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  • File: 1334509769.jpg-(56 KB, 682x384, 1328149534551.jpg)
    56 KB Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)13:09 No.2629294  
    /pol/ what happened to us?

    I didn't live to see it, but I hear that at some point, being American was something that filled one with pride. We were the good guys, bringing peace and prosperity and opportunity. There was an American dream of social mobility and happiness, and the streets were paved with gold.

    Now when I look around, we are the laughingstock of the world, bankrupted by Israeli war after Israeli war and on the eve of (yet another) Israeli war.

    We have no standing, no leadership, we get cursed in every other nation of the earth, and when travelling its best to pretend we are Canadians.

    Our country is a cesspool bereft of opportunity, and all there is in here is crying about how whites are superior while minorities take everything from us, our women, our jobs, our education, and we hide behind white guilt and claim they were handed it for their color.

    Are we really just a nation of whiners and losers?

    I see no hope in the election (or any other), at some point, I believed in Obama, but really, he is just more of the same, and the Republicans are even more retarded (And I somehow didn't think it possible) every passing day.

    When did stupidity become something to aspire to, when did we turn into a nation of pariahs nobody likes or respects? Are the days of America, the worlds only superpower, done?

    What did we do with our chance to rule the world, to change it, to bring justice, equality and a chance of happiness to all?
    >> sage Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)13:12 No.2629335
         File: 1334509946.jpg-(58 KB, 319x319, dddd_b_w.jpg)
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    we cant let you do that OP
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)13:13 No.2629355
    >I believed in Obama,
    Nigger lover stopped reading there.And i was just about to write a wall of text how my slav soul went from pro-American to laughing at you idiots.Also thanks to your educational system i finished high school at 16.Nice going idiots.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)13:15 No.2629383
    >/pol/ what happened to us?

    Nothing. The rest of the world just recovered from the world wars.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)13:17 No.2629395
    What does Obama being black have to do with anything? He was elected cause Bush was a retard that quite literally drove us into the ground, and he promised he'd be different.

    He isn't really, but there is no alternative since the republican party is a derpfest of retards trying to outretard each other.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)13:18 No.2629405
    nig lover detected
    get out o f /pol/
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)13:20 No.2629431
    >Implying Black People with their superior dicks, intelligence, and athletic prowess are not the only men worthy of love.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)13:22 No.2629459
         File: 1334510534.jpg-(186 KB, 520x677, 1325589364272.jpg)
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    Yes. America is the land of the setting sun. Our government stopped serving the people over 50 years ago, and our people have an entitlement mentality with no work ethic whatsoever. We're over educated, over drugged, over stimulated, and we live as serfs in a continuous cycle of debt, the threat of which is the only thing that motivates us to work at all. We're a nation of women. We don't deserve what we have, and we won't realize it until its all gone and we have to pick up the pieces to start from scratch.

    American's are the most pathetic people on the planet.
    >> Caligula !O.N1d/WL9c 04/15/12(Sun)13:25 No.2629491
    While in Michigan... we have been ruled by Canadians... and flooded with Tim Horton's, centres, and theatres!
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)13:25 No.2629497
    >>that quite literally drove us into the ground
    >>Implying George Bush actually took a hammer, literally took a hammer in his hand, and hit you and at least one other person on the head until you were partially covered in soil.

    NO. FUCK YOU. THAT'S THE OPPOSITE OF WHAT THAT WORD MEANS. I fucking hate that shit. "Literally backed into a corner" "Literally thrown under the bus." NO. I'VE FUCKING HAD ENOUGH.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)13:25 No.2629505
         File: 1334510746.jpg-(109 KB, 565x330, Chicago_Teachers_Union_Karen_L(...).jpg)
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    the colleges were infiltrated by communists and that cancer has now infected the public education system.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)13:33 No.2629619
    Its refreshing to see Amerifags taking a stand for something that really matters, maybe there is hope for you yet

    What we need is someone to tell Israel to shove their "special relationship" up their ass and fuck off into SA pariah status till they into brain or blow up, that would be a start
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)13:36 No.2629670
    >Israeli war

    Stopped reading right there. Israel begged us not to invade Iraq, and yet you morons still somehow blame them.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)13:38 No.2629697
    >Implying Iraq, Afghanistan, and now Iran weren't entirely Israel's doing

    Good goy
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)13:40 No.2629721
         File: 1334511618.jpg-(699 KB, 1900x1200, george_carlin_on_politicians.jpg)
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    What happened is very simple, OP - you ignored the warning of one of your last great leaders, and have become ruled by a shadow government.

    "In the councils of government, we must guard against the acquisition of unwarranted influence, whether sought or unsought, by the militaryindustrial complex. The potential for the disastrous rise of misplaced power exists and will persist.

    We must never let the weight of this combination endanger our liberties or democratic processes. We should take nothing for granted. Only an alert and knowledgeable citizenry can compel the proper meshing of the huge industrial and military machinery of defense with our peaceful methods and goals, so that security and liberty may prosper together.

    Akin to, and largely responsible for the sweeping changes in our industrial-military posture, has been the technological revolution during recent decades."

    -Dwight D. Eisenhower, January 17, 1961
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)13:43 No.2629753
    >ignoring all facts to the contrary

    Iran yes, the others no. And the entire rest of the Middle East is pushing us on Iran, not just Israel.

    Why would Israel even care about Afghanistan?
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)13:43 No.2629760
    >Dat feel when Israel is a cancer we unleashed and fed rather naively.
    >Dat feel when they are going to end up ruling us.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)13:46 No.2629797
    >Spewing the "Iran is the worlds problem, not Israels problem" mantra.

    oh wow.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)13:50 No.2629838
    for starters we can't stop fighting the cold war....
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)13:50 No.2629845
    >he cares about the opinion of jealous Europoors on the Internet

    Op is a faggot
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)13:50 No.2629850
    >implying I'm wrong

    oh wow
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)13:52 No.2629861
    that quote by Carlin. It's definitive.

