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  • File: 1334468087.gif-(14 KB, 328x353, Ireland.gif)
    14 KB Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)01:34 No.2622728  
    Why doesn't Britain give back North Ireland to Ireland?
    >> animal !eeDbeu1Bp. 04/15/12(Sun)01:35 No.2622737
    Because the northerners are smart enough to realize that that's a shit idea.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)01:35 No.2622740
    The Jews.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)01:36 No.2622751
    Because Northern Ireland doesn't want to be part of Ireland. It's that simple.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)01:38 No.2622768
    The bastards wont go.
    >> ­­­­ 04/15/12(Sun)06:02 No.2625215
    The Irish people I know say they like it. Because they can use the euro/pound exchange rate to make money just by going up North.

    They do still whinge about it though. Mixed reactions really.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)06:05 No.2625230
    It sounds like Mexico. Some are butthurt that we took the SW from them in a long ago war, but for the most part they benefit from the existing situation.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)06:07 No.2625246
    Belfast was never Irish to begin with; it was founded in the 17th century as a colony for Protestant Scots. In fact, most of the major towns in Ireland were founded by the Vikings or the English.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)06:07 No.2625249
    The Irish are slowly breeding them out.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)06:12 No.2625292
    Celts are the true white master race
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)06:13 No.2625305
    >wanting to be part of a Roman Catholic theocracy with blasphemy laws, where most of the population vote how the bishop tells them to.

    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)06:17 No.2625337

    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)06:23 No.2625376
         File: 1334485412.jpg-(63 KB, 660x447, celt20armyyb0.jpg)
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    Time for some motherfucking Celtic pride music
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)06:25 No.2625391
    And most major cities in England were founded by the Romans, so I guess they should be Italian territory?
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)06:29 No.2625419
    The Ulster region was sparsely populated when Belfast was built. It's not like 10 million Irish were forcibly evicted from there so that they could built it as a Protestant colony.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)06:29 No.2625423
    >implying Italy existed in Roman times

    0/10, open a history textbook
    >> Kike Goldbergenstein 04/15/12(Sun)06:29 No.2625428

    They left on their own. Chances are, if Rome had returned, they would have been accepted with open arms since they stopped vikings running rampant over Britain.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)06:30 No.2625434
         File: 1334485843.png-(32 KB, 978x640, ulster british.png)
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    Because Northern Ireland doesn't belong to Britain. It belongs to the people who live there.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)06:31 No.2625439
         File: 1334485882.jpg-(18 KB, 314x447, ulster is free.jpg)
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    Except that the Romans aren't still living in those cities, you fucking moron.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)06:31 No.2625443
    And the Catholic Irish never lived in Belfast.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)06:35 No.2625478
    What is the currently supported view of the origin of Irish and British people? I think I heard that we're all supposedly Basque, with just sprinklings of Roman, Celt, Angles etc. that were just minorities.
    >> Kike Goldbergenstein 04/15/12(Sun)06:38 No.2625493

    The bastard children of Western and Southern Europe. Pretty much sums up Britain as a whole.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)06:40 No.2625505
         File: 1334486433.png-(40 KB, 935x839, irish culture.png)
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    So, just to be clear, your argument is that if there is one Catholic living in Belfast, that makes it an Irish city regardless of whoever else is living there.

    And you are aware, I hope, that you have just denied the existence of Irish non-Catholics. You have explicitly stated in your post that it is not possible to be Irish and Protestant. That being so, what reason would the Protestant majority in Northern Ireland have for wanting to be in a country that would give them second-class citizenship?
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)06:41 No.2625511
    So when people say things like...
    >hurr British people are ugly because they're inbred, bring on the race-mixing!

    It actually might be the very opposite. They're a complete bastard race and if they're ugly it's more likely because of a tradition of mixing.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)06:41 No.2625512
    Englishman here
    >Xenophobia - Relatively low
    Holy fuck, my sides.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)06:44 No.2625533
    >English Xenophobia - Relatively low
    >English Ethnocentrism - Relatively low
    >Irish Socialization - Stresses Ingroup
    The person who made this has never been to Ireland or England, have they?
    >> animal !eeDbeu1Bp. 04/15/12(Sun)06:44 No.2625535
    >english people
    >not the master race
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)06:45 No.2625539
         File: 1334486719.jpg-(36 KB, 450x331, 1283284009168.jpg)
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    Belfast here,pretty simple. It's not wanted by the people here. 71% in 1998 referendum voted to remain in the union, with the figure being over 91% in the Nationalist/Republican communities... referendum in the south was overwhelmingly in favour of the North remaining as part of the united kingdom until the population voted otherwise.

    I know alot of republican/nationalist voters who are economic unionists and will vote unionist for the economic benefits alone, its the only viable option, Republic of Ireland could not sustain the north, it is heavily subsidised by Westminster at the cost of about 4Bn a year...

    Tl;Dr People don't want it. Not viable.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)06:47 No.2625559
    Amariafat here; I drove the rental car into N. Ireland and mailed some postcards with stamps from the Republic.

    >Cards never made the journey!

    I'm sure some butthurt N. Irish fag threw them in the bin. "That will show them!"
    Way to keep it lively N. Ireland.

    What an ugly city Belfast is. The Freedom walls? Please get over it!
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)06:48 No.2625568
    >Why doesn't Britain give back North Ireland to Ireland?

    We don't really want them back right now, they're too poor.
    Republic of Ireland 2010 GDP per capita PPP $39,312
    >Northern Ireland's GDP is 30% of all of Ireland though it has 39% of all the island's population. Per Capita wise Northern Ireland's GDP is 60% compared to the Republic of Ireland's.

    Maybe when we've sorted out our bank debt we'll look at bringing you guys in.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)06:48 No.2625570
    Aren't those the figures for the Good Friday Agreement? The GFA wasn't about the Union.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)06:49 No.2625578
    Is this a troll image?
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)06:51 No.2625596
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    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)06:52 No.2625604
    >Belfast was never Irish to begin with;
    Then why does it have an Irish name?
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)06:55 No.2625628
         File: 1334487300.jpg-(234 KB, 779x1163, 1334069740918.jpg)
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    GFA secured the constitutional future within the union. Republic of Ireland wrote out any claim in there constitution for the North.

