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  • File: 1334491199.jpg-(63 KB, 843x466, 1333477521250.jpg)
    63 KB Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)07:59 No.2626072  
    why is having the mental age of a 6 year old seen as an atractive trait in asian women?
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)08:00 No.2626080
    so weeaboos can relate to them
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)08:02 No.2626092
    Weeaboos aren't attracted to "Asians". They're attracted to a fantasy vision of a submissive woman who'll be obedient, enabling and completely impressed by their anime collection.

    A strong or intelligent woman would never fulfil those criteria, hence the ideal weeaboo waifu is a child - intellectually, emotionally and culturally 6 years old.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)08:04 No.2626107

    so weeaboos can feel mature
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)08:06 No.2626114

    Nah,they're just pedophiles suppressing the urge to fuck children.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)08:06 No.2626116
    why is having the mental age of a 6 year old seen as an attractive trait in white women?
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)08:07 No.2626127
    >Weaboos watch anime with sexualised little girls
    >It can be hard to tell an asians age.
    >act like a child to complete the illusion.

    Becuase weaboos are pedophiles.

    Asians can look really hot and all, but fuck I hate the childish personality.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)08:07 No.2626128

    Because the kind of men who use 4chan aren't able to get any woman to sleep with if she has the maturity of a 7 year old.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)08:08 No.2626133
    It isn't.

    But kudos on copying OP's post and changing one word.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)08:08 No.2626134
    They see ethnic women as an opportunity for companionship when their own people have written them off as undesirable.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)08:08 No.2626139
         File: 1334491735.jpg-(31 KB, 480x480, uwot.jpg)
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    Guy in OP's pic is an evil fuck, he exploits his wife to make weeaboos jelly and make money from partnership.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)08:09 No.2626145
    youtube link?
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)08:09 No.2626147
    What 6 year olds act like sluts, and want to get drunk all the time ?
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)08:09 No.2626149
    You're just jelly because he's living the dream with his attractive, Japanese pet slave.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)08:10 No.2626151
         File: 1334491811.jpg-(16 KB, 382x322, 090223_ph_hilton.jpg)
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    At least asian girls are pretending
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)08:10 No.2626157

    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)08:11 No.2626165

    Slavery wouldnt be very productive if you had to look after them all the damn time.
    If anyones a slave, its the guy. Looking after a child is a full time job.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)08:12 No.2626167
    awkward redefined
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)08:13 No.2626171
    >Looking after a child is a full time job
    This is what women actually believe
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)08:13 No.2626172
    Is she Japanese? How did he get a Japanese wife? She doesn't even speak english
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)08:13 No.2626174
    He lets her strip on camera for views, and if you know anything about japanese society you will know how degrading this is for her
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)08:13 No.2626176

    Apparently, but she speaks fuck all english, he speaks fuck all japanese (from what I have seen).
    Some people think its a guy with an escort, given how they cant even communicate. I think they are correct.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)08:14 No.2626184
    why dose she sound like a young girl?
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)08:16 No.2626189
    And how are they supposed to raise a child if they cant even communicate with each other?
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)08:16 No.2626190
    Uh maybe there is one or tow, but im pretty sure stripping is degradin in every culture.

    Allthough I havent seen her strip, havent watched many of his vids. But if he is making her strip I feel kinda bad for her.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)08:16 No.2626191
    >weeaboo bashing

    *Nip women aren't acting like this to please weeaboos, it's a cultural thing.

    *I don't think this is actually a key part of why weeaboos consider nip women to be attractive. I doubt most of them have ever encountered nip women in reall life, acting like this.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)08:17 No.2626196
    >He lets her strip on camera for views
    I'll have to see it before I even believe it. I've seen some of their vids and that guy is way too naïve to ever make her do that
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)08:18 No.2626198
    The guy is OPs pic is married and has kids
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)08:18 No.2626199

    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)08:18 No.2626202
         File: 1334492303.jpg-(8 KB, 240x211, noa.jpg)
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    I must be watching the wrong type of Nip cartoon, because anime's given me a huge attraction to strong, professional women or gamine tomboys.

    Shame there's not really a large amount of them in the real world.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)08:18 No.2626203
    I know they say she is pregnant, but are there any actual videos of their kid ?

    I just cant belive 2 people who cant hold a conversation would marry, and have a child together.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)08:19 No.2626209
    Here are they are walking around in outdated japanese clothing and all the people are having a WTF face
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)08:20 No.2626211
    I prefer women in the military myself.
    Something hot about a woman who could kill me or kick my ass.
    Also like uniform, and the general attitude.

