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  • /mu/'s favorite bro deadmau5 is hanging out here:

    Two of three migrations down, one to go. Expect some short downtime tomorrow afternoon or evening. Site should be much faster already.
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    Your pal, —missingno

    File : 1320935301.jpg-(28 KB, 637x379, nhs.jpg)
    28 KB Anonymous 11/10/11(Thu)09:28 No.277517  
    It has finally happened. We are privatising the NHS

    >> Anonymous 11/10/11(Thu)09:30 No.277527
    OH UK you society is so backwards but it is good to see you finally following your smarter bro America.
    >> Anonymous 11/10/11(Thu)09:30 No.277533
    only in england
    >> Anonymous 11/10/11(Thu)09:30 No.277538
    America is sending over a team of Pfizer representatives as we speak. I highly recommend that all the drug dealers sell their supply of street drugs now because the price of them is about to get hammered once pharmaceutical companies start dropping prescription medications from helicopters.
    >> Anonymous 11/10/11(Thu)09:31 No.277544
    Well its official.

    Britain is now part of murrika.

    Good job, new labour, I hope you're happy.
    >> Anonymous 11/10/11(Thu)09:31 No.277548

    ohhh stfu you stupid labour liberal faggot, NHS ISNT GETTING PRIVATISED
    >> Anonymous 11/10/11(Thu)09:33 No.277560
    OP cannot into public-private partnerships.
    >> Anonymous 11/10/11(Thu)09:33 No.277561
    slippery slope friend... this is the start and then your mother will have to get health insurance for you.
    >> Anonymous 11/10/11(Thu)09:34 No.277566
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    >> Anonymous 11/10/11(Thu)09:35 No.277576
    Private fire deparments in Denmark do already more than 50% of the stuff they have to do.
    They don't seem to complain.

    In Denmark, Falck is currently in charge of 65 percent of munipacility fire brigades and 85 percent of ambulance services.[1] Already in 1926, the Danish government allowed municipal governments to contract with private companies to provide emergency services.

    HURRDURR Scandinavia socialism my ass.
    >> Anonymous 11/10/11(Thu)09:36 No.277587
    Welcome back to freedom Brits.
    >> Anonymous 11/10/11(Thu)09:37 No.277592
    Something like in the Netherlands maybe?
    The Netherlands has a dual-level system. All primary and curative care (i.e. the family doctor service and hospitals and clinics) is financed from private obligatory insurance. Long term care for the elderly, the dying, the long term mentally ill etc. is covered by social insurance funded from earmarked taxation.

    Private insurance companies must offer a core universal insurance package for the universal primary curative care, which includes the cost of all prescription medicines. They must do this at a fixed price for all. The same premium is paid whether young or old, healthy or sick. It is illegal in The Netherlands for insurers to refuse an application for health insurance, to impose special conditions (e.g., exclusions, deductibles, co-payments, or refuse to fund doctor-ordered treatments). The system is 50% financed from payroll taxes paid by employers to a fund controlled by the Health regulator. The government contributes an additional 5% to the regulator's fund. The remaining 45% is collected as premiums paid by the insured directly to the insurance company. Some employers negotiate bulk deals with health insurers and some even pay the employees' premiums as an employment benefit. All insurance companies receive additional funding from the regulator's fund.
    >> Anonymous 11/10/11(Thu)09:37 No.277593
    sorry to hear it england
    have fun paying $10,000 to go to the emergency room (not an exageration at all, that really is what you'd pay in america)
    >> ImplyingImplications !!maaS/hB0pVp 11/10/11(Thu)09:37 No.277595
    USA...if it didn't work in Europe...IT WON'T WORK HERE
    >> Anonymous 11/10/11(Thu)09:38 No.277596
    yeah we're going to free you into death from no health care englind
    >> Anonymous 11/10/11(Thu)09:38 No.277604
    That would be less than 5000 pounds.
    >> ImplyingImplications !!maaS/hB0pVp 11/10/11(Thu)09:40 No.277615
    Bull fucking shit. I work insurance and it varies widely. Highly unlikely to be 10k tho unless you're really fucked up and uninsured. And we have Medicaid over here for which anyone can qualify for.
    >> Anonymous 11/10/11(Thu)09:41 No.277625
    >And we have Medicaid over here for which anyone can qualify for

