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So I was talking to a friends little girl and she said she wanted to be President someday. Both of her parents, Liberal Democrats, were standing there , so I asked her "If you were President, what's the first thing you would do?"

She replied, "I'd give food and homes to all the homeless people!" Her parents were beaming with pride.

"Wow- what a worthy goal!" I told her, "Of course you don't have to wait until you're President to do that. Just come over to my house tomorrow. You can mow my lawn, pull weeds and sweep my sidewalks and driveway, and then I will pay you $100. Then I can take you to the grocery store where the homeless guy hangs out and you can give him the money to buy food or a place to live." The little girl then thought for a moment, then looked at me straight in the eye and asked, "Why dosen't the homeless guy just come over and do the work himself, then you can pay him the $100?"

I said, "Welcome to the Republican Party."
Fucking lol'd
so fahnny joke

>it makes a good point, though
>i posted it again

Posted from my Ipad
Shit you found in your inbox, the thread
The little girl then thought for a moment, then looked at me straight in the eye and asked, "Why dosen't the homeless guy just come over and do the work himself, then you can pay him the $100?"

I said, "Because I don't hire homeless people, they're icky and dangerous."
Sean Hannity must have an IQ of about 80. I would murder him if I knew I'd get away wit it.
First time was a picture of reagan and eisenhower lol'ing
>fake true story
>hilariously simplistic strawman of the argument for social programs
>implying republicans don't love giving money to people who really don't deserve it

it's got it all!
>implying republicans don't love giving money to people who really don't deserve it

This. Liberals ceded financial power to the Federal Reserve, conservatives to the FBI and CIA. It's not who spends the pork and who doesn't, it's what pork each like to spend money on.

>disregard legit argument as "strawman"

do you even know what it means, libtard?
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>legit argument
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The little girl looked me straight in the eye and asked, "Why don't you just give the $100 to the homeless man right now, you heartless greedy Nazi?"

I hear her parents have already signed her up to vote Democrat. Three times.
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>MFW a true capitalist would just hire an illegal immigrant to mow his lawn, pull weeds, and sweep his sidewalks and driveway for $20.

A real capitalist doesn't support protectionism OP and that's all border laws are. Protectionism for lazy workers who don't want to compete.
>The little girl looked me straight in the eye and asked, "Why don't you just give the $100 to the homeless man right now, you heartless greedy Nazi?"

>I hear her parents have already signed her up to vote Democrat. Three times.

The little girl looked me straight in the eye and asked, "I'm a little girl with no muscle mass on my scrawny bones and you want me to do hard, physical labor and then pay me barely minimum wage? Typical Republican."

>implying libtards dont support tons of social federal programs
>$100 for mowing a small suburban lawn, sweeping, and pulling a few weeds
>minimum wage

inbr "well it's clear that the guy in the OP lives in the country and has a 5-acre lawn"

Typical lazy Demspawn.
Democrats want people to be poor because if poor people had money then they'd be republicans since they would want to protect that money.
Or is employing a prepubescent girl with less than a quarter the work capacity of an illegal immigrant and thus would take much longer to finish the job and thus would be paid more due to her relative inability to work.

Productivity only helps the company, not the worker.
wtf hannity isnt that bad

o'reilly, beck, gutfeld, that one blonde loud bitch. they are all detestable walking piles of logical fallacies. but hannity is a pretty cool dude. mid-tier pundit at worst. he's no john stossel or judge neplitano, but he aint bad
Excuse me have you even WATCHED hannity? He literally refers to Obama as "the annointed one" in a mocking tone and blatantly insults him at least twice per show. O'reilly may be an out of touch old man but at least he never out and out insults the President of the United States like hannity does. I have a minimal level of respect for Bill, but not a whit for Sean.
If I were President of the US, I'd smoke we'd erryday and prank call different world leaders. And then I'd run a chatroullete room for /pol/ of me talking to regular schlubs, and then I'd order some Chinese. Awwww Yeeeeeah.
A true capitalist would deport every single illegal or questionably legal immigrant working a shit-tier job with no education, lower or abolish minimum wage, a find some means to incentivize the unemployed/un-hirable to fill those jobs
if mocking obama makes him bad then all of media should be shut down for the bush years.
A true capitalist would move their lawn to China or Mexico because patriotism is not free market material.
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Forcing other people give up their money under the threat of violence is somehow noble and "enlightened".