    Shame Japan has aa pretty much non existant military.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)08:20 No.2626213
    That super feminine thing those Jap girls seem to do is really, really cute.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)08:21 No.2626217
    I think you're just jealous op. I doubt any man would not sink his dick into that sweet honey.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)08:22 No.2626219
         File: 1334492544.jpg-(59 KB, 293x293, istock_allkindza-2-young-man-w(...).jpg)
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    Its more like a downy then feminine
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)08:23 No.2626222

    She's desperate and has huge confidence issues and/or mental disabilities

    He's a forever alone weeaboo with huge confidence issues and believes daily life in Japan is like an episode of Gundam.

    I think she's an escort or an actor, but just saying, it could be possible
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)08:23 No.2626223
         File: 1334492584.jpg-(69 KB, 450x545, 1333816155038.jpg)
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    Try Vietnam, China or Russia.
    Personally I'd go with China, they're probably the easiest for a westerner to communicate with (since some Vietnamese speak French).
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)08:23 No.2626227
    a trip to the fillipines and a child prostitute costs just 500 dollar
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)08:24 No.2626231
    *VIETNAM, not China. Fuck, I went full retard there
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)08:25 No.2626238
    lol she's pregnant

    Is she really an escort or what? Escort turned his wife? wtf is going on. I'm Chinese and what she is doing is shameful for any asian but especially for Japanese.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)08:25 No.2626239

    The plane ticket and taxi take up $495 of that
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)08:25 No.2626240
    >You will never have a wife, who will humiliate herself by wearing some of those clothes in public.

    On the brightside, I now think all of 4chan has a chance at atleast getting a GF, if this guy can get a wife.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)08:26 No.2626249
    Whats shameful for any asian ?

    Dating a white guy ?
    Why is it more shameful for Japs ?
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)08:26 No.2626253
    > what she is doing is shameful for any asian but especially for Japanese.
    Could you elaborate on that?
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)08:27 No.2626255
    This. I had a really submissive exgf. She really wanted to be a slave. We tried it. Got really boring. She was more a brat than anything else. Was fun in bed and I got to do most of the depraved things I had always fantasized about but full time controlling someone is just too much hard work.

    I'm more of a come home from work, grab my bong, and vegitate playing video games kind of guy. I'm also at the point in my life, where I've pretty much done everything sexually that you can do, and would rather just missionary and kiss while telling each other how cool the other person is. Cowgirl is great too. I do occasionally enjoy fapping while my gf puts on a panty show. I guess that's my last functioning fetish. I'm rambling and you can guess I'm fucking baked.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)08:27 No.2626258
    Wearing a costume in public and acting like a retard to please your weeaboo husband
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)08:27 No.2626260
         File: 1334492861.jpg-(173 KB, 539x720, viet_virgins.jpg)
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    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)08:27 No.2626261
    Anybody post the vid where she supposedly strips for views. I'm pretty sure that didn't happen.
    >> Caligula !O.N1d/WL9c 04/15/12(Sun)08:27 No.2626263
    That is normal on New Year's Day for Japanese and Weeaboos to wear traditional Japanese clothing. It would not be normal if that was February 1st instead.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)08:28 No.2626265
    To put it simply a large portion of Japanese women would commit suicide out of shame if they did what she's doing. The way she acts and being with a white guy, yeah.

    I can tell you with certainty she's either a prostitute or something is very wrong with her.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)08:29 No.2626270
    Thats pretty sad if thats true.
    The guy is an even bigger asshole in my eyes.

    Who needs to go there, China will send their legions of killer women, to collect their money any year now.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)08:31 No.2626280
    Life in an episode of Gundam would result in your family dying, being slapped by your superior officers or some civilian backers of your movement, being forced to pilot a nuclear death mech because you've got some magical empathy power that allows you to connect with people on a spiritual basis (and therefore know what they're going to do, allowing you to act faster), have the people with whom you have a close connection die via thermonuclear fire and then either get placed under arrest, become retarded, die or go to the ass end of nowhere only for that ass end of nowhere to become a bunch of assholes as well.

    But then again, I've only really watched UC.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)08:32 No.2626281
    Japan why you hate white master race ?
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)08:32 No.2626284

    He admits attemping to murder teens on scooters
    >> Caligula !O.N1d/WL9c 04/15/12(Sun)08:32 No.2626285
         File: 1334493149.jpg-(25 KB, 500x356, demotivational-posters-smeargl(...).jpg)
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    I bet you the problem is that he's a weeaboo why they would commit sudoku! Pic tells you how Weeaboos get sex in Japan.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)08:33 No.2626289
    Which Asian women tend to be the most controlling or dominant in relationships?

