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    American Censorship Day: November 16, 2011
    On November 16th, the "Stop Online Piracy Act" will be heard in Congress. This legislation, in addition to the Senate's "Protect IP Act," completely undermine and fundamentally change the core principles of the Web. They have the potential to radically alter or shut down sites like YouTube, Flickr, 4chan, others, and all new companies that follow.
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    File : 1321418484.jpg-(46 KB, 550x620, are-you-fucking-kidding-me.jpg)
    46 KB Anonymous 11/15/11(Tue)23:41 No.320715  
    >Search for a job for weeks, but can't find one
    >Make comment about not being able to find a job
    >> Anonymous 11/15/11(Tue)23:43 No.320745
    Sounds accurate
    >> Anonymous 11/15/11(Tue)23:44 No.320749
    Then that's YOUR problem. I lost my job on October 7th, but I started my new job with equal pay and 100% family medical (who fucking knew that companies even did this anymore!?!) last Tuesday. Been there a week now. I was out of work for exactly 30 days.

    What's your excuse again?
    >> Anonymous 11/15/11(Tue)23:44 No.320751
    >posting on /pol/
    >surprised that people are assholes
    If you seriously think that all of America is as bad as the internet, you live a sad, sad existence.
    >> YUKI !TROLLKBd7s 11/15/11(Tue)23:44 No.320756
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    >> Anonymous 11/15/11(Tue)23:46 No.320778
    >What's your excuse again?
    See, this is why everything you turds say is worthless. There is one reason and one reason only you hate on liberals and protestors for having no jobs, it's because you want to pretend you're better than them. Calling them lazy is one way, but far from the only way. There's really no way a rational person could support your point of view otherwise, it's really fucked up, but when you're using it to justify the belief that you're honestly better than people you don't give a shit.
    >> Anonymous 11/15/11(Tue)23:47 No.320790
    >>320715 Search for a job for weeks, but can't find one
    You've unnecessarily limited yourself. Be willing to relocate. There are plenty of jobs out there, you just have to be willing to go to where they are.

    Oh, and not majoring in 18th Century French Poetry helps.
    >> Anonymous 11/15/11(Tue)23:49 No.320804
    >Don't search for a job
    >Randomly get asked if interested in job
    >Interview this week
    >fuck ya
    >> Anonymous 11/15/11(Tue)23:49 No.320805
    What kind of job were you searching for?
    >> Anonymous 11/15/11(Tue)23:50 No.320815
    I have 5 jobs.
    I have so many jobs that sometimes I pay my jobless friends less than minimum to cover for me while I play air hockey.

    What's your excuse again

    also one of my jobs is as a neurosurgeon.
    The rest are entry level jobs, which I take up just so I can laugh at poor jobless faggots wishing they had one of my glorious jobs.
    >> Anonymous 11/15/11(Tue)23:50 No.320817
    >finish trade school
    >get hired by two firms within a month
    >made 750 dollars in one day yesterday
    feels good man.
    >> Anonymous 11/15/11(Tue)23:51 No.320830
    poet laureate
    >> Anonymous 11/15/11(Tue)23:52 No.320839
    >>320778 because you want to pretend you're better than them.
    It's not pretend, its a fucking fact. I ain't too proud to sweep a floor if I have to. I ain't too proud to flip burgers if I have to. I ain't to proud to pick peaches if I have to.

    It's the "entitled" class of losers doing the protesting that think they are better than everyone else. So you got a degree in Impressionist Art. Who gives a flying fuck? A bachelor's degree in ANYTHING doesn't entitle you to jack-fucking-shit. You still have to have experience, and lacking experience, you still have to start at the bottom rung, pushing a broom.

    It's the real world, and it's a cold harsh motherfucker. Get fucking used to it.
    >> Anonymous 11/15/11(Tue)23:53 No.320849

    This. There ARE jobs for christ's sake. You have to look everywhere. There are jobs on farms, there are jobs in telemarketing, there are jobs in mining, there are trade jobs if you learn a trade, there are jobs on oil rigs...

    There are jobs everywhere you just can't confine yourself to asking to be a clerk at a bank or a manager at mcdonalds or a waiter at saltgrass. Fuck the service sector, and if you go into the service sector don't go where everybody else goes. Look for administrative assistant work, pump gas for boats at a harbour, get coffee for a stock trader, apply for a desk job at a local talent agency or a casting studio for films.

    Thousands of places to get work.
    >> Anonymous 11/15/11(Tue)23:53 No.320850
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    >> Anonymous 11/15/11(Tue)23:54 No.320855
    That you honestly think you're better than other people simply because you are less lazy and your dignity is cheaper is honestly disturbing.
    >> Anonymous 11/15/11(Tue)23:54 No.320867
    not too many jobs for people with degrees in aboriginal children's wooden toys studies
    >> Anonymous 11/15/11(Tue)23:55 No.320869
    >complaining about not being able to get a job after only weeks
    what the hell man, once you hit the 6 month mark you can start complaining.
    >> Anonymous 11/15/11(Tue)23:55 No.320871
    stay butthurt and poor, you loser.
    Seriously lazy shits like you should just be rounded up and put into camps to be shot. You're a drain on the world and nobody want you here.
    People want hard working men like me.
    THE WORLD wants hard working people like me.
    >> Anonymous 11/15/11(Tue)23:56 No.320883
    Not really, you sound like an enormous douche, now I'm sure most of the kids at OWS are quite douchey themselves but I'd share a beer or a conversation with a bum over you any day, your personality is quite repulsive.
    >> Anonymous 11/15/11(Tue)23:57 No.320884
    >be willing to relocate
    >let them eat cake

    Right because moving to another region totally isn't a major expense that will set you back at least a grand.
    >> Anonymous 11/15/11(Tue)23:57 No.320885
    You're a retard.
    Relocating costs money a lot of people don't have. Don't act like storming across the country is something everyone can afford, dipshit.
    >> Anonymous 11/15/11(Tue)23:57 No.320890

    >your dignity is cheaper

    Nobody is asking you to lick shit off of the floor for a minimum wage, what the hell man? If there are no jobs in all of creation and somebody will pay you 8 dollars an hour to take out the trash and scrub the floors, you're really going to say "Nah bro, I'm better than that"?
    >> FAGGATRON_3000 !!PEF7BVl3fW0 11/15/11(Tue)23:58 No.320903
    we're not big on empathy
    >> Anonymous 11/15/11(Tue)23:58 No.320906
    I love this fucker here. Because I'm willing to bust my fucking ass to do what I have to to survive while this motherfucker sits in a drum circle complaining about "The Man", I'm somehow the asshole.
    >> Anonymous 11/15/11(Tue)23:59 No.320911
    At least I have a job.
    Where does your personality get you? That's right, living off your fucking mom.
    the jobless are like a lower breed of human, if they can't make the effort to fill out a fucking form on the internet then they're not worth my time.
    Getting a job is a as easy as going to the store to buy a bagel.
    >> Anonymous 11/16/11(Wed)00:00 No.320920
    THIS. at least half a year

    >implying american unemployment isn't structural.

    get a minimum wage job you dykes. It's a good thing I live in Canada though, there are PLENTY of jobs, especially when all the old people start retiring and begin swarming florida. I can feel Canadian prosperity looming.
    >> Anonymous 11/16/11(Wed)00:00 No.320928
    Where do you work, and what is the job description?
    >> Anonymous 11/16/11(Wed)00:01 No.320929
    >he thinks walking costs money
    >> Anonymous 11/16/11(Wed)00:01 No.320931
    What about families who had stable incomes and were living a rather stable financial life until the recession and they were laid-off. You can't possibly generalize your view on unemployment to everyone.
    >> Anonymous 11/16/11(Wed)00:01 No.320935
    What if you live in the part of the country with no farms? You think people have the money to drive halfway across the country, rent an apartment or house, AND find a job with a farm?

    And once all those jobs are filled what then?

    >trade jobs if you learn a trade,
    Wasn't College supposed to help learn a trade?

    >there are jobs on oil rigs...
    Yeah lets just jump in the car, buy 250$ worth of gas and drive down there and do a job interview... And hope they can give a bunch of money up front for a place to stay.

    >Look for administrative assistant work,
    Companies are firing "assistants" for cost cutting.

    >pump gas for boats at a harbour,
    What if you live in a landlocked location without a single harbour... derp.

    >get coffee for a stock trader,
    Like a Stock trader is going to waste his money for a gofor in this economy.

    >apply for a desk job at a local talent agency for a casting studio for films.
    Because those jobs are all over the place and are in such high demand...

    >Thousands of places to get work.
    Most of them far far far from where you live.
    >> Anonymous 11/16/11(Wed)00:02 No.320939
    Yep. I don't want 8 bucks an hour badly enough to clean toilets, simple as that. Not worth my time. I'm better off sitting on my ass for two years and working an actual job for a year than working the late shift at mcdonalds for 3 years. Apparently 8 bucks an hour is worth cleaning up people's shit to you, being more of a money whore does not make you a better person.
    >> Anonymous 11/16/11(Wed)00:03 No.320945
    trade is different from college.

    trade school is a very specific skill, such as electrician, plumber, mechanic, etc.
    >> Anonymous 11/16/11(Wed)00:03 No.320947
    >Because I'm willing to bust my fucking ass I'm somehow the asshole.

