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    File: 1336444393.jpg-(35 KB, 494x452, amaaa.jpg)
    35 KB Anonymous 05/07/12(Mon)22:33 No.3020576  
    Ask a 17 year old girl who considers herself a neo nazi anything. inb4 no girls on /pol/
    >> Anonymous 05/07/12(Mon)22:33 No.3020590
    Fuck you alma
    >> Anonymous 05/07/12(Mon)22:33 No.3020591
    When did you start transitioning to a girl?
    >> Anonymous 05/07/12(Mon)22:34 No.3020600
    post a pic or you're fibbing
    >> Anonymous 05/07/12(Mon)22:34 No.3020603
    Tits or gtfo.
    >> Anonymous 05/07/12(Mon)22:35 No.3020611
    Are you glowing in the dark?
    >> Anonymous 05/07/12(Mon)22:35 No.3020613
    post pics
    >> Anonymous 05/07/12(Mon)22:35 No.3020620

    At least try.
    >> Anonymous 05/07/12(Mon)22:35 No.3020629
    Pre or post op?
    >> Anonymous 05/07/12(Mon)22:36 No.3020634
    Okay then... what are your thoughts on race-mixed relationships, particularly ones where one partner is white as opposed to two differing ethnics?
    >> Anonymous 05/07/12(Mon)22:36 No.3020641
         File: 1336444583.jpg-(172 KB, 494x452, almagoldbergstien.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 05/07/12(Mon)22:36 No.3020647
    >17 year old girl

    Stopped reading right there. Go back to school and get an eduction. No wonder you're a supporter of something so primitive and vile as fascism.
    >> Anonymous 05/07/12(Mon)22:37 No.3020655
    Which one of your boyfriends brainwashed you in to neo-nazism?
    >> Anonymous 05/07/12(Mon)22:37 No.3020656
         File: 1336444645.jpg-(39 KB, 429x410, lol20.jpg)
    39 KB
    I was born a girl
    >post a pic or you're fibbing
    But I want to keep me being a nazi a secret ;I
    >> Anonymous 05/07/12(Mon)22:37 No.3020661
    >> Anonymous 05/07/12(Mon)22:38 No.3020664
    >Implying girls on the internet.
    Go make me sammich
    >> David Cameron !!Pe8/IxcXVF4 05/07/12(Mon)22:38 No.3020673
    >> Anonymous 05/07/12(Mon)22:39 No.3020685
    >claiming she is nazi
    >"get the fuck out you fascist"

    Dude, those are two different ideologies
    >> Anonymous 05/07/12(Mon)22:39 No.3020687
    You're no nazi.

    >> Anonymous 05/07/12(Mon)22:39 No.3020695
    this isn't /b

    we aren't going to look through a million FB pages just to find out who you are

    post a pic or you're just a bad troll or alma wade
    >> Anonymous 05/07/12(Mon)22:40 No.3020703

    Also, why o you hate niggers, you are supposed to be brainwashed to love nigger dick.
    >> Anonymous 05/07/12(Mon)22:40 No.3020711
    What do you think of muslims taking over Europe ?
    >> Anonymous 05/07/12(Mon)22:40 No.3020715

    Since when is this /b/?

    She's just an underage whore anyways.
    >> Anonymous 05/07/12(Mon)22:40 No.3020716
    hi alma
    >> Anonymous 05/07/12(Mon)22:41 No.3020723
    > I was born a girl

    On the inside, sure.

    Will you be able to start hormone therapy when you turn 18?
    >> David Cameron !!Pe8/IxcXVF4 05/07/12(Mon)22:41 No.3020729
         File: 1336444892.png-(731 KB, 803x960, hdfufgff.png)
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    >> Anonymous 05/07/12(Mon)22:41 No.3020732
         File: 1336444908.jpg-(15 KB, 300x300, amaaa.jpg)
    15 KB
    If I came out as a nazi irl I probably would be a social outcast :(
    >post a pic or you're just a bad troll or alma wade
    I am not alma wade though. You are just paranoid if you think that lol O_o
    >> Anonymous 05/07/12(Mon)22:42 No.3020736
    Oh yeah! Being underage on this board is against the rules, isn't it? Someone's going to get banned....
    >> Anonymous 05/07/12(Mon)22:42 No.3020740
    Saved for whenever I see Alma next.

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