's called a 'thought experiment.'
>I know those 2 words must come off as incredibly alien to you.
Nice rebuttal. You got me there. Way to refute my point instead of just making an excuse for not having to.
if college were free, the government wouldnt be able to institute its socio-economic pseudo draft to fill the ranks of its military with bullet sponges.
It's not a higher education if everyone has access to it.
If everyone gets to do it because they pay taxes do you realize how fucked up the job situation will be?

Of course you don't, you are some ows faggot thinks the student who goes 5 digits in debt isn't to be blamed.
>Like I said earlier though, our government is currently off the rails and only getting more fucked up.

Then get back to me when it is functioning sensibly and efficiently (as if that is ever going to happen) and I will consider coughing up more of my income.
>Just because you use a word doesn't mean it actually fits there.
But it does. My money sis forcibly being taken away from me without my consent. If I resist I'll be imprisoned.
>implying the govt has provided anything
>implying any of those things aren't offered on the market by a private company
>Way to refute my point
What point?
You failed to even engage my post, then spouted random shit.

Are people really this stupid?
Do you think every swinging dick on the street can even complete college or something?
>and I will consider coughing up more of my income.

I know you're using that money to buy fuck dolls and cocaine, but there are people that lead entirely wasted lives due to shitty circumstances.

One day I really hope some people just as vile and uncaring as many in this thread are staring down at you gasping for air.

>Emotional appeal.

Whatever you need to justify your madness.
I don't need your help or the help of tax paying citizens. Why, then, should I be forced to pay into the system so others benefit from my work and not me?
You seem to be a little slow, maybe wording it as a question should help youout.
>thought experiment < facts and logic
>wasted lives
What's rally wasting my life is having to work for many hours 5 days out of the week and having a sizable portion stolen from me.
Are people really this stupid?
Do you think every swinging dick on the street is going to want to pay this university tax when they themselves don't want to go?
I guarantee I am smarter and more highly educated than you.
But credential waving on the internet is pretty pointless.
So how about we go ahead and ignore your comment on my intelligence and focus on the logical problems with yours.

Tell me.
What if you did need my help.
It shouldn't take 3 posts to get you to think of a simple hypothetical.

>Hi, I've never participated in a debate or conversation of any kind, I do enjoy fucking my sister though. Thxbai :))
being at the edge of debt hell is part of the americunt culture. anything a little off from their comfort zone is considered wrong.
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>implying there is a production process in America anymore

So the IRS waits for you outside of work while it's dark, then they pull a knife on you and say 'gimme all your money.'

Give me a break you self victimizing loony.

Do you think what everyone on the street wants is really the most prudent or wise thing to actually do?
I don't need your help. What's your point? You're only thinking about the issue from the side of people who need help. I do not give a fuck about such people and have no need to empathize with them.
If I don't pay my taxes they will do just that. They will send armed police to my house and arrest me.
>Do you think what everyone on the street wants is really the most prudent or wise thing to actually do?
Are you, perhaps, a tyrant who wants to rule by decree and force people to live how you want them to?
>using emotional appeals
>not using facts
>more ad hominem

this isn't even a debate it's a intellectual beat down on how unskilled you are at even establishing a defensible position.
Retardation has nothing to do with it.
>I live by principles
>One of those principles is people need to find a way to get their own shit
>Not the Governments job to provide higher education,
true, but at the same time the students are not burden with debt when they graduate. Which leaves them much opportunities to look for a career anywhere, or take out a small loan to start a business, or perhaps create some other opportunity for themselves.
Why shouldn't students be burdened with debt? There is a large demographic of people who do not go to college and they would be stuck with the students' bills instead of the students themselves.
>be italy
>free everything
>having a job at a tourist novelty shop is considered a good job

We fucking had free higher education in California till that faggot Reagan got rid of it.
This wouldn't be opening pandoras box to RETURN to something we once had.
Supplying knowledge to our citizens shouldn't be a business that drowns you in debt for the rest of your life, especially with such little return for actually getting jobs.
Welp, I'm going to buy more booze.
I'll leave you stupid faggots to circle jerk over 80 year old talking points and pat each other on the back.

Lets not worry about what works.
Lets worry about what keeps our wallet the fattest.
No one forces you to get a college education. There are plenty of people who don't. Free public education takes money from everyone but only benefits people who go to college. And if you don't go to college with public higher education, you still have to pay for everyone who does go to college. It's a shitty system that screws over a large number of people.
>govt subsidized education works

if that were true education would be getting cheaper and cheaper but instead the opposite is happening. why is this?

inb4 bush, rethuglicans, corpurashuns
How about you just pay for your own shit?
Could it have something to do with the massive education cuts and colleges having to up their tuition to stay afloat?

No, couldn't be that.
Oh good idea retard, let's devalue a university education even more than fucking instant student loans have.
>Free public education takes money from everyone but only benefits people who go to college.

So in 50 years when there are 80 million more uneducated morons we'll be way better off.
What we need is to put a cap in university spending
Scholarships are not a blank check

Because if someone is 'educated' they are automatically smart right?
It shouldn't be easier to get a college education, it should be harder to get one.

That way every degree would have value, and you wouldn't have people getting degrees and then working at Wal-mart their entire life.
Especially with the mandatory liberal studies program most colleges require for graduation.
>It shouldn't be easier to get a college education, it should be harder to get one.

The system doesn't work and favors simpletons who only learn verbatim.
The obvious solution is to make it even more tedious and shitty, not better.

