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>Hate speech doesn't begin to describe it, an Albuquerque teenager is accused of sending hundreds of anti-Semitic text messages to a fellow student who is Jewish. Most of them reading “kill Jews, heil Hitler”.
>The victim's mother says the teen has been bullying her son for a few years now, and it finally came to a head last weekend when her son's phone was flooded with text messages.
>“I felt like I was living in 1939 in Nazi Germany,” said the mother, who asked not to be identified.
>She was shocked when her 14-year-old son showed her his cell phone full of hateful messages.
>“All together there were almost 18 hundred text messages that came to him over a period of weeks,” said the freshman’s mother.
>The messages refer to the teen as a “Jew fag”.
>He sent “kill Jews, heil Hitler” nearly 500 times back to back.
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oh hai, my name is the first amendment and i approved this message.
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The second I read all those messages it felt like I was being put in the gas chamber all over again.
Oy Vey! הגויים הם תופס!
>I felt like I was living in 1939 in Nazi Germany

"That's right, I survived the holocaust'
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it was probably someone from /pol/
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>The messages refer to the teen as a “Jew fag”.
>the school disclosed the teenager's name is Eric Cartman
Soon the holocaust will loose all meaning.
Its already being compared to receiving hateful text messages.
This mother...seriously.
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The real quote:

>The victim's mother says the teen has been bullying her son for a few years now, and it finally came to a head last weekend when her son's phone was flooded with text messages.
>"Oy vey, it was like another 6 million!"

Soon? You mean did a long time ago and these faggots are attempting to milk it.
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Why is this news?

When I was a kid, my group of friends would constantly make fun of my Jew friend because he was a stereotypical fucking Jew.

Because society has gone up its ass lately and completely forgotten what it was like to be a kid?
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>Bombarded with text messages.
>Like living in 1939 nazi germany.

is this bitch for real?
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>“All together there were almost 18 hundred text messages that came to him over a period of weeks,”

>All together there were almost 6 million text messages that came to him over a period of weeks

All I can say is kikes gonna kike.
1800 texts? 500 "kill Jews, heil Hitler" back to back? That seems exaggerated, who would have the patience to send that many texts over and over. Also, this thread, I needed a good laugh this morning. Th-thanks /pol/.

Its...... its almost like he was too retarded to turn off texts!
I think the Jewish kid should be arrested for not knowing how to block a number.

Hive mind
i got suspended from my high school for antisemitism back in 2007. It was fucking funny.

He would have constantly been getting text messages. Like, one every couple minutes for WEEKS.

Why the fuck wouldn't you do anything about it?
Can you actually get in trouble for this in the US? I thought hate crime laws (at least when it comes to speech) are unconstitutional.

Should've called the ACLU on that shit
I'm assuming he's just in trouble for harassment, the antisemitism part just makes for a better news story.
Oh god, they're harassing me through my phone! Oh if only those filthy phone manufacturers hadn't built it to always be running and glued to my person! Woe is me!

Turn it off
Leave it at home
Whoop de fucking doo

They are. Funny enough, harassment on this scale may constitute fighting words. In other words, the Jew could have legally cold clocked him if he wanted to.

On this scale, though, it may constitute harassment. You could make an argument that being pestered with 1800 text messages, regardless of the message, is harassment

or, you know, just block the number.

People keep stealing my wallet. I know, I'll just never carry a wallet again, that'll fix it!

>Jewish child


you were "provoked" doesn't mean punching someone in the face is legal.
>>“I felt like I was living in 1939 in Nazi Germany,” said the mother, who asked not to be identified.
I was only suspended for 2 days.
That same year they called my parents in because they thought i was involved with "far-right extremism". They also called me a "satanist"
lol fucking jews.

or put a chain on it.
Look up "fighting words" legal doctrine. There would probably be a trial, and it's not like you can beat someone to death for it, but yeah, it's legal.
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Jesus, you are the low-IQ scum of society. I hated edgy high school dropout trailer trash like you. (Just for the record: I'm not Jewish.)

Fighting words are not an excuse or defense for a retaliatory assault and battery. However, if they are so threatening as to cause apprehension, they can form the basis for a lawsuit for assault, even though the words alone don't constitute an assault.

>dont constitute assault
I wonder what would have happened if he had sent him text messages rightfully denying the holocaust and saying all jews were propaganda milking, well, Jews. Probably be locked up awaiting the death sentance as we speak.
I didn't dropout. And i wasn't edgy, it was their jewish paranoia getting the best of them.

6/10, pretty nice stormie impersonation.
I actually believe everything in that post. I'm serious, i'm not even trolling or trying to be "edgy"

Totally off-topic, but I was at a party this weekend and someone was talking about a class they took this semester on the Holocaust.

I, being slightly drunk, said jokingly "Oh, you actually believe in the holo-hoax?"

Th...Thanks /pol/.
>"First I had to endure the holocaust where I lost more than 6 billion very close friends, and now my poor bubala gets attacked for being one of God's chosen people," said the mother when asked about previous experiences with anti-semitism.
Nice, prepare to be a social outcast now because you dared to not be a braindead recepticle for Jewish propaganda.
how did they react? Liberally?
Nah, it turned out alright.