    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)13:53 No.2629876
    Holy shit that pic.

    So, what do we do?
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)13:54 No.2629902
    ITT fags from western europe and american idiots who give a shit about their opinion.

    Go to eastern europe, or asia... they love americans there.
    >> 高槻やよい !JijLYGRtkg 04/15/12(Sun)13:56 No.2629924
         File: 1334512566.jpg-(61 KB, 709x560, fragzeichennatsume.jpg)
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    >We were the good guys, bringing peace and prosperity and opportunity.
    When was that?
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)13:58 No.2629956
    Don't interrupt grandpa when he rambles on, dear. He'll just get mad.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)13:59 No.2629992
    >eastern europe
    People here are mostly anti-anything not slav.They just act pro-american to get money on infrastructure projects and tourists.Oh and we love Germany because they give us jobs and more money than anybody else.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)14:01 No.2630010
    >Listening to a millionaire ramble on about how the system is bad.

    How's college?
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)14:02 No.2630043
    >implying the Saudis don't hate Iran
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)14:05 No.2630085
    >Implying that's somehow relevant, or that its not Israel, the only nuclear armed apartheid state in the region who is pushing quite overtly for America to go go to war for them.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)14:05 No.2630092
    >Iran threating to blockade the strait of hormuz
    >not a problem for the rest of the world
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)14:07 No.2630128
    >Leaving out the part about Israel pushing to attack Iran for a while now
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)14:07 No.2630131
    we did some pretty awful things but relatively speaking we were. now we're some of the worst.
    >> Real Liberal !!9HixxlQIM2g 04/15/12(Sun)14:08 No.2630142
    You stop waiting to be told what to do, that's what.

    If you want change, you must make it happen. It is much easier than you think it is.

    We must grasp our own destinies, and allow ourselves, each and every one of us, to control them. It's rather clear that things need to change – the governments need to be transparent and truly run by the people for the good of all of all of us, even the weak or vulnerable or those we dislike.

    No innocent blood shall be spilt – no lives lost in pointless wars. No money shall be gained by those who have not earned it, for we will be too observant, and "the system" too open to allow it.

    The government – your government, mine, and the next man's – shall do anything more than blindly and fairly serve the interests of all, providing little more than an infrastructure within which we can all thrive and peacefully do as we wish.

    They, the state, will be afraid to so much as fart in a direction we dislike. And you know something? It'll be bloody wonderful.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)14:09 No.2630161
    because the western world is now like living in Atlas Shrugged
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)14:11 No.2630185

    In the movies.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)14:12 No.2630194
    >Implying it's not relevant
    >implying it's just Israel
    >implying the Saudis don't have more control over our government then even the Israelis.

    >leaving out that Israel has every reason to fear the existential threat of a nuclear Iran
    >> 高槻やよい !JijLYGRtkg 04/15/12(Sun)14:13 No.2630214
    Can you give me a specific time period or what?
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)14:14 No.2630234
    > No money shall be gained by those who have not earned it

    And who is the arbiter of this? You?
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)14:16 No.2630260
    >Leaving out that the only agressive, occupying power in the region with nuclear weapons and constant wars of invasion, not to mention an ongoing displacement of the locals is Israel, or that the only reason Iran has any power is because they helped Lebanon to successfully get rid of the Israeli cancer
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)14:30 No.2630492
         File: 1334514658.jpg-(161 KB, 821x576, 1264266117438.jpg)
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    I wanna see murka being as strong as it was 70 years ago.
    What the fuck are you waiting for? Invade North Korea and Iran already. I wanna see some blood. I want to live through (or die in) a world war, goddamit.

    I am a yurpoor and my country would be the first to get invaded by Russia if shit went down but I want to see the world destroy it self again.

    Goddamn, murkas get your warface on. Fucking pansies!
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)14:32 No.2630522
    What is that picture from? Can anyone give me source for that?
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)14:34 No.2630560
    >implying that makes Mullahs with nukes any less of a bad bad idea, of giving matches to the baby in the tinderbox, so bad that invading is actually a better option
    >implying that the fact that Iran's managed to unite almost the entire rest of the Middle East in opposition, other then their buttbuddies Syria, Hamas, and Hezbollah isn't significant.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)14:35 No.2630582
    >Implying that opposition isn't just American/Israeli puppets and that Egypt and other Arab spring places aren't backing them, or that they don't have wide popular support.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)14:40 No.2630651
         File: 1334515242.jpg-(60 KB, 800x552, 01nixon-web-c.jpg)
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    Hey America.

    Let me run down a quick list of the public perception of what is wrong with your country. I mean no disrespect, I understand that YOUR understanding is limited by your massive corporate media exposure.

    1. Two-party political system that allows for no middle ground.

    2. Ownership of the government, via bribery, by corporations.

    3. Ownership of the media, outright, by corporations.

    4. Gradual moral degeneration since WWII from "War is a Necessary Evil" to "War is Inevitable" to "War is okay as long as there's a profit involved" to "War is fun." Obviously this attitude requires total ignorance of actual warfare.

    5. The Wealth Gap - much greater than most people even suspect - the numbers don't tell the story, most Americans have no possible perspective of how much money a billion dollars represents.

    6. A frightened population, many of whom are opposed to USA international policies, but are afraid to speak up because of the police state.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)14:41 No.2630659
    >invade europe
    fucking LOL
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)14:41 No.2630663
    American here, this
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)14:44 No.2630698
    I mean the eastern former soviet states
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)14:46 No.2630736
    Oh ok. That's probably doable.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)14:49 No.2630769
    Eastern former soviet states invade

    Dis muh nigger. Invade with migrant workers/turnip pickers perhaps.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)14:52 No.2630828
    >claiming they have wide popular support.

