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  • File: 1335391713.jpg-(98 KB, 542x677, ScreenHunter_07-Apr.-05-17.38.jpg)
    98 KB Anonymous 04/25/12(Wed)18:08 No.2808752  
    > Religion of peace
    > Send death threats to leader of EDL

    Pick one
    >> Anonymous 04/25/12(Wed)18:09 No.2808763
         File: 1335391745.jpg-(85 KB, 606x679, ScreenHunter_06-Apr.-05-17.37.jpg)
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    Letter 2
    >> Anonymous 04/25/12(Wed)18:11 No.2808794
    >Islam, the religion is a religion of peace

    >Muslims, are very much still human beings

    Sorry, are you trying to discredit Muslims because they have shown to respond with threats (a human response) to something they old sacred been insulted.


    The LEADER of the EDL

    Got on stage, drunk, dressed as a Rabbi, and quite publicly said, if there was ever to be another terrorist attack in the UK

    Up and down the UK, EDL members would attack MUSLIMS.

    In other words, if anything ever happens again, we will respond with violence to any Muslim we can.

    Thats quite a bit worse.
    >> Anonymous 04/25/12(Wed)18:11 No.2808810
    > Known person has made death threats
    > Not arrested yet

    Why is the police so incompetent?
    >> Anonymous 04/25/12(Wed)18:13 No.2808837
    >In other words, if anything ever happens again, we will respond with violence to any Muslim we can.

    Yeah but muslims say these things openly in mosques all the, they just don't bother justifying it with an excuse.
    >> Anonymous 04/25/12(Wed)18:14 No.2808844

    Who are you talking about?

    Because the leader of the EDL threatened every single Muslim living in the UK, on stage

    You do something like that, you deserve to have it come back to shit all over you, and all over your family.
    >> Anonymous 04/25/12(Wed)18:16 No.2808871

    Except they dont, have you ever been?

    Thats the kind of thing which immediately gets you put on some list, how fucking stupid do you think people are

    That they would openly in a Mosque talk about this stuff to a Mosque in which anybody can walk in (well, males)

    Again its this idea, that out of 1+ BILLION Muslims on this planet, what % do you think are "terrorists"

    A matter of tens of thousands? IF that? I wouldn't even count those fighting in occupied lands, I mean in the 1980's we called the Taliban fighting the soviets freedom fighters and I'm sure they still consider themselves to be the same.
    >> Anonymous 04/25/12(Wed)18:16 No.2808874
    >religion of peace
    >Koran destroyed inappropriately due to use in sending communications between guerillas
    >peaceful members of the religion of peace peacefully murder people who had nothing to do with the books being destroyed

    Fuck all organized religion, but especially fuck Islam.
    >> Anonymous 04/25/12(Wed)18:18 No.2808902
         File: 1335392294.jpg-(14 KB, 322x305, muslimProtest3.jpg)
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    They openly talk about it on the streets and hold signs up so why not in a mosque?
    >> Anonymous 04/25/12(Wed)18:20 No.2808949

    >Fuck all organized religion, but especially fuck Islam.


    I dont care if bigots and muslims wipe each other out, ill be sat lol'ing hard at the TV.
    >> Anonymous 04/25/12(Wed)18:20 No.2808952
         File: 1335392431.png-(287 KB, 542x677, wtf.png)
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    Fucking calligraphy is hard to read, why do people try to use this handwriting in formal letters holy shit...
    Getting a note from someone on your work with this style is rage inducing because I can't understand your damned old age hieroglyphic tripe.
    >> Anonymous 04/25/12(Wed)18:24 No.2809022

    Judaism is far worse





    "Muslims are peaceful"

    They said, Islam is a religion of peace

    Many HUNDREDS OF MILLIONS of Muslims are peaceful.

    Many hundreds of millions of Christians are too, but then many are also as violent as extremist Muslims.

    You say Fuck Islam, when Saudi terrorists attacked the US

    When they have attacked/waged war on 4 separate Islamic Nations

    You tell me, Iraq has close to 1 Million innocent dead, Afghanistan approx a half Million to just under 1 Million

    That isn't even considering the millions displaced or life's just turned to misery.

    I can say with confidence, the US Army has personally murdered more innocent life in the last 10 years than Islam has in the last 100.

    Who's they? all Muslims? or 0.1% of all Muslims?

