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  • /mu/'s favorite bro deadmau5 is hanging out here:

    Two of three migrations down, one to go. Expect some short downtime tomorrow afternoon or evening. Site should be much faster already.
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    Server migration complete. New hardware brought online should make things noticeably faster. Enjoy!
    PS: Some more goodies coming later this week.
    Your pal, —missingno

    File : 1321032921.jpg-(93 KB, 399x581, we-are-the-99.jpg)
    93 KB Anonymous 11/11/11(Fri)12:35 No.290132  
    What's your thoughts on this?
    >> Anonymous 11/11/11(Fri)12:36 No.290138
    What should my thoughts be on this?
    >> Anonymous 11/11/11(Fri)12:36 No.290141
    >> Anonymous 11/11/11(Fri)12:37 No.290146
    1% of the 99%
    >> Anonymous 11/11/11(Fri)12:37 No.290148
    Nice idea, horrible execution.
    >> Anonymous 11/11/11(Fri)12:37 No.290150
    It's a good beginning. I hope it goes somewhere and results in good for many.
    >> Anonymous 11/11/11(Fri)12:37 No.290152
    Yeah. Your opinion on this 'hurr we are 99%'
    >> Anonymous 11/11/11(Fri)12:38 No.290158
    Limp-wristed faggots who only like the system when it's pouring money into their pockets protesting other limp-wristed faggots who only like the system when it's pouring money into their pockets
    >> Anonymous 11/11/11(Fri)12:38 No.290159

    >Divisive shill detected.
    >> Anonymous 11/11/11(Fri)12:38 No.290160
    The occupy movement wont get shit done. They may be the 99% but the top 1% have 100% of the power.
    >> Anonymous 11/11/11(Fri)12:39 No.290177
    Face it OP, you don't care what we think, you just want more rage and this is the hot button at the time.
    What you'll get:
    40% angry responses because how dare they protest when protesting is so last week
    30% angry responses because South Park told them protesting is stupid
    10% angry responses because they're bitter for never leaving the house and thus have a chance to protest
    20% support the protests, thus turning into a typical capitalism debate shitfest

    /pol/ isn't because moot likes our political discussions, it's to keep this kind of unproductive crap from the other boards.
    >> Anonymous 11/11/11(Fri)12:41 No.290186
    All I want is money out of politics. If that makes me some sort of socialist hybrid with jewblood, fine.
    >> Corporate Shill !NlOh4Yor9A 11/11/11(Fri)12:41 No.290190
    My favorite analogy so far is "Vegans staging a sit-in at a tofu shop"

    The 99% claim to be protesting the 1% by occupying spaces only the 99% ever use, harassing the 99% with youtube documentary propaganda and armchair economics, and generally doing a fantastic job of reinforcing the divide between the rich and the poor that they're supposed to be trying to pave over. They've killed their own cause by representing it in the worst possible manner.
    >> Anonymous 11/11/11(Fri)12:42 No.290194

    Funny... You wouldn't believe the number of people I used to hear say that very thing back during the Viet Nam war protests and, yes, as long as it was just young college-age radicals and leftists protesting in the streets that was true.
    It wasn't until main stream America got into the protests and demanding an end to the war that the end finally came.
    I imagine that, once mainstream America gets involved, begins to act (which is happening already with the involvement of the working class unions) then the politicians and the government will really begin to listen, especially if that same main-stream American public begins to vote their beliefs and starts throwing the old-school good old boy network out of Washington.
    >> Anonymous 11/11/11(Fri)12:42 No.290195
    nothing a few good whacks with a nightstick won't fix
    >> Anonymous 11/11/11(Fri)12:45 No.290224
    He's a stupid fucking trust fund hipster who is actually a member of the 1%.
    The 99% are too busy working and trying to make a living to protest.
    >> Anonymous 11/11/11(Fri)12:47 No.290248
    I work in the finance industry in a local stocks/commodities exchange in my town and you'd be amazed how many of the people I work with want change as much as the protestors do. Okay, granted, I make a lot of money at what I do but that doesn't automatically make me a monster or inhuman, it doesn't make me heartless or immune to the needs of others, it just means I make a lot of money and, yes, I also want change, to see things get better for everyone.
    What I wonder about is that, rather than attacking us, why aren't the 99% encouraging us to join them? I know a lot of people would get involved right away if they felt they could be safe with the protestors and made to feel part of the movement but that's why we hesitate, don't join. We're afraid they may just attack us instead of welcome us.
    >> Anonymous 11/11/11(Fri)12:49 No.290262
    I'm sure you work very hard for the money you make. The fact is, the finance industry has turned from being an engine of capital distribution (and therefore economic growth) into a vicious parasite via a process of government misregulation and private avarice.
    >> Anonymous 11/11/11(Fri)12:53 No.290289
    why not just join them instead of waiting for an engraved invitation
    >> Anonymous 11/11/11(Fri)12:56 No.290308
    The media wasn't completely owned by corporate america back then.
    >> Corporate Shill !NlOh4Yor9A 11/11/11(Fri)12:58 No.290326
    Yes, why not join the angry pitchfork toting mob who spits on you and shoves you everyday on your way to work and vandalizes your office exterior for having the gall to be open during their strike?
    >> Anonymous 11/11/11(Fri)12:58 No.290327
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    communits gonna commune
    >> Anonymous 11/11/11(Fri)13:00 No.290344
    >all money but union money
    >> Anonymous 11/11/11(Fri)13:02 No.290356
    So I joined their chatroom and got banned.

    What the fuck? I was just criticizing their movement. Not with a big trollface either, just a good ol rational series of questions. What happened to the first amendment that they want to defend bro?
    >> Anonymous 11/11/11(Fri)13:05 No.290372
    >implying they believe in free speech
    its a fucking study in groupthink
    >> Anonymous 11/11/11(Fri)13:05 No.290374
    What questions did you asked?
    >> Anonymous 11/11/11(Fri)13:05 No.290377
    >> Anonymous 11/11/11(Fri)13:06 No.290381

    Leftist are like that. They say they want stuff like free speech, but only when it agrees with them.
    >> Anonymous 11/11/11(Fri)13:07 No.290392
    That is how its spelled in The United States

    >> Anonymous 11/11/11(Fri)13:07 No.290399
    you are incorrect
    >> Anonymous 11/11/11(Fri)13:08 No.290401
    What did I "asked"? (lol sorry bro i poked fun at your typo, but it is HIlaRIOUS)

    I just asked why some had taken to violence, and why their movement had become about proving that you can make anyone listen by simply imitating the tactics of those before them, without doing anything new.
    >> Anonymous 11/11/11(Fri)13:08 No.290409

    Not at all. This kind of thing is the norm for the left. If they don't like what you say or do, they'll come up with an excuse to ban it.
    >> Anonymous 11/11/11(Fri)13:09 No.290412
    At the very least, it's exposing how corrupt our law-enforcement system is.
    >> Anonymous 11/11/11(Fri)13:09 No.290416
    no it isn't
    >> Anonymous 11/11/11(Fri)13:10 No.290420
    you mean like the rights quest to ban anything leftist in this country, or music,or art,or protests,or freedom of speech,do you want me to go on?
    >> Anonymous 11/11/11(Fri)13:11 No.290425
    show me where modern politicians are banning music and art..
    >> Anonymous 11/11/11(Fri)13:12 No.290426
    no matter how much, loud or long you say something does not make it true
    >> Anonymous 11/11/11(Fri)13:13 No.290434
    >30% angry responses because South Park told them protesting is stupid

    I notice this kind of attitude a lot. Whatever South Park says is pretty much the word of god in most peoples minds. Pathetic to the core.
    >> Anonymous 11/11/11(Fri)13:13 No.290439
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    tell that to OWS
    >> Anonymous 11/11/11(Fri)13:14 No.290441
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    The true question is, why aren't there millions of people out there?

