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    American Censorship Day: November 16, 2011
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    File : 1321439211.jpg-(4 KB, 130x176, australian-labor-party[1].jpg)
    4 KB Anonymous 11/16/11(Wed)05:26 No.324101  
    >Lowering of Personal taxes
    >Cutting social programs
    >No aims for social progress(gay marriage, euthanasia, weed, etc)
    >No talk of reducing military activity
    >Wanting to further strengthen alliances with the US
    >Pro Israel
    >Now talk of selling uranium to India "to fund energy"
    Piss off they're going to build Nukes

    Why do Australians vote when both their parties are right wing
    >> Anonymous 11/16/11(Wed)05:30 No.324131
    List of Left things their doing:
    Mining Tax

    Pretty good Left wing party
    >> Anonymous 11/16/11(Wed)05:32 No.324141
    >Now talk of selling uranium to India "to fund energy"
    >Piss off they're going to build Nukes

    They already have nukes.
    >> Anonymous 11/16/11(Wed)05:33 No.324147
    And they're going to build more to scare the shit out of Pakistan
    >> Anonymous 11/16/11(Wed)05:35 No.324163
         File1321439751.jpg-(95 KB, 639x366, jgill-lib.jpg)
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    >> sage sage 11/16/11(Wed)05:36 No.324168
    >Lowering of Personal taxes
    Good for everyone but welfare queens. Suck it up bludger.
    >Cutting social programs
    Good for everyone but welfare queens. Suck it up bludger.
    >No aims for social progress(gay marriage, euthanasia, weed, etc)
    "Social Progress", I think you mean opinions.
    Since they removed Nauru at least 100 people have know to have drowned trying to take a boat to Australia. How proud are you of that?
    >No talk of reducing military activity
    Why the fuck would you reduce military activity with China and India expanding so rapidly?
    >Wanting to further strengthen alliances with the US
    Yeah lets instead make an alliance with China. I heard they love democracy over there.
    >Pro Israel
    >Now talk of selling uranium to India "to fund energy"
    >Piss off they're going to build Nukes
    They already have nukes, they can already build as many as they want with uranium from the US or other countries. The only difference is we can make the profit instead of another country.

    >Why do Australians vote when both their parties are right

    Feel free to move to Cuba.
    >> Anonymous 11/16/11(Wed)05:38 No.324174
    >why do australians vote when their parties are both right wing
    >why do australians vote
    its compolsery here you jackass
    >> Anonymous 11/16/11(Wed)05:38 No.324177

    >> FoxyFascist !Xgl.F7HjfI 11/16/11(Wed)05:38 No.324180
    >Lowering of Personal Taxes
    - Carbon Tax and Mining Tax
    >Cutting Social Programs
    >No aims for social progress
    - Except Multiculturalism
    - ....
    >No talk of reducing military activity
    - We hardly have a military to reduce
    >Wanting to further strengthen alliances with the US
    - Yeah okay
    >Pro Israel
    - Pro America = Pro Israel, but yeah okay
    >Now talk of selling uranium to India 'to fund energy"
    - Won't use Nuclear energy in our own country in order to greatly reduce the cost of electricity in the long term because exhorberant electricity bills are a GREAT way to make money

    You're right and wrong, but Labor are still a pack of Commies hellbent on selling this country to anyone who's willing to give it to it up the arse.

    But you're right, both parties are shit house, but I'd rather have the LNP in power than Labor.. And I think it's very important that we end this whole LNP v.s Labor-Green block, as we're ending up like the US, and the US is shit house, need some more Political diversity in Parliament...

    Bring on One Nation.
    >> Anonymous 11/16/11(Wed)05:38 No.324182
         File1321439930.jpg-(29 KB, 246x245, 1306650181102.jpg)
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    What's up your ass
    >> Anonymous 11/16/11(Wed)05:39 No.324184
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    You shouldn't be here. 4chan is an 18+-only board.
    >> Anonymous 11/16/11(Wed)05:42 No.324205
    >need some more Political diversity in Parliament...

