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Can we have a thread where we post affecting, confronting, moving, or just downright badass historical pictures?

Pretty much anything goes.
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is that a woman?

Yup. Woman Viet Cong
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Note the looted wristwatches on the soldier helping the other soldier with the flag. The Soviets later doctored this photo to cover up that rather embarrassing detail in this momentously historic photo.
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That's excellent, thanks
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mein gesicht wenn
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Soviet soldiers enjoying the fruits of the superior capitalist system. Heh, the Soviet Union was always doomed...
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"Toilet bomb" dropped for the lulz and to commemorate the 6-millionth pound of ordinance dropped on North Vietnam.
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Fascist Spaniard over here!
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Stalin was such a badass
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when you see it...
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Only Young Westerners and old Communism indoctrinated 90 year old people think that.
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LBJ being appointed America's first Iron Chef, 1968.
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Roman Polanski, sitting outside his home after the murder of his pregnant wife by Manson's followers
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the niggers
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Back in the day, the Internet came only twice a day, delivered on paper.

"No, ME president now you dumb ass Negro."
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Why do you have ta ruin a good thread?
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I like where this thread is going.
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This is now an LBJ and colored people thread.
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fucken saved
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yes, excellent
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Well, this is another fine mess you've gotten us into, Lyndon.
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More politicians eating ice cream please.
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It's less doctored than the flag raising at Iwo Jima, was was entirely a farce.

Personally IDGAF if some dead kraut scum had their wristwatches taken from their corpses. Fair payment for the misery they caused.
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>>More politicians eating ice cream please.

Coming right up!
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That symbolism
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You misunderstood, I wasn't casting aspersions.
I just find it an interesting example of how the messiness of reality is covered up by historical white-washing. How regular people of all characters get swept up by history, thrust into the historical record, and then sanitized by later generations.

>honestly thinking hitler caused more misery than stalin.

Honestly thinking that's relevant to the discussion in any way
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This is a good one.
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ah yes truly a historic...
wait a minute...
isn't that...
oh lawd

instead of Oprah, it needs that fat run with a flashlight
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>Smrt fašizmu, sloboda narodu!
>Death to fascism, freedom to the people

The last Words of 26 year old Filipovic before being hung by Nazi Germany, after denouncing them as murderers.
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Al Haig "in control here", White House, March 30 1981
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The reply of the Zaporozhian Cossacks to the Turkish Sultan

The reply was a stream of invective and vulgar rhymes, parodying the Sultan's titles:

Zaporozhian Cossacks to the Turkish Sultan!

Thou art a turkish imp, the damned devil's brother and friend, and a secretary to Lucifer himself. What the devil kind of knight art thou that cannot slay a hedgehog with your naked ass? The devil shits, and your army eats. Thou son of a bitch wilt not ever make subjects of Christian sons; we have no fear of your army, by land and by sea we will battle with thee, fuck thy mother.
Thou art the Babylonian scullion, Macedonian wheelwright, brewer of Jerusalem, goat-fucker of Alexandria, swineherd of Greater and Lesser Egypt, Armenian pig, Podolian villain, catamite of Tartary, hangman of Kamyanets, and fool of all the world and underworld, a fool before our God, a grandson of the Serpent, and the crick in our dick. Pig's snout, mare's arse, slaughterhouse cur, unchristened brow, screw thine own mother!
So the Zaporozhians declare, you lowlife. Thou wilt not even be herding Christian pigs. Now we shall conclude, for we don't know the date and don't have a calendar; the moon's in the sky, the year in the book, the day's the same over here as it is over there; for this kiss our ass!

Koshovyi Otaman Ivan Sirko, with the whole Zaporozhian Host.
>superior capitalist system
>Implying the Russians didn't win WWII
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>tfw you forget the picture
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>Quoting a communist's dying words against fascism

Damn nigga, that's a good joke.
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Ha, there's a series of shoops of 9/11 pictures out there starring a giant Hulk Hogan...I believe that one had him sticking his head around the corner of the building and cupping his hand to his ear for more applause.

Also, LBJ was our craziest president. Once he was ambushed by reporters after a press conference at the White House who asked him why we were really in Vietnam, and he pulled out his cock and waved it at them and yelled "this is why!"
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This is how Serbs died in Croatia during WWII. Not as memorable or quote worthy.