    They don't.
    Not in the Arab world, at least. I'm sure they do inside Iran. But the Arab street, from the Sheiks down to the nomads, all hate and fear the idea of a nuclear armed Iran.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)14:56 No.2630893
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    >he thinks the Sunni-Arab countries support Iran
    you are so fucking stupid
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)15:01 No.2630989
    You really should check the news, RE: Egypt.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)15:07 No.2631099
         File: 1334516878.jpg-(45 KB, 600x419, bay-city-rollers.jpg)
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    Consider this:

    1. The technology to create a nuclear weapon has been around now for 67 years, and is actually freely available on the internet.

    2. The amount of enriched uranium on the planet which is unaccounted for could fill a city bus.


    Obviously, having nukes and using them are two completely different games.

    Wake up, distracted generation.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)15:15 No.2631210


    i have often wondered how people can believe that a nearly 70-year-old technology is somehow a big secret

    i would add this though: admitting you (a country) have nukes is also a game in itself

    since it is not realistic for a small country with a few nukes to make an offensive nuclear threat, for fear of retaliation, they are actually better off just keeping it to themselves that they are a nuclear power, then possibly producing the nukes as a deterrent IF the necessity arises
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)15:32 No.2631435
         File: 1334518368.jpg-(222 KB, 591x443, honey-badger.jpg)
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    OP is not a faggot

    USA international credibility circa 1950: 99/100
    USA international credibility circa 2012: N/A

    I can only assume that Americans are so distracted by their media and materialism that they srsly don't give a shit what the rest of the world thinks.

    They're the honey badger of the international community.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)15:38 No.2631500

    honey badger don't give a shit
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)15:41 No.2631541
         File: 1334518869.jpg-(11 KB, 400x226, stock-footage-backlit-elegant-(...).jpg)
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    That's because you were living in a bubble, OP. Nothing has really changed, except that we're more aware of what's going on in the world today.

    America is still the greatest country on the face of this planet, because everyone has a stake in it. It provides opportunity, and the fact that we constantly fight from within only makes us greater. We all have a stake in it, and we all want constant progress.

    The US is an idea, and you can't destroy that.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)15:47 No.2631615
         File: 1334519221.jpg-(61 KB, 360x360, us discretionary budget 2008.jpg)
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    >What did we do with our chance to rule the world, to change it, to bring justice, equality and a chance of happiness to all?

    Pissed it away on unjustifiable warfare.

    I'm an American, and I am sooooooo disappointed in practically EVERYTHING my country does. It's like, I want to be a patriot, but I just can't. We are so wrong, every fucking time, everything we do is for profit.

    These wars in the Middle East can't be won. When we leave, they will go right back to what they were doing, except they will hate America 10 times more than they did before, if that is even possible.

    The War on Drugs can't be won, the damage it is doing to our country and the world is incredible when compared to the minor damage that might be done by allowing people to do what they want with their own bodies.

    When you look at the viewpoint of the average American, weigh in the stated viewpoint of the government (preserving freedom, spreading democracy, blah blah blah), and then compare that to what actually ends up happening, there is only one conclusion you can draw:

    Someone(s) is controlling the USA and its activities from well behind the scenes.

    If you tell me that "someone" is an old-boy network of international bankers, arms manufacturers, and their government cronies bent on enslaving everyone to their will by obtaining ALL the wealth, I could not argue with you.
    >> Kike Goldbergenstein 04/15/12(Sun)15:52 No.2631690

    >War on Drugs

    The war on Drugs is an excuse to imprison pot dealers, use them as slaves and control high profit drugs like crack and heroin. They already linked banking profits to drug dealing because crack is more valuable per ounce than gold and unlike gold, actually has a stable price. Drugs are a brilliant hedge bet because once you have a market, they won't stop buying. Same with heroin.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)16:06 No.2631889
    >not understanding what discretionary spending is
    >liberal education
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)16:12 No.2631988
    >Implying Reagan wasn't the one that fucked us the hardest long term, and he was a conservative.

    Libs end up cleaning the cons messes.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)16:18 No.2632072
         File: 1334521108.png-(94 KB, 450x322, 2008 us mandatory budget.png)
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    >not understanding that the image is clearly labeled as the discretionary budget

    >not understanding that he's talking to someone about 500 times smarter than him and subsequently making an idiot of himself

    >not understanding that the mandatory budget and discretionary budget combined are actually much more an indictment of the defense industry than simply the discretionary budget

    here ya go, fucktard - and before you point out that SSI spending exceeds DoD spending, allow me to kindly point out that SSI spending, being already paid for separately over the lifetime of the employee, should actually not even be listed as part of any "budget"
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)16:24 No.2632153
         File: 1334521492.jpg-(20 KB, 450x350, 0_21_craig_larry.jpg)
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    >mfw pwnd conservitard
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)16:32 No.2632256
    This. Dem president makes peace in the mid east, fixes endless shit?

    Gets called shit tier.

    Con president makes us the laughing stock, starts wars, breaks laws and long term destroys us?

    God tier.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)18:07 No.2633738
         File: 1334527626.jpg-(494 KB, 768x1024, 5111139992.jpg)
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    >not being a true patriot
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)18:12 No.2633821
    SSI gets paid out of the budget every year idiot what do you think the SS holding part of your checks if for. Fucking dumbass. They don't take that money and then hide it from 40 years they us it to pay for social security today.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)18:26 No.2634056
         File: 1334528807.jpg-(280 KB, 600x1202, americas role.jpg)
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    Defend Europe and Soviets for 40 years, get called fascists and imperialists for defending their interests against another empire. We are an empire even more so than the British we were and are for Europe as a whole.

    We go to Indochina to protect French interests and fuck communists and Eurofags bitch us out.

    We protect the interests of Suez in South America and fuck communists, the Euros bitch us out.