    Don't they realize their own situation? Do they actually think they are living the best life possible?
    >> Anonymous 11/11/11(Fri)13:14 No.290451
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    >> Anonymous 11/11/11(Fri)13:15 No.290456
    Ok, I live and work In nyc and I see these.douchebags on pretty much a daily basis. I've walked through zuccotti park, although ill never go near it again after the new revelations about disease out breaks. Anyway, they indeed are dirty hippies. many of them seem to have mental defects or are on hard drugs. The camp smells bad, in some places it smelled like feces. Theyre rude and obnoxious and are completely self entitled. One rainy I was heading past the park and two of them walked up behind me and tried to walk under my umbrella with me, completely nonchalant and as if they were just entitled to my umbrella. Those that arent homeless hippies are liberal hipster douchebag college students who really.dont know what the fuck theyre talking.about and are just there to hang out. The whole movement is laughed at by.most working people. The world would be better if the protestors just died because they dont contribute anything to society and just want other people to subsidize them. I'm not rich, I'm lower middle class, but it pisses me the fuck off that these assholes purport to represent me and my interests. Fuck you.
    >> Anonymous 11/11/11(Fri)13:16 No.290458
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    >> Anonymous 11/11/11(Fri)13:16 No.290460
    Do they know even dead celebrities belong to the 1% and other hollywood stars.
    That's their own doing.
    >> Anonymous 11/11/11(Fri)13:16 No.290462
    >implying media was ever noncorporate
    >> Anonymous 11/11/11(Fri)13:17 No.290469
    Because they have been convinced that OWS doesn't stand for anything except maybe a vague notion of 'communism' and anti-rich. Kind of like the fucktards that frequent /pol/

    'no it isn't', Great counter to the pepper spray, the beanbags, the teargas. The numerous scandals involving police departments across the country regarding their treatment of the OWS movement.
    >> Anonymous 11/11/11(Fri)13:17 No.290471
    Indeed. For a problem that supposedly ruins the lives of 99% of all people, you'd think 99% of us would be upset. Perhaps this math is a little off?
    >> Anonymous 11/11/11(Fri)13:17 No.290473

    Meta-humor is best humor.

    Just kidding. It's for pretentious faggots who think they're above it all and think they're are being witty. (ex. The Neckbeard in your picture.)
    >> Anonymous 11/11/11(Fri)13:18 No.290475
    Joseph lieberman,Dianne fienstine,the republicans and democrats unwavering support of the fcc,blacklisting bands from radio play (rage against the machine for examples entire catalog isn't allowed to be played on the air),the continued government mandated use of "parental advisory" stickers
    Do I need to keep going on for you?
    >> Corporate Shill !NlOh4Yor9A 11/11/11(Fri)13:18 No.290478
    >false dichotomy
    OWS does not have the average person's interests in mind despite their 99% slogan. Instead of choosing between two parties who don't give a shit about you, you now get to choose between two parties and a movement who all don't give a shit about you!
    >> Anonymous 11/11/11(Fri)13:19 No.290482
    >> Anonymous 11/11/11(Fri)13:19 No.290483
    Above getting multiple private student loans to pay for my social arts degree which has absolutely no jobs hiring ever?
    >government ples pay for my mones
    >i am the 99%
    >> Anonymous 11/11/11(Fri)13:19 No.290484
    I want to lick yogurt out of that man's beard. excellent picture.
    >> Anonymous 11/11/11(Fri)13:20 No.290490
    >break law
    >outnumber police
    >police use pepper spray, the beanbags and the teargas to restore order and some semblance of a society of laws
    >cry about it on youtube

    yeah, sure is 1984 in here
    >> Anonymous 11/11/11(Fri)13:20 No.290492
    Nietzsche is that you?
    >> Anonymous 11/11/11(Fri)13:21 No.290497
    thats a bold faced lie if I ever read one before
    >> Anonymous 11/11/11(Fri)13:22 No.290498
    How many fucking threads do we have to have?

    They're all state cock sucking socialists.
    >> Anonymous 11/11/11(Fri)13:22 No.290504
    Joseph Lieberman and Dianne Fienstine?
    those are some crazy ass fucking right wingers
    >> Anonymous 11/11/11(Fri)13:23 No.290514
    ows does fight back later on against them

    stay classy....always
    >> Anonymous 11/11/11(Fri)13:24 No.290518
    Butthurt leftist detected, go watch family guy.
    >> Anonymous 11/11/11(Fri)13:24 No.290523
    Based on how he's wearing that hat, the guy is an obvious douche,,,
    >> Anonymous 11/11/11(Fri)13:24 No.290524
    My radio station plays Rage all the time, you must live somewhere without good radio stations.
    >> Anonymous 11/11/11(Fri)13:24 No.290525
    >this is what cultural marxists actually believe
    >> Anonymous 11/11/11(Fri)13:25 No.290528
    It's not worshipping authority, it's the fact you're breaking the law and disturbing everyone, breaking windows, going onto private property, attacking old people, etc
    >> Anonymous 11/11/11(Fri)13:26 No.290533
    wow, I never remember saying any of that.. weird

    I said they broke laws and got what they deserved.. don't really remember saying any of that other bullshit you posted
    >> Anonymous 11/11/11(Fri)13:26 No.290538

    Noone wanted you to fight he police. Stop being retarded if you can please.
    >> Anonymous 11/11/11(Fri)13:26 No.290539
    Like soldiers, they're fighting for me and my rights

    I support the 99%
    >> Anonymous 11/11/11(Fri)13:27 No.290540
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    inb4 this post is ignored
    >> Anonymous 11/11/11(Fri)13:28 No.290551
    waaaaaaaaaaaahhhh my precious things mean more to me than fixing the country and listening to ows STRONGLY CONDEMN THE OAKLAND VIOLENCE AND VIOLENCE OF EVERY KIND! and also
    waaaaaaaaaaaaahh dey awr distuwbing me boooooo hoooooooooo hooooooooooo. dont live in a major city faggot!
    aww look everyone it believes in the myth of cultural marxism
    is it clearchannel owned?
    >> Anonymous 11/11/11(Fri)13:29 No.290569
    right wing nutters then
    right wing nutters now
    >> Anonymous 11/11/11(Fri)13:30 No.290575
    >fixing the country

    How is protesting Wall Street, which has no say in what passes in Congress, fixing the country?

    inb4 lobbyists. Politicians don't have to listen to them.

