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Facebook IPO general

Lets see how FB plays out on its first day of trading.
Angus is ready, let's get this started
About an hour and a half left until it goes live.
Buying 1000 shares
Next big bubble.
How is this scam going to make money?
It's another castle in the sky.

Your loss.

1) You wont get them at $38
2) Youll buy them for $50 today
3) Jews will sell at $12 a share profit today
4) Tomorrow you will sell for $15
Ad revenue? Sell private information? Subscription-based services? Games/downloadable content?
Whoever loses, California wins.
Sweet! Im Jewish.
Idiots are apparently already bidding $60+.
Nice profit for Goldman Sachs and JPM.
He is selling because soon people will soon find out that ads space is nill on smart phones. Smart phones are all we access jewhook with. .Most masterrace don't trust jewbook to not sellout users. Jews don't sell things of value they sell fantasy, dreams and lies. This deal is for muppits.
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I think this is going to happen.

>demand is too high, hence price will be about 40-60$/share
>price goes down by next week, about 15-30$/share
>the only people who lose are goyim and idiots who THOUGHT IT'S GOOD BUYING BECAUSE FEISBUCH AINT GOING ANYWHERE

You would got lucky if you have shares already.
They should pay their fair share! I is 99% muthafucka!
>no real service provided, all revenue from ads
>Zuckerberg still wants to run FB as a social network rather than a business
>more info will be released as it is now public
>insiders selling on day one
>tons of young people, who know nothing about stocks, buying up FB from day one sellers

How is this not bound to fail?
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Just by way of comparison: at $70 Facebook would have a market cap of $200 billion dollars... the same as Chevron, Walmart, Microsoft, Nestle, or IBM.

To be fair, Facebook is almost as well known as those companies. But FB doesn't provide anywhere near as much of a service.
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reuters live stream
Users dropping like flies migrating or rather circulating to linkedin and other more adult sm. Jewbook is friend cold storage,selling your private information. Revenue comes from ads but few ads on smart phones screen. When has a jew sold anything of value? Booze,movies,jewlery Porn,drugs,makeup,high overpriced faishon,facebook
Being well known doesn't mean the business produces wealth.

The companies 'value' is absurd.
At least the market has a 'Dislike' button.

I hope they press it like drug deprived narcorats in a laboratory experiment.
>people dropping facebook for linkedin
people actually use linkedin? im calling bullshit
I'm buying 5000 shares when it opens. I'm heavily margined, so wish me luck.
This is such a joke, and so many people are going to see so much of their money wiped out over night because of this.

I really feel sorry for anyone stupid enough to buy into this. Well, w/e, their fault for being stupid and not thinking about the way the company makes money and the way users view the website (for the record, I've never seen a SINGLE ad on facebook, bitches aint made a fucking cent off of me).
Go ahead and namefag this remark and get back to me in a few hours, or you have no balls
When was the last time a heavily advertised IPO actually turned out a good investment?
>hard mode:
>disregard google
look to the right

>a few hours

you're an idiot. Of course the shit is going to go up today.. and tomorrow, and stay there for a bit. Until in the near future the company crashes on its face and shares drop to $5 over night. But its not going to be TONIGHT you moronic faggot.
Who cares about investment. I'm gonna be scalping this stock all day. I promise you I will profit.

>look to the right huuurrr dats whur dah adz be at foo

Someone just proved they are to stupid to even be able to install firefox and a few addons to prevent seeing ads on websites
>facebook predicted to be worth as much as Amazon and more than Disney

What the fuck, how does that work?
Saverin and Theil are going to cash the fuck out, and anyone dumb enough to buy in are going to be paying for their new private jet-yacht-ferraris.
I heard there's a bunch of Masaratis awaiting the new millionaires and billionaires of Facebook.

and this right here is why everyone with a brain AND a sense of morality, hates wallstreet.

You are basically taking something, hyping it, and reselling it right away to get a profit, with no intention of ACTUALLY staying invested in a company to see it prosper and grow, because you know this one is going to crash and crash hard.. but hey you made some money off of it right? thats all that matters.

The problem, and the reason people with morals hate you, is that all you're doing is selling a lemon, knowing its a lemon, and knowing someone is gonna get screwed but you'll be protected. Its basically legal theft, and its appalling that you faggots get away with it.
>hurr nobody is a 1337 HAXOR like me with my browser add-ons, i so hi-tech
i have adblock, it blocks things, it doesnt block things on facebook for some reason, im not bothered because the ads are uninvasive and easy to ignore
Sorry so poor, bro.
Dat jewitude.
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If making money makes me gay, so be it.
Enjoy being forever straight.
Trading starts in several minutes.
The problem is that fools want this stock in spite of warnings from many that it's no Google and is trading at many times revenue forgot profit which it is at 400 times profit.
Wtf, delayed?
If you mongoloids are going to buy into this, please put limit orders/stops on your purchase order so you don't get assfucked. If you buy at market and the market is at $60 when your order is completed, you'll be fucked.
I can't wait to short the fuck out of this
you guys know all the main hedge funds are buying and pushing the price up only to dump it later, right?

can't wait for groupon v2.0

Change +4.40 +11.58%


Change +2.56 +6.74%

Change +2.01 +5.29%

Nose diving so far
Down to $39.05

Change +1.05 +2.76% from $38

Change +0.01 +0.03% Penny profit?

back down to 38
>that feel when Facebook has so many forces on it trying to shift it both up and down that they deadlocked
good job not being complete fucking twits!