    Ofcourse it's about the union.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)06:55 No.2625632
         File: 1334487321.jpg-(668 KB, 2048x2048, british women.jpg)
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    Whose language are you speaking?
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)06:56 No.2625643
         File: 1334487389.png-(32 KB, 974x635, northernirelandpoll.png)
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    because Northern Ireland belongs to the people of Northern Ireland, and not some plastic paddy from America
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)06:57 No.2625653
    A Saxon-French-Greek-Latin creole that originated in Germany.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)06:58 No.2625660
    I think we should do it county by county Fermanagh and Tyrone should be part of the Republic.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)06:59 No.2625668
    If they did that Northern Ireland would consist only of Antrim and Down.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)07:00 No.2625686
    I'd be quite happy with that.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)07:01 No.2625695
    Why doesn't the Republic Ireland give back Ireland?
    >> Kike Goldbergenstein 04/15/12(Sun)07:03 No.2625710

    Since I am English, English. Sorry to say but we are the most patronising nation in the world. Ever wonder why we have a massive depression rate despite being a fairly modern nation? We hate ourselves and everyone else around us.

    Thats why we expanded over the world to escape ourselves.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)07:03 No.2625713
    They were going to do that at the beginning, and I think even Down was a 50/50 sort of thing. But there was some sort of rule that Northern Ireland could only be formed if it was above a certain size - area and population wise - so they gerrymandered the fuck of it.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)07:07 No.2625748
    Why is there an IRA guy standing next to a glass window in ulster ?

    Thought they kept themselves to the south.

    >That feel when Ireland broke away from the UK, becuase the EU's bitch, and are now begging for money.
    Feels good man.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)07:08 No.2625767
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    At least Ireland is white.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)07:10 No.2625781
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)07:15 No.2625819
    You can't get much whiter unless you are an albino and they're freaks of nature.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)07:16 No.2625829
         File: 1334488599.jpg-(33 KB, 400x411, typical irishman.jpg)
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    Looks pretty white to me, chief. Almost as white as an Argentinian.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)07:19 No.2625850
    Phil Lynott.

    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)07:23 No.2625873

    Fuck yes, Phil Lynott!
    Song Definitely Related
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)07:26 No.2625888
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)07:36 No.2625943
    I feel kinda the same with Gibraltar, which is in Spain.
    It used to be Spanish for more than twelve centuries, but now is from England. I'm not mad with British people, I love them, but their external politics are awful
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)07:41 No.2625968
    Gibraltar don't want to be part of Spain. Britain has a duty to defend Gibraltar from Spanish aggression. The same goes with Northern Ireland, The Falklands and every other territory.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)07:42 No.2625976
    The difference being that 98% of Gibraltarians want to remain British, whereas maybe 60% of people from Northern Ireland do.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)07:44 No.2625987
    How did Gibraltar become British? Did they evict the Spaniards and replace them with British people, like they tried to do in Ireland?
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)07:46 No.2625993
    >>2625968 There is no aggression from the Spanish side
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)07:47 No.2625998
    Please open a history book.

    And then read the history book.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)07:47 No.2626001
    >kill/remove the existing population
    >replace them with Brits
    British Logic.
    >> Caligula !O.N1d/WL9c 04/15/12(Sun)07:47 No.2626002
    Same high rate in the Falklands in the upper 90s of percentages. North Ireland is like America's Puerto Rico. A majority wants to remain with the parent country but enough don't allowing independence groups or with N. Ireland, reunification with the rest of Ireland.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)07:49 No.2626006
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)07:49 No.2626009
         File: 1334490591.jpg-(155 KB, 800x796, taigs.jpg)
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    The existing population was not killed or removed. That's why there are still Irish Catholics in Northern Ireland.

    Additionally, it's a little bit difficult to replace anyone with "Brits" given that the Plantation took place a century before Britain existed.

    Lastly, exactly what is your point? That Britain should hand a million citizens over to a country that has made it clear it will treat all non-Catholics as second-class citizens? Yeah. That's an awesome idea.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)07:50 No.2626013
    >Majority of 60% want to stay British.

    What part of "majority" is confusing you, Seamus?
    >> noko 04/15/12(Sun)07:51 No.2626019
         File: 1334490683.jpg-(32 KB, 500x362, 1323706406944.jpg)
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    Las Malvinas son Argentinas.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)07:52 No.2626023
    Is it truly democracy when 60% of the population can ignore the will of the other 40%?
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)07:52 No.2626024
         File: 1334490752.png-(2 KB, 800x146, argentina falklands permanence.png)
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    >> noko 04/15/12(Sun)07:54 No.2626030
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    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)07:55 No.2626035
    "Taig" and "Ulster"? Both Irish words! You're already using a cupla focail! Why, you'll be sipping Guiness while watching the All Ireland in no time!
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)07:57 No.2626043
    Yes. It's called "democracy".

    There is a binary choice:
    - be part of Irish Republic
    - be part of the UK

    60% want to be part of the UK.

    What's your solution? "We will only achieve true democracy when we ignore the will of 40%"?

    Fucking moron. Kill yourself.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)07:57 No.2626046
         File: 1334491041.jpg-(121 KB, 500x333, 1332685929937.jpg)
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    no falklands thread without this pic
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)07:57 No.2626048
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    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)07:57 No.2626049
    Yes. Holy fuck you're an idiot.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)07:58 No.2626060
    Just so I'm clear - you want us to ignore the will of 60% because it's undemocratic to ignore 40%.

    I'm confused. How does ignoring the will of the overwhelming majority equate to "democracy"?
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)07:58 No.2626063
    >a country that has made it clear it will treat all non-Catholics as second-class citizens

    Who What Where When and How?

    Protestants did treat Catholics as second class citizens and that's what started the war.

    When there is a majority of Republicans under The Good Friday Agreement NI will cease to exist.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)07:59 No.2626068
    >That Britain should hand a million citizens over to a country that has made it clear it will treat all non-Catholics as second-class citizens?
    Eyo, Protestant living in Galway here. Most southern Protestants are rich as fuck. Nobody gets treated any differently because of it. Hell, I sometimes take the piss out of Protestant tourists because they get really defensive and it's funny to watch. Plus, we get to make lots of pedophile jokes.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)08:00 No.2626077
    >There is a binary choice:
    Mais, non.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)08:01 No.2626084
         File: 1334491277.jpg-(48 KB, 450x428, 1327593624457.jpg)
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    >He thinks they're jokes!
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)08:01 No.2626087
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    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)08:02 No.2626091
    i think the we should just give the Falklands to the French, that will piss off the maximum amount of people
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)08:02 No.2626094
    Ulster is the name of the region, it may be an Irish word, but what else would you call it? That's like saying Belfast is an English word.

    The irony is of course that everyone in Ireland speaks English, Loyalist or not.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)08:05 No.2626109
    >Who What Where When and How?