    No it has more to do with the fact that you think the unemployed should be rounded up and shot. Saying things like that tends to mean you're kind of a dirtbag.
    >> Anonymous 11/16/11(Wed)00:03 No.320948
    Then they didn't try hard enough and they were not important enough to keep their jobs.
    Its their own stupid fault if they started a fucking family when they weren't in a stable position.
    And if it takes them more than 3 days to get another job then his family deserve to fucking starve.
    And if he is that desperate he can start up a fucking business and make his own job. I seriously have never understood why the jobless don't just do this.
    >> Anonymous 11/16/11(Wed)00:04 No.320954
    >>320885 Relocating costs money a lot of people don't have.
    >implying you can't get in your car and just fucking leave
    I'd be willing to bet that 70+% of the people reading this don't own a home. So what's from stopping you from moving? THERE IS NO FUCKING EXPENSE. You put your shit in the back of your car, gas it up, and fucking leave. Biggest goddamn thing you people own is probably a Futon. If you personally don't own a pickup, I sure as hell bet you know somebody that does! Failing that, rent a U-Haul trailer for $100.

    It's not fucking expensive to move when you're young and renting a shitty apartment. It only gets expensive after you buy a house and fill it with shit.
    >> Anonymous 11/16/11(Wed)00:04 No.320956
    >he has no pride. i'd rather make 8 bucks an hour at mcdonalds than be a fucking bum.
    >> Anonymous 11/16/11(Wed)00:04 No.320957
    I couldn't possibly understand the issue in America as I am Canadian, but developing a useful skill, or obtaining a useful degree in Canada guarantees you a job somewhere.
    >> Anonymous 11/16/11(Wed)00:04 No.320961
    yes it does.
    >> Anonymous 11/16/11(Wed)00:04 No.320963
    >Getting a job is a as easy as going to the store to buy a bagel.


    >> Anonymous 11/16/11(Wed)00:05 No.320969
    How about you stop being a drain on society.
    The country would be a fucking utopia if we didn't have to throw it at all you lazy fuckers who'd rather sponge than leave their house.
    >> Anonymous 11/16/11(Wed)00:05 No.320973
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    >> Anonymous 11/16/11(Wed)00:06 No.320976
    It's people like you that kill the Economy. Every american who isn't working should be given a minimum wage job doing manual labour, enough said.
    >> Anonymous 11/16/11(Wed)00:06 No.320980
    yes exactly.


    You have no fucking excuses.
    >> Anonymous 11/16/11(Wed)00:08 No.320997
    I think that you are the dumbest fucker on this entire board.
    Also I'm going to apply for food stamps and welfare tomorrow,not because I need it, just to spite you all.
    The best part is, none of these programs are going away any time soon and theres not a mother fucking thing that any of you worthless scum can do about it!
    Fight the rhetoric war to your hearts content because it literally means nothing because I win the real war every time.
    Just to spite you and just to rub it in your faces.
    >> Anonymous 11/16/11(Wed)00:08 No.320998

    Then MOVE! You're hopeless attitude of saying "But what if this goes wrong, and this goes wrong, and this goes wrong" isn't helping. I don't know where you live that you have no access to anything. Theres no mines, no factories, no desk jobs, no oil rigs, no coast lines, no farms, no lumber mills, no guitar luthiers, no auto mechanics (I have a friend who got a job at a mechanic's shop doing basic stuff that didn't require much training), no pest control companies, no pool servicing companies, no lawn mowers... I've just never had trouble finding jobs I guess I'm just an asshole. I can't fathom how it is so hard. I CAN fathom it if you are looking for specific work, like say being an accountant and there are no openings, but if you're just looking for work there is always work.
    >> Anonymous 11/16/11(Wed)00:08 No.321002
    >>320928 Where do you work, and what is the job description?
    I work in the lab of a pet food manufacturer.
    >> Anonymous 11/16/11(Wed)00:09 No.321003
    >no expense
    >gas it up
    Are you for real?
    >> Anonymous 11/16/11(Wed)00:09 No.321006
    >Every american who isn't working should be given a minimum wage job doing manual labour, enough said.

    Bu-bu-but thats da cho-cholisim that you righttards hate!
    >> Anonymous 11/16/11(Wed)00:09 No.321008
    You know, there was a country that tried that once, giving everyone unemployed a job doing manual labor, you might not know this but it was called the "Soviet Union" and the people were actual communists.
    >> Anonymous 11/16/11(Wed)00:09 No.321011
    Right if you lost your job because the company downsized it's somehow your fault... Right...

    In that case if you have a job... it's because you got lucky.

    It wasn't your hard work, it wasn't your education, you just were in the right place at the right time.
    >> Anonymous 11/16/11(Wed)00:10 No.321023
    >been filling out 20 job applications for work per week for a year and a half now.
    >sending them to every single retails, fast food, bank, small businsess, computer repair, farm hand etc

    >been going into the stores in person and asking to talk to the hiring manager/manger/owner about employment

    >make call backs after I turn in the paper application/send in the email one

    >shower every day, always look presentable
    >only gotten 3 interviews

    >my 4 "interview" was at a temp agency last friday

    >just took a typing test for them along with a test in excel, passed both of them and had an 82wpm

    But you know whats the worst of it all "Why don't you just go get a job"

    If only they knew.
    >> Anonymous 11/16/11(Wed)00:11 No.321026
    Thanks for proving my point that the jobless are scum.
    Maybe if you put all that effort into getting your lazy ass a job then you wouldn't be so mad.
    >> Anonymous 11/16/11(Wed)00:11 No.321028
    Mexicans outside Home Depot don't seem to have a problem finding work. Most of them get around $8-9/hr and they don't speak english.
    >> Anonymous 11/16/11(Wed)00:11 No.321029
    Even at the FUCKING INSANE price of $3.10/gal, it's a whole $50 to tank up. Less than what you just paid for Modern Warfare 3, and WAY less than what you spent at Starbucks this month.
    >> Anonymous 11/16/11(Wed)00:12 No.321043
    The fact is there are plenty of jobs out there. It's just that there aren't any jobs left that will pay you what you think you're worth (which I'm sure is above $50,000).

    Mow lawns, pick oranges, flip burgers, etc. And don't tell them you went to college, for the love of God. If you're in college, drop out now.
    >> Anonymous 11/16/11(Wed)00:13 No.321052
    a schmuck on the net doesn't count the literal millions out of work you fucking retard.
    Doesn't it suck that you morons lost the entitlement war? doesn't it suck that no matter what you all say that you won't win this war, mainly because you worthless hypocrites refuse to not pay taxes because "Me don't wanna go to jaiwl becawse me is afwaid of sacrifice fowr da things dat I bewieve in!"
    Keep sucking your thumb. I'm going to continue to be an awesome parasite just to spite you because theres nothing that you can do about it!
    >> Anonymous 11/16/11(Wed)00:13 No.321055

    Everyone should be given a LIVING wage
    >> Anonymous 11/16/11(Wed)00:13 No.321057
    And it would have worked if they didn't have to spend 90% of their budget protecting themselves from our capatalist selves.
    >> Anonymous 11/16/11(Wed)00:13 No.321062
    Soviet Union wasn't socialist or communist you fucking retard
    >> Anonymous 11/16/11(Wed)00:14 No.321066
    Yeah I have a college degree and I wasn't getting callbacks for shit like McDonalds and wal-mart jobs. You can be overqualified for things, even with my poli sci history degree and this was is fucking ontario and the Canadian economy is supposed to be better.
    So glad I'm in law school now.
    >> Anonymous 11/16/11(Wed)00:14 No.321073
    >no expense

    Lets see, if you don't have a job, where does your car come from?
    Or where does the money to pay for an apartment come from?
    Where does the money to rent the U-haul truck come from?
    Seriously? It costs money, if you do not have a job, you cannot do ANYTHING.

    Plus a 7.25 minimum wage job doesn't pay for an apartment, I live in a "low cost of living state" and the average apartment is 800-1000 dollars without utilities.

    Lets say that hypothetically you manage to do the impossible and find a job, changes are you will NOT be getting 40 hours a week. But say that you did.

    40 hours a week at 7.25 is 1160 a month.

    That would be 160 left over each month if the apartment was a solid 1000. That isn't counting utilities or a car (or if you live on the coasts paying for public transport) not to mention food and phone etc.
    >> Anonymous 11/16/11(Wed)00:14 No.321074
    The company downsized and your weren't enough of an asset to keep hold of.

    How is that anybody's fault but your own?

    and as I said, if you're having that much trouble finding a job make one for yourself.
    >> Anonymous 11/16/11(Wed)00:14 No.321075
    >>321055 a LIVING wage
    No. People should be paid what they're worth. Wages are a private contract between employer and employee. Period, end of discussion.
    >> Anonymous 11/16/11(Wed)00:14 No.321078
    That's not "fucking insane". That's half of what it is everywhere else. Gas prices need to go up another $5 before we'll get serious in investing in alternative energies.
    >> Anonymous 11/16/11(Wed)00:15 No.321083
    whose mad? I fucking loath uninformed people that have never struggled or even lived a real life. So when you say shit like this,I do things just to spite you.
    And like I said, theres not a fucking thing that you can do about it.
    Not that you ever would anyway.
    >> Anonymous 11/16/11(Wed)00:15 No.321085

    Like this shit, look at that. I don't know if that is skilled work but that is one hell of a wierd job people wouldn't immediatly think of going for.