I wouldnt doubt some muckery going on to keep it above $38 atm so it doesnt look like a failure
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I was hoping to see this happen.
The smile on my face could not be bigger.
Still early in the day, maybe the morons will jump on it later
in at 38.62
doesn't need muckery. people aren't willing to sell it for less than $38 after it just opened there. tomorrow on teh other hand...
Zynga's halted... and the VIX-type ETFs went up by 5 to 10% from open, thanks Mr. Zuckerberg.
out @ 39.50
It's like taking candy from a baby
Closing in on 40 again

mommie i made almost a whole dollar today! ARENT YOU PROUD OF ME!?
>no shares available to short
Goddamn it my VIX ETF's are in roller coaster mode. Good thing I'm in a simulation.
facebook lol

all the kids and young adults are just one fad away from deserting facebook in droves.

this is just facebook trying to dump their shares for cash quickly.
How does one do this capitalism lark, anyway?
How many shares changed hands so far?
It it doesn't get to 45 to 50... It's gonna crash bad.
Ding ding ding, we have a winner.

inb4 masses crying and wanting compensation for investing in a inherently flawed stock
in @ 40
Volume 206.39million
At least you aren't in Zynga where you can't unload your damaged stock.
Buy high sell low or soemthing I think

There are two main schools of investing: Value and Growth

Value Investing: "Buy low, sell high"

Value investing is all about finding companies that are undervalued and purchasing them for the mid-long run as they revalue at a higher price. A lot of value-oriented investors go for dividend yielding stocks so they get some passive income for owning the stock, and like to trade based on price per earnings, or the P/E of a stock.

Growth Investing: "Buy high, sell higher"

Growth investing is all about finding a stock with sky-high growth rates and buying shares of it, even at higher prices than average. The methodology is that the growth rate will allow you to survive taking a short term loss on the stock. Growth investors tend to ignore P/E and focus wholly on growth rates.
out 40.33
fuck this is too volatile
>Tomorrow's headlines
Then you have Mad Money... It's dividends or growth... if it somehow has both you can buy at any price.
I mean literally. How does one buy and sell shares?
I will be damn surprised if this IPO doesn't end up as a pump and dump
It's dump n' pump and dump some more!
Find a broker
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So what exactly does Facebook do other than manage advertisement space?
wont buy again until low 38s

Oh. You can do it through a traditional broker or online by setting up an investment account. E-Trade and Scottrade are online platforms, Morgan Stanley and I think Wells Fargo are examples of brick and mortar brokerages.

There's a minimum amount to open up an investment account, and every brokerage whether digital or analog will charge you commission to make moves on the stock market. This is probably the major bar preventing most people from starting a portfolio, really.
I personally think their shit is overvalued. Facebook isn't a very innovative company, and unless Africans all get internet and start using FB their company growth with start to slow down. Plus, Google is trying its pants off to try to make their own version of FB and one of their ventures Orkut, worked pretty damn well in India for a time being, so FB may not even have the developing countries locked down. It's already trading pretty slow right now, I think it would be a safe venture with slow growth, but it certainly won't get you instantly rich like some people are thinking.
I'd go into short mode. Make some money while waiting for low 38s.
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face book is way over valued its a victim of the american fantasy culture that feeds its populous on a diet of rainbows and gay ponies!
Social ads. Telling people what their friends are buying, and making advertising so subtle that people recommend it to their friends because it's clever or funny.

Other than that? Yeah... Google will eat them alive.
Not necessarily Google but the financiers and traders will probably rip shares to pieces if FB has nothing of value other than advertising.
Even LinkedIn is a threat to harm Facebook.
this fucker wants to hit 41
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Mark Zuckerberg, grundare och vd. 146 miljarder kronor.
Sheryl Sandberg, operativ chef. 10,5 miljarder kronor.
Jeff Rothschild, chef Technology. 6 miljarder kronor.
David Ebersman, finansdirektör. 2,7 miljarder kronor.
Mike Schroepfer, chef Engineering. 2,3 miljarder kronor.
Theodore W. Ullyot, rådgivare. 1,6 miljarder kronor.

I just copied this from Swedish site.
But you can translate for yourself. The point is that everyone that is in the elite group that has anything to do with Facebook are jews and this is how much they earn when Facebook goes into the stock-market.

Facebook is just one big jewish cult.

Think it'll get back above 43?
>market value 130 billion
>operative income 5 billion per year
>people think this is a good ratio

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Like I said in the other thread, Facebook as a company doesn't care at this point. The market just paid them $10 billion in cash and they'll be flush for years. The only people who are worried are the people who spent that money today, and the Facebook employees who are forbidden from selling their own shares for 180 days.
>180 days

welp they are royally fucked

lmfao. BUY! BUY! BUY! BUY! BUY!

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