    Protestant population of Irish Free State in 1921: 10%

    Protestant population of Irish Republic 1931: 2%

    In the immediate aftermath of independence, Protestants were removed from jobs all across the 26 counties and replaced with Catholics.

    Graduates of traditionally Protestant schools and universities were denied jobs.

    The Irish Constitution even guaranteed preferential treatment to Catholics.

    I'm sorry if objective reality spoils your candy-coated vision of Oirland, but you should educate yourself a bit more.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)08:05 No.2626111
    >it may be an Irish word, but what else would you call it?
    I'm just saying that some Unionists seem awfully proud of being from an Irish province with an Irish name and yet shudder at the thought of associating themselves with anyting Irish.

    You could call it "Northland" or something, I don't know.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)08:06 No.2626121
    >that's what started the war.

    Bomb playgrounds and torture innocent women; call it a war.

    >When there is a majority of Republicans under The Good Friday Agreement NI will cease to exist.

    Except for the small problem that the Republic of Ireland doesn't want you and will never never never allow the six counties to be united with the South.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)08:08 No.2626131
    They are ulster-scots, that is their heritage and history. It's not like they aren't Irish, they're just not from the same Irish stock as the Catholics.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)08:09 No.2626140
    >Except for the small problem that the Republic of Ireland doesn't want you and will never never never allow the six counties to be united with the South.
    A United Ireland is actually a reasonably popular opinion down here, among both the people and politicians. We're just smart enough to realise that it's not viable right now.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)08:09 No.2626143

    Belfast isn't an English name it is Anglicised version of Béal Feirste and Ulster has 9 counties.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)08:23 No.2626225
         File: 1334492590.png-(72 KB, 220x343, 220px-Theobald_Wolfe_Tone_-_Pr(...).png)
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    they were punished because of their past actions, not their religion. Youll find that those same cunts occuppied all the top paying jobs or were lanlords and had treated the working class Irish worse than slaves before the war. their punishment was justified.

    Also, you unionists always seem to ignore this, the founder of Irish Republicanism, theobald wolfetone, was a protetstant
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)08:24 No.2626233

    >Bomb Playgrounds and torture innocent women in Northern Ireland
    >Get called Freedom Fighters in the US
    >Bomb Playgrounds and torture innocent women in Afghanistan
    >Get called Terrorists in the US

    What a world
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)08:31 No.2626277
    its funny when americans fail to understand then get outraged at completely misguided things.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)08:32 No.2626286
    >they were punished because of their past actions, not their religion.

    And what, exactly, were their "past actions"?

    Being insufficiently Catholic in Ireland. That was their only crime.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)08:33 No.2626292
    Because they've repeatedly said they don't want to
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)08:33 No.2626293
    Are you actually trying to compare the United Irishmen to the Irish "nationalist" movement of the 19th and 20th centuries?

    Jesus Christ. You have no clue what you're talking about, do you?
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)08:35 No.2626297
    what the fuck is North Ireland?
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)08:37 No.2626312

    I said it already and you conveniantly ignored it.

    >they occuppied all the top paying jobs or were landlords and had treated the working class Irish worse than slaves before the war. their punishment was justified.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)08:37 No.2626314
    Because the North doesn't want to rejoin the rest of Ireland.
    The rest of Ireland is incredibly butthurt about this and makes frequent excuses like "HURR THEY'RE NOT IRISH THEY'RE ON STOLEN LAND"
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)08:39 No.2626321
    >Belfast isn't an English name it is Anglicised version of Béal Feirste
    Hence it's English. Go and show the the people calling it Béal Feirste.
    >Ulster has 9 counties
    Most of which are loyal.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)08:43 No.2626346

    Yep, sorry about that.
    But the point is the Protestants are hardly an oppressed minority *now*. The only thing I can think of is the ban on abortion, but you can just go to the UK for that the same way the Catholics do.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)08:45 No.2626358
         File: 1334493927.jpg-(205 KB, 900x900, bigstock_Doll_Sitting_At_Irish(...).jpg)
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    Because Southern Ireland is full of fools whom cannot manage finances.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)08:47 No.2626365
    irish nationalism: brits out, niggers in
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)08:47 No.2626370
    >Yep, sorry about that.

    You've apologised for your part in a great crime. That means you're clearly neither Irish nor Catholic.

    >But the point is the Protestants are hardly an oppressed minority *now*.

    And why should we take the risk? We live in a free, secular country with equal rights for all. Why take the risk?

    I'm sure the Germans won't gas the Jews a second time, but why would they want to take the risk?
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)08:49 No.2626384
    Are you on crack? "Treated the work class Irish worse than slaves"?

    Are you mentally retarded? Don't answer that - you're either Irish or American so we know the answer is "yes".

    What do they actually teach in the schools in your country? Silly question - you're Irish so you've never been to school.

    The thing that horrifies me is that, retarded as you are, you actually believe the shit that's coming out of your mouth. You tell these outrageous lies but you really believe they're true.

    Why should I, or my people, want to be in a country with people like you?
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)08:49 No.2626388
         File: 1334494192.jpg-(32 KB, 477x599, Charles_Stewart_Parnell.jpg)
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    Sure, and lets not forget Charles Stewart Parnell

    And the many other Protestants who fought for Irish independence.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)08:50 No.2626399

    I don't want you guys back, you're poor and rather backward in many ways. I'm just pointing out that your fears are rather out of touch with the reality of the times.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)08:51 No.2626404
    Hurr durr.

    Housing bubble and market crash.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)08:52 No.2626405
         File: 1334494320.jpg-(85 KB, 960x822, roflbot.jpg)
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    REMOVE HUN remove hun
    you are worst brit. you are the brit idiot you are the brit smell. return to scootland. to our scot cousins you may come our contry. you may live in the zoo….ahahahaha ,orange state we will never forgeve you. ira rascal FUck but fuck asshole brit stink orange state sassnach sassnach..exploding brit best day of my life. take a bath of dead brit..ahahahahahENGLAND WE WILL GET YOU!! do not forget 1979 .england we kill the earl of burma , england return to your precious germania….hahahahaha idiot brit and orangeman smell so i can smell it. REMOVE HUN FROM THE PREMISES. you will get caught. libya+usa+scotland+basque=kill orange state…you will 1641 rebellion/ biggie alive in ireland, biggie making album of ireland . fast rap biggie ireland. we are rich and have eurofund now hahahaha ha because of biggie… you are ppoor stink brit… you live in a bog hahahaha, you live in a henhouse

    biggie alive numbr one #1 in ireland ….fuck the scotland ,..FUCKk ashol brits no good i spit in the mouth eye of ur flag and contry. b.i.g. aliv and real strong wizard kill all the brit farm aminal with rap magic now we the ireland rule .ape of the zoo prime minister lloyd georg fukc the great satan and lay egg this egg hatch and orange state wa;s born. stupid baby form the eggn give bak our clay we will crush u lik a skull of pig. ireland greattst countrey
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)08:54 No.2626420
    I am sorry to be the baron of bad news, but you seem buttered, so allow me to play doubles advocate here for a moment. For all intensive purposes I think you are wrong. In an age where false morals are a diamond dozen, true virtues are a blessing in the skies, and are more than just ice king on the cake. We often put our false morality on a petal stool like a bunch of pre-Madonnas, but you all seem to be taking something very valuable for granite.