    There is work in wierd places, young people just confine themselves to the most obvious service sector work even though for the most part there should be openings in those shit jobs all the time.
    >> Anonymous 11/16/11(Wed)00:15 No.321088
    When was it ever easy to start up a business?
    You need to have an idea for a product, understand how business works, be able to market the product, have the capital for all of that, etc.

    The reason teh average person DOESN'T do that is BECAUSE they don't have those things.
    >> Anonymous 11/16/11(Wed)00:16 No.321095
    Live in a smaller city.
    >> Anonymous 11/16/11(Wed)00:16 No.321098
    No? Then why do you hate communists? Hating communism is entirely reasonable if it's based on the belief that the Soviet Union, China, Cuba and Best Korea are were all communist states and that's why they were so fucked up, it's pretty much an indisputable justification but it's the only justification that isn't retarded.
    >> Anonymous 11/16/11(Wed)00:16 No.321101
    Take your "people are assets" bullshit back to the 1800's please.
    >> Anonymous 11/16/11(Wed)00:16 No.321102
    >only 20 a week

    maybe if you did 20 a day you would have had 28 interviews by now.

    And 20 a day isn't even that many, when i was looking for a job I did 10 an hour for 8 hours a day. That's 80 a day. I had an interview by the wednesday and a job on the friday.
    Step up or be left in the dirt.
    >> Anonymous 11/16/11(Wed)00:17 No.321104
    I hope you still live with your parents because there's no reason I should have to explain to a grown-man with actual responsibilities why it's not just a matter of "tanking up".
    >> Anonymous 11/16/11(Wed)00:17 No.321113
    >If you aren't the greatest thing ever in the world its your fault
    >"I don't understand that not everyone can be super amazing"

    Shouldn't take being Superman to hold a basic job.
    My city is only 60 thousand. In Iowa.
    >> Anonymous 11/16/11(Wed)00:18 No.321120
    In inherited a couple hundred thousand dollars from my grandfather and I'm next in line to inherit the family business after my dad passes on.

    Get a job you fucking hippy.
    >> Anonymous 11/16/11(Wed)00:18 No.321128
    Uh, I never said I hate communists?

    A core belief of socialism is to transfer the means of production to the laborers. Neither China or the USSR did this, they simply traded one oppressor (business owners) for another (the government)
    >> Anonymous 11/16/11(Wed)00:19 No.321132
    >I live in a "low cost of living state" and the average apartment is 800-1000 dollars without utilities.
    No, that's not fucking true, I have a pretty nice apartment in LA and it's 800 a month, there's no fucking way there aren't apartments available for $600 a month at the very absolute most in any place with anything near a "low cost of living".
    >> Anonymous 11/16/11(Wed)00:19 No.321134
    But you do seem mad.

    >not that you would anyway
    You see, I'm the one that put in the effort to find a job, you didn't. You're the lazy one here, not me.

    Seriously put the effort you're using to spite me into effort to find a job and maybe you'll get paid for being a whiny shit. I'm just trying to help bro.
    >> Anonymous 11/16/11(Wed)00:19 No.321135

    >no true scotsman

    >implying that centrally planning the economy and using a portion of manufacturing to attempt to feed, house and cloth everyone isn't socialism.

    Sure, since the soviet union was so shitty now we're just going to say "It was just a shithole, it wasn't socialist".
    >> Anonymous 11/16/11(Wed)00:19 No.321138
    >You're hopeless attitude of saying "But what if this goes wrong, and this goes wrong, and this goes wrong" isn't helping.
    Because never thinking about things going wrong works so much better in the past decade.

    "What if we can't keep up the loan payments we took out to buy this house?"
    "Stop thinking about things that might go wrong!"

    "What if we make loans to people who can't pay it back?"
    "Stop thinking about things that might go wrong!"

    "What if what the bubble bursts?"
    "Stop thinking about things that might go wrong!"
    >> Anonymous 11/16/11(Wed)00:21 No.321158
    I simply don't believe you. Also, room mates
    >> Anonymous 11/16/11(Wed)00:21 No.321159

    Please see:
    >> Anonymous 11/16/11(Wed)00:21 No.321164
    it gets worse OP

    >finally find a job delivering newspapers
    >make a comment about not being able to afford an apartment because foreign speculative property investment has driven rent in your home town through the roof
    > get a better job then, communist
    > Canada
    >> Anonymous 11/16/11(Wed)00:22 No.321171

    God damnit thats not what I meant. WITHIN REASON. You seemed like you just wanted to bitch and point out how I was wrong to start an argument because you came on here reading these posts looking to get mad.

    I'm saying there is work in the United State of America if you want to find it, and if you can't find work because you are thinking of everything that could go wrong then you are being a pessimist in a bad way and restricting yourself from getting work.
    >> Anonymous 11/16/11(Wed)00:23 No.321173
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    >Work for 6 years
    >Saved almost everything earned
    >Bored with work
    >Quit job
    >Do fuck all for last year
    >Hmm, I wonder if I should get a job soon

    Is it really that hard to get a job right now? Or is it just a lack of experience?
    >> Anonymous 11/16/11(Wed)00:23 No.321178
    There aren't 20 positions being posted per day I qualify for.

    I am a 20 year old guy in college, I don't qualify for "Welding Overseer" or "Assistant Manager of Finances" I've only had 4 jobs, seriously. As I said there WERE 20 jobs that I am applicable for, I'd totally apply for them.

    But to note what you said, that would be well over 600 applications. No human being, expecially a young 20 year old able bodied male should have to send out 600+ applications over a years time to JUST get a minimum wage job.

    Nope, I've already checked out the apartments in my city.

    The cheapest at the most was 800 a month and it was in the SHITTIEST part of town where ALL of the crime is.

    There is literally 2 choices for not living with your parents in my state.
    A. Be able to afford an 800-1000+utilities+vehicle
    B. Have friends and split an apartment or college house.

    You don't believe that it costs money to move and if you don't have money you can't move? Or that 7.25 at 40 hours a week isn't enough to pay for an apartment and utilities and vehicles?
    Hell thats not even including internet or a computer to fill out the inevitable online only applications.

    That requires friends.
    >> Anonymous 11/16/11(Wed)00:23 No.321184
    I see.
    So let me get this straight...
    The plan is to move to another region, find a job, and find a roommate, on a single tank of gas.

    This is a practical plan to you?
    >> Cobra Dane Block 60 !!yaSBmkxkeJj 11/16/11(Wed)00:24 No.321193
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    If you cannot find a job your standards are too high.

    Sometimes you have to work beneath your pay grade.
    >> Anonymous 11/16/11(Wed)00:25 No.321211
    Judging for a guy who's been applying non-stop for a year, doesn't have a criminal record or bad credit, has 4-5 years of work, has references and has only had 3 interviews. and 3 callbacks.

    But I am applying FOR minimum wage. Thats as low as you can go. Hell I even applied for that shitty 12 hour a day minimum wage farm work in my state.

    See the major fault in his idea
    Move to another region THEN find a job?
    Even if you have to money to move, what if you move and cannot find work? BAM you are fucked worse than you once were. Or the idea that everyone has a friend they'd be willing to live with is biased
    >> Anonymous 11/16/11(Wed)00:26 No.321226
    do you think a company would hire a guy with a college degree as a janitor?
    >> Anonymous 11/16/11(Wed)00:27 No.321236
    Being able to do something in a company that makes you a valuble member of the team doesn't make you superman or a victorian. If you're not valuble and you can't offer a skill or perform a task that make syou worthwhile to keep around then the company has every right to get rid of you.
    If the company is going through a bad patch you better damn well make sure you're useful or you're going to get cut, it's simple business.

    Starting a flower decorating business out of your own home costs nothing for example. If you have no ideas and you can't buy a book on business then you don't deserve money.
    >> Anonymous 11/16/11(Wed)00:27 No.321238
    >No human being, expecially a young 20 year old able bodied male should have to send out 600+ applications over a years time to JUST get a minimum wage job
    Meh, that's less than 2 a day and if your ass is sitting around unemployed there's no reason you can't manage that.
    >> Anonymous 11/16/11(Wed)00:28 No.321241
    >GPA under 3
    >want to get into a competitive field
    >friends tell me lolno won't happen, even easy fields aren't hiring
    >call 74 places in the area in my field
    >get job in under a week
    people are just fucking lazy. they go on or whatever, send their resume to like 3-4 businesses and wait a few months to try again.

    or they're fucking retarded and write all sorts of dumb shit on their resume that makes them unemployable, like really dumb spelling errors or false information. if you can't proofread your resume you don't deserve a decent job, period. if you think "the job hunt" is emailing your resume to a couple of people and waiting for them to do all the work, then you don't deserve one either.
    >> Anonymous 11/16/11(Wed)00:29 No.321247

    this is the wrong approach imo

    OP start to look at WEIRD jobs

    there a lots of WEIRD jobs out there that no one wants

    I work from 2am to 6am 7 days a week

    talk about weird hours

    I guess that's why no one wants the job

    I guess that's why I'm employed now
    >> Anonymous 11/16/11(Wed)00:29 No.321248
    leave it off your resume
    >> Anonymous 11/16/11(Wed)00:29 No.321254
    >start a flower decorating business even though someone has no capital, no business experience and flower decorators aren't exactly in high demand.