    Is there an Asian country that has lots of tomboys?
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)08:33 No.2626290
    >Free replacement if she runs away within a year
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)08:35 No.2626298
    I do remember one where she shows her tits. They're censored, but it happened. Too lazy to find it so you're just going to have to trust a dude on 4chan.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)08:36 No.2626303
         File: 1334493373.jpg-(128 KB, 590x346, trojanwar.jpg)
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    So she basically is a prostitute, and that guy is a total creep as well as being just awkward. Awesome.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)08:36 No.2626304
         File: 1334493376.jpg-(26 KB, 320x263, 1355131353.jpg)
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    Why don't you want a mature sassy black woman, /pol/?
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)08:37 No.2626311
    And they do now have a kid.
    She will be bullied if her classmates see these video's
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)08:38 No.2626315
    Have you ever been around Chinese women straight from China? They make the kkk seem tame. Like especially older Chinese women. The guys are generally pretty cool though. I worked delivery at a takeout place for a summer.
    >> Caligula !O.N1d/WL9c 04/15/12(Sun)08:38 No.2626316
    Same reason we hate mudslimes and blacks on /pol/! Inferior race gets haters gonna hate!
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)08:39 No.2626320
    Because I don't want to raise nine children and two teenagers.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)08:40 No.2626326
    but them gets you welfares
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)08:40 No.2626328
         File: 1334493647.jpg-(56 KB, 300x400, missile_command-300x400.jpg)
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    15 seconds in and wow. Awkward overload.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)08:41 No.2626332
    Can anybody else provide teh source on this?
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)08:41 No.2626334
    I think I remember that.

    Allthough they were censored out by something, so maybe it wasnt a big deal.
    >> Caligula !O.N1d/WL9c 04/15/12(Sun)08:42 No.2626338
    Nippon having welfares... ie, ie, ie.... Nope! It's the only country where old people (65+) commit more crime than the 25-29 age bracket.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)08:42 No.2626340

    Cool autism bro
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)08:44 No.2626351
    I took time out of my busy schedule of fapping just for you guys.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)08:45 No.2626359
    Well I didnt find the vide with her top off.

    But this is still degrading

    >average guy
    >cant speak japanese
    >she cant speak english
    >guy apparently isnt rich
    >she is hot
    >he gets her to do all this stuff

    I call bullshit.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)08:46 No.2626361
         File: 1334493974.jpg-(11 KB, 326x357, Naamloos.jpg)
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    dat voice
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)08:47 No.2626366
         File: 1334494054.jpg-(20 KB, 465x446, OpoQQ.jpg)
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    I wouldn't post this image if it wasn't truly warranted.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)08:47 No.2626369
    Why is he so annoying?

    Why is his hair so greasy looking?
    >> Caligula !O.N1d/WL9c 04/15/12(Sun)08:48 No.2626378
    Weeaboo want to look more Azn!
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)08:49 No.2626380

    Comments from the vid
    I'm not trying to judge you or anything, I believe only you can judge yourself.

    But lets admit, you only uploaded this video to get views or have fun making 4chan anons jelly.

    Thats all right, you are free to do whatever you want, just be a man and dont deny the fact because its clear as the summer sky.

    Not trying to offend you, its just that you tell people to not take things serious or complain about lost respect even when you probably knew it was going to happen.

    btw u have an awesome wife :3

    TidusAbes 2 weeks ago

    Tidus when it comes down to it, every video gets uploaded in the hopes of getting views. Otherwise what's the point? To upload a video and nobody watches it? For a long time now people have known us on this channel for gaming, japanese culture and comedy mixed with a little sexuality. The actual filming of this was never planned, it just happened. But as I've said before, I knew our audience would enjoy it since they like Kanako and her cosplay, so I decided to upload it. Thanks for watching :)

    KineticElements in reply to TidusAbes 2 weeks ago

    >I hate this faggot.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)08:49 No.2626381
    if there is a japanese reading this thread, report this confession to the police
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)08:49 No.2626389
         File: 1334494197.jpg-(363 KB, 816x607, 1330899389481.jpg)
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    she reminds me of victoria coren in that picture

    and conversely, victoria coren is almost an exact opposite to that chick
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)08:50 No.2626393
    everyone calm the fuck down. so what if she is wearing a more revealing costume? she wore costumes in several videos and I don't see you idiots complaining then. Plus, you don't see her mad and telling him to turn off the camera. she plays along, and looks like she enjoys it. If you guys can't stop being so serious about this, then gtfo.

    shades152 3 weeks ago 13

    Thanks shades. Unfortunately, it's like trying to tell a pack of Hyena's "Stop making that ridiculous noise!". It's 4chan and while not all people who are on 4chan are bad, fact remains it's a haven for attention whores and wannabe anarchists. 4chan USED to be funny and clever, now it's just predictable and pathetic. =\

    KineticElements in reply to shades152 3 weeks ago 11

    Ahhhhh YEAH~!!! I've been waitin for this! Your chan-null is so ea~sily baited! Allow me to enjoy removing all your dumbass comments and blocking your worthless accounts!

