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  • File: 1334261437.jpg-(215 KB, 1400x905, lord_of_war.jpg)
    215 KB Anonymous 04/12/12(Thu)16:10 No.2577716  
    According to the Department of Justice there are currently 300 million firearms in America with a caliber larger than .22 that have been reported by private citizens or have a bill of sale less than 20 years old, 56% of American households have a gun in 2012, 75% of the population is in favor of allowing people to carry handguns for self defense without a permit, 99% of the population is in favor of sporting arms, 55% of the population is for the repeal of the Hughes Amendment of the 1986 Firearm Owners Safety act which would allow people to buy and register fully automatic weapons manufactured post-1986 with the ATF.

    The only question I have is; how do we arm that last 44% of America?
    >> Anonymous 04/12/12(Thu)16:11 No.2577725
    This was Nicholas Cage's best movie, by far.
    >> Anonymous 04/12/12(Thu)16:12 No.2577749
    Re-elect Barack Hussein Obama
    >> Anonymous 04/12/12(Thu)16:15 No.2577802
    Let us import those m1s that our faggot president doesn't want us to. Really who blocks the importation of 60 year old semiautomatic rifles?
    >> Anonymous 04/12/12(Thu)16:15 No.2577807
    Give out government handouts in guns and ammo.
    >> Anonymous 04/12/12(Thu)16:17 No.2577840
    It was great, but Face/Off or Matchstick Men take that prize, son.

    >how do we arm that last 44% of America?

    Actually, those who wish to not be armed (Libs, pussies) should just stay that way. They are more likely to die and have their families murdered by marauding bands of nig nogs, so good riddance.
    >> Anonymous 04/12/12(Thu)16:19 No.2577866
    With the facts from the Government's own data.

    That 1/4 of public mass shootings have been stopped by civilian who brought gun into a gun free zone before or after the shooting started and used to to cripple, kill, or threaten the assailant.

    That there are 400,000 crimes each year that involve a gun, but 2 million crimes each year that a gun prevents, according the the Department of Justice.

    That having a weapon reduces your chances of being injured or killed during a mugging or rape by a factor of two and a gun reduces those chances by a factor of 8.

    That the US has one of the lowest rates of violent crime, petty crime, and drug use per capita compared to the other "developed" countries, and that the only crime that occurs here more often is homocide, and 20% of those are justifiable homicide in self defense.

    That 75% of crime occurs in 1% of the counties, these counties all being inner city districts with strict gun control.

    That 80% of murder is black on black crime related to drugs.

    That 80% of all gun crime involves an illegally acquired firearm.

    Thankfully the vast majority of Democrats are now pro-gun. Conceal carry is being allowed more and more, and correlates with a drop in crime in the areas with more guns. We as a nation are more in favor of guns than ever in our history. And while the violent crime rate of every other industrial nation continues to rise, ours is dropping.
    >> Anonymous 04/12/12(Thu)16:21 No.2577894
    I don't know but if there is another civil war, it's going to be one hell of a party.
    >> Caligula !O.N1d/WL9c 04/12/12(Thu)16:23 No.2577920
    America just has an extremely high murder rate.
    >> Anonymous 04/12/12(Thu)16:25 No.2577942
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    With whatever we can.
    >> Anonymous 04/12/12(Thu)16:26 No.2577957

    Learn to fucking read, Tripfag.
    >> Anonymous 04/12/12(Thu)16:29 No.2578008
    >> Anonymous 04/12/12(Thu)16:29 No.2578013
    >how to we arm the last 44%
    Wait for the boomers to die and overturn shitty blue state gun laws.

    The only reason I dont have an arsenal is because I live in Jew York fucking City and I refuse to submit to their fucking system. Sure I could get an illegal gun but I'd prefer not taking the risk of a felony conviction.

    >living in NYC
    >I shiggy diggy mah niggy

    Yeah yeah I've heard it all before. I don't have a skillset I can just pick up and move easily with and I want to be close to my parents in their winter years.
    >> Anonymous 04/12/12(Thu)16:30 No.2578026
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    I wish we were trusted to actively defend ourselves.
    >> Anonymous 04/12/12(Thu)16:31 No.2578049

    Come on. You don't need a gun to defend yourself in Britain. Criminals don't have guns over here, so there isn't such a pressing need for civilians to be armed. The situations for America and Britain are massively different, which is why I advocate gun control for one and gun freedom for the other.
    >> Anonymous 04/12/12(Thu)16:32 No.2578059
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    Is the Muslim problem there really as bad as 4chan makes it out to be?
    >> Anonymous 04/12/12(Thu)16:33 No.2578071
    I know that feel.
    >> Anonymous 04/12/12(Thu)16:33 No.2578072