    I really love the libertarian fantasy land.
    >> Anonymous 11/16/11(Wed)00:29 No.321255
    I live in Alberta so I am sheltered from this recession/unemployment spike but I wonder...if there are no jobs, what is a person supposed to do? Individually, sure you can probably find a niche and fill it but everybody cant do that. Didnt 16 people apply for every one of the 50 000 mcdonalds jobs you guys just had open up/created/whatever? And this silly "no job? must haver shit degree" seems stupid, if nobody is hiring, isnt whatever degree you have pretty much a moot point?

    It seems incredibly simplistic to just say "get a job", why not say exactly where, exactly who is hiring, exactly what requirements must be met? If you cant do that you probably have no business making comments to people since you are probably talking out of your ass.

    Btw, just a suggestion, its not a "job" persay but when I was in the USA and could not legally work I bought used cars and simply sold off the parts in the classifieds, made people come and take them off the vehicles themselves too. I was living off my savings so I wont pretend that its some awesome boon but I made a few extra grand many months that way. All you really need is a garage and a yard to store extra vehicles to rotate into the garage depending on how ambitious you get. And of course some tools for those folks who want to buy but dont know how to get the parts they want themselves.

    I know alot of unemployed people cant do stuff like that, live in apartments, cant spare the overhead ect but it might be worth checking into if you live at your parents house or something and they'd be cool with it.
    >> Anonymous 11/16/11(Wed)00:29 No.321256
    You do realize that the vast majority of startup businesses fail within the first five years right? Like, you may think you sound like a good compassionless conservative saying shit like that but even outside of the obvious implication that everyone who fails at making a startup is a failure as a human being and deserves to eat shit and die you are actively encouraging behavior that will only cause net harm for the economy.
    >> Anonymous 11/16/11(Wed)00:30 No.321268
    >But to note what you said, that would be well over 600 applications. No human being, expecially a young 20 year old able bodied male should have to send out 600+ applications over a years time to JUST get a minimum wage job.

    That makes you seem like a lazy fucker. You jobless always have a fucking excuse for everything. You always have an excuse to not try or make an effort. Just apply for everything even if you aren't qualified, any interview you get will serve as good experience even if you don't get the job and even if you don't WHY FUCKING NOT APPLY FOR THE HELL OF IT?
    >> Anonymous 11/16/11(Wed)00:31 No.321271
    Hear there are a ton of jobs in North Dakota
    >> Anonymous 11/16/11(Wed)00:32 No.321281
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    >Starting a flower decorating business out of your own home costs nothing for example.
    >> Anonymous 11/16/11(Wed)00:32 No.321284
    >See the major fault in his idea
    >Move to another region THEN find a job?

    How about you apply for the job over the internet. You see you don't actually have to be there to do it. Then when they call for an interview just come to an arrangement since you're not in the area, most employers are very accomodating about that.
    >> Anonymous 11/16/11(Wed)00:32 No.321286

    lol I can just imagine his face while he read that post

    > but if I don't tell everyone I have a degree, how will they all know that he is better than them?

    I don't talk about college at work. it just makes all the idiots I work with jealous and defensive

    when they don't know you went to college they will publicly state that you am the smartest guy there and should be in charge

    when they know you went to college they won't even admit you're right when you say 1+1=2
    >> Anonymous 11/16/11(Wed)00:33 No.321293
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    >I've just never had trouble finding jobs I guess I'm just an asshole
    There's one of those classic republican anecdotes we've all come to know and love.
    >> Anonymous 11/16/11(Wed)00:33 No.321295
    Alberta bro here as well, just got an awesome 40k/yr + commissions and bonuses insurance office job despite being a college dropout with no experience!
    >> Anonymous 11/16/11(Wed)00:33 No.321297
    >i can afford high speed internet, a gaming computer, a macbook, designer clothes, and a smart phone with unlimited talk/text
    >i can't afford a tank of gas
    no you just have terrible priorities
    >> Anonymous 11/16/11(Wed)00:33 No.321302
    people are going to wonder why you have a 4 year gap on your resume you retard.
    >> Anonymous 11/16/11(Wed)00:34 No.321311
    Can someone give me tips on writing a decent resume?
    >> Anonymous 11/16/11(Wed)00:35 No.321318
    >Cost nothing
    Potting Soil
    Land or pots to grow them
    Water costs
    Lack of demand

    Be better off selling matchsticks, at least then people would pity you.
    >> Anonymous 11/16/11(Wed)00:35 No.321320
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    Dunno, I've been a janitor while I was in college, but they only hired me because I was young and could lift 200 pounds.

    You wouldn't of been hired if you weren't valuable. Companies aren't going to just hire people for the fuck of it.

    And what is the market for "flower decorations" yep, sure heard of all those college kids being able to pay to not live with their parents with their flower decarations. Also, flowers costs money to buy and or grow, not to mention the materials to make the shit.

    If decorating flowers would make money, I'd be using my already god give artistic talents doing commisions.

    >2 a day
    The guy said send out 20 applications per day, I said that I've increased my output in the last month to 30 a week. That means in the last month I'd of sent out 600 applications.

    And once again, if there were more than 2 jobs I could apply for that appeared in the newspaper or job boards, I'd apply to them. Remember, the average 20 year old doesn't have the work experience nor would get hired picture related, its the jobs in my area

    So because I've been calling places, going in person to talk to managers and owners, sending in applications EVERYWHERE I don't deserve a job? I do not make mistakes on my applications nor stupid ones. I'm using my college job board, going to job seminars, news papers, everything. yet no job

    I put on one of my applications that I was only able to work 3rd shift shit, then they gave me an interview the next day, then didn't hire me.
    >> Anonymous 11/16/11(Wed)00:35 No.321322
    >he didn't work during college
    wow, must be nice

    Anyway, they'd probably prefer a guy with a gap as a janitor vs someone who has a degree and will want to move up and out
    >> Anonymous 11/16/11(Wed)00:37 No.321334
    >30 a week
    so 4 per day? wow what's that take, 2 hours tops? no wonder no one will hire your ass, you probably would play facebook games for the 6 hours a day you're at work.
    >> Anonymous 11/16/11(Wed)00:37 No.321335
    Yeah we're pretty much set up here.
    Still, its not like this everywhere.
    >> Anonymous 11/16/11(Wed)00:37 No.321342
    Not if you keep spreading that around... Then people will head up to North Dakota find out all the jobs are taken and be left in the middle of nowhere.
    >> Anonymous 11/16/11(Wed)00:37 No.321344
    Applying to a place I wont get the job for serves me positively how? What would be the point? That would be like a 19 year old running from president. He can't because he isn't 38. What would be the point. Also, don't you fucking dare say that I am not putting effort it. I could just you know, not be searching for jobs, not applying and busting ass to talk to people and network and phone calls and check out temp agencies. Apparently unless you aren't superman you aren't doing enough
    If we can't get hired to flip burgers or enter data or say "hi, welcome to walmart" 9/10 says that we wouldn't get hired to use COMPLEX MACHINERY ON AN OIL FIELD
    >> Anonymous 11/16/11(Wed)00:39 No.321361
    do you think there is like an unlimited about of job openings?
    >> Anonymous 11/16/11(Wed)00:39 No.321363
    It was an example, you fucktard. You design your business model around what is needed and what will make you money. If you're an unskilled untalented piece of shit, don't come crying to me when you can't get work.

    Businesses hire people according to what they need. If you make yourself something they'll always need, even going beyond your job description if needed, then you'll always have work. If you don't want to make that effort you don't really want a job then do you?

    I'll tell you all a secret. I'm actually in work right now. I work as a manager in a hotel, in quiet periods I browse 4chan. I have hired 8 new staff in the past 3 months and as long as your resume has good spelling then you'll have an interview. It's not fucking hard to get a job.
    >> Anonymous 11/16/11(Wed)00:41 No.321374
    >Emissions Regulatory Compliance Professional
    Well if the Republicans get elected then that job is gone.
    >> Anonymous 11/16/11(Wed)00:41 No.321375

    Dear sir, where does the funding come from to pay to move and for a new place of residency if the individual cannot find work?

    And are you assuming that if the state has those institutions that you listed and that if an individual applies to work there they automatically get the job?