>muh moral highground
>my empathy
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>Deporting a willing cheap labor force.
Oh look it's another statist, when will you abandon your ways and embrace free trade?
Show me a youtube of any anchor mocking Bush how Hannity mocks Obama on a daily basis and I'll consider myself wrong.

Keep in mind Hannity has implied Obama has committed treason and has hosted on at least 3 occasions that I saw, birthers who claim Obama is not a legitimate President and should be impeached and tried for a capital offense.
It's like how conservatives give more money to secular causes and much more money overall to charity than liberals. Then conservatives get berated about how they're not compassionate with other people's money enough.

you cant appeal to the mind of a libtard using logic and facts. its all bushs fault


>pinheads everywhere

>imma let you finish but wait, commercial break
Oh look, someone posting Mari-chan.

I love Mari-chan. Carry on.
>(if it supports socialism)
this is what liberals actually believe, they'll throw you in the gulag, be careful

>giving to churches

Pick one

Why is it wrong to say things which are Bush's fault are bush's fault?
Notice how I said more money to secular causes. Churches aren't secular.
Well played OP, this thread though will be nuked by butthurt commies and libturds (same shit most of the time)

Free-market right wing conservative with a hint of authocracy reporting in. fuck the reds
The person I was speaking to merely stated that left-leaning media also insulted Bush, and I replied that no pundit mocked a President (including Bush) as much as Hannity has, and that Hannity is a tasteless hack full of bile and writhing darkness.
It's not, but don't complain when conservatives hold barack obama up to the same lens

dems had full control of everything from 2008-2010

Can I see your sauce? In case I ever want to repeat that

>Full control

>The most fillibusters. EVER.
>republican presidency and congress for 8 years
>muh freedoms
>democrat control for 2 years

Factor out charity to churches; as a percentage of income, conservatives still give more to secular causes than liberals.

No matter how you try to slice it, bottom line is that conservatives are more generous than liberals.
1. Yes they did
What about the massive debacle over president bush's past drug use? It was never even confirmed and yet the liberal media castrated him over it

President obama is on camera, in print, and on the air dozens of times saying he "did blow in college whenever i could afford it", along with any other drugs he could get his hands on. And nobody gave him even a little bit of shit

Or how he spent all of his youth with marxists, by his own admission
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>5 years later, blame Bush for everything.

its getting to the point where that excuse isnt going to work anymore.
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Dems had 60 votes in the senate for about 60 months, not really enough time to do anything.

After they lost Massachusetts, the Republicans basically held hostage all 3 branches of the government hostage, none of which they controlled, with the fillibuster, and made governance next to impossible.
Or more gullible because grandma and grandpa just love signing up to give to those veterans organizations money every month so they can go to heaven.
Oh shit, Sean's on right now.

pardon, 6 months
>He literally refers to Obama as "the annointed one" in a mocking tone and blatantly insults him at least twice per show.

A pundit mocking a sitting President. Why I never.
>by his own admission

Hence the no story. You realize the coverup is always worse than the crime, right? Obama didn't cover up. Also, don't tell me right-wing media didn't castrate Obama over drug use. Fuck, they still talk about whether or not he actually quit smoking.
> free trade

Yes because that's worked out wonderfully so far hasn't it? Oh, only for a small group of people who already had a lot of money to begin with? Damn, guess it didn't work as well as we thought.