    That sign does not equate to encouraging violence or terrorism to me.

    Tell you what, when a Muslim goes on stage, while been filmed for a Documentary, and says to the crowd, Muslims up and down the country are waiting, and if ever, a Mosque is attacked again, they will make sure all Christians pay

    THEN its the same fucking thing.
    >> Anonymous 04/25/12(Wed)18:26 No.2809061

    Muslim Defence force out in full force tonight.
    >> Country Boy !PlgQCrrGxs 04/25/12(Wed)18:27 No.2809075

    Muslim apologist.

    You don't see any other religious people taking to the street with signs that claim they will dominate the world and want freedom to go to hell.

    West Baptist is the only group you can name and they don't preach violence against others.
    >> Anonymous 04/25/12(Wed)18:27 No.2809076
         File: 1335392831.jpg-(101 KB, 1024x1024, piechart2-1024x1024.jpg)
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    forgot this pic, and its legit you can look it up on FBI website yourself
    >> Anonymous 04/25/12(Wed)18:28 No.2809104
         File: 1335392927.jpg-(44 KB, 385x322, behead-those-who-insult-islam.jpg)
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    > That sign does not equate to encouraging violence or terrorism to me.

    > Europe take some lessons from 9/11
    >> Anonymous 04/25/12(Wed)18:29 No.2809111

    Mate, I have an Atheist "A" tattoo'd on my right wrist

    I also have a lovely big bottle of gordons gin sat next to me I'll be getting into soon

    I may just be the worse Muslim alive LOL

    But sure, if your tiny peanut head can only comprehend me defending a people as a whole as me being a part of that people, you go ahead.

    It's what your type are known for, idiocy.
    >> Anonymous 04/25/12(Wed)18:29 No.2809120
    Muslim apologist, run back to the desert with your new found brethren and be rid us of the shit you dribble out.
    >> Anonymous 04/25/12(Wed)18:31 No.2809149
    They've exposed several in Britain with hidden camera's, they also abuse their children.

    this one is pretty good for lulz, shows them what their elders teach them, makes perfect sense to see how they all turn out.
    >> Anonymous 04/25/12(Wed)18:31 No.2809161
         File: 1335393112.jpg-(30 KB, 400x273, westboronuts.jpg)
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    Check it out

    Proof all Christians hate our freedoms?

    or should I show some of the homophobic ones, to prove Christians as a whole are bigots?


    Cant ever remember any Muslims protesting a funeral, can you? they have far more respect than that.
    >> Anonymous 04/25/12(Wed)18:32 No.2809166
    Please, educate yourself. Useful idiot
    >> Anonymous 04/25/12(Wed)18:33 No.2809182
    They come over trying to spread their filthy religion, won't assimilate and demand we bend our knee for them.
    They need shipping back to the middle east.
    Our government ought to be strung up for whoring out our land to these mongrels.
    >> Anonymous 04/25/12(Wed)18:33 No.2809191
    There's literally a dozen members of their church and they're all family members.

    Please be a tolerant white and let the good Arabs fuck your wife or girlfriend, since we oppress them and all.
    >> Anonymous 04/25/12(Wed)18:34 No.2809209

    English as they come, best deal with it.
    >> Anonymous 04/25/12(Wed)18:34 No.2809217
    Hmm, how about the military parade in that UK town whenever a dead soldier is returned and everyone fills the streets to pay respect.
    Every year a bunch of Muslim fucktards protests them.
    >> Anonymous 04/25/12(Wed)18:35 No.2809224
         File: 1335393334.jpg-(45 KB, 418x360, a74.jpg)
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    > British children
    > Mudslime lava

    Pick one fucking narrator.
    >> Anonymous 04/25/12(Wed)18:35 No.2809226
    Future thought crime enforcer
    >> Country Boy !PlgQCrrGxs 04/25/12(Wed)18:36 No.2809244

    West Baptist protests at soldier's funerals because we let faggots actually live in our country; where as in your country, stoning faggots is like a Saturday night in yours.

    Shouldn't you be beating your wife or something?
    >> Anonymous 04/25/12(Wed)18:37 No.2809254

    Good thing they closed these down.
    >> Anonymous 04/25/12(Wed)18:38 No.2809274
         File: 1335393497.jpg-(29 KB, 468x481, .jpg)
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    Muslims would be proud of the Westboro Baptist church. This is what they use construction equipment for in muslim countries.
    >> Anonymous 04/25/12(Wed)18:39 No.2809288
    Yeah, that'll solve the problem. Closing down their building without saying a word about their ideology.