    There's quite a bit actually, it's just that 99 per cent of the electorate are convinced they only have two options. This stems from their ignorance of how preferential voting and the Single Transferable Vote actually work.
    >> Anonymous 11/16/11(Wed)05:43 No.324207
    >supports israel
    >thinks being gay or terminally ill is an opinion, or choice
    >> Anonymous 11/16/11(Wed)05:47 No.324245
         File1321440475.jpg-(12 KB, 177x236, omg.jpg)
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    like omagawd youse know nothing
    >> Anonymous 11/16/11(Wed)05:48 No.324250
    Most people think you vote for the Prime Minister.
    >> Anonymous 11/16/11(Wed)05:49 No.324256

    >supports israel
    I don't support either, but jews are better than mudslimes and will win out in the end. Deal with it.

    >thinks being gay or terminally ill is an opinion, or choice
    You are so incredibly stupid I actually thought you were trolling me for a second, but I think you are being serious, which is worse.

    The words "social progress" just sum up so well why the left ideology is so dangerous to our world.
    >> Anonymous 11/16/11(Wed)05:52 No.324283
         File1321440768.jpg-(93 KB, 436x500, 4925859088_cab0ff2913_z.jpg)
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    >Why do Australians vote when both their parties
    >both their parties
    >> Anonymous 11/16/11(Wed)05:54 No.324297
    The Australian party is the re visioned Liberal party
    >> Anonymous 11/16/11(Wed)05:56 No.324322
    >Why do Australians vote when both their parties are centrist

    >> Anonymous 11/16/11(Wed)06:01 No.324355
    because if you are registered to vote, and you don't, you get fined...

    although you are only fined if you don't show up.. You can always just write 'DAZZA'S A CUNT' on the ballot.
    >> Anonymous 11/16/11(Wed)06:04 No.324369
    >Why the fuck would you reduce military activity with China and India expanding so rapidly?
    Because China and India hate each other. Neither can attack us while the other still exists.
    >> Anonymous 11/16/11(Wed)06:04 No.324371
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    there's always an alternative
    >> Anonymous 11/16/11(Wed)06:08 No.324388
    The goal of the military isn't just to fucking fight you fucking ignorant cunt.

    It's about countering their INFLUENCE. Not fucking attack them.

    China recently tried to build a fucking SPY RADAR on East Timor.

    The ET went to Australia and the US and after consulting with us, declined the offer.
    >> Anonymous 11/16/11(Wed)06:10 No.324400
    >China recently tried to build a fucking SPY RADAR on East Timor.
    And? So what? Last time that I checked, Australia wasn't East Timor.
    Peace, commerce and honest friendship with all nations; entangling alliances with none.
    >> Anonymous 11/16/11(Wed)06:11 No.324407
         File1321441916.png-(32 KB, 454x374, pollytrendlargenov8.png)
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    fuck year, we're coming back
    >> Anonymous 11/16/11(Wed)06:12 No.324410
         File1321441938.jpg-(30 KB, 416x582, John-Howard.jpg)
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    they're also meant for securing natural gas reser.... I mean peace keeping in E.Timor.
    The military are a versatile bunch
    >> Anonymous 11/16/11(Wed)06:12 No.324411
    Australian politics has been shit since the early 90s.

    As soon as Keating left nobody has had the balls to do any social reforms at all, pretty much.

    Labour as it is now pisses me off though. Climate taxes that do nothing, doing deals with Greens and their crazy policies, copying Liberal economic ideals and policies, immigration policies not only as restricted as the Liberals but even more incompetent

    Totally blase approach economically. Wayne Swan = Peter Costello, neither had any bright ideas (Costello was a little better at concealing this). Almost no intention of introducing gay civil unions, drug harm minimization approaches, dealing with homelessness etc

    Total indifference to our demographics problems which will put the country in permanent deficit within 10 years. Basically unavoidably.