Imagine being in the middle of that crowd and really, really needing to take a piss.
Well presumably you'd be a soldier, and have the good sense to go before a parade starts.
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soviet invasion of afganistan.

Always liked this one
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This thread is fucking awesome, please continue.

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yes yes accuse the white boys i can keep my power
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Just when I thought we were in for a pleasant change we got the usual suspects of holocaust denial, liberal slander, and stormfaggotry
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Please don't tell your mommy on us.

are those swastikas on the red flag?
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>he put his sage in the name field
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Go be a kike Exterminationist somewhere else.
You do realize we are proud of being called stormfaggs, it shows your butthurt.
Not to mention the hypocrisy of being a holocaust promoter yet discriminating against a person's sexual orientation storm"fagg"

I love it.
bump for more pictures.
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>thinks he owns history
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quick 2 pics


i loved the gas-mask troops, epitome of badass
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10/10 epic pic would save again
B-but 6 million jews!
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an intimidating picture for the time
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320 KB
Tokyo Harbor on VJ Day
>Proper Posture
>Legs crossed at ankles
>Fingers interlocking
>Crisp military uniform
>Serious, yet gentle visage
>Alpha-male moustache

10/10 would bang
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shadow of a man and a ladder permanently burned into a wall after nagasaki a-bomb
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The wall where the Russian royal family was lined up and murdered by communists at the orders of Lenin who had already stripped their power and taken over
Its not known who gave the order. It was most probably the local soviet.
is this nuremburg?
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Seyit Çubuk, an Ottoman corporal who, after the lifter of his cannon got broken, grabbed 275kg heavy cannon missiles, lifted them up and loaded the cannon without receiving help from anyone else. He fired a few shots at the British battleship Ocean and made it sink.
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Launch of the Battleship Bismarck in 1939. Hitler claimed she was 35,000 tons (The limit set by the treaty of Versailles), but in reality, Bismarck was close to 50,000 tons.
She was lost during her first mission Exercise Rhine in May, 1941.

They also added more smoke to the background.
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<--fun fact about who was really behind the bolshevik revolution and the deaths of the Romanovs



Although it is possibe another person took the initiative, Lenin saw it as a threat to keep the Romanovs alive
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Zach Galifiniakis?
too bad the story is completely fake, it is very far from 17th century language and profanities. I beleave the consensus is it was fabricated sometime in mid-19th century.
Still a great and funny painting.
the face of the dude behind her is fucking priceless
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OMG! Soviets looted stuff?!

Americans would never show disrespect to the dead or missing!
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I know. I mean, the guy didn't only lift the missiles but made a ship sink too.
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Just look at how much gold the nazis looted or how many Japanese officer swords ended up in the US

It's not until the age of NATO and the UN where looting becomes frowned down upon
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I worked at a print shop some years back, and an old man in his 90's brought in a photo of himself he wanted enhanced.

This is him, ground zero, Nagasaki, November of 1945. The original image, next to what I could do to clear it up.

funnily enough, my captcha: "officer eternyx"
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There is a classic Soviet era joke in Czech Republic, whenever there was a criticism of the lack of freedoms, persecution or tyrany in Soviet union, the officials would say, "but the Americans persecute Negros even more"
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Massoud was the best thing to come out of Afghanistan for a long time.
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American and Soviet soldiers meeting at the River Elbe during WW2.
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>dem jumpsuits
lol'd 10/10 for soviet trolls
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First picture of a human being.
Just because the NAZIS were evil fucks doesn't mean that people in the SS and the German military were all douchebags.
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American and Soviet armor facing each other in Berlin during the Cold War.
it has to be considered the whites were advancing on their position and if the royalists had taken back the tsar it would have united them.

But at this point Tsar Nicholas II conceded he was a shit leader and just wanted to go into exile in the UK, which he was trying to do when the commies decided to kill him. He wasn't gonna unite anything and had pretty much already given up everything to Lenin

The Russian soldiers, on the other hand, were a different story.

Thery raped not hundreds or thousands but MILLIONS of women (German and otherwise) in their paths, killed millions of children, and had a total devastation "take none alive" policy that was somehow much worst than anything that the Germans did.
This is a modern Democrat joke now. Whenever government or financial reforms are criticized or asked for, the Democrats respond, "But the Republicans were worse."
Doesn't matter they won. All the shit lands on the Nazis

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