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Why is it now suddenly wrong to discipline your child?
What happened? When did we pussify parenting?

Kids these days have no idea what the fuck parenting is, then we wonder why so many fucking kids are complete and utter shit, that eventually become criminals.
Video related, all I see is great disciplining.

A child should be afraid of their parent, if a parent is afraid of their child then something IS wrong.
Cops should side with parents not with the fucking shit tier child.

Since WW2 vets were beating up their kids because they couldn't handle what they had done.

But yeah, we probably went to far.
Americans seem to take beating kids to a whole new level though. They just go crazy and psychologically fuck the kid up. Learn you hit your kid properly. The point is to catch him off guard with a good sudden one. Not a hard one either. Just a quick mild hit with the effect of stunning the kid like, "woah, wtf was that!". Then when you have his attention and he's confused and kind of stunned and a bit hurt you tell him to fuck off and stop doing what he's doing. Tell him you'll fuck him up if he keep going.

Every time I hear about Americans trying to discipline their kids like this they take it overboard and lock the kid up under the stairs for 3 hours, or fucking beat the shit out of the kid.

The same way you hit your dog to get his attention and catch him off guard is the same you get your kid to pay attention and stop fucking around.
Also stop trying to get all cool and your kids friend. You're hist fucking parent, not his buddy, act like it.
It's the effect of retarded people being influenced by retarded measures intended to stop true abuse, and then getting on your tv set.
You know, as an European, I miss the old age.
World Wars, smallpox and ethnic cleansing. Painful for someone, yes but at least fun. Nowadays we have fucking CELLULARS that are teaching MUH children how to be ROBBONTS!
Beating is a crutch for poor parenting.
That only works, if they are doing something wrong, right infront of you.

If they didn't then one should do what that guy did in the video.

Disciplining your kids in no way fucks up your kids.
Go read the follow up story about that cunt.
She in no way looks psychologically fucked up.
She is a normal, fine human being. thanks to her father who disciplined her well.
The family unit is responsible for imparting the tradition and values of the last. If you deconstruct the family unit, radicals will have an easier time transforming society.
Kids are still killed by the scum calling themselves parents when smacking is cracked down on by the law. Normal parents ignore the regulation and scumbags gonna scum. See NZ.
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>a poor parent
Last time I checked when an animal disciplines its kids it doesn't talk it out.
Its the GMO, most kids born within the last 20 years are mildly autistic.
IIRC she tried to use the tape to blackmail him when he refused to give her money and took back the car he was letting her use.
My parents never beat me and I turned out to be a success.
Parents only beat their kids because their kids are shit. Why are their kids shit? Because their parents were too.
if i was that kid he'd be fucking murdered no time
If I were your dad I would refrain from feeding you until you learned some respect.
Like stated
>a poor parent
Simply because you were too much of a beta and accepted their "time out chair" doesn't mean that, that will be the same effect for everyone.

I thought it was because he constantly harassed her.

hey, infact...

i was sexually, physically, mentally and verbally abused by my real dad, i am now in foster care

i was locked in cupboards for hours, made to watch fucked up horror films, had to sit in pubs for hours whilst everyone got pissed and when i got home i'd be subject to beatings by my abusive dad
>implying the problem isn't having kids in the first place

How's it feel to have a shit version of yourself running around making your life a steamming pile of shit, sucking out your freedom and your bank account?
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>thinks he has the right to murder your parents
I believe your father didn't hit you enough times.
If you were my kid, you would learn the full lesson of respect.
Its not wrong to discipline your child. That's parents' jobs.

If you let yourself be guilted into not disciplining your child, you are failing at your job. Stand up man, (or woman) and do your damn job or you'll put another self-entitled, smug, amoral, anarchist brat on the street.

don't be a troll, i was proper subject to abuse

i was put into foster care at 6 and i have a job now and i behave, i would just not stand for that shit in the video
>i was locked in cupboards for hours, made to watch fucked up horror films, had to sit in pubs for hours whilst everyone got pissed
I would do the same if you were such a whiny shit.

>when i got home i'd be subject to beatings by my abusive dad
that's not good, because as I said earlier: beating is a crutch for poor parenting.

>now in foster care
so you you're younger than 18? Here's some advice and grow some backbone before it's too late.