    I'm sure they understand and won't hurt our feelings again.
    >> Anonymous 04/25/12(Wed)18:39 No.2809291

    They banned that group as a terrorist group now.
    >> Anonymous 04/25/12(Wed)18:40 No.2809313
         File: 1335393655.jpg-(39 KB, 634x411, .jpg)
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    we're watching
    >> Anonymous 04/25/12(Wed)18:42 No.2809345
    ironically in Saudi Arabia, she would be killed for owning a cellphone.

    They're not even particularly devout muslims, they just really fucking hate the nations they live in (just cause).
    >> Country Boy !PlgQCrrGxs 04/25/12(Wed)18:43 No.2809357

    Just look at that progressive attire!
    >> Anonymous 04/25/12(Wed)18:44 No.2809370
    >Judaism is far worse

    Judaism is the least destructive and expansionist of the big 3 abrahamic religions
    >> Anonymous 04/25/12(Wed)18:44 No.2809379

    Faggot what does that even mean?

    Just makes you mad this shit is coming from someone with green eyes, someone with a strong military family history, and is a proud Yorkshireman.

    Some of my best friends are Muslims, fine, fine men, you shouldn't believe that whole men treat women bad bullshit in Islam

    Its like thinking all Christian men abuse their wifes because of the steryotypical hillbilly drunk southern american christian who keeps his children and wife in check with his fist and a bottle of jack.

    They are more respectful, decent human beings than most other people our age.

    The girls also dont dress and act like sluts, I guess that makes them oppressed huh?

    Ironically most decent Muslims in the UK despise extremists far more than you, could even imagine, because of how it effects the general idea of Muslims worldwide.

    Anyway, going to get a tad drunk and high now, seeya kid, enjoy the ignorance, see what a lonely bitter life it grants you ;)
    >> Anonymous 04/25/12(Wed)18:45 No.2809394
         File: 1335393917.jpg-(21 KB, 615x409, Behring+Breivik+is+pictured+du(...).jpg)
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    > Some of my best friends are Muslims
    >> Anonymous 04/25/12(Wed)18:46 No.2809416
    Enjoy being a blight on society you Muslim fuck.
    Lemme guess you attend Huddersfield/Leeds Uni so now you're educated?
    >> Anonymous 04/25/12(Wed)18:46 No.2809419


    It's called Israel, the number of countries they've illegally invaded and stolen land from is 4, Syria, Lebanon, Egypt, Palestine

    Take into account the human rights abuses, illegal imprisonment and detainment of adults and children without trial, the general oppression.

    Maybe Judaism isn't, but Zionism sure as fuck is.
    >> Anonymous 04/25/12(Wed)18:46 No.2809425

    > Defends muslims to the point he says they're better than Kuffar.

    You are so a Muslim.
    >> Country Boy !PlgQCrrGxs 04/25/12(Wed)18:47 No.2809428

    Anyone who seriously defends Islam while at the same time ignoring what actually happens in actual Islamic counties is beyond delusional.

    Do you join your friends in honor killings and hanging faggots on the weekends?
    >> Anonymous 04/25/12(Wed)18:50 No.2809485

    I work, and pay my way, I have big group of friends and get on well with my co-workers, I make a decent living, pay my taxes, and a lot of people, white, black, asian, muslim, christian, nothing would miss me, I've also got a girlfriend I've been with for couple years now, pretty damn happy and content all in all, never did quite lose my love for the image board though, IT got me the great job I have today.

    I doubt the majority of you NEET leeches of the system could say the same thing.

    This first shots just for you bro, since you're clearly such an unhappy bitter human being, its no wonder you cant help but hate.

    >> Anonymous 04/25/12(Wed)18:51 No.2809502
         File: 1335394317.jpg-(589 KB, 1700x1500, 1334243406371[1].jpg)
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    fuck mudslimes
    >> Anonymous 04/25/12(Wed)18:52 No.2809508
         File: 1335394330.jpg-(56 KB, 570x379, o-ANDERS-BREIVIK-570.jpg)
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    > White liberals defending muslims.