    Also, breaking things literally the opposite of fixing something
    >> Anonymous 11/11/11(Fri)13:32 No.290593
    My thoughts on the protest are that they have clearly emphasized that the Zionist plot is working flawlessly.

    The protests are filled with people who are utterly ignorant about the system they live in, so they are unable to defend their thoughts and opinions despite the fact that they ARE protesting something just. There are a few who seem to understand things, but there aren't as many as there should be and the ones who don't understand things really make the whole movement look bad.

    Then there are the ignorant masses who seem to think that all of these protesters are just lazy hippies and liberals and the protest is anti-capitalism and pro-communism.

    Basically, the protests are slightly good because it shows that people are getting pissed off at the system, but bad because it also shows just how abundant ignorance still is in our civilization.

    Hopefully the Zionist bastards sense that their end is nigh and they do something stupid and obvious which sets off the powder keg and begins the revolution.

    Something liiiiiiike... war on Iran.
    >> Anonymous 11/11/11(Fri)13:32 No.290594
    >inb4 lobbyists.
    yeah because that destroys your argument there
    and yeah, the politicos do listen to lobbyists because they bribe them constantly.
    why do you lolbertarians constantly lie and deny that wall street and their idiot friends are also the problem along with the government?
    You just want to blanket bash the government while not suggesting anything to fix the wall street problem that we have.
    >> Anonymous 11/11/11(Fri)13:33 No.290596
    looks like its owned by Cumulus Media
    and plays rage all the time
    still not banned
    >> Anonymous 11/11/11(Fri)13:34 No.290607
    >My thoughts on the protest are that they have clearly emphasized that the Zionist plot is working fla

    stopped reading there
    >> Anonymous 11/11/11(Fri)13:34 No.290615
    >mfw the left also has lobbyists, this fact is ignored by these stupid fucking protesters
    >> Anonymous 11/11/11(Fri)13:34 No.290616
    >the politicos do listen to lobbyists because they bribe them constantly.

    So we should blame the lobbyists because politicians give into their bribes?

    Might as well charge that bank that was giving out guns for opening an account for murder if someone kills with said gun.
    >> Anonymous 11/11/11(Fri)13:35 No.290622
    ahh yeah the problem is with clear channel (who owns damn near every radio station in america it seems) because those bastards have a stranglehold on the industry.
    >> Corporate Shill !NlOh4Yor9A 11/11/11(Fri)13:35 No.290624
    No, it isn't. You, like the rest of the ADHD twitter generation, are too busy listening to what they say to pay attention to what they do. Everything they have done, every march and sit-in and protest they've made, has been at the expense of the middle and lower classes.

    They block traffic for worker drones trying to get home.
    They flip over food carts owned by people barely getting by.
    They shut down small businesses that are operating at a loss just hoping things improve soon.
    They occupy public parks where normal people want to walk their dogs or take their children to play. How many millionaires use those areas, lol?

    It's all hypocrisy. Make life even worse for the struggling masses while claiming to represent their interests. The real 99% hate OWS because they're even bigger leeches than the bloodsuckers they're protesting. They just say they aren't, and rely on idiots to pay more attention to their words than their actions. Luckily for them it's working, at least on people who rely on blogs and twitter for their news instead of first-hand experience.
    >> Anonymous 11/11/11(Fri)13:37 No.290651
    >So we should blame the lobbyists because politicians give into their bribes?

    >Might as well charge that bank that was giving out guns for opening an account for murder if someone kills with said gun.
    Thats a red herring argument. A bank giving out a gun for opening an account with them doesn't = support/opposition to bills that lobbyists oppose. its not even close.
    >> Anonymous 11/11/11(Fri)13:38 No.290664
    democracy is messy and the rest of you are just sheep anyway so its to be expected. especially when I see you plagiarizing your opinions from media outlets.
    Have you ever had an original thought of your own?
    >> Anonymous 11/11/11(Fri)13:39 No.290666
    what does clear channel have to do with politicains banning art and music

    >show me where modern politicians are banning music and art..

    remember when I said that?
    guess what.. clear channel is not the government
    >> Anonymous 11/11/11(Fri)13:40 No.290676
    honestly, I'm not sure if troll or serious
    >> Anonymous 11/11/11(Fri)13:40 No.290680

    Yes the lobbysist and the politicians are at fault and BOTH need to be removed from power. We need real democracy.

    What is some complicated to understand? Money in politics is bad.
    >> Corporate Shill !NlOh4Yor9A 11/11/11(Fri)13:40 No.290681
    >can't dispute the argument
    >i'll call him a sheep and hope no one notices
    just like the occupiers, good work comrade
    >> Anonymous 11/11/11(Fri)13:41 No.290687

    Come on now chap, don't half ass this.
    The proper term is "Sheeple"
    That'll leave your position entirely unambiguous.
    >> Anonymous 11/11/11(Fri)13:41 No.290691
    >have argument refuted
    >cherry pick one sentence to make it look like your question didn't get answered.

    Astroturf much?
    >> Anonymous 11/11/11(Fri)13:42 No.290693
    >we want mob rule
    >> Anonymous 11/11/11(Fri)13:43 No.290704
    >implying you refuted anything
    none of that shit is banned, and warning stickers to warn parents of content is not banning either
    >> Anonymous 11/11/11(Fri)13:44 No.290722
    I don't call them sheeple because I don't wanna come off alex jonesy.
    Sheep is the right term because thats how they act. What do you expect from a nation thats 34th in education? I never thought that I'd live in a country where the people back stab and turn on each other because the government and the media tell them to do so.
    The term temporarily embarrassed millionaires comes to mind as well with the anti-ows people
    >> Anonymous 11/11/11(Fri)13:45 No.290739
    >Money in politics is bad.

    Even if it's from the everyday citizen?

    I knew those filthy terrorists couldn't be trusted
    >> Anonymous 11/11/11(Fri)13:46 No.290743
    Yeah because living in your buttfucking republic the last 40 years has worked out soooooooooooo well.
    Oh wait,I forgot. We are only a republic when a democrat is in power and a democracy when a right winger is in power.
    >> Anonymous 11/11/11(Fri)13:48 No.290757
    If we got the "dirty money"(for lack of a better term) out of politics,our individual contributions would mean more.
    >> Anonymous 11/11/11(Fri)13:48 No.290762
    I have never claimed it to be a democracy, that the tactics your side.. It has always been a Republic
    >> Anonymous 11/11/11(Fri)13:48 No.290763
    then why dont you just like... create your own pressure group?