>sexually abused
>implying you didn't enjoy it

i wasn't being fed, i had long hair, my clothes were bloody

i'll post my fucking story
Conspiracy anon... go to /x/xon and refill your Conspiracy gas tank.
That sucks. Do post your story. Also tell us if you're a liberal or gay at the end because that would make a lot of sense given your history of abuse.

i'm 20 and no i didn't enjoy my abuse, troll
>talking shit
>never was beat by your parents
You have no right to talk shit, at least he knows what discipline feels like.

You however are a fucking wreck, you are the faggot that requires to be stuffed in cupboards and slapped mercilessly.

well, if i had a child (which i won't) i would sit down and talk to them like an adult and give good reasoning rather than a beating

i'll post 2 parts of my story, though it has about 6 parts
why wouldn't you have children? Aren't you young to be making that decision?

it wasn't discipline, it was abuse

We all need to go "like" that video...time to change the balance.
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>incoming walls of text
My Asian friend's mom used to sharpen her nails so she could discreetly clutch her kids arms in public.

They all turned out pretty successful actually.
i was born on Jan 2nd 1992, to two Mancunians who moved to south-west England in 1981 because of ethnic minorities, they already had a daughter, i'll call her rita for this.
my parents fought a lot in front of us, verbally and physically, and in '95 my mum and dad divorced, this was because they fought physically and verbally in font of me and rita, my mum took me and rita back to Manchester where we lived in a women and childrens home for a while,
she met a guy called Frank, she had a baby with him, i'll call him jack, but by the time he was born me and rita were already back with our dad, Frank used to swing us by our ears but somehow our dad found us and took us to Exeter.
was ok for a while, somehow he took us to Paris and we went to disneyland, but i can't remember much, he took us for walks and everything too, even saved me when i nearly drowned (wish he hadn't)...
even so, he was dark... read this

>not beating your kids
Holy shit, I was right. Do proceed to kill yourself.
Do you know WHY you're not a criminal right now?
Its because you were disciplined.
Call it abuse all you want its motherfucking discipline. If you don't want your kids to end up being in jail you are going to discipline them as fucking well.

he abused us, i remember a photo he took of me and my sister in the bath, i'm not sure if it was sexually motivated or not, i don't know what he did but because of him i showed my dick under the table at school, tried to get into the pants of some woman at our house and i called 6 o'clock and 12:30 'fanny time' obviously i can't remember much as i was 6 when i was put into care, but i remember waking up one night, walking into his room and sucking him because that's what he taught me, i remember waking up on his lap,
i remember when he made me and my sister watch films such as poltergeist and IT, my sister always asked for mum, so one day my dad got pissed off and left her at the police station, then he got depressed, he went to rough pubs and drank a lot,
then when we got home he'd abuse me, in all 4 ways (sexual, physical, verbal and mental)

i think of murder nearly everyday, i have plots to kill, i'm depressed, i have no friends, i'm possibly gay

so go fuck yourself if you think it was discipline, because of my childhood i killed 2 hamsters, tried to fuck my foster sister when i was 7, pyromania, voyeurism, killed a dog (accidentally) at 18 and don't give a shit and petty theft...

i now have the early stages of a serial killer
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I'm getting so fucking turned on by this story.
If only you were a girl.
Do you know if he sexually abused rita? And if so in which ways?
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The answer is simple really. Just libtards destroying the family unit by disrupting natural order. Much like being gay or feminists are not natural but encouraged as if they are normal lifestyles.
A lot of skills which you would previously have had to learn from your parents (cooing, fixing shit, etc.), with advice not always being correct Now it can all be learned much better through the internet

On a side note, pisses me off when parents give their child a mental disorder for pity and to make their child look like a unique individual. Some parents have got to accept their children are thick.
Stop being crazy.
> i killed 2 hamsters

More on this please. How did you kill them?

I know someone who crushed his hamsters head in a door
Children should be raised by the state and be instilled with the socialist values necessary to be intergrated to the collective.

yes you retard

(someone ban this sick, paedophile)

i'd fucking murder you if i didn't have a job i respect (soon as i lose my job due to recession i'm going rampage)
And this, people, is proof for what I said about parents who beat their kids ending up with shitty kids.

