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  • File: 1335389307.gif-(36 KB, 673x505, 1233958263178.gif)
    36 KB Anonymous 04/25/12(Wed)17:28 No.2808112  
    >In debate class
    >Race comes up
    >Everyone is being politically correct
    >Some girl: "Race is social construct, genetics are blind, all human brains are the same"
    >Me: "I disagree. I believe that there is about a 1-2% genetic difference in people of different races. They've been living in different regions and areas and are going to be subjected to different phenomena such as bottle necking, genetic drift, etc. They developed bone structures, antibodies, and even earwax! Do you honestly believe africans and europeans have the same brains?"
    >(this is where shit starts to hit the fan)
    >Random black girl jumps up
    >"What u tryna say?"
    >"I'm saying that contrary to popular belief, people of different races may have different brains, bodies, and other things. Each race having their respective advantages and disadvantages"
    >"So u sayin' blacks are inferiah, lemme ax u, u think eurapeens are superiah, right?"
    >"What? no."
    >"Y u actin like white peeple are betta? u aint white"
    >Black people start clapping
    >"Okay, I know, and that's beside the point"
    >Other black girl: "What race you is?"
    >"My mom's mixed and my dad is native american"
    >"so u aint white"
    >"I know that, I'm not going to say my brain is 100% similar to a european's, asian's, or any other race. Be realistic"
    >Entire class starts to put me on the spot with their stupid questions and get called a racist while people clap and applaud their stupidity

    >> Anonymous 04/25/12(Wed)17:30 No.2808152
    >speaking out in college

    why, you know that place is a haven for retardation
    >> Anonymous 04/25/12(Wed)17:32 No.2808192
    What are you, autistic?

    There's gotta be some reason that you would know by now that classroom debates are NOT something you should ever take part in.
    >> Anonymous 04/25/12(Wed)17:33 No.2808205
    >debate class
    looks like you lost
    >> Anonymous 04/25/12(Wed)17:34 No.2808212
    You should have hit the black girl back with "The only reason she(YT) is trying to convince herself of that is to take one of your men for herself with her white privelege."
    >> Anonymous 04/25/12(Wed)17:34 No.2808215
    At least the black girl didn't react like this:
    >> Anonymous 04/25/12(Wed)17:34 No.2808222
    Dark skin is genetically dominant. While there is a genetic basis for intelligence, this fact alone makes guessing how smart someone is by how dark their skin is a crap shoot.

    U rasis.
    >> Anonymous 04/25/12(Wed)17:35 No.2808227
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    OY why didnt you bring up defending isreal?

    quit trying to be a racist bigot and help gods peopel!
    >> Anonymous 04/25/12(Wed)17:36 No.2808242
    What's the deal with black people and clapping in situations that don't call for it (at the movies, at a fight, etc.)?
    >> The United States Coalition® !vtPATRIOTs 04/25/12(Wed)17:36 No.2808249
    You should have said you were jewish, OP. If they kept going, you could have had them escorted for antisemitism
    >> Anonymous 04/25/12(Wed)17:36 No.2808253
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    >Not being alpha and outright telling them they're genetically inferior
    >> Anonymous 04/25/12(Wed)17:37 No.2808257
    >"I'm saying that contrary to popular belief, people of different races may have different brains, bodies, and other things. Each race having their respective advantages and disadvantages"
    >"So u sayin' blacks are inferiah, lemme ax u, u think eurapeens are superiah, right?"

    What an inferiority complex...
    >> Anonymous 04/25/12(Wed)17:37 No.2808262
    What's the point of posting fictional stories of junior high class debates on /pol/?

    Seriously, why bother?
    >> Anonymous 04/25/12(Wed)17:37 No.2808266
    Why the fuck would you say stuff like that outside of /pol/? You should know that your words can't override the brainwashing given to them by years of liberal society.
    >> Anonymous 04/25/12(Wed)17:37 No.2808270
    Their American
    >> Anonymous 04/25/12(Wed)17:38 No.2808277
    OP failed to realise that left-wing "science" is actually religious belief and they have an army of crazed Jihadists willing to fight for them.