    I mean, isnt it the height of hyprocrisy to replace a system because it doesnt especially advantage you?
    >> Anonymous 11/11/11(Fri)13:49 No.290768
    Then we would have never seen Obama elected
    >> Anonymous 11/11/11(Fri)13:49 No.290770
    so should unions be able to donate money to candidates?
    >> Anonymous 11/11/11(Fri)13:50 No.290785
    I thought the height of hypocrisy was kicking out homeless people out of your "protest" because they were leeching off of you and you didn't want to feed them, while yelling at the government for free money.
    >> Anonymous 11/11/11(Fri)13:52 No.290805
    But they were just coming for the free food
    >> Anonymous 11/11/11(Fri)13:52 No.290807
    yeah let me just willfully forget the last 30 years of everyone going "we are a democracy" and I'm expected to drop all that because you mentally ill republicans/;lolbertarians say so.
    No fuck you and fuck your republic. its going to go down and theres not a fucking that that you can,or will/would do anyway,to stop it.
    >> Anonymous 11/11/11(Fri)13:54 No.290818
    it doesn't benefit any one here though. only the rich and powerful benefit from it.
    That and this current system is broken.We don't have to replace capitalism with socialism or anything, just the scumbags that have wrecked it.
    >> Anonymous 11/11/11(Fri)13:54 No.290819
    That is some impressive revisionist history you have there.
    >> Anonymous 11/11/11(Fri)13:54 No.290825
    I'm not an obama supporter anyway so im ok with that.
    I wasn't a bush supporter either
    >> Anonymous 11/11/11(Fri)13:55 No.290826
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    then this might not be the movement for you
    >> Anonymous 11/11/11(Fri)13:55 No.290832
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    >> Anonymous 11/11/11(Fri)13:55 No.290833
    no one was yelling for free money. You are just retarded.
    >> Anonymous 11/11/11(Fri)13:56 No.290840
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    >> Anonymous 11/11/11(Fri)13:56 No.290845
    lololol living thru and accurately recounting past events is revised history now. HUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUURRRRR
    die in a fire you mentally ill faggot!
    >> Anonymous 11/11/11(Fri)13:57 No.290850
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    no one eh?
    >> Anonymous 11/11/11(Fri)13:58 No.290854
    >> Swug !6Kg8gaMAdo 11/11/11(Fri)13:58 No.290856
    i know op's pic, i think. his name is michael
    >> Anonymous 11/11/11(Fri)13:58 No.290860
    >making shit up
    >calling names
    yeah, you're full of class
    >> Anonymous 11/11/11(Fri)13:59 No.290863
    nice cherry picking one guy out of thousands.
    Goddamn right wing scum are so fucking stupid.
    Deceitful too
    >> Anonymous 11/11/11(Fri)13:59 No.290865
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    I can keep going if you want
    >> Anonymous 11/11/11(Fri)13:59 No.290866
    This country was founded on the idea of democracy, seems kinda repugnant to hate on democracy in the USA.

    Why would the everyday citizen need to give politicians money? In this day of age we do not need the mass media to cover topics for us, the internet has changed everything. Getting money out of politics will make it possible to end the 2 party illusion of democracy. I mean fuck..

    But good on you for being smug in your condescending ways. Hipster much?


    Pressure group? Have you looked out a window? Height of hypocrisy? No my friend, the real height of hypocrisy is a American defending bullshit mediacracy. We are better than that.
    >> Anonymous 11/11/11(Fri)13:59 No.290869
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    ITT: Brown nosers for the 1%
    >> Anonymous 11/11/11(Fri)14:00 No.290873
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    one? HAHAHAHAHa
    >> Anonymous 11/11/11(Fri)14:00 No.290875
    yeah I just made the last 40 years of having democracy in america shoved down my throat by the ruling political classes and their zombie supporters.
    Yeah just right on the spot.
    People like you are why I'm supporting eugenics
    >> Anonymous 11/11/11(Fri)14:01 No.290882
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    here is a tip, I can only post one image at a time
    >> Anonymous 11/11/11(Fri)14:02 No.290892
    well we both agree that OWS is a highly hypocritical movement

    The other day a guy came and asked me why I didnt support OWS and told me that I had no social conscience or that I didnt cared about the poor and blablabla.

    So I asked him when was the last time you went to a local homeless help center to help serves soup or stuff like that.

    Needless to say that beside "edgy" and "fashionable" protests or "causes" he never cared to help other by giving his time or sweat, or even talking to those "poor 99%" he so easily use as a shield to hide his own self-interests.

    To all OWS supporter that never gave their own time, money and sweat to help other I will only say that

    Fuck You
    >> Anonymous 11/11/11(Fri)14:02 No.290896
    blind capitalist worshiper. you people are worse than communists. Your system is destroying the country but you don't care because you live in "da greetest cuntry in da wuruld".
    Id ask if you cared or not,but capitalists never care about anything other than money.even though they are getting fucked out of their cash every day of their lives.
    >> Anonymous 11/11/11(Fri)14:03 No.290897
    What wrong has the 1% done?

    Politicians are the one that make what the 1% does legal.
    >> Anonymous 11/11/11(Fri)14:04 No.290904
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    really it was founded on democracy, pick up a fucking history book
    >> Anonymous 11/11/11(Fri)14:04 No.290911
    >Your system is destroying the country

    Uh, it's not really capitalism when companies get bailed out

    >capitalists never care about anything other than money

    No shit, that is basically the definition of capitalism
    >> Anonymous 11/11/11(Fri)14:05 No.290914
    right wingers sure like to pull that argument out but everytime I go to a soup kitchen or a homeless shelter,its always the hippy types that are there.
    Oh waaaaaait,I forgot giving to charity="I put money in the church collection plate"
    Your version of what charity is,is inaccurate at best
    >> Anonymous 11/11/11(Fri)14:05 No.290916
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    red square, now I'm sure thats just a coincidence
    >> Anonymous 11/11/11(Fri)14:06 No.290920
    >implying that the taste for profit is the definition of capitalism

    Someone hasnt read his Max Weber
    >> Anonymous 11/11/11(Fri)14:06 No.290922
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    >implying you help anyone
    >> Anonymous 11/11/11(Fri)14:07 No.290926
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    >> Anonymous 11/11/11(Fri)14:08 No.290929
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    I think they may have misspelled Communism
    >> Anonymous 11/11/11(Fri)14:09 No.290944
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    >exactly what the Teabaggers say when someone brings up the racist elements of their movement

    Except at least the Teatards don't burn buildings down, blockade docks (hurting the 99%er dock workers, not the corporations), shit in public, fuck up parks used by the ordinary person, etc...
    >> Anonymous 11/11/11(Fri)14:09 No.290945
    >an economic system in which investment in and ownership of the means of production, distribution, and exchange of wealth is made and maintained chiefly by private individuals or corporations, especially as contrasted to cooperatively or state-owned means of wealth.
    >exchange of wealth is made and maintained

    Well, excuse me Princess.
    >> Anonymous 11/11/11(Fri)14:09 No.290946
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    >this is bring down capatalism day!
    now I KNOW they misspelled capitalism, how can we expect them to understand it when they cant even spell it
    >> Anonymous 11/11/11(Fri)14:10 No.290954
    right winger like to say that because even if they dont boast themsleves as being the most generous people on earth they at least dont force others to be generous in their place.

    You can actually escape that "evil capitalist system" by being a poor, but self-sufficient farmer. But it seems you want all the good parts but none of the inconvenient.