    Is so I should be a janitor/factory worker/computer repair person by now
    >> Anonymous 11/16/11(Wed)00:41 No.321380
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    >This thread an hour after creation
    >> Anonymous 11/16/11(Wed)00:41 No.321381
    one step ahead of you, as a matter of fact ive funded my unemployment by doing some work with flower..."decorating"
    >> Anonymous 11/16/11(Wed)00:41 No.321383
    Oh good. I was thinking about applying to the night-shift cleaning crew for a hotel. So I guess that means my chances are good, right?
    >> Anonymous 11/16/11(Wed)00:41 No.321385
    you need a money to start a business idiot. Unless your offering to mow lawns or sell scrap metal.
    >> Anonymous 11/16/11(Wed)00:41 No.321388
    and people are going to wonder why you have a 2 year gap after college because you wouldn't apply for any janitor jobs.
    Which one do you think is worse?

    Do what you can to get any fucking job, right now.
    >> Anonymous 11/16/11(Wed)00:42 No.321398
    if you apply outside your area then yes.
    If you're not willing to move for a job then you don't deserve a job.
    >> Anonymous 11/16/11(Wed)00:42 No.321399
    you can apply for the janitor jobs but you won't get hired. Do you think an employer gives a shit to how many places you applied too and had no chance of getting?
    >> Anonymous 11/16/11(Wed)00:43 No.321403
    And we come full circle
    >> Anonymous 11/16/11(Wed)00:44 No.321412
    If you don't have money offer to mow lawns or sell scrap metal until you do have money you retard.

    yeah that is practically the worst job you can get at a hotel. It'll be fine working the shifts but everybody will look at you like hispanic scum.
    >> Anonymous 11/16/11(Wed)00:45 No.321421
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    >Then when they call for an interview just come to an arrangement since you're not in the area, most employers are very accomodating about that.
    >hmm, who should I hire? the guy who can make it in for an interview or the guy who hasn't even started working for me yet and is already busting my balls...decisions, decisions....
    >> Anonymous 11/16/11(Wed)00:46 No.321428
    If you can't even get hired to be a janitor then you might as well just fuckign hang yourself now.
    >> Anonymous 11/16/11(Wed)00:46 No.321430
    I've never spelled anything wrong on my applications and I always spell check and use proper grammar.
    So lets see
    I have school for 8 hours a day+driving around town going to buisnesses asking about employment+filling out job applications


    You talk as if there are more than 30 things a 20 year old with only 5 years of work experience can apply for. Did you not even look at the picture I posted? THATS THE SHIT THAT IS POSTED. I DO NOT QUALIFY FOR THAT!
    Let me get this straight
    we just went
    1. I can't get a job
    2. Thats because you are lazy
    3. But I've applied everywhere
    4. Then move
    5. But if I can't get a job, I dont' have money, then I dont' have money to move or buy a place to live
    6. Then get a job
    1. But I can't get a job

    >> Anonymous 11/16/11(Wed)00:47 No.321444
    >mfw I've applied to multiple santiation/garbaage person/janitorial positions
    >mfw no interviews for any of them.
    >> Anonymous 11/16/11(Wed)00:48 No.321450
    You really have no clue about the amount of capital needed to start a business do you?
    >> Anonymous 11/16/11(Wed)00:48 No.321456
    You can build skills outside of a job you faggot.
    Volenteer or something.
    In my late teens I worked in a hospital interviewing doctors for their positions as a volenteer.
    >> Anonymous 11/16/11(Wed)00:49 No.321465
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    So, gentlemen, I work as a security supervisor. I seriously work my ass off for very little money. The majority of people left my site due to not receiving raises after years of work. Personally, I have not seen a raise in four years of hard work and dedication. There have quite literally been 16 hour gaps on Saturdays and Sundays. Thirty-two hours between two days are completely open, and are filled by me and me alone. I have been doing this for nearly six months, now. We received a few applications every month, but most people decide that they don't want the job because it doesn't pay enough at $9.50/hour in the state of Wisconsin. It's a small town, too. A few people don't like the hours, but if you're desperate, why don't you just cut your losses and take the job? It's full time hours. Can somebody tell me why nobody is taking this position? I seriously want to know.
    >> Anonymous 11/16/11(Wed)00:50 No.321476
    > Just volunteer
    >why yes you can live off no income!
    >> Anonymous 11/16/11(Wed)00:51 No.321484
    Because they're lazy and the government sppon feeds them so they don't have to work.
    >> Anonymous 11/16/11(Wed)00:51 No.321485
    I have volunteered. I have 2 years of volunteer work.

    >interview doctors for their positions
    They put a teenager in charge of hiring or were you just job shadowing.

    But what is it? I've considered applying for security, but I am not exactly confident in my strength to beat down tresspassers.
    >> Anonymous 11/16/11(Wed)00:52 No.321492
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    must....resist....urge... to point out.... spelling... fail..AH FUCK IT

    >> Anonymous 11/16/11(Wed)00:52 No.321496
    Then what are you doing right now?

    If you have no job yet can afford to live how come when you leave your house to volunteer you suddenly can't afford it.

    yet another lame excuse from the lazy jobless masses.
    >> Anonymous 11/16/11(Wed)00:53 No.321510
    I'm not the unemployed I'm just pointing out that not everyone has the option of volunteering.
    >> Anonymous 11/16/11(Wed)00:54 No.321517
    Why aren't you volunteering right now?
    Volunteer until you get a job don't just think those 2 years is good enough and then stop.
    If you're working, any work at all paid or not, you;re more likely to get another job.
    Most applications these days actually ask what your current employment is. Volunteer work still counts as this.
    >> Anonymous 11/16/11(Wed)00:55 No.321530
    I'm originally icelandic, who cares if I spell volunteering incorrectly.
    >> Anonymous 11/16/11(Wed)00:55 No.321531
    >be black
    >live in ghetto
    >no jobs, everywhere is fully staffed
    >decide to rob people
    >take that money and buy drugs to sell
    >white people on 4chan call me nigger but i'm doing what i have to do to survive
    >american dream achieved
    >> Anonymous 11/16/11(Wed)00:55 No.321532
    His point is that imagine a college student who cannot find work, and is about to be homeless after college, imagine that guy now going out to volunteer. It wouldn't pay for an apartment or rent or utilities or transportation.

    And as someone who has volunteer experience I can safely say I have not received ANY benifit from me wasting 2 years of my life volunteering. I could be played video games during that time and be in the same place I am in now.
    Because, I've volunteered before, it didn't reimburse me for my time or hard work, and I don't see the point in giving my talents or services away for free again .It feels like I am being stolen form
    >> Anonymous 11/16/11(Wed)00:56 No.321539
    >> Anonymous 11/16/11(Wed)00:57 No.321560
    Then they're screwed because they're of no use to anybody.

    No volunteering is a huge help. Read about how you're much more likely to find work. The people who put in the effort get the jobs.
    If you're too fucking lazy to put in the effort then you deserve to get thrown out on the streets.
    >> Anonymous 11/16/11(Wed)00:57 No.321561
    >who cares?
    >> Anonymous 11/16/11(Wed)00:58 No.321570
    Good for you, I hope it keeps you awake at night.
    >> Anonymous 11/16/11(Wed)00:59 No.321582
    I don't even get why sensible people wanting reasonable debate even come to /pol/. If you want to discuss politics online in a reasonable way you don't go straight to stormfront. You come to /pol/ for right-wing nut-cases and immense amounts of butthurt.
    >> Anonymous 11/16/11(Wed)00:59 No.321583
    I've applied for security jobs in my area. Seems they only want people with 5+ years experience.
    For a guard position at the library. In Kansas.
    Really? The worst I'd have to handle is the seldom homeless guy pooping next to the toilet.

    Also, on farm labor, right now very few places are hiring since most of the harvests in the area have long since been done. I'd work on a farm again if I could (and if they'd hire me over cheaper Mexicans).
    >> Anonymous 11/16/11(Wed)01:00 No.321609
    >busting ass to network and send in applications and talk to managers and apply to everything I possibly can that I am applicable for.


    So apparently if I am not applying to be Super Technical Engieer positions and I am not Volunteering I am lazy right?

    Tell me again how someone giving their talents away for FREE and not being reimbursed for it is going to get them a job?

    Are you saying that if I were to volunteer for a a week, then apply they'd I'd get an interview, just because I am acting like a jackoff and giving away my talents for free?
    >> Anonymous 11/16/11(Wed)01:01 No.321613
    >to get a job here you need experience!
    >but how do i get the experience?
    >fuck if i know. you need it to work here though.

    The story of my life.
    >> Anonymous 11/16/11(Wed)01:01 No.321616
    Wait a second.

    If you're black then why would you say that on /pol/ man!

    I never mention it here. They just call me a jigaboo over and over again...
    >> Anonymous 11/16/11(Wed)01:01 No.321622
    >You can build skills outside of a job you faggot. Volenteer or something.

    I volunteer teaching children basic literacy skills.
    >> Anonymous 11/16/11(Wed)01:02 No.321641
    Survival of the fittest. The free market decided those people deserved to be robbed - you're living the dream my friend.
    >> Anonymous 11/16/11(Wed)01:03 No.321651
    Dude, they don't understand. They are trying to convince you you are lazy because you don't qualify to be a nurse assistant. Arguing with these cats isn't going to get you a job. Don't even sweat it.
    >> Anonymous 11/16/11(Wed)01:03 No.321661
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    >to get a job here you need experience
    >but where do I get the experience
    >I dunno go volunteer someplace similar
    *one month of volunteering/shadowing later*
    >to get a job here you need experience
    >But we meant experience in the field, you know, real experience, not wasting time.