    We pay for 60% of NATO expenses in Europe and ask for no European money for the US and Canada, we get bitched out.

    We provide military aid during the Cold War in exchange for intelligence reports, set up medium range missiles for deterrence, and give people designs for our Ballistic Missiles so they can check the Soviets themselves. We get bitched out.

    Problems in the Balkans and the EU can't actually send enough forces to do anything because it has not logistics train, never fear we'll do it. We get bitched out.

    Want to overthrow dictators in North Africa that have outlived their usefulness, never fear well drop the bombs for you. We get bitched out.

    And what do we do to Europe? We make jokes about you being fags and surrender-monkeys when you bitch us out.

    Now all this is also in our interest, this is not a charity. A strong Europe is key to our security and dominance. But fuck guys, how do you think preferential trade agreements are sustained if not by power projection?
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)18:29 No.2634091
    >/pol/ what happened to us?
    Whites lost their spines.

    That's it and yes, that's all it took.
    >I believed in Obama,
    Case in point...
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)18:30 No.2634112
    Suez is not in South america. Maybe you're confused. Which would explain why you're trying to defend US imperialism.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)18:31 No.2634135
         File: 1334529104.jpg-(57 KB, 500x398, 1251045931.jpg)
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    >But fuck guys, how do you think preferential trade agreements are sustained if not by power projection?

    >implying that "preferential trade agreements" are more important than world peace

    >implying that the USA is just a big, friendly helper bee to the rest of the first world and isn't attempting to achieve global military hegemony and enslave the planet
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)18:35 No.2634188
    Suez is a water works company that has interests in Africa, South America, and Asia. It is often used by the French as a foot in the door. Which is fine in my opinion.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)18:39 No.2634236
    The issue is not that the US is an empire, all states are empires. And I want the US to be a fine empire. We do plenty of shit in our own interests that has nothing to do with our allies.

    The issue is that the US does go out of it's way to support European interests, which are also our interests because your strategic disposition is important to us. Then the Euros turn around after benefiting from this and act all pissed toward the US and consoling toward the lesser states.

    It's having your cake and eating too.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)18:42 No.2634289
    You are wrong. Iran only threatens US and Israeli interests. Oh and Saudi.

    >implying it's just Israel
    >implying the Saudis don't have more control over our government then even the Israelis.

    No, see AIPAC.

    Actually, the only people the 'mullahs' are threatening are the Israelis aka european jewish colonists. Why should we defend the racist apartheid state of Israel?

    It most certainly does not go 'out of its way' to protect European interests. When have the Europeans turned around and criticized the US for helping them at all, ever? Half of your idea of 'help' is invading other countries out of fear of the domino effect.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)18:43 No.2634292

    >all states are empires

    believe it or not, there are some states that just defend themselves and don't tear-ass around the globe looking for war-for-profit

    i can only imagine how weird that must sound to an american
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)18:44 No.2634310
         File: 1334529883.jpg-(582 KB, 1296x1455, british empire.jpg)
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    >Euros not wanting to recapture their old glory buy joining with the US to crush the rest of the world and get their old colonies back

    Maybe if you fought like we did we could loot the third world with impunity and then we wouldn't have our little economic problems now would we? America doesn't mind sharing the spoils with Europe, but is seems like Europe has become an old man and retired to his chimney corner to die. Don't you want your empires back.

    Strike now while they are weak, before they can gather their strength. Don't just sit behind your walls and wait for them to wax powerful. Take the field and smash them. Russia and China will not do a thing to stop us if we cut them in.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)18:45 No.2634317
    Interesting, I didn't know about that.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)18:47 No.2634340
    >bankrupted by Israeli war

    lol wut???

    More war in Israel means more money for us. Since we give them military aid they are required to only buy from us so the money comes back to us anyhow also they must give us all the new technology they develop.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)18:47 No.2634342
    Wow this is the worst post I've ever read on /pol/. The west already does do that, btw, it just doesn't require an occupying force or colonists to claim the land. China has made further inroads into African nations because it actually does business with the people there rather than 'white man's burden'-inflected wars of conquest.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)18:48 No.2634351
    False. Israel was about to sign an arms deal with China just two years ago to bait the US into giving it more aid.

    >technology they develop

    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)18:49 No.2634367
    >When have the Europeans turned around and criticized the US for helping them at all, ever?

    Do you ever read anything from the UN or the European opinion of Vietnam? Or the opinion of accepting US aid during the Cold War?

    So you'd rather fade away.

    I will say the problem is partly the fault of the US immediately after WW2 they where so big on decolonialization that it became a mantra repeated even when it is not advisable.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)18:49 No.2634369
    Also the OP is referring to Iraq and Afghanistan as wars caused by Israel's existence and America's continued support. 100% true.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)18:51 No.2634389
    >Do you ever read anything from the UN or the European opinion of Vietnam? Or the opinion of accepting US aid during the Cold War?

    Are you seriously going to argue we were fighing on behalf of France in Vietnam?
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)18:51 No.2634398
    I blame Ron Paul, the Tea Party, and OWS. Each one of them has been primarily focused on complaining about how shitty america has become when in reality we've always been like this.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)18:53 No.2634429
    Actually most people either don't know/don't care or don't have any leaders to articulate their concern. The Tea Party was a republican/koch front group within weeks of its existence. RP and OWS are just bougie college kids trying to latch onto something edgy.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)18:54 No.2634440
    I keep hearing about these Chinese interests in Africa yet when I read about them they are terribly short term an always on behalf of a company. There are thousands of American and European corporate entities that do the same thing these Chinese companies do. Why do you think all of South America except Venezuela is under the US' thumb. Why do you think Europe has so many vested interests in North Africa and Southeast Asia?