    This is called "contradiction"
    >> Anonymous 11/11/11(Fri)14:10 No.290956
    no it is capitalism! you just never want to admit that anything is wrong so you spout lies!
    And yeah, your precious money that you love so fucking much has propped up this profits are more important than literally anything!
    Seriously,pick a topic. Education,infrastructure. Your idiocy has fucked things up so badly that people would murder each other for a subway sandwhich or rob a kid 5 feet in front of a gamestop no less because of your "GIMMIE THAT ITS MINE! ALL FOR ME NONE FOR YOU!" attitude that your precious money has propped up.
    Now your countries about to collapse and you are fighting tooth and nail to discredit valid criticism of capitalism.
    Get over yourself.
    >> Anonymous 11/11/11(Fri)14:11 No.290961
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    >> Anonymous 11/11/11(Fri)14:12 No.290968
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    corporations are bad! people don't deserve to have more money than me!

    my associate's degree in women's studies ENTITLES me to a well-paid job
    >> Anonymous 11/11/11(Fri)14:12 No.290973
    >hurting the 99%er dock workers, not the corporations

    Could hurt the corporations, though it would just be taken out on workers through firings, docking pay, or furloughs
    >> Anonymous 11/11/11(Fri)14:12 No.290974
    >implying you know anything about me or my community organizing or my past working with non-profits or my work with organizing OWS in Boulder,Houston or austin.
    >> Anonymous 11/11/11(Fri)14:13 No.290982
    actually what he menat was that even in the most utopian communist system there would still be people that would use the system for their own ends and to get profit.

    Yes even if you remve money people will still try to get the most of what there is to get. This is why most people over the age of sixteen understand the hyprocrisy of OWS movement.
    >> Anonymous 11/11/11(Fri)14:13 No.290986
    wow a community organizer with communist leanings.. you can be president some day you know
    >> Anonymous 11/11/11(Fri)14:14 No.290989
    So what system does OWS want?

    Communism has failed in the USSR and failing in Cuba, they're able to buy houses now.

    Socialism is currently failing in Europe with the PIIGS having to be bailed out
    >> Anonymous 11/11/11(Fri)14:15 No.290998

    >has a soul

    i rest my case
    >> Anonymous 11/11/11(Fri)14:15 No.291001
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    hmm.. I wonder
    >> Anonymous 11/11/11(Fri)14:16 No.291011
    Dude I do like capitalism and there are many ways that you can enjoy,profit and not be a bastard generally speaking off of capitalism. I'm just sick of these richy suck up's that have never worked a day in their lives calling me a communist because of their faults thanks to their upbringing.
    No richy suck up could ever live in my world.
    Its not even that rough but they wouldn't be able to handle it.Hell they can barley contain their upturned noes shrieks when they pass a homeless person.
    >> Anonymous 11/11/11(Fri)14:16 No.291013

    they dont want a new system, they just want rich people to give them more money for ipads, alcohol and vacations to yurop
    >> Anonymous 11/11/11(Fri)14:16 No.291017
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    >> Corporate Shill !NlOh4Yor9A 11/11/11(Fri)14:16 No.291020
    and OWS is just there for free government and free education (and anarchy and communism and socialism and veganism and...)
    if anything, free food is more of a necessity than anything OWS wants
    >> Anonymous 11/11/11(Fri)14:17 No.291022
    I hope someone buys lots of 1 way tickets for them
    >> Anonymous 11/11/11(Fri)14:17 No.291023
    As predicted another shitfest full of statements so stupid they would make clinical retards do a double-take.
    Let's go through them shall we?

    >The OWS protesters don't care about the people
    Yeah, they're just camping out in the cold protesting for some evil reason, right?

    >The OWS's inconvenience is hurting people more than helping
    You're the kind of moron who thought "free speech zones" weren't an insult to the bill of rights. Protests are supposed to be in-your-face, that's how they get attention

    >OWS doesn't understand the problem
    And you do? Why aren't you on capitol hill then? Ben Bernanke thinks they have a point.

    >The left has lobbyists, therefore they shouldn't protest
    Where were you during the tea party craze? Is protesting supposed to be limited?

    >OWS is full of idiots just following an idea
    So is the rest of humanity. At least their ideas are noble. I could make the same assumption about you for dissing them, Glenn Beck fag.

    Nice ad hominem, shows how advanced your thinking is.

    >Lazy unpatriotic bums should get a job
    Tell that to the vietnam vets who are in this protest too.

    Is there anything I missed?

    Not that this matters, the same thread will be made tomorrow with the same lies. Thanks for serving your corporate masters.
    >> Anonymous 11/11/11(Fri)14:17 No.291027
    STFU, communism is the highest ideal there is because evrybody will be happy
    >> Anonymous 11/11/11(Fri)14:17 No.291032
    >implying im a communist and just not a blind capitalist worshiper.
    Im so sick of you types with your "all or nothing" attitude.
    >> Anonymous 11/11/11(Fri)14:18 No.291042
    If they don't care about profits, why not get rid of money and just barter?

    Of course the people who don't know how to make things will have to get some kind of upper hand so they're on the same level as those who do make stuff.
    >> Anonymous 11/11/11(Fri)14:19 No.291045
    yeah and if you look at all the capitalist countries around the world you'd see that they are crumbling just as badly as socialist countries are.
    >> Anonymous 11/11/11(Fri)14:19 No.291054
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    they probably wont mind as long as their parents keep wiring money to them
    >> Anonymous 11/11/11(Fri)14:20 No.291059
    >not one communist regime has ever been successful
    >capitalism fuck yeah
    >> Anonymous 11/11/11(Fri)14:20 No.291060
    take your meds and go back to freeperville you mentally ill loon
    >> Anonymous 11/11/11(Fri)14:20 No.291061
    >> Anonymous 11/11/11(Fri)14:20 No.291067
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    >> Anonymous 11/11/11(Fri)14:21 No.291070
    >support communist movement
    >be a capitalist supporter
    pick one
    >> Anonymous 11/11/11(Fri)14:22 No.291078
    I do believe Asian countries are doing fantastic at the moment
    >> Anonymous 11/11/11(Fri)14:22 No.291080
    its not a communist movement though so you're wrong.
    >> Anonymous 11/11/11(Fri)14:23 No.291088

    You're right, regulations are terrible. We should get rid of child labor laws and minimum wage.

    >> Corporate Shill !NlOh4Yor9A 11/11/11(Fri)14:24 No.291094
    >Yeah, they're just camping out in the cold protesting for some evil reason, right?
    for their own self-interests, which is fine until they pretend that everyone has the same interests (especially hilarious when the guy next to them has the exact opposite interest, but hey we're all in this together right? right?)

    >You're the kind of moron who thought "free speech zones" weren't an insult to the bill of rights. Protests are supposed to be in-your-face, that's how they get attention
    unfortunately for you self-centered morons, the bill of rights specifically states that it only holds true until you infringe upon the rights of others. breaking the law = infringing on the rights of others = getting arrested. stop crying about getting arrested for breaking the law, especially when 99% of occupiers don't even know the law (OMG THEY HAVENT READ ME MY RIGHTS, THIS ISNT HOW IT GOES ON LAW AND ORDER!!!11).

    occupy supports are so fucking blindly devoted to their "let's shit in a public park, that'll show the rich!" movement that it's disgusting
    >> Anonymous 11/11/11(Fri)14:24 No.291095
    Are you implying capitalism is wholly reliant on a free market? Because free markets do not exist outside of an economic theory textbook.