    KineticElements 3 weeks ago 8

    >the man is a faggot
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)08:51 No.2626400
    they'll deport him back here, anon.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)08:53 No.2626412
    Can see more tits on that vid anyway.

    >dat side boob
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)08:55 No.2626423
    It's like that for all women. Seriously innocence is the number one thing I want in a woman.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)08:55 No.2626429
    You will never have an asian wife, who degrades herself on youtube like that.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)08:56 No.2626438
    No, I just get her to degrade herself on 4chan.

    Chinese girls are cool.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)08:56 No.2626441
    I, for one, would greatly enjoy a blowjob from paris looking just like that
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)08:58 No.2626452

    In this video that was posted on here, they go to a manga store that doesn't allow cameras being used in it. Nevertheless, he proceeds to have her video tape him doing his usual awkward monologue.

    To Asians or those who know the culture, how shameful is doing something like this?
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)08:59 No.2626456
    How is this shit to blame on the guy? She obviously did this shit out of her own volition. Don't blame the guy for her slutty behavior.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)09:00 No.2626467
    All I feel is pity for her. What's wrong in this girl's life that she is shacking up with this abomination?
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)09:00 No.2626468
         File: 1334494823.jpg-(39 KB, 526x572, 1331825949571.jpg)
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    why isnt this guy being deported?
    He doesnt speak the language and he doesnt have a job.

    In european countries that will get you deported(unless you are an assylyum seeker.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)09:01 No.2626476
    She's willingly being a slut


    What's wrong with having a bangable chick you can fuck all day eerryday?

    Nothing u virgins
    >> Ruby !!iPJbBu5S79g 04/15/12(Sun)09:01 No.2626480
    Because men are mostly closet pedophiles. Think: It's only since the last few hundred years that we stopped marrying off girls at 13 years of age. Who do you think guys are going to fall for?
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)09:02 No.2626483
    >married and has a baby
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)09:02 No.2626488
    I'll marry a 30 year old if she has a good job and wants to be the breadwinner while I raise the kids. Otherwise, bring on them middleschoolers.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)09:03 No.2626493
         File: 1334494999.jpg-(12 KB, 300x250, aung-san-suu-kyi-1.jpg)
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    Asian female here. I personally find the overtly sexualized image of oriental female a very strange fetish. But her voice definitely made me melt.

    In my opinion, I think in Asian cultures most child-like submissive behavior is the result of broken homes. Asians are subservient in general (versus the more Americanized stand-your-ground, in-your-face values), but this little helpless girl act is probably the result of wanting to stay in a state of innocence and vulnerability, so there always has to be someone to care for her. i.e. She never has act like an adult to be responsible for herself. Even in modern times, I have disgusting friends like that. It's the less provocative means of becoming a trophy wife, I guess.

    Why can't more girls grow up to be women who are sweet but still intelligent and strong-willed?
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)09:03 No.2626494
    The mentally handicapped need to be protected, not exploited
    >> Caligula !O.N1d/WL9c 04/15/12(Sun)09:04 No.2626503
    They reside on 2chan! Too bad we can't post there.
    >> ImplyingImplications !!maaS/hB0pVp 04/15/12(Sun)09:05 No.2626512
    >implying this isn't superior than the entitled and defiant nature you will find in white women
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)09:05 No.2626513
         File: 1334495114.png-(636 KB, 636x486, 1296240363906.png)
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    >Asian female
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)09:05 No.2626514
    In most countries you still need to have a job and speak the language
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)09:05 No.2626515
    >she's mentally handicapped because she fucks another guy and not me
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)09:06 No.2626523
    >In my opinion, I think in Asian cultures most child-like submissive behavior is the result of broken homes
    Then why aren´t black women subservient and childlike rather than loud and useless?
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)09:06 No.2626524
    she is mentally handicapped because she shows all the signs of it.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)09:07 No.2626532
    I honestly think most guys here wouldn't take up with her.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)09:07 No.2626536
    They are also childl like, look at their tantrums
    >> ImplyingImplications !!maaS/hB0pVp 04/15/12(Sun)09:09 No.2626547
    That's because they are queers, as is reflected by the innumerable trap threads here.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)09:09 No.2626549
    You're full of shit. What she's doing is shameful. I'm not Japanese but I am asian and I know Japanese are the worst when it comes to social behavior. There's no way this girl has friends and she is probably miserable and is degrading herself and being shameful.

    I'd say it's likely she'll kill herself.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)09:09 No.2626552
    They're aggressive but neither innocent nor cute nor submissive. I'd hesitate to call them child-like. Childish perhaps, but not child-like.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)09:09 No.2626553
    Fuck man, thats shit sand people and niggers pull, to stay in my country (UK).

