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You have been selected to participate in combat action by decree of the United States government through a draft.

You will report to your nearest base and await instruction by the end of this month, non-compliance is a criminal offense.

What do?

Do you comply, or suddenly become some sort of "conscientious objector"?

If you comply, outline your plan of action. If you refuse, outline a plan of escape.
Serve honorably, win medals, come home, receive my benefits and live life as scheduled.
I have nervous tic, it doesn't interfere with my daily life at all, but makes me ineligible for military service.

fuck your draft.
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>serving in the military
> honorable

yes, because killing citizens over oil is honorable if your local politician says so..
Go to desert, meet friendly sandniggers, help them for months and make a difference, get your legs and genitals blown off by an IED planted by insurgants with locals.
Join up, be a crazy motherfucker, die.
If I survive, be fucked up for life on account of not living on a battlefield anymore, drink myself to death while telling stories about the damn commies to anybody who'll listen.
The military is great at turning kids into mindless, crazy machines.

this is what they are supposed to do, drive kids insane.

then they release them back into society and say "get back to work"

but "be proud of our soldiers" I guess.

they joined for a paycheck.
fuck that.
it is, too bad butthurt liberals don't make the rules on honor.

This is not a game.
There are no arbitrary rules.
You are supporting the most heinous act on this earth, killing other people.
I have bipolar disorder, so I could probably get out of a draft if I wanted to. Or at least be assigned to a desk job.
>killing other people heinous act

tell me what makes killing so wrong if they are trying to kill me too?

"i'm going to go to someplace I've never heard of and kill people who have done me no wrong, for money and because someone told me to. I expect to be called honorable for doing this"

go fuck yourself
> April 1st
> now May 19th

Our government really is a bureaucratic nightmare...
Hike through the woods to Canada. The only reason I'd fight is if the country is being invaded by a foreign army and that's not going to happen.
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Looks like I'm fucked into joining either way, so:

1) Join, go for some kind of intelligence or IT role using my experience and high intelligence.
2) Get the most sensitive information I possibly can.
3) Sell it to the Russians for citizenship.

That's what happens when chucklefucks think they can force me to fight for a country I don't give a fuck about.

they're trying to kill you because you're in THEIR home, killing their families and taking their resources.

you are an invading force, OH SO HONORABLE
I server my term, then return home and eat as many politicians as I can before I'm caught.
>pretending it's ever really been about oil
gas prices sure are awesome now, aren't they?

I don't give a fuck if I wind up with crazy student loan debt. At least I can be a medic far away from the front lines when we go to war with Iran.
Conscientious objector. I've made no shortage of anti-war statements before, so I might be able to pull it off.

If not, I go to jail. I'd rather go to jail than have another man's death on my conscience.
>expect to be called honorable

Except I would. The "America first, USA NUMBER ONE" training we receive as kids will confirm this.

The average American, by and large, worships soldiers as a hot product. Why wouldn't I be loved?
I always wondered what they would tell me when I walked in to the room. I mean I am sure I get some kind of exemption, but I wonder if they will tell me to go home right then and there or have me get shit my doctor/therapist. I have been on hormones for over a year too.....
>inb4 draftees get dat open contract

you would be, but it still doesn't make your actions honorable. and it doesn't make them good people for saying you are.
You would be assigned to the tactical yurt squad.
OP, you could convert to Jehovah's Witness or Seventh Day Adventist briefly and that will make it easy to to get conscientious objector status since those churches are well-known for being anti-war.
>not about oil
>pretending that U.S. doesn't have enough oil to fuel itself for 1000 years, but just wants to sell it overseas for a higher profit and the middle east countries cut into that.
I've been banned from joining the military, actually, so this isn't going to ever be a scenario for me.
>Implying they would chose a fatass without condition like me to join the army
The Geneva Convention has put rules to war. They made war a sport long ago for the West. We can't use chemical or biological warfare. We can't start firestorms in major populations centers a la Cologne, Germany. We can't march civilians into the streets, tell them to give up the enemy, and execute them if they don't. We can't level towns with artillery. We can't smash tanks through domiciles and crush those inside.

We literally cannot put the fear of God into people. We've neutered our ability to win.
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>gas prices
>not knowing they're actually set by gas companies ideas on how much profit they can make
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>We can't smash tanks through domiciles and crush those inside.
Nice try, retard.
I'll do like my Japanese grandfather did when he the US government told him to join the 442nd (after stripping him of his lands and family).

Tell them to fuck off and spend the next half decade in Federal prison. Yipee!
> Iraq 2003
> Waco Texas 1990's

Pick one.
But going to prison doesn't hurt the federal government like selling secrets would.

Apparently it's perfectly acceptable to commit war crimes against Americans and Germans, but not sand niggers.

>implying none of this gets done


you really are fucking idiotic aren't you?
this is fucking WAR, not some fucking daycare game.

you get on the battlefield? that shit happens all the time.
Well according to Faux News...Obama has the ability to set gas prices but Bush didn't. HMMMMMMMM....
Geneva Conventions don't apply domestically.
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Buy a tent, a rifle, and download some survivalist books.
>Geneva Convention
The Geneva Convention is now more of a guide line more than anything.Hell, America does not give a shit about International law, just look at the drone attacks or the bin Laden raid, not to mention gitmo.
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I would go. There is no way I would be infantry, I would probably fly.
I'd tell them i'm ga....wait that doesn't work no more...

ok then i'd tell them i'm a Jew overlord and can't into conflict!

or shoot myself in the knee (no not skyrim reference)
But I'm already enlisting?
My plan is to run. And hide. And arm myself.

Simple, yet effective.

You seem to know nothing about the Geneva conventions. Here's a link. Read what it has to say. I know your lot doesn't like all that much and would rather eat a cheeseburger while watching American Idol, but here have a gander.

So much implying it's not even funny.
id shoot heroin, snort coke, pop a few oxys, and smoke weed erry day HAHAHA ever think about that faggots, no way theyll let you in if your a "druggie" then just get over your heroin problem. or snort soke and smoke weed, oxxys maybe avoid heroin...
captcha: doses. tweedte

>What do?
Not a US citizen.

>Do you comply, or suddenly become some sort of "conscientious objector"?
Ignore it.
Not a US citizen.

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