    So I ask of you to mustard up all the strength you can because it is a doggy dog world out there. Although there is some merit to what you are saying it seems like you have a huge ship on your shoulder. In your argument you seem to throw everything in but the kids Nsync, and even though you are having a feel day with this I am here to bring you back into reality.

    I have a sick sense when it comes to these types of things. It is almost spooky, because I cannot turn a blonde eye to these glaring flaws in your rhetoric. I have zero taller ants when it comes to people spouting out hate in the name of moral righteousness. You just need to remember what comes around is all around, and when supply and command fails you will be the first to go.

    Make my words, when you get down to brass stacks it doesn't take rocket appliances to get two birds stoned at once. It's clear who makes the pants in this relationship, and sometimes you just have to swallow your prize and accept the fax, instead of making a half-harded effort. You might have to come to this conclusion through denial and error but I swear on my mother's mating name that when you put the petal to the medal you will pass with flying carpets like it's a peach of cake.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)08:56 No.2626433

    how's the loan going paddy?
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)08:56 No.2626437
    What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch? I'll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Navy Seals, and I've been involved in numerous secret raids on Al-Quaeda, and I have over 300 confirmed kills. I am trained in gorilla warfare and I'm the top sniper in the entire US armed forces. You are nothing to me but just another target. I will wipe you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the Internet? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of spies across the USA and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You're fucking dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can kill you in over seven hundred ways, and that's just with my bare hands. Not only am I extensively trained in unarmed combat, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the United States Marine Corps and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the continent, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little "clever" comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn't, you didn't, and now you're paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will shit fury all over you and you will drown in it. You're fucking dead, kiddo.
    >> Soccer Mom loves Anders Behring Breivik !!rGMPiuRUKlc 04/15/12(Sun)08:59 No.2626457
    What the fuck is going on in this thread?
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)08:59 No.2626462
    copy paste much? or you type very fast, you wrote that in less than half a minute.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)09:01 No.2626475

    >Protestant population of Irish Free State in 1921: 10%
    >Protestant population of Irish Republic 1931: 2%

    They left to join their brethern in the newly created Orange state, where they had their own government. Many had no desire to be ruled over by Irish nationalists

    >In the immediate aftermath of independence, Protestants were removed from jobs all across the 26 counties and replaced with Catholics.
    >Graduates of traditionally Protestant schools and universities were denied jobs.

    Absolute tosh, this never happened. Some were intimitated out of their homes in the war torn areas like west Cork but the overwhelming majority were welcomed into the new state as equels. The first president of Ireland was a protestant for heavens sake

    >The Irish Constitution even guaranteed preferential treatment to Catholics.

    No, no it didn't. Show me in the constitution were it said this, in fact it enshrines equal cherishment of all citizens

    >I'm sorry if objective reality spoils your candy-coated vision of Oirland, but you should educate yourself a bit more.

    Lying to the uninformed on the internet doesn't make what you say true
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)09:02 No.2626485
    What? WHAT WAS THAT? Sorry I must have misheard, I thought I heard a giant faggot mouthing off at me with something he sure as fuck could never back up, but it must have just been my imagination. Because after I imagined hearing that, I proceeded to imagine how good it would feel to break that persons fucking spinal cord over my knee. I imagined how my next step is usually to rip out one of the persons fucking ribs and jab it straight through their nose into their brain cavity. I imagined pulling that rib back out, and then brainfucking that dead faggot through the new massive hole in his face I created.

    But I didn't really hear anything, right? no one would be fucking dumb enough to talk to me like that on here.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)09:03 No.2626501
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    “england, scotland.. i have two words for you: fuc bad”
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)09:05 No.2626511
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    You're confusing a non-standardised historical language dialect continuum (Gaelic) with a nationalist concept concerning a particular land mass.

    Irish is a language developed from several dialects during the 18th century to be the "national" language of a nation concept based around the island of Ireland. The word "Belfast" is an English word derived from a Gaelic root. It is not an "Irish" word. It is an English (language) word derived from Gaelic (NOT Irish).

    Arthur Chichester, 1st Baron Chichester, founded Belfast in 1611. Béal Feirste is a back derivation in modern Irish of the English word Belfast, however Irish did not exist in any standardised form unique to the island of Ireland until the 18th century. Therefore Belfast is not derived from Béal Feirste, rather Béal Feirste was derived from Belfast at some point in the 18th century.

    By analogy "Belfast" is not derived from Irish any more than
    "Reykjavík" is derived from Swedish. Rather Belfast was derived from Gaelic and Reykjavík was derived from Old Norse.

    Irish =/= Gaelic
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)09:05 No.2626516
    It's a copy and paste from a pretty infamous troll.
    It's making fun of your classic 12 year old on /b/. The ones who claim to be in the Navy Seals.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)09:05 No.2626517
    aww that's nice. anyway you're clearly not Irish and have issues. I think you should ask your mum for some bus fare and get yourself to the shrink.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)09:07 No.2626535
    Yeah making fun of me is so funny, so funny I forgot to laugh. If you wanna talk like that to me why don't you come here and say it to me face so I can answer your insults with a swift fist to the nose. Yeah you have a lot to say from hundreds of miles away but I bet if my fists were in reach of your face you would be like a tv on mute with no volume button. So do yourself a favor and keep your mouth shut unless you want to die. Next time you think about saying something like that to me I want you to remember one thing. I know the guy that created google maps and I can locate you in the time it took me to type this. Don't want anymore problems.... didn't think so faggot. You have any idea what gorilla warfare is? I do, I was in the US Marine Core and I perfected it. I'm fully capable of using it on you motherfuckers. Do you know the dander your in if I find you? I am 100$ serious. Bunch of god damn newfaf loser here and I will not have it. At least I've had sex, had girlfriends, and gotten laid, and blowjobbed unlike you virgin piece of unpatriotic SHIT.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)09:12 No.2626575
    The south sucks. And Ireland was never a united nation except under British rule.