    China isn't doing anything new, provocative, or unusually smart. They are just doing the same things we do on a smaller scale and don't advertise it as much.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)18:56 No.2634478
    >Why do you think all of South America except Venezuela is under the US' thumb.

    CIA-backed coups.

    >There are thousands of American and European corporate entities that do the same thing these Chinese companies do.

    And yet there's no history of brutal colonial repression to go with it.

    Yes, the Chinese interests are short term. They also tend to cut more favorable deals to the Africans and are more likely to get what they want via soft power and incentives. European colonization was genocide and conquest. No one in Africa has forgotten that.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)19:03 No.2634570
    No that was only on part of many factors that led us to fight in Vietnam. But to dismiss the interests France would have had in a Vietnam still economically tied to it is to forget part of the reasons there was a war there in the first place.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)19:21 No.2634838
    >>before you point out that SSI spending exceeds DoD spending, allow me to kindly point out that SSI spending, being already paid for separately over the lifetime of the employee, should actually not even be listed as part of any "budget"

    >>neokikes pretending that paid in advance social benefits are the same as charge-card global policing duties to please master bibi

    1 billion internets to you OP
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)19:27 No.2634942
    We are still the shining light of the world. We have problems, we have made many mistakes, but what nation hasn't? What needs to be remembered is how young our nation is and taking this into consideration one cannot but be astonished at our progress. Y'all haters need to grow up and show some appreciation if only for the fact that we have such freedom to come to a place like this and say whatever we want. Stop being so defeatist, please.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)19:30 No.2634995
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    >We are still the shining light of the world.

    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)19:33 No.2635034
    Your entitled to your opinion and I'm entitled to mine. But there is a reason so many people around the world want to come here and make a living, and it's not about the money, it's that you can be whomever you want to be here as long as you don't break the law. Suck it defeatist ninny.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)19:37 No.2635110
    This is what white people actually believe.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)19:43 No.2635197

    >We are still the shining light of the world.

    the sad thing is, that used to be true until we allowed a shadow government to rise from within us and turn our country into a non-stop warmongering planetary menace
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)19:45 No.2635223
    So, like, the day Jackson was elected? Maybe the Mexican-American war if we're being generous.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)19:49 No.2635286
    I am white, and you're racist.
    You're paranoid.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)19:52 No.2635334
    >it's that you can be whomever you want to be here as long as you don't break the law.

    I'm not racist, actually. Statements like this out you as someone so thoroughly possessed by a false consciousness as to be legitimately delusional.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)19:53 No.2635355
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    I can be more specific for you actually.


    1. Dec 7, 1941 - USA enters WWII right on the heels of their not-yet-completed recovery from the Great Depression - being financially unable to mobilize for large-scale warfare, the USA borrows vast amounts of money from people with names like Rockefeller and Rothschild to build their forces.

    2. 1946-1949 - As the international banking community rakes in literally billions of dollars in profit from America's war debt, the proverbial light bulb goes off over their heads - WAR = PROFIT

    3. 1950 - USA enters Korean Conflict at the request of no one in particular

    4. 1954 - USA enters Vietnam Conflict at the request of no one in particular

    5. 1961 - USA's next-to-last unowned President warns the country on national television that it is in danger of being taken over by the war industry

    6. 1963 - USA's last unowned President, whose stated goal was "Peace In Our Time," assassinated in a coup d'etat by the Military Industrial Complex

    7. Every American President since that time has sought only war, never peace, or faced certain assassination at the hands of the USA's new shadow government of arms manufacturers and international bankers
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)19:56 No.2635410
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    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)19:57 No.2635417
    I disagree. The process was well under way after America adopted Jacksonian democracy and fought a war of conquest in Mexico, and later with the robber barons and captains of industry funding every last educational institution and buying the government via graft.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)20:02 No.2635522

    Perhaps you're right. From this vantage point in history we can only make educated guesses as to how we got here. Shadowy power brokers are nothing if not secretive.

    But the important thing is to understand where we are, not necessarily how we got here. IMO the obviously unwinnable wars in Iraq and Afghanistan are proof enough that America is now fighting just to be fighting, the only reasonable conclusion being that it is indeed just a puppet on the strings of the Military Industrial Complex, about which it was duly warned by one of its greatest generals and Presidents.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)20:06 No.2635614

    This was mainly what sucked about Jackson.

    He ended the central banking system and enriched himself and the rest of the financial elite while driving the rest of the country into a depression.

    There's no need for a shadow gov't theory, 9/10 times it all happens out in the open. The need to suppress the information has been superseded by re-framing, the media and historical re-re-revisionism etc.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)20:06 No.2635621

    let's say i'm an american and i agree with you

    so...wat do?
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)20:07 No.2635633
    The saddest thing is a modern civil war to fix things would be impossible.
    Back in the day, the government didn't have many things the average civilian didn't have access to.
    Nowadays with technology, there's to large of an advantage for any uprising to have even a CHANCE of changing anything, much less winning.

    The days of glorious revolution are past. We are doomed to begging our corporate overlords for table scraps or face the full force of the government's military.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)20:09 No.2635661

    By 1907 there had been so many financial panics from this constant dysfunction Wilson established the Fed system and it had a shit-ton of unintended consequences as we well know!
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)20:14 No.2635736
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    >There's no need for a shadow gov't theory, 9/10 times it all happens out in the open.

    Agreed. It truly has happened right out in the open, but for whatever reason, known only to the savviest social engineers, people are NOT getting it.

    Just look at the "We are the light..." dupe who posted - obviously an American, and obviously believes they are fighting for some righteous cause. Of course the corporate-owned USA media is mainly responsible for his/her willful ignorance of the facts, but there must be other factors as well - such as the fact that it is just plain easier to believe whatever the government says. Or the fact that on the whole, Americans are quite comfortable, relatively speaking...perhaps they are still buying their Manifest Destiny horseshit?