The dude who took the class had a bitchfit, but he's the faggiest bleeding heart pussy imaginable.

Most of the other people there were too drunk to notice, and one chick actually started talking about Israel's treatment of Palistine and the Jews controlling the media.

(We fucked later in the bathroom, she was tight as hell).
It's a known fact that girls who care about Israeli war crimes have tight vaginas.
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>“I felt like I was living in 1939 in Nazi Germany,” said the mother, who asked not to be identified.

Come on now, really? One kid's an asshole bully and you have to play the Nazi card. Didn't these people learn the dangers of crying wolf.

>accused of sending hundreds of anti-Semitic text messages to a fellow student who is Jewish. Most of them reading “kill Jews, heil Hitler”.
>“kill Jews, heil Hitler”.

In her defence, I think its ok to play the Nazi card here.
>(We fucked later in the bathroom, she was tight as hell).

You had me suckered until this. Don't overreach next time.
"It was like another 66 billion, every time I read one of those text messages. "

Not really. As I said one bully does not equal 1939 Germany. That's silly. There's not systematic persecution of the Jews in the US. This one kid acting like an asshole and an ineffective one at that.

Although I live in Germany (were officially Jews are sacred) I've seen tons of people making holocaust jokes all the time in school. Also the word Jew was usually used as an insult.

The teachers didn't even care. Except for once I think where some guy ran around in a shirt with a crossed out swastika and got problems.


>yfw the kid sent the text messages to himself
This one time I went to a bar and for one thing the chairs were unconfortable second they ran out of the beer I drink - I mean jesus it was like Auschwitz in there.

6 fucking million
I was at a drive through and guess what order was worng and no ketsup. It was like auschwitz but worse.
Actually, i bet the 6 million number is a number that someone pull from his ass, i bet thereal number is probably close to 9000000-10000000

Shocker. /pol/tards deny holocaust.
ITT: Stormfags think they're being Holocausted because they can't harass and abuse classmates.
The mother is a typical Jew, being overly emotional and a liar.

ITT: People make fun of an idiot kid who couldn't figure out how to block a number.
One time my car ran out of gas on the highway it was like the Shoah all over again
I love it how if you compare Hitler to ANYBODY at all people go retard and start saying shit like "Hitler was nothing to joke about.
That's a bit ridiculous, isn't it". But it's OK when a jew compares getting offensive text messages to Nazi Germany. I wonder what would happen if I compared Stalin to Hitler in front of these people.

Just 3 days ago, on /g/, somebody compared Hitler to Steve Jobs. People started getting their panties in a bunch. I couldn't believe it.
The guy wasn't even talking about killing the jews he was just comparing their ability to gain followers.
I went to Family Dollar and they didn't have a kosher section, I had flashbacks to the concentration camps.
>Living in very dry, hot desert state
>Surrounded by extremely varied demographic groups
>One child sends secret messages via high tech communication device bouncing signals off satellites in space
>Sends to your child, no one but you knows
>Black, liberal president

Completely like 1939 Nazi Germany.
How is this not bullying?
this thread is killing me at least 7/10
>someone insults your honor
>you don't fight back

Get the fuck out of here with that shit. The Jew kid had the right to fight him especially with the "kill jews" thing.
Jews don't have feelings so they can't feel hurt.

>implying bullying isnt legal as long as its purely verbal and not physical

fucking pussy ass kids need to learn to man up
I dunno, sending a Jew "you are a jew" "kill all Jews" messages 180,000 times could kinda be seen as a threat. Maybe a couple, but 180,000? I would probably report him.
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>sending a Jew "you are a jew" "kill all Jews" messages 180,000 times could kinda be seen as a threat.

yes, goyim, never forget the 180,000
In third grade we were fed some vomit-looking soup and slices of rock hard dark bread. I looked at this "food" and exclaimed "this is like Auschwitz!"
A nearby teacher flipped her shit and told me not to take the Holocaust lightly.

Do you think I could have gotten her fired for antisemitism? She was kind of bitch.
I'm surprised the Jew isn't suing to recover the costs for all the text messages.
This is bullying. It can be social, physical, or verbal.

You are clearly ignorant of the sociological and psychological damage of verbal bullying, do you. This also includes harassment, and indirect harassment by spreading rumors and outright lies.

Besides even if a pussy kid decides to man up, schools can invoke zero-tolerance rules to get rid of the victim. In some cases, the kid might be sent with juvie hall with real criminals. However, you really don't care about what really happens to the victim after he "stands up for himself" you think it's a part of growing up, as a matter of fact you will be glad that you will enjoy the victims plight of being in a worst position

Like anxiety, depression, suicidal thoughts, feelings of worthlessness...
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You done got trolled

^- pussy who got bullied in school and now cuts himself

cry more faggot
it is bullying, but not all bullying deserves to be in the news
i hate blacs and arabs
Apparently this makes me a jew

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