    Irish are niggers anyway.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)09:13 No.2626581
    If "Belfast" is a word, what does it mean?
    >> Caligula !O.N1d/WL9c 04/15/12(Sun)09:15 No.2626606
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    That spelling of guerilla rustled my jimmies! It's the first time the Triumvirate has had one of it's member's jimmies rustled.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)09:16 No.2626613
    mouth of the sandbar
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)09:16 No.2626614
    >The south sucks. And Ireland was never a united nation except under British rule.
    Yes it was. Brian Boru, the Confederation, etc.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)09:18 No.2626637

    Belfast (from Irish: Béal Feirste, meaning "mouth of the shoal")[10]
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)09:19 No.2626642
    Irishfag here, let me break it down for you.
    You've got:
    Average Unionist, wants to remain in the UK, he is the majority.
    Average Republican, wants to join the Republic, he is a minority.
    Both of these people want peace.
    Butthurt Unionist, wears an orange sash to make himself feel big when he stirs shit up.
    Butthurt Republican, puts bombs outside schools, a fucking coward who wants to feel big.
    Both of these people want to oppress the other group.
    Then you have
    12 year old keyboard warrior who does battle every day as a proud Fenian internet warrior of rightiousness.
    BNPfags who like to insult Irish people
    Irishfags who cringe every time a thread like this is brought up.

    Most of us don't care in the Republic, aside from stupid gombeen country folk and retarded underclass skangers. Also the Sinn Fein communists.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)09:19 No.2626649
    Is it true there are thousands of unreported murders every year in Northern Ireland?
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)09:20 No.2626657
    No, there was about 20 last year. NI is safer than America.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)09:21 No.2626664

    You show a profound lack of understanding of the Gaeilge language.

    Irish =/= Gaelic

    Why are you talking about a linguistic group of Celtic languages? We're clearly talking about Gaeilge. That's the same as using the Germanic languages when you're clearly talking about a name derived from old Dutch. Old Gaeilge to Modern Gaeilge is the same from Old English to Modern English, they're considered early forms of their respective languages since they are both mutually understandable.

    Beal Feirste is infact the modern spelling of the oldest known recorded name of the settlement "Béal Feirsde", both of which mean "mouth of the sandbanks"
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)09:22 No.2626674
    Quick crash course in Irish/Northern Irish history for the unaware

    Ireland was always plain old brilliant Ireland, land of saints and scholars. Then England decides they want to take over Ireland. Problem is those pesky native Irish. So England take a load of Scottish Protestants, give them land in Ireland, and send the Army over to turf the Irish off the land to make way for the Scots. This was the Plantation, and most of the land was in Ulster (what you would consider "Northern Ireland").

    Being basically little more than colonists, surrounded by people who actually were born in Ireland and owned the land rightfully, Ulster Protestants have always been insecure and bigoted. They are taught from childhood to be uptight and paranoid, its a well known fact that at every Ulster Protestant's 12th birthday they undergo a special ritual in which a rod is inserted up their ass and is though to remain their for life. They also like to pretend that all Irish people molest children for some reason to make themselves feel better.

    Protestant men - uptight and paranoid, workaholic, rod up their ass, squares
    Catholic men - laid back, good craic, love life, lazy

    Irish Protestant women - slutty, ugly, annoying, think short skirts and fake tan
    Irish Catholic women - gorgeous, frigid, good craic, think freckles and sexy catholic childbearing hips and ass
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)09:23 No.2626687

    Why do you act like you aren't Irish when you are?
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)09:24 No.2626697
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    >its a well known fact that at every Ulster Protestant's 12th birthday they undergo a special ritual in which a rod is inserted up their ass and is though to remain their for life.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)09:25 No.2626708

    lol is this real life do Northern Irish actually try and deny they are Irish?
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)09:26 No.2626717
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)09:26 No.2626722
    Gaelic is the Irish language.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)09:26 No.2626726
    As someone who lives in Northern Ireland, I will tell it to you truthfully: everyone from NI, whether Protestant, Catholic or dissenter, identifies as "Irish" when abroad.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)09:27 No.2626727
    >Ireland was always plain old brilliant Ireland, land of saints and scholars. Then England decides they want to take over Ireland. Problem is those pesky native Irish. So England take a load of Scottish Protestants, give them land in Ireland, and send the Army over to turf the Irish off the land to make way for the Scots. This was the Plantation, and most of the land was in Ulster (what you would consider "Northern Ireland").

    Most of that land was uninhabited. That's why it was planted. And it wasn't England who planted scots there, it was King James, who was Scottish.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)09:29 No.2626746

    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)09:30 No.2626765

    The "Nation state" as a strict concept only began to exist about 300 years ago, whereas Ireland has been constantly occupied and fought over by invaders for over 700. It's not accurate to portray Ireland as never united before British rule, while there was conflicting Gael kingdoms it was presided over by a long line of High Kings who had lordship over the entire island, since it was a single linguistic and cultural entity prior to foreign invasion and even after. Some of these High Kings like Brian Boru had the support of all the kingdoms at times. It's comparable to a early form of confederation

    It's also not true, Ireland briefly was an united independent nation as a confederation bewteen 1641 and 1649 until it was reconquered by Cromwell.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)09:30 No.2626774

    That's because they can only pull off their bullshit inside Ireland. Since Northern Ireland is in Ireland, nobody outside Ireland is going to buy the bullshit that Northern Irish aren't Irish.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)09:31 No.2626783
    >A lowlander born of an English father and a French mother who thought that ethnic Scots were foreigners from Ireand
    James VI was as Scottish as...some really unscottish thing.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)09:32 No.2626795

    but the Irish Catholics sure don't like their 'Celtic brothers' the Ulster Protestants do they.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)09:32 No.2626803

    But lowlanders are still Scottish.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)09:33 No.2626809
    Is this real?
    English assholes, seriously. No wonder the Irish hated them.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)09:33 No.2626811

    Gaelic is a branch of insular Celtic Languages. Gaeilge is the Irish language, other Gaelic languages include Scot Gaelic and Manx. It says this in the link you just posted
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)09:36 No.2626840
    Fun fact: Ireland has the 2nd lowest average IQ in the EU.
    Fun fact: Ireland has the highest occurrence of inbreeding in the EU.
    Fun fact: Irish people are majority Catholic, majority molestation victim, majority undereducated, majority alcoholic...
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)09:36 No.2626850
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)09:37 No.2626852
    The life of an Irish citizen