    Anyway, the point is, the fact that it has indeed happened right out in the open is still not allowing it to sink in.


    >let's say i'm an american and i agree with you

    >so...wat do?

    1. Stop watching so much fucking television, it is warping your thinking.
    2. Start speaking the truth instead of parroting media lies.
    3. Ride it out until the majority sees the light, knowing while you do that you, at least, are part of the solution and not part of the problem.

    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)20:16 No.2635773

    >The days of glorious revolution are past. We are doomed to begging our corporate overlords for table scraps or face the full force of the government's military.

    Not necessarily true. The USA military might just join in the revolution once the stench of corruption and elitism becomes unbearable. It has happened before in history.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)20:18 No.2635801
    The "city on a hill" metaphor (the 'light of the world' thing) is from the gospels. It's quite literally Kennedy and Reagan trying to say the US has god on its side.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)20:20 No.2635832
    Here is what happened.

    The idiot boomers who grew up believing in good and evil fairy tales ended up becoming neo-conservatives trying to become the world's policemen.

    We never brought peace and prosperity and opportunity to anyone when the CIA backed dictators and installed puppet regimes when it suited us.

    >I believed in Obama

    fuck this thread
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)20:22 No.2635846

    citation needed, am very interested
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)20:22 No.2635847
    What happened is your actions did not match up to your ideals. You supported/installed brutal dictators and despots around the globe when it benefited your political or economic interests. You had death squads for fucking bananas. Banannas. You promoted the wholesale slaughter of peasants for cheaper fruit. Thats one example out of thousands.

    Nobody wanted to hate America. Everybody loved the America we saw from hollywood, everybody liked the nation of cowboys and soldiers fighting for justice no matter the odds.
    I still love that nation. And I wish it existed.

    But you are imperialists, and most of your citizens dont even realize it, although your actions are generally funded in open congress for all to see. But nobody looks.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)20:23 No.2635861
    The boomers getting hoodwinked wouldn't be the first time. Not by a long shot.

    You're 100% correct. There are Americans just as disillusioned as you but they are often discredited or ignored for speaking up.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)20:23 No.2635866

    Like, for example, France, or the USSR.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)20:24 No.2635870
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    +10 internets to you sir
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)20:24 No.2635877
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)20:26 No.2635899
    Because of things like this - "The language employed stinks of a kind of patriotism akin to complete indifference to the rest of the world and ignorance of America's own problems. There is a very showy, macho, self-gratifying kind of righteousness in American speech about themselves which people either assume is intentionally ironic and over the top, or they are shocked and end up thinking that American's actually think like that."
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)20:26 No.2635903
    Actually the proles are 'amused to death' in 1984. The Ministry of Truth produces all the media they consume. The only people who are subject to the 24/7 propaganda and surveillance are Outer Party, who also do all the bureaucratic grunt work. Winston Smith is one of them.
    >> Towelface !zkraGArAss 04/15/12(Sun)20:29 No.2635932

    Specifically, Professor Mearsheimer and I made it clear in our article and especially in our book that the idea of invading Iraq originated in the United States with the neoconservatives, and not with the Israeli government. But as the neoconservative pundit Max Boot once put it, steadfast support for Israel is "a key tenet of neoconservatism." Prominent neo-conservatives occupied important positions in the Bush administration, and in the aftermath of 9/11, they played a major role in persuading Bush and Cheney to back a war against Iraq, which they had been advocating since the late 1990s. We also pointed out that Prime Minister Ariel Sharon and other Israeli officials were initially skeptical of this scheme, because they wanted the U.S. to focus on Iran, not Iraq. However, they became enthusiastic supporters of the idea of invading Iraq once the Bush administration made it clear to them that Iraq was just the first step in a broader campaign of "regional transformation" that would eventually include Iran.

    -Stephen M. Walt
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)20:29 No.2635939
    lol what kind of hambeast is that ?
    Surely everyone points and laughs at her when she stands up to speak?
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)20:30 No.2635955

    I'm aware of the plot of 1984.

    The point of that comic is actually that Huxley is closer to the truth than Orwell.

    Personally I believe we are living under a very early format combining the worst features of BOTH fictional dystopia's - we are both lied to, AND amused to distraction.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)20:32 No.2635989
    Orwell's focus is closer to the mechanisms of active control, same as in Animal Farm. Huxley's is an examination of the moral decline that occurs under them, and the passive controls humans inflict on themselves and each other, making them unaware of the evil going on right in front of them. Can't we all just get along?
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)20:33 No.2636007
    This and also.
    >No national television.
    It allows everyone to get an inside look at politics.
    And if your government actively spreads disinformation it will be noticed by everyone.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)20:34 No.2636023
    PLUS that comic does not acknowledge anything about the proles. Hence my confusion.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)20:36 No.2636049
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    >implying that war in the Middle East is a political agenda, not a corporate agenda

    >implying that Obama hasn't continued the war policy of the "neo-conservative" Bush administration without so much as a hiccup

    >implying there is any such thing as a "neo-conservative" when in fact there are only dicks, assholes, and pussies
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)20:38 No.2636078
    As an European i am very grateful for the money you spend on us and the small compensations we have to perform. >support Afghanistan missions and keep Helmand safe.
    But don't forget it's all investment and not charity.
    Only the US has enough money to invest in every country and benefit from it. Thanks for the 500 billion € last year btw. I am sure a lot of people benefited from it.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)20:39 No.2636101
    The Federal Reserve was created. None of America's government at the time was patriotic enough to execute the federal reserve boards members and their treaties ratifiers for treason.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)20:42 No.2636151
    Israel was only reluctant to accept the "regional transformation" because a cornerstone of their propaganda is fear of the regimes that the US wants to conquer. We've got a perpetual war now, so it's easy to keep the plebs in Israel asleep and afraid of all Muslims.