    Don't challenge the left-wing Jihad in public, at least not in school.
    >> Anonymous 04/25/12(Wed)17:38 No.2808281
    Nobody cares about your faggot story you stupid little queer. Go fuck yourself. Go jerk off to pictures of black men's dicks.
    >> Anonymous 04/25/12(Wed)17:38 No.2808283
    Op, don't be upset.

    All you have to do is stay calm and remain logical. Let them makes idiots of themselves, that is how you gain converts. Learn to be like gandhi, he was a smart man.
    >> Anonymous 04/25/12(Wed)17:38 No.2808286

    Oh wow haha
    >> The One-Way Road !!jSJPKdiAVEm 04/25/12(Wed)17:39 No.2808287
    Sounds like you go to community college.
    >> Anonymous 04/25/12(Wed)17:39 No.2808294
    What you should've done
    >"So u saying' blacks are inferiah, lemme ax u, u think eurapeens are superiah, right?"
    >Well, let's just say that one race conquered most of the world while the other never got out of the stone age
    >> Anonymous 04/25/12(Wed)17:39 No.2808299
    just tell her that asians and whites have neantherdal genes but blacks dont
    >> Anonymous 04/25/12(Wed)17:39 No.2808300
    I've actually found this isn't the case at all in England. Blacks over here hoot and holler like your regular chimps, but they recognise when the white man desires a certain ambience, and generally respect that.
    >> Anonymous 04/25/12(Wed)17:40 No.2808305

    So you are claiming that brains are different because people of different races have 2% of genetic difference?
    Are you seriously that fucking retarded?
    >> Anonymous 04/25/12(Wed)17:40 No.2808322
    Agreed. He should have gone full racist. Going half racist makes you look cowardly
    >> Anonymous 04/25/12(Wed)17:40 No.2808323
    >> Anonymous 04/25/12(Wed)17:41 No.2808325

    Que The guirellas!
    >> Anonymous 04/25/12(Wed)17:41 No.2808334
    White Music:
    Classical, Baroque, Romantic, Orchestral, Choral, Opera, Modern Classical, Minimalism, Experimental, Lo-fi, Noise, Country, Rockabilly, Americana, Western, Bluegrass, Honky-Tonk, Electronic, Ambient, Breakbeat, Acid, Downtempo, Nu jazz, Trip hop, Drum N Bass, Glitch, House, Techno, Jungle, Industrial, Trance, Garage, Dubstep, Disco, Europop, Bubblegum, Pop, Folk, Acoustic, Indie, Rock, Glam, Heavy Metal, Goth, Prog Rock, Punk, Mambo, Calypso, Samba, Salsa, Christian, Comedy, Parody, Music hall, Showtunes, Ballroom, Tango, Pasadoble, Hymn, Anthem, Military March, Sea Shanties, Nursery Ryhmes

    Black Music:
    Hip hop, Rap, Jazz
    >> Anonymous 04/25/12(Wed)17:41 No.2808337
    i dont even care atall
    >> Anonymous 04/25/12(Wed)17:41 No.2808339
    Damn OP, can't say I would have stepped up and defended you, but I would definitely have agreed in silence.

    You do have an advantage here being native American, you can play the racecard all day if you want.
    >> Anonymous 04/25/12(Wed)17:42 No.2808340

    If you're a white guy like I am, our brains are more similar than either is to the average black man's brain, because our genetic lineage evolved in different circumstances that necessitate different mental attributes.
    >> Whitesareracist !MKp8tDekDM 04/25/12(Wed)17:42 No.2808345
    this never happened this is what OP wants to happen cause hes a racist white faggot who lies online.

    >not white

    nice try racist
    >> Anonymous 04/25/12(Wed)17:43 No.2808351
    If I had to make any critique about your argument, it would be to have focused more on the fact that how humans develop in varying environments shapes how they think and act.