    80% of doctors in the United States don't accept Medicaid patients.
    >> Anonymous 11/10/11(Thu)09:42 No.277634
    Why are liberals so scared of paying for their own health care?
    >> Anonymous 11/10/11(Thu)09:44 No.277651
    well I guess I was referring to uninsured, but I wasn't really talking fucked up
    everyone I've ever known who went to the emergency room they charged 3k to 10k and did nothing other than take x-rays and prescribe pain meds
    >> Anonymous 11/10/11(Thu)09:45 No.277660
    Because not many people have $40,000 to hand over when they break a toe.
    >> Anonymous 11/10/11(Thu)09:47 No.277672
    because rich fucks want to keep us poor and would like to lower the world population
    >> Anonymous 11/10/11(Thu)09:47 No.277673
    You and the "progressives" you vote for are responsible for that. You can only blame yourself.
    >> Anonymous 11/10/11(Thu)09:50 No.277693
    beacause the UK as a social Demicratic nation that believe that we should not just fuck you and we can as a community pay for all the health care. and we don't want people making profits off our tax money as a private company takes over a public task
    >> Anonymous 11/10/11(Thu)09:51 No.277703
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    >Why are liberals so scared of paying for their own health care?
    Because we know how the system is set up.

    Here is a little political allegory:

    Big Pharma = The Top Dick
    The "Health Care" Insurance Companies = The Bottom Dick
    The US Consumer = The Chick
    The Government = The Facial Abuse Cameraman.
    >> Anonymous 11/10/11(Thu)09:53 No.277717
    So essentially you want everyone else to pay for your health care?
    Hint: You will pay far more in taxes then you receive back in "Services".
    Why not just save that money and then pay for it yourself?
    >> Anonymous 11/10/11(Thu)09:54 No.277726
    This has happened for several years, get over yourself.
    >> Anonymous 11/10/11(Thu)09:55 No.277732

    for a few seconds there, i thought that image was gay.

    i also spend alot of time on /v/. :(
    >> Anonymous 11/10/11(Thu)09:55 No.277738
    >slippery slope
    You've just voided your own point.
    >> ImplyingImplications !!maaS/hB0pVp 11/10/11(Thu)09:56 No.277741
    Emergency rooms are obligated to treat regardless of ability to pay.
    >> Anonymous 11/10/11(Thu)09:57 No.277756

    The last full year of my Grandfather's life cost almost $950,000. The majority of people cannot pay for monopolized medical treatment.
    >> Anonymous 11/10/11(Thu)09:59 No.277769

    Nice to know that liberals keep those kinds of pics on their computer.
    >> Anonymous 11/10/11(Thu)09:59 No.277770
    cause when a war vet need medical help but is out of work and maybe he is a bit PTSD we in the UK say he can just go to his doctors and get seen and does not have to worry about mortgaging his house because he is a bit mental. see he is one of us. we do not see in as some fucker wanting to steal what is ours. we are a people. not a group of people
    >> Anonymous 11/10/11(Thu)10:00 No.277782
    Because it's the business model, not the costs that are important. Under the current system, the business model for the insurance companies is taking people's money, then fucking people over when they actually want to claim services. For pharma, it's selling at retail instead of the government collectively bargaining for drugs bought in bulk. It's a monstrous system, as well as being outright inefficient.
    >> Anonymous 11/10/11(Thu)10:00 No.277785
    Now ask yourself whether that last year was worth it in terms of her quality of life and return on investment. Not everyone is entitled to bleeding edge medical treatment, nor do all cases warrant it.
    >> Anonymous 11/10/11(Thu)10:01 No.277792
    what you have no porn? but ron paul is backed by a pornographer so you should help him out
    >> Anonymous 11/10/11(Thu)10:01 No.277794
    >Sky News

    Boy, wonder how Murdoch's tory bootlicks are gonna spin this one.
    >> Anonymous 11/10/11(Thu)10:01 No.277796
    So everyone else is obligated to pay for massive high tect treatments to extend the life of the elderly?