    >Grow up in shitty backwoods nowheresville
    >Be molested by priests, dad / uncles
    >Start drinking at 10
    >Quit school at 12
    >Be talked in to some variation of the IRA at 14
    >Angrily throw rocks and burn English flags
    >Do this 'til you're 21
    >Jump in a caravan and move to England
    >Find a school playing field to live in
    >Fuck some toothless 16yr old and marry her in an obscenely ugly dress with drunken hags screaming everywhere and praising the baby Jesus
    >Tarmac English pensioners drives / "fix" their roofs for 1000% of the going rate
    >Burgle as many people in the area as you can
    >Move your caravan to a new area and repeat x LIFE
    >Spend some time at Her Majesty's pleasure
    >Tattoo "love" and "hate" on your fingers with a sewing needle and a Biro
    >Lose your teeth, and your hair, grow a beer belly
    >Stay in England forever
    >Lie, steal, pay no taxes, break every law there is, be a worthless alcoholic wife beating scumbag contributing nothing whatsoever to the world
    >Claim that this is the fault of the English
    >Die from sclerosis of the liver
    >Nothing of value was lost
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)09:37 No.2626855
    I don't know about the stated figures but it is real.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)09:37 No.2626856
    The Scots, Northern Irish and Welsh are Celts - proud and honourable nations with a great heritage, great culture and great intellectual achievement.

    They joined with their Anglo-Saxon brethren to build the greatest empire the world has even known and created the Enlightenment and the Industrial Revolution in the process.

    They are great people who can look beyond primitive tribalism and sectarianism.

    The Irish are fucking monkeys not worthy to be called Celts. They are inbred, insular, tribal apes who want to murder anyone who doesn't live in their valley or doesn't worship their god. They're incapable of looking beyond their childish prejudices against the non-Irish, have contributed nothing to science or culture and famous throughout the world only for their violence, their alcoholism, their sectarianism, their racism, their violence, their ignorance, their violence and their propensity to breed like rabbits.

    Do not ever make the mistake of calling an Irishman a Celt. That's an insult to real Celts.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)09:37 No.2626859

    Well Northern Ireland is a much smaller place then America, with a much much smaller population. But it sounds like a pretty fucked up place. I'm sure its much better now but Ulster has been a blood bath since even before Lowland hard asses and ruthless Border Reivers were planted among pissed off Irish clansmen lurking in the woods.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)09:39 No.2626878
    This. Could you even name a single writer or poet from Ireland? Not likely.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)09:39 No.2626885
    >It's also not true, Ireland briefly was an united independent nation as a confederation bewteen 1641 and 1649 until it was reconquered by Cromwell.

    Bullshit. Ireland was one of the three kingdoms ruled by Charles I. Between 1641 and 1649, the Irish Catholics fought hard to put a Scottish Catholic on the English throne.

    And there is the root of all Ireland's problems: the Catholics of Ireland have never been able to accept the fact that there were other people in these islands who do not share their religion. And they're happy to murder anyone if they think it'll bring about the re-Catholicisation of these islands.

    Fact: if Charles I had won the Civil War and instituted a long line of Catholic monarchs, Ireland would never have left the UK. Ireland would have provided the soldiers to enforce Catholic rule against non-Catholics - as it did throughout the last 500 years of Irish history.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)09:40 No.2626888
    very real, the at various points in history there were attempts to genocide the irish. if you know anything about the history of harps in ireland, the brits came in and destroyed all the harps they could get their hands on. To OPs point, I guess some of it is, a decent amount of people in northern ireland do not want to leave and go back to ireland. Its not all about religion anymore, there are plenty of catholics in northern ireland now and plenty of protestants in the rest of ireland. Its a pretty complex situation, I'd love to see a unified ireland.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)09:40 No.2626891
    >famous throughout the world only for their violence, their alcoholism, their sectarianism, their racism, their violence,

    And what are Protestant Irish famous for throughout the world if not this?
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)09:40 No.2626892
    The "pure Irish" are a mix of Basques, Q-Celts, Vikings, Franco-Normans and Spaniards.

    The only thing that unites the Irish is their Catholic religion. "Irish" isn't an ethnicity. It's a religious ideology.

    Do you even know the history of your country? Do you even understand that the great Irish families you scum masturbate over - the FitzGeralds and the FitzMaurices and the de Burghs and the Plunketts - are fucking Anglo-Normans? No, of course you don't. You know nothing about Irish history and nothing about Ulster.

    All you know is your devotion to your ridiculous paedophile religion and your fixation with petty tribalism. So long as you know that someone somewhere doesn't follow the same religion you do, You're incapable of being happy. So you need to start your Holy War against the tribe next door - and why? Because they don't worship the same God as you.

    Pathetic. It's the 21st century, you contemptible bastard, and all you can think about is the Great Holy War to stop Protestants wearing condoms. Take the priest's cock out of your anus and grow the fuck up.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)09:40 No.2626900
    U mad that the Irish Republic doesn't even want a united Ireland?
    U mad that if there is ever a united Irish Republic, the whole economy of the island would collapse?
    U mad that only six counties of Ulster matter?
    U mad that the sash my father wore is old but it is beautiful and its colours they are fine?
    U mad that it was worn at Derry, Augrhim, Enniskillen and the Boyne?
    U mad that the priest molested you?
    U mad that UVF?
    U mad that Celtic cannot into top of the table?
    U mad that the Cry Was No Surrender?
    U mad that the Walls of Derry?
    U mad that the Twelfth of July?
    U mad that every other country of the British Isles can cooperate to form a great union but the Irish have to have their religiously exclusive clown country?
    U mad that you fuckers spent two hundred years yelling for an Irish republic and as soon as you got one, you all moved to fucking Glasgow, London or Liverpool?
    U mad that if there is ever a united Ireland we will drown the whole island in the blood of taigs?
    U mad that the Irish republic is now a province of the German Empire?
    Yeah. U mad
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)09:41 No.2626905
    >The "pure Irish" are a mix of Basques, Q-Celts, Vikings, Franco-Normans and Spaniards.
    >and Spaniards

    The spanish armada stuff is a myth.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)09:41 No.2626906
    >And there is the root of all Ireland's problems: the Catholics of Ireland have never been able to accept the fact that there were other people in these islands who do not share their religion.
    I've got a song for you
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)09:41 No.2626907

    >Most of that land was uninhabited. That's why it was planted. And it wasn't England who planted scots there, it was King James, who was Scottish.

    This is plain wrong. The Ulster Plantation was colonisation of confiscated land of the recently defeated Northern O'Neill kingdoms after the nine years war. All natives were forced out and settlers brought in their place, laws then made it illegal to let land to the natives and hire them as workers.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)09:41 No.2626908
    Every other country in the British Isles can unite and work together in a union.