    The fact is, capitalism isn't a perfect system, we should be refining our economic policies as we run into systemic problems within the system.
    >> Anonymous 11/11/11(Fri)14:24 No.291099
    >no really, we are not communists
    >please ignore the many communist signs
    >> Anonymous 11/11/11(Fri)14:24 No.291101
    yeah I'll just ignore china shitting themselves daily everytime they come out with a financial report or japans economic instability. Pr campaigns are designed to give you a false sense of security and are designed to lie to you
    >> Anonymous 11/11/11(Fri)14:25 No.291106
    Why is it bad to have children working?

    Better to have hands on experience than reading something out of a book.
    >> Anonymous 11/11/11(Fri)14:25 No.291112
    not like you are ever going to stop them or do anything about it except talk tough over the internet faggot!
    >> Anonymous 11/11/11(Fri)14:25 No.291113

    ...You have no fucking clue what child labor laws are designed to protect children from, you ignorant retard.
    >> Anonymous 11/11/11(Fri)14:26 No.291116
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    they wouldn't shit in a public park would they?

    see that sign, its clearly stating that, that tree is not a toilet.. because its hard to tell the difference between a toilet and a tree
    >> Anonymous 11/11/11(Fri)14:26 No.291118
    yeah lets cherry pick out of literally thousands of signs the ones that will make the movement(in our opinion) look bad huuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuurrrrrrrrrr
    >> Corporate Shill !NlOh4Yor9A 11/11/11(Fri)14:27 No.291122
    I don't have to: the movement fizzled out and collapsed under the weight of its own stupidity and stench in my city. I had a first row seat from my office window.
    It's only a matter of time everywhere else
    >> Anonymous 11/11/11(Fri)14:27 No.291130
    says the person talking tough over the internet
    >> Anonymous 11/11/11(Fri)14:28 No.291139
    yeah wait until next week.
    And you are probably lying thru your teeth about your job.
    Why are you on the internet daily then?
    Thats called time theft.Why aren't you doing your job?
    >> Anonymous 11/11/11(Fri)14:29 No.291140
    >he thinks this is cherry picking
    thats funny that you believe that
    >> Anonymous 11/11/11(Fri)14:30 No.291154
    >If you are not with us you invariably promote child labor, slavery, maximum deregulation and all the thing we are against

    Sure is extremism right here
    >> Corporate Shill !NlOh4Yor9A 11/11/11(Fri)14:30 No.291157
    >what's a lunch break?

    also, obvious cherry picking:
    >> Anonymous 11/11/11(Fri)14:31 No.291162

    That's not what I said, but thank you for admitting it.
    >> Anonymous 11/11/11(Fri)14:33 No.291176
    no probs man, anyway its not like OWS is going anywhere anyway
    >> Anonymous 11/11/11(Fri)14:33 No.291177

    i forgot, it's only ok to do that when it's a tea party protest
    >> Anonymous 11/11/11(Fri)14:35 No.291189
    >implying those signs are about shitting and not pissing.
    >implying you've never pissed on a tree
    >> Anonymous 11/11/11(Fri)14:38 No.291215
    >its not like OWS is going anywhere anyway

    Not like you are either
    >> Anonymous 11/11/11(Fri)14:39 No.291221
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    you didn't know?
    the TEA party people are terrorists (source: joe biden) and the clearly not astroturf occupy movement is filled with the best this country has to offer (van jones)
    >> Anonymous 11/11/11(Fri)14:39 No.291224
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    the libertarian fringe element is over represented on /pol/
    >> Anonymous 11/11/11(Fri)14:40 No.291231
    why are you so anti-freedom of speech and expression?
    >> Anonymous 11/11/11(Fri)14:40 No.291234
    never in a public park
    >> Anonymous 11/11/11(Fri)14:40 No.291236
    yeah maybe I should star my own movement

    Occupy occupy wall street

    or something edgy like that, much better than finding a job or going to school it seems.
    >> Anonymous 11/11/11(Fri)14:49 No.291319
    OWS isn't doing anything good.

    When you actually read between the lines they are all selfish hippies not looking out for everyone they want the "evil wealth" of the "1%" for themselves.
    >> Anonymous 11/11/11(Fri)14:51 No.291343
    Are people still talking about this? I thought everyone stopped caring about 10 days ago.
    >> Anonymous 11/11/11(Fri)14:53 No.291357
    Agreed. No idealism, just want to benefit from the system.
    >> Anonymous 11/11/11(Fri)14:55 No.291367
    i just want these assholes to leave my city. my favorite newstand that i go to get my coffee from each morning is becoming more and more inaccessible.
    >> Anonymous 11/11/11(Fri)14:57 No.291386
    >> Anonymous 11/11/11(Fri)14:58 No.291396
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    >> Anonymous 11/11/11(Fri)14:58 No.291404
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    warms my heart that /pol/ hates OWS
    >> Anonymous 11/11/11(Fri)14:59 No.291406
    nope, they have these things called bathrooms now..
    >> Anonymous 11/11/11(Fri)15:00 No.291412

    exactly, try pulling this shit elsewhere, you get arrested and charged as a sex offender (if your dick is out in public. this varies between states)
    >> Anonymous 11/11/11(Fri)15:01 No.291425


    a very subjective interpretation, but you should realize your liberal backers with deep pockets fall in the same category.
    >> Anonymous 11/11/11(Fri)15:01 No.291427
    Go out and interview every participant in the movement in every city where protest is occurring. Your views will change quickly. I can call every Tea Partier an uneducated bigot-and there probably are some, just as there are some very far left elements in OWS, as well as fringe think tanks pushing each side. But that doesn't mean that the majority are hippies, communists, or any other pejorative. Many are people who live by modest means whose standard of living, children's future as well as their own, and host of other problems have made their lives much more precarious. They feel they've played by the rules, lived within the system, but only the have the system cheat them in the end.
    >> Strelnikov !TXwGaUHWDw 11/11/11(Fri)15:01 No.291429
    >dat feel when someone posts your screencap
    >> Anonymous 11/11/11(Fri)15:02 No.291433
    >implying bathrooms are relevant
    yeah no.
    You're a liar.
    >> Anonymous 11/11/11(Fri)15:02 No.291436
    Probably have to go to work. Lots more would go if they could.
    >> Anonymous 11/11/11(Fri)15:03 No.291440
    >dat feel when you get busted samefagging
    >> Strelnikov !TXwGaUHWDw 11/11/11(Fri)15:04 No.291442
    >> Anonymous 11/11/11(Fri)15:04 No.291444
    So why does EVERYONE who has gone there come back saying there is a heavily left, spoilt teenager, commie vibe about the place? As well as the hundreds of signs and people handing out tonnes of commie propaganda and the progressive stack and everyone looking like a hippie etc etc etc
    >> Anonymous 11/11/11(Fri)15:05 No.291448

    >blame the minority
    >actually watch and listen to interviews of OWS people from all over the country.
    >We deserve this and that! Pay for my college!
    >> Anonymous 11/11/11(Fri)15:06 No.291455

    I have, and i can say that probably 1/5 of the people i interviewed knew what they were talking about (mostly Green Party, as they claimed) but the rest of the protesters don't know how this recession happened. And no, it was not the banks. I had to explain to them the entire timeline of the events leading up to it.