    Barely even attempting alternative energy and R+D. Our non-mining economy is far behind mining, in what has become a 2-speed economy. Taxing mining is a good idea but only if we can actually get the rest of our economy up to speed

    Productivity losses in Australia have cost the Aussie economy 10s of billions of $ since the 70s and not even the Hawke/Keating reforms had any real impact on it. Slothful, weak economy. Barely competitive in the 21st century world

    Fucking Australia. It's good but I swear it's on a bad course now unless we get some real leadership again
    >> Anonymous 11/16/11(Wed)06:14 No.324428
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    >> Anonymous 11/16/11(Wed)06:18 No.324450
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    >> Anonymous 11/16/11(Wed)06:19 No.324458
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    Not likely faggot! How's the party room treating ya?
    >> Anonymous 11/16/11(Wed)06:20 No.324463
    God damn you are fucking moronic. Obviously the radar would look across SE Asia and Australia. I just have to assume you are trolling. No one can be as stupid and ignorant as you.

    Yeah, exactly, another valid reason for the military.
    Along with disaster relief.
    >> Anonymous 11/16/11(Wed)06:21 No.324466
    I like that Turnbull has business experience, but he's no Keating or Whitlam, or Menzies

    Abbot is deluded though, if he thinks people genuinely like him and don't just despise Labor. The Liberals need to get rid of half their old ministers and get some energy again, or they'll only ever be the lesser of two evils. And that's not really a healthy condition for a democratic system to be in, because apathy slowly kills
    >> Anonymous 11/16/11(Wed)06:22 No.324473

    Turnbull is a slug. He would have voted for climate change tax if it wasn't for Abbott.
    >> Anonymous 11/16/11(Wed)06:23 No.324478
    >Implying the carbon tax is bad
    >> Anonymous 11/16/11(Wed)06:24 No.324480

    Australia has no nuclear weapons we're under Americas nuclear umbrella which is why we suck their dick so much


    I'd fuck her
    >> Anonymous 11/16/11(Wed)06:25 No.324489
    Last time that I checked, simply looking at a Country was not an Act of War.
    >> Anonymous 11/16/11(Wed)06:25 No.324490

    You're a fucking idiot if you think it's good. Herp Derp.
    >> Lazarus with a Tripple Bypass 11/16/11(Wed)06:25 No.324492

    Spying on a country is a pretty good indication that you're scoping out their defenses.
    >> Anonymous 11/16/11(Wed)06:26 No.324494
    I'm out. You got me. Congratulations.
    >> Anonymous 11/16/11(Wed)06:26 No.324496
         File1321442781.jpg-(12 KB, 316x237, 432421.jpg)
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    come get me handsome....
    >> Anonymous 11/16/11(Wed)06:26 No.324500

    You're a fucking idiot if you think it's bad. Herp Derp.
    >> Anonymous 11/16/11(Wed)06:29 No.324513
    >Lowering of Personal taxes
    >Cutting social programs
    >No aims for social progress(gay marriage, euthanasia, weed, etc)
    but they are bad anyway
    >No talk of reducing military activity
    smart due to having to protect the entire fucking continent
    >Wanting to further strengthen alliances with the US
    well duh they are only the biggest economy in the world at the moment
    >Pro Israel
    >Now talk of selling uranium to India "to fund energy"
    what is so bad about that?
    >> Anonymous 11/16/11(Wed)06:29 No.324514

    Fuck off cunt. Explain how it's good? You stupid fuck up. Hurr Durr try being in the mining business and listening to the bosses talk about cutting whole divisions because of it you monkey fuck with your ass full of sperm.
    >> Anonymous 11/16/11(Wed)06:30 No.324517

    I'd fuck her too I'd fuck her and gillard at the same time while abbort and howard cum all over us and I wipe turnbells ass with wongs face
    >> Anonymous 11/16/11(Wed)06:30 No.324520
    Agree. The ALP is right-wing as shit now. Is it too much to ask for a politician that isn't the fucking reincarnation of Hitler? not to mention the general public which is uninformed and deluded as fuck thanks to corporate mass media horseshit. The Greens are the only left-wing option, and they're not anti-capitalists. If the public wisens the fuck up we might not be so fucked, but I doubt it. The corporate-state conglomerate has us by the balls.
    >> Anonymous 11/16/11(Wed)06:31 No.324524