Why not? Blaming the Bush administration for the mess America is trying to pull itself out of is entirely accurate

No surprise. Liberals are some of the cheapest people you can find. They are usually bad tippers and donate very little of thier time or treasure to charity. They really feel as though thier heart felt sympathy is quite enough and that other people should pay through taxation, but heaven forbid, not them.
>wealthier people saying they can't afford to give
Guilty of this.

I used that excuse when I was a student.
I still use it even though I earn much more now.
I even catch myself looking for reasons not to give to a particular charity, e.g. if they discriminate against LGBT people.

Hey. Hey. Shithead.

I didn't say a fucking thing about bush. I said that those two years recorded the most fillibusters ever in Congress. A fact.

Has fuckall to do with Bush.
I know it is an old joke, but it fits this thread so well.

The difference between Republicans & Democrats

A Republican and a Democrat were walking down the street when they came to a homeless person.

The republican gave the homeless person his business card and told him come to his business for a job. He then took twenty dollars out of his pocket and gave it to the homeless person.

The Democrat was very impressed, and when they came to another homeless person, He decided to help. He walked over to the homeless person and gave him directions to the welfare office. He then reached into the Republicans pocket and gave him fifty dollars.
Consider the following:

The richer someone is, the more likely they are to be conservative.

The richer someone is, the more likely they are to give to charity to dodge tax burden.

Hence, conservatives are more likely to donate simply to dodge taxes while liberals give out of the goodness of the heart.

Simple logic.
Would that there were enough jobs available for everyone.

Heres a better one though

The difference between Republicans & Democrats

A Republican and a Democrat were walking down the street when they came to a homeless person.

The democrat gave the homeless person his business card and told him come to his business for a job. He then took twenty dollars out of his pocket and gave it to the homeless person.

The republican was very impressed, and when they came to another homeless person, He decided to help. He walked over to the homeless person and gave him directions to the welfare office. He then reached into the democrats pocket and gave him fifty dollars.
>giving to charity is dodging taxes
exercising choice in how one's money goes back to help society is evil in the eyes of liberals
I know it is an old joke, but it fits this thread so well.

The difference between Republicans & Democrats

A Republican and a Democrat were walking down the street when they came to a black homeless person.

The republican spat on him, called him a nigger, and then bought a thousand dollars worth of cocaine.

The Democrat was very impressed, and also spent a thousand dollars on cocaine and joined the republican because everyone hates the homeless.
I don't get it. You just swapped Republican and Democrat in it.
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All republicans are basically treasonous traitors anyways. What's a little tax evasion on top of it?
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anti-tax is codeword for pro-treason
Can't handle basic facts?

Except on average, Democrats are richer than Republicans.
Exactly, this man gets it.

UK version

The difference between Labour and the Tories

A Labourite and a Tory were walking down the street when they came to a homeless person.

The Tory told him to get on a bike and look for work, despite there being no jobs available.

The Labourite borrowed some money in the taxpayer's name (never considering how it would be repaid) and told him the Tories wouldn't give him any more if they won the next election.
No duh, republicans are too stupid to do math so they donate too much money to charity and end up poor, while democrats give out of pure kindness and the invisible hand of the free market rewards them with wealth.
Nope. Registered Democrats make on average 5% more income than registered Republicans. Registered Republicans still give more money to secular charities
What a piss poor troll.
Rather than give them an invisible hand, what we really do is give them a handout. And by giving them those handouts, we keep them in a position where they are need to keep coming back to us to get more handouts, resulting in them never getting out of the ruts they are in. That's how we do it in the Democratic party. We keep them down where they belong. They need us, and are obligated to vote for us to keep the welfare state going. That way we keep them where they belong, not taking our jobs away from us. We know what we're doing. The Republicans just don't get that. They want to get them off welfare and make them work. That would actually hurt us if we had to share the jobs with them. So vote Democratic, keep the poor where they belong, indebted to us for welfare. That way we keep them out of our workplace, and make ourselves look good by supporting them. Works out really well for everybody. The stupid Republicans jsut don't get it. They just give a lot more to the charities, which doesn't keep the poor and homeless in line, where we need them.

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