You're probably an atheist too, and have a grudge against normal happy Christian families who had the righteous life you never had.
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Well if you do become a serial killer can you do me one small favor?
Can you blame it on vidya and animu?

Also like another anon said STOP BEING CRAZY.
You were fucking disciplined. its in the past move on.
I'm 22 and I had my vasectomy when I was about 19 or 20. I bust nuts in women all the time to no effect, I make sure they're clean of course. I never tell my long term gfs I had one either, which is the best part. I fucking hate kids, and will never want one, but just in the slightest chance that I might one day, I froze a lot of sperm in different clinics to be safe.

Last year my gf at the time walks in with tears of joy in her eyes. She's super excited and happy so I ask what's going on. She tells me to take a seat that this is big news. "I'm pregnant" she says as she smiles. I just start fucking chuckling, then facepalm as I laugh even harder. I get up without saying a word and go and start packing my shit. She's all weirded out not and starts getting worried and mad, "what the fuck are you doing!?". I just pack all my clothes as she's almost crying now wondering what I'm doing. As I'm about to leave I'm still laughing and I tell her that I had a vasectomy long ago and to have fun carrying some white nigger's kid.

Can you believe that shit? Are all women this stupid?
"Discipline" is a social construct. It is bigoted to "discipline" your child. If social standards say a child is "disciplined", then it is "disciplined", and if it says the child is "indisciplined", then the social standards should be changed.
stale pasta is stale

man, i don't even take pills!


threw them against the wall and sadistically laughed at their squeals of terror (i feel slightly bad about that, no care for the dog though)

yes, me and my sister were also abused by my mums new boyfriend
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Please tell me in which ways was she abused.
Also age.

Oh god please tell me.

Why would you murder me? I'm doing no harm by fapping to your sad story.

One mans sad story is another mans fap fantasy.
heh. Dude, finish the story. What did she say/do when you told her?


if it was discipline why am i in fucking care? why did i kill hamsters? not care about a dog i killed? try to have sex with sister? depressed?

this isn't the result of discipline

fine, Jon Venables was being disciplined so he murdered a 2 year old... well fucking done
That ain't even pasta man. That's shit happened so me, if my webcam were better quality I'd even show you my vasectomy scar.

She just fucking stood there crying, didn't even say anything. She's was shocked. I fucked off somewhere far so I don't know what the fuck happened to her or if she had the kid or not.
It is because you're mentally sick.
The discipline didn't cause this, hell you were probably disciplined BECAUSE of your sick head.

Do not blame discipline for your fucked up behavior, blame your genes.

> try to have sex with sister?
Go into details.
It'll help me evaluate your mental status more accurately if I knew the details.

most people in Britain are atheists, i only hate people who go out drinking because they think it's fun (ha ha murdered woman in Bracknell, serves you right) and i hate debauchery like seung-hui cho
Take up psychiatry, you'll get tons of fap fodder.
>>A child should be afraid of their parent,<<
Never! This is as wrong as it could be!
A child should trust, respect and obey it's parents. Mine are 22 and 18 now and I'm proud when they still ask me for advice occasionally.
Vasectomy scars with timestamp. This wouldn't prove your story, just more reliable.

Even if it is low quality.

What if you do want kids in the future?

my dad was mentally sick, he's the one who did the abuse... didn't you read this shit?


was his fault, i need a psychiatrist but my foster carers don't even care, they leave me cooped up in my room
OP is right but is using the wrong video to defend his point. There's a difference between discipline and child abuse.

OP's video is child abuse. He shouldn't have kept going.
Because "experts" tell you to be your child's friend.
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Simply proves you're a shit parent if they still ask you for advice.
You job as a parent is to prepare them to leave the nest and remove them from the comfort of your home, presence, advice...etc

If they are still asking you for help they have not been removed entirely from their nest. You failed as a parent. These kids will most likely end up as failures, and turn into criminals in the long run.
Are you gonna feel sorry for yourself your whole life?

Work towards something
but drinking with friends is fun. do you hate fun?
just because your dad was a shitbag doesn't mean all people who drink are shitbags.