    You forgot to mention Sheeple.
    >> Anonymous 11/16/11(Wed)06:32 No.324529
    >Not voting the australian sex party
    >> Anonymous 11/16/11(Wed)06:33 No.324532
    >Lowering of Personal taxes
    This is good.
    >Cutting social programs
    Time to get a job, huh?
    >No aims for social progress(gay marriage, euthanasia, weed, etc)
    Gay marriage is disgusting. Euthanasia should be an option for people aware that they are useless and want to end themselves peacefully.
    Very good.
    >No talk of reducing military activity
    >Wanting to further strengthen alliances with the US
    You're either with us, or against us.
    >> Anonymous 11/16/11(Wed)06:33 No.324534
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    >> Anonymous 11/16/11(Wed)06:34 No.324538
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    Fuck off you Nazi cunt. What's with all these fucking retard nationalists coming out of the woodwork? Fuck off deadshit.
    >> Anonymous 11/16/11(Wed)06:34 No.324540

    >The ALP is right-wing as shit now.

    Imposing Carbon Tax on all Australians TAX TAX big business. Yeah fuck off hippie.
    >> Anonymous 11/16/11(Wed)06:35 No.324547
    Oh, I understand who you are now.
    >> Anonymous 11/16/11(Wed)06:36 No.324550
    >>324540 A fucking token carbon tax that won't do shit proves nothing, cocksucker. Same with a small tax on excessive huge profits. Go fuck yourself you brain dead right-wing idiot.
    >> Anonymous 11/16/11(Wed)06:37 No.324557
         File1321443438.jpg-(935 KB, 1320x851, tomorrow-when-the-war-began-fi(...).jpg)
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    Last time that I checked, scoping out defenses was not an Act of War either.

    Plus even if they did invade, it's not the end of the world. You can always grab a rifle and join a sexy militia.
    >> Anonymous 11/16/11(Wed)06:38 No.324559
    Since when do we care about Pakistan?
    >> Anonymous 11/16/11(Wed)06:38 No.324560
         File1321443511.png-(26 KB, 684x553, 1284865718493.png)
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    No, he's right

    70%+ comes from Volcanos and natural sources we can do shit about anyway

    Meanwhile the US, India and China do fuck all

    Pic related
    >> Anonymous 11/16/11(Wed)06:39 No.324564
         File1321443559.png-(80 KB, 800x406, Commonwealth.png)
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    >Piss off they're going to build Nukes
    India and Australia are Commonwealth Bros
    >> Anonymous 11/16/11(Wed)06:39 No.324566
    We should just round up all the right-wing dumbshits and deport them. Solve most of our problems. Dumb rural fucks have been holding societies back for centuries.
    >> Anonymous 11/16/11(Wed)06:40 No.324570

    >> Anonymous 11/16/11(Wed)06:40 No.324573
    Fucking redneck trash we need the carbon tax or polar bears will drown :(
    >> Anonymous 11/16/11(Wed)06:40 No.324576
    Maybe we can see what happens in Europe with things like immigration and carbon scams.

    Unfortunately I've lost the article about the UK's green effort but it was amazing. Whole sectors trashed. Power prices through the roof. Things like electric car grants resulted in there being 1400~ electric cars sold during an entire year.
    All offshored to China.

    Immigration is self evident.
    You can take the nigger out of Africa but you can't take Africa out of the nigger.
    >> Anonymous 11/16/11(Wed)06:40 No.324579
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    Meanwhile, on every golf course
    >> Anonymous 11/16/11(Wed)06:42 No.324587

    It won't do anything? Not for the environment no you stupid dumb cunt.

    But it is what you fucking retards like best isn't it? TAX TAX TAX. It's a tax on big business you stupid faggot that's why personal tax is getting lowered. It's taking wealth away from big business taxing them to generate revenue and compensating the people for it who won't pay as much.