    I thought white people were better than that.

    Why cant more girls grow up, to be placed under house arrest.

    I wonder the same thing.

    Also if your friends act like that girl, they need to grow up.
    What country are you from ? (just wondering where else, has women as childish as the one in the OPs vid)
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)09:10 No.2626556
    >ITT: Jelly as fuck
    >> ImplyingImplications !!maaS/hB0pVp 04/15/12(Sun)09:11 No.2626563
    Or gay as fuck.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)09:12 No.2626568
    How does being Asian give you knowlage of Japanese culture ?

    Im white, so now im going to lecture you on Russia.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)09:12 No.2626571
    Do you think it makes Japanese hate whites more when they see one making one of their women degrade herself like that for one?

    Or would all the blame/anger go towards her alone?
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)09:12 No.2626576
         File: 1334495572.jpg-(506 KB, 1188x1515, commies.jpg)
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    ur all jelly
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)09:13 No.2626580
    thats the exact type of girl i want
    >> Caligula !O.N1d/WL9c 04/15/12(Sun)09:13 No.2626582
         File: 1334495602.jpg-(37 KB, 398x599, caligula obtain.jpg)
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    I have never had sex so that even the most annoying nihonjin Kanako looks appealing. I need to acquire divinity!
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)09:14 No.2626596
         File: 1334495683.jpg-(46 KB, 606x453, stopped.jpg)
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    if whites hate muslims because of their behavior in white countries, i think whites will get hated by japanese for the behavior of weeaboos
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)09:14 No.2626597
    No, Caligula. You must lose your virginity to someone you love.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)09:15 No.2626601
    Despite living in a multi-cultural city, I don't have any "loud and useless" black friends (in what I assume the Americans to regard as niggers), so my opinion is purely just an opinion based on observation. (Funnily enough, there are no "loud and useless" types in university... so go figure.)

    I think the difference would be that Asians are high-achievers and respect is important to our cultures. It isn't something regarded as a unit to be earned, but being respectful is a demonstration of integrity and grace. North American black people and the intelligent, hard working and educated black people I've met are very, very different.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)09:16 No.2626622
    There wouldn't be any anger. Just pity. She is definitely looked down on. I can guarantee they wonder why she doesn't kill herself.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)09:17 No.2626632
    There arent many more like this faggot in the vids, are there ?
    Please say no, I dont want the japs to think we are that autistic.
    >> Caligula !O.N1d/WL9c 04/15/12(Sun)09:19 No.2626643
    But divinity must be obtained by any legal means necessary! It's either that or hire Blackwater or whatever they're called now to gather seashells as trophies of victory over Poseidon!
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)09:19 No.2626647
    >wanting a strong woman

    fucking feminists. a woman has to be submissive
    >> Caligula !O.N1d/WL9c 04/15/12(Sun)09:21 No.2626663
    White hatred in Japan predates weeaboos... It was drunken Slavic Russians raping women in the hot springs that started that.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)09:21 No.2626672
    >whites will get hated by japanese for the behavior of weeaboos
    Weeaboos are harmless retards who are making a fool of themselves. You can despise them but there is no reason to hate them.

    Muslims on the other hand a violent savages.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)09:22 No.2626683
    >Despite living in a multi-cultural city
    Do you ever use public transportation?
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)09:23 No.2626686
    Or quite possibly 2 nukes and raping soldiers after WWII.
    >> Caligula !O.N1d/WL9c 04/15/12(Sun)09:23 No.2626690
    See my post on Slavic Russians how it actually started. >>2626663 is the post.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)09:23 No.2626692
    I highly admire her for being a virtuous individual and doing what is right regardless of what a backwards regime dictates. Whether her political efforts have garnered results or not, her conviction has had impacts.

    And those girls aren't people I hold in high regard... so I guess they're not really friends. I'm in Canada right now, but I have a bit of an international background living here and there.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)09:24 No.2626695
    Im not even Japanese and I pity her.

    How could she end up with such a guy ? He dosent seem to have anything of value.
    >> Caligula !O.N1d/WL9c 04/15/12(Sun)09:24 No.2626703
    The Russians did this in 1905... 40 years before Nagasaki or Hiroshima.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)09:26 No.2626714
    >Advantages of a strong woman
    -She earns her own money
    -She pays for her own meals
    -She can give lover, rather than just receive
    -You can have your weaker moments with her without being diminished in your manhood
    -She can offer you an intellectual and emotional challenge rather than just smilling and nodding at everything you say
    -Cooking a meal together is more romantic and fulfilling than having your "servant" cook it for you
    >> ImplyingImplications !!maaS/hB0pVp 04/15/12(Sun)09:26 No.2626718
    Yeah, when you mention animation in Japan, the Japanese just get a knowing smirk on their face and change the subject. Weeaboos amuse them, but little more.
    >> Caligula !O.N1d/WL9c 04/15/12(Sun)09:26 No.2626721
    Sudoku is still shamefur in Nippon for females. Sudoku is a man's way out.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)09:28 No.2626741
    Shit I though Canada was a good place.
    How the fuck are those girls able to exist in Canadian culture ?
    (assuming its anything like British)