    >> we has a gun problem Anonymous 04/12/12(Thu)16:33 No.2578078
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    moar guns!
    >> Anonymous 04/12/12(Thu)16:33 No.2578084
    Well at least one country in Europe is doing okay, then.
    >> Anonymous 04/12/12(Thu)16:34 No.2578094
    >population of countries
    >> Anonymous 04/12/12(Thu)16:36 No.2578133
    Haha the brady campaign is a fucking joke
    >> Anonymous 04/12/12(Thu)16:38 No.2578151
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    Well it was a British guy that figured out how to make a functional 9mm submachine gun out of plumping parts that would function safely for over 4,000 rounds of cycling.

    “Some of our biggest political fallacies come from accepting words as evidence of realities. …[For example,] ‘gun control’ laws do not control guns. The District of Columbia’s very strong laws against gun ownership have done nothing to stop the high murder rate in Washington. New York had very strong gun control laws decades before London did. But the murder rate in New York has been some multiple of that in London for more than two centuries, regardless of which city had the stronger gun control laws at a given time. Back in 1954, when there were no restrictions on owning shotguns in England and there were far more owners of pistols then than there were decades later, there were only 12 cases of armed robbery in London. By the 1990s, after stringent gun controls laws were imposed, there were well over a thousand armed robberies a year in London. In the late 1990s, after an almost total ban on handguns in England, gun crimes went up another ten percent. The reason — too obvious to be accepted by the intelligentsia — is that law-abiding people became more defenseless against criminals who ignored the law and kept their guns.” –Thomas Sowell

    I think people in the mother country will only stand for so much bullshit before they go back to their proper attitude, "Briton will never be slaves."

    Regardless of your personal politics you could be against gun control because it simply doesn't work nor shows any prospective to work.
    >> Anonymous 04/12/12(Thu)16:40 No.2578176
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    The thing about statistics is that anybody can cite some.
    >> Anonymous 04/12/12(Thu)16:40 No.2578181
    You can't carry any weapons on you, yet knives are easy for criminals to get and use. At least in the US I know I can match criminals in weaponry.
    >> Anonymous 04/12/12(Thu)16:41 No.2578199

    Aww man. I actually really wanna try making this just for fun.
    >> Anonymous 04/12/12(Thu)16:44 No.2578242
    UK murder rate: 1.23 per 100,000 per year.
    USA: 4.8
    South Africa: 32
    See a pattern?

    Honduras is at 86, but they're in a full scale drug war, so...
    >> Anonymous 04/12/12(Thu)16:49 No.2578317
    Norwegian fag here. I got tired of shooting guns in the military. I've also never encountered a situation where a gun would be useful.
    >> Anonymous 04/12/12(Thu)16:50 No.2578334
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    >not citing per capita statistics

    >> Anonymous 04/12/12(Thu)16:52 No.2578386
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    Look at the rates of violent crime and property crime, Britain and the EU are higher than the US.

    Also the US defines even homicide in defense as intentional homicide, but it is also classified as justifiable homicide. So the rate of homicide in the US is actually 3 times higher than that of Britain, not 4.

    And as pointed out here >>2577866 almost all murder in the US is committed by career criminals on other career criminals in relation with drug crime.

    Most rural counties don't have a murder in 10-20 years. Which statistically makes them safer than rural areas of Britain, despite most rural counties having 90%+ firearm ownership.
    >> Anonymous 04/12/12(Thu)16:53 No.2578394
    There's some controversy about whether the Hughes amendment was even lawfully passed.
    >> Anonymous 04/12/12(Thu)16:55 No.2578432

    no per-capita statistics

    no overall murder rate

    no rape/violent crime rate

    no justifiable homicides listen
    >> Anonymous 04/12/12(Thu)16:55 No.2578440
    You don't live close to blacks, Mexicans, or white trash, do you?

    That could be why.
    >> Anonymous 04/12/12(Thu)16:57 No.2578476
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    You obviously don't hunt, nor have a problem with pests like rabbits, squirrels, prairie dogs, or coyotes.

    You know who might have wanted a gun? One of those guys Brevik shot. Since two college shootings in the last 3 years ended with the assailant dead and no other fatalities it does speak for the efficiency of approach.