    >their face when
    >> Anonymous 11/16/11(Wed)01:04 No.321668
    Nepotism. Oh, don't have family members to give you experience? In that case you're lazy and deserve to die.
    >> Anonymous 11/16/11(Wed)01:04 No.321670
    Really? Because when I got my first job at a gas station age 15, they understood that I was inexperienced. They paid me very little and didn't give me a job that was complicated. Just pumping gas and washing windows.
    >> Anonymous 11/16/11(Wed)01:05 No.321679
    'Cause I don't give a shit what these people think. At the end of the day they don't know me and I don't know them.
    >> Anonymous 11/16/11(Wed)01:06 No.321691
    You get lucky.

    I got my first at Fed Ex because everyone there quit in two days due to awful hours.

    Those who didn't quit were fired.

    I worked there for a month. Some job experience is pretty cool.
    >> Anonymous 11/16/11(Wed)01:06 No.321693
    See, thats the thing thought, I was easily able to get work when I was 15/16/17 and I always had a job till now.

    Sure some of that was pre-crash but still.

    Now its like, oh, you've had a job since you were 15 up till now, but you haven't had a job in a year.
    Yeah you need more experience. Sorry those 4-5 years don't count suddenly
    >> MasterYoshidino !VcMOUTnF36 11/16/11(Wed)01:06 No.321697
    Go piss on your dead parents' grave after they are dead for not giving you an honest chance to move on.
    >> Anonymous 11/16/11(Wed)01:06 No.321700
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    >> Anonymous 11/16/11(Wed)01:07 No.321712
    What the fuck? No I don't have family members to give me experience. What kind of question is that?
    Getting hired at a gas station? All the gas stations are owned by Arabics and they don't hire outside of their family. At least that's how it is over here.
    >> Anonymous 11/16/11(Wed)01:10 No.321753
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    >> Anonymous 11/16/11(Wed)01:10 No.321754
    No when you send in your application the employer will see that you're making an effort to get out of the house and do something with your time, you'll gain good new references and they'll be able to see that you can still hold something down.
    All of these things will give you an edge over other applicants.
    There is no excuse not to gain that edge other than being a lazy fuck.
    >> Anonymous 11/16/11(Wed)01:10 No.321757
    >enroll in community college
    >take out loan
    >buy cocaine or make your own
    >flip that shit
    >become big time
    >rinse repeat
    >when you are content, get out of the drug game and start doing floral decorations
    >> Anonymous 11/16/11(Wed)01:11 No.321766
    I just wish the service industry (at least where I live) would hire more than just women.

    Plenty of service jobs opening from those gals quitting, but all they'll hire is the same women.
    >> Anonymous 11/16/11(Wed)01:12 No.321780
    I'll gain references by applying? So that gas station I've sent about 34 applications to for every position they've had become available in the past month. I can use that as a reference.

    Or are you talking about volunteer work, because with the work I HAVE done, I busted ass and I didn't get a reference out ofi t
    >> Anonymous 11/16/11(Wed)01:13 No.321783
    volunteer as something that isn't redundant. The kids'll pick that shit up anyway unless they're retarded in which case you're wasting your time.
    >> Anonymous 11/16/11(Wed)01:13 No.321785
    Don't send applications. Dress smart and walk in.
    >> Anonymous 11/16/11(Wed)01:15 No.321813
    Read the thread, I have been AND applying and calling people

    3 interviews in the past year.

    I just hope the latest temp agency I went to can find something because applying, walking in to places personally and calling and emailing does NOT get you a job.
    >> Anonymous 11/16/11(Wed)01:15 No.321819
    Way to miss the joke.
    >> Anonymous 11/16/11(Wed)01:19 No.321851
    No you apply for a real job while you're volunteering.
    Are you fucking stupid? No wonder people won't hire you.
    When you send in your application the employer of an actual job will see that you're making an effort to get out of the house by volunteering and do something with your time, you'll gain good new references from them and they'll be able to see that you can still hold something down.
    All of these things will give you an edge over other applicants.
    There is no excuse not to gain that edge other than being a lazy fuck.
    >> Anonymous 11/16/11(Wed)01:20 No.321867

    You understood what I meant, my shitty grammar served it's function.
    >> Anonymous 11/16/11(Wed)01:24 No.321906
    So let me understand this correctly, by giving my skills away for free it shows employers that I am getting out of the house (which is apparently important for some reason) and I will make references (even though I didn't after busting ass for 2 years prior volunteering) and apparently it shows that you can hold a positions when its nearly impossible to be "fired" from volunteering.

    But lets say that the reason that we have 14 million people unemployed is because they do not volunteer and I bet you 9/10 that if I were to apply to volunteer somewhere I'd be shut down, but lets say that I do volunteer for a month and apply to every place I've applied to before and the new job posts with that volunteer experience listed. But as it more than likely will happen I wont get any interviews.

    Then what.

    Because what you are saying sounds similar to what my parents/teachers/coaches said "If you go to college, you WILL get a job"
    >> Anonymous 11/16/11(Wed)01:24 No.321907
    >mfw people who say "just get a job"
    >mfw they don't understand the economics of the recession

    There aren't many jobs available because there isn't the differed consumption to sustain production and investment that results in high employment levels.
    >> Anonymous 11/16/11(Wed)01:27 No.321925
    Look sir, I don't know where the fuck you live at. Maybe it's Volunteer And Get A Jobland but that's bullshit. I'm not saying that won't work, but chances are if the nigga with a year experience working somewhere REAL applies, HE will get the job over some unskilled college student. Not saying to be complacent and not try, but you can try hitting the lotto at the same time and see which happens first. Times are just hard. The early bird gets the worm. Point blank period. Oftentimes getting a job is a matter of perfect timing, rather than whatever the fuck these people are saying. And even moreso, it's who you know, not what you know.
    >> Anonymous 11/16/11(Wed)01:27 No.321930

    See this >>321753

    It's just because of laziness.
    >> Anonymous 11/16/11(Wed)01:27 No.321934
    Listen bro, you're obviously so set in the mindset of not being able to get a job that you won't get one.
    We try to give advice and you throw it back in our faces.
    Why don't you chill out and join a drum circle for a while.
    >> Anonymous 11/16/11(Wed)01:28 No.321943
    >> Anonymous 11/16/11(Wed)01:28 No.321946
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    Not again.

    >> Anonymous 11/16/11(Wed)01:29 No.321967
    fuck you man I have some anecdotal evidence about how a guy I know worked really hard and found a job, so it completely discredits your graph!
    >> Anonymous 11/16/11(Wed)01:30 No.321973
    No it doesn't it supports it.
    >> Anonymous 11/16/11(Wed)01:31 No.321979
    Because those fuck faces aren't even trying to get jobs AND you have not given solid evidence of what you suggest is working

    The worst kind of advice is that "just trust me" advice. Its why we have so much college debt and so many underemployed or unemployed colleged grads. Unless you can solidify it working, it sounds like a terribly idea

    I hate the fact that regardless of my efforts I am still categorized with those fuckfaces
    >> Anonymous 11/16/11(Wed)01:32 No.321994
    you are right and I am an idiot.
    >> Anonymous 11/16/11(Wed)01:33 No.322000
    Gotta give Clinton credit, his policies really cut laziness.
    >> Anonymous 11/16/11(Wed)01:34 No.322012
    I too have an anecdote about a guy who worked really hard and got a job. The graph should be amended to reflect this.
    >> Strelnikov !TXwGaUHWDw 11/16/11(Wed)01:35 No.322021
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    There's a WHOLE LOTTA MAD in this thread from err'body

    Why can't we all just go live in the woods?
    >> Anonymous 11/16/11(Wed)01:36 No.322032
    There aren't many jobs here because you liberal scumbags voted in politicians that create legislation that makes labor here UNCOMPETITIVE with the rest of the world. Essentially, you are driving businesses and jobs away. You ARE the cancer. Now you complain about jobs when you are the retards that drove them away. Fuck you.
    >> Anonymous 11/16/11(Wed)01:38 No.322048
    How about try them yourself.
    What do you have to lose.

    And yes you are a fuckface and yes you'll probably just come out with another lame excuse.
    >> Anonymous 11/16/11(Wed)01:39 No.322059
    > why won't your liberals just suck it up and work in unsafe working conditions and get paid 10 cents an hour!
    >> Anonymous 11/16/11(Wed)01:41 No.322088
    The only thing left I have to lose if my dignity. That if this doesn't work, which it probably won't, that what else is there? I've volunteered, worked, I have references and this new hypothetical volunteering and nothing to show for it. I've had friends quit jobs and get new ones in the year and some that I've been dealing with this crap
    >> Anonymous 11/16/11(Wed)01:43 No.322120
    It's not a mystical thing.
    You're just more likely to get work while already in work. I thought that was common knowledge.
    If you don't have a job then volunteering is a substitute. A poor substitute but better than nothing at all. If you don't believe me research it yourself instead of browsing 4chan, I'm not here to get you a fucking job.
    >> Anonymous 11/16/11(Wed)01:45 No.322139
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    Going out and not being lazy worked for me in '97 and there's no reason it won't work now. Shut the hell up and get your fat fucking ass out and get a job.