    You could even use examples that compare two people in the same race. Because Jamacians are different from South Africans, Northerners in the US different from Southerners, and so on. Those examples are kind of trivial I suppose, but there are probably better ones.

    But then again you're in college. Pretty sure you were dead on arrival.

    I do take comfort on the fact that pretty much everyone of any skin color hates another group of people they share that skin color with. One of the funniest things I have ever heard.
    >> Anonymous 04/25/12(Wed)17:43 No.2808357
    >Nursery Ryhmes
    pick one
    >> Anonymous 04/25/12(Wed)17:46 No.2808387
    >1-2% genetic difference

    Not even close. That's fucking staggering. We have more in common with whales than that.

    lrn2 genetics before you assert your "beliefs" into a scientific discussion.
    >> Anonymous 04/25/12(Wed)17:46 No.2808389
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    Why are you quoting my copypasta OP?
    >> Anonymous 04/25/12(Wed)17:46 No.2808402
    Actually OP, you should be use to this as this is the way most "debates" on /pol/ go.

    You should have used your best reaction face.
    >> Anonymous 04/25/12(Wed)17:48 No.2808428
    Although he is wrong about that percentage, the real percentage is still significant enough for him to justify his "beliefs".
    >> Anonymous 04/25/12(Wed)17:49 No.2808443

    Yes you are fucking retarded.
    If you are going to say something about brain differences then actually provide comparisons of of brains with those differences, instead of using Magical Thinking.
    Yes you are using magical thinking.
    You are officialy as retarded as fundie biblethumpers.
    I hope you are happy with yourself.
    >> Anonymous 04/25/12(Wed)17:50 No.2808453
    There's no more than a .4% difference between humans and the primates. What you're suggesting here is that blacks, whites, and yellows are incapable of interbreeding. Do you have any evidence to support this position?
    >> Anonymous 04/25/12(Wed)17:50 No.2808460
    Here is a study on "population" differences:

    “How often is a pair of individuals from one population genetically more dissimilar than two individuals chosen from two different populations?” depends on the number of polymorphisms used to define that dissimilarity and the populations being compared. The answer, Formula can be read from Figure 2. Given 10 loci, three distinct populations, and the full spectrum of polymorphisms (Figure 2E), the answer is Formula ≅ 0.3, or nearly one-third of the time. With 100 loci, the answer is ∼20% of the time and even using 1000 loci, Formula ≅ 10%. However, if genetic similarity is measured over many thousands of loci, the answer becomes “never” when individuals are sampled from geographically separated populations.

    >> Anonymous 04/25/12(Wed)17:51 No.2808466
    The real percentage is .1 to .2 depending on which part of Africa, which is still plenty in the context of our genetic code.

    >Do you honestly believe africans and europeans have the same brains?
    Important lesson if not troll op: this is taboo, do not bring it up.
    >> Anonymous 04/25/12(Wed)17:51 No.2808468

    How does that justify that those % in genetic difference must be those related to brain structure?
    Are you even trying to be logical?
    >> Anonymous 04/25/12(Wed)17:51 No.2808471
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    Yes OP i'm sure thats the exact way events unfolded.
    Beta faggot.
    >> Anonymous 04/25/12(Wed)17:52 No.2808493
    Black girls are sexy as fuck, deal with it. I saw the hottest girl at work the other day, giant tits and plump ass. Dark skinned and beautiful. I think its my new fetish.
    >> Anonymous 04/25/12(Wed)17:53 No.2808500
    This percentage discussion is ridiculous. The percentage will change depending on what specifically you're measuring. You would be 50% genetically similar to a jellyfish by one measure, but 50% genetically similar to your father by another.
    >> Anonymous 04/25/12(Wed)17:53 No.2808506

    At the same time, humans have almost all of their DNA in common with other primates.

    Seems like a few loci can make all the difference.
    >> Anonymous 04/25/12(Wed)17:54 No.2808525
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    You are not even white, shitskin.
    >> Anonymous 04/25/12(Wed)17:56 No.2808543
    Good for you OP.