    Go suck governments cock bitch it's what you love big ineffective government controlling the people. Unemployed mooch.
    >> Anonymous 11/16/11(Wed)06:42 No.324588
    fucking nazi scum like you need to be sent back to Britain
    >> Anonymous 11/16/11(Wed)06:43 No.324591
    I never realized how tiny our carbon output is
    >> Anonymous 11/16/11(Wed)06:43 No.324595
         File1321443832.jpg-(89 KB, 466x700, Joe-Hockey-derp.jpg)
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    When is Joe Hockey going to run for Prime Minister?
    >> Anonymous 11/16/11(Wed)06:43 No.324597

    Go back to Lebanon you fucking shit skin and wait for Israel to bomb you back into the stone age won't take much seeing you're still stuck in the Dark Ages.
    >> Anonymous 11/16/11(Wed)06:43 No.324598

    >> Anonymous 11/16/11(Wed)06:44 No.324600

    Thats not true. While it is true that naturally emitted Co2 far outstrips human induced Co2, Humans still emit far more per anum than volcanoes.
    >> Anonymous 11/16/11(Wed)06:45 No.324608
    We have a sub 30 million population

    Every country should keep a low population, the planet can't support 7 billion people, we should take steps to take it down to 2 or 3 billion max
    >> Anonymous 11/16/11(Wed)06:46 No.324620

    The world WILL have to switch off of fossil fuels. If you accept the best science we have available to us on the issue, it is inevitable.

    The countries that got ahead of the curve in renewable sources of energy will be better off than those who drag their feet, and find themselves having to make a sudden and dramatic shift some time in the future.
    >> Anonymous 11/16/11(Wed)06:47 No.324623
         File1321444043.jpg-(16 KB, 400x261, volcanicco2smaller.jpg)
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    >Humans still emit far more per anum than volcanoes.

    NOPE, that's a total myth with no supporting evidence at all
    >> Anonymous 11/16/11(Wed)06:47 No.324627

    >renewable sources of energy

    and the carbon tax is helping us do that how? Is it funding a nuclear power plant? Whats it doing?
    >> Anonymous 11/16/11(Wed)06:50 No.324639
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    >> Anonymous 11/16/11(Wed)06:52 No.324651

    Sigh. Because as a market based mechanism, it will be both more profitable for electricity producers to invest in and build renewable projects (as emitting carbon will cost them 27$ per ton to begin with) and cheaper for consumers to choose renewable options over coal based ones.
    >> Anonymous 11/16/11(Wed)06:56 No.324671

    >real leadership
    >keating, whitlam and menzies

    Are you trying to troll or do you really believe this shit?
    >> Anonymous 11/16/11(Wed)06:57 No.324673
    Mate, did you see the fucking chart?

    Australia is like <1% of output. Why the fuck should we do shit before America, China and India who make 20 times the difference each even with small measures?

    It's a fucking retarded tax and it'll cost the the election. Sorry, I really want us to do more for alternative energy too, but it's just the truth
    >> Anonymous 11/16/11(Wed)06:57 No.324675
    >survive economic downturn
    >destroy own economy with retarded tax
    Keep going Australia, others will make good use of it.
    >> ImplyingImplications !!maaS/hB0pVp 11/16/11(Wed)06:57 No.324679
    >cant support
    7 billion

    False, the earth can support 5 times that at present levels of technology, third world "leaders" just need to stop stealing from their people.
    >> Anonymous 11/16/11(Wed)06:59 No.324688

    >electricity producers to invest in and build renewable projects (as emitting carbon will cost them 27$ per ton to begin with

    >thinks companies pay tax.

    No company pays tax old son it just passes it onto the consumer. Which will be the case here sure they will build some projects but a majority of it will just be passed on. $9 a week min increase is what it is going to cost and the cost will never ever go down it will only go higher.

    >cheaper for consumers to choose renewable options over coal based ones.

    >implying people can afford solar panels the only option available to consumers.

    Even paying back to the grid only breaks even after years and years. For the increasingly squeezed and taxed Middle Class this will fast become an option no longer available, with low income earners never having a chance.
    >> Anonymous 11/16/11(Wed)07:01 No.324696
    I want a party that advocates putting down(they're not people) all the abos and deporting all the arab shitskins back to lebanon.

    They're both a net drain on our society and economy, and we'd be better off without them.
    >> Anonymous 11/16/11(Wed)07:02 No.324704
    We are going to destroy the environment, kill the planet, and then die.

    or run out of natural resources very fast
    >> Anonymous 11/16/11(Wed)07:03 No.324709

    Like everyone in australia
    >> Anonymous 11/16/11(Wed)07:03 No.324713
    When QLD removed the fuel subsidy the price of petrol went up by the subsidy+2c.