    Do you socialists even recognize the economic and society suicide which results from this?
    >> Anonymous 11/10/11(Thu)10:03 No.277813
    you sick fuck. this is why the uk and americunts are so different
    >> Anonymous 11/10/11(Thu)10:06 No.277840
    yes... that's the point. also the economies of scale that comes from a well run NHS save a lot of money. but the last 30 years government have just fucked about with out any real idea of what they are doing and have fuck the NHS up.
    >> Anonymous 11/10/11(Thu)10:08 No.277853
    Why not? I'd rather pay taxes and have it go to an efficient, rationalized health care system (not one in which pharma and the HC insurance companies are bleeding the government white), than spend money on the US war machine or tax breaks so some asshole can buy a solid gold yacht.

    Plus, if you're all about 'rugged individualism' and not depending on the government, then why are you in favor of allowing pharma and the insurance companies to feed at the government tit? Why not demand that they be kicked off of it too?
    >> Anonymous 11/10/11(Thu)10:08 No.277854
    YAY! Now Wal-mart can expand it's planned in store clinics to Britain too! Inexpensive capitalist healthcare for everyone!
    >> Anonymous 11/10/11(Thu)10:12 No.277870
    >>the last 30 years government have just fucked about with out any real idea of what they are doing and have fuck the NHS up.

    That's how government programs usually ends up.


    Most of your taxes comes back to you instead of the rich. Bailouts don't occur all that often and tax breaks the rich pays less. They aren't taking money from you.
    >> Anonymous 11/10/11(Thu)10:14 No.277886
    crony capitalism. better to scrap the entire NHS system and let private companies compete.
    >> Anonymous 11/10/11(Thu)10:15 No.277890
    Yes, every person deserves to live as long as possible, regardless of cost. It is a human right.

    You need to come to terms with human mortality. People die all the time. However it is absurd for a team of other humans to devote large amounts of their time and resources to sustain the life of another for a long period of time whilst subjecting themselves to possible malpractice suits should they make a mistake AND not expect large amounts of compensation. If you want your doctors to work for free, where is their motivation to become a doctor? Medical school ain't cheap or easy, and the mental and physical strains of being a doctor are tough as well.

    You can't have your cake and eat it too.
    >> Anonymous 11/10/11(Thu)10:15 No.277896
    yeah but now corporations are wanting to draw profits from the NHS and just cost us more money. why would i want to pay £5k or going to the casualty instead of nothing like i do now?
    >> Anonymous 11/10/11(Thu)10:17 No.277909
    The private sector is more efficient. Give them a budget and they will stick to it. The public sector wastes it left right and centre.

    >smarter bro America
    America is still in the dark ages.
    >> Anonymous 11/10/11(Thu)10:19 No.277927
    It's paid for by national insurance. Do you even know how the NHS works?
    >> Anonymous 11/10/11(Thu)10:20 No.277936
    doctors do not work for free under the NHS they get a wage. just like the rest of us. how is that a problem. the problem is that the NHS is one of the greatest things ever made my our Country and we don't want to go to a private system like the Americans. i just do not want parts of My NHS to be sold off to private companies so they can make money off it and me
    >> Anonymous 11/10/11(Thu)10:21 No.277937
    >Most of your taxes comes back to you instead of the rich.
    Nope. Most taxes go to either the US war industry or Medicare. Only around a third of tax money goes back to the American people.

    >Bailouts don't occur all that often
    $15 trillion in bailouts. Once is more than enough, thank you. And it's not just the bailouts themselves. It's the very insult of us tax payers giving money to the very banks that are melting down OUR economy that is so odious.

    >and tax breaks the rich pays less. They aren't taking money from you.
    Yup. A tax break means there will be a revenue shortfall. That means there will be more taxes for the rest of us, and if that doesn't cover the shortfall (it won't, btw), then services are cut or deficits are created. Basically, the rich get their tax breaks NOW, and deficits are created so the future generations can pick up the tab.
    >> Anonymous 11/10/11(Thu)10:24 No.277963
    It's one hospital.