    Also, it was a joke about her. I know she is a strong willed person and in prison for what she belives, but still.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)09:28 No.2626745
    wow you are beta as fuck.way to cut your dick off
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)09:29 No.2626749
    why do white beta male make it so hard on themselves?
    why can't you just go fuck a prostitute like normal people? at least that way you can hide your shame.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)09:29 No.2626754
    I see the point you're trying to make. I have taken public transport and have interacted with such people in high school. Right now, I'm in a predominantly white college town so...

    Off topic, but I remember once it was after an accounting class in high school and the teacher had her back turned. We were all lined up at the door waiting for the bell to ring, and this black guy just grabbed me and bent me over and started pushing his crotch against my ass. I was so humiliated and angry... And the old teacher saw this and gave me the most retarded look of disgust. I know for an old white grandmother she's easily scandalized, but fuck.
    >> ImplyingImplications !!maaS/hB0pVp 04/15/12(Sun)09:30 No.2626758
    Canada is pretty much identical to the "blue states" in America. It isn't that British.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)09:30 No.2626773
    Japanese men probaly weren't interested in mentally handicapped women
    >> ImplyingImplications !!maaS/hB0pVp 04/15/12(Sun)09:31 No.2626785
    Japanese men are increasingly not interested in sex at all.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)09:32 No.2626794
    >Beta as fuck
    I have no need to establish my "dominance" to feel better about myself, I am already satisfied in a relationship based on mutual respect. If that makes me Beta I don't want to be Alpha.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)09:34 No.2626819
    What I don't get is how was a weeaboo loser like him able to get a hot woman like her?

    What is going on? Is he really a loser as suggested by his videos? Are they both pretending or what?
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)09:34 No.2626820
    Divorce statistics show that rates go down when the woman earn less money than the man. Same goes for when the man is older, and is more educated. Women want someone who is dominant, and "better" than them.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)09:35 No.2626827
    And so their women must settle for guys like this.

    Damn Japan... You guys had an empire, and now your so beta weaboos are mating with your women.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)09:35 No.2626832
    She's mentally handicapped thats why
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)09:35 No.2626837
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    Canada /is/ a good place. These females I'm talking about aren't in Canada. Though there are instances of immigrant asians who grow up to play into that babydoll fetish white guys like.

    I think North American culture warps a lot of things, like how minorities are perceived. Then the weaker-willed immigrants tend to sort of fall into these roles the white people have laid out for them.
    >> Caligula !O.N1d/WL9c 04/15/12(Sun)09:36 No.2626845
    Travelling to Nevada to get legal means of such sex... rather be perma-virgin than travel 2,000 miles. Don't ever want to be arrested.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)09:38 No.2626867
    Some people have moral intelligence, unlike you.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)09:39 No.2626873
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    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)09:39 No.2626881
    Arent most immigrants to Canada Chinese ?

    Great, so the next superpower, has a culture where women act like children.
    This is going to suck.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)09:39 No.2626884
    It doesn't look like she has learning difficulties.

    Even if that was the case I am sure that a hot piece of ass like her would be able to bag any guy she would want.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)09:40 No.2626897
    I just watched a Japanese porno where a very bubbly, early thirties woman leaps on ugly, lonely guys in porno shops, reveals herself to be naked under her overcoat and rubs herself up against them in a suggestive way, before jerking them off and encouraging them to ejaculate on a DVD case featuring her image.

    She seemed to have the intelligence of a 13 year old girl who just discovered what it is to have sexual power over men, and she was abusing it.

    It was awesome.

    This is why mismatched mental age is great.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)09:41 No.2626913
    >Chinese women

    I live in Vancouver with a Chinese girlfriend. Her parents immigrated here.