    Prove this won't happen with the carbon tax leftards?
    >> Anonymous 11/16/11(Wed)07:05 No.324722

    You're right, Australia's emissions are inconsequential, although we should reduce them over time.

    But for us It's less about reducing emissions than it is about pre empting the global shift off of fossil fuels that must and will come, so we don't experience enormous economic shock later.
    >> Anonymous 11/16/11(Wed)07:06 No.324725

    prove that it will
    >> Anonymous 11/16/11(Wed)07:06 No.324728

    Do you have anything other than sensationalist scaremongering?
    >> Anonymous 11/16/11(Wed)07:07 No.324731
    >Since they removed Nauru at least 100 people have know to have drowned trying to take a boat to Australia. How proud are you of that?

    Because HEY GUESS WHAT if people are RETARDED enough to take a tiny boat in the bigass pacific, and poor enough they can't get any other transportation then you don't want them in your country.

    Australia is like if there was no America between Canada and Mexico- just a rich white country and a shitty brown country.

    Australia has Indonesia right there and a bunch of other shitholes around the same area. Either you enforce immigration or in ten year of "open borders" there won't be an Australia left, just Indonesia's southernmost province.
    >> Anonymous 11/16/11(Wed)07:12 No.324753

    Unless you're Aboriginal, your ancestors probably came here on a boat to once. This is a country built on immigration, and if we want to be seen as a key and responsible player on the world stage we need to do our bit and take refugees. No lock them up for years
    >> Anonymous 11/16/11(Wed)07:12 No.324755
    >and if we want to be seen as a key and responsible player on the world stage we need to do our bit and take refugees.
    Complete and utter bullshit.
    >> Anonymous 11/16/11(Wed)07:15 No.324764

    >No lock them up for years

    Those faggot niggers get a nice place to sleep. The get food internet and got knows what else. They live better than a fucking Australian homeless person what do they do though? They chimp out like the niggers they're breaking and wreaking shit acting like just because they land on our country they have a right to live here.

    No fuck that and fuck you.
    >> Anonymous 11/16/11(Wed)07:16 No.324768

    Yeah or we could remove ourselves as a signatory to the refugee convention and be in-line with nice counties like Malaysia
    >> Anonymous 11/16/11(Wed)07:16 No.324769
    >gay marriage
    lol, why should I care?

    How hard is it to kill yourself?

    No one cares

    And I fucking hate labor
    >> Anonymous 11/16/11(Wed)07:18 No.324778

    Implying they didnt as well
    >> Anonymous 11/16/11(Wed)07:20 No.324790

    >your ancestors probably came here on a boat to once.

    Australia was a poor, agrarian country in the middle of nowhere when my ancestors came here.

    >This is a country built on immigration

    Because there were never enough people here to sustain the population. We don't need that now as we have enough people.

    >seen as a key and responsible player on the world stage we need to do our bit and take refugees. No lock them up for years

    No one cares about Australia outside of Australia! Incredible, I know. So we should stop trying to win the approval of people who don't even care about us in the first place.
    >> Anonymous 11/16/11(Wed)07:21 No.324795
    I just did. Companies don't pay tax, they pass it on to consumers.
    I don't get what all the capitals are about. My point was simple: 100+ people died because of Labor's open border policy even though it is touted as more humane. That is all.

    Unlike Japan and South Korea who the entire world hates because they don't accept pavement apes.
    Sure thing kiddo, keep drinking the koolaid.
    >> Anonymous 11/16/11(Wed)07:23 No.324810

    >implying it was pull factors, and not push factors
    >> Anonymous 11/16/11(Wed)07:25 No.324820

    >Companies don't pay tax, they pass it on to consumers.

    And consumers then will gravitate towards cheaper alternatives.

