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Are you in college? Are you an undergrad?

Do you realize no one wants to teach or deal with you? Profs threathen the school with leaving if they're forced to teach undergrads. Most of the people why have to deal with you are grad students, literally starving worse then the "starving student" sterotype working for next to nothing and not giving a flying fuck any day of the week.

Question: Why the fuck do you kids go around getting uppity and thinking you're such and such just becasue you're from such and such school, or dept?

You do realize you're all just scum from the perspective of anyone older then children right?
>Profs threathen the school with leaving if they're forced to teach undergrads.

If I was a prof, I'd get automatic A's to all the hot undergrads. As long as they make the effort to come to my office.
Well someone didn't get into uni.

Have fun wasting the talent you're too lazy to use.
Profs dont want to see undergrads, period.

It's a waste of their time, etc. Plus they're scared of sexual harassment suits with that big of an age difference.

They do sometime on grad students though, the whole power over you situation. It's really just like workplace sexual harassment between a boss and a secretary.
>implying I'm not a butthurt and mad grad student worked to death and paid next to nothing

It amazes me to this day how naive kids are about college. It's n ot our jobs to teach you, we;re here to do research, and teaching is a chore the dept assigns us.
>the people why have to deal with
I used to work in a university poly sic office. Once a semester the profs had to fill out a 12-page form on what they've been doing to promote themselves and the school over the last few months. I was in charge of sending them out and collecting them.

The very last question, on the very last page, was "List the courses you've taught this past semester."
And most would either had teaching release, or grad students only.

The really unfortunate pre-tenure ones get made to teach undergrads.
I dunno what bizarre-ass college you went to, but all my undergrad courses were taught by professors, not graduate students. They all rather enjoyed the subjects they taught too; enthusiastic.
What shitty university do you go to?
What kind of shitty school did you go to? Can you even name publications by your profs?

Any nationally competitive university works like this. In fact, sometime more so.
As if writing a paper makes them somewhat better

As if you get a better education being taught by grad students than the actual professor
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>Profs threathen the school with leaving if they're forced to teach undergrads.

What community college do you go to?
OP can't use English properly.

>Point invalid.
>implying publish or perish isnt the law of the land
>implying schools give a fuck about a "good education"
And you're right, we probabily cant teach you as well. But we're the only ones they can force to do it.
I have no fucking clue what shit school you went to, but all my courses (engineering @ University of Toronto) were taught by PhDs with publicly documented and verifiable industry experience.

All of us were encouraged to maintain a 3.00+ GPA so that we could enter the 16-month co-op engineering placement, and the TAs were all PhD candidates (except for one that I can remember. My Integrated Circuits course had a master's student).

If the TAs felt you were struggling, they would actually take the initiative and ASK you to come by on their office hours. The professors likewise had at least 2 hours a week where students could come specifically to seek help. Both TAs and profs are subject to standardized, thorough student evaluations every semester.

TL;DR - your school is shit, OP
I never put a SINGLE GODDAMMED DAY in college.
Not a one. I am a Tradesman. I am a Plumber.
Learned the trade from my Dad and Uncle.
I'm 36 yrs old and make an average $85K
per Year. Sure it's a shitty job and I work with
lead, get doused with shit, and work sometimes
in the middle of the night. But WHO ELSE do you
know can get paid $1100 for a 3 hour emergency job
on a saturday night? Colldge education? Pfhblttt!
I think schools should care about a good education, especially if they have a small percent of graduating students.
you'll get through it tiger. we're here for ya.
Bankers make millions in a day

So much for college education, amirite?
>university of Toronto
Here we go. Shitty middling canadian public schools from ontario and quebec in their small circle of irelevence
>teaching means anything
You must really go to a shit school if they're "teaching focused"

It means they cant compete with their peers in research.
>mfw i agree with OP and sympathize with professors but don't have much of a choice
Seems like an angry TA
u hirin?
Your grammar and spelling is cancerous.
I'm just extremely tired from dealing with students all day.

I hate it.
you'll be surprised what typing on a tiny netboomk keyboard does to you
You're probabily better then 90% of the undergrads will be once they graduate.

And you're not in debt like they are.
Strange, many of my professors were internationally renowned in their fields. They seemed to love teaching undergrads. One of them let me go through a draft copy of their new book and secured me a speaking slot at a big academic conference next year.
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>Go to Georgetown
>One of my classes is taught by Madeleine Albright
>mfw OP's post

Your university sucks OP.
>OP teaches at scumbag University
>Hates job, and takes out frustration on undergads
>MFW I have lecturers who have won awards for innovation in teaching to Undergrads because they care

>MFW I realise he must be American, oops.
At our city's university Professors get fired for neglecting their teaching duties (ie not being there for office hours, not grading papers and returning them on time etc etc), and the school can afford to do this because there is an incredible over-abundance of professors, people who got a degree in mathematics or chemistry or a social "science" but then didn't manage to get a job in their field and went back to uni to learn teaching

Yet the top priority for the school for the 2011-2020 decade is "student retention"

So yeah, the school prioritizes students well above professors. Despite the fact that yours may be a "research" university, very very very little research actually goes in withing the university walls or by university professors. Rice University itself is a good example of this (in my hometown). Most of the research is actually in partnership with businesses or government entities (like NASA) who have
Better scientists
Better labs
More money
So in the end, professors at "research" institutes do almost no actual research outside number crunching for the big boys, a job that could just as easily be outsourced to Indians

End of story, if you're buttmad about being a professor at a university, maybe you should have actually gone and done something with your life, entered the private sector or worked for a government agency. Don't complain when the university then has you teaching shitheads, because to them you're a shithead yourself. And while those shitheads you're teaching will, in 10 or 20 years hopefully have private sector jobs so they can give big money to their university, you are nothing more than a drain on university resources.