    Sure is Daily Mail readers in this thread.
    >> Anonymous 11/10/11(Thu)10:25 No.277967

    Medicare goes back to you genius. The only legitimate complaint there is military. We did not pay anywhere close to 15 trillion and the rich already pays most of the taxes. Half of Americans don't even pay taxes and are complete leeches.
    >> Anonymous 11/10/11(Thu)10:30 No.278001
    $15 trillion dollar debt and $115 trillion in unfunded liabilities. Fuck off with your uninformed propaganda.
    >> Anonymous 11/10/11(Thu)10:31 No.278004
    Most people dont pay taxes.
    It is the corporations and upper class that pay taxes.
    And no, those taxes you pay when you buy something are mostly state taxes, which go back to you in the form adding funds to schools, roads, and public services(fire fighters, police).
    None of you bailed out the banks, that is what I dont get because all I hear from OWS is
    They didnt take shit from what you paid in. What happened is that corporations that are not doing shitty right now bailed them out, not you.
    >> Anonymous 11/10/11(Thu)10:32 No.278012
    privatizing it?

    so NHS isn't the god and savior that liberals in america make it out to be?

    >> Anonymous 11/10/11(Thu)10:33 No.278024
    Shut the fuck up. You have a grasp of reality straight out of a fucking children's fairy tale book.
    >> Anonymous 11/10/11(Thu)10:34 No.278037
    >privatizing it?
    No. Op is just an idiot.
    >so NHS isn't the god and savior that liberals in america make it out to be?
    The NHS isn't perfect. But it's better than anything any other country has.
    >> Anonymous 11/10/11(Thu)10:35 No.278038

    Ahaha, oh wow.
    >> Anonymous 11/10/11(Thu)10:36 No.278046
    >Already in 1926, the Danish government allowed municipal governments to contract with private companies to provide emergency services.

    This is still the government paying for all the shit. Individual citizens do not have to pay insurance fines to private fire stations to get firefighting services. Learn the difference between government financed and completely private service.
    >> Anonymous 11/10/11(Thu)10:36 No.278053
    >Most people dont pay taxes
    >they didnt take shit from what you paid in

    So you are saying the 5k in Federal Income Taxes I paid last year on my meager 40k salary did not go into the same pool of income taxes as these 'big corporations and upper classmen'? Or are you saying my 5k is nothing compared to what they paid? Because my 40k is nothing compared to the billions they made as well.
    >> Anonymous 11/10/11(Thu)10:38 No.278064
    >Medicare goes back to you genius.
    You're so naive it's adorable. Medicare goes to pay for a health care industry that exists to rip off the tax payer. Costs are inflated. Outcomes are mediocre.

    >We did not pay anywhere close to 15 trillion


    >Half of Americans don't even pay taxes and are complete leeches.
    Irrelevant when you consider than when the rich get their Bush tax cuts, the revenue shortfalls are passed on to the future generations, who will pick up the tab. It's a TAX that they will pay.
    >> Ω 11/10/11(Thu)10:39 No.278075

    This. We do need to keep the corporations out of our healthcare system though. All of my experiences with the NHS have been good, people in this country don't know how good they have it.

    The only major problem with the NHS is the ever growing underclass in this country exploiting it without contributing anything; and they can hardly be blamed for that can they?
    >> Anonymous 11/10/11(Thu)10:40 No.278081
    Butthurt liberal is butthurt about the magical healthcare system that is suppose to be the cats pajamas has turned out to have flaws and even socialized countries are thinking about changing.
    Also I have a great grasp of reality.
    I am the general manager of a small hotel, tourism always gets raped by taxes, the corporations tied in with tourism bailed out the banks more than the average person.
    But that is ok, because we rape the customers with prices and hidden fees.
    >> Anonymous 11/10/11(Thu)10:45 No.278118
    Yeah, but that's because the fire department prevents PRIVATE PROPERTY destruction. If the peasants are making their potato and grass stew and start a fire, it could spread to my mansion. But if a poor person has cancer, that can't touch me.
    >> Anonymous 11/10/11(Thu)10:46 No.278136

    Thanks for letting us know that you're a fucking paranoid retard. They gave the banks a huge line of credit, which they would have to pay back if they choose to use and most of which they did not use.
    >> Anonymous 11/10/11(Thu)10:49 No.278160
    Bro, you're missing the point. When the banks melted down, it destroyed people's 401(k)s, the value of their homes, and cost people their jobs. The intangible damage to people's healthes and psyches is even greater.