    Someone needs to challenge the bullshit.
    >> Anonymous 04/25/12(Wed)17:56 No.2808552
    >Black girls are sexy as fuck
    Their flabby lips, overly large breasts and humongeous asses are almost like a parody of what a woman should be like. Let's forget that the flat noses and low foreheads don't help either.

    Let me guess, those "hot black chicks" you're talking about are at least 1/4 white, right?
    >> Anonymous 04/25/12(Wed)17:56 No.2808554
    What the shit is this? Science? Math? Get the fuck off my /pol/ with that
    >> Anonymous 04/25/12(Wed)17:57 No.2808561

    Op you should be more madder at the fact that you dont have the privilege of being an alpha white rather than caring about some shitty debate.
    Lol enjoy being the inferior mudrace.
    >> Anonymous 04/25/12(Wed)17:58 No.2808579
    Not OP but in High School we had debates like those and sometimes when earing all those people around you being brainwashed you just want to show/tell them the Truth, how the world really.

    Most of the time we (people like OP and I) can keep those thoughts to ourselves knowing the consequences but sometimes is just explodes and you just say it.
    >> Anonymous 04/25/12(Wed)17:58 No.2808584


    Oh hello there entitled babby, hows that growing up going on for you so far?
    >> Anonymous 04/25/12(Wed)17:58 No.2808585
    >Classical, Baroque, Romantic, Orchestral, Choral, Opera, Modern Classical, Minimalism, Lo-fi, Noise, Country, Americana, Western, Bluegrass, Honky-Tonk, Pop, Folk, Indie, Music hall, Hymn

    FTFY. And I was being generous.
    >> Anonymous 04/25/12(Wed)17:59 No.2808616
    >cutting off trip hop
    Not that guy but trip hop has 1 black guy across its entire history.
    >> Anonymous 04/25/12(Wed)18:00 No.2808620
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    Sounds like you need to go to a better university.

    There's some merit to "race is a social construct," though. Most folks' concept of race is basically worthless and has nothing to do with actual genetic variation between populations.
    >> Anonymous 04/25/12(Wed)18:00 No.2808628

    100% correct and this is how the dummies get away with their, we are all the same bullshit or even stupidier, you have more genes in common with a different race then your own.

    seriously, people beleive this shit?
    >> Anonymous 04/25/12(Wed)18:02 No.2808676
    I realize that, and that may apply to other ones I cut off, but I cut them off because without the ground work of other genres coming before it that were not white, it wouldn't exist. So it shouldn't be counted as music white people forged on their own. Also cut off some because they were hopelessly vague, like "acoustic" or "electronic" or "experimental"
    >> Anonymous 04/25/12(Wed)18:06 No.2808722
    OP dun goofed.

    You went about the issue the wrong way. Wanna know why? Race IS a social construct. Seriously. What race do you belong to? You said you're a mix, so you can't belong to a single race, and your children cannot either. Look back along your family tree and you'll see that even your ancestors cannot be from a single race.

    You do have specific adaptations given to you by your parents that others do not possess. You should have argued that point instead. Back a few hundred years ago, the English considered the Irish, Italians and such to be completely different races, even Germans to be of a different stock than them. Now, a few hundred years later, ask most people in North America what race they are and you'll get from most people of European descent as "white", so the idea of what a race is has changed.

    Fuck, even most black people in the US have at least one white ancestor from north america, and for the most part they look more like milk chocolate or a Tim Hortons double-double than BLACK. In fact so much so that true Africans could argue that they are of a different race than the American Blacks and often do, trying to deny american black people's heritage in africa.

    Really, you should have argued that humans are different, though not unequal, because thousands of years of regional in-breeding caused different adaptations to appear in different groups, which is why almost no black people have blue eyed children without a european ancestor or two and you will seldom see a white person with incredibly dark skin.