    I warned you about liberals bro I told you man.
    >> Anonymous 04/25/12(Wed)18:52 No.2809514
         File: 1335394346.jpg-(171 KB, 1921x956, w001.jpg)
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    Jewish expansionism compared to Islam and Christianity is laughable

    Let's compare

    Christians: Norse, Celtic, Rome, Italy, Byzantine, Aztecs, Slavs, Balts, a huge swath of Africa, Incas, Maya, North AMerican Indians, Amazons, Australia, New Zealand, many Polynesian islands, now South Korea

    Islam: Persia, Egypt, North Africa, parts of Europe, Anatolia, Central Asia, South Asia, Indonesia, Horn of Africa and a large swath of black Africa, Mesopotamia, parts of China, the Phillipines

    And in contrast, the Jews have taken... a small sliver of land in a place that culturally belongs to them anyways

    Seriously look at this map, and the comparison between the big two, and Judaism
    >> Anonymous 04/25/12(Wed)18:52 No.2809520

    Israel only seems bad because by modern standards, people aren't supposed to do that anymore.

    Christianity invaded the Americas, southern Africa, Australia, South Korea, and that's only after invading Europe and the Middle East in the medieval times.

    And Islam invaded Arabia, Mesopotamia, North Africa, Central Asia, Anatolia, the Balkans, India, Indonesia, and East Africa.

    Jews invaded... their ancestral homeland? The Levant? Is that really it?

    If we're applying modern standards, then Jews lose the who invades more game.
    >> Anonymous 04/25/12(Wed)18:53 No.2809536

    Honestly I have a tattoo symbol on my wrist and drink, again how on earth could I be considered a Muslim

    I dont even believe in a God.

    I've personally seen far far more violence from EDL rallies in Bradford than I ever have from Muslims.
    >> Anonymous 04/25/12(Wed)18:54 No.2809552
    >I dont even believe in a God.

    Then you shouldn't be brown-nosing for organized religion
    >> Anonymous 04/25/12(Wed)18:54 No.2809555
         File: 1335394490.jpg-(26 KB, 379x245, jihadist.jpg)
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    100% White person here. Muslim is a religion of peace.

    Pic related it's me.
    >> Anonymous 04/25/12(Wed)18:57 No.2809601
    >Defending Islam on /pol

    What board do you think you're on?
    >> Country Boy !PlgQCrrGxs 04/25/12(Wed)18:58 No.2809617


    lol could you be anymore delusional?
    >> Anonymous 04/25/12(Wed)19:03 No.2809678







    Who happen to be, you know, HUMAN? its in-bedded in their culture, they define themselves as it, so I CHOOSE to respect that.

    But I will not stand by, as every last one of them is demonized and made to feel bad about what they are because of the actions of a MINORITY.

    Those fuckers who burnt poppies? it infuriated me, it also infuriated a good 7 of my Muslim friends (7 being all of the Muslim friends I have)

    It was unbelievably disgusting, I would have thrown a fucking brick at those cunts.
    >> Anonymous 04/25/12(Wed)19:06 No.2809718


    >I'm Defending MUSLIMS

    >> Anonymous 04/25/12(Wed)19:06 No.2809724
    Anyway this never leads to anything like talking to a brick wall so fuck it I'm off this time for good no refreshing leh page... because I'll never leave if I dont.
    >> Country Boy !PlgQCrrGxs 04/25/12(Wed)19:11 No.2809800

    Go beat your wife; no one gives a shit about what you say, because it means nothing. You cannot defend Islam no matter how much irrelevant bullshit you type.

    I can't wait till they start rounding you apologists up and throw you in prisons like they did with VCs during Vietnam.
    >> Anonymous 04/25/12(Wed)19:16 No.2809855

    Again, retard

    Defending Muslims not Islam

    My mother is a Christian, but I still despise Christianity as a religion, I dont despise her do I?

    And nobody LOL, you mean a bunch of aspie foreveralones on 4chan? suuuuuuuure.

    And I dont have a wife, I have a girlfriend (a white, atheist girlfriend) who I'm now going to go fuck, wasn't before but think I will now, knowing I can, and you sad fucks cant

    ahhh see that always makes it better, knowing you wont even get to pass your genes on (me and all the muslims you hate will though)

    >> Anonymous 04/25/12(Wed)19:16 No.2809859
         File: 1335395803.jpg-(45 KB, 594x456, 1330972085067.jpg)
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    kill off all the brevik zionist faggots

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