    The banks could pay everything back to the FEDERAL GOVERNMENT, but it wouldn't trickle down to make the people whole, either financially or emotionally.
    >> Anonymous 11/10/11(Thu)10:52 No.278177
    So now we are gonna regulate intangibles like happiness? And we all know money can't buy happiness.

    >> Anonymous 11/10/11(Thu)10:57 No.278219
    Fine, let's not demand Wall Street make reparations for the 'intangibles.' Let's just demand that the people who crashed the market make reparations for the drop in home values, the loss of people's retirement funds, and give people unemployment for jobs that were destroyed because of their negligence. That would be fair, right, since the Right and the business community likes to put so much emphasis on personal responsibility.
    >> Anonymous 11/10/11(Thu)10:58 No.278227
    Pretty much, typical leftist attitude that everyone is equal in every way and if they are not then take from those in excess and give it to those that dont have.
    While it wont be for a while I could see down the road hapiness being regulated.
    >> Anonymous 11/10/11(Thu)11:01 No.278255

    They already do do that. Most of the bailout was in fact their money.
    >> Anonymous 11/10/11(Thu)11:02 No.278258
    In these cold months, tinfoil is not a suitable material from which to make garments for the head.
    >> Anonymous 11/10/11(Thu)11:06 No.278294
    Drop in home values, yeah like people didnt make money off of the housing market bubble. So many people bought homes and bought other properties, shit my mom at one time had 3 houses, not because we needed them but because they were a great investment at the time. I am grateful she got out of that before the market went to crap. But really dont cry about peoples homes losing money, I had a drop but down to the point where I bought it, before its price just kept going up year after year.
    As for jobs well its not all the richs fault either. People blame the rich for jobs going overseas well how come they had to go overseas?
    Why did the motor industry go overseas?
    Was it because the evil stupid rich people wanted more money? Or was it because the general population of the US started buying import Toyotas and Hondas instead of US built vehicles?

    The rich are not all evil and the so called "poor" are not all saints being oppressed by the rich.
    >> Anonymous 11/10/11(Thu)11:08 No.278306
    i love the anti-jesus attitude in here
    >> Anonymous 11/10/11(Thu)11:10 No.278333
    Who said anything about Jesus?
    There are plenty of right wing people that are atheists.
    But I am a libertarian, and I dont believe in Jesus.
    >> Anonymous 11/10/11(Thu)11:11 No.278339
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    >still voting for new-Labour/Conservatives/Liberal Democrats (three homogeneous neoliberal parties)

    >not kicking these charlatans out of politics

    >parties can barely survive at all without contributions from bloodsucking financiers

    >no right of recall


    >no constitution

    >slyly giving away the NHS, one of the few good things left intact in Britain

    >letting an Australian family ruin your country with their billious, insulting 'papers'

    >> Anonymous 11/10/11(Thu)11:12 No.278347
    >The rich are not all evil and the so called "poor" are not all saints being oppressed by the rich.
    That's quite an inference.
    >> Anonymous 11/10/11(Thu)11:13 No.278352
    It's funny you mention personal responsibility at the same time as blaming others for bad investments. 401k's and houses are not guaranteed to make or even maintain value. A lot of people made bad investments plain and simple. There are problems that run deeper with the idea of personal responsibility, including but not limited to living within your means and sense of entitlement.
    >> Anonymous 11/10/11(Thu)11:14 No.278355
    >People blame the rich for jobs going overseas well how come they had to go overseas?

    Cause we would not stand for the standard of living they have. i have a good idea. lets st a world minimum wage of $6 therefore everyone has to get at least a set wage. then there would be fare competitionevery where. and if you wanted to imply a chinese person you would at least have to pay him fare
    >> Anonymous 11/10/11(Thu)11:15 No.278368
    why is healthcare expensive? medical school shortage. Medical schools need to respond to market forces and expand and increase enrollment. We need a "glut" of doctors in the market. Sociopathic special interest in the healthcare market have been bleeding patients dry by artificially limiting the supply of doctors.
    >> Anonymous 11/10/11(Thu)11:16 No.278387
    >Hey guys, I'm getting old. I need to make some good, conservative investment. Let's see, ah yes, Moody's rates Mortgage Backed Securities "AAA". Why, that's their highest rating!
    OMG what an irresponsible faggot!! I hope he dies in the streets. I bet he's a black man too. LOLOLOLOLOLOL!!!
    >> Anonymous 11/10/11(Thu)11:17 No.278389