>you were probably disciplined BECAUSE of your sick head
I keep saying this because it features in all your posts: Shitty parents have shitty kids and have to beat them to keep them from killing and smashing things.

>lose job
>murder people just because buttmad
Please institutionalise yourself in a nuthouse. You are a danger to normal people.

i don't have the motivation, anyway all i want in life is to get a wiki article, easiest way is Bundy's way
>my foster carers don't even care, they leave me cooped up in my room
Holy fuck, what in the fucking shit did I do?
He lives in the UK so won't be able to shoot up a school. He cant get a gun.
>I keep saying this because it features in all your posts: Shitty parents have shitty kids and have to beat them to keep them from killing and smashing things.

That is a lie, I know many shit tier kids who come from wealthy kind parents. Who would obviously never touch their kids and never discipline then and are spoiled beyond belief.

They are shit because they receive no fucking discipline, discipline is a must.

normality is a concept and can't be defined by the masses because it suits them, also, i want psychiatric help, just because i'm curious of what i've got, though i won't ask because i don't want to worry people.


how? what effort do they make?

sure they do everything for me, but i pay £300 a month, i'm polite (because my carers taught me politeness)

but they never seem to worry or care that i'm 20 and have no friends or no personality
Oh damn. Did I miss some news before it was even made?
Read my story again, I froze a lot of sperm at different clinics just in case. It's a long process, you don't just go in and tell your doctor to steralise you. They have to council you and do all this other shit for a couple of months to make sure you're serious about it. They advise you to freeze some sperm at a clinic too just in case. Freezing it more than one clinic is even better.

I don't want to have kids because I like the freedom of doing whatever I want when I'm older. I love travelling and being outdoors all the time, I can't do that shit with kids and a wife man. I want to be able to get up in the morning when I'm 35 and just say, "I think I'll go to Paris in two weeks" and not have the after thoughts of, "Oh well, what about my wife, is she free, oh shit I have a baby, I have to take this fucker too" then this and that and this and that. Fuck that. I have enough sex, enough relationships now anyways and I wouldn't mind being alone when I'm older if it happens. As for who's going to take care of me when I'm older? The day I require someone to wipe my ass for me is the day I say goodbye to everyone I love and put a .45 ACP through my head.
Oh I don't mean that.
I meant that I fucked up my post entirely.

Couldn't care less if he shoots up a school or anything, Hell I may support him. More people need to die.
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My stemother caught me masturbating once. As punishment, she forced me to bath in bleach.

I blame her for my profound hatred of women.
Female altruism happened.
>but they never seem to worry or care that i'm 20 and have no friends or no personality
I'm sure that is a good thing.
Nothing is worse than your parents telling you, "why don't you have a girlfriend?" "Why do you stay in your room all day? don't you have friends to play with"
My god, it makes you want to strangle them.

Liverpool, see the croccy crew and get sawn off for £50

Peckham, "yo blad! know where i can get shoota!?"

MAC-10 30 rounds in each magazine, i'd say £100

easy to do it

i can understand that, make you feel like even more of a failure being reminded all day
>didn't you read this shit?


Read it, there was no detail at all, on how he molested them.
I am disappointed what the fuck am I suppose to fap to now?
I don't have any friends either, just a girlfriend and my awesome siblings and cousins. Who needs friends when you have good family. And I'm not sure what you mean by "personality". Sounds like sissy stuff to me.
What can I say. Count your blessings no matter how few they are. You are clearly unhappy but you are partly to blame for this due to your pessimism. I hope someone returns the light in your life you need because it sure as hell doesn't seem to come from within. You're in my prayers, for what its worth.
Different methods for different children. My sister was never beat, but she turned out a decent person. She didn't need a beating. My younger brother did. He is an egotistical little shitstain. Loud, obnoxious and lazy. My father should have beat the shit out of him.
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>has a girlfriend
>is a christfag
Oh god, you fucking sicken me.
How does it feel having a priest shove his dick into your asshole?
> implying a kid in a foster home has £50
> implying its not much more than £50
> implying they would sell to you
> implying you wouldn't get caught by the foster carers
> implying your telling the truth
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Now, this is a post the hivemind can't reply to. Because you are both criticising the child-beating dogma and reinforcing the women-bitches dogma. I think a lot of people's heads a splode right nao.

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