    Nice try, but your argument was too open to attack from people wanting to shout racist.
    >> Anonymous 04/25/12(Wed)18:11 No.2808800

    it's a 4-6% difference.
    >> Anonymous 04/25/12(Wed)18:19 No.2808920
    Whether OP is a faggot or not, he went about it the right way using the Socratic method

    Theres only a 4% difference between humans and apes. And see how different we turned out. In that 4% we became capable of building ICBMs and launching rockets while the ape never developed anything of the sort. The white man invented almost everything used today SUCH AS the ICBM and rocket, while the blacks never invented anything of the sort. A 1-2% genetic difference? I believe so. So you're the retard.
    >> Anonymous 04/25/12(Wed)18:20 No.2808944

    Racial categorizations largely reflects actual genetic variation between human populations

    >Genetic cluster analysis of the microsatellite markers produced four major clusters, which showed near-perfect correspondence with the four self-reported race/ethnicity categories. Of 3,636 subjects of varying race/ethnicity, only 5 (0.14%) showed genetic cluster membership different from their self-identified race/ethnicity.
    >> Anonymous 04/25/12(Wed)18:20 No.2808956
    You must be trolling nigga if you think the electronic genre wasn't created by whites.
    >> Anonymous 04/25/12(Wed)18:26 No.2809058
    >The white man invented almost everything used today SUCH AS the ICBM and rocket
    Who is this 'white man' and where can I meet him? He sounds like a genius!

    I have brown eyes. Chances are you do too. At the very least, plenty of white people do. Does this mean I can take credit for what whites have done by proxy as well?
    >> Anonymous 04/25/12(Wed)18:28 No.2809099

    Taking credit =/= stating fact
    Most of histories achievements were made by whites, particularly in Europe and US. How does me saying that constitute me taking credit? I said whites made achievements, not "we made achievements'
    Try again
    >> Anonymous 04/25/12(Wed)18:29 No.2809117
    what the fuck is the point of taking social classes like that it's a bunch of bullshit.

    i seriously hope you guys don't pay for that crap
    >> Anonymous 04/25/12(Wed)18:29 No.2809123
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    >Speaking out in college
    >> Anonymous 04/25/12(Wed)18:29 No.2809124

    In college, you have to.
    >> Anonymous 04/25/12(Wed)18:30 No.2809147

    >Why should we be proud of things whites do?
    >Black History Month and [insert race here] Pride is not only acceptable, but encouraged
    >> Anonymous 04/25/12(Wed)18:31 No.2809152
    >Americans clapping in class
    >> Anonymous 04/25/12(Wed)18:34 No.2809207
    There's also blacks who have accomplished more in their life than you, and hell 99% of white have.
    I guess we should kill everyone who's not in the top 1% then. That's what you want, right? Because that includes whites ( and you )
    >> Anonymous 04/25/12(Wed)18:36 No.2809240
    >There's also blacks who have accomplished more in their life than you, and hell 99% of white have
    Okay, and? Like I said I simply STATED A FACT
    >I guess we should kill everyone who's not in the top 1% then
    Did I ever imply that? no. So stop putting words in my mouth you faggot. Keep scraping the bottom of the barrel
    >> Anonymous 04/25/12(Wed)18:36 No.2809250
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    >Americans Clapping in Class

    >Americans calling a sticks and bricks mark making doohicky factory a college and CLAPPING in it
    >> Anonymous 04/25/12(Wed)18:37 No.2809259
    OP is a pussy.

    I did this in my classes too and everyone went apeshit on me as well.