    Oh gee, that means the carbon tax and any other tax is working exactly as it's fucking supposed to.
    >> Anonymous 11/16/11(Wed)07:25 No.324824
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    >push factors
    >> Anonymous 11/16/11(Wed)07:27 No.324831
    >cheaper alternatives
    >necessities and inelastic goods

    This guy, man, dude...he's a funny one.
    >> Anonymous 11/16/11(Wed)07:27 No.324832
    >Yeah or we could remove ourselves as a signatory to the refugee convention and be in-line with nice counties like Malaysia
    >Hitler liked Sugar. Therefore sugar is bad.
    Nice logical fallacy, bro.
    >> Anonymous 11/16/11(Wed)07:27 No.324835
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    >> Anonymous 11/16/11(Wed)07:27 No.324837
    I think it has something to do with voting being compulsory.

    I personally think Australia's got it good because we have the most stable government in the world it seems. Even in a hung parliament with a single seat carrying the balance we get more done than the Americans. We Australian's can't help but prosper and I wouldn't trade the politicians on both sides in our country for any fail politicians in any other country.
    >> Anonymous 11/16/11(Wed)07:27 No.324840

    >implying correlation = causation
    >> Anonymous 11/16/11(Wed)07:29 No.324843

    Compulsory voting is an excellent way to protect democratic institutions. It's a pity more of the world isn't on board with it.
    >> Anonymous 11/16/11(Wed)07:30 No.324849
    No it isn't, Australians are extremely apathetic about politics and therefore know nothing about the parties their voting for, but are forced to vote which means they just vote for whatever their parents voted for. It's very undemocratic.
    >> Anonymous 11/16/11(Wed)07:33 No.324864
    Yes but the apathy is going to be crippling in the long term

    Already social and economic equality has been worsening since the 70s for some of the middle class. We're less egalitarian, work longer hours, are less competitive in non-primary industry. Our demographics are pretty bad, and with white Aussie women managing 1.5 children we'll be an Asian country by ~2050 (I actually don't mind this so long as everyone uses English - It does worry me this might not happen though). Productivity has been slack since the 70s, falling behind trend productivity costing us tens of billions. Social reform has been shit since the 70s, nobody has any balls. The Murray is dying.

    The apathy is just incredible. We're still the "lucky" country in a lot of ways but I'm concerned the long-term future for Australia will not be so sunny. For our grandchildren, at least.
    >> Anonymous 11/16/11(Wed)07:39 No.324897
    you assume we americans care dont you?
    >> Anonymous 11/16/11(Wed)07:41 No.324912
    Glad you agree. Thankfully when Liberals get back in they will re institute the pacific solution.
    >> Anonymous 11/16/11(Wed)07:46 No.324943
         File1321447573.jpg-(33 KB, 500x357, webyourshit.jpg)
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    I love how all the leftist fucktards from australia think they know whats good and whats bad.

    They all advocate for whats been going on for ages here in shitrope (europe). Socialist fucktards do NOTHING to
    curb the ever expanding social welfare costs. Its a good tactic, cause it ensures them a re-election. It also ensures a fucking humongous deficit and in the coming years a debilitating brain drain.

    My own homecountry has almost 60 % of the adult population on welfare, granted a big portion of that is pensioners who get a government pension (which they payed through their taxes).
    The result is a newly elected government where one of the parties advocate for expropriation of the few remaining large companies in the country.
    The result is a raise in welfare spending with the net result that going from welfare to proper job doesnt pay of if the job is just above minimum wage.
    The result is redicilous new taxes on fat content and other crazy shit, resulting in an ever increasing job destruction, most of them even permanent.

    I hate to break it to you, but socialism has NEVER solved any problems, what so ever. Their intentions might be good, but shit doesnt work. I cant fucking wait to get my free masters degree and leave shit shitstain of a country
    >> Anonymous 11/16/11(Wed)07:46 No.324949
    You assume people who are apathetic actually. All you have to do is not register to not get the fine (which is apparently $20), and if you don't register do you really think people are going to chase you up? They don't chase up my mates for not voting, but one of them is a wog and the other is an abo so that might have something to do with it.

    Hell, say you are stupid enough to submit your registration, most people just donkey vote who rock up and don't care anyways. Probably more penises on ballot papers than 1s.