    They told me that I watch too much FOX news. Jokes on them, though. I don't get cable.
    >> Anonymous 11/11/11(Fri)15:07 No.291464

    nope. i remember that raid on the chatroom, it was about OccupyNovaScotia suppressing free speech.
    >> Anonymous 11/11/11(Fri)15:08 No.291469
    It's weird you say that as OWS supporters have to cherry pick the pictures, videos and interviews that aren't of hippie communists.
    When we asked you guys last night all you could show us was that one picture of an old guy claiming to be a war vet.
    >> Anonymous 11/11/11(Fri)15:09 No.291475
    Same here.
    >> Anonymous 11/11/11(Fri)15:10 No.291481
    Occupy fuck are rapists

    Remember what happened in Texas?
    >> Anonymous 11/11/11(Fri)15:10 No.291484
    You're still relying on everybody else to form your opinion. And you must not know very much about politics if you believe one sign expressing something questionable like communism, probably being captured and published by the right to discredit the movement, is an expression of what 100% of the participants feel.
    >> Anonymous 11/11/11(Fri)15:10 No.291487

    not to mention the videos like the progressive stack bullshit.

    now if they want to be serious about their message (WHATEVER it is), they need to pack up and go home and stop terrorizing citizens trying to get on with their lives, and re-organize.

    At this point it's unsalvagable.
    >> Anonymous 11/11/11(Fri)15:11 No.291492

    >one sign
    >> Anonymous 11/11/11(Fri)15:12 No.291504
    >don't blindly trust what the jewish liberal media says
    >unless it's against ows, that's okay

    You guys are weird.
    >> Anonymous 11/11/11(Fri)15:14 No.291514
    this is the other big problem with retards like you.
    You are so used to lying to everyone about everything that you willfully ignore context like "one sign" not actually meaning there was just one sign in the entire protest.
    You and yours are losing this fight.
    OWS isn't failing and the support is growing rapidly every day. The only thing you and yours have going for them is your right wing media outlets,and even they are failing you.
    >> Anonymous 11/11/11(Fri)15:15 No.291532
    >You and yours are losing this fight.
    >OWS isn't failing and the support is growing rapidly every day

    >> Anonymous 11/11/11(Fri)15:15 No.291534
    Politically naive, entitled hipster faggots that are mistaken in their beliefs that whining and bitching about problems are going to solve anything. They also rely on cognitive dissonance for every single argument and they think that their shit doesn't stink.

    Wait, are we talking about OWS or /pol/? You know what, never mind. It probably applies to it either way.
    >> Anonymous 11/11/11(Fri)15:17 No.291554
    Its funny that the "fuck the poor even though we are poor too!" crowd is on in the middle of the day proclaiming that /pol/ is anti-leftist/fascist but when 4pm comes around the tide dramatically changes.
    I guess thats what happens when people get off of work and out of school.
    But don't mind them.They are just the ones trying to improve things while the rest of you scum don't do shit.
    Also,some of you were just bitching about freedom of speech and then you raid ows chatrooms in attempts to shut them down....yeah smooth.
    Keep "fighting for freedom"
    >> Anonymous 11/11/11(Fri)15:20 No.291580


    yeah i dont want to live in East Germany circa 1990.
    >> Anonymous 11/11/11(Fri)15:21 No.291584
    Why you delete post? You can't stand by your words?
    >> Anonymous 11/11/11(Fri)15:22 No.291594
    you aren't your just mentally sick because of all of the right wing poison that you have been drinking
    >> Anonymous 11/11/11(Fri)15:22 No.291599
    lol idiot

    >you raid ows chatrooms in attempts to shut them down

    hahaha they're the ones who can't have a discussion
    >> Anonymous 11/11/11(Fri)15:23 No.291603
    because the other guy deleted his other post so it was pointless to have my post up. It wouldnt make sense seeing as I was replying to him.
    >> Anonymous 11/11/11(Fri)15:23 No.291609

    they banned us for asking questions, what does that tell you?
    >> Anonymous 11/11/11(Fri)15:24 No.291619
    raiding with intent to shut down said raided place isn't having a conversation you stupid fuck
    >> Anonymous 11/11/11(Fri)15:24 No.291620

    >right wing poison

    Since when is the BBC right wing? You must be projecting if you seriously think most people base their opinions from what's on the news.
    >> Anonymous 11/11/11(Fri)15:24 No.291621

    if you dont know how much of a shitpile Soviet Russia was, or even North Korea is, then you really are ignorant.
    >> Anonymous 11/11/11(Fri)15:25 No.291630

    who said anything about shutting it down? Now DDOSing their website and replacing it with a message from G20 would be hilarious but we went there to challenge them. You weren't there, you don't know what happened.
    >> Anonymous 11/11/11(Fri)15:25 No.291631
    going UR STOOPID FAGGOTS! over and over again doesn't="im just asking questions" liar
    >> Anonymous 11/11/11(Fri)15:26 No.291636
    >raiding with intent to shut down said raided place isn't having a conversation you stupid fuck

    You obviously weren't there, about 5 people went in and asked legitimate questions, a few got banned and the few who remained were ignored while some spam bots posted empty hippie crap about corporations.
    >> Anonymous 11/11/11(Fri)15:27 No.291644
    No I do. You are just mentally ill if you actually believe that theres a elaborate plot to turn this country into a communist dictatorship and that OWS is the catalyst for it.
    >> Anonymous 11/11/11(Fri)15:27 No.291645
    But that's not what happened retard.
    >> Anonymous 11/11/11(Fri)15:27 No.291655
    I dunno seems like the debate is always on fire here. They're trying to maintain solidarity there and are obviously cautious of raids. What point does it matter where the debate takes place so long as it does take place?
    >> Anonymous 11/11/11(Fri)15:28 No.291657
    THATS EXACTLY WHAT FUCKING HAPPENED! You dumb fucking liars act like no one goes to those chatrooms and comes here! omfg! lielielielie
    >> Anonymous 11/11/11(Fri)15:28 No.291667
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    From small beginnings ensue mighty changes. What has been put in motion this autumn will never be forgot. Water defeats rock. lrn2dao
    >> Anonymous 11/11/11(Fri)15:29 No.291673

    >wasn't there
    >still give account of what happened

    i've seen stupid assholes in my time on 4chan but you're the biggest one I've seen.
    >> Anonymous 11/11/11(Fri)15:30 No.291690
    Oh wow. Don't get upset. We were asking about the progressive stack and got no response, there was one guy in there that had the same attitude as you, a "my shit don't stink ows is the revolution" idiot. After about half an hour of being ignored we all left.
    >> Anonymous 11/11/11(Fri)15:31 No.291698
    >was there in the chatroom
    >witness raid of dumbfucks from /new/ that are poisoning /pol/ with their hate
    >call them out on it on /pol/
    fuck you
    >> Anonymous 11/11/11(Fri)15:31 No.291700
    It amaze me how OWS members sees all persons that disagree with them as conservative and right-winger as if there was only two type of people in the world, those that with us and against us.
    Basically, they claim that the capitalist system has corrupted democracy but dont recognize that in a democracy there is a need for a plurality of opinions.