    The topic was immigration and i said that more diversity = more problems because you have more shit to fight about (which is true).
    Everyone ooga booga'd at me but with a few simple examples I made my case.
    After class a few of the white kids came and said they agreed, but didnt want to speak up in front of the rest of the class to not seem racist. I called them faggots right to their faces.
    >> Anonymous 04/25/12(Wed)18:37 No.2809267
    You are implying that by saying to remove the bottom tiers of society that take and don't give back.
    That happens to apply to the majority of society.
    >> Anonymous 04/25/12(Wed)18:38 No.2809275

    the caps means its important
    >> Ruby !!iPJbBu5S79g 04/25/12(Wed)18:38 No.2809280
    Should have walked in with printed out scientific journals detailing the basis for your argument.
    >> Anonymous 04/25/12(Wed)18:38 No.2809282
    >You are implying that by saying to remove the bottom tiers of society that take and don't give back.

    the fuck? no I'm not. Are you stupid? 3/10 I'm getting trolled
    >> Anonymous 04/25/12(Wed)18:38 No.2809284

    Monkeys and man have a 2% genetic difference.
    >> Anonymous 04/25/12(Wed)18:40 No.2809298
    >no money for atheltic funding
    >low populatioin
    >4 gold medals

    >lots of money compared to kenya
    >10000 times the population of kenya
    >0 gold medals

    hmmmmmmm..... yup!! all races are equal
    >> Anonymous 04/25/12(Wed)18:40 No.2809307

    If OP called names back if would have cause a level 2 chimpout at most. He stayed calm and rebutted with reasoning and logic, and because niggers are incapable of logic, they twisted it and skewed to make him sound racist
    >> Anonymous 04/25/12(Wed)18:42 No.2809351
    The topic was race so any opinion that is not PC bullshit causes the PC fanatics to scream rayciss!!!!!
    >> Anonymous 04/25/12(Wed)18:43 No.2809360

    You fucked up bro. You brought eugenetics to a liberal fight and lost. Have fun getting your ass jumped after class for being "racist".
    >> Anonymous 04/25/12(Wed)18:44 No.2809372
    What do you mean "sound racist"

    He is giving his opinion on race. Obviously that is going to be "racist." Race is the fucking topic.

    Just like how if you give your opinion on glasses you will sound "glassesist" or whatever.
    >> Anonymous 04/25/12(Wed)18:45 No.2809403
    2% genetic difference is significant. Learn to genetics.
    >> Anonymous 04/25/12(Wed)18:45 No.2809404

    You should have told them that the fact that they are chimping out instead of engaging in rational discourse is itself proof of racial differences.
    >> Anonymous 04/25/12(Wed)18:45 No.2809406
    you are a multiracial master race?
    >> Anonymous 04/25/12(Wed)18:46 No.2809418
    Nope, we won a gold medal in shooting. Try again, sir.
    >> Anonymous 04/25/12(Wed)18:47 No.2809438
    >> Anonymous 04/25/12(Wed)18:48 No.2809454
    >Each race having their respective advantages and disadvantages

    I'm pretty sure OP implied black people were bumber but are more athletic.
    >> Anonymous 04/25/12(Wed)18:50 No.2809470
    And in anything that matters?

    So let me get this straight habeeb, you think that 1 gold medal, with a population of over a BILLION, somehow makes you equal to a race who gets 4 gold medals with a population of 35 million?

    Even though india has more money
    and more people
    and a better olympic program.

    .... right. Go tweeze your unibrow shit skin
    >> Anonymous 04/25/12(Wed)18:50 No.2809483

    Considering that chimps are less than 5% the same...
    >> Anonymous 04/25/12(Wed)18:51 No.2809487
    This reminds me of my racial profiling presentation.

    I argued racial profiling is an effective technique in law enforcement. I used FBI statistics to show how much more likely a black person is to 1. be a gang member, 2. possess drugs, and 3. possess a weapon.

    Question time.
    >what u sayin white ppl dnt be in gangs? wat about the aryan brotherhood?
    >so wat we should only arrest black ppl now?
    >das racis
    >my brother died from racial profiling

    still received an A though, so whatever.
    >> Anonymous 04/25/12(Wed)18:52 No.2809513
    That hand is interesting, it seems contrast to the softer face.
    Also OP, you were arguing about the brains difference when you could have highlighted some proven facts about difference in race such as certain drugs being better for people of a different race, and that even some diseases affect black people and white people differently.