    Compulsory voting works in Australia because people who are 100% apathetic don't skew the votes and if yo even care the slightest bit about who you vote for, you're there to put your vote down. The only argument against compulsory voting I can think of is the impracticality for large populations, but Australia doesn't have that problem.
    >> Anonymous 11/16/11(Wed)07:51 No.324975
    Australia doesn't have compulsory voting, only compulsory voting booth attendance.

    you could write SUCK MY DICK on your ballot paper and submit it and be all clear in the system
    >> Anonymous 11/16/11(Wed)07:53 No.324991

    same thing I said but more concise and in my version people illustrate the statement
    >> Anonymous 11/16/11(Wed)08:12 No.325109
    White Australian women are giving birth to 1.8-1.9 children on average

    You "don't mind" because you ARE an Asian, probably.

    Get back to your own fucking country.
    >> Anonymous 11/16/11(Wed)08:17 No.325139
    Fuck you, the Han master race have been here since the 19th century too you know
    >> Anonymous 11/16/11(Wed)08:20 No.325164
    >being the bottom of the social pecking order the entire time
    >> Anonymous 11/16/11(Wed)08:24 No.325184
    >Largest race on Earth
    >Statistically smartest race on earth
    U _real_mad.gif
    >> Anonymous 11/16/11(Wed)08:26 No.325196
    China is probably eyeing off australia as a colony site after world war 3. Such an underpopulated continent.

    We might as well get used to them being here.
    >> Anonymous 11/16/11(Wed)08:26 No.325200
    >boggest population
    >still complete shit.

    Stop digging your own grave.
    >> Anonymous 11/16/11(Wed)08:29 No.325215


    There is no unbiased population data coming from the PRC.

    Chinese kids in the west who aren't born to first generation parents tend to stick at marriage and force their kids to study which explains their high educational achievement. Most white kids who have the same setup tend to do just as well or better.
    >> Anonymous 11/16/11(Wed)08:29 No.325216
    This is true

    But the Han are our friends. They don't subscribe to the stupid social ideas of the 60s. Hopefully they'll war the unbelievably decedant West one day and restore some basic semblance of morality

    Most Chinese dislike Anglos, but overall would rather work with whites against all the other fucking stupid races (niggers, muslims, Southeast Asians, Indians, probably Latin Americans). I'm sure most whites would agree
    >> Anonymous 11/16/11(Wed)08:32 No.325226
    It isn't really their fault

    See, their size and intelligence is because of collectivism

    However without individuals demanding shit, and demanding their governments give them shit, then a people can never rise up to the level of the Alpha class.

    Whites are also large, but that's because whites used to like fucking. Whites are also smart, slightly less than asians- but we make up for that by being individualistic assholes demanding others move and give us shit. The beta-asians (betasians?) go "oh i sawwy" and move, only later realizing that that was their opportunity not to take it up the ass.

    Negros are also pretty alpha, but they're also retarded. Alphas who are retarded are obviously trumped by alphas who are smart.
    >> Anonymous 11/16/11(Wed)08:34 No.325229
    >nuclear war
    >making deserts even more desert

    Australia is unpopulated because it's a desert unable to support lots of life. No mississippi, no rhine, no nile, no yellow rivers there.
    >> Anonymous 11/16/11(Wed)08:42 No.325264
    The problem with Australian politics

    - Nationals have way too much power
    - 20% of the population (rural) have more seats than 80% of the population (city/suburban)
    - Media is almost entirely owned by News Corp
    - People not only think Andrew Bolt is a legitimate commentator (he is not) but he is actually the voice of the people.

    Australian politics has sadly gone down the route of American politics, all one liners for media and total cowardice in trying to actually tackle any issues.
    Mining tax? we lost the most popular prime minister of all time over it, despite it would have been good for the Australian people and wouldn't have hurt the minining Companies one bit despite what they were claiming (the mining companies employ a tiny amount of people, something like 2% of employment, earn millions for each person they employ and are frankly barely taxed at all)

    Also the Daily Telegraph is quite frankly one of the most bias and most horrible news papers I have ever read in my life, I love with basically every article they always start with "Families struggling with the Carbon Tax" yeah you know.. that tax that isn't actually even in yet.
    >> Anonymous 11/16/11(Wed)08:47 No.325295

    Must watch video on why Australian politics is so fucking shit now.
    >> Anonymous 11/16/11(Wed)08:58 No.325349
    What if John Howard came back an took back the apology?

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