    But not Irish Catholics.

    The British can be any religion, can be Scottish, Welsh or Irish, can speak English, Welsh, Scots, Gaelic or any dialect thereof. They can do all of this while maintaining both their distinct and unique cultural identity and their British unity.

    But the Irish can't.

    The Irish shit their pants at the mere thought of being in a country with someone who isn't the same ethnicity and religion as they are. The Irish have a visceral hatred for people because they worship the wrong sky fairy or because their ancestors only came to Ireland 500 years ago.

    Please tell me exactly what part of your small-minded bigotry is a Good Thing? What part of your inabiltiy to function in a non-homogenous society is a sign of your superiority? What part of your kneejerk hatred for "the English" (i.e. anyone who isn't Irish) makes you anything other than a joke?
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)09:41 No.2626914
    Irish nationalism is, and always has been, a militant Catholic movement - something that de Valera himself stated, something that Garret FitzGerald stated, something that Michael Collins stated - something, in fact, that every Irish politician of the past two hundred years has categorically stated.

    Irish nationalism is an excuse for Catholic bigots to maintain a holy war against anyone who uses condoms.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)09:42 No.2626920
    You can be British and also be Irish, English, Scottish or Welsh. Your family can be from Poland, from Italy, from Africa and you can still become British. You can be Catholic, Protestant, Jewish, Muslim, Sikh or even a Scientologist and still be British.

    Yet the Irish are incapable of living in a country with anyone who isn't Catholic and ethnically Irish. Why?

    And, given your belief that only Catholics should live on this island, how do you deal with the fact that Eamonn de Valera was a fucking half-Cuban American?
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)09:42 No.2626922
    WB Yeats?
    Oscar Wilde?
    Bram Stoker?
    Oh wait, you got me 7/10, being Irish I'm not that bright.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)09:43 No.2626931
    In the British Isles, all the countries are capable of coming together in a single entity - the Scots, the English, the Welsh all unite, despite ethnic and religious differences, to form a greater union.

    But not the Irish.

    The Irish are functionally incapable of existing in a country alongside people with difference religions and different ethnicities. The Irish can only function in an ethnically Irish and religiously Catholic country. Otherwise they have a fucking nuclear meltdown.

    Britain's history in Ireland is a simple one: it consists of trying to teach the Irish to wash and to act like white people. Ultimately, the British mission to Ireland failed because the bigotry, ignorance, rank stupidity and prideful small-mindedness of the Irish cannot be overcome. We thought we could educate you fuckers and show you how to be normal. But we couldn't. No-one could.

    The Irish remain an inbred tribe of animals, living in terror of their non-existent god, happily sending their children to be ass-raped by Catholic priests, and all the while wallowing in imaginary wrongs done to "them" centuries ago.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)09:44 No.2626940
    But Republicanism was founded by Protestants! None of those people said that!
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)09:44 No.2626945
    "Gaelic" is Anglo for Gaeilge
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)09:44 No.2626952
    Why should we give our lands away?
    Why should we abolish ourselves?
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)09:44 No.2626954
    Le trolled hard XD Reddit FTW!
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)09:45 No.2626957
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    Why doesn't America give back America to native Americans?
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)09:46 No.2626976
    >Yet the Irish are incapable of living in a country with anyone who isn't Catholic and ethnically Irish. Why?
    Lulwut? 85% of the Republic'ss population is "Catholic", in the loosest possible term, most of the "Catholics" in Ireland DGAF

    >And, given your belief that only Catholics should live on this island, how do you deal with the fact that Eamonn de Valera was a fucking half-Cuban American?
    Just like that, nobody is bothered by the fact that he was a Cuban love child, hence why he was re-elected so many times.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)09:48 No.2626991

    It was confiscated land with barely anybody on it. Probably because O'Neil killed a lot of them off with his scorched earth policy. The Native Irish continued to live in Ulster among the planters. Some of them helped the planters build their fortifications, others attacked them.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)09:49 No.2627015
    Scofag here, being neutral between the loyalists and the republicans has been very irritating. God knows how much time I've wasted hearing you people bitching back and forth about the most menial shit. I wish people would start killing each other again, at least then it'd be entertaining to see this conflict unfold.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)09:50 No.2627030

    Excuse me but what percentage of the island waas protestant at that stage? There was nothing but small protestant enclaves. All resistance to Eonfederate Ireland came from the english royalist army. This was before the plantations.

    Believe it or not, religion didn't really divide the country until the plantations and the penel laws
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)09:52 No.2627048

    >a militant Catholic movement - something that de Valera himself stated, something that Garret FitzGerald stated, something that Michael Collins stated

    No they didn't, give me a quote
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)09:53 No.2627061
    >the Irish are incapable of living in a country with anyone who isn't Catholic and ethnically Irish. Why?

    What are you basing these retarded beliefs upon? Modern day Ireland is a hodgepodge of different ethnicities and cultures.

    You can't just spout your uninformed opinions about Ireland being incapable of accepting foreigners and expect people to take you seriously.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)09:55 No.2627085
    >Yet the Irish are incapable of living in a country with anyone who isn't Catholic and ethnically Irish. Why?
    Clearly you've never visited Dublin.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)09:56 No.2627097
    That long series of anti-Irish posts is just a copypasta, guys.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)09:57 No.2627104
    Why do people still think Rep of Ireland are devout catholics? only the elderly are religious, most of the youth are athiest.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)09:57 No.2627115

    Well if thats the case then shouldn't the original statement then read;
    >Gaeilge =/= Irish

    Seems like kind of silly statement if thats the case, since that's exactly what it means.

    Anyway if you want to say Gaelic means Gaeilge then you should say "Irish Gaelic" so we know what your saying, otherwise educated people on the topic don't know what your talking about.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)10:03 No.2627167
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    You don't seem to understand that Gaelic / Gaeilge / Irish comes from Ireland.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)10:03 No.2627168
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    >Irish nationalism is, and always has been, a militant Catholic movement

    >"To subvert the tyranny of our execrable government, to break the connection with England, the never-failing source of all our political evils and to assert the independence of my country - these were my objectives. To unite the whole people of Ireland, to abolish the memory of all past dissensions, and to substitute the common name of Irishman in place of the denominations of Protestant, Catholic and Dissenter - these were my means." - Theobald Wolfe Tone

    Republicanism is closer to militant secularism than militant Catholicism.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)10:07 No.2627210

    >It was confiscated land with barely anybody on it. Probably because O'Neil killed a lot of them off with his scorched earth policy.