    Her mother is a fucking dragon lady and my girlfriend and her sisters certainly aren't submissive in nature. Nor are any women in her family.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)09:42 No.2626921
    So it may be the low self esteem people speculated. She must have some problem health wise, financialy, socialy, etc. To be in this situation.
    >> Caligula !O.N1d/WL9c 04/15/12(Sun)09:42 No.2626925
    Seriously... I care more about legality of sex. It's better to be a perma-virgin than to fuck some whore on the corner.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)09:43 No.2626929

    Don't underestimate Chinese women. Trust me. Don't. They are literate and educated and motivated to a disturbing degree. They *appear* very childish. They don't stay that way.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)09:43 No.2626930
    >Even if that was the case I am sure that a hot piece of ass like her would be able to bag any guy she would want.
    Depends on what "to bag" means
    >Getting some guy to fuck her
    Yes, certainly. Being mentally handicapped would probably be a useful trait in that situation (no "drama" afterwards)
    >Ending up in a medium/long term relationship
    Fuck no
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)09:44 No.2626953
    Looks like she's in her 30's and desperate enough to act in the retarded way this controlling, awkward freak wants. If he's poor, unattractive and weird I don't know what she must see in him.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)09:45 No.2626958

    Ok so they arent childlike... But the dragon comment makes it sound more like "total bitch".

    WHy cant there be women who are just independant. You know, a nice middleground.
    >> Caligula !O.N1d/WL9c 04/15/12(Sun)09:45 No.2626960
    Or she might just be part Corean and they're tormented by native Nihonjin... Coreans are bad in Japan!
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)09:46 No.2626972
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    That's assuming that they grow up with traditional values. I'm sure even today's immigrant families would feel Canada is safe enough to relax into more liberal household rules.

    I think in 5-10 years time most Asian-Oriental females available would be ones typical of what you see in the related pic. (I'm not sure if this is a good or a bad thing for "weeaboos") At least you'll be assured she's responsible and capable of paying for her own Prada handbags and other material wants.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)09:46 No.2626980
         File: 1334497614.jpg-(50 KB, 640x480, tumblr_m2c874wVMp1qhno7oo1_128(...).jpg)
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    Here you go.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)09:47 No.2626985
    She's extremely well mannered and overall nice. But I set her off once and I, a 6'3" white guy, was a little afraid of this 5'0" Chinese woman.

    That's when I started calling her a dragon lady.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)09:48 No.2626998
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    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)09:49 No.2627003
    That sounds good to me, educated and motivated. Sound like ideal people.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)09:49 No.2627012
    >But I set her off once and I, a 6'3" white guy, was a little afraid of this 5'0" Chinese woman.
    You are a fucking pussy. This is what the pimp hand was made for, you double nigger.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)09:49 No.2627013
    Were you afraid of her taking a cheap shot on you?
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)09:50 No.2627026
    She was shooting fire out of her mouth, nigga. You don't KNOW.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)09:51 No.2627038
    I wish there were more guys like you around.

    The more dedicated and career-focused ones intentionally make themselves hard to notice. Don't be impatient, focus on yourself. You're probably not out of school yet. Dating is tough, but the right woman will come along... If she's gotta be worthy of you, you've got to make yourself worthy of her, as well. Intelligent women don't like guys without a direction or purpose in life.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)09:51 No.2627040
    You have over a foot on her. Slap her, choke her, give her an ovary punch, I don't even care. Just don't let her abuse you.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)09:53 No.2627056
    Ah ok...
    I was talking more on a lare cultural scale, but assuming yor independant, and not an insane femnazi, its a start.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)09:53 No.2627065
    Nah, a little verbal abuse in their rice goblin language doesn't qualify as abuse to me.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)09:53 No.2627066
    >Intelligent women don't like guys without a direction or purpose in life.

    Mostly,but sometimes they fall for losers.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)09:53 No.2627068
    >I wish there were more guys like you around.
    Bro tip: They are EVERYWHERE. Open your eyes.
    >Dating is tough, but the right woman will come along
    >The right woman will come along
    And we'll get married and the sky will fill itself with sparkles and rainbows. Do you even believe this shit yourself?
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)09:55 No.2627080
    I thank god my mom isn't like that! But it totally irks me that there are Chinese women out there who literally has everyone's balls in the palm of their hand. She must have come from a typical strict background. It's good though, she means well and probably just wants to know her future son-in-law is going to respect her family.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)09:55 No.2627084
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    seems like you have some issues to work out, anon
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)09:55 No.2627088
    that seems to be an odd situation but were it the other way around it would sound abut right.

    A jap girl getting with an ugly american man to get citizenship.

    maybe somehow she would get to be american citizen?
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)09:56 No.2627101
    I actually have no interest in dating atm due to other matters, so thats not an issue.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)09:57 No.2627111
    >You have issues
    No shit
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)09:59 No.2627134
    Maybe. You probably think you're one of them too, eh? After seeing some of the insecurities that plague the men of /fit/ though, I'll have to say that guys are shy/worrisome/awkward as fuck. Especially in their 20s, I find it troublesome that many can't approach woman, let alone pay her a compliment, without being in some level of intoxication.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)10:01 No.2627145
    >Women in their 20's are insecure
    >Men in their 20's are insecure

    Please, go fuck yourself with a cactus.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)10:01 No.2627147
    What are your impressions of the men in their early to mid 30's as far as confidence and social skills go?
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)10:02 No.2627160
    >Women in their 20's are insecure

    You find insecurity a turn on in 20 something women?
    >> Caligula !O.N1d/WL9c 04/15/12(Sun)10:03 No.2627174
    It means that sexism is at it again!
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)10:04 No.2627176

    How can you be castrated by a small asian woman like that ?
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)10:05 No.2627189
    I already answered that, bitchnigga.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)10:06 No.2627201
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    Insecure women are annoying and just plain depressing after a while. The same goes for insecure guys.