Love. the private sector
cant speak for ever school obviously, but in general

They're called adjuncts

> shitty middling

herp derp. Is your school ranked higher than mine? If not, you should shut the fuck up. Our engineering program is ranked even higher. It's in the top 20 in the world. I'm halfway through my coop and am practically guaranteed a job in a dynamic, challenging, lucrative and most of all, FUN industry (I'm doing my co-op at AMD, workin on the vid card that's gonna be in the next PlayStation (inb4 nVidia fanbois))
Wtf? Why kind of insame place dosent have tenure?
Looks like OP is one of those angry redneckfags

Hello my fellow tradesman. HVAC Technician here.
Live in Northern Fla. Part of a 4-man HVAC service
company servicing the N-Fla/S-GA region. Work bkd'
up 5 days already (5 day leadtime) Broken AC, ice-
makers, chillers, computer room AC etc. Got work
comming out my ass 4-6 new calls per day. I avg
about $67K/Yr and like yourself never put a day in
college no degree but I do go to occasional HVAC
refresher courses at the college or by the mfgrs.
Plenty of work no recession here. Just try living
in Florida or Georgia WITHOUT Air Conditioning!
When their HVAC breaks the pay me extra to come
out an fix it gladly. College degree? Couldn't care
less. Don't need it age 47 own my own home and
2 cars 1 truck Ford F-250 all paid for.
yup, sounds like the typical deluded candian we all make fun of so often.

Really, when anyone hears ontario or quebec, its automatically trash.
Tenured profs can lose their tenure bro
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Forgot pic

Aww, how sweet! Your daddy paid for your education at a big-name school! I bet you feel special ♥
Go to a non-shitty, elite private school. I have yet to have a 3 hour class be taught by a grad student. A few that had subbed for a professor, but not primarily taught by them.

u jus jelly cuz muh employment

have fun livin with mommadukes
only in extraordinary circumstances.

How the hell do they retain top talent if they actually force them to deal with teaching all the time?

>mfw I graduated last year and only like 2 classes out of all 4 years were taught by anyone other than professors

OP just mad because he's at a shit-tier college.
Like I said, they don't NEED top talent

The uni makes the majority of its cash on
Doing number crunching for the government or the private sector
Students giving back to the university

The private sector already HAS all the top talent, there is simply no reason to care about the dregs that reside within the university system
I definitely know that feeling from one professor who teaches me.

A few of the others, however, really seem interested, to the point where 1hour lessons go on for 2-3 as he goes on a massive tangent deriving all these interesting results.

Some people actually enjoy teaching you know

Actually, my dad kicked me out when I was 15. I spent two years addicted to weed (still getting 80s in school without coming to class, though) until I went to rehab and got clean. I got all 95%+ in final year and I'm on three scholarships, including the Queen's grant.

try harder

Your school?
>Go to University
>Professors all over my dick because I actually know a thing or two and can converse with them on a non-mouthbreather level

Feels fucking good, man. I feel like I light up their goddamn day.
They are some that are genuinely nice, and care.

They also dont work us to death.

But its few and far in between,
At the risk of sounding like I'm trolling, you sound awfully upset. I'm not an undergrad anymore, but I've also never thought I was hot shit, either. Only completely elitist assholes think undergraduate degrees matter - most of us grow out of that illusion by sophomore year or junior year at the latest.

What interests me is that you know PhDs hate teaching undergraduate courses. This isn't surprising given the level of knowledge they command, and the relative lack thereof they are expected to deal with by teaching sub-400 level coursework. I personally think it's best to have post-grads teach, but finding enough who willingly want to do so can be frustrating - not everyone wants to teach. There's a significant amount of red tape and political nonsense involved in teaching, so it's not hard to understand, in my opinion.
>I spent two years addicted to weed

I don't know, I go to university of cambridge, and it seems the majority of people are enthusiastic about it.

Though they are mostly PhD students who probably love their £30 an hour teaching monies
I should have evolved into a graduate student the second I left the womb

I'm sorry OP
Several, but I'm not saying anything more because like fuck do I want any of you assholes to know what college I go to.

My professors were/are fantastic you're just upset you have a bunch of jackoffs who can't be bothered to give a shit about their students.
>be from New Zealand
>pay less than 10k tuition for classes entirely taught by professors or lecturers with phd and publications
>can get $270/week student allowance
>still a top 200 university
not jelly of any of your North American degrees at all.
Just fustrated, is all. We have a lot of said entitled assholes at our school.

400+ person lectures are terrible to deal with.

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