    These aren't up for debate, it's medical proof there are differences and that the politically correct answer is not the objectively right one when observed.

    Does this make me a racist? No, my personal experiences with people dictate that people of all races can be fucking morons if left to their own devices will make an absolute fool out of themselves throughout their lives.

    Even if it can be statistically proven that one group is more prone to a certain behaviour than another, it is not a grounds to condemn the entire group, I'm against nationalism and racial pride specifically because of this, no-one should be associating their worth with what colour they are or which country they're from, the world only cares about what you're capable of and your achievements, fuck everyone else.
    >> Anonymous 04/25/12(Wed)18:54 No.2809541
    I was kidding, of course. But, I mean, who says I give a shit about sports? I only care about math, philosophy, and science -- all things I'm much more talented than you in.
    >> Anonymous 04/25/12(Wed)18:54 No.2809547
    I did this too.
    Everyone in tutorial was bitching at me but I still got a good mark.

    Insurance companies get away with charging men more than women, and asians more than non-asians.

    Thats not racism, its statistics. Niggers.
    >> Anonymous 04/25/12(Wed)18:55 No.2809568
    >all things I'm much more talented than you in.
    >Trying to show off on the internets
    Typical sand nigger.
    >> Anonymous 04/25/12(Wed)18:56 No.2809586
    If niggers and white are similar, why can't whites donate blood to niggers?
    >> Anonymous 04/25/12(Wed)18:57 No.2809602

    Statistics and correlation means shit in law, and this is the right approach, everyone must be treated fairly on a case by case basis, otherwise there is no justice for the individual.
    Should I be condemned based on correlations and events caused by people other than myself in a court case? No.

    Offering up the idea as prevention by saying someone is more likely to do something is also incredibly unfair for the decent people in that group.
    >> Anonymous 04/25/12(Wed)18:58 No.2809614
    Welcome to life.
    >> Anonymous 04/25/12(Wed)19:00 No.2809642
    LOL poor OP

    Reminds me of me

    You do realise though stormfags would use that exact same logic you where just using to justify labelling you as sub-par and your offspring sub-par in comparison.

    It's fucking tricky lol, but the reality is there are differences.

    I once said 9/11 was nothing at all, and the US has inflicted a thousand ground zeros as it where, around the world up to that point and that I believed the US and its foreign policy is what led to 9/11, not religious extremism alone

    I also mentioned Al-Qaeda was originally funded by the CIA with BILLIONS of US tax dollar money (likewise The Taliban) to help fight the Soviets (all true)


    Seriously, fuck.
    >> Anonymous 04/25/12(Wed)19:00 No.2809644
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    >mfw OP thought he could have an intelligent discussion with niggers
    >> Anonymous 04/25/12(Wed)19:02 No.2809663
    You seem to have a misconception regarding people on the left. My friends and I are far left and we all agree that intelligence is genetic, but whereas you draw the boundary at race (wrongly), we draw it at people like you. Since we go to a top college, we have access to the smartest within each race, and, guess what? They're all much smarter than 99% of whites, especially you.

    However, the very fact that genetics is partly genetic is why we believe it shouldn't determine quality of life. Hell, I even believe in eugenics purely on the basis of intelligence which would effectively wipe out the genes that matter of everyone on /pol/.
    >> Anonymous 04/25/12(Wed)19:04 No.2809688
    Race is irrelevant, culture is what matters.

    Both are social constructs, however some cultures are better than others.

    Deal with it.
    >> Anonymous 04/25/12(Wed)19:04 No.2809694
    Indeed, and expecting people to fight against that is also unreasonable. Not that I care, I'm white, so black people's rights don't matter to me.