    I will say that the teens (especially the males) in my city are just so awkward these days. And I thought my generation was bad!
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)10:06 No.2627203
    Im not that anon. But some people do.
    Everyone has their preferences. Like how some people found the chick in the OPs vid cute. Personally she looks like a handful, and I would find looking after her annoying.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)10:11 No.2627250
    What's wrong with you? I'm not agreeing with everyone that girls acting like a 6 year old is adorable. I'm actually against it. But that ridiculous rage of yours probably has its reasons. Heh.

    I think at that age it depends on their life experience and the nature of their job. I think men who are in the finance/business sectors fare much better in the dating game than those who are say, engineers or researchers. But I think with women more eager to chase their careers these days and the general cynicism towards marriage, the thought of a single man in his 30s isn't that troubling. But if you are still the type who's drinking his weight every weekend, women will tend to think of you as a bastard incapable of being a good father.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)10:15 No.2627279
    Such a shitty sentence. But oh well, I hope you get what I mean.

    Being single in your 30s shouldn't be regarded as a failure, in any way, btw. I know of an relative who just got married and she's 30. Short, plump, but a bubbly personality. She's gone on tons of blind dates and internet sites, but I think the best bet would be getting to know people through family friends/colleagues.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)10:16 No.2627290
    Depends on what you mean by single.
    >Has dated before but is currently free
    >Has never dated
    This is kind of creepy
    >> Caligula !O.N1d/WL9c 04/15/12(Sun)10:18 No.2627307
    Insecure women end up with men being dragged onto Maury for lie-detector testing for infidelity.
    >> Caligula !O.N1d/WL9c 04/15/12(Sun)10:19 No.2627319
    Women demand experience with dating... how are you gonna get any if you've never dated before?
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)10:22 No.2627345
    Oh, poor Caligula. You just keep adding all of these perceived expectations onto yourself. You're going to make dating unpleasant for yourself if you constantly feel you need to play a role.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)10:22 No.2627346
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    You guys realize the 2 in OP's pic had a child.

    He was doing a live stream last weekend and he showed it for about 1 min. I was thinking of screen caping but I decided not too.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)10:22 No.2627356
    I am a 30 yo forever alone. It sucks but I know that a relationship just isn't in the cards, esp this late in life. It gets easier when you accept you will die alone.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)10:24 No.2627367
    Fuck its real ?

    Shit, that means she isnt an escort (or she is a damn devoted one).
    Now im even more confused.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)10:24 No.2627373
    Who is that?
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)10:25 No.2627386
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    Why so much hate ITT?

    he found a way to escape feminism. Why haven't you?
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)10:26 No.2627401
    Maybe they just love eachother, ever considered that to be an option?
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)10:27 No.2627402
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    I don't think it's creepy. Perhaps I'm more empathetic than most, but if that person has chosen to dedicate his life to something else other than the pursuit of a relationship, that's reasonable too (assuming those are noble aspirations). I think it makes sense if someone wants to wait a while before seeking the right partner. I'm 21 now, and even I certainly find most girls at this age obnoxious to deal with as schoolmates.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)10:29 No.2627422
    I would rather have a girl like OP's then some stuck bitch with a fucking attitude.

    >Inb4 DURR HURR you want a doormat

    Why shouldn't I have a girl that listens to what I say?


    >> Caligula !O.N1d/WL9c 04/15/12(Sun)10:32 No.2627444
    It's a known factoid. Just hope I can make my own empire... I hear women can't resist political power!
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)10:38 No.2627487
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    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)10:42 No.2627516
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    All I know is Asian porn is super rapey and it grosses me out.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)10:43 No.2627533
    to answer OP's question, cause weeaboos are giant man children.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)10:44 No.2627536
    Men who want a woman instead of STD infested whore are stupid, ignorant, sexist and most likely inbred racists.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)10:47 No.2627557
    >I think men who are in the finance/business sectors fare much better in the dating game than those who are say, engineers or researchers.

    Interesting. Why do you think that might be the case?
    >> Caligula !O.N1d/WL9c 04/15/12(Sun)10:50 No.2627578
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    Wrong... Enjoy your AIDS!

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