    Actually it's more like lawsuits cause them to only allow the most qualified students through. I don't remember how much it was, but doctors pay like 1/3 of their income to malpractice insurance or something.
    >> Ω 11/10/11(Thu)11:18 No.278395

    Hahaha. Good job.
    >> Anonymous 11/10/11(Thu)11:19 No.278404
    >Doesnt buy any made in US products because there is cheaper and better out there.
    >Wonders why jobs making US products have left the country.
    >> Anonymous 11/10/11(Thu)11:21 No.278426
    ANY investment involves an element of risk. Your sense of entitlement is showing.
    >> Anonymous 11/10/11(Thu)11:24 No.278439

    no. top medical schools turn away 95% of applicants. that is absurd.

    if medical schools were businesses. they'd expand and let everyone into medical school, if they pay their way.

    whether they pass any of the courses is another matter. but why prevent them from trying? if it makes money for the school?
    >> Anonymous 11/10/11(Thu)11:28 No.278467

    Congrats England! Your health industry will become of higher quality because of competition and you'll receive better care with less waiting.

    You'll also be more solvent.
    >> Anonymous 11/10/11(Thu)11:28 No.278469
    Capitalize on schooling?
    That is horrible, it is bad enough that we have the fees we already have and proposed increases to those fees.
    Education should be free.
    >> Anonymous 11/10/11(Thu)11:28 No.278470
    Do you really want a surgeon who had to take Stitches 101 three times to finally pass it giving you open heart surgery?
    >> Anonymous 11/10/11(Thu)11:29 No.278483

    Medical school does not work like normal schools. They don't let rookies work with patients. When you join, you have classes but also work/study at a real hospital where you supervised. A hospital isn't going to allow 500 retarded students walk around.
    >> Anonymous 11/10/11(Thu)11:30 No.278490
    or whats my second , option a surgeon who has only taken Stitches 101 once, in his first year at uni when he was still a child.
    Or the guy who made his mistakes when he was still learning and now is a master at it?
    >> Anonymous 11/10/11(Thu)11:31 No.278492
    fucking right i don't i b only buy UK when i can help it. but that is almost impossible now.

    if you remember this thread is about the NHS by the way. Not you americunt right wingers.

    Also is was not people not Buying US or UK that was the reason the jobs went. i worked for a company that operated in the UK. It was a US firm... it moved off to Malaysia as the workforce was a lot cheaper and they could pay them buttons.
    >> Anonymous 11/10/11(Thu)11:34 No.278519
    >Medical school does not work like normal schools. They don't let rookies work with patients. When you join, you have classes but also work/study at a real hospital where you supervised. A hospital isn't going to allow 500 retarded students walk around.

    Medical schools have the MCAT, Medical College Admission Test. So if you can't pass the MCAT then you won't get in.

    Medical schools turn away prospective students with great MCAT scores.

    if I ran a medical school, I'd expand so that every student who passed the MCAT could enroll.
    >> Anonymous 11/10/11(Thu)11:37 No.278545
    You would never know which surgeon was which unless you somehow had access to their school records. When they graduate they both got the same sheet of paper saying they are qualified. It's about quality control.
    >> Anonymous 11/10/11(Thu)11:39 No.278564
    Prestigious schools still turn away potential students with high SAT scores as well. It's not all about standardized testing despite what No Child Left Behind tries to tell you.
    >> Anonymous 11/10/11(Thu)11:40 No.278576



    >> Anonymous 11/10/11(Thu)11:42 No.278590
    Why Jevvish bankers of course
    >> Anonymous 11/10/11(Thu)11:47 No.278620
    We dont have enough money from taxes to cover what you mentioned.
    But also fire fighters, police, prisons, court system, public parks, state and federal parks.
    There is a lot of shit our taxes pay for.
    >> Anonymous 11/10/11(Thu)11:48 No.278623






    >> Anonymous 11/10/11(Thu)11:49 No.278635
    >Prestigious schools still turn away potential students with high SAT scores as well. It's not all about standardized testing despite what No Child Left Behind tries to tell you.
    My reasoning is air tight and you responded with a fallacy....
    >> Anonymous 11/10/11(Thu)11:50 No.278636

    Yeah but from what I understand

    Those services cost nothing in comparison to your military.