    The long bandied english assertion it was "Underpopulated" and "undeveloped" was propaganda to justify the colonisation. The simple fact is all natives were forced from their land and prevented from trying to regain it.

    >The Native Irish continued to live in Ulster among the planters. Some of them helped the planters build their fortifications, others attacked them.

    They were pushed into the mountains, bogs and other undersired territory. You just need to look at examples today to see the effect; take the clogher valley, majority of flatland farmers are Protestant, overwhelming majority of mountain/bog dwellers are Catholic
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)10:07 No.2627211
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    me and mu friends in ireland. rate me out of 10

    check the national loterry sign for proof it is ireland
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)10:10 No.2627236

    So does the Germanic languages, that doesn't make them all German. Educate yourself for heavens sake, Gaelic ≠ Gaeilge
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)10:11 No.2627242
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    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)10:11 No.2627243

    My point is that Gaeilge did not exist as a specifically Irish language until the 18th century. There was no standard spelling or grammar. In 1611 Scots Gaelic and Irish Gaelic were not separate languages, they only became so by the process of standardisation, which was a political exercise as much as anything (as with many other European languages).

    For this reason saying that Belfast is derived from Irish is mildly misleading, and political. It is derived from some Gaelic dialect, specifically one of a number of dialects in a continuum that existed on both the island of Ireland and the island of Great Britain, not on the island of Ireland alone. These dialects would later be used to create standardised languages for the island of Ireland and for Scotland separately, but that only occurred in the 18th century.

    Basically what I'm saying in a nutshell is that when Belfast was founded there was no such language as "Irish" in existence, for it to be derived from. In the same way that when Reykjavík was founded there were no such languages as Swedish, or Norwegian, or Icelandic for that matter, there was simply Norse. Despite the fact that the Icelandic settlers came from what is now Norway, it's incorrect to say that Reykjavík comes from Norwegian, a modern language that did not then exist.

    For the same reason it is misleading for Wikipedia to say "Belfast (from Irish: Béal Feirste, meaning "mouth of the shoal")" just as it would be to say "Inchconnachan (from Scottish Gaelic: Innis Chonachain, meaning 'The Colquhoun's Island'), which thankfully it does not. The problem is one of anachronism.

    If it said

    "Belfast (from Gaelic: Béal Feirsde, meaning "mouth of the shoal")"

    that would be fine I guess but

    "Belfast (from Irish: Béal Feirste, meaning "mouth of the shoal")"

    is misleading.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)10:14 No.2627270
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    You lost.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)10:14 No.2627276
    I went to Ireland about 6 years ago and I didn't see one black person during my entire trip
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)10:15 No.2627287
    yea , i never got this picture. it was probably a rogue group of visiting africans or something - i've never heard of blacks moving to ireland...
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)10:16 No.2627297
    depends where you go. i went to ireland in 2007 saw a few blakc people,saw a few gypsies and muslims. nowhere near in comparison to cities in the uk but probably more dangerous due to the tiny population of ireland.

    generally immigration goes like this
    'there are none here'
    and before you know it
    ''too many! we must pander to them now''
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)10:17 No.2627299
    Dont worry there still isnt that many, that picture was probably taken during some black/African meet-up or something. There would never be that many blacks in one place naturally.

    However theres been an increase in sandniggers ;__;
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)10:17 No.2627301
    Why wouldn't this moronic picture use the Ivory Coast?
    Just as many black people and it's flag is almost identical to Ireland's. Much cleverer
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)10:17 No.2627304
    Only 1% of Ireland's population is black. African immigrants are mostly chill dudes anyway. Ireland is a fairly easy country to integrate into. Hiberniores Hibernis ipsis and all that.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)10:18 No.2627311
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    LOL amerifats are so silly

    yes,you get asylum seker nigerians and such. taggess when we.

    black man in pic and link related *yes a few are tourists*
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)10:19 No.2627317
    >check the national loterry sign for proof it is ireland

    Heh, I taught him that
    >so proud
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)10:21 No.2627336
    I agree most black Irish integrate really well. Before you know it they have the local accent, are saying "craic" and drinking guinness.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)10:25 No.2627384

    I can understand that and I believe it should be changed for historical accuracy. Although I think you're looking at "Irish" as an inherintly politically charged word. There are still many dialects of the Gaeilge language in Ireland, but they still all come under the banner of "Irish". Old Irish is effectively considered just an early form of the modern language
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)10:28 No.2627416
    >You don't seem to understand that Gaelic / Gaeilge / Irish comes from Ireland.

    Yes and Icelandic comes from Norway. That doesn't mean that Icelanders speak Norwegian.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)10:30 No.2627429

    >are fucking Anglo-Normans? No, of course you don't. You know nothing about Irish history and nothing about Ulster.

    Hiberniores Hibernis ipsis
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)10:32 No.2627445
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    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)10:37 No.2627482
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    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)10:38 No.2627485
    That rather proves the point, don't you think? The only people screaming about the racial purity of the Oirish nation and the need for a holy Oirish crusade against the Eeeeenglish oppressors are people who are directly descended from the Eeeeeenglish oppressors.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)10:38 No.2627494
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    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)10:43 No.2627528
    >Fervent Nationalists are poorly informed idiots.

    You don't say.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)10:43 No.2627534
    I love these.
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)10:45 No.2627541

    It's not an issue of racial or genetic puritey or whatever. The Vikings assimilated, the Normans assimilated eventually. Stability of inhabitants on the island was more or less stable as it evolved. Until after the Tudors and then it was just an unending and effective attempt of cultural genocide and suppresion
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)10:45 No.2627543
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    who is cromwell?
    come at me bro
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)10:46 No.2627551
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    From Derry to Ballywalter town
    The entire Irish land attacked
    McGuinness will lead The Irish
    Show them that they are not afraid of anything
    English Imperials, english imperials are awoken
    Don't touch our country
    McGuinness will lead the irish
    Show them that they are not afraid of anything
    From the Falls, the provos are coming
    Be afraid, imperials and orangemen
    McGuinness will lead the irish
    Show them that they are not afraid of anything
    In defence of the irish people
    We fight, glory to our land
    McGuinness will lead the irish
    Show them that they are not afraid of anything
    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)10:49 No.2627571
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    >> Anonymous 04/15/12(Sun)10:50 No.2627584

    This so much. Its nothing to with where theyre from, its the fact that Protestant Norn Ironers havnt assimilated and refuse to.
    That rustles Irish jimmies, because everyone before them, Vikings, Normans etc. assimilated into Irish culture and customs and became Irish.

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