    All you need is some gumption, a $400 suit with $160 shoes and a watch and you're good to go.
    >> Anonymous 11/16/11(Wed)01:48 No.322178
    >all you need to do is go out and get a job
    >been "going out and looking for work for a year now, can't even get hired as a janitor or as a farm hand"
    >> Anonymous 11/16/11(Wed)01:49 No.322191
    Then you're not trying hard enough and don't say you are because if you were you'd have a job.
    >> Anonymous 11/16/11(Wed)01:50 No.322201
    Define hard enough
    >> Anonymous 11/16/11(Wed)01:50 No.322205
    I sure do love blanket statements!

    >> Anonymous 11/16/11(Wed)01:52 No.322232
    Try to the point where you get a job.
    That is about the right level of 'hard enough'

    If you don't have a job try harder to get one until you do, it's fairly simple.
    >> Anonymous 11/16/11(Wed)01:54 No.322247

    >can't get a McJob
    >baws about it on 4chan

    Get a rake and go around and rake up leaves for cash. When it snows shovel snow out of drive-ways. A little hard work will never kill you. Have you ever considered doing light housework for the elderly? You shouldn't be too good to scrub a shitty bathroom after an old lady missed the toilet.
    >> Anonymous 11/16/11(Wed)01:56 No.322278
    I've put up ads for it on craigslist AND I have gone door to door already.

    Got a bunch of no's. Did snow removal last year, out of the 300 houses we went to only 5 of them agreed.
    >> Anonymous 11/16/11(Wed)01:56 No.322279
    You do realize that you're attempting to oversimplify the issue? He's an adult, and you serious expect him to survive via miscellaneous odd jobs?
    >> Anonymous 11/16/11(Wed)01:58 No.322307
    >> Anonymous 11/16/11(Wed)01:59 No.322319
    This, I have 5 years of work experience, and that isn't helping me get a job now. So lets say that I get LUCKY and get a job like that removing snow and shit. That wont help get a real job in the future
    >> Anonymous 11/16/11(Wed)02:01 No.322328

    An adult does what ever the fuck is necessary to get by. If he has to suck dicks to feed himself then he should stop being a lazy bitch and get sucking.
    >> Anonymous 11/16/11(Wed)02:02 No.322337
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    >get certified in a trade
    >move across country
    >start at $30 an hour+benefits+double time on weekends
    >45 hours a week+occasional weekend work

    Dont take a arts degree next time you hipster cunts
    >> Anonymous 11/16/11(Wed)02:03 No.322345
    This thread reads like an Onion satire on modern day republicans. It's hard to tell who's joking and who isn't.
    >> Anonymous 11/16/11(Wed)02:03 No.322351
    No one in this thread has said anything about art degree.

    But guess what, just because you are handymanish enough to learn a trade doesn't mean everyone is.

    Thats the same idea as " everyone could become an engineer they just choose not to"
    >> Anonymous 11/16/11(Wed)02:06 No.322377
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    >this is what children really believe

    I honestly don't know whether you're trolling because it's a very ignorant, extremist stance you're taking. "hurrrr, suck dick for money." Miscellaneous jobs will not sustain the most minimalist lifestyle. By your logic, you would be okay with him coming to your house and robbing you and your parents just because "an adult does whatever the fuck is necessary to get by."

    be less edgy
    >> Anonymous 11/16/11(Wed)02:06 No.322381
    I'm unemployed but I'm able to make ends meet by doing odd yard jobs for people. Do I count as employed?
    >> Anonymous 11/16/11(Wed)02:17 No.322508
    >move to north dakota
    >move to saskathewan
    >move to alberta

    >> Anonymous 11/16/11(Wed)02:21 No.322545
    well if you not bothered about getting a job or not why not place all your remaining pennies into the fucking lottery and hope you get lucky or why not just carry on sponging of the government and acting like a little shit on the internet.
    >> Anonymous 11/16/11(Wed)02:22 No.322560

    If people don't win the lottery then they're just not trying hard enough.
    Lazy fuckers.
    >> k++ !!eyIbuviiUbi 11/16/11(Wed)02:24 No.322594
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    minimum wage won't keep a roof over your head with electricity and water and phone. You know..the basic standards of living...unless I suppose you can somehow swing by crowded in a one bedroom one bathroom with 3 other dudes.

    At least down here in Miami that's how it is. Even as things were booming I was seeing that the service sector was continuing to expand while the production side of things were shrinking or moving away. What we have here is a systemic problem of too many people willing to slit other's throats for any given job leading to horrible wages for some shitty labor work. Now that I'm on the verge of completing my degree in engineering I can only wonder if those bottom rungs will get any better or more dignified. I've been unemployed for a while now but I have been able to get by...yes I'm a sponge to my parents but I do feel pretty bad every time I ask for money to eat or for gas to go to school.

    But yeah..basically what you see here is what happens when people are willing to devalue themselves just for the money and employers have been promoting this sort of working culture for a long while...hell I remember seeing a memo that my last employer had that described the recession and the loss of people from other jobs as "an expanding talent pool" and alluded to being able to get people in for less than the job was worth.

    So yeah...OH! one more thing..that stop censorship bar up there is part of another issue with the larger monolithic brotherhood of corporations trying to squeeze out any form of competition from small businesses that the internet is fueling and fostering. Enjoy your corporate slavery in 10 years.
    >> Anonymous 11/16/11(Wed)02:25 No.322601
    >No. People should be paid what they're worth. Wages are a private contract between employer and employee. Period, end of discussion.

    >implying virtually all of our wages haven't been held hostage by the threat of outsourcing for thirty years and thus remained stagnant and/or falling due to inflation you fucking retard.

    Seriously, how has no one pointed this out?
    >> Anonymous 11/16/11(Wed)02:29 No.322644
    Nailed it.
    >> Anonymous 11/16/11(Wed)02:29 No.322645
    >he doesn't keep two minimum wage jobs or shares the bills with a roommate.

    Seriously when my roommate left our apartment I got myself a night job in additon to my day job (which ctually wasn't hard to do by the way) I work 16 hours a day to keep my standard of living and it sickens me when people expect handouts or complain.
    >> k++ !!eyIbuviiUbi 11/16/11(Wed)02:31 No.322660
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    I tried to here >>322594

    I would like to add that somewhere along the line, and I'm not sure where, we have gone from considering employment as selling our time, skills, and services to the a consideration of employment as the employer BUYING our time, skills, or services. This might sound like the same thing...and in all semantics it is..but really it's not. Instead of the worker and the employer coming to terms on a price for the employee's time/skills we have become a culture where the employer makes the prices and the market for these jobs have lost their input from those that perform the jobs creating a one-sided market force for wages.
    >> Anonymous 11/16/11(Wed)02:31 No.322661
    >well if you not bothered about getting a job or not
    It's not about not being bothered to find employment, he already said he had been looking to no avail. You said:
    >Then you're not trying hard enough

    And then replied with even more asinine statements to follow. It doesn't matter how "hard" you try (which is a very subjective term) if no one is looking to hire you. The fact that you don't understand this and resort to telling people to live of misc. jobs, prostitution and/or lottery tickets just proves your immaturity.
    >> Anonymous 11/16/11(Wed)02:33 No.322689
    It sickens me when uncle toms bitch about the miserable hell they've made for themselves and then say that EVERYONE should do it, or they're not real people. Slavery is for slaves, sucker. Enjoy your sickness.
    >> Anonymous 11/16/11(Wed)02:35 No.322707
    >uncle toms
    Your use of "uncle tom" confuses me.
    >> Anonymous 11/16/11(Wed)02:35 No.322714
    Somebody is always looking to hire somebody.
    If you don't stcik out from the crowd it's your own fault.
    Subjective or not, you'll know when you've tried hard enough because you'll get a job for your effort, if you don't have a job you need to put in more effort than you have previously been doing. It's that simple and yet you faggots are trying to convince yourselves that it's the hardest thing in the world.
    >> k++ !!eyIbuviiUbi 11/16/11(Wed)02:35 No.322716
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    >I work 16 hours a day to keep my standard of living and it sickens me when people expect handouts or complain.

    You must consider that not too long ago a person was able to sustain a non-working adult and up to 3 children in a private household with electricity, water, and phone service with some money left over for a few luxuries like furniture and a TV or two....
    And they worked 8 hours a day. Not long ago you could live by yourself on the salary of a gas-station attendant.

    Why do you not see what has happened to you? Why do you not see that you and all that are like you have been put into economic slavery?
    >> Anonymous 11/16/11(Wed)02:36 No.322721
    I'm sure a lot of things confuse you.
    >> Anonymous 11/16/11(Wed)02:38 No.322739

    Thats price inflation.
    >> Anonymous 11/16/11(Wed)02:38 No.322740
    Yeah but I can't now and there is nothing I can do about it except work hard to get that standard of living.