    What? I'm not going to apologize for things I have no part in, this is between you and whoever is oppressing you, and directing your hate at the general "white man" population is plain terrible.
    I think the minorities that were exploited just don't know with whom to be specifically angry at right now.
    >> Anonymous 04/25/12(Wed)19:05 No.2809707
    >However, the very fact that genetics is partly genetic

    The entire post was pretty retarded, but this really took the cake.
    >> Anonymous 04/25/12(Wed)19:05 No.2809713
    Care to explain, low-IQ faggot?
    >> Anonymous 04/25/12(Wed)19:06 No.2809735

    Maybe you don't get it.

    1 white man and 100 black men are in the same room. Maybe 5 blacks will be smarter than him. Maybe 15 blacks will be as smart as him. The other 80 blacks will be less intelligent than the white man.

    This is proven time and time again, you authoritarian faggot. Cool shit though, that you're another of the many many people browsing 4chan and graduating at the top of your class at prestigious universities.
    >> Anonymous 04/25/12(Wed)19:07 No.2809744
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    Lol at this guy, he's a serious troll.
    Just forget about it bro he caught you.
    >> Anonymous 04/25/12(Wed)19:07 No.2809749
    > James Watson was right

    > Libtards gonna libtard
    >> Anonymous 04/25/12(Wed)19:08 No.2809764
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    >Genetics are partly genetic

    thanks captain obvious
    >> Anonymous 04/25/12(Wed)19:08 No.2809766
    Yeah, now assuming that's true, why should I pick the white man over the people who are smarter than him? The races themselves are arbitrary to me.
    >> Anonymous 04/25/12(Wed)19:10 No.2809785
    I clearly meant intelligence* is partly genetic. Thanks.
    >> Anonymous 04/25/12(Wed)19:13 No.2809817
    Oh, okay, so one typo, that you should have been able to interpret correctly given the context, means you can ignore all the points. I didn't expect anything less.
    >> Anonymous 04/25/12(Wed)19:20 No.2809894
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    As a member of the superior white race I would like to thank OP and welcome him in as an Honorary White man. You may even be allowed to defend yourself against subhuman primate thugs when they attack you. Over time, you may even be allowed to mate and procreate with virginal white women.

    >standing ovation
    >hands starting to go numb
    >clapping so hard palms are bleeding at this point
    >Going to the Emergency Room now
    >> Anonymous 04/25/12(Wed)19:26 No.2809969
    Intelligence doesn't seem to be set in stone, although an intelligence quotient is used to identify it on more objective arguments.

    Ultimately because there is still ongoing debates about whether IQ Tests are an effective means of determining intelligence at all.
    Seeing as the results of them being proven, and one race or, type of human being ultimately more intelligent would be an incentive for eugenic approaches (genocide or "curing"), I'm stuck here with an ethical dilemma.

    I don't believe killing people is right, but due to an open minded approach to things I admit that things would be better for the human race, it is within our best interests after all to promote stronger new generations.
    Would any other mammal choose to reject strong genes over a more "ethical" choice? Absolutely not.

    Yet here I am, contemplating whether or not it'd be a good thing. In the end I'm merely thankful that I don't have to make these decisions and that no-one else here ever will.

    In the end what feels right is also good, because emotion can be tied to healthy natural human instincts. Irrationality can be helpful sometimes, to take risks and to be able to understand others better.

    What a waste of my time, posting this on /pol/.
    >> Anonymous 04/25/12(Wed)19:35 No.2810069
    Eugenics would only require preventing the procreation of certain groups, whether through imprisoning them or whatever else. Yeah, it's me, the far left guy. Although I believe eugenics would help to alleviate a lot of the world's problems, including killing off the genes of white supremacists and the like, I'm unsure about making intelligence a goal of the human race (although empathy, which is tied to intelligence, should be). I just happen to think that, after a certain cutoff point, certain people are more empathetic to others, regardless of race, and more capable of reasoning ability necessary for correct political decisions. On the other hand, people like those on /pol/ give people like me problems to solve.
    >> Anonymous 04/25/12(Wed)19:40 No.2810133
    happened to me to once. i went the other way a said i was racist. im not but they didnt know that and wernt expcting that response. funny as hell and i got out of class early

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