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    File : 1321222363.jpg-(175 KB, 1000x1000, 1306164885009.jpg)
    175 KB Anonymous 11/13/11(Sun)17:12 No.316339  
    How have you progressed /pol/?

    Start: Dont care about politics.

    Young: Proud of my country! Best in the world!

    Immigrate to another country: Wow, this multiculturalism is great! (they really drummed it in on us and I was quite young at 8 years at this point)

    Start Browsing 4chan and the likes: I am now a liberal, communist, pro multiculturalism, global warming and anti racism kinda guy. Took up atheism and became loud with it.

    Get my first major test results: They were shit. It really soured my outlook on humanity and myself. Re-examined everything. Started to hate atheists now, I was one but it had become so faggy and shit. Stand up for religious people more than atheists now. Philosophically, became quite solipsistic. Started to really hate liberals. All those who were idealistic and optimistic about humanity seemed like fags now.

    Start going deeper into 4chan (/pol/ and /news/): No longer defend blacks, gypsies or muslims. Jews I really don't have a problem with though. Don't like em, but won't go out of my way to hate them. Identify myself with stronger government. Like, the strong grip your balls left, no the hippie left.

    And that was how I am now. I really have changed over time, and sometimes I feel sad that I have.
    >> Anonymous 11/13/11(Sun)17:14 No.316356
    That's called growing up.
    You see which viewpoints are utopian, and those which have real-world application.

    It just happens that way.
    >> Anonymous 11/13/11(Sun)17:15 No.316371
    Congratulations OP! You grew up!
    >> Anonymous 11/13/11(Sun)17:17 No.316393
    >No longer defend gypsies

    Wait, some people actually do this?
    >> Anonymous 11/13/11(Sun)17:17 No.316398
    Similar to OP:

    Start- Like my own country. Seems nice. Everyone is equal!

    Young- Same as before.

    Teen- Become atheist. Loud and edgy too. Communist and proud!

    Late teen- Realize that people are stupid as fuck and need to be told what to do. Realize not all people and cultures are equal.

    Today- Still going strong with that.
    >> Anonymous 11/13/11(Sun)17:17 No.316402
    start: hate everything
    high school: hate everything more
    college: learn how to properly hate everything and take advantage of the world
    future career plans: I will be the reason your children hate everything
    >> Anonymous 11/13/11(Sun)17:18 No.316418
    >Grew up in lower middle class family
    >Parents started saving for me and my brothers college tuition before we were born.
    >Worked for my dads company
    >Saved all my money
    >Went to community college and then transferred to state school
    >Graduated with no debt and money in the bank
    >Worked past 2 years saving money
    >Going to med school next year with $40,000 in the bank.
    >Never got a nice care, ipad, name brand clothing, or had any parasitic children.
    >> Anonymous 11/13/11(Sun)17:19 No.316422
    Where I came from, gypsies are a prevalent member of society. The government and my parents tried their darned hardest to make me not hate them, despite 95% of the nation being extremely anti gypsy.

    In my short stay in my birth country, I had seen gypsies only when they rummaged through bins and when they begged. I thought "well its because they are poor, really they are a great people"

    But soon I re examined the evidence and concluded they were faggot scum.
    >> Dunecoon !!agrb2CyR7tQ 11/13/11(Sun)17:21 No.316439
         File1321222865.jpg-(696 KB, 876x1000, impy_dark.jpg)
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    Start: I went outside, but I think if you said Ford I would of thought of the president. Not the car manufacturer.

    Young: (11-15) I emulated McVeigh (Possibly my uncle.) and Hitler, I hung around with the rejects of the Red Canyon Skinheads. Witnessed my first curb-stomping at 12, it scared me away from the scene a bit. I wondered if this is how a functioning member of society should act. (It wasn't.)

    Next two years: I start studding politics as an elective and find myself as a perfect independent. I said I would rather be called a Republican and I was shunned from the debate team.

    Now: Dropped out of high-school my senior year with a GPA of 0.1. If I can't get this job I'm using all of my prior military endorsed training and enlisting in the Army. From there I will use the Armed Services to get a degree in (I hope.) NSE.
    >> Anonymous 11/13/11(Sun)17:23 No.316460
         File1321222982.jpg-(883 KB, 1132x1428, DSC_2312.jpg)
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    Studying, fuck me.
    >> Anonymous 11/13/11(Sun)17:23 No.316464
    start: don't care
    Now: Ron Paul
    >> Anonymous 11/13/11(Sun)17:23 No.316471
    "I was normal then turned into an angry bitter faggot"

    - OP.
    >> Anonymous 11/13/11(Sun)17:25 No.316495
    Its sad really.

    You always start normal and ignorant and either go and become:

    Angry and bitter

    Or faggy and edgy
    >> Anonymous 11/13/11(Sun)17:25 No.316497
    "I still live in my mom's house, browsing communist websites and wearing Che t-shirts"

    - Above Poster.
    >> Anonymous 11/13/11(Sun)17:29 No.316542
    Young: Rather liberal, big on individual freedoms. Hate blacks and mexicans due to constant exposure despite my parents attempts to 'correct' me.

    Old(er): Huge on state control(forcing corporations to benefit the state if they want to exist, racial pride education etc), still have a strong distate for non-white minorities, but realized that hatred was an irrational, wasted emotion, and would be akin to hating a rabid animal for biting you. They can't help themselves and really, it isn't their fault that they ended up with up with the genetic equivalent of the short straw.

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