    If the government cannot provide for the health of its citizens while they are under taxation, something is fundamentally wrong with the system of governance. If the system can work without problem in any other country there is no reason for it to fail in America.
    >> Anonymous 11/10/11(Thu)11:52 No.278651
    Because some people like to make money ie Jevvish bankers Media Barons Pharmaceutical companies etc etc.
    There is no profit for businesses when governments begin directly competing with them in services because everyone would then want the free stuff and not the expensive stuff. So you see there is much profit to be had for companies to maintain these services which means the government has more money to spend on liberty, democracy and freedumbs.
    >> Anonymous 11/10/11(Thu)11:54 No.278665

    Yeah I saw a documentary on the pharmaceutical company.

    Made me pretty sick that people could disregard humanity for profit. Its like every angsty teen a degree never grew up and was given a degree in psychiatry.
    >> Anonymous 11/10/11(Thu)11:56 No.278674

    I personally know of many people who abuse our Medicare system as is. All you have to do is walk into an emergency room complaining of chest pain. They have to treat you. When it turns out you are not having a stroke or heart attack, you just complain you are still in agonizing pain. Most doctors will just prescribe you Percocept to make you go away. ER bill and prescription covered by Medicare, sell your script, collect unemployment/disability. Rinse and repeat.
    >> Anonymous 11/10/11(Thu)11:57 No.278685
    That is up for debate though.
    There are those who say it is not a flawless system, nationalized healthcare.
    Also it apparently isnt working in the UK because look at the article, a hospital is going private.

    And also no that shit does cost money, our military spending is not just on our physical miltiary. Much of that money goes research and development, also that money goes towards jobs, building ships, subs, tanks, rifles, ammo.
    Cutting the military, which has already happened, would also lead to a drop in the economy.
    Also we kind of need our military, we have obligations in Europe, Kuwait, Japan, South Korea, ect. We also have membership in NATO and other military alliances where we as always are the power house. Personally I would rather pullout from our overseas bases(which cost us money) and put those military persons on bases in our own country. Putting money into our local economies instead of overseas economies.
    >> Anonymous 11/10/11(Thu)12:03 No.278750
    >All you have to do is walk into an emergency room complaining of chest pain. They have to treat you. When it turns out you are not having a stroke or heart attack, you just complain you are still in agonizing pain. Most doctors will just prescribe you Percocept to make you go away.

    Im sure that costs the medical industry billions of dollars a year.

    Im willing accept a few abusers to the system if it benefits society and the standard of living as a whole for the rest of us.

    Their are abusers to any system regardless, just take a look at your financial system for example.
    >> Anonymous 11/10/11(Thu)12:04 No.278755
    OP here


    I do not care about how medicare is shit and you should not have to pay for that cancer patients meds. This is a discustion about the NHS were we believe that if you don't want to help pay a cancer patients meds you are a Nazi fuck and we don't like you. that is what it means to be a UK Subject. we are not out of our self all the time cause that is what we call a greedy fuck and we used to get a slap for that when we were young. Greed is not good. as a child you learn to share. not tell the other kids that they should die and not play with your toy.

    >> Anonymous 11/10/11(Thu)12:06 No.278771
    no it's not cause it is not working it cause te government wants to farm it off to people that can make money from it cause they are getting campaign contributions and jobs when they leave the health department
    >> Anonymous 11/10/11(Thu)12:08 No.278787
    >few abusers
    lol that is how I paid my way through college. Work a little, collect unemployment, free healthcare, get pain meds and sell them at college.
    I know I wasnt the only student in college doing this.
    Just go to a different hospital a week, works great if you live in a large city with a lot of hospitals.
    The only bad part is some of the hospitals are shutting down because of costs.
    But I blame that on the illegal immigrants, they are so numerous here in California.
    >> Anonymous 11/10/11(Thu)12:12 No.278816
    Learn a lesson from Jesus? Okay