    Ironic too, considering Iraq was a mortal enemy of post-revolutionary Iran, but don't let that stop anyone from seizing oil reserves, right?

    Corporate interests had already bought everything out by 1907. The fed was just another handout to them in the long run because the constant financial chaos of the 19th century ceased to be useful.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)20:42 No.2636166
    America died with Protestantism
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)20:43 No.2636180
    So it died before it even existed? wtf? GTFO Papist scum.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)20:44 No.2636193
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    The British Empire
    1600 - 1815
    Civil war, revolution, civil war, revolution, behead king, dictator, "Ireland, there is slaves there? war", "Africa there is slaves there? cross-atlantic delivery service", Fund pirates to steal spains empire, Dictator dies, get new king. Scotland does a greece, England bails out Scotland, Scotland joins team UK. Jacobite revolution, "india there is people to subjugate there? yes but Euros are there as well, War." Euro allies Get attacked, War of polish succession, send them a goody bag, don't help at all, steal french colonies. Jacobite revolution. Why make guns when machines can? Euro allies Get attacked, Seven years war, send them a goody bag, don't help at all, steal french/spanish colonies. India conquered by capitalism, Government done nothing. Terrorists gun down a few men cut off from reinforcements by the French, terrorist buy lots of slaves, Britain's bastard son is born. France implodes, "lol", France explodes, "Oh shit", Hire Euros to fight french, do nothing to help, Euros all get raped Whilst stealing colonies, terrorist steal attack colony, Britain takes it personally, burns terrorist capital to ground. Frances freezes, round up raped Euros, lead them to victory against frostbitten french.
    tl:dr Island easymode

    Tea, croquet, Ignore everyone, Live it up with slaves in colonies, slavery abolished, Live it up with servants in colonies, Tea croquet.

    FUCCKKGINNGGG GERMANS!111121111!!!!!
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)20:45 No.2636206
    Yeah look at southern Europe.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)20:45 No.2636212
    thank you for illustrating my point
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)20:46 No.2636228
    >bankrupt by Israeli war
    too much tinfoil hat for my tastes should be on
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)20:49 No.2636271
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    Spoiler Alert: This book contains the true story of the creation of the Federal Reserve - legislation written at a secret meeting by America's elite bankers, and pushed through Congress by their bought-and-paid-for crony Nelson W. Aldrich, who was subsequently allowed to marry into the Rockefeller fortune in exchange for his support.

    "I am a most unhappy man. I have unwittingly ruined my country. A great industrial nation is controlled by its system of credit. Our system of credit is concentrated. The growth of the nation, therefore, and all our activities are in the hands of a few men. We have come to be one of the worst ruled, one of the most completely controlled and dominated Governments in the civilized world no longer a Government by free opinion, no longer a Government by conviction and the vote of the majority, but a Government by the opinion and duress of a small group of dominant men."

    -Woodrow Wilson, after signing the Federal Reserve into existence
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)20:50 No.2636298
    It does exist. If you believe any real Communist regime is preferable to a mix of capitalism and socialism, then that is a different discussion to be had, but it is obvious that this is what Americans believe.

    Due to this belief, the ousting a communist regime can be seen as a freeing of a people. This, however, is Cold War global-politics-related and I don't believe it is on topic ITT, although it certainly is interesting to discuss where appropriate.

    >But you are imperialists
    This is a very difficult case to make. You must really stretch the definition of `imperialist' to label Americans as such. America believes that its own form of government and economic systems are the ideal, and they put effort into spreading these around the world. To an American, the Iraqi people have been liberated from the dictatorship of Saddam Hussein and have been given real democracy.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)20:51 No.2636325
    Shouldn't you be raping little boys Papistfag?

    >It does exist. If you believe any real Communist regime is preferable to a mix of capitalism and socialism, then that is a different discussion to be had, but it is obvious that this is what Americans believe.

    Nice derail.

    >This is a very difficult case to make. You must really stretch the definition of `imperialist' to label Americans as such. America believes that its own form of government and economic systems are the ideal, and they put effort into spreading these around the world.

    Imperialism is just that.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)20:52 No.2636334

    >too much tinfoil hat for my tastes

    HAHAHAHAHAHA - TINFOIL HAT - that is so funny time after time after time, year after year, decade after decade - somebody call the ROFLCOPTER because i'm going for a ride, LOLOLOLOL

    you infuriatingly clever prankster you!
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)20:54 No.2636364
    Also the US rarely, if ever, brings 'democratic' reform to the rest of the world. It brings political chaos and puppet dictatorships. You'd have to be totally ignorant of 20th century history to...oh wait, Americans.
    >> Reptar !VAaim.059Y 04/15/12(Sun)20:56 No.2636426

    >bankrupted by Israeli war after Israeli war and on the eve of (yet another) Israeli war.

    That's where you went full retard. You think we fight wars for Israel so instead of fighting in Lebanon, Jordan, Syria, or even Gaza, we're starting with Iraq and Afghanistan half a world away in countries of no threat to Israel? Wouldn't a war fought for Israel have some kind of benefit to Israel? It would make more sense to say we're fighting wars for China as they are the biggest supporters and soon to be profiteers from US wars. Wait a minute. Why am I reasoning with you? You're probably an anti-semite or a tinfoil basement dweller.

    >When did stupidity become something to aspire to

    You seem to be doing an awesome job at it.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)20:58 No.2636458
    1. The power or character of an emperor; imperial authority; the spirit of empire.
    2. The policy, practice, or advocacy of seeking, or acquiescing in, the extension of the control, dominion, or empire of a nation, as by the acquirement of new, esp. distant, territory or dependencies, or by the closer union of parts more or less independent of each other for operations of war, copyright, internal commerce, etc. The practise of building or extending an empire.

    America is not acquiring nor controlling these nations subsequent to war. America is ``nation building". The benefit to America is that the economic potential of the nation is much greater than it was previously.