    what the fuck is this?
    >> Anonymous 11/11/11(Fri)15:31 No.291709
    by the way im in there as Mort Golstein
    >> Anonymous 11/11/11(Fri)15:32 No.291713

    He was that guy, I don't know if you guys can remember that arrogant guy with the teenage "you're all sheeple" attitude who linked to the /pol/ thread. I bet he was this guy.
    >> Anonymous 11/11/11(Fri)15:33 No.291722
    They're useful idiots.
    >> Anonymous 11/11/11(Fri)15:33 No.291724
    lol thats because your dumb fucking conspiracy theories aren't true and no ones morally obligated to give you the time of day.
    Perhaps you and yours shouldn't have kept spamming the same question over and over again. Or kept repeat raiding the place. Or started with unfounded conspiracy theories.
    >> Anonymous 11/11/11(Fri)15:34 No.291729
    only because they keep repeating lies from fox and conservative media.
    seriously,its not that hard.
    >> Anonymous 11/11/11(Fri)15:34 No.291730
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    >> Anonymous 11/11/11(Fri)15:34 No.291731
    I wish they'd not claim they represent the people. They represent a small, ignorant, uneducated minority of "liberals" who spout empty slogans and vague politcal statements. Nothing more.
    >> Anonymous 11/11/11(Fri)15:34 No.291736

    but we're seeing these photos and videos all over the internet, tool. they're ruining their own movement on their own.
    >> Anonymous 11/11/11(Fri)15:35 No.291739
    >progressive stack
    >conspiracy theory

    Maybe you should go down there you asspained child "revolutionary".
    >> Anonymous 11/11/11(Fri)15:35 No.291741
    conspiratard detected.
    OWS isn't obamas personal army
    >> Anonymous 11/11/11(Fri)15:35 No.291748
    >> Anonymous 11/11/11(Fri)15:36 No.291749
    well, what do you expect of hippies without organization

    and to say that they want power
    >> Anonymous 11/11/11(Fri)15:36 No.291753

    it's the kiss of death for him. he signed the spending bill that bailed out wall street, so why he's supporting OWS is beyond me.

    Unless they're really stupid. Which in this case they are.
    >> Anonymous 11/11/11(Fri)15:37 No.291758
    yeah because of your hate and your conspiracy theories and your asshole friends showing up at the camps raping people,throwing needles around and cop killer flyers around and then bailing out,never to be seen again.
    whats more is you people laugh and applaud with fanatical glee when bad things happen to them. You people are inhumane
    >> Anonymous 11/11/11(Fri)15:37 No.291761
    Explain to me why Capitalism is a bad thing and communism is good or vice versa
    >> Anonymous 11/11/11(Fri)15:37 No.291766
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    >> Anonymous 11/11/11(Fri)15:37 No.291768
    If I agreed with every single opinion at the OWS thing, I'd contradict myself a thousand times over. But I agree with the general sentiment. I can't stand being called a communist that want s to destroy capitalism just because I don't like it when too-big-to-fail banks are propped up with taxpayer money by the government.

    Also, I believe that the general sentiment on /pol/ is one of hypocrisy and contrarianism. If it was a movement in support of Wall Street, our arguments would sound suspiciously like the arguments of OWS. Calling them hipsters couldn't be more of a projection if it was broadcast on a movie theater screen.
    >> Anonymous 11/11/11(Fri)15:38 No.291772
    >tinfoil hat asylum escapee
    >> Anonymous 11/11/11(Fri)15:39 No.291778

    get the fuck in here
    >> Anonymous 11/11/11(Fri)15:39 No.291785
    he never voiced his full on support,he just said he understood.
    Jesus christ you people can literally take anything and morph it into some gigantic conspiracy.
    >> Anonymous 11/11/11(Fri)15:40 No.291788
    Neither's the case. Capitalism works, and communism doesn't. Thing is, what America has now isn't capitalism at all and you'd have to be retarded to think otherwise.
    >> Anonymous 11/11/11(Fri)15:40 No.291791
    So what we've established is that one guy from weeks ago in the chat room is the only supporter of OWS on /pol/ and he spams his shit in rage every day because he can't have his communist revolution.
    >> Anonymous 11/11/11(Fri)15:40 No.291793

    >I don't like it when too-big-to-fail banks are propped up with taxpayer money

    >Banks hold populations money
    >Banks on verge of collapse, let's bail them out to ensure the safety of their money
    >People complain when taxes are raised to do this

    It wasn't ideal and the banks were wrong to gamble peoples money in the first place, but I have never understood this mentality. If the banks went under there would have been an economic collapse 10x worse than the worldwide recession we saw.
    >> Anonymous 11/11/11(Fri)15:42 No.291799
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    Bigfoot here.

    Fuck Earth, you guys have ruined it. Sending this from cooler, less shitty Mars with by bro Opportunity.

    Pic related, it's me and my new planet.
    >> Anonymous 11/11/11(Fri)15:43 No.291808
    typical lolbertarian/right winger lie
    >> Anonymous 11/11/11(Fri)15:44 No.291818
    SteveO, i see you in the chat and i KNOW you're the asspained Occutard
    >> Anonymous 11/11/11(Fri)15:44 No.291822
    But it is you Mr all caps, call everyone a right wing shill, get butthurt and follow us around for weeks.
    >> Anonymous 11/11/11(Fri)15:44 No.291824
    This is to show you how fucking moron OWS movement are:
    >Few thousand dollars in debt
    >Lost all sense of forbearance to earn
    >Protest for money out of hard working rich faggotry so the government could aid them with their debts lieu of going through hardship
    >Protest with banners and perpetually recites their motto to cause mayhem
    >> Anonymous 11/11/11(Fri)15:45 No.291828
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    somebody should tell them that burning shit and pushing 80 year old women down concrete stairs is counterproductive to their alleged cause
    >> Anonymous 11/11/11(Fri)15:47 No.291854
    There are people who support it and people who demonize it, like anything in the world.

    I feel that, regardless of their amorphous central goal, they're bringing to light a fair amount of corruption within our government and the corporate cronyism it allows.

    To be honest, though. People supporting police brutality are simply idiots. First Amendment, guys. Having a group of guys in jackboots with truncheons and riot shields standing in front of you does not mean that the First Amendment suddenly stops applying.

    That being said, those black bloc guys are idiots.

    THAT being said, people deriding the movement, ignoring the many agent provocateurs trying to incite violence, are simply ignorant.
    >> Anonymous 11/11/11(Fri)15:47 No.291863

    First Amendment=/= blocking streets
    >> Anonymous 11/11/11(Fri)15:49 No.291877
    oh well
    >> Anonymous 11/11/11(Fri)15:49 No.291878
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    >all the OWS folks do is call everyone opposed to them a right-wing nutjob, they should not be taken seriously
    >also, anyone who doesn't agree with me is some kind of crazy communist
    >> Anonymous 11/11/11(Fri)15:50 No.291891
    >Say that OWS is racist and sexist
    >Get kicked
    >> Anonymous 11/11/11(Fri)16:02 No.291997
    >> Anonymous 11/11/11(Fri)16:03 No.292008



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