    Euros focus on murder rates and care nothing for property. If more dollars of property are saved every year than the life time earnings of the total number of people killed then we are breaking even.
    >> Anonymous 04/12/12(Thu)16:58 No.2578483
    >According to the Department of Justice there are currently 300 million firearms in America with a caliber larger than .22 that have been reported by private citizens or have a bill of sale less than 20 years old, 56% of American households have a gun in 2012, 75% of the population is in favor of allowing people to carry handguns for self defense without a permit, 99% of the population is in favor of sporting arms, 55% of the population is for the repeal of the Hughes Amendment of the 1986 Firearm Owners Safety act which would allow people to buy and register fully automatic weapons manufactured post-1986 with the ATF.

    *breaths deeply*
    MMMM-HMM!!!! thats some good stat right there. thats as satisfying to read as a sunday newspaper with no bad news and funny comics while njoying a sun room on an 80 degree day with no humity at 9 'oclock in the mourning with a cool breeze and a cup of coffee with a comedy talk show playing on the radio as you read.

    fuck yeah.
    >> Anonymous 04/12/12(Thu)17:02 No.2578572

    what about another Anders style shooting up the place? I bet youd wish youd have a gun then, if not just to keep his attention away from civilians.
    >> Anonymous 04/12/12(Thu)17:06 No.2578641

    Every time I see that Brady bill picture, I wonder how many of the tens/hundreds listed killed by guns in the non-US countries have final thoughts of "Aw man, FUCK THIS COUNTRY'S GUN LAWS"
    >> lol i trol u !!8m+H51rfpNO 04/12/12(Thu)17:07 No.2578656
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    >math is hard lol

    Well, since Canada has a population of 34 million to our 311 million, I'd say we have just about 9 times the per capita gun death rate as they do.

    The population of the UK is 62 million, so we'd thus have around 38 times the per capita gun death rate they do.
    >> Anonymous 04/12/12(Thu)17:12 No.2578769
    >I'd say we have just about 9 times the per capita gun death rate as they do.
    Well that includes suicides which accounts for 70% of all firearm related deaths. Which leaves us at about twice the homicide by firearm rate of Canada, which fits with the actual reported homicide rate.

    Once again Brady fags include deaths that have nothing to do with violence.
    >> Anonymous 04/12/12(Thu)17:14 No.2578808
    >38 times the per capita gun death rate they do.
    Why don't you compare homicides rather than gun deaths? Does it really matter what they kill you with?

    By that criteria the US only has 3 times more criminal homicide than the UK.
    >> Anonymous 04/12/12(Thu)17:15 No.2578822
    suicides which accounts for 70% of all firearm related deaths

    >> Anonymous 04/12/12(Thu)17:18 No.2578872
    that common knowledge, google you lazy bastard.
    >> Anonymous 04/12/12(Thu)17:21 No.2578926

    Interesting thought that the US has less suicide that most developed nations.
    >> Anonymous 04/12/12(Thu)17:24 No.2578985
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    There were also only two instances of an automatic weapon being used in a murder before 1986 and after 1934, and one of those was a police officer shooting an undercover officer.

    We sure need to make sure that one guy in prison didn't get a new machine gun.
    >> Anonymous 04/12/12(Thu)17:25 No.2579006
    guns aren't the problem, stupid people using guns are
    >> Anonymous 04/12/12(Thu)17:30 No.2579115
    Not stupid, criminal. The stupid are more likely to kill themselves.
    >> ThatPsychoIrishman !KyirL7iBbI 04/12/12(Thu)17:33 No.2579174
    For the few people who might legitimately believe that less gun control causes crime;

    Compare the UK's crime rates with switzerland's and keep your mouth shut from now on.
    >> Anonymous 04/12/12(Thu)17:34 No.2579189

    > Implying keeping guns out of nigger and chav hands isn't common sense.
    >> Anonymous 04/12/12(Thu)17:34 No.2579198

    The Swiss are not the same breed of people that the modern Englishman is.

    The modern Englishman is a stupid brute.
    >> Anonymous 04/12/12(Thu)17:35 No.2579206

    >implying keeping guns out of the hands of the law-abiding citizenry is common sense
    >> Anonymous 04/12/12(Thu)17:36 No.2579219

    > Implying the law-abiding citizen can't get a gun if they want one.
    >> Anonymous 04/12/12(Thu)17:36 No.2579231

    >implying you're successfully doing that
    >> Anonymous 04/12/12(Thu)17:37 No.2579237

    > Hardly any gun murders in a year
    >> Anonymous 04/12/12(Thu)17:38 No.2579250

    >>2578572what about another Anders style shooting up the place? I bet youd wish youd have a gun then, if not just to keep his attention away from civilians.