Like how punishing people more harshly for drugs curbs drug use.
It has the opposite effect?
Ohh, well fuck me I guess I'll still believe it because I'm an idiot.
These are problems with how education is currently administered.
Can you not see the difference between broken methodology and an actual legitimate need for quality education that is accessible?
>everyone can be middle management

am i in the 90's all over again?
>the gas caps didn't work
>let's try it with tuition caps
So you know the education system is broken.
And your solution is to break it worse and slash funding more.

Good job.
Quality education is already accessible if you are willing to make a financial sacrifice. As long as you don't take something fucking stupid like journalism or psychology you are more valuable to employers. Not that a degree doesn't guarantee you a job, you have to get one of those on your own.
Yeah lets make our universities free like those great universities in Europe like...uh....
>the govt is in charge of all colleges
>federal colleges

aside from the military academies, which ones are those?
>pay 2% of your income for your entire life
>obtain "free" education
wow... you ppl still believe in the education system, and having a piece of paper means anything
>Quality education is already accessible if you are willing to make a financial sacrifice.

Let me fix that for your pampered suburban upbringing.

>Quality education is already accessible if you are able to make a financial sacrifice, if not fuck you and fuck making more of yourself or enhancing the entire workforce's productivity.
read >>3520093
I guess I just imagined the 3rd of a billion dollar cut to Louisiana's education budget, with similar happening nation wide.
Getting an associates degree from a community college isn't all that expensive. You could easily work for 2 years in highschool and the 2 years of community college to pay it off. Or do you want everyone to get a full scholarship to Caltech and MIT?
>everyone should go to college
>every job requires a college education

i wonder how many people had a need for a degree when America was the industrial super power of the world.
No, honestly, as stupid as most people are, I hope the whole thing comes crashing down on top of us because we were too self centered and greedy to pay into our own future.

I mean, it isn't already covered in this thread that there should be better screening and student selection, based on performance, but don't let that stop you saying the same shit I've responded to already.

I hope it all burns and consumes us all.
It will never be fixed with as selfish and poorly educated people as we have now.
What is it now?
60 years of indoctrination following the hippy movement and their migration into positions of authority.
3 full generations indoctrinated and failed by our education system.

What can anyone do in the face of that.
appeal to emotion

Looks like Louisiana has a problem with it's education system, good thing i don't live in Louisiana.
>Americans complain about foreigners

>America allows foreigners to use it's universities

Americans, Y U MAD?
Not very many.
I would greatly like to see us return to a position of large scale manufacturing and industry.

The migration to primarily service based work has been a great mistake.

I personally would greatly enjoy actually making something, or building something.
But there's shit all to do here like that.
I can go sell Chinese products or serve coffee.
Can't even get a biology job that I studied for.

Reading comprehension.
I wasn't asking you to imagine shit retard.
Go take your Asbergers medication.
So you're telling me that my friends, who decided to go straight to work after school, should be forced to pay for my education? I don't think that sounds very fair. Why can't the U.S. have the Australian system where the government loans you money to pay for your degree, and then you pay it back in increments after you reach a certain salary bracket? Isn't that far more financially sustainable and socially equitable?
So you're telling me that we have a civic duty to the other people that we live around?
And that I should think of the future in my own spending and in that of my government?

I think not.
This is America.
If I want to shit down your dead infants mouth, that's my prerogative.
>still can't provide a list of federal colleges the govt has direct budget control over
>cites the budget concerns of a state
>thinks public education = private education

>look up top ten universities
>all private schools
>Lives in a bubble isolated from reality.
>Why don't poor people just go to Ivy League schools?
>civic duty
buzzword invented by libtards to justify all the shit they force you to do.
>Don't want to vote? But it's your civic duty!
>Don't want jury duty? But it's your civic duty!
>Don't want to be drafted into the army? But it's your civic duty!
>Don't want your tax money wasted on putting entitled teenagers through college? But it's your civic duty!
>civic duty
>buzzword invented by libtards to justify all the shit they force you to do.

......... Americans really are this greedy and self centered.
>why can't poor people afford college
>answering your own question

>college costs a lot
>let's make everyone that doesn't go pay for it

firearms are a constitutional right and cost money too. why doesn't the government tax everyone to pay for the firearms people want to get?
>greedy and self centered.
buzzwords invented by liberals to make you feel bad about enjoying your life
>ad hominem

>share property but not my ipad.png
You should read Atlas Shrugged
>giving free education to engineering and science majors
Good idea

>giving free education to art/humanities/social science majors
Non sequitur.
Or you know. Thousands of years old basic notion of being decent toward the people you live with and everyone helping to make a better place to live.

But don't let that black bitch getting her legs amputated because of diabetes slow your roll.
Don't let that declining community that is facing an incredibly bleak future due to no support to elevate them out of being useless exists.
You've got lard to shove in your face.
That shit costs money, I understand bro.

I just have a sense of morality which seems to be oddly lacking in you all.
Don't own very much at all really. Got my computer and a place to live with some furniture.
I'm really not interested in that Soviet bitch's misinformation and propaganda.

She couldn't even live up to her own ideals, her's is a failed ideology.
Might give the book a read, but from what I know of it it is incredibly ill conceived.
>niggers can't get degrees in engineering and science due to low IQ
>libs scream dats raysis
>free degrees for niggers and preferential hiring
>blame bush for it

I can endorse this fully.
While humanities are a valuable field, people pick it for an easy ride since they 'have to go to college.'
So fuck that.

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