    What is good for the external nation is good for America, and this is one of the best arguments for capitalism and globalisation.

    Your criticism seems to be focused on the means rather than the end, not that this makes the criticism invalid necessarily, but it is something you should be aware of.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)21:00 No.2636486
    >That's where you went full retard. You think we fight wars for Israel so instead of fighting in Lebanon, Jordan, Syria, or even Gaza, we're starting with Iraq and Afghanistan half a world away in countries of no threat to Israel? Wouldn't a war fought for Israel have some kind of benefit to Israel? It would make more sense to say we're fighting wars for China as they are the biggest supporters and soon to be profiteers from US wars. Wait a minute. Why am I reasoning with you? You're probably an anti-semite or a tinfoil basement dweller.

    Israel has those areas covered. Also NATO has been training mujahadeen to shit disturb in Syria since the unrest began. You can thank us later. We're chasing down jihadists in Afghanistan that hate the US because of our support for Israel and our Saudi military bases.

    Iraq was 100% about oil and the interests of the US. Israel's only real ally in the world.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)21:03 No.2636535
    >The policy, practice, or advocacy of seeking, or acquiescing in, the extension of the control, dominion, or empire of a nation, as by the acquirement of new, esp. distant, territory or dependencies, or by the closer union of parts more or less independent of each other for operations of war, copyright, internal commerce, etc. The practise of building or extending an empire.

    Actually the US does do this via 'nation building', meaning intervening in foreign countries and installing regimes that support US interests, not the interests of the people who actually live there you ignorant mong. The US controls a large part of the developing world through commerce and copyright -- the very definition you cite. The second they stop complying the CIA shows up and plays power broker, or our military invades.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)21:06 No.2636565
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    >The benefit to America is that the economic potential of the nation is much greater than it was previously.

    If by "economic potential" you mean war profiteering, and if by "the nation" you mean the Military Industrial Complex, I couldn't agree more.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)21:06 No.2636569

    Shit americans know absolutely nothing about.txt
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)21:07 No.2636576
    Short answer to your question is "the cold war ended".

    When there's a lack of external enemies, the population turns on itself.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)21:08 No.2636585
    >The second they stop complying the CIA shows up and plays power broker, or our military invades.
    Yeah, nope.
    >installing regimes that support US interests, not the interests of the people who actually live there you ignorant mong
    Yeah, we do that by assuring that a democratic vote is achieved. [/sarcasm]
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)21:09 No.2636595
    I wanna see more of the asian girl and her feets.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)21:09 No.2636596
    See >>2636569

    Nice attempt at bullshitting me though, Amerifat.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)21:10 No.2636615
    fuck off OP take your nigger loving somewhere else.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)21:11 No.2636631
    sucks you got bankrupted. i still have awesome stuff though. depression not as bad as i thought it would be. no need to jump off a building bro, which is what you are doing mentally.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)21:16 No.2636717
    What's the point of all this America bashing? You all want to instill more hatred, apathy and contempt among your fellow man? I guess you just want everyone to be as miserable as you are. Well I'm grateful everyday of my life that I was born here instead of Afghanistan or a similar place where you whiny children would get your heads chopped off for half the things you think, read, eat or say.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)21:18 No.2636739
    America does a great deal to make life shitty outside of America, actually. That's why people are bashing it you privileged American manbaby.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)21:19 No.2636758
    because they are small and it is in their best interest to stay non aligned
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)21:27 No.2636868
    There may be negative consequences to some of our actions internationally but they are for the most part unintentional or unforseeable. And they are heavily outweighed by the good we do. Freedom and liberty come at a cost. They have to be worked and fought for otherwise they're just meaningless words. But if you live here you should have a greater unserstanding of just what those words mean. If you don't live here then your opinion is based on history (infinitely subjective) or media (infinitely subjective).
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)21:29 No.2636920
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    wtf are you even talking about?

    oh yeah, must be talking about the public image america would like to have if they weren't so universally despised for their endless warmongering and economic oppression of everyone else on the planet

    pic related, the world you apparently live in
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)21:30 No.2636926
    But there is no freedom or liberty when your democratically elected gov't is deposed by a CIA-backed coup or insurgents, which happened throughout the 20th century. History is not infinitely subjective you fucktard.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)21:37 No.2637043
    Know what pisses me off about other countries?
    They seem to think WE can control our government.
    Brits, how about you go and try to get a law changed. Try and stop a bill from being passed. Walk a mile in our shoes. Most (99.999999%, I'd say) of Americans agree that our government is corrupt, is shit, and should be overthrown. Problem is, it's become such a superpower, there's no way anymore.

    I want nothing more than to move to another country, but I'm still happy to be born into this country, where I can walk outside and yell out 'FUCK YOU, OBAMA' without getting shot for it, as opposed to some communist countries.

    In short, fuck you all. We're just as unhappy with our country's government as you all are.

    And fuck fat people.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)21:40 No.2637077
    We've been shit for a long, long time and had many opportunities to improve the state of affairs. You can't deny the "THIS IS ARE COUNTRY" sentiment is just as prevalent as the apathy and cynicism about the political situation.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)21:47 No.2637179
    Er, our*
    And yes, we Americans are instilled with national pride from the getgo.

    We're made to do the Pledge of Alliegance in school from Kindergarden until we graduate high school. Or at least we did when I was in school, but we also had a moment of silence afterward.

    But that pledge no longer applies. As is says in the Declaration of Independance: 'When a government has reached a point that its no longer for the people, it is the people's duty to abolish that government and build a new one in its place.'

    Paraphrasing, of course. Do I love my country? Yeah, I was born here. Its my home. It'll always be home for me, even if it were to be overtaken by, say China.

    You're telling me you wouldn't stand behind your home no matter what? If so, then that says more about you than me, with all due respect.

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