    The people Anders was shooting at were ultra-liberals who would be anti-gun nuts anyway.

    >>2579189Implying keeping guns out of nigger and chav hands isn't common sense.

    Wouldn't it be more effective to just ban niggers and chavs from having hands?
    >> Anonymous 04/12/12(Thu)17:38 No.2579262

    The number actually doesn't seem to include suicides, ~11k/year sounds about right for gun-related homicides. As mentioned a huge chunk (56% in the year 2000 data) of gun-related deaths are suicides.

    >There were 52,447 deliberate and 23,237 accidental non-fatal gunshot injuries in the United States during 2000.[4] The majority of gun-related deaths in the United States are suicides,[5] with 17,352 (55.6%) of the total 31,224 firearm-related deaths in 2007 due to suicide, while 12,632 (40.5%) were homicide deaths.[6]

    But like other anons have pointed out, compare homicides and US is higher but not that much higher than other western nations. US has a strong gun culture and tons of firearms, so obviously they're going to be a popular tool if someone wants to kill another human being. Having so many guns doesn't make people more violent, though. People still kill people in other countries, it's just that in the UK since it's harder to get a gun some chav will just stab you instead of shoot you. And while murder rate is higher, overall violent crime rate in the US is actually lower than many countries with more strict firearm regulations.
    >> Anonymous 04/12/12(Thu)17:39 No.2579275
    > Hardly any gun murders in a year

    Why is it you care about the "gun murder" number more than the "murder" number? Does a murder suddenly become less tragic if someone uses a hammer instead of a gun?
    >> Anonymous 04/12/12(Thu)17:40 No.2579288
    >banned in Britain
    >> Anonymous 04/12/12(Thu)17:41 No.2579313

    > Thread about guns

    Still less per capita murders via any method than America.
    >> Anonymous 04/12/12(Thu)17:45 No.2579367
    >> Anonymous 04/12/12(Thu)17:45 No.2579380
    And 5 times more violent crime in total. And 6 times more petty crime and property crime.

    Understand this Eurofag, Yanks are barbs. We value property more than lives. Deal with it.
    >> Anonymous 04/12/12(Thu)17:49 No.2579452
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    If you are so inclined to believe that then our lovely island should be free for the taking, why don't you give our borders a test and we will see whom is right...
    >Also correlate the murder rates to the racial and socio-economic demographics of gun murderers. And gun death statistics are irrelevant because it includes police shootings, and defensive shootings, plus police casualties from shootings. You are more likely to be killed as a result of a doctor making a mistake than you are by guns, even in america. And in south africa it is something like 30% of women report to having had been raped at least once in the last 12 months alone, disputes are settled by fights to the death, and everyone has aids. You can hardly compare south africa to USA even though they are both 3rd world shitholes... Funny that, everywhere we leave becomes a 3rd world shithole with no education and health system..
    >> Anonymous 04/12/12(Thu)17:50 No.2579463
    Not to mention most of the murder victims here are niggers and we don't see this as a problem.
    >> Anonymous 04/12/12(Thu)17:51 No.2579488
    well would you rather lose most of your possessions while simultaneously risk your life, or kill the guy who has no respect for your right to life or property?
    if you choose the first, you are a retard.
    >> Anonymous 04/12/12(Thu)17:51 No.2579506

    Pure awesome as anti gun fags get owned left and right
    >> Anonymous 04/12/12(Thu)17:51 No.2579507

    A lot of homicides are probably gang related. Anyone know of any statistics that estimate how much they contribute to the total homicide rate?
    >> Anonymous 04/12/12(Thu)17:52 No.2579518

    > Property is insured and can be replaced
    > Dead people can't be bought back to life
    >> Anonymous 04/12/12(Thu)18:08 No.2579742

    Ignore the retarded libertarian host and just listen to John Lott.

    Princeton professors tell you why gun control doesn't work.

    According to them 85% of all gun crime and 90% of murder is drug related.
    >> Anonymous 04/12/12(Thu)18:12 No.2579825
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    According to the Department of Justice, which is more left than right in its politics your chances of being killed or injured during a rape, assault, burglary, or robbery decreases if you resist. And the chances are lowest if you resist with a gun.

    And as people have pointed out the majority of people murdered are criminal scum. More career criminals die than honest citizens in the US. Soundsgoodmanjpg
    >> Anonymous 04/12/12(Thu)18:56 No.2580425
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    >> Anonymous 04/12/12(Thu)18:58 No.2580445
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