    >"Do not think that I came to bring peace on Earth; I did not come to bring peace, but a sword. For I came to set a man against his father, and a daughter against her mother, and a daughter-in-law against her mother-in-law; and a man’s enemies will be the members of his household. He who loves father or mother more than Me is not worthy of Me; and he who loves son or daughter more than Me is not worthy of Me. And he who does not take his cross and follow Me is not worthy of Me. He who has found his life will lose it, and he who has lost his life for My sake will find it.” (Matthew 10:34-39 NASB)

    You are trying to keep His children from Heaven by healing them all. Death should be a welcome blessing, not something feared and avoided at all cost.
    >> Anonymous 11/10/11(Thu)12:13 No.278823
    On a US website, wants only non US citizens to post in thread, lol.

    >. This is a discustion about the NHS were we believe that if you don't want to help pay a cancer patients meds you are a Nazi fuck and we don't like you.
    Not true because it looks like NHS is being slowly taken away, it wont be fast but this is the start of it. So I guess you dont believe in paying for cancer patients.

    lol Jesus and religion, they should both be washed from the face of the earth.
    Fuck religion, has no place in society. The only reason you are using it is because you assume that because we are Americans that we believe in that. But believe me we dont.
    >> Anonymous 11/10/11(Thu)12:13 No.278828
    >willing to accept a few abusers

    What is to stop more people from becoming abusers? Morals? HA
    >> Anonymous 11/10/11(Thu)12:14 No.278833

    Isn't this exactly the opposite of privatising? everything is going to be run by the government but with company's as the intermediate.
    >> Anonymous 11/10/11(Thu)12:23 No.278930

    A decent cultural footprint.

    The kind that is being torn apart by education, pop-culture and I will probably get flamed for saying this, multiculturilism.

    Look at countries with high living standards such as the Scandavian ones, Australia etc. All have more communal cultures, less selfishness in comparison to shittier countries like China, the modern day US, India and so forth.

    The problem fundamentally isnt the idea of public health care, its millions of greedy individuals who only look out for themselves, individuals nodes creating a network of shit.
    >> Anonymous 11/10/11(Thu)12:25 No.278942
    So essentially you are saying you want an incredibly shitty welfare system which is open to rampant abuse and creates moral hazard.
    But it will work because you want a 100% white homogenous gemanic country?
    >> Anonymous 11/10/11(Thu)12:37 No.279049


    I want a society where people work towards the benefit of all humanity and not for specific groups, families, races or companies.

    Humanity isnt enlightened enough to support the burden of multiculturalism.

    You should be more polite instead of inciting arguments for the sake of argument.
    >> Anonymous 11/10/11(Thu)12:41 No.279101
    You should be more logical.
    Instead of trying to enact something that will be abused why not try to get rid of what will destroy it. Multiculturalism needs to go and it needs to go before anything else is enacted for the "benefit of all humanity."
    Which I dont agree with but whatever. If you really cared about the benefit of all humanity you would allow immigration and allow those who are already here to stay.
    >> Anonymous 11/10/11(Thu)12:46 No.279160
    >If you really cared about the benefit of all humanity you would allow immigration and allow those who are already here to stay.

    Completely illogical.

    All races went through their periods of attrocities, violence and barbarism. In order to transcend these traits they must grow together as a collective and discover the importance of higher virtues.

    To take a race that has not learnt the necessity of altruism and place them within a group that is more advanced will cause trouble for BOTH parties.

    You cannot simply take people out of a country with problems and expect things to work out for the majority of individuals. The country will still have problems that wont be solved, people will attempt to abandon their country instead of finding resolution and rising above their problems. You may even take skilled workers such as doctors, businessmen and others with the financial means to vacate the country creating further problems.

    Subsequently, immigrants often have trouble settling within host cultures, causing violence, crime, within their own communities and without.
    >> Anonymous 11/10/11(Thu)12:50 No.279190
    >You cannot simply take people out of a country with problems and expect things to work out for the majority of individuals. The country will still have problems that wont be solved, people will attempt to abandon their country instead of finding resolution and rising above their problems.
    Tell that to bleeding heart liberals.
    Liberals are great, multiculturalism is great, immigrants do so much for our society taking jobs we wont do and providing us with so much cultural enrichment.

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