    It's not a miserable hell. Sure hard work is tough but it gives me the money and the means to live a decent life. Sorry if that pisses you off bro, and yeah if people want a good quality of life they have to work for it these days.
    >> Anonymous 11/16/11(Wed)02:38 No.322749
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    You wouldn't be wrong because I'm certainly not a know-it-all asshole like yourself.
    >> Anonymous 11/16/11(Wed)02:42 No.322783
    I actually had a friend who was doing a start up flower decoration business and it wasn't just some magical fairy land with flowers growing on trees. It involved him driving twice a week 4 hours down to a flow growing and supply company and purchasing the materials in bulk to make bouquets. Surprisingly people want pretty and rare flowers to use for decorations and despite what you think you can't just pick those yellow assholes growing in your backyard and watch the idiots line up to hand you their money. So a large portion of your money is spent buying these rare flowers that customers want for bouquets. Then after you buy all this crap you spend hours meticulously arranging it all day in giant displays containing hundreds of flowers so you can put it on display. Oh and I hope you have business coming in quick because everything is going to wilt after 3-5 days on display and after a week all those flowers will be completely not fit for sale.

    Bottom line you will spend hundreds of dollars on flowers alone each week in hopes that someone buys this stupid shit before it wilts. I hope that guy who said "just start a flower decoration company" gets run over by a gardening truck.
    >> Anonymous 11/16/11(Wed)02:43 No.322801



    >> Anonymous 11/16/11(Wed)02:45 No.322813
    >he doesn't use paper flowers as a display

    Your friend is a fucking retard. No seriously.
    >> k++ !!eyIbuviiUbi 11/16/11(Wed)02:47 No.322828
    But the wages haven't followed and at this point I just see that we're living in a second coming of the "company store" model that my grandparents would tell me about. If you don't know what that is, it was a situation where you would work for a company and they would pay you..and they also owned the local grocery/goods store..possibly the only one in town. Long story short, you could open credit with this store and get your goods but your wages would NEVER catch up and you would NEVER pay it off, leaving you to be constantly in debt to the very job you worked.

    >Yeah but I can't now and there is nothing I can do about it except work hard to get that standard of living.
    Indeed...but given the economic climate we could be on the verge of a second economic revolution to bring that sort of thing back. People don't seem to want to admit this here in the U.S. but our capitalist system is intertwined with our government in ways that are not beneficial to the citizen....they also don't want to admit that this seems to be the cycle of our society...where we let our guards down and the machine of commerce slowly makes slaves of us once more. I'm not saying communism as it's been shown works either...but I am saying that our system is sick to the core and apparently requires a chemo dose every so often.

    Just remember this, please everybody. It wasn't the "lazy" that got laid off that were dragging down the was by your definitions the hard working and ambitious who made these fraudulent deals (lol mortgage backed securities) in the pursuit of more money that caused this.
    >> Anonymous 11/16/11(Wed)02:51 No.322869
    You still have to store your flowers at your place of business in a fridge jackass thats where the bulk of your supplies are with several bouquets that probably won't be sold on display. The flowers in the fridge still wilt after a week and look like shit if you try to use them in bouquets after that point.
    >> Anonymous 11/16/11(Wed)02:51 No.322870
    >it was by your definitions the hard working and ambitious who made these fraudulent deals (lol mortgage backed securities) in the pursuit of more money that caused this.

    and it was their right to, because they worked hard to get into those positions. Fuck the common person, they're too lazy to even fix this shitty situation.
    >> Anonymous 11/16/11(Wed)02:52 No.322880
    Don't overstock then faggot, get your flowers to order. You really are a dumbass
    >> Anonymous 11/16/11(Wed)02:55 No.322906
    Oh and I guess thats another thing you will need for your flower decoration start up costs. Several large storage fridges large enough to store hundreds of flowers you will hold each week for selling in.
    Have fun saving up thousands of dollars for your first week in the very in demand market of selling flowers guys!
    >> Anonymous 11/16/11(Wed)02:56 No.322925

    no need for fridges.
    Well done throwing money away for no raisen.
    >> Anonymous 11/16/11(Wed)02:58 No.322948

    >I love this fucker here. Because I'm willing to bust my fucking ass to do what I have to to survive while this motherfucker sits in a drum circle complaining about "The Man", I'm somehow the asshole.

    And I love this fucker here.

    That's right, keep BUSTIN' your arse to survive. Jesus Christ you people are fucking stupid.

    Gee, do you think maybe if the governing bodies which rule stopped fucking you for a second you'd be able to relax a bit and not have to work seven days a week?

    The worst part is, you're getting fucked over worse than most people. YOU are the slave Liberals speak of. YOU are a the sheep who will work until he's dead, just because you're too damn arrogant and proud to think any other way.

    Damn it /pol/ you really rustles my jimmies.
    >> Anonymous 11/16/11(Wed)02:59 No.322963
    If you are getting your flowers to order you are pretty much buying flowers from a flower decoration company. Thats like me saying "Wow I like selling hamburgers but hate having to buy and store all the parts to assemble them in bulk to turn a profit." I know I'll just buy them from mcdonalds when my customers order them and let them do all the storage preparation and handling of what I need. Fuck this is good business planning right here I'll just resell mcdonald hamburgers to people to make a living.
    >> k++ !!eyIbuviiUbi 11/16/11(Wed)03:03 No.322997
    >and it was their right to, because they worked hard to get into those positions. Fuck the common person, they're too lazy to even fix this shitty situation.

    You seem to have missed the word fraudulent. Many of the things that were done were illegal in various forms constituting violations against regulations. Also..there seems to be a quick dismissal of the bailout that happened afterwards. Did you forget that part? Where they plunged a world economy into the toilet and were rewarded for doing so?

    At a certain point we have to start holding these people accountable. No..they are not public officials like elected leaders but they are in positions of incredible economic power. Economic power trumps all other power you can wield over a person or a society.

    Which brings me to an off-topic point..all these little fringe groups or minority groups that cry about their rights being stomped need to just express themselves as a large economic force...not too large now or else you end up hated like the jews or whites.
    >> Anonymous 11/16/11(Wed)03:04 No.323005
    Not really. there is no difference between ordering in your flowers to store and ordering in your flowers to do up and send off.
    Unless you like to do single bouquets at a time to sell instead of a mass of them large functions. but if you did that you'd be stupid.
    >> Anonymous 11/16/11(Wed)03:06 No.323018
    >bringing jews into it

    You just lost all credibility but I shouldn't have expected much more from /pol/
    >> Anonymous 11/16/11(Wed)03:07 No.323032
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    >> Anonymous 11/16/11(Wed)03:08 No.323037
    Holy crap I'm done it's like no one on this board has any practical experience in the real world doing anything and just like to complain about shit they don't know anything about.

    If you don't store the flowers in a fridge they will wilt that very same day and you will be tossing them out the next morning. Starting a flower business costs money guys you can't just go out one day buy some flowers from a guy running a flower decoration business in the same town as you then turn them around and sell them for more than he does to save costs on storage. If you did that everyone can just go to the faggot next door to you selling the exact same shit for cheaper prices because he handled logistics and storage of these flowers better than you and can sell at a lower rate. And guess what that motherfucker probably had the funds for start up costs to sell flowers better than you and drive you out of business being better at what he does.
    >> Anonymous 11/16/11(Wed)03:09 No.323049
    >he doesn't put the flowers in a vase with water

    Do you just gas the flowers when they come to you? Your business sounds like a flower holocaust.
    >> Anonymous 11/16/11(Wed)03:14 No.323079
    No one on this board knows jack shit about flowers and probably by extension jack shit about the real world.
    Have fun arguing over your stupid uninformed opinions wage peasants.
    >> Anonymous 11/16/11(Wed)03:16 No.323110
    >Well groomed, well dressed. Got fired from job two days ago, have an interview tomorrow.

    What are you guys doing wrong? If there really are no jobs in your area, then move.
    >> k++ !!eyIbuviiUbi 11/16/11(Wed)03:19 No.323139
    Tried to use the widespread hatred towards those groups as a means to show that if your economic power as a group is disproportionate to your size you may acquire undue hatred and mal-intent.

    But I guess that flew right over your head? I was going to use the economic rise of teenagers in the 50's and what that has meant for culture and products overall to this day...but seeing as teenagers (at least white middle class) were never really oppressed (in the U.S.) I didn't think it would make much of a point...and the hatred towards teenagers as an economic force is only by old crotchety people going "damn kids have no tastes in ____" or people who suck at their jobs getting managed by those a generation younger than them. I notice you also didn't mention me bringing up whites as a group that is also despised for their economic force in proportion to their size....but that's another matter entirely.

    I'm not into white guilt or anything...I just know that the color of my skin and the economic standing of my racial group tends to make me somewhat hated by those of darker shades in groups with wide-spread lower standings.

    Essentially we always blame those that have more than us for no real reason and keep ourselves divided when there are ACTUAL targets and actual singular people that are the cause of the woes of millions.
    >> Anonymous 11/16/11(Wed)08:13 No.325112
    You need money to do that.
    If you don't have a job, where does the money come from?

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